Archive for supply chain disruptions

Why Dairy Prices Haven’t Soared Post-COVID Despite Rising Costs

Find out why dairy prices have stayed low after COVID even though costs are rising. Wondering what keeps dairy prices affordable while other food prices go up? Read on.

The COVID-19 epidemic has altered sectors, raising commodity prices, including beef and tomatoes. Despite this tendency, dairy prices have stayed relatively steady despite rising production costs for milk and cheese. Why aren’t dairy commodity prices growing at pace with rising costs? This is critical for dairy producers since it directly affects their livelihoods. Significant disruptions, such as labor shortages, increasing transportation costs, and rising feed prices, reduce profit margins. Consumer demand has moved, and supply chains continue to recover. While many industries have witnessed rising consumer costs, dairy remains an exception. This oddity deserves study because of its economic ramifications and potential to change dairy production. Why hasn’t the dairy sector seen similar price increases? This issue is critical to the sustainability and future of dairy production.

The Untold Struggles: Navigating the COVID-19 Turmoil in the Dairy Sector 

The COVID-19 epidemic brought about unprecedented challenges for the dairy sector, distinct from those faced by other industries. The closure of restaurants, schools, and food service businesses disrupted established supply networks, leaving farmers with excess production and decreased demand. Gallons of milk were wasted as processing factories experienced delays and logistical challenges. Labor shortages exacerbated the sector, as many workers were sick or had to be quarantined, lowering the labor required to manage herds and everyday operations.

Consumer demand fluctuated unexpectedly. Initial panic buying depleted grocery shelves of dairy goods, but unpredictable purchase habits quickly followed. Home consumption of milk, cheese, and butter increased, but overall unpredictability hampered forecasting and supply chain management.

Despite these challenges, the dairy sector has shown extraordinary resiliency. Farmers and processors reduced output levels, strengthened health procedures, and investigated direct-to-consumer sales methods. However, the pandemic revealed supply chain weaknesses, emphasizing the need for adaptive and resilient systems in the face of future disruptions.

Divergent Paths: Why Dairy Prices Remained Stable Compared to Meat and Produce 

Many significant aspects appear when analyzing price patterns of commodities such as meat and tomatoes with those of dairy products. The meat and vegetable industries encountered severe supply chain issues during and after COVID-19, such as labor shortages, transportation interruptions, and processing facility closures. These challenges caused bottlenecks, sometimes wholly stopping production, and the labor-intensive nature of these businesses meant that increasing costs translated straight into higher pricing.

Market demand factors also impacted these patterns. Perishable products such as meat and tomatoes saw higher availability changes, resulting in price volatility. On the other hand, dairy products provided a buffer against unexpected interruptions, maintaining prices despite growing input costs, thanks to their extended shelf life. Furthermore, constant domestic consumption rates of dairy products, particularly in the year’s second half, have contributed to stable demand and pricing.

Furthermore, the economic structure of dairy farming is distinct from that of meat production. Dairy producers often sign long-term contracts with processors and retailers, which include price stability provisions to counteract short-term market swings. This contrasts with the more volatile meat and vegetable markets, where acute supply and demand mismatches considerably impact pricing.

These essential distinctions explain why dairy prices have remained steady despite considerable economic changes and rising expenses.

The Safety Net: Government Interventions as Stabilizing Forces in the Dairy Sector 

When evaluating dairy price stability in the face of growing input costs and economic pressures, the importance of government intervention must be addressed. Government subsidies and assistance programs were critical during and after the epidemic, protecting farmers and consumers from the unpredictable price changes observed in other commodities. These solutions often involve direct financial assistance, minimum price support, and purchasing programs to help balance supply and demand. Export activities have also reduced surplus local supply, limiting sharp price decreases. The deliberate dairy product purchases by the government have also helped stabilize market prices, demonstrating the successful use of policy measures to assist the agriculture sector and guarantee that basic nutrition requirements are satisfied without putting excessive financial hardship on consumers.

Federal initiatives such as Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) provide a financial safety net when the difference between milk prices and feed costs is unprofitable. During the pandemic, supplemental help, such as the Coronavirus Food Assistance Programme (CFAP), ensured that dairy producers got critical financial assistance. These measures preserved dairy farmers’ incomes while ensuring consumer access to moderately priced dairy products.

The government’s deliberate dairy product purchases have also helped stabilize market prices. Large amounts of dairy goods were purchased and redistributed via food aid programs, eliminating excess from the market and ensuring steady pricing. Export aid has further protected the dairy sector from COVID-19-related economic problems.

In essence, these government actions have been critical in preserving the equilibrium of the dairy market, allowing dairy commodity prices to remain steady while other food costs skyrocket. This stability demonstrates the successful use of policy measures to assist the agriculture sector and guarantee that basic nutrition requirements are satisfied without putting excessive financial hardship on consumers.

Tech-Driven Stability: How Innovations Are Reshaping Modern Dairy Farming 

The dairy farming scene has changed dramatically due to ongoing technical improvements, critical in stabilizing dairy pricing in the face of rising input costs after COVID. Automated milking systems significantly increased operational efficiency, allowing farmers to handle more enormous herds with fewer personnel while lowering labor expenses.

Advances in feed technology enable more effective nutrient consumption, improving dairy cow health and output. Precision agricultural technology, such as sensors and GPS-guided equipment, improves water and fertilizer management while decreasing waste and expenses. Selective breeding produces cows with improved milk output and illness tolerance.

Energy-efficient methods and renewable energy sources, such as biogas and solar panels, help minimize energy expenditures while contributing to environmental sustainability. These technical developments provide a buffer, allowing dairy producers to withstand financial shocks without passing prices to consumers. These improvements assist in alleviating financial constraints on dairy producers, ensuring relative price stability even as other commodity prices rise.

Market Dynamics and Consumer Behavior: The Unique Resilience of Dairy Prices 

Market dynamics and customer behavior have been critical in understanding why dairy prices have remained consistent compared to other commodities such as meat and tomatoes.

