Archive for SMP prices

Navigating Tighter Milk Supplies: How Dairy Farmers Can Stay Competitive Amidst Rising Challenges

How can dairy farmers stay competitive with tighter milk supplies and new challenges? Are you ready for the evolving dairy market?

Summary: The dairy industry faces tighter milk supplies and lower milk solids output, leading to heightened competition among processors. Recent data shows a significant drop in nonfat dry milk and skim milk powder production, contrasting with a surge in exports, especially to Mexico and the Philippines. Global stockpiles are also feeling the pinch, with European inventory levels shrinking and prices rising across the board. As a dairy farmer, staying informed and adaptable in these dynamic market conditions is crucial. Understanding these trends, you can better navigate the challenges and opportunities ahead. “Milk powder output is 14.6% behind the 2023 pace, marking the slowest start since 2013.” 

  • Data shows a significant drop in nonfat dry and skim milk powder production.
  • Exports are surging, especially to key markets like Mexico and the Philippines.
  • Global stockpiles of skim milk powder are shrinking, driving up prices.
  • Dairy farmers must stay informed and adaptable to dynamic market conditions.
  • Understanding these industry trends can help tackle future challenges and seize opportunities.
dairy industry challenges, milk supply, milk solids production, nonfat dry milk, skim milk powder, decreased supply, bluetongue illness, NDM exports, competitive environment, rising prices, constrained supply, strong demand, Global Dairy Trade, SMP prices, China, WMP stockpile, financial impact, CME spot prices, market volatility, feed costs

Do you feel the pinch in the dairy industry? You are not alone. A tighter milk supply and decreased milk solids production present challenges, but you, as dairy farmers and processors, have shown resilience in the face of adversity. In July, the combined output of nonfat dry milk (NDM) and skim milk powder (SMP) fell to 184 million pounds, a 10.6% decrease from the previous year. With such significant declines in productivity, it’s evident that we’re all up against unprecedented obstacles. How are you going to navigate these rough waters?

Facing the Reality: The Dairy Market’s Tightening Grip 

Let’s take a look at the present dairy market. It’s no news that milk supplies are tightening, and milk solids yield is declining. This year, the combined output of nonfat dry milk (NDM) and skim milk powder (SMP) fell by 10.6% in July, reaching just 184 million pounds compared to the previous year. In the first half of 2024, milk powder output fell 14.6%, the weakest start since 2013.

This drop in output has created a very competitive environment for dairy processors. And this is not simply a local problem but a global concern. For example, the USDA’s Dairy Market News reports that Europe’s SMP supplies are “thin,” spurred by fears of decreased supply owing to bluetongue illness.

Meanwhile, competition heated up as NDM exports rose 10.3% in July compared to the previous year. Key countries like Mexico witnessed a 20% rise in shipments, while exports to the Philippines, our second-largest market, increased by an astonishing 79%. Despite these prominent export figures, manufacturers’ NDM supplies are tight, with 269.7 million pounds recorded as of July—down marginally from June but up 0.4% from last July.

Prices are also rising owing to constrained supply and strong demand. For example, during a recent Global Dairy Trade (GDT) auction, SMP prices rose by 4.5%, hitting their highest since June.

The Global Squeeze: Europe’s Tight Dairy Market 

Let us take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Europe, a traditional dairy industry powerhouse, is under pressure. According to the USDA’s Dairy Market News, SMP stockpiles are ‘thin,’ causing purchasers to scramble to obtain items. This shortage is exacerbated by bluetongue illness, which threatens to severely reduce SMP output. This ‘Global Squeeze’ is not simply a European issue but a global concern that could impact the U.S. dairy industry by increasing competition and potentially raising prices.

As stocks deplete, prices rise. At the most recent Global Dairy Trade (GDT) auction, SMP prices increased by 4.5%, reaching their highest point since June. Interestingly, although whole milk powder (WMP) witnessed a tiny decrease, there is a silver lining. China stepped up, purchasing substantial amounts for the third consecutive auction. This is an optimistic indicator that China’s massive WMP stockpile would eventually decline after years of low imports.

