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Fourth of July BBQ Costs Soar in 2024: The Surprising Role of Dairy Prices

Explore the impact of soaring dairy prices on this year’s most expensive Fourth of July BBQ. Are your beloved milk and cheese essentials set to strain your wallet in 2024?

As Americans gear up for a Fourth of July celebration filled with the aroma of barbecues and the spectacle of fireworks, they may be in for a surprise. The usual daily staples like cheese and ice cream, essential for this festival, are experiencing unexpected shifts in pricing due to unique market factors. How might this impact your celebrations?

Dairy prices have not skyrocketed as one may have expected, even with a lower US milk supply. Instead, they show a peculiar pattern because of sluggish worldwide demand, especially from big consumers like China. Analyst at Rabobank Dairy Lucas Fuess clarifies these trends:

“The issue that we’ve been dealing with is that demand for dairy has been somewhat weaker as well, especially from a place like China, the world’s number one dairy importer,” notes Fuess.

Knowing these market factors will enable you to properly allocate your Fourth of July BBQ money. Please keep reading to discover more about the cost elements and their effects, thus guaranteeing that your party stays fun and reasonably priced.

The Dairy Dilemma: Low Supply, Low Prices – Unraveling the Market Paradox 

Despite the limited US milk supply, the dairy industry has shown resilience. Poor demand for dairy products, especially from big importers like China, has prevented a projected price rise. This resilience in the face of reduced demand has resulted in a market where dairy prices are declining against general economic predictions, providing consumers with some reassurance.

Cheese Prices: Climbing Peaks and Mixed Signals

Notable changes in cheese pricing have occurred in recent years. The record-high milk prices in 2022 significantly increased dairy processor expenses, increasing cheese prices. While there was some respite in the first quarter of 2023, prices remained above levels in past years.

Though they somewhat dropped in the winter, prices were high relative to the same time last year; they peaked in Q4 2023. American cheese prices have risen 7.7% in 2019, reflecting long-term pricing hikes.

As US dairy producers increase production to meet demand, cheese consumption has surged even with erratic pricing. Lower farmgate cheese prices, however, early in 2024 point to a complicated interaction among supply, demand, and manufacturing costs.

Cheese Market Dynamics: Robust Demand Meets Production Challenges

With US dairy producers increasing their capacity to satisfy growing local and international demand, the cheese industry is demonstrating proactive strategies. Despite the challenges, this proactive approach emphasizes hope for the expanding cheese industry, giving consumers a sense of optimism.

Still, complexity abounds. Though this decline is believed to be transitory, early-year cheddar output fell below past levels. Fuess said new and growing cheese plants will probably increase production later in the year.

Record cheese shipments to Mexico in certain months have driven prices even if countries like China have lower demand. Although the cheese industry has some difficulties, overall demand and targeted production increases for future expansion show a strong trend.

Ice Cream Prices Heat: The Summer Struggle for Cream 

Demand for the Fourth of July staple of ice cream rises as summer temperatures climb. However, consumers could find more expensive products this year. The dynamics of the cream market have significantly impacted this transformation, as butter and ice cream manufacturers fight for little supply, increasing prices.

According to Rabobank dairy researcher Lucas Fuess, this cream competition is more intense, especially when milk production is low. Butter requires cream equally as much as ice cream, which drives higher costs for both goods. What follows? More charges for your morning toast spread and a preferred scoop of ice cream.

Despite these challenges, the ice cream market remains robust. Manufacturers are managing increased input costs without compromising on production. As a result, consumers can expect higher ice cream costs during the summer, reflecting the general inflation trends in the dairy industry.

The Financial Toll of a Fourth of July BBQ: Record-High Costs Amid Inflation and Shifting Consumer Sentiments

According to Rabobank’s 2024 BBQ Index, a 10-person barbecue costs around $99—a record high. This is a $3 rise from last year and $73 from 2018; products such as alcohol, steak, drink, and lettuce account for 64% of the total cost.

