Archive for uncertainty

USDA Proposes Return to ‘Higher-Of’ Method for Fluid Milk Pricing: What It Means for Dairy Farmers

Learn how USDA’s plan to bring back the ‘higher-of’ method for milk pricing might affect farmers. Will this change help dairy producers? Find out more.

The USDA plans to bring back the ‘higher-of’ pricing method for fluid milk, a move intended to modernize federal dairy policy based on a comprehensive 49-day hearing that evaluated numerous industry proposals. This method picks the higher price between Class III (cheese) and Class IV (butter and powder) milk, which could signify a notable shift for the dairy industry. Previously, the 2018 Farm Bill had replaced the ‘higher-of’ system with an ‘average-of’ pricing formula, averaging Class III and IV prices with an additional 74 cents. While switching back might benefit farmers, it also introduces risks like negative producer price differentials in 2020 and 2021. The USDA’s proposal seeks to mitigate these challenges and provide farmers financial gains amidst modern dairy economics’ complexities.

Understanding the Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) System 

The Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) system, established in 1937, plays a crucial role in ensuring fair and competitive dairy pricing. It mandates minimum milk prices based on end use, providing price stability for dairy farmers and processors across the U.S. Each FMMO represents a distinct marketing area, coordinating pricing and sales practices. 

The ‘higher-of’ pricing method for Class I (fluid) milk has long been integral to this system. It sets the Class I price using the higher Class III (cheese) or Class IV (butter and powder) price, offering a financial safeguard against market volatility. This method ensures dairy producers receive a fair price despite market fluctuations. 

However, the 2018 Farm Bill introduced an ‘average-of’ formula, using the average of Class III and IV prices plus 74 cents. While aimed at modernizing milk pricing, this change exposed farmers to greater risk and reduced earnings in volatile periods like 2020 and 2021.

A Marathon Analysis: Unraveling Modern Dairy Policy over 49 Days in Indiana

The marathon hearing in Indiana highlighted the complexities of modern dairy policy. Spanning 49 days, from Aug. 23, 2023, to Jan. 30, it reviewed nearly two dozen industry proposals. This intensive process reflected the sophisticated and multifaceted Federal Milk Marketing Order system as stakeholders debated diverse views and intricate data to influence future milk pricing.

Decoding Dairy Dilemmas: The “Higher-Of” vs. “Average-Of” Pricing Methods

The “higher-of” and “average-of” pricing methods are central to understanding their impact on farmers’ incomes. The “higher-of” process, which uses the greater of the Class III (cheese) price or Class IV (butter and powder) price, has historically provided a safety net against dairy market fluctuations. This method ensured farmers got a better price, potentially safeguarding their income during volatile times. Yet, it increased the risk of negative producer price differentials, which reduced earnings in 2020 and 2021. 

On the other hand, the “average-of” method, introduced by the 2018 Farm Bill, calculates the price as the average of Class III and IV prices plus 74 cents. While this seems balanced and predictable, it often fails to deliver the highest financial return when either Class III or IV prices exceed expectations. Farmers have noted that this method might not reflect their costs and economic challenges in volatile markets. 

The “higher-of” method often offers better financial outcomes during favorable market conditions but brings increased uncertainty during unstable periods. Conversely, the “average-of” method offers stability but may miss optimal pricing opportunities. This debate within the dairy industry over the best formula to support farmers’ livelihoods continues. Thus, the USDA’s proposal to revert to the “higher-of” method invites mixed feelings among farmers, whose earnings and economic stability are closely tied to these pricing mechanisms.

Examining the Potential Implications of the USDA’s Return to the ‘Higher-Of’ Pricing Method 

The USDA’s return to the ‘higher-of’ pricing method, while potentially beneficial, also presents some challenges that the industry needs to be aware of. This approach, favoring the higher Class III (cheese) or Class IV (butter and powder) prices, seems more beneficial than the ‘average-of’ formula. However, deeper insights indicate potential challenges that need to be carefully considered. 

The ‘higher-of’ method usually leads to higher fluid milk prices but poses the risk of negative producer price differentials (PPDs). When the Class I price far exceeds the average of the underlying class prices, PPDs can become negative, as seen during the harsh economic times of 2020 and 2021, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic

Negative PPDs can hit farmers’ financial stability, making it harder to predict income and manage cash flows. This reflects the delicate balance between gaining higher milk prices now and ensuring long-term financial reliability. 

The 24-month rolling adjuster for extended-shelf-life milk introduces further uncertainty. Its effect on milk pricing needs to be clarified, potentially causing fluctuating incomes for farmers in this segment. 

In conclusion, while the ‘higher-of’ pricing method may offer immediate benefits, risks like negative PPDs and uncertain impacts on extended-shelf-life milk pricing demand careful consideration. Farmers must balance these factors with their financial strategies and long-term sustainability plans.

New Horizons for ESL Milk: Navigating the 24-Month Rolling Adjuster Amidst Market Uncertainties

Under the USDA’s new proposal, regular fluid milk will revert to the ‘higher-of’ pricing. In contrast, extended-shelf-life (ESL) milk will follow a different path. The plan introduces a 24-month rolling adjuster for ESL milk to stabilize prices for these longer-lasting products. 

Yet, this change brings uncertainties. Laurie Fischer, CEO of the American Dairy Coalition, questions the impact on farmers. The 24-month adjuster is untested, making it difficult to foresee its effects amid fluctuating market conditions. ESL milk’s unique production and logistics further complicate predictions. 

Critics warn that the lack of historical data makes it hard to judge whether this method will help or hurt farmers. There’s concern that it could create more price disparity between regular and ESL milk, potentially straining producers reliant on ESL products. While USDA aims to tailor pricing better, its success will hinge on adapting to real-world market dynamics.

