Archive for Reproductive Performance

Maximizing Cow Comfort: Preventing Lameness in Robotic Milking Facilities with Smart Design and Maintenance

Maximize cow comfort and productivity in robotic milking facilities. Learn how smart design and maintenance can prevent lameness and improve herd health. Curious how?

Imagine running a marathon with a sprained ankle. Your performance drops and your health is at risk. Dairy cows experience a similar scenario when they suffer from lameness. Their health and comfort directly impact milk yield, reproductive performance, and farm profitability. Lame cows face significant discomfort, affecting their ability to move, feed, and produce milk efficiently. Cow comfort is not just about animal welfare; it’s crucial for farm success. In robotic milking facilities, efficient handling space is essential to reduce lameness and ensure smooth operations. Investing in cow comfort is investing in your farm’s future. Healthy, comfortable cows are productive cows. Maintaining efficient handling spaces can reduce lameness, improve cow health, and boost productivity.

Recognizing the Impact of Lameness in Robotic Milking Systems 

Understanding lameness begins with recognizing it as a condition marked by abnormal gait or stance due to pain or discomfort. It primarily affects the feet and legs of dairy cows. It can stem from poor flooring, inadequate hoof care, nutritional deficiencies, or infections like digital dermatitis and sole ulcers. 

The implications of lameness are particularly severe in robotic milking systems. Unlike conventional parlor barns, robotic systems rely on cows’ voluntary movement to and from milking robots. Lame cows often hesitate to move freely, reducing milking frequency and decreasing milk yield, thus impacting overall herd productivity. 

Additionally, robotic milking facilities are designed for continuous cow traffic. Lame cows can disrupt this flow, causing bottlenecks and requiring more labor for handling. Therefore, maintaining hoof health is crucial for cow welfare and optimizing farm operations.

The Value of Proactive Lameness Prevention

Preventing lameness is more cost-effective and beneficial than treating it after it occurs. Investing in proper barn design and maintenance during planning and construction can save costs and improve animal welfare in the long term. Key preventive measures include well-designed flooring, comfortable lying areas, and effective cooling systems. 

Proper flooring is essential to prevent lameness. Grooved or textured concrete floors reduce the risk of slipping. Rubber flooring in high-traffic areas like transfer alleys can lower slippage risks and enhance cow comfort

Ample, well-bedded lying areas encourage cows to rest instead of standing for long periods. Dry, clean resting areas with soft bedding materials like sand or straw are crucial. Regular maintenance ensures a comfortable environment. 

During hot weather, cooling systems like fans and sprinklers help reduce heat stress, preventing excessive standing. Adequate ventilation keeps the barn environment comfortable, reducing the risks of lameness related to prolonged standing.

Proper Flooring: Crucial for Preventing Lameness and Ensuring Cow Comfort 

Proper flooring in robotic milking facilities prevents lameness and ensures cow comfort. The type of flooring affects the cows’ health and milking frequency, directly impacting productivity. 

Grooved or textured concrete floors minimize slips and fall, offering better traction and reducing injuries. The grooves should intersect to create a consistent, non-slip surface in all directions. High-traffic areas like transfer alleys, mil area rubber, and king flooring are highly beneficial. They provide a softer surface, reducing the impact on hooves and joints and enhancing comfort. Rubber floors also offer excellent grip, lowering the risk of slipping and falling. 

Investing in tailored flooring solutions supports a safer environment and boosts operational efficiency. By reducing the risks of poor flooring, dairy farmers can improve herd welfare and ensure smooth traffic to and from milking robots.

Creating Restful Environments: The Importance of Well-Bedded Lying Areas

To ensure optimal cow welfare and productivity, providing well-bedded lying areas that encourage cows to rest rather than stand for prolonged periods is crucial. Comfortable resting spaces significantly reduce lameness risk by alleviating pressure on the hooves. Dry, clean, and soft bedding materials, such as sand or straw, are ideal as they offer necessary support and cushioning. Ensuring these materials remain uncontaminated by moisture or waste prevents infections and other health issues that could worsen lameness. 

Regular maintenance of the lying areas is crucial for sustaining cow comfort. This includes frequent cleaning and replenishment of bedding materials to maintain their integrity. Farmers can create a stress-free habitat that promotes cow comfort and enhances overall herd health and productivity by prioritizing routine upkeep.

