meta Friends of Andrea Crowe Fundraiser Raises over $83,000 | The Bullvine

Friends of Andrea Crowe Fundraiser Raises over $83,000

A while back I said that we are not going to be an event-reporting website.  However, I have to break my own rule for this great event.  For those of you who don’t know, Andrea Crowe, from Broad Cove & Hi-Calibre Holsteins, has been in hospital since last August.  To assist the family with the financial burdens associated with Andrea’s illness (to read more It’s Time to Pull Together and Support One of Our Own) and her much needed care at the Mayo Clinic, the Eastern Canadian dairy community put on a great event, Friends of Andrea Crowe Fundraiser, that raised over $83,000.

Angela Masters came up with the idea and did much of the work, but as one close friend, Marie-Eve Veronneau, put it, “It was really easy because everybody loves and admire Andrea.”  And yes, without doubt Andrea is really an amazing person, but it still took the hard work of Angela, Marie-Eve, Brian Craswell, Amber Craswell, Blair Weeks, Bloyce Thompson, Bruce Wood and many others to help make this event such a success.

What Is a Sale Without Great Consignments?

Of course, none of this would have happened without some great consignments.  One such consignment drawing a lot of attention was a framed print of the Mount Victoria Barn donated by Suntor Holsteins.  Kevin Sundborg met Andrea over 10 years ago while clipping in the Maritimes.  “She is a hard worker, and you could tell she was friends with everyone.”  It’s that early connection the lead to a strong friendship and when Andrea needed their help, it was a no brainer for the Sundborg family of Ormstown PQ.  “We wanted to help out with Andreas Fundraiser because she is a person who is always positive, and expects nothing in return.  She loves her family, friends, and cattle and she is always smiling.  When we saw there was going to be a Fundraiser it was automatic we wanted to help her.”

Not having any embryos to donate to the sale Sheila Sundborg asked Brian Craswell if a picture would be suitable.  “We thought this picture of Mount Vic would be appealing to a wide range of people, from Holstein History buffs, to those who simply like old aged barns.”  And what a great idea it was.

Mount Victoria Barn

The History of Mount Victoria

The story of Thomas Bassett Macaulay and the Mount Victoria farm dates back to the early 1900’s.  It became famous for its breeding program for Holsteins, under the “Montvic” prefix.  Macaulay was the President of Sun Life Company from 1915 to 1934.  The farm, located in Hudson, Quebec, started out as a simple country home and hobby farm until the 1920s when Macaulay bought “Johanna Rag Apple Pabst” (Old Joe) a prize-winning Holstein bull, and six pure-bred Holstein cows (including Abbekerk and Posh lines).  Macaulay was the recipient of a Master Breeder Award and was inducted into the Canadian Agriculture Hall of Fame.

“One of the greatest geneticists of all-time was T.B. Macaulay.  He learned through experiments with corn and beans then put that knowledge into practice by breeding Holstein cattle.  Mt. Victoria Farm was located on a plateau atop a beautiful small mountain near where the Ottawa River flows into the great St. Lawrence.  The herd was founded in 1924 and dispersed in 1942 at an average nearly double the previous record for either a Canadian or a U.S. Holstein dispersal.  Mort Butchers, one of history’s greatest herdsmen, played an important part at Mt. Victoria.  In 1948, six years after the dispersal, there were six Gets of Sire shown at the Royal Winter Fair.  The first five were all by bulls carrying the “Montvic” prefix.  Montvic Rag Apple Gladiator, sire of Osbornedale Ty Vic, was bred by Mr. Macaulay.”  ~Horace Backus, Seed Stock

Today the main dairy barn is still standing albeit showing some age.  There have been discussions between the current owners, the Town of Hudson and the Historical Society about the future of the site.  This small remnant of a world-famous farm is of considerable heritage and architectural interest.

An Unlikely Buyer Makes a Very Generous Gesture

While other times on the Bullvine I have taken the liberty to point out some of the failings of some of other dairy publications (read Are Other Diary Publications Big, Fat, Lazy Couch Potatoes?), it’s only fair that I point out some of the great things they do as well.  Case in point, Peter English, long time publisher of the Holstein, purchased the Mount Victoria framed print for $4,500 and indicated that it should be hung in Andrea’s Barn at Broad Cove/ Hi-Calibre Holsteins to await her return.

