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FAO Report: Global Food Prices Steady in June Amid Rising Sugar and Vegetable Oil Costs

Learn how global food prices stayed steady in June, even with higher costs for sugar and vegetable oils. What might this mean for future food security?

The global stage of food commodities is often unpredictable, yet June saw a rare calm. The latest Food Price Index report from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) revealed reassuring stability in international food commodity prices. The FAO Food Price Index remained at 120.6 points, unchanged from May. This stability resulted from increased vegetable oils, sugar, and dairy products balanced by declining cereal prices. 

Due to this equilibrium, the benchmark for world food commodity prices remained unchanged. Specifically, the FAO Cereal Price Index dropped by 3% from May, driven by better production forecasts in major exporting countries. In contrast, the FAO Vegetable Oil Price Index rose 3.1%, fueled by global import demands and a strong biofuel sector. Hence, other declines offset the surge in some commodities, keeping the index stable.

MonthFAO Food Price IndexFAO Cereal Price IndexFAO Vegetable Oil Price IndexFAO Sugar Price IndexFAO Dairy Price IndexFAO Meat Price Index
January 2024118.2117.6126.5103.4111.9109.8
February 2024118.9117.9127.3104.1112.7110.1
March 2024119.5118.3128.2104.6113.4110.5
April 2024120.1118.5129.0105.2114.1111.0
May 2024120.6117.0132.4108.1115.9111.5
June 2024120.6113.6136.5110.2117.3111.6

FAO Food Price Index: Stability Amid Volatility in Global Food Markets

The FAO Food Price Index remains a vital tool for monitoring the international prices of key traded food commodities, empowering policymakers to make informed decisions that impact global food security and economic stability. In June, the index averaged 120.6 points, unchanged from May, showing a 2.1 percent decrease from last year’s time and a significant 24.8 percent drop from its peak in March 2022. This equilibrium highlights the balancing influence of various commodities; rises in vegetable oils, sugar, and dairy prices were offset by declines in cereal prices. Such data is crucial for policymakers and stakeholders in the global food supply chain, aiding in understanding and addressing the complexities of food pricing.

FAO Cereal Price Index: Favorable Harvest Prospects Drive Down Prices

The FAO Cereal Price Index , a key player in stabilizing the global cereal market, saw a significant 3.0 percent drop in June from May. This drop was driven by improved production prospects in key exporting countries. Enhanced harvest outlooks in Argentina, Brazil, Türkiye, and Ukraine have exerted downward pressure on prices. Favorable weather conditions in these areas boosted yield expectations for coarse grains, wheat, and rice, mitigating supply chain uncertainties and stabilizing the cereal market.

Surging Demand Propels FAO Vegetable Oil Price Index Upward

The FAO Vegetable Oil Price Index surged by 3.1 percent in June, primarily due to reviving global import demand for palm oil and robust biofuel sector needs in the Americas. This surge, a direct result of the growing demand, particularly from the biofuel industry, highlights the increasing influence of the vegetable oil sector on global markets. The biofuel industry’s strong demand for soy and sunflower oils further pushed prices up, reflecting a greater reliance on vegetable oils for sustainable energy.

Monsoons and Market Tensions: FAO Sugar Price Index Rebounds Amid Climatic Challenges

In June, the FAO Sugar Price Index climbed by 1.9 percent, ending a streak of three monthly declines. This rise is driven by adverse weather and monsoon disruptions impacting sugar production in Brazil and India. In Brazil, unexpected weather patterns have raised concerns about harvest outcomes, while irregular monsoons in India threaten production cycles. These climatic challenges have amplified market fears, pushing sugar prices higher and highlighting the fragile global food supply and demand balance.

FAO Dairy Price Index: Robust Demand and Shrinking Supplies Drive June Increase

The FAO Dairy Price Index climbed 1.2% in June. This rise was fueled by a robust global demand for butter, which reached a 24-month high due to strong retail sales and the need for immediate deliveries. Western Europe’s seasonal drop in milk production and low inventory levels in Oceania further tightened supplies, driving prices upward. These factors highlight a complex interaction between growing demand and limited supply, increasing dairy prices.