How Do These Trends Impact You, the U.S. Dairy Farmer?

Lower milk solids yield, and tighter milk supply have a direct impact on your financial line. With CME spot prices for nonfat dry milk (NDM) at $1.365 per pound, the highest since late 2022, you may find some respite if you can demand these higher prices. However, with avian influenza in central California, there is a genuine potential for future disruptions.

  • Avian Influenza: This is not simply a bird issue. When it affects a significant dairy-producing region, such as central California, it raises concerns about further limits on milk supply. Any decrease in production will increase prices, impacting your sales and profit margins. The avian influenza outbreak in central California can potentially disrupt the dairy industry by limiting milk supply, leading to increased prices and impacting sales and profit margins.
  • Cheddar blocks reached a multi-year high of $2.27 per pound, while butter prices of $3.175 per pound highlight the market’s robust demand. While increased pricing may seem appealing, they may also result in more extraordinary input expenses for feed and supplies, reducing your profits.
  • Whey Powder and Protein Isolates:  With whey powder production at its lowest level since 1984, while whey protein isolates outperformed last year’s volumes by 30-34%, you’re probably experiencing a change in demand for higher-value goods. If you’re in the whey manufacturing business, this may be a profitable niche to enter. Despite the challenges, there are opportunities for profit in the current market conditions.
  • Market Volatility: Despite high spot dairy product prices on the CME, milk futures have not followed pace. September Class III milk futures increased marginally to $22.77 per cwt., but most other futures fell 20 to 30 cents. This unpredictability might make it difficult to plan long-term investments or growth. We understand the challenges you face in navigating this market volatility.
  • Feed Costs: While silage yields seem fair, worldwide concerns, such as dry weather in Brazil, may influence future grain prices. Any rise in feed prices directly impacts operating expenditures, stressing the need for effective feed management measures.

These shifts provide both possibilities and problems. Higher spot prices may increase income, but the danger of disease outbreaks and fluctuating feed costs needs careful planning. Stay adaptive, and you can economically traverse these challenging times.

Cheese & Butter: The Heavyweights of the Dairy Market 

Cheese and butter are at the forefront of the dairy industry, with high demand and pricing.CME spot Cheddar blocks hit a multi-year high, rising to $2.27 per pound. Despite plentiful cheese production exceeding last year’s volumes by 1.9%, cheddar output declined 5.8%, the lowest since 2019. So far this year, U.S. cheddar production is behind by 7.2%, reducing supply and increasing prices. Nonetheless, U.S. cheese exports remained strong, reaching roughly 89 million pounds in July, the most significant number ever.

The butter market continues to be robust, with output rising to 162 million pounds in July, a 2.2% rise over July 2023, and a new monthly record. However, strong demand kept prices rising, with CME spot butter reaching $3.175. Despite the higher churn, high prices indicate a large draw from the market, confirming the strong demand for butter products.

Whey: From Powder to Protein Powerhouse 

Whey powder production has dropped significantly, reaching its lowest level since 1984, as producers focus more on high-protein whey concentrates and isolates. Whey protein isolate output increased by 34% in June and 30% in July. This shift in production objectives considerably impacts the supply and demand dynamics of the whey market.

As more whey is diverted into high-protein products, the availability of classic whey powder has decreased. This dip in whey powder manufacturing maintains stockpiles low, as indicated by a 27.7% fall over the previous year, reaching levels not seen since 2012. Prices have increased, with CME spot whey reaching 58.75¢ per pound.

What’s causing this shift? Consumer demand. Americans are becoming more health-conscious, increasing their intake of high-protein food. This isn’t a fad but rather a significant commercial change, resulting in a feedback cycle in which increased demand for protein isolates limits the supply of ordinary whey powder, pushing up costs.

As a consequence, the market rewards those that are fast to adjust. If you are a dairy farmer, this might imply more significant whey product margins and more difficult choices about where to focus your production efforts. Navigating these changes successfully may help you remain afloat and grow in this fast-changing environment.