Rising by 32%, inflation for a July 4th BBQ has changed consumer attitudes starting in 2019. The University of Michigan index dropped to 69.1 in May, the lowest since November 2023; meanwhile, credit card debt—especially for Millennials under 35—has surged, and savings have collapsed.

Consumers trading down due to financial pressure: Compared to 45% of earlier generations, 56% of Gen Z and Millennial consumers want to reduce the quantity or package sizes on their shopping lists, according to a McKinsey & Company poll cited by Rabobank.

Costs are likely to rise due to limited supply, and beef accounts for about 14% of the cost of the BBQ. Still, there is excellent domestic demand. “Look for featured promotions at your local supermarket or club store,” counsels Rabobank senior beef analyst Lance Zimmerman. Many stores offer discounts to draw consumers and increase sales of other items like beer, burgers, and sides even if beef prices are high.”

Lettuce prices are still high because of less than-projected output, although availability will likely increase in July.

Comprising 27% of the BBQ expenses, beer will cost $2.66 per participant. With soda, which has witnessed a 10% increase since 2019, these drinks account for almost 40% of the total BBQ spending. Rising beer costs have exceeded those of wine and spirits.

Economic Pressures Redefine Consumer Behavior: Inflation Spurs a Shift Toward Fiscal Prudence, Especially Among Younger Shoppers

The ongoing influence of inflation on consumer attitudes and purchasing behavior, particularly among younger generations, continues to shape consumer sentiment. This is evident in the University of Michigan’s indicator, which shows a decline in consumer mood to 69.1 in May, the lowest since November 2020. The increasing credit card debt among Millennials and the decreased savings further highlight this shift towards more frugal spending.

This change is strategic, driven by mounting financial strains. A McKinsey & Company poll referenced by Rabobank shows that compared to 45% of prior generations, 56% of Gen Z and Millennials have begun trading down—preferring lesser amounts or package sizes. This strategy—which emphasizes value maximizing—is most evident among the younger population.

Driven by the desire to stretch every dollar, retailers deal with more demanding and budget-conscious customers. This mirrors a general economic strategy in which financial sustainability comes first above convenience or choice, a significant departure from past years with more spending confidence.

Beef Prices Surge: Navigating the Challenges and Finding Smart Savings

Several factors help to explain the rise in beef prices, mostly related to tighter supply and difficult circumstances for cow-calf growers. Higher feed prices, weather problems, and labor shortages have all taxed output and resulted in fewer cattle entering the market.

Notwithstanding these limited supplies, domestic beef demand is robust enough to increase prices. Consumers getting ready for grilling season deal with this mismatch of supply and demand.

Nevertheless, one can save in some ways. Look for discounts at neighborhood supermarkets or club shops. Retailers can run special offers to draw in consumers even with growing pricing. These specials provide an opportunity to have beef for less money.

Senior beef analyst Lance Zimmerman of Rabobank advises on looking for these offers. “Beef costs might be expensive, but many store owners run deals on many cuts to attract customers who purchase other goods. They want to increase foot traffic and foster loyalty, he explains.

Lettuce Woes: The Surprising Culprit Behind Soaring BBQ Costs

Lettuce cost is critical in sky-high expenses for a Fourth of July BBQ this year. This vital component has witnessed an unheard-of surge driven by below-average production levels. Lousy weather, labor shortages, and supply chain interruptions have limited lettuce production, lowering availability and costs. This increases the load currently on consumers dealing with food inflationary pressures.

Still, there’s optimism as July’s lettuce supply seems to be better. Good weather, fixed supply chains, and increased manufacturing will boost supplies and relieve pricing pressure. As a result, customers should see a slow drop in lettuce pricing, which will make this introductory more reasonably priced for summer BBQs and beyond.