Cooling Systems: A Vital Asset in Combatting Heat Stress and Lameness

Cooling systems are vital for the well-being of dairy cows, significantly reducing heat stress, which can lead to lameness. Maintaining an optimal barn environment ensures cows stay comfortable and productive. Heat stress causes cows to stand for long periods, increasing hoof pressure and the risk of lameness. Efficient cooling systems are crucial. 

Fans: Fans promote air circulation, dissipate heat, and keep the barn cool. Strategically placed fans reduce ambient temperature and provide relief to cows. Continuous airflow helps minimize moisture buildup, reducing hoof disease risks. 

Sprinklers: Sprinklers directly impact cows by evaporative cooling. Combined with fans, they effectively lower cows’ body temperature, providing immediate heat relief. Regular water bursts mitigate prolonged high-temperature exposure risks. 

Ventilation Systems: Proper ventilation maintains air quality and temperature. Effective systems remove hot, humid air and bring fresh air, creating a balanced environment. Designed to adapt to weather changes, they ensure consistent airflow and temperature control year-round. 

Integrating fans, sprinklers, and ventilation systems reduces heat stress, prevents lameness, and enhances cow welfare. These systems work together to create a comfortable barn environment, supporting herd health and productivity, which is crucial for the success of robotic milking facilities.

Efficiently Designed Handling Chute Areas: A Cornerstone of Hoof Health in Robotic Milking Systems

Efficient handling of chute areas is essential for hoof health in robotic milking facilities. Dedicated hoof-trimming spaces ensure timely interventions, preventing minor issues from becoming severe. These areas need good lighting for visibility and adequate traction to prevent slipping, ensuring safe and efficient cow movement. Planning cow handling routes with their instincts in mind reduces stress for both cows and handlers. Placing handling areas beside robot fetch pens allows one person to manage tasks efficiently, improving cow welfare and streamlining operations in robotic milking facilities.

Weighing the Options: Centralized vs. Decentralized Hoof Trimming in Large Facilities 

In extensive facilities, the design challenge lies in choosing between a single dedicated hoof trimming area for all pens or multiple trim areas within each pen. Centralized trimming areas can streamline resource management but may require cows to move longer distances, adding stress and inefficiency. Conversely, multiple trim regions close to each pen ease access, allowing regular, stress-free hoof maintenance without significant cow movement. This decentralized approach promotes a calmer environment and quicker interventions. Ultimately, the choice depends on the farm’s management practices and workforce structure to ensure efficient and regular hoof care to enhance herd well-being and productivity.

The Ideal Setup for Contracted Hoof Trimmers 

The ideal setup for contracted hoof trimmers involves designing transfer lanes between barns to maximize efficiency and minimize cow stress. Transfer lanes should be wide enough for easy cow movement but narrow enough for controlled handling. They must include access to utilities like electricity for hydraulic chutes and high-powered wash hoses, ensuring smooth operations.

Bud Box system is particularly beneficial as it uses the cows’ natural behavior to guide them into the chute with minimal resistance, reducing anxiety and streamlining the trimming process.

Hydraulic chutes with automated features further reduce stress by providing a reliable handling process with better restraint options for safer and more comfortable hoof trimming. Access to electricity ensures the efficient functioning of hydraulic systems, while high-powered wash hoses facilitate quick equipment cleaning, promoting a hygienic operation.

Positioning this setup at the far end of the barn, away from the robotic milking robots, minimizes disruption to milking activities and reduces herd stress. This thoughtful layout optimizes the hoof-trimming process and enhances cow welfare and operational efficiency in the robotic milking facility.

Strategic Footbath Placement: Enhancing Hoof Health in Robotic Milking Systems 

Footbaths are crucial for maintaining hoof health and preventing diseases like digital dermatitis. They enhance cow comfort and productivity by promoting hygiene in environments where manure and moisture are prevalent. Proper footbath placement and design are essential for their effectiveness. Ideally, the footbath should be part of the robot exit pathway, allowing cows to walk through it naturally after milking, thus avoiding disruptions in cow traffic. 

Footbaths must be long enough to ensure that each hoof is fully submerged for thorough cleaning and treatment. Regular replenishment of the solution and cleaning of the bath are critical to prevent contamination. Alternatively, placing the footbath at the end of the barn can work, although this may pose challenges as cows in robotic systems are not used to moving as a herd. 