Many things contribute to this:

  • First, customer preferences for milk, cheese, and butter have remained consistent. These home staples continue to be in high demand even during economic downturns. This constancy contrasts strongly with the volatile market for meat and tomatoes, driven by dietary trends and seasonal availability.
  • Inflation has risen by 3.7% since September (Bureau of Labor Statistics), prompting people to prioritize critical products. Dairy products, essential to diets, have maintained their position in shopping carts, keeping demand and pricing stable. In the face of economic challenges, this consumer behavior has been a significant factor in the dairy sector’s resilience. The dairy industry also benefits from stabilizing influences, such as government initiatives and technical improvements, which mitigate the effect of rising input prices. In contrast, the meat and vegetable markets are more volatile, with interruptions caused by cattle illnesses or low harvests.
  • Investigations into supermarket price fixing, which resulted in significant penalties, have shown practices that impact commodity pricing. Perishable items such as tomatoes and meat, which lack the regulatory frameworks of dairy, are severely affected.

In conclusion, despite rising input prices, customer devotion to dairy and robust market stability mechanisms have guaranteed dairy products’ distinctive pricing resilience.

Global Trade and Dairy: Navigating the Intricacies of an Interconnected Market 

Global commerce and export markets are essential in stabilizing dairy prices, which are impacted by international trade rules and competition. Tariffs and trade agreements directly influence dairy exports. Protectionist policies, although intended to safeguard home manufacturers, might result in retaliatory tariffs from trade partners, restricting export potential. For example, conflicts between the United States and significant dairy importers might hinder access to vital markets, boosting domestic supply and lowering prices.

Global rivalry also influences market dynamics. Major dairy exporters such as New Zealand and the European Union established global pricing standards. Their higher productivity and cheaper costs give them a competitive edge, challenging the profitability of US dairy goods in overseas markets. As a result, US manufacturers must innovate to stay cost-effective and appealing to international consumers.

Fluctuating global demand brings both risks and possibilities. Economic downturns in important importing nations may diminish global dairy demand, lowering prices. On the other hand, rising wealth in developing economies can increase demand and provide development prospects. The supply chain’s capacity to adjust to these changes may stabilize or destabilize dairy prices.

Currency exchange rates can have a significant impact. A high US currency makes American dairy goods more costly abroad, lowering competitiveness. At the same time, a weaker dollar might boost export appeal while increasing input costs for farmers who depend on imports.

Combining global trade rules, competition, demand variations, and currency values creates both hazards and possibilities. Dairy farmers and producers must manage these complications to keep prices stable, illustrating the complexity of the global dairy system.

The Bottom Line

The stability of dairy costs under COVID contrasts dramatically with the significant increases in meat and tomatoes. Government action, technical improvements, consumer behavior, and global commerce contributed to this stability. Government safety nets mitigated shocks, while technical advancements increased efficiency. Consumers’ need for value sustained demand, but international commerce helped the industry weather economic crises. The dairy business must embrace innovation and sustainability to reduce future instability. The resilience of dairy farmers will be critical in managing future uncertainty and sustaining the sector’s profitability.

Key Takeaways:

  • Input Costs vs. Retail Prices: Despite the increased input costs for dairy farmers, retail prices for dairy products have not seen a commensurate rise.
  • Government Interventions: Government policies and subsidies have played a critical role in stabilizing dairy prices, providing a buffer against market volatility.
  • Technological Advancements: Innovations in dairy farming have enhanced efficiency and productivity, mitigating some of the pressures from rising input costs.
  • Consumer Behavior: Consistent consumer demand for dairy products has helped maintain price stability, unlike the more volatile demand patterns seen in meat and produce markets.
  • Global Trade Dynamics: The interconnected nature of the global dairy market has also contributed to the relatively stable pricing, balancing supply and demand more effectively.


The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the dairy sector, leading to increased commodity prices and supply chain disruptions. These include labor shortages, transportation costs, and rising feed prices, which reduce profit margins. Despite these challenges, dairy prices have remained relatively stable compared to meat and produce. The pandemic caused the closure of restaurants, schools, and food service businesses, disrupting supply networks and leaving farmers with excess production and decreased demand. Processing factories experienced delays and logistical challenges, while labor shortages exacerbated the sector. Despite initial panic buying and unpredictable purchase habits, the dairy sector has shown extraordinary resilience, with farmers and processors reducing output levels, strengthening health procedures, and investigating direct-to-consumer sales methods. Dairy prices remain stable compared to meat and produce due to factors such as extended shelf life, distinct economic structure, government interventions, and technological advancements.

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Navigating the Waves: Dairy Producers Defy Challenges to Keep Barns Full Amid Soaring Milk Prices and Adverse Conditions

Learn how dairy producers are managing high milk prices and tough conditions to keep their barns full. Can they keep milk production steady despite these challenges?

Producers are making significant efforts to preserve their herds, often lowering milk yield standards to avoid slaughter. This collective action has led to the lowest dairy cow slaughter rates in eight years, indicating a shared commitment to increase herd sizes and milk output. However, external pressures such as severe weather and avian influenza pose additional challenges to this collective quest. 

With the prospect of tightening milk supplies and reduced production, the dairy industry is entering a crucial period. The coming months will serve as a litmus test for the resilience and ingenuity of dairy producers across the nation. We invite you to delve deeper into the challenges they’ve overcome and the strategies they’re employing to navigate these turbulent times.

A Remarkable Feat: Dairy Producers Innovate to Sustain Herd Sizes Amid Soaring Milk Prices

MonthSpringer Prices (2023)Springer Prices (2022)

Dairy producers have demonstrated remarkable resilience in maintaining herd sizes despite soaring milk prices. They have invested over $3,000 in springers, a testament to their commitment to high-quality replacements. By adjusting milk yield standards, they have managed to retain more cows in the herd, avoiding the financial impact of sending them to the packer despite record-high beef prices. 

MonthCull Rate (2024)Cull Rate (2023)

This strategic move led to a significant drop in dairy cow slaughter rates, with only 216,100 heads culled in May—an eight-year low. The decreased cull rates boosted herd numbers. The USDA’s Milk Production report revised April estimates upwards by 5,000 heads, and May saw an additional expansion by another 5,000 heads. Consequently, the U.S. milk parlors housed 9.35 million cows in May, the highest count in seven months, though still 68,000 head fewer than in May 2023.

