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Unlocking the Power of Dairy: High-Protein Beverages Fueling Health Trends

Uncover the transformative impact high-protein dairy beverages are having on contemporary health trends. Could dairy be the ultimate solution for your protein requirements? Delve into cutting-edge innovations and numerous advantages.

The high-protein dairy beverage market is experiencing a rapid surge in demand, propelled by the increasing focus on health and wellness. These beverages, once niche products, have entered the mainstream, appealing to a wide range of consumers, from regular customers to health enthusiasts. Innova Market Insights projects an impressive 20.8% yearly increase in new product introductions from 2016 to 2021, underscoring the market’s rapid growth and potential for businesses.

Lead researcher at Innova Market Insights said, “High-protein dairy beverages are rapidly becoming staples in health-conscious diets, offering both convenience and nutrition.”

This increasing attention emphasizes the advantages of protein-rich diets for satiety, appetite management, and preserving lean body mass. It represents a long-lasting shift in eating behavior. The increase in the market emphasizes the possibility of further innovation and development.

The Dynamic Spectrum of High-Protein Dairy Beverages: Meeting Diverse Consumer Demands with Nutritional Excellence

The high-protein beverage industry caters to various consumer demands with its diverse range of products. From ready-to-mix (RTM) powders to ready-to-drink (RTD) beverages, meal replacements, and other health and wellness options, each category leverages the unique benefits of dairy proteins to meet specific functional and dietary needs.

With their convenience and adaptability, RTM powders allow consumers to incorporate protein into their preferred meals and beverages easily. Dairy proteins, particularly whey and casein powders, are a favorite among fitness enthusiasts and athletes thanks to their exceptional amino acid profile and quick digestion.

Growing demand for on-the-go nutrition solutions is driving the fast expansion of RTD drinks. Famous for their clean label and premium protein concentration, dairy-based protein beverages attract active people looking for rapid nutritional renewal and busy professionals. Dairy proteins cause these beverages to highlight utility, such as muscle rehabilitation and strength enhancement.

Meal replacement drinks provide a handy mix of nutrients for weight control or a full meal on demand. Dairy proteins provide palatability, creamy texture, and premium protein content.

Other health and wellness choices highlight the flexible use of dairy proteins: fortified smoothies and improved hydration beverages. These goods satisfy health-conscious customers striving for general well-being without sacrificing flavor by commonly combining dairy proteins with vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Still the pillar of the protein beverage business, dairy proteins inspire consumer taste and product innovation in many categories.

Leading the Charge in Dairy Innovation: Emil Nashed and the DMI Product Research Team 

Under Emil Nased’s leadership, the Dairy Management Inc. (DMI) product research team is driving innovative developments in the high-protein dairy beverage sector. Their comprehensive analysis provides essential information and practical solutions for businesses striving to excel in this field, inspiring confidence and guidance in their expertise.

With thorough troubleshooting advice for high-protein dairy drinks, this review helps businesses. It emphasizes choosing and processing ingredients to guarantee stability and quality. It addresses basic formulation and processing issues by targeting sports nutrition or health and wellbeing.

The paper also acts as an innovation catalyst, motivating fresh product ideas while preserving vital sensory attributes. By carefully describing the functional characteristics of dairy proteins such as caseins and whey, producers may maximize formulations to satisfy claims on protein content.

The assessment offers shelf stability guidance for low- and high-acid drinks. It solves protein solubility and avoids phase separation and protein aggregation, facilitating the practical market introduction of premium, shelf-stable goods.

Beyond troubleshooting, this study is a manual for creatively using dairy proteins, fostering expansion in the high-protein dairy beverage industry. With DMI’s help, companies may boldly create goods that satisfy customer expectations and industry requirements.

Pioneering Formulations for High-Protein Dairy Beverages: The Science Behind Shelf-Stable, Nutrient-Rich Options

Their studies center on shelf-stable, high-protein, ready-to-drink drinks vital for better-for-you and sports nutrition. Appealing to health-conscious customers, these drinks typically claim to be “high in protein.” Dairy proteins—especially caseins and whey proteins—are prized for their functional ability and nutritional quality, which helps these drinks efficiently reach their protein targets.

Your Blueprint for Innovation: Navigating the High-Protein Dairy Beverage Sector with Expert Insights 

Professionals in the high-protein dairy beverage market depend critically on the review paper as a fast-reference tool. It combines valuable insights and fundamental knowledge to create goods with certain protein content targets that preserve quality and shelf durability. For instance, the document offers direction on component choice and processing methods should a corporation want to develop a dairy beverage with 25 grams of protein per serving.

High protein content requires premium dairy protein components, especially caseins and whey protein from cow’s milk. These proteins are prized for their dietary profile and beverage-related use. Ensure the product is healthy and consumer-friendly; the article describes the ratios and combinations required to maximize solubility, taste, and texture.

Additionally included in the assessment are processing issues vital for creating these drinks. It lists the technical needs for preserving protein stability and avoiding gelling or sedimentation problems. For instance, the study addresses improving the use of protein concentrates and isolates using membrane filtration methods. Common issues in manufacturing shelf-stable dairy drinks also provide answers for quality concerns in both high- and low-acid settings.

The review paper drives innovation, helps businesses negotiate the complexity of developing high-protein dairy drinks, and meets increasing customer demand for health and wellness products that do not sacrifice quality or flavor by offering a complete resource.

Addressing Quality Challenges in High-Protein Dairy Beverages: Solutions for High-Acid and Low-Acid Formulations

The study’s critical focus is ways to solve quality problems in low- and high-acid, high-protein shelf-stable drinks. Often influencing appearance and flavor, high-acid beverages (pH under 4.6) suffer from protein aggregation and sedimentation. The article advises stabilizers such as pectin or carrageenan to maintain proteins suspended and enhance texture.

Low-acid drinks (pH ≥ 4.6) cause problems with Maillard browning and microbiological stability. To solve these issues, the review proposes ultra-high-temperature (UHT) processing for microbial safety and limited browning. Cheating agents like EDTA may shield proteins from heat damage by binding metal ions, which causes oxidation.

The report emphasizes the need for both drinks to have exact formulation and processing. This entails closely managing temperature and pH, selecting appropriate emulsifiers, and maximizing dairy protein content. These processes guarantee the shelf-stable dairy drinks’ durability, quality, and consumer appeal—high protein content.

Driving Dairy Innovation Forward: The Impact of the National Dairy Foods Research Center Program 

Since its establishment in 1987, the National Dairy Foods Research Center program has been a cornerstone of dairy sector innovation. This network is dedicated to advancing dairy science and technology, contributing to the creation of new products, and enhancing quality. Their use of modern equipment and expertise in dairy proteins and processing ensures a promising future for the high-protein dairy beverage industry, providing reassurance and confidence in its trajectory.

The National Dairy Foods Research Center program develops innovative dairy solutions and creative formulations using enhanced infrastructure enabling invention. This dedication to innovation guarantees dairy’s popularity in the health and wellness sector, particularly in high-protein drinks. Their ongoing efforts help define the scene for dairy products, promoting development and satisfying world consumer needs.

Membrane Filtration: Revolutionizing the Dairy Industry Through Advanced Research and Innovation

Thanks to checkoff-funded research created over thirty years ago, membrane filtering technology has transformed the dairy sector. This procedure produces concentrated protein fractions such as whey and casein by separating milk proteins using semi-permeable membranes. These proteins benefit high-protein beverages and many dairy products, improving other foods.

Membrane filtration guarantees exact protein content, taste, and texture in protein-rich liquids. It’s also utilized in yogurt manufacturing to provide low sugar. These high-protein choices appeal to health-conscious people and increase cheese production.

The constant innovation supported by dairy producers and importers emphasizes the need for membrane filtering, maintaining the U.S. dairy sector’s leadership in creating nutritionally dense, high-quality products for worldwide markets.

Transformative High-Protein Dairy Beverages: Leveraging Checkoff-Led Innovations for Market Success 

High-protein dairy products like Fairlife, Core Power, and Darigold FIT have been successful, thanks mainly to checkoff-led research. These developments underline the dairy industry’s dedication to sophisticated processing methods and the incredible nutritional worth of dairy proteins.

The current review article seeks to expand on these successes, thereby assisting businesses in creating shelf-stable, high-protein goods. It provides a thorough understanding of ingredient choice, processing, and quality control, thus enabling companies to solve formulation problems and boldly create in the high-protein dairy beverage industry.

Shaping the Future of Dairy: The Transformative Industry Impact of the Review Paper 

The impact of the review article is excellent and well-known at significant conferences, which generates a lot of interest and involvement among business players. Attending to help create creative high-protein dairy drinks, attendees are keen to implement the insights and best practices. This strong welcome emphasizes the vital part research plays in developing nutritional products.

The unwavering support of research facilities, importers, and farmers helps to drive this increase even further. These people maintain and drive the American dairy sector to compete in worldwide markets. Using cooperative, scientifically based research and creative innovations, stakeholders are guiding dairy to the forefront of nutritional excellence. Maintaining the industry’s continuous success globally and future developments depend on their combined efforts.

The Bottom Line

Consumer interest in health and wellness goods drives the fast expansion of the high-protein dairy beverage industry. From 2016 to 2021, new product introductions saw a 20.8% yearly increase, according to Innova Market Insights. Many now consider diets high in proteins—known for boosting satiety, appetite management, and lean body mass maintenance—a mainstay.

Under Emil Nashed’s direction, Dairy Management Inc. (DMI) provides scientific direction for creating shelf-stable, high-protein, ready-to-drink drinks, supporting this trend. Their review study, which focuses on dairy proteins like caseins and whey, depends on overcoming quality and formulation issues in sports nutrition and better-for-you categories.

Membrane filtration is one of the dairy technologies that DMI and the National Dairy Foods Research Center have advanced. These innovations have improved the quality and range of dairy products, enhancing high-protein brands such as Fairlife, Core Power, and Darigold FIT.

