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DFC Research Review 2023: Breakthroughs and Future Directions in Dairy Science IRCs

Learn about the newest discoveries in dairy science! How are IRCs making cattle healthier, happier, and more sustainable? Check out DFC’s 2023 research highlights now. 

The development of the dairy sector depends on creativity and conquering new difficulties. How can we guarantee that dairy farming’s bright future will be sustainable? The successes and opportunities of Industrial Research Chairs (IRCs) in dairy research are discussed along with future possibilities in this paper. Spending $2 million yearly in research, the Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) works with the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and many partners. With an eye on essential areas such as dairy cow health, welfare, longevity, infectious illness, and biosecurity, this funding supports the National Dairy Research Strategy. Acknowledging these IRCs emphasizes their role in determining the direction of dairy production.

See full report here DFC 2023 research highlights report

Fueling Innovation: DFC’s $2 Million Annual Investment Elevates Dairy Research and Industry Contributions. 

Every year, the Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) commits $2 million to progress dairy production research, human health, and nutrition. This significant investment illustrates DFC’s dedication to creativity and improvement of the dairy sector’s social contributions. By focusing these funds on scientific research, DFC hopes to provide practical solutions benefiting consumers and industry stakeholders.

The National Dairy Research Strategy is the core of these initiatives. It’s a framework that identifies important topics of investigation. This approach prioritizes sustainability, human nutrition, and dairy cow health and welfare, among other things. The aim is to support sustainable dairy production, lower health hazards, and emphasize the nutritional value of dairy products.

To finance initiatives tackling significant problems and grabbing fresh possibilities, DFC works with top academic institutions, business partners, and government organizations. This deliberate method guarantees that research produces practical applications, promotes industrial development, and improves public welfare. Thus, the National Dairy Research Strategy dramatically enhances the resilience and competitiveness of Canada’s dairy industry.

Industrial Research Chairs: Catalysts for Progress through Collaborative Research 

Industrial Research Chairs (IRCs) are vital in advancing the dairy sector by encouraging cooperation. Supported by academic institutions, industry partners, and government agencies such as the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and the Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC), IRCs address high-priority dairy sector challenges through focused research projects.

IRCs’ power is in organizing many research initiatives within a shared framework. Leading networks spanning scientists, veterinarians, industry leaders, and legislators by chairholders and subject-matter experts help. This convergence of many points of view directs research activities to address sector problems.

Dairy sector concerns, including dairy cow health, welfare, biosecurity, and sustainability, rank highest among IRCs. Through a diverse strategy, they create creative ideas for application in the sector, fostering resilience and ongoing development.

Moreover, knowledge translation and transfer (KTT) depends much on IRCs. They provide study results to dairy producers, consultants, and industry players through podcasts, webinars, and trade magazines. This guarantees that the most recent scientific developments are practical and readily available, promoting the dairy sector’s expansion and sustainability.

Transforming Dairy Health: The Five-Year NSERC IRC on Infectious Diseases in Dairy Cattle, Led by Dr. Herman Barkema at the University of Calgary (2019-2024) 

Under Dr. Herman Barkema of the University of Calgary (2019–2024), the five-year NSERC IRC on Infectious Illnesses in Dairy Cattle aimed to change how infectious illnesses are handled in the dairy sector. This project sought to improve herd health, welfare, and production using innovative research and pragmatic solutions.

The IRC tackled significant problems with an eye toward:

  • Knowing Johne’s disease’s epidemiology, diagnosis, and control strategies helps one.
  • We are developing early identification, prevention, and treatment plans for mastitis.
  • Investigating use trends and advocating sensible substitutes help to address antimicrobial resistance.
  • Veterinarian-Farmer Communication: Increasing dialogue can help to guide decisions and control diseases.
  • We are examining how outdoor access affects illness frequency and the general state of health.

The effort produced noteworthy results that shaped policies and best practices throughout the dairy industry. For instance, the IRC on Infectious Diseases in Dairy Cattle, led by Dr. Herman Barkema, significantly improved herd health, welfare, and production. The cooperative research strategy reinforced strong linkages between academics, on-farm applications, and industry stakeholders, promoting a resilient and health-conscious dairy sector.