USDA’s Revised Estimates Highlight Complexities in Dairy Sector Dynamics 

The USDA’s latest Milk Production report, a comprehensive analysis of milk production, supply, and demand in the United States, brings new insights into the dairy sector. The revised estimate for April shows an increase of 5,000 head in the milk cow herd despite a slight decline from March. The herd grew by another 5,000 in May, totaling 9.35 million cows—the highest count in seven months but still 68,000 fewer than in May 2023. 

MonthMilk Production (Billion Pounds)Year-over-Year Change (%)

Milk output, however, presents a less encouraging picture. April’s production was adjusted to a 0.6% decline, and May followed suit with a 0.9% year-over-year decrease, dropping to 19.68 billion pounds. 

These figures highlight the challenges facing the dairy industry. Even with herd growth, heat waves and avian influenza undermine yields. This could tighten milk supplies and increase prices, emphasizing the need for adaptive strategies in this volatile market.

Heat Waves and Avian Influenza Compound Pressures on Dairy Producers 

Adverse conditions have taken a toll on milk yields, exacerbating dairy producers’ challenges. The heat wave sweeping through California, the Southwest, and parts of the eastern United States has subjected the dairy herd to significant thermal stress. Record-high overnight temperatures in Florida and the Northeast further hampered milk production. Dairy cows, sensitive to heat, generally eat less and produce less milk when temperatures soar, making it difficult for producers to maintain output levels. Similarly, the spread of avian influenza has reduced herd health, necessitated increased biosecurity measures, and decreased milk quality, further adding to the strain on production capabilities.

While Idaho was spared from the intense heat, it faced its own battle with avian influenza, leading to a significant year-over-year drop in milk output. The state’s milk production fell by 0.6% in May, starkly contrasting the 0.3% gain in April. 

These challenges resulted in a nationwide decline in milk yields and total output. National average milk yields fell below prior-year levels, with total milk production dipping to 19.68 billion pounds in May, a 0.9% reduction from the previous year. The USDA revised its estimate for April milk output to show a 0.6% decline, up from the initially reported 0.4% deficit. These factors underscore adverse conditions’ significant impact on dairy production nationwide.

Worsening Conditions Signal Tightening Milk Supplies Ahead 

As we look ahead, the dairy industry’s adaptability will be crucial as milk supplies could significantly tighten due to worsening conditions. The persistent heat wave in key dairy regions and the spread of avian influenza are adding strain to production capabilities. However, the industry’s ability to navigate these adverse conditions and maintain a stable supply chain instills confidence in its resilience. 

MonthNDM Price ($/lb)SMP Price ($/lb)
December 20221.101.12
January 20231.151.14
February 20231.181.17
March 20231.201.19
April 20231.221.21
May 20231.2051.23

This tightening of milk supplies is already impacting milk powder production. As liquid milk availability diminishes, so does the capacity to produce milk powder. This constraint is evident in the market, with CME spot nonfat dry milk(NDM) prices hitting a four-month high at $1.205 per pound. The market recognizes that the looming supply shortage and upward pressure on NDM prices will likely persist. 

The combined effects of climatic challenges and disease outbreaks highlight the precarious state of the dairy supply chain. Producers are preparing for a tough summer, where every pound of milk is crucial for meeting demand and stabilizing market prices. Navigating these tumultuous times will be critical to the industry’s resilience and adaptability.

A Seismic Shift: China’s Domestic Milk Production Transforms Global Dairy Markets

YearMilk Production (billion pounds)

China’s significant increase in domestic milk production over the past five years, adding roughly 23 billion pounds, has had a profound impact on global dairy prices. This surge is equivalent to the combined annual output of Texas and Idaho, underscoring the global reach of the dairy industry and the need for producers to stay informed about international market dynamics. 

Data from last month underscores this trend: whole milk powder (WMP) imports fell by 33% from May 2023, the lowest May figure since 2017. Skim milk powder (SMP) imports plummeted 52% year-over-year, the lightest since 2016. The year-to-date milk powder imports are the slowest in nine years, prompting dairy processors to focus more on cheese production and broaden their market reach. 

While China’s increased milk production hasn’t significantly affected whey imports, local factors like declining birth rates and financial challenges in the hog industry have lessened demand for whey in infant formula and animal feed. As a result, Chinese whey imports dropped by 9.4% last month compared to May 2023. The U.S. provided much of this supply, but the market’s slower growth has led to reduced overall volumes.

Dynamic Domestic Demand for High-Protein Whey and the Ripple Effects in the Dairy Market

Domestic demand for high-protein whey has been pivotal in maintaining dry whey inventories and stabilizing prices. Even with reduced exports to China, the U.S. market’s vital need for nutritional supplements and food ingredients has kept the demand high. This has prevented a surplus, helping prices hold firm. CME spot dry whey remains at 47ȼ, underscoring this consistent support. 

Meanwhile, the intense heat has boosted ice cream sales, tightening cream supplies. This shift has slowed butter churning as more cream goes into ice cream production. Yet, butter demand stays strong, and prices are stable. At the Global Dairy Trade (GDT) auction, CME spot butter prices ended the week at $3.09. These trends show how weather impacts dairy product segments and market behaviors.

Cheese Price Challenges: Navigating Domestic Demand and Global Market Dynamics

MonthCheddar BlocksCheddar Barrels

The recent dip in cheese prices highlights the complexities of market balance. Despite strong domestic demand, securing new export sales has been challenging, with prices close to $2, making U.S. cheese-less competitive globally. This week, CME spot Cheddar blocks dropped 12.5ȼ to $1.845, and barrels fell to $1.92. 

This pricing slump has rippled through the futures market, affecting Class III and IV values. The June Class III contract fell 81ȼ to $19.86 per cwt, while fourth-quarter contracts increased slightly, indicating mixed market sentiments. Class IV futures remained steady, averaging $21.43, showing bullish expectations amid the current market challenges.

Weather Extremes and Market Sentiments: Navigating the Grain Market’s Unpredictable Terrain

MonthCorn Futures ($ per bushel)Soybean Meal Futures ($ per ton)Key Influences
January$4.75$370.00Winter conditions, pre-planting speculation
February$4.65$365.00More favorable weather outlooks
March$4.50$360.00Spring planting preparations
April$4.60$355.00Initial planting progress reports
May$4.40$350.00Heavy rains, mixed planting progress
June$4.35$362.50Flood issues in Midwest, market correction

The grain market faces weather challenges and market reactions this season. A wet spring boosted soil moisture in the Corn Belt, setting the stage for solid crop growth. However, heavy rains west of the Mississippi River have caused oversaturation and flooding fields in Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, and Minnesota. This excess moisture, now a concern, hampers fieldwork and threatens crops. 