Having more than thirty years of transforming research, the checkoff program’s contributions are vital for satisfying changing consumer needs.

The high-protein dairy beverage industry is likely to increase going forward. Using DMI’s observations will enable businesses to produce creative goods appealing to customers with health consciousness. Exude professionalism, welcome creativity, and present dairy as the best high-protein food source.

Key Takeaways:

  • The market has seen a notable annual growth rate of 20.8% in new product launches from 2016 to 2021, underscoring the rising popularity of high-protein dairy beverages.
  • Dairy Management Inc. (DMI) supports the industry with a review paper that provides insights into ingredient composition and processing techniques for optimal product development.
  • Research highlights the importance of dairy protein ingredients, particularly caseins and whey proteins, due to their superior functionality and quality in achieving high-protein claims.
  • The review paper addresses quality control issues for both high-acid and low-acid high-protein, shelf-stable beverages, offering practical solutions.
  • The National Dairy Foods Research Center program plays a pivotal role in fostering innovation, leveraging advanced research facilities and expertise since 1987.
  • Membrane filtration technology, supported by checkoff-led research, has revolutionized the production of high-protein dairy products, including ready-to-drink beverages and yogurts.
  • Successful products like fairlife, Core Power, and Darigold FIT demonstrate the market potential and consumer acceptance of high-protein dairy beverages powered by innovative research.
  • The collective efforts of farmers, importers, and researchers are driving the U.S. dairy industry’s growth, facilitating both domestic and international market expansion.


The high-protein dairy beverage market is experiencing a surge in demand due to the growing focus on health and wellness. This industry caters to various consumer demands with its diverse range of products, including ready-to-mix (RTM) powders, ready-to-drink (RTD) beverages, meal replacements, and other health and wellness options. Dairy proteins inspire consumer taste and product innovation in many categories. Emil Nashed and the DMI Product Research Team are driving innovative developments in the high-protein dairy beverage sector, providing essential information and practical solutions for businesses striving to excel in this field. Their comprehensive analysis emphasizes choosing and processing ingredients to guarantee stability and quality, addressing basic formulation and processing issues by targeting sports nutrition or health and wellbeing. The assessment offers shelf stability guidance for low- and high-acid drinks, solving protein solubility and avoiding phase separation and protein aggregation. Pioneering formulations for high-protein dairy beverages focus on shelf-stable, high-protein, ready-to-drink drinks vital for better-for-you and sports nutrition. Membrane filtering technology, developed over thirty years ago through checkoff-funded research, has transformed the dairy sector by producing concentrated protein fractions such as whey and casein. High-protein dairy products like Fairlife, Core Power, and Darigold FIT have been successful due to checkoff-led research, underlining the dairy industry’s dedication to sophisticated processing methods and the nutritional worth of dairy proteins.

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Global Dairy Market Poised for Recovery: Prices Set to Rise Through 2024

Is the global dairy market set for a comeback? Discover how rising prices and shifting supply dynamics could impact the industry through 2024.

A trader works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in New York, U.S., on Friday, September 7, 2018. Photographer: Michael Nagle/Bloomberg

The global dairy market is at a pivotal point, transitioning towards higher prices in 2024. Rabobank’s latest report indicates that dairy commodity prices have bottomed out and are set to rise. By the end of 2023, the market faced limited new milk supply and sluggish demand, resulting in soft commodity pricing due to weak fundamentals. 

“2023 was marked by soft dairy commodity pricing from weaker fundamentals,” says Michael Harvey, senior dairy analyst at Rabobank. Despite a brief resurgence, global supply growth faltered due to lower milk prices, high costs, and weather disruptions. The global market anticipated a Chinese rebalancing, only to see significant import shortfalls for the second year. 

“There is growing evidence that the bottom in the dairy commodity markets has passed, and prices are likely to climb through 2024,” Rabobank’s report notes, offering a cautiously optimistic outlook.

“There is growing evidence that the bottom in the dairy commodity markets has passed, and prices are likely to climb through 2024,” Rabobank’s report notes, offering a cautiously optimistic outlook.

A Year of Turbulence: Factors Contributing to the 2023 Global Dairy Market Slump 

2023 witnessed a convergence of challenges that softened global dairy commodity prices. Firstly, limited milk supply growth defined the year, as brief surges were hindered by falling milk prices and rising operational costs. Additionally, severe weather disruptions worsened supply chain inefficiencies, affecting production in crucial dairy regions.  

Higher input costs, from feed to energy, strained dairy farms worldwide, making it difficult to stay profitable. Unpredictable environmental conditions further challenged the agricultural sector‘s resilience.  

The market also felt the impact of China’s reduced dairy imports. As the largest dairy importer, China’s decreased demand created significant ripples. The nation’s internal oversupply and economic slowdown led to a substantial drop in dairy imports for the second consecutive year.  

These elements not only drove down dairy commodity prices but also brought increased uncertainty and volatility, setting a cautious yet hopeful tone for 2024.

Navigating Uncertainty: Rabobank’s Analysis Signals Renewed Optimism for the Dairy Market’s Resurgence 

Rabobank’s latest analysis offers a hopeful outlook for the global dairy market, indicating that the worst is over for dairy commodity prices. The report predicts a gradual price rise through 2024, promising stability and growth for an industry struck by recent challenges. Farmers and producers, who have faced fluctuating prices and high costs, can now anticipate a more favorable economic environment. Thus, the story of the global dairy market is evolving from turmoil to resurgence, paving the way for potential growth and new opportunities.

China’s Stabilizing Influence: Opportunities for Global Dairy Importers Amid Steady Demand

China has long been a critical player in the global dairy market, significantly influencing commodity prices with its import patterns. In 2024, China’s import volume is expected to stabilize, a contrast to the substantial shortfalls of the past two years. This steady demand could reduce some of the erratic fluctuations in global markets. 

This stabilization provides other importers with a chance to build their stocks. With China’s steady demand, nations might acquire dairy commodities at competitive prices, strengthening their reserves without the pressure of Chinese-driven demand surges. As the market transitions, global importers must keenly observe these signals to manage stock levels strategically, potentially easing the volatility experienced in recent years.

Price Volatility: A Multidimensional Challenge for 2024 

Price volatility will be a significant challenge in 2024, influenced by various factors. Geopolitical instability, with regional conflicts and trade disputes, can disrupt supply chains and affect dairy markets through tariffs and export bans. 

Energy market fluctuations, driven by changing oil prices and the shift to renewable sources, directly impact dairy production and distribution costs. Irregular energy pricing can lead to unpredictable dairy commodity prices. 

Weak global economic conditions also play a role. Economic sluggishness reduces consumer purchasing power and government budgets, affecting discretionary spending on premium dairy products and complicating dairy pricing. 

Inflationary pressures further complicate the picture. Rising raw materials, labor, and transportation costs may force dairy producers to increase prices. However, if consumer demand doesn’t support these hikes, the market could experience high production costs and low retail prices. 

Navigating the dairy market in 2024 will require careful monitoring of these risks. Industry stakeholders must remain vigilant and develop strategies to mitigate geopolitical, energy, and economic disruptions to maintain stability.

Outlook for Grain and Oilseed Prices: A Double-Edged Sword for Dairy Farmers in 2024

Rabobank’s 2024 forecast suggests a slightly softer outlook for grain and oilseed prices. This is attributed to an expected increase in global feed grain supply, which is favorable for dairy farm margins. Lower feed grain costs are anticipated to support dairy farmers in a volatile market. However, some commodities like palm oil may have more bullish outlooks, potentially adding cost pressures. 

Reduced grain and oilseed prices can enhance farmgate margins by lowering a significant variable cost in dairy farming. This relief is vital as dairy producers deal with high operational expenses and fluctuating milk prices. By easing some financial burdens, better feed cost prospects could boost profitability and stabilize production despite uncertain commodity pricing and geopolitical risks.

Strategic Shifts in the EU Dairy Market: Anticipating Milk Price Dynamics and Export Challenges for 2024 

Looking to the first half of 2024, the EU dairy market faces complex milk price dynamics and export challenges. Rabobank expects EU milk prices to rise, driven by recent gains in European dairy commodity prices and lower stock levels. Notably, several major dairy processors in northwest Europe have already increased milk prices for late 2023. 

However, EU milk deliveries are forecast to decline by 0.5% year-on-year in Q1 and 0.4% in Q2 of 2024, indicating structural weaknesses. The second half of 2024 might see a slight decline of 0.2% year-on-year, suggesting a slow recovery. 

EU export price competitiveness remains a concern due to high farmgate milk prices compared to global competitors. Despite these challenges, year-on-year volume growth is expected for Q4 2024, although supply limitations and a modest domestic demand recovery could impact results.

The US Dairy Market’s Path to Recovery: Forecasted Growth and Strategic Adjustments for 2024

The US dairy market is set for a modest recovery in 2024, with a predicted 1% growth in milk production year-on-year. Despite the herd size dropping to 9.37 million in October 2023, the lowest since January 2022, gradual expansion is expected throughout 2024. This growth aims to meet rising domestic and global demand

Rabobank projections for first half 2024 price Class III milk at $17.78/cwt and Class IV at $19.24/cwt. Full-year estimates are $18.38/cwt for Class III and $20.37/cwt for Class IV, with Class IV consistently priced higher. These forecasts reflect a market transitioning through cautious optimism and strategic adjustments.

New Zealand and Australia: Navigating Production Declines and Export Challenges in 2024 

New Zealand’s dairy sector faces a challenging outlook, with full-season production forecasted to decline by up to 2% year-on-year beyond the first half of 2024. This outlook is influenced by cautious budgeting, which affects farming practices and potentially impacts milk flows in the latter half of the season. Animal health management will be essential for a robust start to the 2024-2025 season, but intensified milking efforts due to lower forecasted milk prices could strain herd health. 