Make Allowance Controversy: Balancing Processor Profitability and Farmer Finances

The USDA also plans to increase the make allowance, a credit to dairy processors to cover rising manufacturing costs. This adjustment aims to ensure processors are adequately compensated to sustain profitability and operational efficiency, which is expected to benefit the entire dairy supply chain. 

However, this proposal has drawn substantial criticism. Laurie Fischer, CEO of the American Dairy Coalition, argues that the increased make allowance effectively reduces farmers’ milk checks, disadvantaging them financially.

Pivotal Adjustments and Economic Realignment in Dairy Pricing Formulas

The USDA’s proposal adjusts pricing formulas to match advancements in milk component production since 2000. This update ensures that farmers receive fair compensation for their contributions. 

The proposal also revises Class I differential values for all counties to reflect current economic realities. This is essential for maintaining fair compensation for the higher costs of serving the fluid milk market. By reevaluating these differentials, the USDA aims to align the Federal Milk Marketing Order system with today’s economic landscape.

Recalibrating Cheese Pricing: Transition to 40-pound Cheddar Blocks Only

Another critical change in USDA’s proposal is the shift in the cheese pricing system. Monthly average cheese prices will now be based solely on 40-pound cheddar blocks instead of including 500-pound cheddar barrels. This aims to streamline the process and more accurately reflect market values, impacting various stakeholders in the dairy industry.

Initial Reactions from Industry Leaders: Balancing Optimism with Key Concerns 

Initial reactions from crucial industry organizations reveal a mix of cautious optimism and significant concerns. The National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) showed preliminary approval, noting that USDA’s proposal incorporates many of their requested changes. On the other hand, Laurie Fischer, CEO of the American Dairy Coalition, raised concerns about the make allowance updates and the impact of extended-shelf-life milk pricing, fearing it might hurt farmers’ earnings.

Structured Engagement: Navigating the 60-Day Comment Period and Ensuing Voting Procedure

To advance its proposal, USDA will open a 60-day public comment period, allowing stakeholders and the public to share insights, concerns, and support. This process ensures that diverse voices within the dairy industry are heard and considered. Once the comment period ends, USDA will review the feedback to gain a comprehensive understanding of industry perspectives, informing the finalization of the proposal. 

Afterward, the USDA will decide based on the collected data and input. However, the process continues with a voting procedure where farmers pooled under each Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) cast votes to approve or reject the proposed amendments. Each Federal Order, representing different regions, will vote individually. 

This voting process is crucial, as it directly determines the outcome of the proposed changes. For adoption, a two-thirds majority approval within each Federal Order is required. Suppose a Federal Order fails to meet this threshold. In that case, USDA may terminate the order, leading to significant changes in how milk pricing is managed in that region. This democratic approach ensures that the final policies reflect majority support within the dairy farming community, aiming for fair and sustainable outcomes.

Regional Impacts: Navigating the Complex Landscape of FMMO System Changes

The proposed changes to the Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) system are bound to impact various regions differently, given each Federal Order’s unique economic landscape. Federal Order 1, covering most New England, eastern New York, New Jersey, Delaware, southeastern Pennsylvania, and most of Maryland, may benefit from more favorable fluid milk pricing due to the higher-of method. With significant urban markets, this region could see advantages from updated Class I differential values addressing the increased costs of serving these areas. 

On the other hand, Federal Order 33—encompassing western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Indiana—might witness mixed outcomes. This area has substantial dairy manufacturing, especially in cheese and butter production, which could gain from the new cheese pricing method focusing on 40-pound cheddar blocks. However, the higher make allowance might stir controversy, potentially cutting farmers’ earnings despite adjustments for rising manufacturing costs. 

The future remains uncertain for western New York and most of Pennsylvania’s mountain counties, which any Federal Order does not cover. These areas could feel indirect effects from the new proposals, particularly the revised pricing formulas and allowances, which could impact local milk processing and producer price differentials. 

While the higher-of-pricing method may benefit farmers by securing better fluid milk prices, the regional impacts will hinge on each Federal Order’s specific economic activities and market structures. Stakeholders must examine the proposed changes closely to gauge their potential benefits and drawbacks.

The Bottom Line

The USDA’s push to reinstate the ‘higher-of’ pricing method for fluid milk marks a decisive moment for the dairy industry. The 49-day hearing in Indiana underscored the complexity of the Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) System. Key aspects include reverting to the ‘higher-of’ pricing from the 2018 ‘average-of’ formula, new pricing for extended-shelf-life milk, and the debate over increased make allowances. Significant updates to pricing formulas and cheese pricing methodologies were also discussed. 

The forthcoming vote on these changes is critical. With the power to reshape financial outcomes for dairy farmers and processors, each Federal Order needs two-thirds approval to implement these changes. Balancing modern dairy policy advancements with fair profits for all stakeholders is at the heart of this discourse. 

Ultimately, these decisions will affect dairy practices’ economic landscape and sustainability nationwide. This vote is a pivotal moment in the evolution of the American dairy industry, demanding informed participation from all involved.

Key Takeaways:

  • The USDA plans to reinstate the “higher-of” method for pricing Class I (fluid) milk, reversing the “average-of” formula introduced in the 2018 Farm Bill.
  • A 332-page recommendation outlines the USDA’s proposed changes, following a comprehensive 49-day hearing in Indiana.
  • The reinstatement is anticipated to benefit farmers most of the time, though it may introduce risks like negative producer price differentials.
  • New pricing structures will affect regular fluid milk and introduce a 24-month rolling adjuster for extended-shelf-life (ESL) milk.
  • The USDA will update pricing formulas to reflect increased milk component production and adjust Class I differential values to better capture the costs of serving the fluid market.
  • There will be changes in cheese pricing, with average monthly prices based solely on 40-pound cheddar blocks.
  • The proposal also includes an increase in the make allowance for processors, a point of contention among industry stakeholders.
  • The USDA will open a 60-day public comment period before making a final decision, with each Federal Milk Marketing Order region voting individually on the proposed changes.