Mixed Fortunes in Dairy and Feed Markets: Opportunities Amidst Uncertainty 

Milk futures seem unable to keep up with dairy markets’ rapid growth. Despite new cheese price highs, which pushed September Class III to a high of $22.77 a cwt., the rest of the Class III and Class IV futures did not follow. This week, most contracts dropped between 20˼ and 30ɼ. The gap emphasizes an important point: although cheese prices impact Class III futures, maintaining upward momentum is difficult without strong demand.

We notice a mix of good and warning indicators in the feed markets. Silage choppers are in operation, and yields are encouraging. Expect robust grain and soybean crops, which will restrict margins as prices attract new demand. Ethanol output rose 3.3% yearly in July and August, suggesting more significant activity in connected markets.

Furthermore, beef output is robust, with cattle grown to record weights, and the United States remains the most economical market for maize and soybeans. Despite a period of low sales, the market is waking up. However, fears remain over Brazil’s dry period. Persistent dryness may delay planting and limit production potential, impacting market behavior. This week, December corn increased by 5 cents to $4.0625 per bushel, while November soybeans rose a few cents to $10.02. Soybean meal remained solid at $324 per ton, up $11.

Although the dairy market is mixed for milk futures, the feed markets provide both possibilities and hazards. As you navigate these stormy seas, watch demand changes and external variables, such as weather conditions, which impact worldwide supply.

Stay Agile: Mastering Global Market Dynamics 

Understanding global market dynamics is critical to keeping ahead. International trade rules, tariffs, and worldwide events considerably impact the local dairy industry. Tariffs, for example, may raise the cost of dairy exports, lowering profit margins and restricting market access. Disease outbreaks and political instability may disrupt supply networks and drive up costs.

To reduce these effects, consider remaining up to speed on current trade regulations and foreign market developments. Diversifying your market base might also be beneficial. If one market is experiencing a decline, another may have steady or growing demand. Building strong connections with local and foreign customers may offer a buffer against market changes. Furthermore, boosting productivity and lowering farm expenses make your goods more competitive, even when global circumstances are challenging.

Adapting to These Market Shifts Requires Forward-Thinking Strategies 

Adapting to these market shifts requires forward-thinking strategies. Here are some practical tips for staying ahead: 

  • Diversify Your Product Line
    If you haven’t already, this is an excellent moment to explore diversifying your product offering. Introducing new goods such as flavored milk, yogurts, and gourmet cheeses may help you enter niche markets. According to the USDA, value-added items often command higher pricing, making your business more robust to market swings [USDA].
  • Improve Operational Efficiency
    In tight marketplaces, you must streamline your processes. Consider investing in devices that will increase milk output and feed efficiency. Automated milking methods, for example, save labor expenses while increasing production. Programs such as Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) may offer financial safety nets [FSA].
  • Explore New Markets
    Global marketplaces are developing, and there are chances to broaden your reach. Exports to nations like Mexico and the Philippines have increased, indicating good opportunities for American dairy producers. Keep an eye on foreign trade rules and consider creating collaborations with export organizations to help you traverse these markets more efficiently.
  • Adapt to Consumer Trends
    Consumers are increasingly seeking responsibly produced and organic items. You can enter this booming market by implementing sustainable practices and obtaining organic certifications. Not only does this command a higher price, but it also boosts your brand’s reputation.
  • Leverage Data and Analytics
    Use data analytics to make sound judgments. Tools that gather and analyze data on feed efficiency, milk output, and herd health may provide valuable insights for optimizing your operations. Implementing predictive analytics may help you anticipate milk production patterns and make proactive modifications.

Embracing these methods will help your dairy farm prosper in the face of market pressures. Remember that long-term sustainability requires flexibility and proactive behavior.

The Bottom Line

The dairy market is undergoing considerable changes. Lower milk solid production and tighter supply have increased competition and pricing. While the worldwide market is under pressure due to low inventory levels and external factors such as illnesses, U.S. exports remain reasonably robust. The cheese, butter, and whey markets exhibit various patterns, which affect supply and demand in multiple ways. Meanwhile, shifting feed and grain prices provide both obstacles and possibilities for dairy producers.