Beverages Take a Bigger Bite: The Surpassing Cost of Beer and Soda at Your Fourth of July BBQ

With 40% of the overall cost coming from beer and soda, they rule the cost of a Fourth of Jul BBQ. Beer alone makes up 27%; Americans only spend around $2.66 per person on beer. This significant percentage emphasizes how much beverage price affects BBQ expenses. To further strain finances, beer costs have soared above wine and spirits. The 10% increase in soda prices since 2019 also affects consumer spending. Since drinks are essential for the event, their increasing cost drives the cost of a 10-person BBQ to new highs.

The Bottom Line

Americans face record-high barbecue expenses as they prepare for Independence Day, much impacted by the dairy industry’s dynamics. The paradox of low dairy supply not driving higher prices emphasizes the intricate interaction among supply, demand, and global dynamics.

Strong demand and supply issues make cheese prices high despite declining milk costs. Furthermore, it is more expensive than ice cream because of conflicting cream needs. Meanwhile, limited availability and growing running expenses cause meat and lettuce prices to soar.

These growing BBQ expenses have wider consequences, encouraging younger generations to be frugal. This change might result in smaller, more frugal festivities.

Although better supply and market adjustments may provide future respite, present economic challenges, and shifting consumer behavior point to altering Fourth of July festivities, the way these customs survive will be shaped by American fortitude and flexibility.

Key Takeaways:

  • The US milk supply has declined, but dairy prices haven’t spiked due to equally weak demand, especially from major importers like China.
  • Despite overall lower milk prices, certain dairy products like American cheese and ice cream have seen price increases compared to last year.
  • Hosting a 10-person barbecue will cost $99 in 2024, marking the highest amount on record, driven by the costs of beer, beef, soda, and lettuce.
  • Economic pressures have led to a noticeable shift in consumer behavior, with younger shoppers particularly focused on reducing grocery expenses.
  • Beef prices remain high, but strategic shopping during promotions can help find savings amidst the costly barbecue essentials.
  • Lettuce prices have surged due to lower-than-expected production, contributing significantly to the overall cost increase of a barbecue.
  • Beer and soda combined represent a substantial portion of the barbecue’s cost, underscoring the impact of beverage prices on the total expense.


As Americans prepare for the Fourth of July celebration, staples like cheese and ice cream are experiencing unexpected price shifts due to unique market factors. Dairy prices have not skyrocketed as expected, but show a peculiar pattern due to sluggish worldwide demand, especially from big consumers like China. The dairy industry has shown resilience, preventing a projected price rise and providing consumers with some reassurance. Cheese prices have climbed peak and mixed signals in recent years, with record-high milk prices in 2022 significantly increasing dairy processor expenses. Inflation is causing a shift towards fiscal prudence, particularly among younger shoppers, as consumer sentiment continues to be influenced by economic pressures. Beef prices are rising due to tighter supply and difficult circumstances for cow-calf growers. Americans face record-high barbecue expenses as they prepare for Independence Day, much impacted by the dairy industry’s dynamics.

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Global Dairy Market: Price Recovery Slows as China Reduces Imports, Rabobank Reports

Explore the reasons behind the global dairy market’s slower price recovery amidst dwindling demand and surging production in China. What implications does this hold for global dairy prices? Find out more.

red yellow and green flags

Rabobank’s Q2 Global Dairy Report, titled “Searching for Equilibrium,” provides a comprehensive analysis of the worldwide dairy market. It reveals that the market is experiencing a slower-than-expected price recovery. The primary factors contributing to this trend are lower worldwide demand and the increasing local milk output in China. The report further explains that the initial surge in global dairy prices in late 2023 and early 2024 was primarily due to importers restocking at lower prices, rather than increased consumer demand. This complex interplay of factors underscores the need for stakeholders to stay informed and aware of the market dynamics.

