meta Don’t Hate The Playa, Hate the Game! | The Bullvine

Don’t Hate The Playa, Hate the Game!

I know you have heard the phrase, “Don’t hate the player, hate the game”.  If you haven’t heard it, live a little longer and you will.  What it means is:  “Do not fault the successful participant in a flawed system, instead try to discern and rebuke that aspect of its organization that allows or even encourages the behavior that has provoked your displeasure”.  This definition also holds true for many of the complaints that we hear from our Bullvine readers about various aspects of the dairy industry.

Since we started the Bullvine, just over a year ago, we have always tried to listen to the frustrations of our readers and do what we can to help.  Whether that is explaining different aspects of genomics (Read more: Old School Dairy Breeders – Stop Pissing On Genomics, How Genomics Is Killing The Dairy Cattle Breeding Industry, and Is The Genomic System Really Working) or suggesting ways to increase your genetic sales (Read more: 6 Ways To Invest $50,000 In Dairy Cattle Genetics, Times Have Changed. Why Hasn’t The Way You Market Your Dairy Cattle, and Who Killed The Market For Good Dairy Cattle) or helping to bring clarity to many other issues, we have always tried to help find a solution.  However there are problems where the solution does not lie within what you do on your own farm, but rather the solution needs to come from changes in the industry itself.

While we all love to get on a high horse and gripe and complain about things, Bullvine included, that is not going to change anything.  It’s more important to use that frustration to bring about change.  In looking back over the past year, some major areas that we see that need this are:

The Bullvine Bottom Line

The Bullvine lives by the motto  “Lead, follow, or get out of the way” (Read more: Lead, Follow, Or get out of the way!!!).  Since we have started the Bullvine we have gotten out of the way of no one (Read more: The Bullvine – The Party is Over!), followed no one (Read more: I’m Sorry, But I’ve Had Just About Enough of…), and have tried to lead even when it put us under fire (Read more: The Bullvine – Under Fire).  These are values we will never change as we look to tackle tough issues that have breeders concerned about the future.  At the Bullvine we don’t hate the “playas” in the industry, we actually love all members of the industry.  What we are looking to do is help change the game.



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