As you manage these complicated dynamics, examine how you may adapt your strategy to survive and succeed in this changing market. Stay alert, knowledgeable, and proactive to capitalize on new possibilities and prevent threats.

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Bullvine Daily is your essential e-zine for staying ahead in the dairy industry. With over 30,000 subscribers, we bring you the week’s top news, helping you manage tasks efficiently. Stay informed about milk production, tech adoption, and more, so you can concentrate on your dairy operations. 


Navigating Global Dairy Markets: Bearish Sentiment Prevails Amidst Ongoing Market Shifts

Find out how rising exports and recent market changes affect dairy farming in September 2024. Are you ready for what’s next? Get expert insights and practical advice now.

Summary: The dairy market has experienced unexpected shifts this past quarter, with variations in global trade and disease outbreaks impacting production and prices. While U.S. milk equivalent exports rose significantly, up 9.5% from last year, and Australia’s exports surged by 23% year-over-year in July, key prices didn’t meet expectations. The Global Dairy Trade (GDT) for skim milk powder (SMP) showed gains, but many other prices faltered. Ongoing issues, such as the spread of Bluetongue in Europe and bird flu detection in California, create further challenges. The outlook hints at cautious optimism for margins in the U.S., E.U., and New Zealand; however, disease and environmental constraints may keep milk production sluggish. Cheese markets are turbulent, with CME spot prices looking weak despite a 10.1% YoY export rise. Meanwhile, strong buyer interest should cushion butter prices despite minor recent weaknesses, and although NFDM/SMP prices rose across major exporters, high price demand remains a concern. Dairy producers must navigate these mixed signals by focusing on efficiency, addressing herd health, investing in sustainability, staying updated on market trends, and exploring value-added products.

  • U.S. milk equivalent exports increased by 9.5% compared to last year.
  • Australia’s milk equivalent exports rose by an impressive 23% year-over-year in July.
  • Global Dairy Trade (GDT) skim milk powder (SMP) prices showed gains, while other prices fell short of expectations.
  • Ongoing disease challenges include the spread of Bluetongue in Europe and bird flu detection in California.
  • Environmental constraints and disease concerns might keep milk production sluggish in the U.S., E.U., and New Zealand.
  • The cheese market shows volatility, with U.S. exports up 10.1% year-over-year despite weak CME spot prices.
  • Strong buying interest will likely support butter prices despite recent minor weaknesses.
  • NFDM/SMP prices have risen across significant exporters, but high price demand is a potential concern.
  • Dairy producers should focus on efficiency, herd health, sustainability, market trends, and value-added products to navigate mixed market signals.

Are you keeping up with the most recent dairy industry trends? This September delivers surprising developments, with U.S. milk equivalent exports increasing by 9.5% and Australia increasing by 23% yearly. What do these developments imply for your farm, and how can you interpret the conflicting signals from various market segments? Dive into this month’s study to see what’s driving these developments and what they can imply for your bottom line.

Unexpected Shifts Shake Up the Global Dairy Market This Quarter

This quarter, the global dairy industry is seeing some exciting adjustments. While Global Dairy Trade (GDT) Skim Milk Powder (SMP) increased, other dairy prices did not match expectations. The mixed trends add levels of complexity to marketing tactics. Notably, U.S. and Australian milk equivalent exports have surpassed expectations. In July, U.S. milk equivalent exports increased by an astounding 9.5% yearly, while Australian exports increased by a staggering 23% yearly. This vigorous export activity contrasts with weaker pricing elsewhere, highlighting the volatile nature of global dairy markets.

Bearish Sentiment Prevails Amidst Ongoing Global Market Challenges

The market attitude among major dairy exporters has tilted pessimistic this week, mainly due to GDT prices’ underperformance, particularly in New Zealand. While the E.U. market received some support after the week, U.S. futures remained pressured. This intricate world requires cautious navigation.