FAO Meat Price Index: A Study in Stability Amid Global Market Fluctuations

The FAO Meat Price Index held steady in June, as small increases in ovine, pig, and bovine meat prices balanced a drop in poultry prices. This delicate balance underscores the intricate dynamics of the global meat market, where diverse pressures and demands converge to maintain overall price stability.

Record-High Global Cereal Production Forecast for 2024 Driven by Enhanced Harvests in Key Regions

The global cereal production forecast for 2024 has been revised to a record 2,854 million tonnes, driven by better harvest prospects in critical regions. Improved maize yields in Argentina, Brazil, Türkiye, and Ukraine offset declines in Indonesia, Pakistan, and Southern Africa. Wheat production forecasts have risen due to favorable conditions in Asia, particularly in Pakistan, despite initial setbacks in the Russian Federation. Global wheat and rice outputs are expected to reach new highs, supporting this optimistic forecast.

Global Cereal Utilization and Stock Expansion: Balancing Rising Demand and Food Security

World cereal utilization is set to reach 2,856 million tonnes in the 2024/25 season, up 0.5 percent from last year. This growth is mainly due to increased consumption of rice and coarse grains, driven by population growth and changing dietary patterns globally. Simultaneously, global cereal stocks are projected to rise 1.3 percent by 2025, providing a stable buffer against supply disruptions. The cereal stocks-to-use ratio is expected to stay around 30.8 percent, indicating a balanced supply-demand dynamic. These insights highlight FAO’s expectation of improved stability in the global cereal market despite ongoing challenges.

FAO’s International Cereal Trade Forecast: Navigating Challenges to Ensure Global Food Security

FAO’s forecast for international trade in total cereals remains pivotal for global food security. Pegged at 481 million tonnes, this marks a 3.0 percent drop from 2023/24. The decline points to challenges such as geopolitical tensions, adverse weather, and changing trade policies among critical nations. This reduction affects global food availability, potentially causing ripple effects on price stability and accessibility, especially in regions dependent on cereal imports. Balancing global production, consumption, and trade demands vigilance and adaptive strategies. FAO’s monitoring and forecasting are crucial for providing insights and helping governments and stakeholders devise policies to maintain resilient food systems amid changing market conditions.

Compounded Crises: Conflict and Climate Extremes Aggravate Food Insecurity in Vulnerable Regions

The confluence of conflicts and climatic adversities has exacerbated food insecurity in regions grappling with poverty. In Yemen, prolonged hostilities have decimated agricultural infrastructure, leaving nearly 6 million people in acute food insecurity. This dire situation places Yemen among the countries with the most critical humanitarian needs. 

The Gaza Strip, besieged and economically suffocated, faces a grave food security outlook. Persistent conflict and blockade have limited access to food, medical supplies, and essential services. This has put a significant portion of the population at imminent risk of famine, necessitating urgent intervention. 

Similarly, Sudan’s volatile political landscape and recurring conflicts have escalated food insecurity. These factors and erratic weather have imperiled food production and accessibility. The population’s growing vulnerability underscores the urgent need for sustained international support and strategic initiatives. 

These regions exemplify a broader pattern where conflict and climate extremes heighten food insecurity, compelling a global response focused on immediate relief and long-term resilience strategies.

GIEWS Report: Uneven Growth in Global Cereal Production Amidst Escalating Hunger Trends

The latest Crop Prospects and Food Situation report by FAO’s Global Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS) offers an in-depth look at hunger trends in 45 countries needing external food assistance. The report highlights an uneven growth in cereal production across Low-Income Food Deficit Countries. Southern Africa faces a nearly 20 percent drop in total cereal production due to severe drought, leading to a dependency on imports more than double the past five-year average. Zambia, usually a maize exporter, is forecasted to import nearly one million tonnes in 2024 despite an ample global supply of yellow maize. However, white maize, a staple in the region, remains scarce. 