CommodityPrice (US$ per tonne)Change (%)Recent Gains
Skim Milk Powder$2,6293.5%Consistent
Anhydrous Milk Fat$7,3653.5%Consistent
Whole Milk Powder$3,4082.9%Steady

Decoding the Supply Chain: How Strategic Restocking Inflated Dairy Prices 

CommodityDatePrice (US$ per tonne)Change (%)
Skim Milk Powder22 May 20242,6293.5%
Anhydrous Milk Fat22 May 20247,3653.5%
Butter22 May 20246,9315.1%
Whole Milk Powder22 May 20243,4082.9%
Cheddar22 May 20244,2390%

Knowing the mechanics underlying the first spike in world dairy prices in late 2023 and early 2024 shows one crucial tendency. Rabobank’s Q2 Global Dairy Report shows that importers’ intentional restocking at lower prices rather than consumer demand drove the jump. Globally, market prices momentarily surged as importers restocked their supplies at reasonable costs. This synthetic surge covered the underlying poor consumer demand, suggesting that the price rise did not reflect a steady increase in dairy consumption.

Navigating Market Turbulence: Global Dairy Faces Demand Challenges and Supply Surpluses in Q2 2024

RegionQ1 2024 Demand (in million tons)Q2 2024 Demand (in million tons)Quarter-over-Quarter Change (%)
North America12.312.1-1.6%
Latin America9.59.3-2.1%

Q2 2024 presented interesting difficulties for the worldwide dairy industry. Along with rising milk output in China, a significant market participant, weak global demand resulted in lower dairy imports from China and downward pressure on world pricing. This scenario underlined the complicated dynamics of declining consumer confidence and increasing local production, therefore tempering prior predictions of a continuous price rebound. The market is now in a phase of cautiousness and adjustment.

China’s Growing Self-Sufficiency: A Stark Contrast in Global Dairy Production Forecasts 

YearMilk Production (Million Metric Tons)Growth Rate (%)
2024 (Forecast)39.23.2

China’s role in the global dairy market is becoming increasingly significant. The country’s milk output projection for 2024 has been raised, indicating a substantial increase in China’s output. This shift is altering the dynamics of dairy imports worldwide. In contrast, other major dairy-producing countries such as the U.S. and the E.U. are expecting only a slight rise in milk production. Senior dairy economist Michael Harvey points out that this disparity underscores the challenges global exporters face in adjusting to China’s rising self-sufficiency and the delayed recovery in other regions.

Consistent Gains Amidst Uncertainty: Analyzing the 3.3% Rise in Dairy Prices at the GDT Auction

CommodityPrice (US$ per tonne)% Change
Skim Milk Powder2,6293.5%
Anhydrous Milk Fat7,3653.5%
Whole Milk Powder3,4082.9%
Cheddar4,239No Change

The GDT auction on May 22 revealed a significant trend in world dairy markets. The latest 3.3% increase in dairy prices to US$3861 per tonne marked the tenth gain out of the last twelve auctions, indicating strong performance in many dairy industries. These consistent increases in prices suggest a robust demand, even in uncertain markets.

China’s Reentry Boosts Global Dairy Markets: Prices Soar 10% Above Long-Term Averages

Reversing their early May retreat, Chinese bidders returning to the most recent auction have lifted prices over 10% above long-term norms. Chief Economist of Westpac NZ Kelly Eckhold points out that this comeback might improve their milk price projection for the 2024–25 season to be NZ$8.40 (US$5.14). China’s increasing demand helps to justify a positive view of world dairy pricing despite continuous difficulties.

Diverse Commodity Movements: Skim Milk Powder and Anhydrous Milk Fat Lead Price Increments while Cheddar Stays Static

Prices for skim milk powder and anhydrous milk fat increased by 3.5% to US$2,629 and US$7,365 per tonne, respectively. Butter climbed 5.1% to US$6,931 per tonne. Rising by 2.9%, whole milk powder brought US$3,408 per tonne. At US$4,239 per tonne, Cheddar stayed the same.