In Europe, the continuous expansion of Bluetongue adds to the uncertainty. This illness harms cattle health and jeopardizes market stability. On the opposite side of the water, California’s first discovery of avian flu adds to the complication. This occurrence, linked to cow migrations in Idaho, demonstrates the complexities of disease transmission and its influence on the dairy industry.

Another problem arises from environmental limits. In particular, the E.U. and New Zealand face stringent laws that limit milk production capacities: these variables and the current heifer deficit in the United States point to a depressed milk production prognosis. Farmers are left to consider the possible rippling effects on demand at high prices.

Cheese Prices: A Rollercoaster Ride with a Silver Lining 

The cheese market needs to be more consistent. CME spot cheese prices climbed this week, but the upward trend looks weak. On the international front, GDT Cheddar has seen an increase, but more substantial than expected. E.U. cheese prices were constant at higher levels, indicating a solid European market.

However, a deeper study of U.S. cheese exports shows a more complex picture. While July exports fell short of expectations, they rose 10.1% yearly. This highlights the continuous demand resiliency despite a little setback in monthly estimates. The underlying rise suggests strong market fundamentals, which may provide dairy producers hope.

Butter Prices: Strong Demand Cushions Market Fluctuations

Butter prices have lately dropped somewhat, notably for CME spot butter. However, there is a silver lining to this tendency. Despite the minor weakness, vigorous buying activity has served as a buffer, reducing the downside risk. This dynamic shows that, although prices may vary, demand remains strong enough to avert a catastrophic decline. It’s a case of cautious optimism, with buyers stepping in anytime prices show indications of easing, so stabilizing the market.

The Powder Market: Contrasting Trends and Strategic Implications 

The powder market has shown differing characteristics across goods and countries. Notably, NFDM and SMP prices rose among significant exporters, suggesting strong worldwide imports that exceeded prior predictions. This surge implies a high demand for these items, which might be driven by solid consumption patterns in new countries and steady demands in existing ones. These developments may herald profitable possibilities for dairy producers or necessitate strategic changes.

In contrast, WMP’s performance at GDT was far worse than predicted, raising concerns about its future trajectory. The global dairy industry, known for its complicated web of supply and demand, often shocks players with such oddities. WMP’s lackluster performance might be attributed to various causes, including changes in consumer tastes, stock adjustments by importers, and even competitive challenges from alternative dairy products. Understanding the fundamental reasons might help dairy farmers effectively handle the market’s ebbs and flows.

Navigating the Volatile Dairy Market: The Influence of Global Events and Policies 

Understanding the Global Context: Navigating the Volatile Dairy Market

Furthermore, environmental limits in the E.U. and New Zealand limit milk production. Stricter ecological restrictions designed to reduce emissions and safeguard rivers often limit dairy farms’ development ability. While these steps are crucial for sustainability, they may also result in tighter milk supply, impacting worldwide pricing.

Trade policies are another essential aspect to monitor. The recent growth in U.S. and Australian milk equivalent exports demonstrates the expanding demand in overseas markets. However, changes in trade agreements, tariff systems, and diplomatic ties may swiftly alter export dynamics, hurting farmers’ profits.

Understanding these enormous patterns is crucial for farmers to anticipate market shifts and proactively adjust their operations. Educating on global health challenges, environmental rules, and trade regulations can give you a competitive advantage in this ever-changing sector.

Cautious Optimism Amid Market Fluctuations: Strategies for Dairy Farmers in the U.S., E.U., and N.Z. 