Beyond Southern Africa, regions like Yemen, the Gaza Strip, and Sudan are grappling with severe acute food insecurity, with millions at risk of famine due to ongoing conflicts and extreme weather conditions. The report calls for urgent international assistance to address these escalating humanitarian crises.

The Bottom Line

Amid fluctuating global markets, the FAO’s latest June data reveal a stable FAO Food Price Index, balancing international food commodity prices. While vegetable oils and sugar saw increases, cereals experienced a decline, leading to overall stability. 

The FAO Cereal Price Index dropped due to favorable production forecasts in crucial exporting nations, while vegetable oils rose from renewed import demands. The Sugar Price Index rebounded, driven by climatic concerns in major production areas. The Dairy Price Index increased with robust global demand for butter, and meat prices remained stable. 

Despite a record-high global cereal production forecast for 2024, vulnerable regions face severe food insecurity due to conflicts and climate extremes. This is particularly evident in Southern Africa, where projected cereal production declines will intensify import needs, especially for staple foods like white maize, which are in short supply globally. 

Addressing these challenges requires enhancing international cooperation and leveraging technological advancements in agriculture to strengthen supply chains and improve productivity. Collective efforts are crucial for creating a resilient, sustainable, and equitable global food system.

Key Takeaways:

  • The FAO Food Price Index averaged 120.6 points in June, unchanged from May but 2.1% lower than June of the previous year.
  • Increases in vegetable oil, sugar, and dairy prices counterbalanced a decline in cereal prices.
  • The FAO Cereal Price Index dropped by 3.0% due to improved harvest prospects in major export nations.
  • The FAO Vegetable Oil Price Index rose by 3.1%, driven by global demand for palm, soy, and sunflower oils.
  • FAO Sugar Price Index increased by 1.9% following concerns over adverse weather impacts in Brazil and India.
  • International butter prices reached a 24-month high, pushing the FAO Dairy Price Index up by 1.2%.
  • The FAO Meat Price Index remained virtually unchanged, with a slight rise in ovine, pig, and bovine meat prices balanced by a decline in poultry prices.


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has reported a rare calm in the global food commodity market, with the FAO Food Price Index remaining at 120.6 points. This stability is due to increased vegetable oils, sugar, and dairy products balanced by declining cereal prices. The benchmark for world food commodity prices remained unchanged, with the FAO Cereal Price Index dropping by 3% from May due to better production forecasts in major exporting countries. The FAO Vegetable Oil Price Index rose 3.1%, driven by global import demands and a strong biofuel sector. The FAO Food Price Index remains a vital tool for monitoring international prices of key traded food commodities, empowering policymakers to make informed decisions that impact global food security and economic stability. The global cereal production forecast for 2024 has been revised to a record 2,854 million tonnes, driven by improved harvest prospects in critical regions. World cereal utilization is set to reach 2,856 million tonnes in the 2024/25 season, up 0.5% from last year. FAO’s international cereal trade forecast remains pivotal for global food security, with a 3.0% drop from 2023/24.

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Algeria’s Dairy Industry Poised for Growth: Government Initiatives and Foreign Investments Lead the Way

Learn about Algeria’s growing dairy industry through government plans and foreign investments. Can Algeria produce enough milk on its own?

Flag of Algeria. Algeria flag on fabric surface. Algerian national flag on textured background. Fabric Texture. Democratic Republic of Algeria

Imagine Algeria, one of the world’s top dairy powder importers, transforming into a self-sufficient dairy powerhouse. Despite high milk consumption rates, local production meets just over half its annual demand. The Algerian government is addressing this with bold plans to modernize and expand the dairy sector, supported by foreign investors. 

Currently, Algeria heavily relies on imported milk powder. However, change is coming with: 

  • Government initiatives to boost local milk production.
  • Subsidies for dairy farmers and processors.
  • Partnerships with international dairy giants like Qatar’s Baladna and Saudi Arabia’s Almarai.