The USDA plans to reintroduce the ‘higher-of’ pricing method for fluid milk, a move aimed at modernizing federal dairy policy. This method, which selects the higher price between Class III and Class IV milk, could be a significant shift for the dairy industry. The 2018 Farm Bill replaced the ‘higher-of’ system with an ‘average-of’ formula, averaging Class III and IV prices plus an additional 74 cents. This change could benefit farmers but also introduce risks like negative producer price differentials (PPDs). The Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) system ensures fair and competitive dairy pricing, and the ‘higher-of’ method usually leads to higher fluid milk prices but also poses the risk of negative producer price differentials (PPDs). Negative PPDs can impact farmers’ financial stability, making it harder to predict income and manage cash flows. The 24-month rolling adjuster for extended-shelf-life milk introduces further uncertainty, potentially causing fluctuating incomes for farmers. The USDA’s proposal to increase the make allowance, a credit to dairy processors, has been met with criticism from industry leaders. The USDA will open a 60-day public comment period to advance its proposal. The proposed changes to the FMMO system will impact various regions differently due to each Federal Order’s unique economic landscape.

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Global Dairy Market Poised for Recovery: Prices Set to Rise Through 2024

Is the global dairy market set for a comeback? Discover how rising prices and shifting supply dynamics could impact the industry through 2024.

A trader works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in New York, U.S., on Friday, September 7, 2018. Photographer: Michael Nagle/Bloomberg

The global dairy market is at a pivotal point, transitioning towards higher prices in 2024. Rabobank’s latest report indicates that dairy commodity prices have bottomed out and are set to rise. By the end of 2023, the market faced limited new milk supply and sluggish demand, resulting in soft commodity pricing due to weak fundamentals. 

“2023 was marked by soft dairy commodity pricing from weaker fundamentals,” says Michael Harvey, senior dairy analyst at Rabobank. Despite a brief resurgence, global supply growth faltered due to lower milk prices, high costs, and weather disruptions. The global market anticipated a Chinese rebalancing, only to see significant import shortfalls for the second year. 

“There is growing evidence that the bottom in the dairy commodity markets has passed, and prices are likely to climb through 2024,” Rabobank’s report notes, offering a cautiously optimistic outlook.

“There is growing evidence that the bottom in the dairy commodity markets has passed, and prices are likely to climb through 2024,” Rabobank’s report notes, offering a cautiously optimistic outlook.

A Year of Turbulence: Factors Contributing to the 2023 Global Dairy Market Slump 

2023 witnessed a convergence of challenges that softened global dairy commodity prices. Firstly, limited milk supply growth defined the year, as brief surges were hindered by falling milk prices and rising operational costs. Additionally, severe weather disruptions worsened supply chain inefficiencies, affecting production in crucial dairy regions.  

Higher input costs, from feed to energy, strained dairy farms worldwide, making it difficult to stay profitable. Unpredictable environmental conditions further challenged the agricultural sector‘s resilience.  

The market also felt the impact of China’s reduced dairy imports. As the largest dairy importer, China’s decreased demand created significant ripples. The nation’s internal oversupply and economic slowdown led to a substantial drop in dairy imports for the second consecutive year.  

These elements not only drove down dairy commodity prices but also brought increased uncertainty and volatility, setting a cautious yet hopeful tone for 2024.

Navigating Uncertainty: Rabobank’s Analysis Signals Renewed Optimism for the Dairy Market’s Resurgence 

Rabobank’s latest analysis offers a hopeful outlook for the global dairy market, indicating that the worst is over for dairy commodity prices. The report predicts a gradual price rise through 2024, promising stability and growth for an industry struck by recent challenges. Farmers and producers, who have faced fluctuating prices and high costs, can now anticipate a more favorable economic environment. Thus, the story of the global dairy market is evolving from turmoil to resurgence, paving the way for potential growth and new opportunities.

China’s Stabilizing Influence: Opportunities for Global Dairy Importers Amid Steady Demand

China has long been a critical player in the global dairy market, significantly influencing commodity prices with its import patterns. In 2024, China’s import volume is expected to stabilize, a contrast to the substantial shortfalls of the past two years. This steady demand could reduce some of the erratic fluctuations in global markets. 

This stabilization provides other importers with a chance to build their stocks. With China’s steady demand, nations might acquire dairy commodities at competitive prices, strengthening their reserves without the pressure of Chinese-driven demand surges. As the market transitions, global importers must keenly observe these signals to manage stock levels strategically, potentially easing the volatility experienced in recent years.

Price Volatility: A Multidimensional Challenge for 2024 

Price volatility will be a significant challenge in 2024, influenced by various factors. Geopolitical instability, with regional conflicts and trade disputes, can disrupt supply chains and affect dairy markets through tariffs and export bans. 

Energy market fluctuations, driven by changing oil prices and the shift to renewable sources, directly impact dairy production and distribution costs. Irregular energy pricing can lead to unpredictable dairy commodity prices. 

Weak global economic conditions also play a role. Economic sluggishness reduces consumer purchasing power and government budgets, affecting discretionary spending on premium dairy products and complicating dairy pricing. 

Inflationary pressures further complicate the picture. Rising raw materials, labor, and transportation costs may force dairy producers to increase prices. However, if consumer demand doesn’t support these hikes, the market could experience high production costs and low retail prices. 

Navigating the dairy market in 2024 will require careful monitoring of these risks. Industry stakeholders must remain vigilant and develop strategies to mitigate geopolitical, energy, and economic disruptions to maintain stability.

Outlook for Grain and Oilseed Prices: A Double-Edged Sword for Dairy Farmers in 2024

Rabobank’s 2024 forecast suggests a slightly softer outlook for grain and oilseed prices. This is attributed to an expected increase in global feed grain supply, which is favorable for dairy farm margins. Lower feed grain costs are anticipated to support dairy farmers in a volatile market. However, some commodities like palm oil may have more bullish outlooks, potentially adding cost pressures. 