The margin prognosis for dairy producers in the United States, Europe, and New Zealand is optimistic. Despite a challenging market scenario, focusing on efficiency may allow you to benefit from improving margins. Addressing illnesses impacting herds, particularly Bluetongue in Europe and avian flu in the United States, should be a high priority. Implement strict biosecurity precautions to reduce hazards and remain up-to-date on veterinary guidelines. Given the environmental limits, especially in the E.U. and New Zealand, consider investing in sustainable practices. Adopting eco-friendly solutions helps you comply with requirements while giving your business a competitive advantage. Stay current with market developments and adjust your pricing approach appropriately. With cheese and powders displaying varying trends, customize your product offers to satisfy demand while remaining profitable. As demand patterns alter at higher price points, expanding your product portfolio may assist in stabilizing income streams. Investigate value-added dairy products that appeal to specific markets. Maintain communication links with your supply chain partners. Collaborating closely may help you overcome supply chain interruptions and keep your operations running smoothly even when markets fluctuate.

The Bottom Line

As we manage these market variations, it becomes evident that dairy producers throughout the globe confront a complicated situation. From unanticipated changes in global dairy markets to ongoing pessimistic mood, this year has been everything from predicted. Cheese and butter prices reflect a market dealing with supply and demand issues, while SMP continues to outperform expectations.

Despite these difficulties and possibilities, dairy producers must stay alert and adaptive. Diseases such as Bluetongue in Europe and Bird Flu in the United States add to the complexity, highlighting the need for resilience and preemptive solutions. Even if margins increase, the underlying production limitations prompt us to consider how the demand picture will change as prices rise.

Considering these changes, Are you prepared to respond to the dairy industry’s fast developments and uncertainties? Staying informed and agile will be essential. The future of dairy farming depends on surviving storms and predicting the winds of change. How will you direct your business to prosper in this changing market?

Learn more: 

Join the Revolution!

Bullvine Daily is your essential e-zine for staying ahead in the dairy industry. With over 30,000 subscribers, we bring you the week’s top news, helping you manage tasks efficiently. Stay informed about milk production, tech adoption, and more, so you can concentrate on your dairy operations. 


European Dairy Prices Soar: A Four-Week Winning Streak

Stay ahead with the latest dairy market trends and stats. Ready to elevate your dairy business?

Summary: The past week in the dairy industry has been characterized by robust trading and significant price movements across various futures markets. EEX saw a total of 5,930 tonnes traded, with notable activity in butter and SMP futures. Meanwhile, SGX futures witnessed an impressive 11,411 tonnes traded, spearheaded by WMP. European quotations and cheese indices continued their upward trends, marking the fourth and fifth consecutive positive weeks, respectively. Fonterra’s GDT Pulse Auction also saw substantial price hikes, while strategic volume adjustments were made ahead of GDT TE363. On the production front, milk collection data for July presents a mixed global outlook, with varying trends across key regions. European butter prices have risen by over 70% last year, indicating significant changes in the dairy market. Dairy producers must stay updated on market trends and data to make informed production, pricing, and investment decisions. The European Energy Exchange (EEX) has seen increased trading activity, with 5,930 tonnes of butter, 3,165 tonnes of skimmed milk powder (SMP), and 50 tonnes of whey moved last week. Butter futures on the EEX rose by 1.8% for the seventh week in a row, raising the average price to €7,535. SMP futures rose by 0.3%, bringing the average price to €2,683, and whey futures rose 7.0%, increasing the average cost to €975. SGX dairy futures experienced robust trading and price jumps, with Whole Milk Powder (WMP) leading the way. European quotes show a persistent increasing trajectory, making this the fourth consecutive positive week for all essential dairy products. Cheese indices show a sustained rising trend for important kinds, with the fifth consecutive week of advances. Stay informed and ahead of the curve with these market insights, ensuring your operations remain competitive and profitable in a dynamic global dairy market.

  • Total traded volume on EEX last week was 5,930 tonnes, with significant activity in butter and SMP futures.
  • SGX futures saw an impressive 11,411 tonnes traded, with Whole Milk Powder (WMP) showing the strongest performance.
  • European quotations and cheese indices continued their upward trends, marking the fourth and fifth consecutive positive weeks, respectively.
  • Fonterra’s GDT Pulse Auction experienced notable price hikes.
  • Strategic volume adjustments were made by Fonterra ahead of GDT TE363.
  • Mixed trends in global milk collection data for July, with variations across key regions.
  • European butter prices have risen by over 70% compared to last year.
  • Dairy producers should stay updated on market trends and data to make well-informed decisions.