U.S. Dairy’s Persistent Production Woes: Navigating the Multifaceted Decline Amidst Deflationary Pressures

StateChange in Milk Production (YOY)
South Dakota+12.3%
New York0%

Reflecting a disturbing pattern, April represented the tenth straight month of decreased U.S. milk output. One crucial component is a more miniature dairy herd—74,000 fewer cows than last year—that results in 9.34 million total. Though each cow produces more, general output has fallen. Constant dairy deflation has further complicated the economic environment for farmers by inhibiting growth and investment. Regional differences are also apparent; California experienced more yields per cow but had fewer cows. These elements imply that stabilizing the U.S. dairy sector might still be difficult.

The U.S. Dairy Sector Battles Persistent Deflation: CPI Slips 1.3% in April Reflecting Ongoing Market Challenges

MonthU.S. Dairy CPI Change

April’s U.S. dairy CPI dropped 1.3% year-on-year, eight consecutive months of deflation. This steady drop emphasizes the difficulties still facing the market.

Regional Disparities in U.S. Milk Production: A Complex Landscape of Growth and Stagnation

The geographical differences in U.S. milk output provide a mixed picture. Wisconsin and South Dakota have shown outstanding performance, with respective year-on-year growth of 2.5% and 12.3%. On the other hand, California has experienced a 9,000 cow drop but still saw a modest 0.2% increase in productivity, marking its second month of gain. While Idaho had a small drop of 0.1%, New York’s output has stalled, exhibiting no year-on-year variation. These differences draw attention to the complex dynamics of the American dairy industry, where areas experiencing expansion also face difficulties.

European Dairy Landscape: Gearing Up for a Resilient Market Amidst Global Uncertainties 

MonthPrice (€/100 kg)

In April, the preliminary E.U. average farmgate milk price dropped 0.2% to €46.31 per 100 kg. Rabobank is still optimistic despite this downturn; led by sustained increases, more significant fat and protein composition, and more premiums, prices might reach €50 per 100 kg. Reflecting a solid market amid worldwide uncertainty, Rabobank predicts the 2024 E.U. farmgate basic milk prices to average about €47.5 per 100 kg.

The Bottom Line

Despite the challenges, the global dairy industry is demonstrating resilience. The industry is grappling with declining demand and rising milk output in China, which is hindering price recovery. Additional hurdles include subdued consumer confidence and cautious shopping after a restocking phase. However, Rabobank maintains a cautiously hopeful view. It anticipates that lower feed prices and consistent output in key areas by year-end will bolster the market. While recovery might be erratic and delayed, the long-term market dynamics indicate a steady improvement, instilling optimism in stakeholders.

Key Takeaways:

The global dairy market is experiencing a more gradual price recovery than initially expected, influenced by factors such as fluctuating global demand and China’s changing import needs. Rabobank’s latest report provides an in-depth analysis of the current landscape and future projections. Here are the key takeaways: 

  • Global dairy prices surged in late 2023 and early 2024 due to importers’ restocking rather than a robust consumer demand.
  • Weaker global demand and increased domestic milk production in China have tempered expectations for a steady price increase through 2024.
  • China has revised its milk production forecast upwards, contrasting with modest growth anticipated in other major dairy-producing regions for Q3 2024.
  • Dairy prices at the Global Dairy Trade (GDT) auction rose by 3.3% to US$3861 per tonne on May 22, marking the 10th increase in the last 12 auctions.
  • US April milk production fell by 0.4% year-on-year, and the consumer price index (CPI) for dairy and related products decreased by 1.3% year-on-year in April, continuing an eight-month deflation trend.
  • European farmgate milk prices fell slightly to €46.31 per 100 kg in April, with Rabobank projecting stable to incremental gains throughout the year.