Reduced grain and oilseed prices can enhance farmgate margins by lowering a significant variable cost in dairy farming. This relief is vital as dairy producers deal with high operational expenses and fluctuating milk prices. By easing some financial burdens, better feed cost prospects could boost profitability and stabilize production despite uncertain commodity pricing and geopolitical risks.

Strategic Shifts in the EU Dairy Market: Anticipating Milk Price Dynamics and Export Challenges for 2024 

Looking to the first half of 2024, the EU dairy market faces complex milk price dynamics and export challenges. Rabobank expects EU milk prices to rise, driven by recent gains in European dairy commodity prices and lower stock levels. Notably, several major dairy processors in northwest Europe have already increased milk prices for late 2023. 

However, EU milk deliveries are forecast to decline by 0.5% year-on-year in Q1 and 0.4% in Q2 of 2024, indicating structural weaknesses. The second half of 2024 might see a slight decline of 0.2% year-on-year, suggesting a slow recovery. 

EU export price competitiveness remains a concern due to high farmgate milk prices compared to global competitors. Despite these challenges, year-on-year volume growth is expected for Q4 2024, although supply limitations and a modest domestic demand recovery could impact results.

The US Dairy Market’s Path to Recovery: Forecasted Growth and Strategic Adjustments for 2024

The US dairy market is set for a modest recovery in 2024, with a predicted 1% growth in milk production year-on-year. Despite the herd size dropping to 9.37 million in October 2023, the lowest since January 2022, gradual expansion is expected throughout 2024. This growth aims to meet rising domestic and global demand

Rabobank projections for first half 2024 price Class III milk at $17.78/cwt and Class IV at $19.24/cwt. Full-year estimates are $18.38/cwt for Class III and $20.37/cwt for Class IV, with Class IV consistently priced higher. These forecasts reflect a market transitioning through cautious optimism and strategic adjustments.

New Zealand and Australia: Navigating Production Declines and Export Challenges in 2024 

New Zealand’s dairy sector faces a challenging outlook, with full-season production forecasted to decline by up to 2% year-on-year beyond the first half of 2024. This outlook is influenced by cautious budgeting, which affects farming practices and potentially impacts milk flows in the latter half of the season. Animal health management will be essential for a robust start to the 2024-2025 season, but intensified milking efforts due to lower forecasted milk prices could strain herd health. 

Despite record farmgate milk prices buffering the sector from global fluctuations in Australia, dairy exports have significantly declined. Export volumes dropped by more than 13% year-on-year in the first three months of the new season, with notable reductions in milk powder ingredients, bulk cheese, and butter. The liquid milk segment also saw a 30% year-on-year decrease. A tight domestic milk supply and high farmgate milk prices relative to significant competitors partly explain this decline. 

Additionally, Australia’s butter and cheese imports increased by 43% and 21% year-on-year, respectively. Domestic purchasing behaviors are shifting due to an income squeeze, with dairy purchases outperforming other discretionary food items but still showing some volume declines. The stabilization of Australia’s exportable surplus over 2023-2024 depends on a recovery in milk supply, though export competitiveness remains an immediate concern.

The Bottom Line

The global dairy market is cautiously moving towards recovery in 2024. Rabobank’s observations note an upward price trend, following the softness seen in 2023. Modest milk supply growth, better feed costs, and improved demand, particularly from China, foster this positive outlook. 

Significant factors include stabilizing China’s import volume, strategic shifts in the EU, forecasted US milk production growth, and adjustments in New Zealand and Australia. Potential volatility due to geopolitical instability, energy market fluctuations, and macroeconomic uncertainties are also acknowledged. However, with strategic adjustments and risk mitigation, the sector is prepared for a steady recovery. 

While challenges remain, signs of recovery are evident. Stakeholders must stay vigilant, adapt strategies, and leverage insights to navigate the complexities of 2024, ensuring resilience and growth in a dynamic market. 

Key Takeaways:

  • The global dairy market is transitioning from a period of low commodity prices with a projected upward trend through 2024.
  • China’s steady import demand is crucial for driving price rallies in the Oceania region, and stabilized import volumes are expected in 2024.
  • Price volatility is anticipated due to geopolitical instability, volatile energy markets, and weak macroeconomic conditions.
  • A softer grain and oilseed price outlook will improve dairy farm margins globally.
  • EU milk prices are anticipated to strengthen in early 2024, yet export competitiveness may remain challenging due to high farmgate milk prices.
  • US dairy production shows a slow yet steady growth forecast with specific price estimates for Class III and IV milk segments.
  • New Zealand dairy production is expected to decline, while Australia faces reduced export competitiveness amid high domestic farmgate milk prices.
  • Overall, the 2024 outlook indicates cautious optimism with potential recovery driven by strategic shifts and stabilizing factors in critical markets.


The global dairy market is facing a critical point, with Rabobank’s report indicating that dairy commodity prices are set to rise in 2024. By the end of 2023, the market faced limited new milk supply and sluggish demand, leading to soft commodity pricing. Despite a brief resurgence, global supply growth faltered due to lower milk prices, high costs, and weather disruptions. The market anticipated a Chinese rebalancing but saw significant shortfalls in imports for the second year. Rabobank’s analysis suggests a gradual rise in prices through 2024, promising stability and growth for the industry. However, price volatility will be a significant challenge in 2024, influenced by geopolitical instability, energy market fluctuations, weak global economic conditions, and inflationary pressures.

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Improving Processor Relationships: Key to Dairy Producers’ Future Success

Can better communication with processors secure dairy producers’ future? Discover how improving these relationships can address market challenges and boost confidence.

key to success – golden key isolated on white background

The dairy industry’s modernization underscores the crucial nature of producer-processor solid relationships. These relationships were tested during the global pandemic, highlighting the need for clear communication and mutual understanding to navigate market uncertainties, such as milk price fluctuations and processing capacities. 