Have you noticed the remarkable surge in European butter prices, which escalated by over 70% last year? This substantial shift in the dairy market underscores the pressing need for producers to stay abreast of market trends and data. Understanding these fluctuations is crucial for making informed production, pricing, and investment decisions. In the increasingly unpredictable global dairy market, having the correct information at your disposal could be the key to thriving rather than just surviving.

Surging Trades and Rising Prices: EEX Dairy Futures on the Move

The European Energy Exchange (EEX) has seen increased trading activity lately, with 5,930 tonnes (1,186 lots) moved last week. This comprised 2,225 tonnes of butter, 3,165 tonnes of skimmed milk powder (SMP), and 50 tonnes of whey. The trade volume peaked on Wednesday, with 3,080 tons changing hands.

Butter futures on the EEX rose for the seventh week in a row by 1.8%. This raised the average price during the Sep 24-Apr 25 period to €7,535, despite modest reductions in the October 24 and April 25 contracts. SMP futures, on the other hand, rose by 0.3%, bringing the average price to €2,683 over the same future strip. Meanwhile, whey futures rose 7.0%, increasing the average cost to €975.

SGX Dairy Futures: Robust Trading and Price Jumps

Last week, SGX activity fluctuated significantly. A total of 11,411 lots or tons were exchanged, with Whole Milk Powder (WMP) leading the way. WMP saw 9,126 lots change hands, cementing its status as a significant participant. The average price for WMP for the Sep 24-Apr25 curve rose 3.1% to $3,543.

Skimmed Milk Powder (SMP) also had an active trading week. With 1,960 lots traded, the average price rose 1.3% to $2,838. This upward trend suggests that SMP will continue to be in high demand in the future months.

Anhydrous Milk Fat (AMF) traded 200 lots, resulting in a 4.3% increase in the average price, currently $6,947, from September 24 to April 25. With a slightly smaller number of 125 lots exchanged, Butter saw the most significant relative price gain of 4.8%, hitting $6,661.

These patterns in the dairy futures traded on SGX paint a positive picture, fueled by sustained demand and favorable trading conditions. This optimistic market sentiment should reassure dairy producers about the current market conditions.

European Quotations Show Steady Rise: Fourth Consecutive Positive Week for Key Dairy Products

Recent trends in European quotes have shown a persistent increasing trajectory, making this the fourth straight positive week for all essential dairy products. Butter prices have risen by 2.7%, and the index is currently at €7,600. German butter had the biggest gain, up 4.7% to €7,800. This is a considerable increase of 72.5% above last year’s average butter price of €3,193.

Skimmed Milk Powder (SMP) has also seen consistent improvements, with a 1.2% rise taking the index to €2,467. German SMP witnessed the most increase, jumping by 3.1% to €2,515. SMP prices have risen by 11.9% yearly, averaging €262 more than the previous year.

The whey market has performed exceptionally well, with the index rising 6.7% to €728. Dutch and German whey prices increased by 10.8% and 9.2%, respectively. Whey prices are up 28.4% from a year earlier, showing a solid demand spike.

Whole Milk Powder (WMP) has also performed well, up 3.6% to €4,148. Dutch WMP had the most significant increase at 4.9%, hitting €4,280. Overall, WMP costs are 23.7% more than last year, with the average price increasing by €795.

The European dairy industry is experiencing considerable price hikes, indicating more robust demand and tighter supply conditions than last year.

European Cheese Indices: Consistent Gains Over Five Weeks

Cheese indices show a sustained rising trend for important kinds, with the fifth consecutive week of advances. Cheddar Curd rose by €154 (+3.5%) last week to €4,590 and is now €826 (+21.9%) higher than last year. Mild Cheddar followed suit, rising €89 (+2.0%) to €4,555, representing a €719 (+18.7%) year-over-year rise.