Using DFC’s knowledge-translation tools, industry conferences, and scientific publications, results from this IRC have been extensively disseminated to guarantee significant distribution throughout the Canadian dairy scene.

25 Years of Advancement: Celebrating UBC Animal Welfare Program’s Groundbreaking Contributions

Approaching a significant turning point in animal care, the UBC Animal Care Program has advanced astonishingly during the last 25 years. Under the direction of Dr. Dan Weary and Dr. Marina von Keyserlingk, this project has been instrumental in raising dairy cow welfare and standards both here at home and abroad. Their studies have addressed problems like lameness, social housing, pasture access, and pain treatment, laying a scientific basis for optimum standards. By their committed work, Drs. Weary and von Keyserlingk have greatly improved animal welfare in the dairy sector, highlighting science and activism’s transforming potential.

Under Dr. Elsa Vasseur’s direction of the NSERC/Novalait/DFC/Valacta IRC on the sustainable life of dairy cattle (2016–22), three main topics surfaced: cow comfort and management, cow longevity, and environmental sustainability. Emphasizing cow comfort, Vasseur upgraded bedding, housing, and social interactions to raise cow welfare, health, and production.

Regarding cow lifetime, her studies focused on management and genetic elements to increase dairy cow productivity. Voseur sought to keep cows healthy for longer by tackling health problems and stresses.

Vasseur investigated environmentally friendly methods like waste management and resource-efficient feeding techniques to lessen the impact of dairy production. This harmonic approach underlined the junction of environmental issues and animal welfare.

Now co-chairing the WELL-E Research Chair (2023–28) with Abdoulaye Baniré Diallo, Vasseur is pioneering sophisticated informatics and artificial intelligence to further improve animal welfare and lifespan. This creative project marks a daring step toward a more ethical and environmentally friendly dairy sector.

Pioneering Biosecurity in Dairy: Leadership of Simon Dufour and Juan Carlos Arango Sabogal at Université de Montréal

Launched in 2020, the five-year RC in biosecurity of dairy production is led by Simon Dufour and Juan Carlos Arango Sabogal of the Université de Montréal’s veterinary medicine school. Focusing on biosecurity, diagnostics, and disease management to limit economic losses, safeguard animal welfare, and reduce public health and environmental consequences, this program offers dairy producers techniques to avoid and treat infectious illnesses.

Developing protocols and best practices for biosecurity measures helps this topic be pragmatic and reasonably priced. Good biosecurity strategies help protect herd health, increasing general farm output.

Advanced diagnostics are vital. By improving disease detection and identification and using new techniques and technology for consistent findings, farmers can react quickly and effectively to health hazards.

Researching and using creative illness monitoring and management strategies is essential. The aim is to establish a solid basis for disease prevention, quick reaction to outbreaks, and ongoing farm practice improvement.

Through its targeted topics and cooperative leadership, this research project seeks to provide the Canadian dairy sector with the necessary information and instruments to improve farm sustainability and animal welfare.

Bridging the Gap: Knowledge Translation and Transfer (KTT) Tools for Dairy Industry

DFC created Knowledge Translation and Transfer (KTT) technologies to close the distance between innovative research and helpful applications. These instruments guarantee quick acceptance of innovations and best practices by efficiently distributing research results to dairy farmers, on-farm advisors, and industry stakeholders. KTT technologies simplify challenging scientific data to help stakeholders improve operations and make evidence-based choices.

KTT tools exist in many readily available forms meant to meet diverse needs:

  • Podcasts are audio recordings with insights from top professionals, perfect for on-the-job learning.
  • Visually pleasing images are stressing essential lessons and valuable applications.
  • Short, exciting films called animated videos help to make study topics enjoyable and remembered.
  • Trade Publications: Research results and practical advice shared in sector magazines.
  • Webinars are interactive online lectures, including research presentations, and are accompanied by Q&A sessions.