“Inadequate capacity for processing is more than just a bottleneck—it’s a pivotal determinant in whether a farm continues as a dairy producer or transitions entirely,” explains DFA Risk Management president Ed Gallegher.

With significant investments aimed at boosting future processing capacity, the opportunities for growth and innovation in the dairy industry are immense. Yet, these opportunities are intertwined with challenges. Enhanced cooperation and communication are imperative for the industry’s sustainability and growth, sparking excitement and inspiration for the future.

Communication: The Cornerstone of Robust Producer-Processor Relationships 

Effective communication is not just a tool, but a shared responsibility for both producers and processors. It is essential for solid relationships, ensuring operational efficiency and strategic alignment. As the dairy industry grows more complex, both parties must engage in clear dialogue about daily operations, broader market dynamics, and potential risks, recognizing their integral roles in the industry’s success. 

Producers must understand milk price risks and food price volatility. Open lines of communication allow them to gain insights from processors, particularly in light of global disruptions like the recent pandemic, which have highlighted the need for these discussions. 

Honesty and forthrightness are essential, even when discussing challenging topics such as market constraints. This fosters trust and aligns long-term objectives, helping both parties adapt to consumer shifts and seize international opportunities, especially in growing Asian markets. 

Maintaining clear communication channels enhances market confidence and operational resilience. Through committed, transparent dialogue, dairy producers and processors can navigate the evolving global dairy landscape together, reassuring the audience about the industry’s resilience and adaptability.

Ed Gallegher on Navigating Economic Challenges through Transparent Dialogue 

Ed Gallegher, a prominent figure in the dairy industry and the President of the Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) Risk Management program, emphasizes the pivotal role of informed dialogue in strengthening producer-processor relationships. As dairies become more sophisticated, it becomes crucial for producers to understand the complexities surrounding milk and food price risks. Gallegher asserts that the COVID-19 pandemic has starkly illuminated this necessity. The disruptions caused by the pandemic have exposed vulnerabilities within the dairy industry, underscoring the urgent need for producers to establish robust connections with stakeholders capable of navigating economic uncertainties. This newfound awareness is driving a collective effort towards enhanced risk management and informed decision-making, paving the way for a more resilient dairy market.

Transparent Dialogue as a Catalyst for Addressing Industry Challenges 

Open communication addresses challenges like adapting to customer preferences regarding animal welfare and environmental sustainability. Transparent processors build trust and foster collaboration, aligning both parties on key priorities and market demands

As consumers prioritize sustainability, processors, and producers must discuss steps to meet these expectations, from eco-friendly technologies to humane animal practices. Open communication keeps both parties updated on regulatory changes and market shifts. 

Collaboration between dairy companies, farmers, suppliers, and research institutions thrives on transparent dialogue. This approach improves daily operations and long-term planning. Companies can then focus on cost reduction, efficiency, and market opportunities, coordinating sustainability efforts to secure consumer trust. 

Strong communicative relationships are essential in a competitive, changing landscapeDairy processors who share goals, challenges, and expectations equip producers to meet market demands, fostering innovation and resilience in the dairy industry.

Inadequate Processing Capacity: A Critical Threat to Dairy Producers’ Operational Dynamics 

Inadequate processing capacity poses a significant barrier for dairy producers, impacting their operations and strategic decisions. When facilities are stretched thin, producers face challenges in managing supply, sometimes leading to scaling down or transitioning to different types of farming, especially near retirement. This underscores a critical challenge: insufficient capacity can destabilize the supply chain, limiting growth and prompting a reevaluation of traditional practices. 

Moreover, the need for more processing capacity affects market confidence. Producers need to work on the sustainability of their business models under these constraints. The uncertainty of timely milk processing discourages expansions and investments in technological advancements, especially in an already volatile market influenced by economic fluctuations and shifting consumer demands. 

Given these challenges, robust and transparent dialogue with processors is essential. Strengthening communication can help align expectations and navigate the complex landscape of dairy production. Addressing processing capacity limitations requires concerted efforts, innovative solutions, and open discussions from all industry stakeholders about necessary changes and adaptations.

Producer Perspectives: Value of Honest Communication and Confidence in Processor Relationships 

Producers benefit immensely from fostering candid and open dialogues with processors. Honest communication ensures alignment on future aspirations, creating a collaborative environment that fosters mutual growth. This transparency leads to strategic decision-making, enhancing operational efficiencies and market responsiveness.

However, many dairy operators express uncertainty about the durability of their relationships with processors and the future stability of their milk market. Most dairy operators are uncertain about these relationships, highlighting the need to improve communication and trust-building initiatives.

Exploring international opportunities, particularly in the expanding Asian markets, could significantly bolster the dairy industry’s forward trajectory. Transforming U.S. dairy into a global powerhouse requires unwavering confidence in processor relationships and a willingness to engage in challenging conversations about market dynamics and capacity constraints.

The Bottom Line 

The rapidly changing dairy industry requires solid communication between producers and processors. Experts like Ed Gallegher say open dialogue is critical to navigating economic uncertainties and market risks. Current challenges, such as insufficient processing capacity, inflation, and geopolitical issues, make transparent interactions crucial. 

Producers echo the industry’s belief that trust and candid communication bring mutual benefits. Despite significant challenges, many industry leaders remain hopeful, recognizing that strong partnerships are essential to adapting to evolving consumer demands and ensuring long-term resilience. Building robust processor relationships is crucial for the sustainable growth of dairy producers, making continuous dialogue and collaboration indispensable.