Young Gouda also excelled, rising €204 (+5.0%) to €4,325, exceeding last year’s levels by €891 (+25.9%). Finally, Mozzarella substantially increased, rising €176 (+4.2%) to €4,366, now €999 (+29.7%) higher than the previous year. These indexes point to a positive market attitude and optimistic prospects for European cheese variants.

GDT Pulse Auction (PA059) Sees Notable Price Hikes and Vibrant Trading Activity

The last GDT Pulse Auction (PA059) showed a considerable increase in pricing and engagement. The average winning price for Fonterra Regular C2 WMP was $3,560, up $50 (+1.7%) from the previous GDT auction and $300 (+9.2%) from the prior pulse sale. Fonterra SMP Medium Heat – NZ likewise saw an increase, hitting $2,670, up $70 (+2.7%) from the previous GDT auction and $120 (+4.7%) above the last price pulse. Participants showed strong interest, with 51 bids vs 49 in the last pulse, acquiring 1,972 tons across all items. This somewhat diminishes the previous pulse auction’s 2,000 tons sold while demonstrating robust and sustained market involvement.

Fonterra’s Strategic Volume Adjustments Ahead of GDT TE363: Key Reductions and Steady Forecasts

Fonterra recently issued its volume projection for the next GDT TE363 event, which included some significant changes. The most noteworthy adjustment is a drop of 1,500 tonnes of Whole Milk Powder (WMP), lowering the overall 12-month volume to 349,753 tonnes. This drop reflects market demand and demonstrates Fonterra’s response to current trends.

Meanwhile, the predicted quantities for Skim Milk Powder (SMP) remain steady, representing an 18.7% increase over the August event, with 9,450 tons available this week. Similarly, cream group quantities remain unaltered in the forecast and prior event, with a maximum of 5,935 tonnes, which aligns with 12-month predictions of 99,895 tonnes.

Eight hundred forty tons of Cheddar will be available, showing Fonterra’s thorough rephrasing to fit market demands better. Fonterra’s strategic modifications to product levels for TE363 attempt to optimize supply in response to observed market dynamics and expected demand.

Mixed Signals: Global Overview of July Milk Production Data

The most recent milk production figures from several nations show a mixed picture of increases and decreases yearly. Let us start with Poland. StatPoland stated that milk output in July was 1.13 million tons, a 0.9% rise yearly. Cumulative output for 2024 is 8.04 million tons, up 3.7% yearly. The raw milk price in July was €45.55/100kg, representing a 4.0% increase year over year.

In the Netherlands, milk collections for July were recorded as 1.15 million tons, a 3.1% decrease from the previous year. In 2024, cumulative collections were 8.19 million tons, a 1.6% decrease from the previous year. Milkfat content increased slightly to 4.30%, compared to 4.29% last year.

Milk output in the United Kingdom fell 0.1% year on year in July, exceeding expectations of a 0.3% drop. Cumulative output was 9.23 million tons, a 0.1% decrease yearly. The milkfat concentration was lower at 4.10%, compared to 4.14% last year. Farmgate milk prices increased by 10.7% yearly, reaching 39.48 pence per liter.

In New Zealand, Fonterra reported July milk collections of 20.6 million kgMS, a 9.0% increase yearly. Season-to-date receipts were 35 million kgMS, up 4.1% from the previous season. North Island collections increased 10.3% yearly to 18.9 million kgMS, while South Island collections decreased by 3.6% yearly to 1.7 million kgMS.

The Bottom Line

The most recent statistics from EEX and SGX futures highlight dairy commodities’ volatile but promising picture. The market demonstrates durability and development potential as butter and SMP futures on EEX rise. In contrast, European quotes and cheese indices rise steadily. The variable milk production data from Poland, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Fonterra provide a nuanced perspective that deserves careful consideration.

Dairy producers must keep up with current market movements. Understanding future pricing and production levels helps them make educated choices that optimize their operations and increase profitability. This market knowledge may significantly impact modifying manufacturing tactics or planning future investments.

Are you ensuring your farm’s strategy matches these market realities? Stay proactive and informed, and drive your operations to success.

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