In contrast, the eastern regions have seen hot and dry conditions. Initially, this was good for crops, but persistent heat is now stressing them, potentially affecting yields if it continues. 

Despite these adverse conditions, grain markets remain surprisingly calm. July corn futures have dipped by 13 cents to $4.35 per bushel, and December contracts hit a four-month low at $4.53. Conversely, July soybean meal prices have risen, reaching $362.50 per ton. This reveals agricultural markets’ intricate and often unpredictable nature, where traders and producers constantly adapt to changing conditions and signals.

The Bottom Line

Dairy producers have shown remarkable resilience as milk prices soar. Despite record-high beef prices, they’ve kept herd sizes steady, investing in springers and reducing cull rates to combat the challenges posed by rising costs. The USDA’s data revision underscores slight expansions in the dairy herd, but producers are under pressure from a heat wave and avian influenza, affecting yields and supply. 

With worsening conditions, milk supplies are tightening, influencing milk powder production and prices. China’s significant boost in domestic milk production has reshaped global markets, making the landscape competitive for dairy exporters. Domestically, demand for high-protein whey remains strong, while cheese prices struggle despite robust demand, revealing a complex market environment. 

Extreme weather and fluctuating grain markets add to the industry’s challenges. Strategic adjustments in herd management, leveraging domestic solid demand for certain products, and adapting to global changes will be crucial. Dairy producers’ ability to innovate and respond to these challenges will determine their success and sustainability.

Key Takeaways:

  • Dairy producers paid $3,000 or more for springers to keep their barns full amidst soaring milk prices.
  • The dairy cow slaughter rate dropped to an eight-year low in May, with just 216,100 head being culled.
  • The USDA reported a 5,000 head increase in the April milk-cow herd estimate and a further 5,000 head rise in May.
  • Despite heightened efforts, national average milk yields dipped below prior-year volumes, with overall milk output dropping by 0.9% year-over-year to 19.68 billion pounds.
  • Heat waves and avian influenza exacerbated the situation, particularly affecting dairy operations in Idaho and many parts of the United States.
  • China’s increased domestic milk production has significantly reduced its reliance on imports, impacting global dairy product prices and competition.
  • Although Chinese whey imports declined, domestic demand for high-protein whey in the U.S. remains strong, keeping prices firm.
  • Ice cream demand due to hot weather has tightened cream supplies and slowed butter churning, keeping butter prices robust while cheese prices faced a decline.
  • Weather conditions have varied widely, with floods in the Corn Belt and heat stress on crops in the east, affecting grain market sentiments.


The dairy sector is facing a surge in milk prices due to increased demand, supply chain disruptions, and consumer preferences. Producers are lowering milk yield standards to preserve herds, leading to the lowest dairy cow slaughter rates in eight years. However, external pressures like severe weather and avian influenza pose additional challenges. The USDA’s Milk Production report shows an increase in the milk cow herd, but milk output is less encouraging. The dairy industry’s adaptability is crucial as milk supplies could tighten due to worsening conditions. The market is also facing a shortage of nonfat dry milk (NDM) and skim milk powder (SMP) imports, with China’s domestic milk production significantly impacting global dairy prices. Domestic demand for high-protein whey is pivotal in maintaining dry whey inventories and stabilizing prices. The grain market faces weather challenges and market reactions, but grain markets remain calm.

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Unexpected Trends in the U.S. Dairy Industry: Fluid Milk Sales and Cheese Exports Rise Amid Steady Decline in Milk Production

Discover why U.S. fluid milk sales and cheese exports are surging despite a decline in production. How is this shift impacting the dairy market? Read more to find out.

person using MacBook pro

Unexpectedly for the U.S. dairy business, fluid milk sales and cheese exports are rising even as milk output steadily declines. Adjusting for the leap year, fluid milk sales jumped by about 100 million pounds in the first four months of the year over the previous year. Cheese exports concurrently reach a record 8.7 percent of total output from February to April, the most ever for any three months or even one month. These unexpected patterns can be attributed to a variety of factors, including changing consumer preferences, global market dynamics, and technological advancements in dairy production. The wider consequences for the dairy industry, such as shifts in market share and potential economic impacts, are also investigated in this paper.

Despite the challenges of falling milk output, the U.S. dairy industry is demonstrating remarkable resilience with the rise in fluid milk and cheese exports. This unexpected trend holds promising implications for producers and consumers, instilling a sense of hope and optimism in the industry.

As the dairy industry negotiates these changes, fast rises in cheese prices have significantly raised the Class III price, underlining the market’s reaction. Examine the elements underlying these patterns and the possible long-term effects on domestic consumption and foreign commerce.

A Surprising Rebound: Fluid Milk Sales Surge Amid Shifting Consumer Preferences

MonthFluid Milk Sales (million pounds)
May 20224,500
June 20224,450
July 20224,470
August 20224,480
September 20224,460
October 20224,490
November 20224,500
December 20224,510
January 20234,520
February 20234,530
March 20234,550
April 20234,600

With a roughly 100 million pound gain and a 0.7 percent leap year-adjusted surge, this unprecedented spike in fluid milk sales highlights a dramatic change in consumer behavior. Rising health awareness and the availability of dairy substitutes have usually been causing fluid milk intake to drop. But this increase might point to changing market dynamics or fresh enthusiasm for milk’s nutritious value.

Dairy ProductChange in Consumption (Percentage)
Fluid Milk+0.7%
American Cheese-1.2%
Non-American Cheeses+1.5%
Ice Cream-1.0%

The changes in domestic dairy consumption create a complicated scene for the American dairy business. While butter, ice cream, and American cheese consumption have dropped, fluid milk sales may have increased due to changing habits or knowledge of nutritional value. Growing worries about health, animal welfare, and environmental damage define this downturn.