Key Takeaways:

  • Communication: Open and transparent dialogue is crucial for understanding mutual needs and market dynamics.
  • Economic Insight: Producers should seek knowledge about milk price risks and broader food price risks to navigate economic uncertainties better.
  • Capacity Challenges: Current processing capacity limitations represent a significant hurdle impacting the industry’s ability to expand.
  • Future Aspirations: Honest discussions about long-term goals can foster beneficial partnerships and build trust.
  • Retirement Considerations: Inadequate processing capacity may force older dairy owners to rethink their operational strategies.
  • Confidence Levels: A notable portion of dairy operators lack confidence in their current processor relationships, indicating room for improvement.


The dairy industry’s modernization has highlighted the importance of strong producer-processor relationships, which have been tested during the global pandemic. Inadequate processing capacity is crucial for a farm’s survival as a dairy producer. With significant investments in boosting future processing capacity, the dairy industry has immense growth opportunities but also challenges. Effective communication is essential for sustainability and growth. Both producers and processors must engage in clear dialogue about daily operations, market dynamics, and potential risks. Open lines of communication allow producers to gain insights from processors, especially during global disruptions like the pandemic. Honesty and forthrightness are essential, even when discussing challenging topics like market constraints. Maintaining clear communication channels enhances market confidence and operational resilience. However, many dairy operators express uncertainty about the durability of their relationships with processors and the future stability of their milk market. Exploring international opportunities, particularly in expanding Asian markets, could significantly bolster the dairy industry’s forward trajectory.

Supreme Court Upholds $4.75 Million Verdict for Iowa Dairy in Stray Voltage Case

Find out why the Iowa Supreme Court upheld a $4.75 million award for a dairy farm harmed by stray electricity. What does this important case mean for the dairy industry?

The Iowa Supreme Court has upheld a $4.75 million verdict for Vagts Dairy, an Iowa farm impacted by stray voltage from a nearby gas pipeline. This landmark decision not only marks a pivotal win for the family, addressing years of losses in their dairy operations but also draws attention to infrastructure-induced problems for agricultural communities

“Sometimes you get to the point you don’t even want to get up in the morning because you don’t know what you’re going to find out there,” Mark Vagts testified, underscoring the family’s unwavering determination in the face of daily challenges.

The Price of Protection: How an Essential Pipeline System Became a Dairy’s Worst Nightmare

Vagts Dairy, run by Mark, Joan, and Andrew Vagts, faced severe challenges due to alleged stray voltage, which refers to the presence of unwanted electrical energy from Northern Natural Gas Company’s pipeline. This pipeline’s corrosion-prevention system reportedly caused electrical issues that impacted their dairy herd. The Vagts family filed a lawsuit in 2021, seeking compensation for their livestock and livelihood damage.

Decades of Protection Turned Enigma: The Historical Backdrop of a Landmark Case

This case involves a pipeline built 60 years ago, stretching about 14,000 miles from Texas to Michigan. It includes an electrical system, known as a cathodic protection system, required by federal regulations to prevent corrosion. This system uses a low-level electrical current to counteract the natural corrosion tendency of metals in a conductive environment.

2013: The Year of Unwanted Currents and Deepening Woes

The onset of issues can be traced back to 2013 when part of the electrical system was replaced. This marked the beginning of troubling times for the Vagts’ dairy farm. The cows started showing abnormal behavior and health problems, their milk production dropped, and mortality rates soared, plunging the dairy operators into distress and uncertainty.

2017: A Year of Ambitious Growth Met with Unforeseen Challenges

In 2017, the Vagts expanded their dairy, extending a barn closer to the electrical system. This move, part of their ambitious growth plan to increase milk production, worsened the stray voltage issue, severely affecting their herd. By 2022, over 17 percent of their cattle had died, far above the typical 5 percent mortality rate. The cows showed unusual behavior, like standing in waterers to avoid electric shocks and refusing milking equipment. The financial and physical toll was enormous, highlighting the devastation stray voltage can cause if unchecked.

Pain and Resilience: Heartfelt Testimonies Highlight the Human Cost of Stray Voltage 

During the January 2023 trial, Mark Vagts shared the toll the situation had on their dairy and personal lives. “Sometimes you don’t even want to get up in the morning because you don’t know what you’re going to find out there,” he said, highlighting the daily stress and uncertainty. 

Andrew Vagts added, “What sucks is telling my kids why their fair calf had to be shot or put down or sold.” His testimony illuminated the emotional burden on their family, particularly on the younger generation, emphasizing the personal cost of the stray voltage issue. This emotional toll, in addition to the financial and physical losses, underscores the severity of the issue.

Vindication and Remediation: Jury Awards $4.75 Million to Vagts Family

The jury awarded the Vagts family $4.75 million: $3 million for economic damages, $1.25 million for personal inconvenience and discomfort, which includes the emotional distress and disruption to their daily lives caused by the stray voltage issue, and $500,000 for loss of use and enjoyment of their property, which includes the impact on their ability to use and enjoy their farm due to the stray voltage issue.

An Acrimonious Battle Over Damages: The Company’s Counter-Arguments and Legal Maneuvering

Despite the jury’s decision, Northern Natural Gas Company disputed the claims, questioning the link between their electrical system and the cows’ ailments. They argued that the Vagts family didn’t definitively prove that the pipeline caused their dairy cows’ issues and economic losses. The company also challenged the damages awarded, claiming the amount lacked sufficient evidence. On appeal, they insisted negligence was necessary to establish liability for the nuisance.

Majority Opinion: Upholding Justice Through Established Records, Beyond Negligence Requirements

Justice Christopher McDonald, writing for the majority, upheld the jury’s verdict, confirming it was well-supported by the record. He clarified that proving negligence was unnecessary to establish a nuisance in this case.

In his separate opinion, Justice Edward Mansfield agreed with the majority on procedural grounds. Still, he emphasized that negligence should have been a critical consideration. He argued that the unique vulnerability of dairy cattle to electrical currents, which can cause significant health issues and even death, creates an unusual nuisance scenario. He believed this required reevaluating how negligence is factored into such cases.

