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Dairy Margin Watch June: Strong Class III Milk Prices Amid Surging Whey and Cheese Demand

Explore how robust Class III Milk prices and soaring whey and cheese demand influence dairy margins in June. What role will Mexico’s demand play in shaping future trends?

June experienced stable dairy margins, notably increasing during the spot period due to high Class III Milk prices. This rise provided much-needed support in an otherwise flat margin trend. The resilience in Class III Milk prices was crucial in maintaining market stability during the volatile spot period. While margins remained steady, the strong demand for Class III Milk underscores market forces and exciting potential growth areas for industry stakeholders.

Understanding the Forces Behind Rising Class III Milk Prices 

MonthClass III Milk Price (per cwt)Change from Previous Month

Dairy farmers and market analysts have noticed rising Class III milk prices. Strong cheese and whey demand are key drivers.

Cheese Demand: Mexico’s appetite for U.S. cheese has surged, reflected in record-setting exports. This strong demand directly impacts Class III milk prices since cheese production relies heavily on this milk.

Whey Demand: Whey is also seeing renewed interest. Tight whey powder inventories pushed prices to their highest since February, increasing Class III milk prices further. This 30% price spike underscores whey’s significant role in future milk contracts.

These factors and slower shipments to China and Southeast Asia have shifted focus to Mexico, bolstering demand and sustaining high-Class III milk prices. Understanding this helps you see the link between dairy product demand and milk pricing.

Navigating Recent Trends in the Whey Market 

MonthSpot Whey Price (per lb)Price Change (cents)
April 2023$0.37
May 2023$0.44+7
June 2023 (first half)$0.48+4

Let’s examine the recent trends in the whey market. Over the past two months, whey prices have surged by about 30%, or 11 cents, significantly impacting the dairy sector. 

This increase is primarily due to tighter whey powder inventories, highlighting how low stock levels push prices higher. On the demand side, renewed strength, especially from key markets, has also bolstered whey prices. 

The ripple effects of this price surge are evident in the Class III futures market, contributing to a notable gain of about 66 cents. This showcases whey’s importance in shaping Class III Milk prices and influencing dairy margins. 

Given the current scenario, it is imperative for those involved in the dairy industry, including producers and traders, to remain vigilant. A comprehensive understanding of these trends can significantly aid in navigating the market and making informed decisions.

The Unwavering Impact of Mexican Demand on U.S. Cheese Prices 

ProductApril 2022 (million pounds)April 2023 (million pounds)Change (%)
Total Dairy Exports to Mexico124.6142.914.7%
Cheese Exports to Mexico32.638.016.6%
Butter Production197.4207.85.3%
Cheese Production1,166.11,187.01.8%
Mozzarella Production383.6407.16.1%
Cheddar Production332.4303.8-8.6%

Cheese demand plays a pivotal role in the dairy market, mainly thanks to Mexico’s strong appetite for U.S. cheese, which has led to record-high prices. In April, cheese exports to Mexico hit 38 million pounds, highlighting this continued trend. 

This demand positively impacts not just cheese but the entire U.S. dairy sector. Higher cheese prices contribute to rising Class III Milk prices, offering stability to dairy margins even as shipments to markets like China and Southeast Asia slow down. 

It’s essential to remain aware of potential changes, such as economic fluctuations in Mexico, that could affect future demand. For now, Mexico’s consistent cheese demand supports strong U.S. dairy margins.

 U.S. dairy exports to Mexico surged in April, hitting 142.9 million pounds—up 18.3 million from last year. Cheese exports set a new record at 38 million pounds, surpassing the previous high in February. This highlights Mexico’s vital role in the U.S. dairy market, as exports to China and Southeast Asia slow. 

With 30% of U.S. dairy exports going to Mexico, their market’s demand significantly supports American dairy prices

In April, the U.S. shipped 142.9 million pounds of dairy products to Mexico, up 18.3 million from last year. This was the second-highest monthly export level on record. Cheese exports alone hit a record 38 million pounds, showing strong demand for U.S. dairy. 