Dairy Farmers of Canada guarantees significant research findings are accessible and practical by using these various KTT methods, enabling stakeholders to apply changes that propel the sector ahead.

The Bottom Line

The Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) spends $2 million yearly on research; Industrial Research Chairs (IRCs) have transforming power. Given substantial financing and partnerships, these projects are essential for promoting dairy health, welfare, and sustainability. Advances in infectious disease management, animal welfare, sustainability, and biosecurity show their relevance. Strong and sustainable dairy depends on a dedication to academic quality, pragmatic innovation, and stakeholder cooperation via IRCs. We must keep supporting these essential research initiatives even as we honor these successes. With constant investment and effort, we can ensure a bright future for the dairy sector, benefiting society, consumers, and farmers.

Key Takeaways:

  • DFC invests $2 million annually in research focused on human health, nutrition, and dairy production.
  • IRCs coordinate multiple research projects under one initiative to address industry-wide priorities.
  • Significant impact areas include dairy cattle health, welfare, longevity, infectious disease, and biosecurity.
  • Collaborative funding from DFC, NSERC, and sector partners ensures targeted investment in crucial research areas.
  • NSERC IRC on infectious diseases in dairy cattle, led by Dr. Herman Barkema, focuses on herd health and productivity.
  • University of British Columbia’s Animal Welfare Program has significantly improved animal care and welfare internationally.
  • The IRC on sustainable life of dairy cattle, chaired by Dr. Elsa Vasseur, emphasizes cow comfort, longevity, and environmental sustainability.
  • Since 2020, the RC in biosecurity of dairy production works towards preventing and controlling infectious diseases on farms.


The dairy sector’s growth relies on creativity and overcoming challenges. Industrial Research Chairs (IRCs) are instrumental in advancing the sector by encouraging cooperation and addressing high-priority issues through focused research projects. The Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) spends $2 million annually on research, working with the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and partners to focus on dairy cow health, welfare, longevity, infectious illness, and biosecurity. The National Dairy Research Strategy prioritizes sustainability, human nutrition, and dairy cow health and welfare. IRCs provide study results to dairy producers, consultants, and industry players through podcasts, webinars, and trade magazines, ensuring the latest scientific developments are practical and readily available. Knowledge Translation and Transfer (KTT) tools facilitate the quick acceptance of innovations and best practices by efficiently distributing research results to dairy farmers, on-farm advisors, and industry stakeholders.

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Dairy Farmer Turns Tragedy into a Mission for Rural Mental Health Awareness

Explore the transformative journey of dairy farmer Jeff Winton, who transformed profound family loss into a dedicated mission for mental health awareness in rural communities. Can the story of one man’s resolve ignite a wave of change across rural America?

The crisp fall air of September 2012 seemed to herald a season of joy for the Winton family. Amidst the vibrant colors of early autumn, Brooks Winton stood at his brother Toby’s wedding, his face radiant with happiness. Just forty-eight hours later, that joy turned into unimaginable sorrow. Brooks, a 28-year-old husband and father of two, took his own life, leaving his family reeling from the sudden and profound loss. 

“He gave me a big hug as I was leaving the wedding reception and said, ‘Uncle Jeff, I just want you to know I so appreciate everything you’ve done for my family and me,'” recalled Jeff Winton, Brooks’ uncle. “I didn’t think anything of it because he was a very grateful, appreciative young man who always went to thank people for things. But little did I know he was saying goodbye to me.” 

In the days that followed, Brooks’ death cast a long shadow over his loved ones. The devastating loss spurred Jeff Winton to confront the silent crisis of mental health in rural communities. Jeff founded Rural Minds to honor his nephew’s memory and break down the barriers of stigma and silence. This initiative aimed to provide much-needed mental health resources and support to those in rural areas grappling with similar struggles. What began as a family tragedy soon became a fervent mission to instigate change and foster understanding, with Jeff at the helm, driven by his deep-seated commitment to making a difference.

The Winton Family: Rooted in Tradition, Driven by Purpose

The Winton family, deeply rooted in rural New York’s agricultural traditions, has operated their dairy farm since 1859. This longstanding commitment reflects their dedication to a demanding yet rewarding vocation. 