On the other hand, demand for yogurt and non-American cheeses has surged. Yogurt’s probiotics and health advantages attract health-conscious customers. Non-American cheeses benefit from their superior quality, appeal to refined tastes, and clean-label tendencies.

This difference draws attention to shifting customer demands and the need for dairy farmers to adjust. Stakeholders trying to seize market possibilities in a dynamic economic environment must first understand these trends.

American Cheese Exports Set New Record: A Game-Changer for the U.S. Dairy Market

The U.S. dairy market has witnessed a notable shift in export trends over the past year, which can largely be attributed to evolving global demand and intensified trade relations. Cheese exports, in particular, have set new benchmarks, reflecting both opportunities and challenges in the international marketplace. Below is a detailed table outlining the changes in cheese exports over the past year: 

MonthCheese Exports (Million Pounds)Year-over-Year Change (%)
January 2023605.2%
February 2023584.9%
March 2023657.5%
April 2023709.8%
May 20237211.1%
June 2023688.3%
July 20237510.7%
August 20238012.5%
September 20237811.4%
October 20238213.2%
November 20238514.1%
December 20238815.3%
  • Key Export Markets: Japan, Mexico, South Korea
  • Emerging Opportunities: Southeast Asia, Middle East
  • Challenges: Trade policies, supply chain disruptions

With 8.7% of total output moving abroad, the United States saw an increase in cheese exports between February and April. This fantastic number emphasizes the increasing worldwide market for American cheese. The milestone points to a change in the strategic emphasis of the U.S. dairy sector as producers show their capacity to meet and surpass the demands of foreign markets, therefore implying a future in which exports will be more important economically.

Milk Production Plunge: Unpacking the Multifaceted Decline in the U.S. Dairy Sector 

In examining the shifting landscape of the U.S. dairy market, it’s imperative to consider the nuances in milk productiontrends that have unfolded over the past year. These trends highlight the recent downturn in production and provide a lens through which we can better understand the broader dynamics at play. 

MonthMilk Production (billion pounds)% Change (Year-over-Year)
April 202218.1-0.4%
March 202217.9-0.5%
February 202216.0-0.6%
January 202217.5-0.7%
December 202117.7-0.8%
November 202116.8-0.9%
October 202116.9-1.0%
September 202116.0-1.1%
August 202118.0-1.2%
July 202118.2-1.3%
June 202117.8-1.4%
May 202118.1-1.5%

Adjusting for the leap year, the continuous reduction in U.S. milk production—0.4 percent in April—has lasted 10 months. For the dairy sector, this development begs serious questions.

Many factors are driving this slump. First, dairy farmers have been under pressure from changing consumer tastes that influence demand. Growing demand for plant-based and dairy substitutes is reshaping the market share controlled initially by cow’s milk. Furthermore, changing customer behavior and ethical and environmental issues influence production levels.

The low cow count raises yet another critical question. Modern and conventional dairy states have battled dwindling or stagnating cow numbers. Growth patterns in cow counts have slowed dramatically in contemporary dairy states since 2008; some years even show reductions. This has lowered milk availability, together with a volatile macroeconomic backdrop.

Dairy farmers also face many operational difficulties, such as supply chain interruptions, personnel shortages, and the need for fresh technologies. These problems tax the industry’s ability to sustain past output levels even as manufacturers seek creative ideas.

Dealing with these entwined problems would help to stop the drop in output and guarantee the resilience and sustainability of the American dairy market against changing consumer tastes and financial uncertainty.

Turbulent Trends: How Consumer Values and Supply Chain Challenges Propelled Cheese Prices Skyward

The past year has witnessed significant fluctuations in the dairy market, with particular emphasis on cheese prices, which have experienced rapid increases. This section breaks down the price trends over the past year to provide a comprehensive understanding of the market dynamics. 

MonthClass III Milk Price (per cwt)Cheese Price (per lb)Butter Price (per lb)
May 2022$25.21$2.29$2.68
June 2022$24.33$2.21$2.65
July 2022$22.52$2.00$2.61
August 2022$20.10$1.95$2.50
September 2022$21.86$2.10$2.55
October 2022$21.15$2.03$2.53
November 2022$20.72$2.01$2.60
December 2022$21.55$2.05$2.58
January 2023$20.25$1.98$2.55
February 2023$18.67$1.85$2.50
March 2023$19.97$1.92$2.55
April 2023$20.25$2.01$2.52
May 2023$23.30$2.35$2.70

Many complex elements reflecting more significant market dynamics drove the increase in cheese prices throughout May. The dairy sector has seen a paradigm change as consumer tastes center on health, environmental issues, and animal welfare more and more. These higher ethical standards call for more rigorous behavior, which drives manufacturing costs. A turbulent macroeconomic climate, ongoing supply chain interruptions, and workforce difficulties further limit cheese supplies. Cheese prices skyrocketed as demand for premium dairy products continued locally and abroad, and supply ran low.

The May Class III price, which rose by $3.05/cwt from the previous month, was substantially affected by this price increase. Primarily representing the worth of milk used for cheese manufacture, the Class III price is a benchmark for the larger dairy market. This sharp rise emphasizes how sensitive commodity prices are to quick changes in specific sectors, stressing the cheese market’s importance in the national dairy economy. Dairy farmers must balance growing expenses with remaining profitable while meeting changing customer expectations.

The Bottom Line

The surprising surge in fluid milk sales and record-breaking cheese exports within the changing terrain of the U.S. dairy industry contrasts sharply with the continuous drop in milk output. The 0.7 percent rise in milk sales points to a change in consumer behavior, motivated by a fresh enthusiasm for classic dairy products. On the other hand, American cheese’s demand internationally has skyrocketed; 8.7% of output is exported, suggesting great worldwide demand and a possible new income source for home producers.

Adjusting for the leap year, the consistently declining milk output—now at ten straight months of year-over-year decline—showcases important production sector issues probably related to feed price volatility and long-term changes in dairy farming techniques. Reflecting these supply restrictions and shifting market dynamics, the substantial rise in cheese prices fuels a significant increase in the May Class III price.

These entwined tendencies point to both possibilities and challenges for American dairy farmers, implying a tricky balancing act between satisfying home demand, profiting from foreign markets, and negotiating manufacturing efficiency and cost control.