Despite record farmgate milk prices buffering the sector from global fluctuations in Australia, dairy exports have significantly declined. Export volumes dropped by more than 13% year-on-year in the first three months of the new season, with notable reductions in milk powder ingredients, bulk cheese, and butter. The liquid milk segment also saw a 30% year-on-year decrease. A tight domestic milk supply and high farmgate milk prices relative to significant competitors partly explain this decline. 

Additionally, Australia’s butter and cheese imports increased by 43% and 21% year-on-year, respectively. Domestic purchasing behaviors are shifting due to an income squeeze, with dairy purchases outperforming other discretionary food items but still showing some volume declines. The stabilization of Australia’s exportable surplus over 2023-2024 depends on a recovery in milk supply, though export competitiveness remains an immediate concern.

The Bottom Line

The global dairy market is cautiously moving towards recovery in 2024. Rabobank’s observations note an upward price trend, following the softness seen in 2023. Modest milk supply growth, better feed costs, and improved demand, particularly from China, foster this positive outlook. 

Significant factors include stabilizing China’s import volume, strategic shifts in the EU, forecasted US milk production growth, and adjustments in New Zealand and Australia. Potential volatility due to geopolitical instability, energy market fluctuations, and macroeconomic uncertainties are also acknowledged. However, with strategic adjustments and risk mitigation, the sector is prepared for a steady recovery. 

While challenges remain, signs of recovery are evident. Stakeholders must stay vigilant, adapt strategies, and leverage insights to navigate the complexities of 2024, ensuring resilience and growth in a dynamic market. 

Key Takeaways:

  • The global dairy market is transitioning from a period of low commodity prices with a projected upward trend through 2024.
  • China’s steady import demand is crucial for driving price rallies in the Oceania region, and stabilized import volumes are expected in 2024.
  • Price volatility is anticipated due to geopolitical instability, volatile energy markets, and weak macroeconomic conditions.
  • A softer grain and oilseed price outlook will improve dairy farm margins globally.
  • EU milk prices are anticipated to strengthen in early 2024, yet export competitiveness may remain challenging due to high farmgate milk prices.
  • US dairy production shows a slow yet steady growth forecast with specific price estimates for Class III and IV milk segments.
  • New Zealand dairy production is expected to decline, while Australia faces reduced export competitiveness amid high domestic farmgate milk prices.
  • Overall, the 2024 outlook indicates cautious optimism with potential recovery driven by strategic shifts and stabilizing factors in critical markets.


The global dairy market is facing a critical point, with Rabobank’s report indicating that dairy commodity prices are set to rise in 2024. By the end of 2023, the market faced limited new milk supply and sluggish demand, leading to soft commodity pricing. Despite a brief resurgence, global supply growth faltered due to lower milk prices, high costs, and weather disruptions. The market anticipated a Chinese rebalancing but saw significant shortfalls in imports for the second year. Rabobank’s analysis suggests a gradual rise in prices through 2024, promising stability and growth for the industry. However, price volatility will be a significant challenge in 2024, influenced by geopolitical instability, energy market fluctuations, weak global economic conditions, and inflationary pressures.

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Dairy Cooperative Pushes for Timely Payment Rule in Farm Bill to Protect Farmers

Can timely milk payments protect dairy farmers? Discover why Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative is pushing for new rules in the farm bill to safeguard their livelihoods.

Imagine the dedication of a dairy farmer, tending to a herd of cows before sunrise every day, regardless of the season. This commitment is not just a personal choice but a crucial part of maintaining the stability of the dairy industry. Dairy cooperatives play a significant role in this, providing regular payments and assisting farmers in selling their milk, thereby ensuring the industry’s stability.

Processors under the Federal Milk Marketing Orders (FMMO) must pay farmers at least twice a month. Still, not all milk is insured by the FMMO, which increases financial risk.

Tim Trotter of Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative says, “The risk we have right now, especially in the upper Midwest, is there’s an increasing amount of milk deployed and not covered by the FMMO.”

The issue of timely payments is not just a financial concern but a matter of urgency. Farmers in Minnesota, Wisconsin, northern Iowa, northern Illinois, and eastern North and South Dakota areas, where most of the country’s milk is outside the marketing pool, live in financial instability without the legal mandate for timely payments. Immediate action is needed to address this pressing issue.

Delayed payments affect individual farmers and have a ripple effect on the community’s well-being and agricultural operations. To prevent such social and economic disruptions, the farm bill needs to clearly outline and enforce conditions regarding timely milk payments.

The Untold Challenges of Depooling: Navigating the Complexities of Federal Milk Marketing Orders (FMMOs) 

Federal Milk Marketing Orders (FMMOs) guarantee producers are paid fairly and help maintain steady milk prices. These rules help manage cash flow and financial stability by requiring milk processors to pay dairy farms at least twice a month.

But “depooling” ruins this mechanism. Milk is taken from the controlled price pool depools, exempting it from the FMMO payment schedule. This might result in uneven and delayed payments, significantly affecting farmers in places where much milk is deployed.

Risk of Financial Instability for Dairy Farmers in Federal Order #30: The Urgency for Timely Payment Requirements

For farmers, particularly those under Federal Order #30 covering portions of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, North Dakota, and South Dakota, the absence of prompt payment obligations for deployed milk exposes particular dangers. Although processors pay farmers twice a month under FMMOs, this regulation does not cover deployed milk, exposing producers to payment delays.

This financial volatility is problematic, given that 30% of the country’s milk comes outside the marketing pool and might cause cash flow problems. Delayed payments impede everyday spending, long-term sustainability, and farm upkeep.

Producing most of the deployed milk, farmers under Federal Order #30 need more with quick payment assurances. Legislative action mandating prompt payment for all milk might provide more security and assist in operational management and growth by farmers.

Advocating for Dairy Farmer Security: Why Timely Milk Payment is Crucial for Federal Order #30 Farmers

Under Tim Trotter’s direction, The Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative seeks timely milk payments included in the farm bill. They contend this will financially safeguard dairy producers, particularly in milk deploying cases from Federal Milk Marketing Orders (FMMOs). Historically, processors have paid on time, but this is only assured with a legislative mandate. About thirty percent of the milk in the country is outside the marketing pool. Hence, prompt payment policies are significant for farmers—especially those under Federal Order #30—to minimize financial uncertainty.

Unbiased Milk Quality Assessments: The Imperative of Third-Party Verification Services for Accurate Component Testing

Verification services guarantee accurate and consistent milk component testing. These outside assessments validate the tools used to evaluate milk components like lactose, fat, and protein. This ensures exact measurements, which directly impact financial stability and payment computations. These services should be codified in the agriculture bill. It guarantees precise and objective quality tests for every dairy farmer, even those with deployed milk, safeguarding their income and encouraging industry openness.

The Bottom Line

Protecting dairy producers impacted by milk depooling depends on the farm bill, which includes prompt payment rules and verification tools. Verifying third-party milk quality and requiring processors to pay twice monthly helps lower financial risks and ensure correct pay. These steps support a consistent agricultural economy and guarantee the stability of the more significant dairy sector.

Key Takeaways:

  • Federal Milk Marketing Orders currently require processors to pay dairy farmers at least twice a month.
  • Farmers face a growing risk, particularly in the upper Midwest, as more milk is depooled and falls outside the protection of FMMOs.
  • Approximately 30% of the nation’s milk is outside the marketing pool, with many affected farmers in Federal Order #30 covering parts of the Midwest.
  • The cooperative seeks to ensure the payment requirement is legally mandated to guarantee its continuance.
  • Third-party verification services for component testing are also needed to ensure accurate milk checks, especially for depooled milk.


Dairy farmers are vital to the dairy industry’s stability, providing regular payments and assisting in milk sales. However, not all milk is insured by the Federal Milk Marketing Orders (FMMO), leading to financial risk. Farmers in certain areas, such as Minnesota, Wisconsin, northern Iowa, northern Illinois, and eastern North and South Dakota, face financial instability without legal mandates for timely payments. Depooling disrupts the FMMO mechanism, causing uneven and delayed payments and impacting cash flow and farm upkeep. The Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative advocates for timely milk payments in the farm bill to safeguard dairy producers, especially those under Federal Order #30. Codifying verification services in the agriculture bill would ensure accurate and consistent quality tests for every dairy farmer, safeguarding their income and encouraging industry openness. Protecting dairy producers impacted by milk depooling depends on the farm bill, which includes prompt payment rules and verification tools. Ensuring third-party milk quality and requiring processors to pay twice monthly can lower financial risks, support a consistent agricultural economy, and provide dairy sector stability.

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Ontario Dairy Farmers: Should You Chase Incentive Days or Play It Safe?

Maximize your dairy revenue: Should you chase incentive days or play it safe? Discover strategies to boost profits and manage costs effectively in our latest article.

African Buffalo (Syncerus caffer) being caught by Lions (Panthera leo). Taken in Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe

Incentive days are special permissions issued by the Dairy Farmers of Ontario (DFO) that let you ship milk for an extra day without long-term implications. These days help fill short-term increases in demand and can boost your revenue. However, they are unpredictable and often announced suddenly, making planning challenging. Yet, when managed well, Incentive days can significantly enhance your profitability. 

So, should you chase those ‘Incentive’ days? Let’s dive into the details to help you decide.

Seizing the Opportunity: Maximizing Revenue with Incentive Days in Ontario’s Dairy Sector

In Ontario, understanding incentive days from the Dairy Farmers of Ontario (DFO) is critical for dairy producers aiming to boost productivity and profitability. Incentive days are special periods when producers can ship more milk beyond their regular quotas. Announced by the DFO to meet market demand, these days allow producers to handle short-term increases without long-term changes to their operations. 

The system offers several benefits. It stabilizes the market by aligning supply with consumer demand, avoiding overproduction during slower periods. Producers can increase revenue without permanent quota adjustments, managing these as temporary spikes. This approach maintains operational balance and efficiency, enabling farmers to seize these opportunities while ensuring long-term sustainability.