Like his ancestors, Jeff Winton felt a profound connection to the farm. However, unlike his family, he pursued a communication and corporate affairs career in suburban Chicago. Despite this divergence, his bond with the land and his family remained strong. 

In September 2012, amidst the joy of Toby Winton’s wedding, Jeff’s nephew Brooks showed no signs of his internal struggle. His heartfelt farewell to Jeff belied the turmoil within. Just two days later, Brooks took his own life, leaving behind a grieving wife and young children. This tragedy propelled Jeff into a relentless pursuit of mental health advocacy, aiming to break the silence and stigma surrounding mental illness in rural America.

In Memory and Defiance: Elaine’s Stand Against Stigma

In the aftermath of Brooks’ death, the Winton family was overwhelmed with shock and grief. The celebratory atmosphere from Toby’s wedding had vanished, replaced by a heavy sense of despair. As they planned the funeral, the pastor relayed a sensitive request from community members—they hoped the cause of Brooks’ death would not be mentioned as suicide. 

Elaine Wickstrom Winton, however, stood firm. With tears in her eyes, she put her fist on the pastor’s desk and declared, “Pastor, this is going to stop with my family.” Her determination to speak openly about Brooks’ struggle honored his memory and laid the foundation for Rural Minds.

An Unyielding Commitment: How Tragedy Transformed into a Mission for Mental Health Advocacy

The tragedy of Brooks Winton’s suicide catalyzed Jeff Winton to create Rural Minds. Witnessing the devastating impact of mental illness and recognizing the rural community’s silence, Winton felt a need to honor his nephew by addressing these issues. Elaine Winton’s insistence on openly discussing Brooks’ suicide at his funeral strengthened his resolve to break the stigma surrounding mental health in rural areas. 

Rural Minds was founded to eliminate the stigma of mental illness and provide accessible resources to underserved communities. The organization’s mission includes raising awareness and improving the availability and quality of mental health services in rural America. Through a comprehensive online platform offering crisis resources, educational materials, and support networks, Rural Minds aims to foster a community where mental health is openly discussed and addressed. 

Rural Minds believes that mental health issues should be treated with the same urgency as physical health problems. By collaborating with local and national organizations, the nonprofit aims to bridge the rural mental health care gap. Winton’s commitment to this cause reflects his belief that change begins with courage, transparency, and a resolve to help others on their mental health journeys.

Beyond the Barn: Confronting the Mental Health Struggles Unique to Dairy Farmers

Farmers, particularly in rural areas, face unique mental health challenges exacerbated by their lifestyle and isolation. For dairy farmers, these issues are often compounded by the demanding nature of their work, economic pressures, and the stigma surrounding mental health. The following statistics shed light on the mental health struggles faced by this vital yet vulnerable community: 

Mental Health ChallengePercentage of Affected Dairy Farmers
Substance Use Disorder25%
Suicidal Thoughts15%
Access to Mental Health ServicesLess than 50%

“Farmers and ranchers are hardworking individuals who often face the kind of stress and isolation that can seriously impact mental health. It’s crucial to recognize these challenges and provide the necessary support to help them navigate these issues,” said Winton, reflecting on his own family’s experience.

Rural Minds: A Digital Sanctuary for Mental Health Support in Rural America

Rural Minds operates a comprehensive website,, as a central hub for mental health resources tailored to rural communities. The site offers crucial crisis and mental health resources, providing immediate support for distressed people. 

The platform features detailed fact sheets on common mental health challenges, offering practical advice and actionable steps for seeking help. These resources aim to demystify mental health conditions

Rural Minds also provides access to webinars specifically for rural America. Through partnerships with NY FarmNet and the National Grange, Rural Minds offers educational content, expert insights, and community support. Participants can engage in real-time discussions and gain valuable knowledge to address mental health issues. 

Additionally, Rural Minds produces a regular newsletter, keeping subscribers informed about the latest developments, events, and initiatives in rural mental health. The newsletter also features personal stories, fostering shared experiences and solidarity. 