Regular maintenance and strategic accessibility are vital. Footbaths should be easy to approach and align with the natural movement of cows within the facility. This thoughtful placement helps maintain a smooth operational environment and reduces the risk of lameness due to poor hoof health.

Strategic Maintenance: Essential for Effective Footbath Functionality and Cow Traffic Flow

Maintaining footbaths is crucial for effective hoof disease prevention. Regular cleaning and replenishing the solution are essential, as dirt and debris reduce the solution’s efficacy. Consistent maintenance ensures footbaths remain effective in safeguarding hoof health. Strategically placing footbaths is also vital to minimize disruptions in cow movement. Ideally, footbaths should be part of the robot exit path, allowing cows to pass through naturally as they leave the milking station. This placement leverages existing traffic flows, reduces reluctance, and ensures a smooth transition, maintaining an efficient cow traffic system within the robotic milking facility.

The Bottom Line

Ensuring efficient handling space in robotic milking facilities reduces lameness and boosts herd health and productivity. Strategic barn design, consistent maintenance, and advanced technologies are essential. Well-designed flooring like grooved concrete or rubber reduces slips. Comfortable, well-bedded lying areas alleviate hoof pressure. Effective cooling systems combat heat stress, encouraging natural cow behavior and reducing lameness. Handling chute areas should prioritize ease and safety for efficient hoof care. Whether to have centralized or decentralized hoof trimming depends on facility size and management preferences. Well-placed footbaths are essential to prevent hoof diseases without disrupting cow traffic. The bottom line is investment in design, regular maintenance, and leveraging cutting-edge technologies. These measures ensure cow health, boost productivity, and enhance farm profitability. As the dairy industry evolves, adopting these best practices is crucial. Partnering with knowledgeable professionals and committing to cow welfare will help farmers thrive.

Key Takeaways:

  • Proper flooring: Implement grooved or textured flooring and rubber mats in high-traffic areas to minimize slips and falls.
  • Comfortable lying areas: Provide well-bedded, dry, and clean resting spaces to encourage cows to lie down rather than stand for long periods.
  • Effective cooling systems: Use fans and sprinklers to reduce heat stress and prevent prolonged standing due to excessive heat.
  • Dedicated hoof-trimming areas: Design special areas for hoof care to ensure easy and safe handling, reducing stress and improving efficiency.
  • Well-organized footbaths: Strategically place footbaths to maintain hoof health without disrupting cow traffic to milking robots.
  • Regular maintenance: Ensure that all aspects of the facility, from footbaths to lying areas, are routinely maintained for optimal function and cow comfort.


Lameness is a major issue affecting dairy cows’ health and productivity, affecting milk yield, reproductive performance, and farm profitability. It can be caused by poor flooring, inadequate hoof care, nutritional deficiencies, or infections like digital dermatitis and sole ulcers. In robotic milking facilities, lame cows often hesitate to move freely, reducing milking frequency and milk yield. To prevent lameness, proper barn design and maintenance are crucial. Key preventive measures include well-designed flooring, comfortable lying areas, and effective cooling systems. Regular maintenance of lying areas is essential for cow comfort. Efficient cooling systems, such as fans, sprinklers, and ventilation systems, support herd health and productivity. Dedicated hoof-trimming spaces ensure timely interventions and reduce stress for both cows and handlers. Strategic footbath placement is also essential for hoof health and preventing diseases like digital dermatitis. Partnering with knowledgeable professionals and committing to cow welfare will help farmers thrive in the evolving dairy industry.

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How In-Utero Events Impact Lifetime Resilience in Dairy Cows: Key Insights for Dairy Farmers

Find out how events before birth influence the resilience of dairy cows. Learn important insights to boost your herd’s productivity and lifespan. Want to know more? Keep reading.

The dairy industry faces critical challenges that threaten its sustainability. Climate change brings unpredictable weather, and public concerns about animal welfare and environmental impact add pressure on dairy farmers to adapt. In this landscape, resilient dairy cows—those that combine high milk yield with longevity and solid reproductive performance—gain significance. 

Understanding what affects cow resilience is vital. Events during a calf’s in-utero phase can significantly influence its lifetime resilience. Rooted in the developmental origins of the health and disease hypothesis, this concept shows that prenatal conditions can affect a cow’s health and productivity. By focusing on these early stages, we can improve the resilience of dairy herds

“Events occurring during pregnancy have lifelong consequences for a calf’s performance, making it essential to identify and manage these factors effectively.”