Key Takeaways:

In an evolving landscape marked by shifting consumer preferences and unprecedented export achievements, the U.S. dairy market has experienced stark contrasts in its fluid milk sales, cheese exports, and milk production. Below are the key takeaways from these recent developments: 

  • U.S. fluid milk sales rose by nearly 100 million pounds, or 0.7% on a leap year-adjusted basis, during the first four months of this year.
  • While domestic consumption of most major dairy products decreased, yogurt and non-American types of cheese saw increased domestic demand.
  • A record 8.7% of total U.S. cheese production was exported between February and April, marking an all-time high for this period.
  • April 2023 witnessed a 0.4% decline in U.S. milk production compared to April 2022, continuing a ten-month trend of lower year-on-year production figures.
  • Cheese prices surged in May, driving the May Class III price up by $3.05 per hundredweight from the previous month.


The U.S. dairy industry has experienced a significant increase in fluid milk sales and cheese exports, despite declining milk output. Fluid milk sales jumped by about 100 million pounds in the first four months of the year, while cheese exports reached a record 8.7% of total output from February to April. This unexpected trend can be attributed to changing consumer preferences, global market dynamics, and technological advancements in dairy production. The wider consequences for the dairy industry include shifts in market share and potential economic impacts. Despite these challenges, the U.S. dairy industry is demonstrating remarkable resilience with the rise in fluid milk and cheese exports. This trend holds promising implications for producers and consumers, instilling a sense of hope and optimism in the industry. However, as the dairy industry negotiates these changes, fast rises in cheese prices have significantly raised the Class III price, underlining the market’s reaction. American cheese exports set a new record for the U.S. dairy market, reflecting both opportunities and challenges in the international marketplace. Addressing these entwined problems would help prevent the drop in output and guarantee the resilience and sustainability of the American dairy market against changing consumer tastes and financial uncertainty.

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For further insights into this evolving landscape, consider exploring the following articles: 

Living Amid Conflict: The True Stories of Ukrainian Dairy Farmers During War

Explore the unwavering resilience of Ukrainian dairy farmers as they battle to sustain their livelihoods and communities amidst the throes of war. Unearth the real stories behind their relentless perseverance.

An employee works with some of the cows that survived the bombing at the Agrosvit farm, where 2,000 of the 3,000 animals died.

An employee works with some of the cows that survived the bombing at the Agrosvit farm, where 2,000 of the 3,000 animals died.

As artillery fire and air raid sirens become the unsettling soundtrack of Ukrainian life, the ongoing conflict remains inescapable for every citizen. Ukraine has endured a relentless war since early 2014, following Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the ensuing battles in Donetsk and Luhansk. This prolonged strife has deeply scarred the nation’s economy and society, particularly in its agricultural heartlands. 

Dairy farming is a critical component of Ukraine’s rural economy. Despite constant threats, thousands of dairy farmers work diligently to maintain their livelihoods and support their communities. For many, dairy farming is a generational legacy—a testament to resilience amidst chaos. 

“In the face of adversity, dairy farming remains a steadfast pillar of our economy and a symbol of our enduring spirit,” remarks Oleksiy, a third-generation dairy farmer from the Chernihiv region.

The significance of agriculture in Ukraine cannot be overstated: 

  • Economic Contribution: Agriculture accounts for over 10% of Ukraine’s GDP, with dairy farming as a key player.
  • Employment: The sector employs nearly 17% of the nation’s workforce, providing livelihoods to millions.
  • Food Security: Domestic dairy production is crucial for meeting the nutritional needs of rural populations.

The experiences of Ukrainian dairy farmers during this tumultuous period reveal their resilience and highlight their essential role in sustaining the economy and rural life.

The Storied Legacy and Modern Evolution of Ukrainian Dairy Farming

Ukraine’s fertile lands and favorable climate have long made it an ideal region for dairy farming. Historically, this sector has combined traditional practices with modern techniques, playing a significant role in both the local and national economy. Small, family-owned farms have coexisted with large, state-run enterprises, especially during the Soviet era, characterized by collective farming and centralized control. Following Ukraine’s independence in 1991, the dairy sector saw reforms aimed at decentralization and privatization, paving the way for private investment and modernization. 

Dairy farms operate within a robust supply chain encompassing milk collection, processing, and distribution, addressing both domestic and export needs. This industry was crucial for rural livelihoods and contributed significantly to the national GDP. It provided essential nutrition, generated employment in rural areas, and underscored its importance to food security and economic stability. Agricultural policies and subsidies often supported dairy farmers, helping them to overcome market fluctuations and ensure a steady supply of dairy products

Ukrainian dairy products, known for their quality, were exported globally, further highlighting the sector’s significance. Before the war, dairy farming in Ukraine was on an upward trajectory with improvements in productivity, technological advancements, and expanded access to international markets. However, the war has disrupted this progress, forcing the industry to adapt rapidly to survive. The historical resilience and crucial role of dairy farming in Ukraine’s economy underline its vital importance as it navigates the current crisis.

YearTotal Dairy Herd (Head)Milk Production (Million Tons)Number of Operational Dairy FarmsExport Volume (Million USD)
2022 (Pre-War)1,850,0009.823,500640
2022 (Post-War)1,750,0007.515,000450
2023 (Estimated)1,700,0007.014,000400

The Impact of the Ongoing Conflict on Daily Operations for Dairy Farmers in Ukraine 

The ongoing conflict has wreaked havoc on daily operations for Ukrainian dairy farmers. Supply chain disruptions have substantially reduced the availability of feed, veterinary supplies, and essential equipment. Transportation issues, coupled with fuel shortages, force farms to operate with heightened urgency and resourcefulness. 

Infrastructure damage, especially in northern and northeastern Ukraine, has compounded these challenges. Essential roads and bridges have been targeted, causing delays and halts in movement. The attacks on energy infrastructure necessitate the use of generators and fuel reserves, which are only temporary solutions. This has drastically compromised the reliable energy supply needed for milking machines, refrigeration, and overall operations. 

Long-term effects are grim. Extensive infrastructure damage may take years to repair. Many dairy processors have shut down, leading to a surplus of raw milk and economic losses. The war has caused a significant decline in the dairy herd, with estimates indicating a drop of over 100,000 head. Additionally, millions of refugees have decreased domestic demand for milk. 