These concerted efforts are not just about meeting local demand, but about positioning Algeria as a global leader in milk production. By reducing imports and boosting the economy, these dynamic changes are paving the way for a bright future in Algeria’s dairy industry, full of potential for growth and prosperity.

Paving the Path to Dairy Independence: Algeria’s Strategic Push for Fresh Milk Dominance

Algerians consume 4.5 billion liters of milk annually, a crucial part of their diet. However, local production only covers just over half of this, leading to a heavy reliance on imported milk powder. The Algerian government is pivoting consumer preferences towards locally produced fresh milk to achieve self-sufficiency. 

This strategy involves incentives and programs to boost domestic milk production. Critical efforts include promoting fresh milk in the dairy processing industry, making it more attractive than reconstituted milk. 

To aid this shift, the government supports dairy farmers, collectors, and processors with subsidies for breeding and fodder, access to advanced breeding techniques, and investments in infrastructure. The aim is a robust dairy sector that meets and exceeds local demand.

From Striving to Thriving: Algeria’s Comprehensive Dairy Development Plan

Algeria’s dairy production is a significant focus for the government. In 2022, the Minister of Agriculture, Abdelhafid Henni, reported local fluid milk production at around 2.5 billion liters (2.5 mmt), meeting just half of the 4.5 billion liters (4.5 mmt) needed annually.  

Cow’s milk accounts for 70% of this production, with sheep and goat milk also contributing to the supply. Camel milk production is minimal. Yet, the production levels can’t fully satisfy Algeria’s high demand.  

The government aims to boost domestic milk production to cut down on imports. Over the past 20 years, various incentives have been rolled out to grow herds and enhance productivity, including annual subsidies of over 18 billion Algerian Dinars (US$129 million) for breeders, milk collectors, and processors.  

Despite these efforts, challenges remain. Issues in animal husbandry and feed management persist. Better genetics and a modern milk collection system are also needed. Limited pastureland hinders herd expansion, and a shortage of storage facilities causes supply disruptions, especially during Ramadan.  

The government is promoting camel and goat breeding in the Saharan regions to combat these issues. With continued efforts and foreign investments from companies like Qatar’s Baladna, Algeria strives for self-sufficiency in its dairy sector.

Comprehensive Measures: Algeria’s Multifaceted Approach to Dairy Sector Boost 

The Algerian government has taken a comprehensive approach to boost local milk production. Several initiatives have aimed to increase herd sizes, productivity, and modern techniques in the past two decades. Key programs include: 

  • Subsidies: Over 18 billion Algerian Dinars (US$129 million) are allocated annually for local milk production, benefiting dairy cattle breeders, milk collectors, and processors.
  • Fodder Production and Irrigation: The Ministry of Agriculture supports fodder production, including seeds, hay, wrapped fodder, stables, and irrigation systems.
  • Improving Genetics: Programs focus on genetic quality through artificial insemination, embryo transfer, and importing pregnant heifers and dairy cattle to boost productivity.
  • Modernizing Milk Collection: Efforts to establish a modern, fresh milk collection system aim to improve supply chain issues and ensure a steady flow of fresh milk to processors.

An Import Surge Amidst Local Production Push: Algeria’s Evolving Dairy Dynamics

Recent figures show a rise in Algeria’s milk powder imports. In 2022, imports reached nearly 419,000 metric tons; by 2023, they increased to 440,000 metric tons—a 5% jump. This growth stems from lower international prices and Algeria’s improved economy. The drop in milk powder prices in late 2022 through 2023 boosted import volumes. 

Conversely, butter and cheese imports have declined over the past five years due to the government’s import controls and rising global prices. New Zealand remains the top butter supplier, but its exports to Algeria fell by 40% because of price fluctuations.

Foreign Investments: A New Chapter in Algeria’s Dairy Sector Transformation 

Recent foreign investments have breathed new life into Algeria’s dairy industry. Major Gulf dairy producers, Qatar’s Baladna and Saudi Arabia’s Almarai are planning substantial operations in the country.  