The Rabobank Q2 Global Dairy Report suggests a slower-than-expected price recovery in the global dairy market due to lower worldwide demand and increasing local milk output in China. The initial surge in global dairy prices in late 2023 and early 2024 was primarily due to importers restocking at lower prices, rather than increased consumer demand. China’s growing self-sufficiency in the global dairy market is causing a significant shift in dairy import dynamics, with its milk output projection for 2024 raising significantly. Meanwhile, major dairy-producing countries like the U.S. and the E.U. are expecting only a slight rise in milk production. The GDT auction on May 22 revealed a 3.3% increase in dairy prices to US$3861 per tonne, with Chinese bidders lifting prices over 10% above long-term norms. The U.S. dairy sector faces persistent production woes, with April representing the tenth straight month of decreased milk output. The European dairy landscape is gearing up for a resilient market amid global uncertainties, with Rabobank predicting lower feed prices and consistent output in key areas by year-end.

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To delve deeper into market trends and implications, explore our related articles:

Flying Through Uncertainty: Domestic Cheese Demand Spurs Record Highs in Class III Futures Amid Global Market Shifts

Discover how surging domestic cheese demand is driving Class III futures to record highs. Can U.S. producers keep up amid global market shifts and rising competition?

Robust domestic cheese demand has pushed Class III futures to unprecedented heights. Reflecting worries about U.S. cheese production capacity and intense competition in export markets, third-quarter contracts shot an average of $21.28 per cwt. Attracting new overseas customers will be difficult given that U.S. cheese prices are among the highest worldwide, affecting long-term prospects.

Although high prices discourage new business, domestic consumption lowers cheese inventory. This results in a complicated situation where limited production capacity and competitive exports cause restrictions even as strong demand drives short-term advantages. These dynamics will define present results and future sustainability.

CommodityAvg PriceQty Traded4 wk Trend
Cheese Blocks$1.944517Stable
Cheese Barrels$2.006013Increase
Non-Fat Dry Milk$1.194026Stable

We will investigate the extent and ramifications of these events for the U.S. cheese industry.

Global Shifts: Strategic Cheese Production Adjustments and Their Rippling Effects on the U.S. Market 

RegionProjected Increase (%)Key Factors
Europe3.5%Decrease in fluid milk demand, better margins in cheese production
New Zealand4.0%Higher profitability in cheese, decline in milk powder prices
Australia2.8%Shift from milk powder to cheese due to higher margins
United States2.3%Strong domestic demand, export competition

The global cheese market is undergoing significant changes. USDA experts in Australia, New Zealand, and Europe are anticipating strategic surges in cheese output. This shift is driven by two main trends: a decrease in fluid milk consumption and declining profit margins for milk powder. These forecasts indicate that processors in these regions are adapting to the increased value that cheese markets offer and are prepared to redirect more milk into cheese production. As fluid milk loses its appeal and milk powder becomes less profitable, producers are increasingly focusing on more lucrative cheese manufacturing.

Despite the projected global expansion of cheese production, the U.S. dairy sector has demonstrated remarkable resilience. Currently, robust domestic demand is driving record Class III futures and high U.S. cheese prices. This resilience, coupled with the strategic changes in the global cheese market, is helping to maintain a positive outlook and keep U.S. cheese competitive in other markets.

The expected worldwide rise in cheese output points to fewer export prospects, even if today’s market supports high local pricing and demand. This might finally influence Class III values and cheese prices, stressing the intricate link between the U.S. market and worldwide production policies.

Weathering the Storm: How Strategic Moves and Climate Trends Propel U.S. Cheese Prices

Several key factors are contributing to the current surge in U.S. cheese pricing. Notably, record-breaking cheese shipments from November through April have significantly impacted American cheese supplies. This decrease in supply, combined with strong domestic demand fueled by effective promotional strategies from major retailers, has further tightened the market.

Grasping the strategic movements and climatic patterns that influence U.S. cheese pricing is crucial. An unusually hot June is forecasted for the Midwest, and adverse weather conditions, including searing temperatures in California and the Southwest, have curtailed milk production. These factors are driving up cheese prices and straining the milk supply, thereby creating an expected but challenging market situation. This understanding empowers policymakers to make informed decisions.