The Dual-Edged Sword of Incentive Days: Balancing Opportunity with Operational Strain 

Incentive days, while offering a chance to boost revenue, pose a complex dilemma for dairy producers. These days allow farms to meet heightened market demand and extend financial reach quickly. The opportunity to ship extra production can provide significant gains during market fluctuations

However, the unpredictable nature of these days often strains operational efficiency. Producers must be agile, ready to adjust calving schedules and feeds and manage potential barn overcrowding. For example, Strategy 2 only pushes production a few times a year. Still, he overproduces and increases costs to stay prepared for these sudden incentives. 

Moreover, the pressure to scale up production quickly can affect animal welfare and labor management. Balanced Betty uses supplementary feeds, but not everyone has the resources or foresight to maintain profit margins. Thus, effectively navigating these days often distinguishes well-managed farms from those struggling to balance growth and sustainability. 

While incentive days can enhance revenue, their abrupt demands require careful planning, adaptability, and resource management. This ensures producers can maximize their share without incurring unexpected costs.

Navigating the Fine Line Between Revenue Growth and Cost Management in Dairy Production

Understanding revenue growth and cost management is essential for sustaining profitability in dairy production. Chasing revenue is not enough; managing its costs is equally crucial. The “pie” symbolizes the total income from all activities, including extra days from incentive programs. However, the “slice” is the net profit after all expenses. 

A larger pie might seem prosperous, but if generating it incurs high costs, the slice dairy producers keep may be small. Thus, a balanced approach to aligning revenue strategies with solid cost management practices is necessary. 

For example, using extra feed to boost milk production on incentive days will only be helpful if it doesn’t erode additional profits. Similarly, operational changes like delaying dry-offs or overcrowding barns can increase revenue and raise costs related to animal health and feed. 

While extra quota days can expand the pie, the goal should be maximizing the slice. By balancing revenue and expenses, dairy producers secure growth and financial stability, ensuring higher income and substantial profits.

Strategizing for Extra Quota Days: Analyzing Producer Approaches and Trade-offs 

Exploring how different producers might strategize to fill extra quota days underscores the various considerations and trade-offs involved. Here’s a closer look at some common approaches: 

Strategy 1: Opting for stability, you may choose not to pursue extra days, maintaining consistent production year-round. 

Strategy 2: Adopt a cautious approach, keeping production lower to avoid missing incentive days. This means maintaining a larger herd and dealing with seasonal challenges, like dumping excess in spring, while gearing up for higher fall production, significantly increasing operational costs

Strategy 3: Aggressively pursue incentive days by delaying dry-offs, reducing culling, and adding cows. This results in overcrowding and extended days in milk (DIM), maximizing short-term revenue but adding stress on livestock and facilities. 

Strategy 4: Plan for extra calvings, prepping seven more cows for the demand period, then culling them post-incentive days in January. 

Strategy 5: Take a balanced approach by calving four extra cows and supplementing with 200 grams of palm fat. This allows flexibility with minimal operational disruption. 

These scenarios highlight the complexity of balancing production increases with cost management and operational feasibility. Each strategy offers distinct advantages and challenges, reflecting the nuanced decision-making process in seizing incentive day opportunities.

Diving Deeper: Examining Producer Strategies and Their Implications 

Let’s delve into each scenario, examining the actions of each producer and their implications. This analysis highlights the costs and benefits of each approach, offering insights into how these strategies impact the producer’s bottom line and operational efficiency

Strategy 1: The Conservative Approach 

Strategy 1 opts not to fill the extra incentive days, maintaining steady and predictable production. This keeps operational costs low and stable but needs to catch up on potential revenue from extra production days. While profit margins are safeguarded, no capitalization on increased income could be reinvested in farm improvements or expansion. 

Strategy 2: High-Risk, High-Waste Strategy 

Strategy 2, or the “overproduction” strategy, involves operating below capacity for most of the year to ramp up during the fall. Keeping extra cows allows readiness for incentive days but results in surplus production in the spring, often wasted. This impacts gross margins due to higher feeding and maintenance costs, eroding overall profitability. 

Strategy 3: Overcrowding and Income Maximization 

Strategy 3 delays dry-offs and adds more cows into the milking herd, causing overcrowding. Days in milk (DIM) increase from 150 to 180. This boosts revenue during the incentive period but adds strain on cows, increasing veterinary costs and potentially affecting long-term herd health. Overcrowding also increases labor and feed expenses, which could offset some additional income. 

Strategy 4: Planned Overproduction 

Strategy 4 involves introducing seven extra cows before incentive days and culling them afterward in January. This maximizes the benefit of incentive days without a long-term commitment. While it boosts revenue, the cyclical nature of production increases short-term labor and feed costs but can maintain or increase profit margins. 

Strategy 5: Supplementation and Strategic Calving 

Strategy 5: calving four extra cows and supplementing with 200 grams of palm fat. This feed additive can be adjusted based on incentive days, allowing production fine-tuning without significant changes. This approach boosts output to meet demand spikes while controlling costs, thus preserving profit margins. Strategy 5’s flexibility exemplifies optimal revenue and expense management. 

Each strategy has unique costs and benefits. Chasing incentive days requires balancing immediate financial gains and long-term operational impacts. Understanding these trade-offs is crucial for making informed decisions to optimize dairy production. 

Comparing Dairy Production Strategies: Navigating the Complexities of Increased Revenue and Operating Costs 

Comparing different scenarios reveals diverse outcomes for dairy producers. Scenario 2 involves overproducing in the spring to maintain surplus cows for fall incentive days. This strategy ensures that sufficient cows are available to meet increased demand but also raises operating costs. Keeping extra cows year-round and dumping surplus production during low-demand periods erodes profit margins. The increased feed and cow maintenance expenses reduce the gross margin, shrinking the pie slice even if the overall pie grows. 

Conversely, Scenario 3 entails delaying dry-offs, culling, and adding more cows. This boosts revenue during incentive days due to the rise in dairy-producing cows. However, it also increases costs due to overcrowding, feed, housing, and healthcare for the larger herd size. While revenue may spike, the associated cost rise might offset it, resulting in a larger pie with similarly divided slices. 

These scenarios highlight the need to balance boosting production for incentive days with effectively managing costs. While these strategies can lead to higher revenue, careful cost management is vital to maximizing net profitability.

Calculated Moves: Comparing Strategy 4’s Aggressive Expansion and Strategy 5’s Balanced Approach for Handling Increased Milk Production

Strategy 4 and Strategy 5 each offer distinct approaches to managing increased milk production. Both aimed to leverage extra incentive days without disrupting their core operations. 

Strategy 4 involved calving seven extra cows ahead of time, allowing a higher production quota, and raising costs due to the additional cows. The surplus cows would be culled post-incentive, leading to short-term revenue growth but variable operational costs and logistical challenges. 

Strategy 5 took a more balanced approach, calving four extra cows and using 200 grams of palm fat as a feed supplement. This additive allowed for flexible diet adjustments based on production needs, allowing Strategy 5 to respond to incentive days without significant operational changes or additional costs. 

Through strategic feed adjustments, Strategy 5 increased margins and maintained profit levels despite market fluctuations. Strategy 5 approach balanced proactive production with careful cost management, providing a roadmap for other dairy producers facing similar challenges.

The Bottom Line

The analysis shows that fulfilling base quotas is crucial for a stable revenue stream. Balancing potential gains with operational costs is essential when considering extra quota days. Scenarios 2-5 indicate that while extra incentive days can increase revenue, strategies like Strategy 2 can raise costs and cut profits. In contrast, balanced approaches like Strategy 4 and Strategy 5, involving planned production increases and cost-managing additives, can maintain or improve profitability. Ultimately, careful planning and cost assessment ensure that extra revenue from incentive days contributes to a more prominent ‘slice’ of profit.

Key Takeaways:

  • Quotas as Stabilizers: Dairy quotas play a crucial role in stabilizing prices and ensuring consistent sales revenue for producers.
  • Challenges in Acquisition: Obtaining additional quotas can be difficult due to high bid prices and limited availability.
  • Incentive Days in Ontario: The Dairy Farmers of Ontario (DFO) issues incentive days to meet short-term demand increases, providing producers with an opportunity to ship extra milk without altering long-term quotas.
  • Mixed Reactions: Producers have varying responses to incentive days, balancing the chance for extra revenue against the suddenness of these announcements and the additional costs involved.
  • Revenue vs. Costs: It’s essential to analyze revenue growth in conjunction with cost management strategies to understand the true value of filling extra quota days.
  • Scenario Analysis: Different strategies, from maintaining steady production to aggressively expanding, impact the producer’s profit margins differently, emphasizing the importance of calculated decision-making.


Incentive days are special permissions granted by the Dairy Farmers of Ontario (DFO) that allow dairy producers to ship milk for an extra day without long-term implications. These days help fill short-term increases in demand and can boost revenue, but they are unpredictable and often announced suddenly, making planning challenging. When managed well, incentive days can significantly enhance profitability by stabilizing the market, avoiding overproduction during slower periods, and increasing revenue without permanent quota adjustments. However, the unpredictable nature of these days often strains operational efficiency, and producers must be agile to adjust calving schedules and feeds, and manage potential barn overcrowding. Balancing revenue growth and cost management is essential for sustaining profitability in dairy production. Common strategies for extra quota days involve opting for stability, adopting a cautious approach, aggressively pursuing incentive days, planning for extra calvings, or taking a balanced approach. Understanding the importance of incentive days allows dairy producers to maximize their share without incurring unexpected costs and ensure growth and financial stability.