I have had the pleasure to know Peter for pretty much my whole life.  Though at times we’ve had “elevated” conversations, there is one thing that I know to be true:   Peter is a person of great quality.  I just wish that he would put more of his great character into the Journal, a magazine that I have been pretty much raised on and which to this day still holds a near and dear place in my heart.  Who knows maybe I should put my money where my mouth is and just buy it?

The Rest of the Story

The consigners lists for The Friends of Andrea Crowe Fundraiser reads as a who’s who of the eastern and Canadian dairy industry (Crasdale/Tuytel/Walkerbrae,Eastside/Lewisdale,Lindenright/Bellton, Don Fraser, Ferme Jacobs, Blair Weeks, Lookout/ Tuytels, Ferme Blondin, Westgen, Nicholas Pelletier, Glen MacNeil, Ferme Gillette and Rocky Mountain, Sunnylodge, Belcher Holsteins, Brian Enright, Cobequid, Bernadale, MapelWood – Oconnors & GenerVations, Tom and Laury Degroot, Semex, Jetstream Genetics Eastgen, AHN Select Sires, The Bullvine, Cowsmo, Genervations, Suntor Holsteins, Idee Holsteins, Mapleisle Holsteins, ABS, Adam Hodgins, Holstein Canada, Holstein World, NSAB, Dairy Agenda today and CRV).

However, no sale would be complete without those willing to put their money where their mouth is, and so it’s great to see the following individuals and organizations stepping up to help a worthy cause:  Ponderosa Holstein, Wendon Holsteins, Zimmer Holsteins, Pat Conroy, Gary Jones, Adam Hodgins, Rob Heffernan, Ponderosa Holstein, Valleyville, Ferme Blondin, Luke McLellan, Connie McLellan, Dann Brady, Semex Finland, Wilsim Dairy, Joseph O’Callaghan, Crasdale Farms, Curtis Moxsom, Dandyland Farm, Ron Stewart, Pat Conroy, Rockhill Dairy, Les Terpstra, John Greenough, Gilles Bernard, Birkentree,  Joel Phoenix, Frank MacKenize, Albert Cormier, Peter English, Bruce Wood, Brian Yuill, Lookout Holsteins, Extondale Farms, Jennifer VandeSande, Cowsmopolitain.  A special thanks goes out to Ferme Jacobs & Ty-D as they purchased our offering of a website and social media package (watch for this great site to come soon).

It’s also important to not forget those who have put made cash donations to this worthy cause: Chris and Jenn Hill, Crasdale Farms, Derwin Clowe, Scot Frazee, Central Nova, Straiside, AHP, Lorna Thompson, Wade Dickie, Peter Vail, Ian Mathers, James Black/Petra Meier, Scott/Kritina Culbertson, Butz-Hill Exports, Hollis Newson, NS Branch, Brian & Sharon Connor, MacBeath Farms, Damien & Lynn Maconald, Jamie Farrell, Knonaudale Farms, Abelaine, Helen Craswell, Vicki Fletcher, Elgin Craig & family, John and Karen Buckley, Gerald Coughlin & Jason Mell, Mike & Alison West, John & Heather Werry, Michael Heath, Aaron & Caitlin Eaton, Ethan McMillan, Martin Roberge, Richard Villeneuve, Bryce Seaborn, Steve & John Velthuis, Stephane Tardif, Marie-Philip Brisson, Frank Putman, Rick Shaw, Greg Mclean, Gary Jebson, Scott Buckley, Patrick Baird, John & Alice Devries, Gord and Patti Sharp, Tom Hawman, Don Donnan, Cybel Fisher, Bob Crowe, Neil Hyde and Mike & Jessica Phoenix.  If you are interested in making such a donation please send your cheque payable to Atlantic Holstein News, PO Box 191 Truro, NS B6L 2E2.  Please indicate on the cheque it is for the Friends of Andrea Crowe Fundraiser.  (No tax receipts will be issued)

For those looking to support Andrea, you can also like our Facebook page, for all new likes before August 18th we will donate $1 to the Fundraiser


(T3, D1)


  1. I met Andrea while she was sharing a room with my mom at the hospital. She is an amazing woman and I wish her the best of luck. I am  happy to have been able to meet her and to be have been even a small part of this fund-raising campaign. Thanks, Andrea, for being there!

  2. the people of pei and the cattle people of the maritimes sure can be proud of what they have done for this family people dont know what this means to them but deb and i know its not and easy road we have been away from family and friends now for15 months and we could of not got thoughthis without the support of you all     randy and debra sanderson

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