The Tightrope of Tradition: Justice Mansfield’s Call for Caution in Expanding Nuisance Law

Justice Edward Mansfield cautioned against expanding the strict liability nuisance law, which holds a party liable for damages regardless of fault, stressing the importance of sticking to long-standing legal precedents. He argued that courts should balance fair compensation for significant damage with maintaining established legal frameworks. Mansfield warned that shifting from traditional precedents might necessitate considering negligence in future cases involving sensitive issues, such as those impacting dairy cattle.

The Bottom Line

The Iowa Supreme Court’s $4.75 million verdict for Vagts Dairy underscores how stray voltage impacts farms, particularly livestock health and productivity. This ruling vindicates the Vagts family after years of turmoil and highlights the complexities of nuisance law in agriculture. 

The Vagts, through testimonies and expert opinions, showed the connection between Northern Natural Gas Company’s pipeline and their dairy herd’s decline. The jury’s award highlights the contentious nature of liability and damages in environmental cases. 

The justices’ disagreement on proving negligence in nuisance claims signals a need for a balanced interpretation of strict liability principles versus legal precedents, setting a precedent for similar disputes in the future.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Iowa Supreme Court upheld a $4.75 million jury verdict for Vagts Dairy, affirming the significant impact of stray voltage from Northern Natural Gas Company’s pipeline.
  • Justice Christopher McDonald’s opinion emphasized that negligence was not a required finding for creating a nuisance in this case, highlighting the jury’s award as well-supported by evidence.
  • Justice Edward Mansfield concurred with the verdict but cautioned against expanding strict-liability nuisance law, arguing that negligence should have been considered.
  • The Vagts experienced severe disruptions to their dairy operations, including abnormal cattle behavior, elevated mortality rates, and reduced milk production.
  • The legal dispute centered around whether Northern Natural Gas Company’s corrosion-protection electrical system caused the stray voltage affecting the dairy farm.


The Iowa Supreme Court has upheld a $4.75 million verdict for Vagts Dairy, an Iowa farm affected by stray voltage from a nearby gas pipeline. The Vagts family, run by Mark, Joan, and Andrew Vagts, faced severe challenges due to alleged stray voltage, which refers to the presence of unwanted electrical energy from Northern Natural Gas Company’s pipeline. The pipeline’s corrosion-prevention system reportedly caused electrical issues that impacted their dairy herd. The onset of issues can be traced back to 2013 when part of the electrical system was replaced, leading to abnormal behavior, health problems, decreased milk production, and soared mortality rates. In 2017, the Vagts expanded their dairy, extending a barn closer to the electrical system, which worsened the stray voltage issue. By 2022, over 17% of their cattle had died, exceeding the typical 5% mortality rate.

Fresh US Sanctions Threaten Russian Dairy Exports and Import Stability

Learn how new US sanctions are impacting Russian dairy exports and imports. Can Russia’s dairy industry survive the financial challenges?

The US sanctions imposed on the Moscow Stock Exchange on June 12 have fundamentally changed the financial environment for Russian dairy producers. These penalties, which have stopped dollar and euro trade, have created additional difficulties for foreign transactions in key currencies, therefore influencing the activities of the Russian dairy sector.

These penalties have a significant direct effect on the dairy business, among other sectors of agriculture. Although over-the-counter transactions are still possible, their higher prices will probably influence the whole supply chain. Higher pricing for imports and exports might follow, thus increasing running costs for dairy producers and narrowing profit margins.

The introduction of these sanctions has injected a significant level of uncertainty into the operations of Russian dairy producers. Industry experts are cautioning about a potential 10-25% drop in international commerce within the next six months, as dollar and euro transactions have become more complex. This report delves into the immediate and long-term implications of these sanctions on the Russian dairy sector, including issues with international payments, import challenges, and the necessity for alternative trading avenues.

YearTotal Dairy Exports (in billion Rub)Total Dairy Imports (in billion Rub)Impact of Sanctions (%)
2024 (Forecast pre-sanctions)17.59.2
2024 (Forecast post-sanctions)13.56.520-25%

The Looming Financial Storm: Analyzing the Ripple Effects of US Sanctions on Russia’s Dairy Industry 

Pavel Ryabov projects a 10–25% decline in Russian international trade over the next six months, which is clouding the dairy sector. The US sanctions on the Moscow Stock Exchange have limited dollar and euro payments, which are necessary for overseas trade and might increase running expenses.

Russian dairy exporters deal with significant stakes. Although dealing in roubles is allowed, the worldwide inclination for more widely used currencies creates difficulties. This might influence Soyuzmoloko’s hopeful projection of export growth for 2024. Financial constraints can cause the nascent, rouble-based trading system to slow exports.

Furthermore, importing vital agricultural gear and technologies under restrictions is challenging. Still, the dairy companies have shown incredible fortitude; import volumes from Rub 3.8 billion (US$43 million) to Rub 8.7 billion (US$98 million) in a year. This resiliency speaks to the industry’s flexibility. Although harsher penalties might throw off this trend and cause delayed deliveries, more expenses, and fewer investment incentives, the industry’s capacity to withstand such storms cannot be underlined.

These difficulties have the Russian dairy sector at a crossroads. The sector’s increasing dependence on Chinese help creates political and financial hazards. Although rouble trades provide a short fix, the wider effect of sanctions will tax the industry’s flexibility and fortitude.

Uncharted Financial Terrain: OTC Transactions and Their Consequences for Russian Firms and Consumers 

Driven by the suspension of dollar and euro trading on the Moscow Stock Exchange, the transition to over-the-counter (OTC) transactions will likely significantly increase operating expenses for Russian consumers and companies. OTC dealings have more significant costs, less advantageous exchange rates, and central administrative difficulties than centralized exchange operations with simplified procedures and competitive pricing. This change calls for more sophisticated handling and middlemen services, raising costs.