Learn More:

Quotas are essential for the sustainability and profitability of dairy producers in Canada, providing consistency in sales, stabilizing prices, and generating new cash flow. However, the high bid prices and limited availability make acquiring quotas a complex endeavor. While considering strategies for filling extra quota days, it’s beneficial to delve into additional resources to optimize your approach: 

Cheese Prices Surge to New Highs Amid Milk Market Strain and Regional Disruptions

Find out why cheese prices are climbing. Learn how milk market issues and local disruptions are affecting your favorite dairy products. Get the details here.

Another day of positive growth in the cheese market. Higher CME spot prices have led to a significant increase in block values, reaching the highest level since August 2023. With futures finishing 6.4 cents higher at $2.1390 a pound, it has driven the August all-cheese price to fresh life-of-contract highs. While milk output is a concern in certain cheese-making areas, the overall market is showing promising signs.

CommodityCurrent PriceChangeHighest Price Since
Block Cheese$2.1390 per pound+6.4 centsAugust 2023
Spot Blocks$1.9825 per pound+$0.0450
Barrel Cheese$2.0225 per pound+$0.0125
Butter$3.0900 per pound-$0.0150

Leading Chicago’s dairy market activity today:

  • With four shipments sold, spot blocks increased to $1.9825 per pound, gaining $0.0450.
  • Barrels likewise rose to $2.0225 per pound, earning $0.0125.
  • The lone red on the board was butter, which slid to $3.0900, down $0.0150.

Stability in the dairy market is evident as Class III futures improved, with contracts for third quarters concluding at $21.28 per hundredweight, up $0.45 for the day. Simultaneously, adjacent Class IV contracts remained steady at $21.35, indicating a balanced market.

Though steady from last week, Midwest spot milk prices this week averaged—$1.50, significantly above last year’s price of—$7.75 and the five-year average of—$2.73. Cow comfort still presents difficulties in many areas of the United States, resulting in limited supply.

Summary: The cheese market has seen positive growth, with higher CME spot prices leading to a significant increase in block values, reaching the highest level since August 2023. Futures finished 6.4 cents higher at $2.1390 a pound, driving the August all-cheese price to fresh life-of-contract highs. Despite concerns about milk output in certain cheese-making areas, the overall market is showing promising signs. Chicago’s dairy market activity saw spot blocks increase to $1.9825 per pound and barrels to $2.0225 per pound. Class III futures improved, with contracts for third quarters ending at $21.28 per hundredweight, up $0.45. Midwest spot milk prices averaged $1.50, significantly above last year’s price and the five-year average of $2.73.

Senators Demand USDA Restore Fair Milk Pricing to Combat Farmer Losses

Senators urge USDA to restore fair milk pricing to combat farmer losses. Can reverting to the old formula save dairy farmers from economic hardship? Learn more.

If you’re a dairy farmer, you’ve likely experienced the harsh financial realities of recent changes in the milk pricing formula. Since 2018, many in the dairy industry have been grappling to stay afloat. Revenue has plummeted, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the future. The issue originates from the alteration of the ‘higher of ‘ Class I pricing formula for fluid milk, resulting in over $1.1 billion in lost revenue for Class I skim milk over the last five years. 

“Ensuring fair compensation and stabilizing milk prices are critical for the survival of our dairy farmers and their communities,” said Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.

Senator Gillibrand, Chair of the Senate Agriculture Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy, Poultry, Local Food Systems, and Food Safety and Security, has recognized the urgent situation. Leading a strong bipartisan effort with 13 other senators, she is urging the USDA to revert to the previous formula. This united push aims to repair the economic damage and stabilize the dairy market.

The Crucial Role of FMMO’s “Higher” Pricing Formula in Dairy Market Stability 

The Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) system, created in 1937, aims to stabilize milk prices and ensure fair market conditions for dairy producers. This system sets minimum milk prices, categorized into four classes based on its use. Class I milk—for fluid consumption—traditionally commands the highest price due to its critical role in the consumer market. 

Previously, the “higher of” Class I pricing formula linked the price of Class I milk to the higher value between Class III (cheese) and Class IV (butter and powdered milk) prices. This approach aimed to ensure dairy farmers received fair compensation, reflecting market trends and minimizing economic volatility. 

However, the 2018 Farm Bill changed this formula. It introduced an averaging method, which calculates Class I prices based on the average of Class III and Class IV prices plus a fixed differential. This change aimed to simplify pricing and provide more predictability. Unfortunately, it led to significant revenue losses for dairy farmers, amounting to over $1.1 billion in lost Class I skim milk revenue over the past five years, causing widespread financial strain in the dairy farming community.

The Economic Ramifications of the Current Class I Pricing Formula 

The ongoing financial difficulties faced by dairy farmers have reached a critical point, prompting bipartisan action from the Senate. To emphasize the gravity of the issue, it’s essential to examine the direct impact of the altered Class I pricing formula on dairy farmers’ revenues over the past five years. 

YearRevenue Loss Due to Pricing Formula Change (in millions)

Data Source: Senators’ Letter to USDA, outlining economic impacts on dairy farmers from 2018-2022 due to the Class I pricing formula change.

The current Class I pricing formula has had a significant and far-reaching economic impact on dairy farmers. Since the 2018 Farm Bill changed the formula, dairy producers have lost $1.1 billion in Class I skim milk revenue. This substantial financial loss has weakened many dairy operations, pushing some toward insolvency. The revised formula, which moves away from the ‘higher of ‘ pricing method, has introduced volatility that disrupts milk price stability. This instability hampers farmers’ budget planning and aggravates agricultural uncertainties. 

This pricing volatility affects the entire dairy supply chain, impacting feed suppliers, equipment manufacturers, and the rural economy. Farmers, who need stable pricing to manage costs and plans, face increased financial strain. As their revenue decreases, their ability to invest in farm improvements, employee wages, and community contributions diminishes. The instability caused by the current formula threatens the long-term viability of the American dairy industry, requiring urgent reform.

A Unified Appeal for Economic Justice in Dairy Farming

The senators’ letter to Secretary Tom Vilsack highlights the urgent need to revert to the “higher of” Class I pricing formula. They argue that the change made in the 2018 Farm Bill has caused a financial crisis, costing dairy farmers over $1.1 billion in lost revenue. The previous “higher” formula provided fair and predictable compensation, ensuring stability in the dairy sector. 

This bipartisan call to action, backed by influential senators like Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Roger Marshall (R-KS), and Bob Casey (D-PA), underscores the shared concern for the future of dairy farming and the broader economic impacts. The senators are urging the USDA to reinstate the ‘higher mover in upcoming policy updates, aligning with the Federal Milk Marketing Order system’s goal of stable milk pricing and adequate supply. 

The Far-Reaching Economic Impact of Dairy Pricing Instability 

Beyond affecting dairy farmers directly, the flawed Class I pricing formula has widespread economic impacts. Rural areas, heavily reliant on agriculture, suffer as decreased farmer incomes mean less local spending and reduced investments in nearby businesses such as feed suppliers and equipment dealers. 

This financial strain disrupts the food supply chain, affecting dairy processors and retailers who face unpredictable pricing, leading to higher consumer costs and potential shortages of dairy products. This volatility can erode consumer trust in the food supply. 

Reinstating the ‘higher of’ mover is crucial for stabilizing the dairy market. This formula supports a predictable economic environment by offering fair compensation reflecting market conditions. It aligns with the Federal Milk Marketing Order’s goal to ensure a steady supply of fluid milk, contributing to a resilient agricultural sector supporting local economies despite market changes.

Senators’ Urgent Call to Action: A Pivotal Moment for Fair Milk Pricing

The senators’ urgent plea for immediate action from the USDA underscores the critical necessity to revert to the ‘higher class I pricing formula, which has been instrumental in ensuring fair compensation for dairy producers. This call for change is of utmost importance as the USDA embarks on its modernization efforts of the Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) system. The upcoming decisions made by the USDA are not just regulatory updates; they are pivotal moves that must align with the fundamental goals of promoting stable milk pricing and guaranteeing an adequate supply of fluid milk. The financial well-being of dairy farmers and the broader economic stability hinge on these critical reforms.

Key Takeaways:

  • Bipartisan Effort: Led by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and supported by 13 other senators, the call to restore the “higher of” Class I pricing formula aims to address revenue losses and stabilize the dairy market.
  • Financial Impact: Since the 2018 Farm Bill modification of the pricing formula, dairy farmers have incurred over $1.1 billion in lost Class I skim milk revenue.
  • Economic Ramifications: The unstable pricing formula affects not only dairy farmers but the wider agricultural supply chain, including feed suppliers and equipment manufacturers.
  • Call to Action: The senators’ letter to Secretary Tom Vilsack emphasizes the urgent need for reform to safeguard the long-term viability of the American dairy industry.
  • Alignment with FMMO Goals: Reinstating the “higher of” pricing formula aligns with the Federal Milk Marketing Order’s objective of ensuring a steady milk supply and stable market conditions.

Summary: The dairy industry has been grappling with financial difficulties since 2018, with over $1.1 billion in lost revenue for Class I skim milk over the past five years. The change in the ‘higher of’ Class I pricing formula for fluid milk, which linked the price of Class I milk to the higher value between Class III and Class IV prices, has led to significant revenue losses for dairy farmers. The revised formula has disrupted milk price stability, hampering farmers’ budget planning and aggravated agricultural uncertainties. This volatility affects the entire dairy supply chain, impacting feed suppliers, equipment manufacturers, and the rural economy. Farmers, who require stable pricing to manage costs and plans, face increased financial strain as their revenue decreases. The instability caused by the current formula threatens the long-term viability of the American dairy industry, requiring urgent reform. Senators’ letter to Secretary Tom Vilsack emphasizes the urgent need to revert to the “higher of” Class I pricing formula, arguing that the change in the 2018 Farm Bill has caused a financial crisis, costing dairy farmers over $1.1 billion in lost revenue. Reinstating the ‘higher of’ formula is crucial for stabilizing the dairy market and aligning with the Federal Milk Marketing Order’s goal to ensure a steady supply of fluid milk, contributing to a resilient agricultural sector supporting local economies despite market changes.