Maintaining livestock under these conditions is extremely challenging. The strain on farm workers, both physical and psychological, is immense. Farmers are exploring sustainable energy solutions like biogas plants to maintain operations. These efforts are crucial for survival and building a resilient, sustainable agricultural future in a war-torn landscape.

Sergei Yatsenko displays ammunition left by the Russians after their month-long occupation of the farm.

Amid the Turbulence of Conflict, Stories from Ukrainian Dairy Farmers Paint a Vivid Picture of Resilience and Fortitude 

Amid the turbulence, Ukrainian dairy farmers’ stories showcase resilience and fortitude. Anatoliy, a third-generation farmer in Chernihiv, recalls harrowing nights enveloped by artillery sounds. “Explosions became routine,” he says. “Sheltered at night, my thoughts were with the cows—their comfort, their safety.” Despite the threat, Anatoliy’s team maintained operations using generators and fuel reserves. 

Near Kharkiv, Olena manages a modest dairy farm, struggling with supply shortages and disrupted routines. “Finding feed was a nightmare,” she recalls. “Usual routes were cut off; each supply run was a gamble.” Staff mobilized for these runs, minimizing feed wastage. Despite their efforts, the conflict’s emotional toll is evident. “There’s always fear—for our safety, for our animals, for our future,” Olena shares. 

In western Ukraine, Ivan’s farm near Lviv faces herd reduction due to strained resources and disrupted export markets. “We had to make heartbreaking decisions,” Ivan explains. “Selling animals wasn’t just financial; it was personal.” Ivan’s farm is exploring sustainable solutions like biogas production to secure the future. 

These accounts highlight Ukrainian dairy farmers’ resilience, adaptive strategies, and emotional burdens. Each story underscores their unwavering resolve to protect livelihoods and sustain an essential sector amidst war.

The Heart-Warming and Heart-Wrenching Daily Lives of Children on Ukrainian Dairy Farms 

As the sun rises over Ukraine’s fields, the sounds of cows and children at work reveal a story both heart-warming and heart-wrenching. Amid ongoing conflict, children of dairy farmers find purpose in daily routines: gathering eggs, feeding calves, and milking—all with the war’s threat looming. In this setting, they learn resilience, hope, and community strength. 

“I remember the first time I helped my father milk the cows during a night raid,” says Anna, a 12-year-old dairy farmer’s daughter. “We were scared, but we couldn’t let the cows go without being milked. My father told me, ‘No matter how dark it gets, we have to look after them because they look after us.'”

Despite the constant danger, farm chores offer normalcy. Tasks like churning butter or planting seeds provide solace. For children like Anna, these chores are not just duties but rituals that anchor the family in a chaotic world. 

  • Learning Responsibility: Daily tasks teach children the importance of responsibility, with their actions directly impacting the family’s well-being.
  • Building Resilience: Facing daily adversity, children grow up quickly, learning to balance fear with courage and turn challenges into strengths.
  • Nurturing Hope: Working with their parents, they learn lessons of hope and perseverance. Even in bleak moments, signs of new life reignite optimism.

Ultimately, these children are not just witnesses to their parents’ struggles but key participants in a narrative of strength and hope. In moments of shared laughter and bedtime stories that drown out distant gunfire, they find a semblance of normalcy. Their lives testify to the unwavering spirit of Ukrainian dairy farming families who nurture life for future generations, threading hope into each day. 

Halyna Borysenko waits to milk cows at the KramAgroSvit dairy farm in Dmytrivka, Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine. One of the last working dairy farms in Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region is doing everything it can to stay afloat amid Russia’s devastating war where not even the cows are safe. “The animals are acting differently, they’re scared just like we are,” she said “They just can’t say it out loud.” (AP Photo/David Goldman)

A Financial Maelstrom: Navigating Economic Turbulence Amidst Conflict

The economic challenges faced by Ukrainian dairy farmers amid the ongoing conflict are severe. Fluctuating milk prices destabilize an already fragile industry. The war disrupts supply chains, causing inconsistencies in pricing and making it hard for farmers to sustain operations. Loss of domestic and international markets, compounded by reduced export opportunities and the interruption of the Black Sea Grain Initiative (BSGI), has left farmers with an oversupply of raw milk and a reduced ability to process or export it. 

Rising costs for feed and veterinary care add to the financial strain. Infrastructure damage hinders transportation, making feed logistics expensive and challenging. Veterinary services have become pricier and scarcer, forcing farmers to cut herd sizes, which in turn reduces milk production capacity. 

Government and international aid have tried to alleviate these economic hardships with financial subsidies and emergency relief programs. However, the scale of the conflict often renders these measures insufficient. International aid has provided monetary support and critical supplies, but ongoing conflict and infrastructure damage have hindered full recovery and stabilization. Farmers continue to navigate an uncertain landscape where new challenges emerge daily.

Halyna Borysenko secures cows in their stalls for milking at the KramAgroSvit dairy farm in Dmytrivka, Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine. One of the last working dairy farms in Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region is doing everything it can to stay afloat amid Russia’s devastating war where not even the cows are safe. “The animals are acting differently, they’re scared just like we are,” she said “They just can’t say it out loud.” (AP Photo/David Goldman)

Innovative Adaptations Amid Relentless Adversity: The Resilient Spirit of Ukrainian Dairy Farmers 

Ukrainian dairy farmers have shown remarkable adaptability amid relentless adversity. The conflict has forced them to adopt novel farming practices and develop community-driven support systems. These changes highlight the resilience of the Ukrainian spirit. 

Farmers had to rethink almost every aspect of their operations. Reducing feed wastage has become crucial due to disrupted supply chains. Biogas plants are also gaining traction, providing sustainable energy and reducing reliance on unstable energy infrastructures. 

Damaged transport networks and restricted export routes have created logistical nightmares, pushing farmers to find creative solutions. Teams manage supply runs, often involving coordination across conflict zones, showcasing community resilience. Local support and collective resources are essential in maintaining operational continuity. 

Community support systems have emerged, offering resources, advocacy, and solidarity. Local cooperatives and farmer associations play critical roles in supporting farmers, underscoring the importance of social unity for agricultural resilience. 