A key feature is a blog, which allows individuals to share their mental health journeys, build a supportive community, and reduce stigma. Looking ahead, Rural Minds is developing a Rural Youth Mental Health Peer-to-Peer Support Program, connecting young individuals in rural areas to offer mutual support and encouragement.

Forging Partnerships: Amplifying Rural Minds’ Reach with NY FarmNet and the National Grange 

Rural Minds has forged vital partnerships with NY FarmNet and the National Grange, significantly amplifying its impact on rural mental health. These collaborations are essential in connecting rural communities with much-needed mental health resources. NY FarmNet, known for its support services tailored to farmers and their families, offers vital expertise and acts as a bridge to those facing mental health challenges in the agricultural sector. 

Likewise, the alliance with the National Grange, a historic organization advocating for rural America, has broadened the conversation on mental health in these areas. The National Grange’s extensive network helps Rural Minds disseminate information effectively, fostering environments where mental health discussions are welcomed. Former National Grange President Betsy Huber has actively supported this mission, addressing mental health and addiction issues in rural communities through publications like Lancaster Farming. 

These partnerships enhance the visibility of mental health support systems, transforming how rural communities perceive and handle mental health. By leveraging the resources of entities like NY FarmNet and the National Grange, Rural Minds promotes awareness and drives a cultural shift towards acceptance and proactive care, contributing to a more informed and supportive rural society.

Breaking Barriers: Addressing the Dual Challenges of Psychiatric Scarcity and Stigma in Rural Mental Health Care 

One of the biggest hurdles in addressing mental health in rural areas is the severe lack of medical professionals, especially psychiatrists. Shockingly, 65% of rural counties in the United States lack even one practicing psychiatrist, highlighting a glaring service gap. This problem is worsened by the aging psychiatric workforce, with many nearing retirement and few new practitioners stepping in. As a result, many rural residents are left without essential mental health care, often having to travel long distances or forgo treatment. 

Moreover, deeply rooted stigma around mental illness persists in rural communities. Conditions like depression, alcohol-use disorder, and schizophrenia remain taboo topics, in stark contrast to more openly discussed physical ailments like cancer or heart disease. This stigma often prevents individuals from seeking help, fearing judgment or exclusion from their tight-knit communities. The reluctance to openly address mental health issues leads to a culture of silence, where those suffering do so alone, further worsening their struggles. 

Addressing these challenges demands a comprehensive approach that tackles both the shortage of mental health professionals and the pervasive stigma. Initiatives like Rural Minds strive to bridge this gap by encouraging open conversations, offering resources, and advocating for systemic changes to treat mental health with the same urgency and importance as any other health concern.

Returning to Roots: Jeff Winton’s Journey from Suburban Comfort to Rural Advocacy

Jeff Winton’s move from suburban Chicago to rural Mayville, New York, stemmed from a desire to reconnect with his roots and authentically support rural America. Leaving behind his successful communication agency, he felt the need to return to the farm—a place central to his upbringing. This move was more than just geographical; it was a return to a lifestyle that values resilience and a deep connection to the land. 

Back in Mayville, Winton faced the realities of farm life at Wall Street Dairy, a historic farm dating back to 1859. Transitioning from Guernseys to primarily Holsteins and other breeds, he worked closely with his farm manager and NY FarmNet, shifting the farm’s focus toward genetics. 

Navigating rural healthcare proved challenging. It took Winton six months to find a primary care doctor, highlighting the stark disparities in medical and mental health services in rural areas. This personal struggle mirrored the broader challenges many rural residents face. 

Running the farm deepened Winton’s understanding of the unique pressures on rural residents—the ties to agriculture, economic strains, and cultural stigmas surrounding mental health. This perspective strengthened his resolve to break these barriers through Rural Minds. 

Living among those he aimed to serve allowed Winton to build genuine connections and shape a more empathetic approach to mental health advocacy. The farm wasn’t just a backdrop; it informed his strategies and underscored the need for accessible mental health resources. Winton has become an advocate and a testament to the power of returning to one’s roots to drive meaningful change.