Bullish Trends Dominate LaSalle Street: Record Highs in Class III & IV Futures Propel Dairy Markets

Uncover the surge of bullish trends on LaSalle Street pushing Class III & IV futures to record highs. Will the dairy markets keep climbing? Delve into the latest insights today.

The bulls are back on LaSalle Street, setting fresh records in dairy futures. Class III and some Class IV futures hit life-of-contract highs this week, making waves in the dairy markets. While some Class III contracts dipped slightly by week’s end, Class IV futures rose about 30ȼ. Third-quarter Class III stands solidly above $20 per cwt. Fourth-quarter contracts hover in the high $19s. Class IV futures are robust in the $21s and $22s. 

Prices climbed across the CME spot market, led by whey – the unsung hero of the Class III complex. 

The recent surge in whey powder, with a significant 13.25% increase, along with solid gains in Cheddar blocks and barrels, is a clear indicator of the market’s strength. This bullish trend in Class III and IV futures not only highlights the current market strength but also promises potential growth and stability.

ProductAvg PriceQty Traded4 Wk Trend
Whey$0.4445713.25% increase
Cheese Blocks$1.866013Up
Cheese Barrels$1.955013Up
Non-Fat Dry Milk (NDM)$1.189531Up

Class III Futures Soar: A Promising Summer and Year-End Forecast

ContractPrice as of Last WeekPrice This WeekChange
July Class III$19.50$20.25+3.85%
August Class III$19.75$20.45+3.54%
September Class III$20.00$21.10+5.50%
October Class III$19.20$20.10+4.69%
November Class III$19.00$19.75+3.95%
December Class III$18.50$19.40+4.86%

The steady trend of class III futures, which are on a roll this summer and heading into the end of the year, offers a clear outlook for dairy producers. With contracts from July through December hitting life-of-contract highs and third-quarter Class III prices solidly above $20 per cwt., there is robust demand in the market. The prices for the fourth quarter, settling in the $19s, further reinforce the potential profitability for dairy producers. 

Class IV Futures Climb Higher: Butter and NDM Lead the Charge

MonthAvg PriceQty Traded4 wk Trend
July 2024$21.5010
August 2024$21.7512
September 2024$22.0014
October 2024$21.9511
November 2024$22.1013
December 2024$22.2515

Class IV futures are on the rise, now solidly in the $21s and $22s. This reflects the strong and resilient market fundamentals of the dairy sector. The hike in Class IV prices highlights robust demand for butter and nonfat dry milk (NDM), both showing remarkable performances recently. With higher butter output meeting strong demand and climbing NDM prices, these components are crucial to Class IV’s upward trend. This surge boosts market sentiment and provides dairy producers with better financial incentives to increase production despite current challenges, instilling a sense of stability and confidence in the market. 

A Week of Robust Gains: Whey Leads the Charge in the CME Spot Market

The CME spot market buzzed this week, with significant gains led by whey. Spot whey powder jumped 5.5ȼ, a solid 13.25% increase, hitting 47ȼ per pound for the first time since February. This rise shows the strong demand for high-protein whey products as manufacturers focused more on concentration. 

Spot Cheddar also saw gains, with blocks up 3.5ȼ to $1.845 per pound and barrels rising 1.5ȼ to $1.955 per pound. This climb, even with a drop in Cheddar production, reflects strong domestic and international cheese demand, especially with U.S. cheese exports to Mexico hitting record highs. 

Nonfat dry milk (NDM) increased by 2.75ȼ to $1.195 per pound, supported by a robust Global Dairy Trade auction. Despite the price rise, NDM stocks saw their most significant March-to-April jump, suggesting slower exports. 

Butter prices edged slightly, by a fraction of a cent, to settle at $3.0925 per pound. Despite a 5.3% year-over-year production increase, the continued strength in butter prices indicates strong demand holding up the market prices.

April’s Milk Output: High Components Drive Record-Breaking Butter Production

MonthButter Production (million pounds)Year-Over-Year Change (%)

The bulls are back in charge on LaSalle Street. July through December Class III and a smattering of Class IV futures notched life-of-contract highs this week. While most Class III contracts ultimately settled a little lower than they did last Friday, Class

April’s milk output brought some notable developments. Despite lower overall volume than last year, higher milk components led to an uptick in cheese and butter production. Manufacturers churned out nearly 208 million pounds of butter, a 5.3% increase over April 2023. This marks the highest butter output for April, only behind April 2020, when pandemic shutdowns diverted cream to butter production. This spike in butter output indicates solid market demand despite the large volumes.

Record Cheese Production in April: Mozzarella and Italian-Style Cheeses Shine 

Cheese TypeApril 2023 Production (Million lbs)April 2024 Production (Million lbs)Year-over-Year Change (%)
Total Cheese1,1701,191+1.8%

April saw U.S. cheese production reach new heights, with Mozzarella and Italian-style cheeses leading the charge. Mozzarella production hit record levels, and Italian-style cheese output was up 6.2% compared to last April. This high demand ensures quick consumption or export, avoiding the stockpiles that sometimes affect Cheddar. 

Cheddar, however, experienced an 8.6% drop in production from last year, showing a 5.9% decline from January to April compared to 2023. Yet, strong cheese exports, especially to Mexico and key Asian markets, are balancing things out. Exports are up 23% year-to-date, which helped push cheese prices above $2 briefly. 

Continued export growth might be challenging, with cheese prices around $1.90, but the trends are promising for U.S. cheese producers.

Whey Powder Renaissance: Demand for High-Protein Products Fuels Price Surge 

Whey powder, often underrated in the dairy market, is returning thanks to a strong demand for high-protein products. Health-conscious consumers are driving this trend, leading manufacturers to concentrate more on whey and produce less powder. Although April’s whey powder output matched last year’s, stocks have declined. This reduced supply and steady demand have fueled the current price surge. The recent 5.5ȼ gain, a 13.25% increase, underscores the market’s strength.

A Tale of Supply and Demand: NDM Production Slumps While Stockpiles Surge Due to Sluggish Exports

Nonfat Dry Milk (NDM) and Skim Milk Powder (SMP) production fell significantly in April to 209.6 million pounds, down 14.2% year-over-year, marking the lowest April output since 2013. Despite this, NDM stocks surged, hitting a record March-to-April increase. Slower exports are the leading cause. In April, the U.S. exported 144 million pounds of NDM and SMP, down 2.5% from last year and the lowest for April since 2019. This highlights the delicate balance between production, stock levels, and international trade.

Promising Prospects: Mexico’s Shift to NDM Could Boost Exports and Stabilize Markets

There’s hope for increased NDM export volumes, particularly to Mexico. Higher cheese prices might push Mexico to import more affordable NDM instead of cheese. Mexican manufacturers can use NDM to boost their cheese production efficiently. This shift could reduce current NDM stockpiles and stabilize market prices.

Proceed with Caution: Navigating Volatility and Barriers in Milk Production

The recent data highlight extreme volatility in the dairy complex. While high prices are tempting, caution is crucial. There are significant barriers to milk production expansion. High interest rates make investments riskier, and a scarcity of heifers limits rapid growth. Even issues like the bird flu impact the supply chain and market stability.

Economic Incentives and Strategic Tools Empower Dairy Producers to Boost Output and strategically navigate the market. This potential for strategic growth and control over the market dynamics can be a powerful motivator for dairy producers and traders. The current market conditions for dairy producers are a strong incentive to boost milk production. Class III futures are up $3.50 from last year, and with corn prices down $1.55, feed costs are more affordable, making it easier to increase output. 

Despite market ups and downs, there’s a great chance to protect your margins. You can lock in current high prices using futures and options, ensuring steady profits. The Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) insurance program offers a safety net against price drops or production issues. These tools help you navigate the market smartly and aim for maximum profitability.

Feed Markets Show Resilience Amidst Fluctuations: Corn Gains Modestly, Soybean Meal Dips

The feed markets had their ups and downs this week but ended up close to where they started. July corn settled at $4.4875, a slight increase of 2.5ȼ. Meanwhile, July soybean meal dropped $4.10 to $360.60 per ton.

Farmers are almost done planting their crops, with just a few acres left. A drier forecast will help them wrap up. Although heavy spring rains posed initial challenges, they also improved moisture reserves for the upcoming summer months

Less favorable global farming conditions might boost U.S. export prospects, stabilizing prices and preventing steep drops. With average weather, a large U.S. harvest is expected, potentially lowering feed costs even more.

The Bottom Line

The current dairy market offers both opportunities and challenges for producers. Class III and IV futures show solid gains and higher prices thanks to robust demand and reduced milk output. Whey and cheese markets are performing exceptionally, and export volumes could improve. However, volatility remains a concern. High interest rates, scarce resources, and global health threats add to the uncertainty. Farmers can secure attractive margins using strategic tools like futures, options, and insurance programs. Favorable planting conditions and resilient feed markets provide added support. Staying informed and agile will be vital to capitalizing on these dynamics while managing risks.

Key Takeaways:

  • Strong bullish trends observed in Class III and IV futures, with significant life-of-contract highs.
  • Third-quarter Class III prices solidly above $20 per cwt, and fourth-quarter contracts in the $19 range.
  • Class IV futures robustly in the $21s and $22s, driven by high demand for butter and NDM.
  • Whey powder prices surged with a 13.25% gain, hitting 47ȼ per pound for the first time since February.
  • Cheddar blocks and barrels showed solid gains at the CME spot market, indicating strong market fundamentals.
  • April’s milk output featured high components, leading to record-breaking butter production.
  • U.S. cheese production hit record levels in April, driven by escalating Mozzarella and Italian-style cheese output.
  • Strong demand for high-protein whey products spurred a price surge, backed by decreased dryer availability.
  • NDM production saw a slump, affected by sluggish exports, but stockpiles surged with the largest March-to-April increase ever.
  • Mexico’s potential shift to importing more NDM could stabilize export volumes and market dynamics.
  • Dairy producers incentivized to boost milk production despite barriers, with improved futures and feed margins.
  • Feed markets exhibited resilience, with minor fluctuations in corn and soybean meal prices.