These extra expenses for importers translate into more costly imported goods as overheads must be absorbed throughout the supply chain. Access to major world currencies on a reliable exchange helps companies avoid OTC markets’ volatility and inefficiencies, improving price volatility and transaction times. As a result, importers pass on these increased costs to consumers, thus driving retail prices of imported products and lowering buying power.

Russian exporters also deal with more critical financial constraints. Making transactions outside the Moscow Stock currency structure results in more costs and less favorable currency rates, lowering their competitive advantage in foreign markets. The more expensive financial activities reduce profit margins; exporters may increase prices to offset this loss of appeal of Russian products worldwide. This may restrict the spread of Russian markets outside and provide a challenging setting for development.

Adaptation Amid Adversity: How Rouble-Based Transactions Offer a Lifeline for Russian Food Trade

There is a bright future, notwithstanding the worries expressed by some Russian business groups on the latest sanctions and their effects on food commerce using foreign currency. Under these new limits, the Russian Union of Grain Exporters has underlined the difficulties in dollar and euro transactions. They also note the current infrastructure for rouble-based transactions, which presents a good substitute. This implies that commerce may continue despite these restrictions, therefore offering much-needed comfort in these uncertain times.

A Gloomy Forecast: Soyuzmoloko’s Export Aspirations Threatened by Sanctions-Induced Currency Turmoil 

The biggest dairy company in Russia, Soyuzmoloko, expected a 15–18% rise in dairy exports early in 2024. Rising worldwide demand for Russian dairy goods, improved logistics, and higher production helped drive development. New US sanctions, however, now challenge this view by upsetting international currency trade. In this challenging economic environment, Soyuzmoloko is confronted with more significant transaction costs and decreased worldwide competitiveness, therefore casting uncertainty on the expected export increase.

Imports in Jeopardy: Ryabov’s Concerns Center on the Looming Shortage of Imports 

Ryabov draws attention to the approaching shortfall of imports, which might significantly impact Russia’s economy. Jeopardy Getting foreign products will become more challenging as it will throw off supply networks and delay investments. Driven by companies ignoring sanctions, Soyuzmoloko recorded an import value of Rub 8.7 billion (US$98 million) in March, up from Rub 3.8 billion (US$43 million) the previous year. Should import channels constrict further, the dairy sector may suffer significantly in modernization and expansion.

Strategic Vulnerability: The Risks of Russia’s Increasing Dependence on China for Trade 

Russia’s growing turn toward China as its leading trading partner begs serious questions. Although it would look like a calculated action, depending only on one nation might restrict Russia’s economic freedom and expose it to China’s geopolitical choices. Moscow’s capacity to establish varied economic alliances may be limited, and its negotiating power may suffer in this context. Complications in Russia-China commercial ties could also cause price instability, supply chain interruptions, and limited access to necessary products and technology in Russia. These possible hazards underscore the importance of varied trade alliances and a strong, self-reliant economic strategy, motivating the audience to think strategically and consider long-term consequences.

The Bottom Line

The latest US sanctions have caused great uncertainty and significant difficulties for Russian international commerce, influencing the dairy sector. Stopping dollar and euro trading on the Moscow Stock Exchange has made international payments more challenging. It runs the danger of a 10-25% drop in foreign commerce over the following six months. Rising over-the-counter transaction costs are influencing imports as much as exports.

Russian food exporters are willing to utilize roubles for transactions, which might help alleviate specific sanctions-related problems. Still under development, meanwhile, is the expected 15-18% growth in dairy exports for early 2024. The possible scarcity of imported technology and equipment strains the sector and affects industrial investment activity.

Moreover, depending more on China exposes strategic hazards. Though Soyuzmoloko’s notable increase in imports in 2024 indicates attempts to overcome constraints, the long-term viability of such policies may be improved.

The sanctions have created more general questions about the viability of Russia’s overseas commerce and clouded the prospects for development in its dairy sector. The paper underlines several obstacles and demonstrates that the new US sanctions seriously affect the Russian dairy industry.

Key Takeaways:

  • Russian foreign trade is projected to decline by 10-25% in the next six months due to limited payment options in dollars and euros.
  • New US sanctions have halted dollar and euro trading on the Moscow Stock Exchange, driving up costs for over-the-counter transactions.
  • Higher prices are expected for importers and exporters operating in the Russian market.
  • Russian food trade in dollars and euros is now uncertain, though infrastructure for rouble-based transactions exists.
  • The potential 15-18% surge in Russian dairy exports forecasted for early 2024 is now clouded by these sanctions.
  • The sanctions could lead to a shortage of imports and a slowdown in investment activities, particularly in the dairy sector.
  • There is a rising dependency on China for international trade, posing risks amid fluctuating Russia-China relations.


The US sanctions imposed on the Moscow Stock Exchange on June 12 have significantly impacted Russian dairy producers, potentially leading to a 10-25% drop in international commerce within the next six months. The sanctions limit dollar and euro payments, which are necessary for overseas trade and may increase running expenses. Over-the-counter transactions are still possible, but their higher prices will likely influence the whole supply chain, increasing running costs for dairy producers and narrowing profit margins. This report delves into the immediate and long-term implications of these sanctions on the Russian dairy sector, including issues with international payments, import challenges, and the necessity for alternative trading avenues. Russian dairy exporters face significant stakes, as dealing in roubles is allowed, but the worldwide inclination for more widely used currencies creates difficulties. Financial constraints can cause the nascent, rouble-based trading system to slow exports. The Russian dairy sector is at a crossroads due to its increasing dependence on China, creating political and financial hazards. Over-the-counter transactions will likely increase operating expenses for Russian consumers and companies, driving retail prices of imported products and lower buying power.

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