Market Surge: Dynamic Movements in the CME Spot Prices for Various Dairy Commodities

The CME spot market for many dairy products saw noteworthy swings this week. Strong domestic demand and inventory changes drove cheddar barrels, which soared by 6.5 cents to $2.02 per pound. Likewise, Cheddar blocks dropped 12.5 cents to $1.97 a pound, underscoring limited supply and strong demand.

Prices in the whey market remained constant at 47 cents per pound, reflecting robust local demand for high-protein goods despite poor exports. This denotes stability at the extreme of the current range.

Strong worldwide demand for butterfat keeps butter prices high even though they marginally dropped 0.25 cents to $3.09 per pound.

Class III Futures Soar Amid Robust Cheese Demand While Class IV Contracts Retreat

ContractMilk ClassPriceChange
July 2024Class III$20.67+0.75
August 2024Class III$21.13+0.75
July 2024Class IV$21.00-0.30
August 2024Class IV$21.00-0.30

Strong demand for domestic cheese has driven Class III futures to unprecedented heights, with July ending at $20.67 and August closing at $21.13. Driven by strong cheese markets and solid whey prices, this spike contrasts significantly with the fall in Class IV contracts, which dropped almost 30ȼ but still above $21 for 2024.

The higher Class III futures present promising financial opportunities for dairy farmers, encouraging increased milk output. Despite potential obstacles such as low slaughter volumes, high heifer prices, and the risk of disease outbreaks, which could complicate milk production, the potential for financial expansion remains excellent. This optimistic outlook should inspire confidence in the audience.

It is still being determined if high prices are sustainable. Strong worldwide demand for U.S. dairy and climate disruptions might sustain high prices longer than usual, presenting a problematic but profitable scene for dairy farmers, even if the decline in Class IV futures would indicate market corrections.

Butterfat Bonanza: Global Demand and Scarcities Propel U.S. Butter Prices to New Heights

Butterfat components must be raised more drastically to fulfill our need for cream-based goods. American butter prices have been so high that they have raised markets. At the height of the pandemic shortage in October 2022, German and Dutch butter values reached their maximum levels. At last week’s Global Dairy Trade auction, butter peaked at a two-year high and exceeded $3 per pound. Butter melted somewhat on LaSalle Street, sliding 0.25ȼ to a still-buoyant $3.09.

Likewise, the markets for milk powder are consistent. CME spot nonfat dry milk (NDM) concluded at $1.1925, down a negligible 0.25ȼ from the start of the week. Due to decreased output and improved consumer demand in important regions outside China, prices are rising in Europe, Oceania, and South America. Tightened milk supply and higher cheese pricing might increase demand for NDM to strengthen cheese vats in Mexico and the United States.

Dairy Dilemmas: Navigating Financial Strains, Disease Outbreaks, and Climatological Threats 

The dairy industry has significant challenges. Low slaughter levels and high heifer prices point to slight expansion. The bottleneck of diminishing replacement heifers hinders herd increase. The spread of avian influenza throughout the Midwest and mountain regions has further taxed chicken production and indirectly affected dairy operations because of complex agricultural supply lines.

Key dairy areas, including California and the Midwest, are dangerous from a developing heat wave. As cows experience heat stress, high temperatures will reduce milk production. This climatic difficulty strikes when consumer demand for dairy is still strong, aggravating the supply-demand mismatch and maintaining high prices.

These elements—limited herd expansion, disease outbreaks, and lower milk output due to weather—suggest that high dairy prices will last longer than usual. The sector finds this problematic as it aims to raise production to satisfy the high customer demand.