Summary: The dairy market has seen a strong bullish trend, with Class III and some Class IV futures hitting life-of-contract highs this week. Class IV futures are robust in the $21s and $22s, reflecting the strong and resilient market fundamentals of the dairy sector. The recent surge in whey powder and solid gains in Cheddar blocks and barrels is a clear indicator of the market’s strength, promising potential growth and stability. Class III futures are on a roll this summer and heading into the end of the year, offering a clear outlook for dairy producers. Contracts from July through December hit life-of-contract highs, and third-quarter Class III prices solidly above $20 per cwt., reinforcing potential profitability for dairy producers. Class IV futures are on the rise, now solidly in the $21s and $22s, reflecting the strong and resilient market fundamentals of the dairy sector. The surge in Class IV prices highlights robust demand for butter and nonfat dry milk (NDM), both showing remarkable performances recently. In April, U.S. cheese production reached record levels, with Mozzarella and Italian-style cheeses leading the charge.

Rising Milk Prices and Lower Feed Costs Boost Profitability: May Dairy Margin Watch

Uncover how surging milk prices and decreased feed costs are enhancing dairy profitability. Interested in the freshest trends in milk production and inventory? Dive in to learn more now.

The dairy market witnessed a significant upturn in May, attributed to the rise in milk prices and the decrease in feed costs. This has led to a boost in profitability for dairy producers. Despite milk production still trailing behind last year, the gap is gradually closing, indicating a path to recovery. The USDA’s latest reports, being a reliable source, provide crucial insights that can potentially shape the dairy market. 

  • Dairy margins improved in late May.
  • Milk production dropped 0.4% from last year, the smallest decline in 2023.
  • Weaker feed markets lowered costs.

These factors are setting the stage for improved profitability. Farmers, demonstrating their adaptability, are strategically extending coverage in deferred marketing periods to maximize these gains. Grasping these changes is of utmost importance in navigating the evolving dairy margin landscape.

Riding the Wave: Dairy Margins Climb on the Back of Market Dynamics 

Dairy margins have experienced notable improvements, especially towards the end of May. Apart from the spot period in Q2, ongoing rallies in milk prices coupled with declines in feed market costs have significantly bolstered profitability for dairy producers. This positive shift in margins can be traced back to several market dynamics that have unfolded over the past month. 

Steadying the Ship: Signs of Stability in Milk Production Trends

MonthMilk Production (billion pounds)Year-over-Year Change (%)Dairy Herd Size (million head)
February 202317.925-0.89.36
March 202318.945-0.79.35
April 202319.135-0.49.34
March 2023 (Revised)18.945-0.79.36
April 202419.135-0.49.34

Milk production trends show a continued year-over-year decline, but the gap is narrowing, hinting at stability. The USDA’s April report recorded 19.135 billion pounds of milk, a slight 0.4% drop from last year. This is the smallest decline in 2024, indicating that production levels may stabilize. 

The USDA also revised March data, showing a 0.7% decrease compared to the reported 1.0%. This revision suggests that the production landscape might be improving. While still below last year’s levels, these updates point to a possible upward trend.

Adapting to Market Pressures: Implications of the Changing U.S. Dairy Herd

The dynamics of the U.S. dairy herd tell of broader milk production trends and market conditions. The USDA reported a reduction from 9.348 million dairy cows in March to 9.34 million in April, marking an 8,000-head decline. Year-over-year, the herd is down by 74,000 cows. 

These figures underscore a contraction in the dairy herd, a crucial aspect for comprehending market dynamics. A revision of March’s data revealed the herd was more significant than initially reported, indicating dairy producers are adapting to market pressures for sustainability and profitability.

Contrasting Fortunes: Dramatic Spike in Butter Stocks versus Modest Cheese Inventory Growth

ProductApril 2023 (lbs)March 2024 (lbs)April 2024 (lbs)Change from March to April 2024 (lbs)Change from March to April 2024 (%)
Butter331.7 million317.3 million361.3 million44 million13.9%
Cheese1.47 billion1.45 billion1.46 billion5.6 million0.4%

According to the USDA’s April Cold Storage report, butter inventories notably increased. As of April 30, there were 361.3 million pounds of butter in storage, up 44 million pounds from March – the most significant jump since the pandemic. This rise indicates strong domestic production outpacing demand, with stocks now up 9% from last year, highlighting consistent growth in 2024. 

Conversely, the cheese market experienced milder growth. Cheese stocks rose by only 5.6 million pounds from March to April, totaling 1.46 billion pounds by the end of April, down 0.6% from last year. This limited increase is mainly due to a surge in cheese exports this spring. However, with U.S. cheese prices losing global competitiveness, these exports may slow down, potentially changing this trend.

Export Dynamics: The Balancing Act of U.S. Cheese Inventory 

YearCheese ExportsPrice CompetitivenessKey Markets
2020800 million lbsHighMexico, South Korea, Japan
2021850 million lbsModerateMexico, South Korea, Canada
2022900 million lbsHighMexico, China, Japan
2023950 million lbsModerateMexico, South Korea, Australia
2024500 million lbs (estimated)LowMexico, South Korea, Japan

Cheese exports have significantly influenced U.S. cheese inventories this spring. Increased exports have helped manage domestic cheese stocks despite high production levels. However, with U.S. cheese prices losing their competitive edge onthe global market, exports will likely slow. This may result in growing domestic cheese stocks, presenting new challenges for inventory management.

Looking Ahead: Promising Outlook for Dairy Margins

Looking ahead, dairy margins show promise. In Q2 2024, margins ranged from -$0.11 to a high of $3.71, with the latest at $3.02, in the 95.5th percentile over the past decade. This is a solid historical position. For Q3 2024, margins vary from $1.73 to $4.49, currently at the high end of $4.49, in the 93.4th percentile. This suggests continued profitability. Q4 2024 sees more variability, with margins from $1.81 to $3.54, currently at $3.54, in the 88.6th percentile. Lastly, Q1 2025 shows a slight dip with margins from $1.63 to $2.61, but still favorable at the 91.8th percentile. These figures depict an optimistic outlook for dairy margins in the coming quarters, driven by solid milk prices and stable feed costs.

The Bottom Line

Due to rising milk prices and weakening feed markets, recent market dynamics have boosted dairy margins. Despite a year-over-year drop in milk production, USDA data revisions show smaller declines and changes in dairy herd numbers. Butter and cheese inventory trends emphasize the importance of diligent market monitoring. 

Understanding these margins and staying informed is crucial for dairy producers. Fluctuations in butter and cheese stocks highlight the industry’s ever-changing landscape. Extending coverage in deferred marketing periods can offer strategic advantages. 

Stay ahead by monitoring industry reports like the CIH Margin Watch report. For more information, visit Adapting to market changes is critical to sustaining profitability in the dairy industry.

Key Takeaways:

  • Improved Dairy Margins: Late May witnessed a significant rise in dairy margins as milk prices rallied and feed costs dropped.
  • Milk Production Trends: Though milk production is still down compared to last year, the rate of decline is slowing, signaling a move towards stability.
  • USDA Reports: April figures showed a smaller-than-expected decrease in milk production and larger inventories of butter, while cheese inventories grew at a slower pace.
  • Future Margins: Projections show promising dairy margins through the end of 2024 and into early 2025, suggesting sustained profitability for dairy farmers.

Summary: The dairy market experienced a significant upturn in May due to rising milk prices and decreased feed costs, boosting profitability for dairy producers. Despite milk production still trailing last year, the gap is gradually closing, indicating a path to recovery. The USDA’s latest reports provide crucial insights that can potentially shape the dairy market. Milk production margins improved in late May, with milk production dropping 0.4% from last year, the smallest decline in 2023. Weaker feed markets lowered costs, setting the stage for improved profitability. Farmers are strategically extending coverage in deferred marketing periods to maximize these gains. Milk production trends show a continued year-over-year decline, but the gap is narrowing, hinting at stability. The USDA’s April report recorded 19.135 billion pounds of milk, a slight 0.4% drop from last year, indicating that production levels may stabilize. A revision of March data revealed a 0.7% decrease compared to the reported 1.0%, suggesting that the production landscape might be improving. Looking ahead, dairy margins show promise, with Q2 2024 margins ranging from -$0.11 to a high of $3.71, Q3 2024 margins ranging from $1.73 to $4.49, Q4 2024 margins from $1.81 to $3.54, and Q1 2025 margins from $1.63 to $2.61.

Milk Markets Surge Higher on Late Week Buying: Class III & IV Gain Momentum

Uncover the dynamics driving late-week surges in the milk markets. Witness the ascent of Class III and IV milk prices. Eager to learn about the latest movements in dairy and grain sectors? Continue reading.

The milk markets experienced a volatile week, culminating in a significant late-week surge that notably impacted Class III and Class IV milk prices. The strength of class III milk, particularly in the latter half of the year, was a key highlight. July’s contracts saw a substantial increase of 43 cents to $20.29, while August mirrored this trend with a 46-cent climb to the same price of $20.29/cwt. In contrast, earlier months such as May and June were more subdued, with May closing at $18.60 and June showing a minimal increase of just 2 cents to $19.38/cwt. 

Market analysts observed, “The late-week buying frenzy brought a refreshing upswing to the milk markets, particularly benefiting Class III prices in the latter months of the year.” 

Class IV milk prices demonstrated a more tempered response, maintaining stability despite a modest gain in butter prices. May’s contracts settled at $20.57, June at $20.84, and July reached $21.31/cwt. These figures underscore the nuanced variations within the different milk classes, reflecting broader market dynamics and investor sentiment.