Understanding the Complexities: The Diverse Mental Health Challenges Across Rural America’s Varied Landscapes 

Understanding rural America’s mental health crisis requires exploring the unique challenges each community faces. From farm country to Native American reservations, each segment has its stressors that amplify mental health issues. 

Farm Country: Farmers grapple with unpredictable weather, fluctuating prices, and the physical demands of farming. This often leads to anxiety, depression, and substance abuse due to the isolation in rural settings. 

Fishing Villages: Coastal communities deal with the seasonal nature of fishing, dangerous work conditions, and economic instability, heightening stress and mental health challenges. 

Logging Towns: Loggers face hazardous conditions and job insecurity due to the industry’s fluctuations, contributing to economic anxiety and mental health struggles. 

Mining Communities: Miners encounter dangerous work and health risks, with the boom-and-bust cycle of the industry-leading to economic hardship and mental health issues. 

Native American Reservations: Indigenous communities face historical trauma, cultural dislocation, and healthcare inequalities, resulting in higher rates of mental health disorders and suicide. 

Tackling these challenges is critical to creating adequate mental health support for rural America. Tailored policies and programs can ensure that every rural demographic receives the care they need, recognizing their distinct experiences and stressors.

The Bottom Line

The ongoing efforts of Rural Minds, led by Jeff Winton, showcase how personal tragedy can inspire significant societal change. By focusing on mental health in rural areas and dismantling deep-rooted stigmas, Winton and his organization create a more inclusive environment for many underserved individuals. This journey from grief to activism highlights the powerful impact of one determined person, moved by family love and loss, on a considerable segment of society. For those facing similar struggles, the national suicide and Crisis Lifeline is available by calling or texting 988 or via online chat at

In addressing the critical mental health needs of dairy farmers, it’s essential to provide a comprehensive list of resources that offer immediate and ongoing support. Below is a curated table of mental health resources specifically tailored to meet the unique challenges faced by those in the dairy farming community

ResourceOrganizationContact Information
Crisis Text LineCrisis Text Line.orgText “HELLO” to 741741
Farm Aid HotlineFarm Aid1-800-FARM-AID (1-800-327-6243)
Rural MindsRural
NY FarmNetNY
National Suicide Prevention LifelineNational Suicide Prevention LifelineCall or text 988

Key Takeaways:

  • Brooks Winton’s suicide in 2012 led to the founding of Rural Minds, aiming to combat mental health stigma in rural areas.
  • Winton’s mother, Elaine, played a pivotal role in insisting on openness about mental health struggles, influencing the organization’s mission.
  • Rural Minds offers a comprehensive online platform with resources, fact sheets, crisis support, and educational materials.
  • The organization collaborates with NY FarmNet and the National Grange to provide targeted support and webinars for rural communities.
  • Jeff Winton moved back to his rural roots to truly understand and support mental health issues in these areas.
  • A Rural Youth Mental Health Peer-to-Peer Support Program is being developed to connect young individuals in rural areas for mutual support.
  • There is a severe scarcity of mental health professionals in rural areas, exacerbating the challenges faced by these communities.
  • The Winton family’s farm, Wall Street Dairy, continues to operate while supporting the mission of Rural Minds.
  • Economic struggles in rural America intensify mental health challenges, making the work of Rural Minds even more critical.

Summary: In 2012, the Winton family, deeply rooted in rural New York’s agricultural traditions, established Rural Minds to address the mental health crisis in rural communities. The organization aims to eliminate the stigma of mental illness and provide accessible resources to underserved communities. Through a comprehensive online platform, Rural Minds offers crisis resources, educational materials, and support networks to foster a community where mental health is openly discussed and addressed. The organization collaborates with local and national organizations to bridge the rural mental health care gap, operating a comprehensive website,, which offers crisis and mental health resources, fact sheets, practical advice, and actionable steps for seeking help. It also provides webinars specifically for rural America through partnerships with NY FarmNet and the National Grange. Rural Minds is developing a Rural Youth Mental Health Peer-to-Peer Support Program to connect young individuals in rural areas to offer mutual support and encouragement.

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