Baladna has struck a significant deal with Algeria’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to launch one of the world’s largest agricultural projects. The project aims to produce about 1.7 billion liters of milk annually. This will potentially meet 50% of Algeria’s powdered milk demand, reducing import reliance.  

With a $3.5 billion investment, this project is expected to create around 5,000 jobs and introduce 270,000 cows to supply over 85% of Algeria’s fresh milk needs. These investments are critical for Algeria to achieve more self-sufficiency in dairy production.  

These foreign investors bring capital, valuable expertise, advanced technologies, and modern farming practices. This aligns well with the government’s ongoing efforts to modernize and expand the dairy sector under its five-year plan initiated in 2020. 

These investments are expected to boost local dairy production, enhance quality standards, and reduce dependency on imported milk powder. The ripple effect extends beyond production, potentially transforming market dynamics and strengthening Algeria’s economic landscape.

Economic Resurgence Amidst Challenges: Algeria’s Path to Dairy-Driven Prosperity

Algeria’s economy is on the upswing but faces challenges. In 2023, the World Bank reported a 4.1% GDP growth, alongside high inflation at 9.3%. While GDP growth might slow in 2024 due to stagnant oil and agriculture sectors, a recovery is expected in 2025. The IMF values the national economy at around $200 billion. 

The dairy industry’s growth and foreign investments are pivotal for Algeria’s future. Modernizing the dairy sector aims to boost local milk production and create jobs. For instance, Baladna’s $3.5 billion project is expected to generate 5,000 jobs and house 270,000 cows, potentially covering over 85% of Algeria’s fresh milk needs. 

These comprehensive efforts focus on reducing import dependency, conserving foreign reserves, and promoting self-sufficiency. As these initiatives advance, the dairy sector’s growth will likely significantly bolster Algeria’s GDP, complementing the country’s modernization efforts.

The Bottom Line

Algeria’s dairy industry future looks brighter, thanks to solid government programs and rising foreign investments.  All these efforts signal a transformative shift towards self-sufficiency. Algeria is on the verge of reducing its import reliance and building a robust domestic dairy industry. It’s an excellent time for stakeholders to join this exciting journey!

Key Takeaways:

  • Algeria’s local milk production meets just over half of its annual consumption, with the remainder fulfilled by imported milk powder.
  • The government is pushing to reduce milk powder imports and encourage consumption of locally produced fresh milk.
  • Despite government incentives, Algeria still relies heavily on milk powder imports and faces issues in animal husbandry and feed management.
  • Significant subsidies and support are provided for dairy cattle breeders, milk collectors, and dairy processors.
  • Milk powder imports increased in 2022 and 2023, influenced by decreasing international prices and Algeria’s economic performance.
  • Foreign investment, especially from Gulf countries, is significantly boosting Algeria’s dairy sector, with major projects in the pipeline.
  • Algeria’s GDP grew by 4.1% in 2023, though challenges remain with inflation and stagnation in some sectors.
  • The future outlook for Algeria’s dairy industry suggests a move towards self-sufficiency and reduced reliance on imports.


Algeria is aiming to become a self-sufficient dairy powerhouse, despite high milk consumption rates. The Algerian government is modernizing and expanding the dairy sector, supported by foreign investors. Initiatives include boosting local milk production, subsidies for dairy farmers and processors, and partnerships with international dairy giants like Qatar’s Baladna and Saudi Arabia’s Almarai. In 2022, local fluid milk production was around 2.5 billion liters, meeting only half of the 4.5 billion liters needed annually. Cow’s milk accounts for 70% of this production, while sheep and goat milk also contribute. The government is implementing incentives and programs to boost domestic milk production, including subsidies for breeding and fodder, access to advanced breeding techniques, and investments in infrastructure. However, challenges remain, such as issues in animal husbandry and feed management, better genetics, and a modern milk collection system. The government is promoting camel and goat breeding in the Saharan regions to combat these issues.

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