Class III Milk Enjoys Summer Surge Amid Subdued Early-Year Performance


Class III milk experienced a notable improvement in the latter part of the year. July increased by 43 cents to reach $20.29 per hundredweight (cwt), while August followed with a rise of 46 cents, also hitting $20.29/cwt. In contrast, May ended at $18.60, showing little change, and June gained just 2 cents to close at $19.38/cwt. These numbers highlight a clear seasonal trend, with more robust market dynamics emerging in the summer months for Class III milk.

Class IV Milk Market Remains Steady Amid Modest Butter Price Gains 


The week in the dairy market has displayed notable shifts, particularly in the Class IV milk futures. Despite the muted movement, the overall trend leans toward stability with a few upward adjustments compensating for earlier lukewarm phases. For a clearer illustration, let’s delve into the Class IV milk futures trends over the past week: 

Class IV milk prices remained steady compared to Class III, showing minimal volatility. Class IV milk held its ground despite a modest 6-cent rise in butter prices. May closed at $20.57/cwt, June slightly up at $20.84, and July continued this trend at $21.31. These figures highlight a consistent market with gradual gains, reflecting the steady performance of Class IV milk.

The CME Spot Trade Closes the Week with Significant Activity in the Dairy

ProductMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayWeekly Trend
Butter ($/lb)$3.03$3.04$3.05$3.07$3.09▲6 cents
Cheddar Blocks ($/lb)$1.81$1.81$1.81$1.81$1.81
Cheddar Barrels ($/lb)$1.94$1.94$1.94$1.94$1.94
Dry Whey ($/lb)$0.41$0.41$0.41$0.41$0.41 1/2▲1/2 cent
Grade A Non Fat Dry Milk ($/lb)$1.16$1.16$1.16$1.16$1.16 3/4▲3/4 cent

The CME spot trade saw significant action in the dairy sector, especially in the butter and cheese markets. Butter prices rose 6 cents to $3.09 per pound, hinting at increased demand or limited supply, which could positively impact the broader dairy market. 

Cheddar cheese prices remained stable, with Blocks at $1.81 and Barrels at $1.94 per pound. This consistency suggests a balanced market without primary surpluses or deficits. 

The block/barrel spread stayed inverted at 13 cents, indicating supply concerns or quality preferences. Typically, Blocks are pricier due to their broader use and better quality. The sustained average price of $1.87 1/2 per pound reflects the market’s effort to balance these differences, providing insight into future price trends in the dairy sector.

Powder Markets Show Promise with Incremental Price Gains

ProductPrice (per lb)ChangeTrend
Dry Whey$0.41½+1 centUp
Grade A Non Fat Dry Milk$1.16¾+½ centUp

The powder markets exhibited a solid performance this past week, signaling promise in this sector. Dry Whey climbed by a penny to $0.41 1/2 per pound, indicating a steady demand. This rise may suggest market stability amid fluctuating dairy prices. 

Grade A Non-Fat Dry Whey also increased by 1/2 cent, reaching $1.16 3/4 per pound. This small but significant uptick reflects the strength of the dairy industry and hints at a balanced supply and demand. These incremental gains not only reinforce market stability but also inspire confidence in the potential growth of the powder markets, which could have broader economic implications for those invested in commodities.

Grain and Feed Markets Reflect Broader Economic and Environmental Instabilities

CommodityContract MonthClosing PricePrice Change
CornJuly$4.46 1/4Down 2 1/2 cents
SoybeansJuly$12.05Down 4 3/4 cents
Soybean MealJuly$364.10/tonUp $1.10
WheatJuly$6.78Down 2 1/2 cents
RiceJuly$17.67Down 16 cents
Feeder CattleAugust$256.40Down $2.67

The grain and feed markets faced a notable shift towards the weekend, marked by varied price movements across critical commodities. Corn slipped slightly, with July futures closing at $4.46 1/4, down 2 1/2 cents. This minor dip mirrors broader market trends where corn battles to sustain momentum amid changing demand-supply dynamics. Soybeans followed suit, with July futures dropping 4 3/4 cents to $12.05 per bushel, reflecting ongoing market volatility and the impact of trade conditions and weather on crop yields. 

Despite a modest rise in soybean meal prices, the feed markets remained complex. July prices increased by $1.10, finishing the week at $364.10 per ton. However, prices remained over $25 per ton below earlier weekly highs, underscoring the intricate and volatile nature of the feed markets. These shifts serve as a reminder of the need for caution in the grain and feed sectors, mirroring the broader economic and environmental uncertainties.

The Bottom Line

The week concluded with a notable rise in milk markets, spurred by a robust late-week surge in Class III milk. Gains in July and August highlighted its strength, contrasting a quieter early-year performance. Class IV milk displayed a steadiness, with modest butter price increases

Significant activity marked the CME spot trade, with butter and cheese showing price movements and powder markets finishing the week with gains. In contrast, grain and feed markets slid into the weekend, impacted by economic and environmental challenges. Corn, soybeans, and soybean meal exhibited varied performances, reflecting the intricate dynamics of agricultural markets.

Key Takeaways:

  • Class III milk prices experienced an encouraging surge in late-week trading, showing notable gains for July and August contracts.
  • Earlier months like May and June saw more modest price movements, with minimal increases observed.
  • Class IV milk prices remained relatively stable, with slight upward adjustments despite varied commodity performance within the dairy market.
  • The CME spot trade highlighted a 6-cent gain in Butter prices, while Cheddar Blocks and Barrels maintained their previous levels, keeping the block/barrel spread inverted.
  • Powder markets closed the week on a positive note, with Dry Whey and Grade A Non-Fat Dry Whey inching upward.
  • Grain and feed markets displayed downward trends, with slight declines in corn and soybeans and a notable drop in soybean meal from earlier highs.

Summary: The milk markets experienced a volatile week, culminating in a late-week surge that significantly impacted Class III and Class IV milk prices. Class III milk experienced a significant improvement in the latter part of the year, with July’s contracts seeing a substantial increase of 43 cents to $20.29, and August mirrored this trend with a 46-cent climb to the same price. In contrast, earlier months such as May and June were more subdued, with May closing at $18.60 and June showing a minimal increase of just 2 cents to $19.38/cwt. Market analysts observed that the late-week buying frenzy brought a refreshing upswing to the milk markets, particularly benefiting Class III prices in the latter months of the year. The dairy market displayed notable shifts, particularly in Class IV milk futures, with the overall trend leaning toward stability with a few upward adjustments compensating for earlier lukewarm phases.

April 2024 DMC Margin Holds at $9.60 per CWT Despite Steady Feed Costs

Discover how April 2024’s DMC margin held at $9.60 per cwt despite steady feed costs. Curious about the factors influencing this stability? Read on to find out more.

April concluded on a reassuring note for dairy producers , with a robust $9.60 per cwt income over the feed cost margin through the DMC program. Despite the challenges posed by strong feed markets, milk prices remained steady, ensuring no indemnity payments for the second time this year. This stability in income is a testament to the reliability of the DMC program. 

MonthMilk Price ($/cwt)Total Feed Cost ($/cwt)Margin Above Feed Cost ($/cwt)
February 2024$21.00$11.10$9.90
March 2024$20.70$11.05$9.65
April 2024$20.50$10.90$9.60

The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) , released its Agricultural Prices report on May 31. This report, which served as the basis for calculating April’s DMC margins, demonstrated how a late-month milk price rally balanced steady feed market conditions

The DMC program, a key pillar of risk management for dairy producers, protects against rising feed costs and milk prices, ensuring a stable income. In addition, programs like Dairy Revenue Protection (Dairy-RP) play a crucial role, covering 27% of the U.S. milk supply and providing net gains of 23 cents per cwt over five years. 

“April’s margin stability shows milk prices’ resilience against fluctuating feed costs, a balance crucial for dairy producers,” said an industry analyst. 

April’s total feed costs fell to $10.90 per cwt, down 15 cents from March, while the milk price dipped to $20.50 per cwt, down 20 cents. This kept the margin at $9.60 per cwt, just 5 cents lower than March. 

Milk price changes varied by state. Florida and Georgia saw a 30-cent increase per cwt, and Pennsylvania and Virginia saw a 10-cent rise. In contrast, Idaho and Texas saw no change. Oregon experienced a $1.10 per cwt drop. 

The market fluctuations observed in April underscore the dynamic nature of the dairy market. In such a scenario, the importance of risk management programs like DMC and Dairy-RP cannot be overstated. As of March 4, over 17,000 dairy operations were enrolled in the DMC for 2023, with 2024 enrollment open until April 29. This proactive approach to risk management is crucial for navigating the uncertainties of the dairy market.

Key Takeaways:

  • April’s Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) margin was $9.60 per hundredweight (cwt), with no indemnity payments triggered for the second time in 2024.
  • USDA NASS’s Agricultural Prices report detailed April’s margins and feed costs, revealing a robust dairy income despite strong feed markets.
  • Notable changes included Alfalfa hay at $260 per ton (down $11), corn at $4.39 per bushel (up 3 cents), and soybean meal at $357.68 per ton (down $4.49).
  • Milk prices averaged $20.50 per cwt, marking a slight 20-cent drop from March but sufficient to offset stable feed costs.
  • Major dairy states mostly saw a 20-cent decrease in milk price, with a few exceptions like Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Virginia experiencing modest growth.

Summary: Dairy producers in April reported a robust income of $9.60 per cwt over the feed cost margin through the DMC program. Despite strong feed markets, milk prices remained steady, ensuring no indemnity payments for the second time this year. This stability in income is a testament to the reliability of the DMC program. The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) released its Agricultural Prices report on May 31, which calculated April’s DMC margins. Programs like Dairy Revenue Protection (Dairy-RP) play a crucial role, covering 27% of the U.S. milk supply and providing net gains of 23 cents per cwt over five years. Market fluctuations underscore the dynamic nature of the dairy market, emphasizing the importance of risk management programs like DMC and Dairy-RP.

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