In summary, the Ukrainian dairy farming community has dynamically adapted to the challenges of war. Through revised practices, innovative solutions, and strong community networks, they set an inspiring example of resilience and adaptability amid profound disruption.

Living Amidst the Relentless Backdrop of Armed Conflict: The Psychological Struggles of Ukrainian Dairy Farmers 

Living amidst the relentless backdrop of armed conflict, Ukrainian dairy farmers and their families face profound psychological challenges. The constant threat of shelling, aerial attacks, and operational uncertainties elevate stress levels. Anxiety looms as farmers strive to maintain their livelihoods and ensure their loved ones’ safety. 

The trauma extends beyond physical danger to include the emotional toll of witnessing devastation. Children are particularly vulnerable, exposed to violent imagery and the upheaval of stable lives. This collective trauma has far-reaching repercussions on community mental health. 

Farmers grapple with isolation, worsened by disrupted communication channels and fractured community fabric. Nevertheless, the resilience of the Ukrainian spirit shines through. Mutual support within farming communities, local psychological aid initiatives, and telehealth services provide critical lifelines. NGOs deliver mental health assistance, incorporating trauma-informed care and resilience-building activities. 

Coping strategies vary. Some find solace in agricultural routines, while others lean on family and community support, mindfulness practices, and community programs. Sustainable initiatives like biogas plants not only bolster financial stability but also offer psychological hope. These efforts fortify the mental and emotional fabric of Ukrainian dairy farming communities, exemplifying a determination to endure and rebuild.

Oleksandr Piatachenko pauses for a moment from sweeping hay at the KramAgroSvit dairy farm in Dmytrivka, Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine. “If there were no farming, there would be no work. There isn’t any public transport or buses around. You just can’t go and find a new job even if you want to,” said Piatachenko. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

Looking Ahead: Navigating Challenges and Embracing Cautious Optimism in Ukraine’s Dairy Farming Sector 

Looking ahead, the prospects for dairy farming in Ukraine mix significant challenges with cautious optimism. The resilience seen so far is a beacon of hope, suggesting that, with the right strategies and support, recovery and growth are achievable. International aid and investment will be crucial in several potential recovery scenarios.  

Recovery Scenarios and International Support  

Sustained international aid could provide essential financial and technical assistance to rebuild and modernize Ukraine’s dairy infrastructure. This includes repairing and bolstering transportation and energy sectors crucial for dairy farming operations. Investment in sustainable practices like biogas plants could foster an eco-friendly, resilient agricultural sector.  

The Role of Government and Policy Reforms  

Government policy reforms and subsidies can accelerate recovery, offering tax incentives or grants for farms to rebuild and innovate. Streamlining export procedures and negotiating trade agreements can restore international market access, balancing disruptions caused by the war.  

Signs of Hope and Progress  

Amid adversity, signs of progress are emerging. The resilience of dairy farmers, the shift towards sustainable energy solutions, and adaptive measures like using generators highlight a commitment to overcoming challenges. The temporary rise in processed dairy exports indicates an opportunity to adjust production strategies for future demand.  

Finally, collective action within the agricultural community demonstrates a robust network of mutual aid and expertise, suggesting a promising but challenging path to revival. While uncertainties remain, the foundational resilience and innovative spirit of Ukrainian dairy farmers, supported by international aid, point to credible paths for recovery and growth.

The Bottom Line

Through the harrowing lens of ongoing conflict, Ukrainian dairy farmers stand as a testament to resilience and fortitude. Facing challenges like infrastructure damage, economic strain, psychological impacts, and supply chain disruptions, these farmers continue to operate with an indomitable spirit. They innovate by reducing feed wastage, employing sustainable energy, and mobilizing their communities to sustain critical supplies. Despite the war’s devastating impact on herd sizes and market access, they persevere and ensure a steady supply of dairy products. 

Their determination underscores the necessity of global support for these communities. Such support is crucial for safeguarding global food security. Bolstering the tenacity of Ukraine’s dairy farmers is imperative, as their struggle is linked to broader economic stability and worldwide food availability.

Want to help? Support humanitarian organizations aiding Ukrainian farmers with feed, veterinary care, and generator fuel. Advocate for policies that rebuild Ukraine’s agricultural infrastructure quickly. Every contribution matters. Donate, raise awareness, and urge local representatives to back initiatives that stabilize Ukraine’s dairy sector.

Key Takeaways:

  • The conflict in Ukraine has profoundly disrupted the dairy farming industry, impacting everything from daily operations to long-term sustainability.
  • Farmers are grappling with supply chain disruptions, fuel shortages, and damaged infrastructure, making it challenging to maintain normal production levels.
  • The economic strain is compounded by difficulties in accessing export markets and rising electricity costs, challenging farms to find new hubs and partners.
  • In response to these adversities, farms are adopting innovative strategies like using biogas plants for sustainable energy and reducing feed wastage to sustain operations.
  • There has been a notable decline in Ukraine’s dairy cattle population, significantly affecting production volumes and leading to a surplus of raw milk.
  • Despite severe setbacks, Ukrainian dairy farmers demonstrate remarkable resilience, utilizing generators and fuel reserves to keep essential operations running.
  • The mental and emotional toll on farmers underscores the broader psychological impacts of living and working in a conflict zone.
  • Governmental and international support will be critical as farmers look to rebuild and stabilize their operations, fostering cautious optimism about the future.

Summary: The ongoing conflict in Ukraine since 2014 has significantly impacted the country’s economy and society, particularly in its agricultural heartlands. Dairy farming is a critical component of Ukraine’s rural economy, with thousands of farmers working diligently to maintain their livelihoods and support their communities. Ukraine’s fertile lands and favorable climate have long made it an ideal region for dairy farming, which combined traditional practices with modern techniques. However, the war has disrupted this progress, forcing the industry to adapt rapidly. Supply chain disruptions, transportation issues, fuel shortages, and infrastructure damage have wreaked havoc on daily operations for Ukrainian dairy farmers. The long-term effects are grim, with extensive infrastructure damage taking years to repair. The war has caused a significant decline in the dairy herd, with estimates indicating a drop of over 100,000 head. Farmers are exploring sustainable energy solutions like biogas plants to maintain operations.

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