Since early 2023, demand from China and Southeast Asia has decreased, but Mexico has helped fill the gap. This demand has been crucial in stabilizing prices and preventing a potential downturn. 

Mexican demand plays a vital role in U.S. dairy exports. As shipments to other regions slow, this strong market helps maintain prices despite external challenges.

Claudia Sheinbaum’s presidential win has raised questions about the Mexican Peso and future U.S. dairy exports. Analysts worry her socialist policies could weaken the Peso, which dropped 5% in two days, reaching its lowest since October 2023. This devaluation might make U.S. dairy products pricier for Mexican buyers, possibly reducing demand. With 30% of U.S. dairy exports going to Mexico, a prolonged weak Peso could impact the U.S. dairy market. Exporters may need to find new markets or tweak pricing to keep their foothold in Mexico.

April’s Dairy Production: Butter’s Rise and Cheese’s Mixed Signals

MonthPrice (cents/lb)

In April, butter output reached 207.8 million pounds, marking a 5.3% increase from the previous year. On the other hand, cheese production showed a mixed pattern. Total cheese output was up by 1.8%, reaching 1.187 billion pounds. However, within this category, mozzarella production surged by an impressive 6.1%. Cheddar cheese output saw a decline of 8.6% compared to last year.

Strategic Moves: Leveraging Historical Margins for Future Gains

Intelligent investors are extending coverage in deferred marketing periods to leverage strong margins. By locking in positions at or above the 90th percentile of the past decade, they’re ensuring stability and profitability despite market fluctuations. This proactive strategy, backed by historical data, helps make informed strategic decisions.

The Bottom Line

June’s Dairy Margin Watch highlights critical market drivers. Class III Milk prices remain high due to solid cheese demand and tighter whey powder supplies. Increased U.S. dairy exports to Mexico also play a crucial role despite potential economic concerns following recent political changes. April’s dairy production data shows a rise in butter output but mixed cheese production signals. 

Understanding these can help dairy producers make intelligent decisions to protect margins. Now is an excellent time to consider leveraging historically strong margins by extending coverage in deferred periods. Stay proactive and informed. 

For tailored strategies, consider subscribing to the CIH Margin Watch report. Visit

Key Takeaways:

Welcome to this month’s Dairy Margin Watch. Here are the key takeaways from the latest trends and developments shaping the dairy market: 

  • Class III Milk prices remain strong due to robust demand for cheese and whey.
  • CME spot whey prices have surged by 30% over the past two months, reaching their highest level since February.
  • U.S. dairy exports to Mexico saw a significant increase, with cheese exports setting new records.
  • Concerns arise over the potential impact of recent political changes in Mexico on the value of the Peso and subsequent dairy demand.
  • April’s dairy production statistics reveal a rise in butter output, but mixed signals for cheese production, particularly a decline in Cheddar output.
  • Strategic coverage in deferred marketing periods is crucial to leverage historically strong margins.


June’s dairy margins increased significantly due to high Class III Milk prices, which were crucial for maintaining market stability during the volatile spot period. Key drivers of rising milk prices include cheese demand and whey demand, with Mexico’s appetite for U.S. cheese leading to record-setting exports. Whey demand is also seeing renewed interest, with tight whey powder inventories pushing prices to their highest since February. Mexican demand plays a pivotal role in the dairy market, mainly due to Mexico’s strong appetite for U.S. cheese, leading to record-high prices. In April, cheese exports to Mexico reached 38 million pounds, highlighting this continued trend. However, Claudia Sheinbaum’s presidential win has raised questions about the Mexican Peso and future U.S. dairy exports, as analysts worry that her socialist policies could weaken the Peso, making U.S. dairy products pricier for Mexican buyers and potentially reducing demand. Understanding these factors can help dairy producers make intelligent decisions to protect margins and leverage historically strong margins by extending coverage in deferred periods.

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