Steady Crops Amidst Market Calm: Limited USDA Updates Leave Commodity Prices Mostly Unchanged

Commodity6/10/20246/11/20246/12/20246/13/20246/14/2024Weekly Change
Corn (per bushel)$4.485$4.485$4.485$4.485$4.485
Soybean Meal (per ton)$352.90$353.50$355.20$358.60$360.60+$7.70
Wheat (per bushel)$6.060$6.050$6.045$6.040$6.035-$0.025

The USDA’s most recent crop balance sheet report surprised a few people. Unchanged U.S. corn output projections meant that July corn futures were constant at $4.485 a bushel. July soybean meal jumped to $360.60 per ton, up by $7.70, mirroring lower output from spring downtimes at primary crushers.

Black Sea region’s bad weather reduced forecasts of world wheat yield. Still, the American market was mostly unaffected, paying more attention to local projections. The Western Corn Belt is expected to have heavy rain; warm, sunny Midwest weather has been ideal. These seasons have restored soil moisture, therefore guaranteeing strong summer crop development. Feed costs stay low and steady, which helps dairy farmers, given the robust demand for cheese and butterfat.

The Bottom Line

Strong domestic cheese demand drives Class III futures to fresh highs despite intense worldwide rivalry and rising overseas output. Rising temperatures affecting milk output and strategic market maneuvers have constrained cheese supply, driving stratospheric prices on the CME spot market.

Planned increases in cheese production from Australia, New Zealand, and Europe call into doubt the sustainability of present U.S. pricing levels. Rising U.S. cheese prices make landing new export agreements improbable, which might change world trade dynamics in the following months.

The dairy sector is negotiating obstacles from environmental conditions and the development of illnesses like avian influenza to economic constraints like low slaughter volumes and high heifer prices. In this usually changing sector, these elements might help to maintain high prices longer than usual.

High cheese demand and limited supply help Class III futures to continue firm, yet the long-term prediction hinges on addressing production problems and changes in world market behavior. The larger dairy market will watch these changes as dairy farmers aim to optimize production, balancing optimism with prudence.

Key Takeaways:

  • High Class III Futures: Driven by strong domestic cheese demand, Class III futures have reached new highs, averaging $21.28 per cwt. for third-quarter contracts.
  • Limited Impact on Exports: Current U.S. cheese prices are expected to hinder new export business, with a foreseeable decline in exports later this year.
  • Record Cheese Exports: Between November and April, record cheese shipments helped reduce U.S. cheese inventories.
  • Climate Challenges: Sweltering temperatures in California and the Southwest, coupled with an unusually hot June forecast for the Midwest, have curtailed milk production.
  • Persistent Demand for Butterfat: Global demand for butterfat remains high, with U.S. butter prices influencing international markets.
  • Whey and Nonfat Dry Milk Markets: Steady whey prices and a stable milk powder market, with some regional price increases due to lower production and better demand outside China.
  • Class IV Futures Decline: While Class III futures have surged, Class IV futures have retreated slightly, impacting profit margins for dairy producers.
  • Agricultural Market Stability: USDA’s latest crop updates provided no significant changes, leaving commodity prices mostly unchanged, with corn and soybean meal prices stable.

Summary: The global cheese market is experiencing significant changes, with USDA experts in Australia, New Zealand, and Europe anticipating strategic surges in cheese output due to a decrease in fluid milk consumption and declining profit margins for milk powder. This shift indicates that processors in these regions are adapting to the increased value of cheese markets and are ready to redirect more milk into cheese production. Despite the projected global expansion of cheese production, the U.S. dairy sector has demonstrated remarkable resilience, driving record Class III futures and high U.S. cheese prices. Key factors contributing to the current surge in U.S. cheese pricing include record-breaking cheese shipments from November through April, strong domestic demand, and strategic movements and climatic patterns. An unusually hot June is forecasted for the Midwest, and adverse weather conditions, including searing temperatures in California and the Southwest, have curtailed milk production, driving up cheese prices and straining the milk supply. Class III futures present promising financial opportunities for dairy farmers, encouraging increased milk output. However, it is still uncertain if high prices are sustainable. The butter industry faces significant challenges due to global demand and scarcities, leading to high butter prices. High cheese demand and limited supply may help maintain high prices longer than usual.

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