This article explores how in-utero events impact the lifetime resilience of dairy cows. Through comprehensive datasets and detailed analysis, we aim to show how prenatal experiences affect metrics like longevity, age at first calving, and calving intervals. Our findings aim to guide practices that enhance the resilience of future dairy cow generations, leading to a more sustainable and productive dairy industry.

The Lasting Impact of In-Utero Experiences on Dairy Cow Resilience

The developmental origins of the health and disease hypothesis suggest that conditions and experiences in utero can significantly shape an organism’s health and performance. Initially derived from human studies, this hypothesis is now being applied to dairy farming

In dairy cows, the prenatal environment influences crucial metrics like milk yieldreproductive performance, and overall longevity. Maternal nutrition, stress (heat, illness), and metabolic states during gestation shape the fetus’s development. Research indicates these prenatal influences have lasting effects on the offspring’s ability to adapt and maintain productivity. 

These findings are essential for dairy farmers, highlighting the need to optimize the prenatal conditions of their herds. By addressing these factors and promoting more sustainable farming practices, farmers can improve their dairy cows’ lifetime performance and resilience.

Unveiling the Developmental Origins of Dairy Cow Resilience

The study aimed to quantify Lifetime Resilience Scores (LRS) and understand the impact of in-utero events on these scores. Researchers analyzed two datasets: a large one from 83 farms in Great Britain (covering births from 2006 to 2015) and a detailed one from the Langhill research herd at Scotland’s Rural College (covering births from 2003 to 2015). The goal was to explore how prenatal factors affected dairy cows’ long-term health and productivity.

Key Findings: Prenatal Conditions Shape Calf Resilience

The study’s key findings highlight the significant impact of in-utero events on the lifetime resilience scores (LRS) of dairy cows. Higher temperature-humidity indexes during the first and third trimesters correlated with lower LRS in offspring. Lower milk yields and fat percentages in the first trimester and higher milk yields in the third trimester were also linked to reduced LRS. These results suggest that a dam’s pregnancy conditions affect a calf’s long-term performance.

Maternal Legacy: The Crucial Role of Dam Characteristics in Calf Resilience

Dam characteristics are crucial in shaping calf resilience. Our study showed a strong link between dam Lifetime Resilience Scores (LRS) and those of their calves. Higher dam LRS often led to better calf resilience, highlighting the value of robust maternal health. However, as the number of pregnancies (parity) increased, calf LRS decreased. This decline could be due to the accumulated stress on the dam, affecting the in-utero environment. These insights emphasize the need for breeding strategies that balance high-performing dams with optimal parity to ensure resilient herds.

Delving Deeper: Maternal Discomfort and Calf Resilience in the Langhill Herd 

Int intriguing patterns emerged in the Langhill herd dataset, highlighting the significance of maternal experiences on offspring resilience. Dams with higher locomotion scores during the third trimester produced calves with lower Lifetime Resilience Scores (LRS). This suggests that increased locomotion, often a sign of discomfort or health issues, disrupts the fetal environment and negatively affects calf resilience. These insights emphasize the need to monitor and manage maternal health conditions to ensure optimal lifelong performance of dairy herds.

Proactive Steps for Enhancing Calf Lifetime Resilience

Understanding the profound effect of in-utero events on a calf’s lifetime resilience underscores the importance of proactive management strategies for dairy farmers. Our study’s findings highlight several actionable steps that can be adopted to enhance the long-term performance and resilience of dairy herds. 

Mitigating Heat Stress: Ensuring pregnant cows are not exposed to excessively high temperature-humidity indexes (THI) during critical phases of gestation is crucial. Farmers can achieve this by:  

  • Providing Adequate Shade: Invest in proper shading structures or trees within pastures to shield cows from direct sunlight.
  • Ventilation and Cooling Systems: Implement adequate barn ventilation, fans, and misting systems to reduce the heat load on cows, especially during peak summer months.
  • Hydration: Ensure continuous access to clean and cool drinking water to prevent heat stress. 

Monitoring Dam Health: Close monitoring and timely intervention can significantly reduce the incidence of health issues in pregnant cows:  

  • Routine Health Checks: Regular checks for signs of lameness, mastitis, and other health conditions are essential for early detection and treatment.
  • Balanced Nutrition: Ensure the pregnant cows receive a balanced diet that supports optimal nutrient levels, enhancing immune response and overall health.
  • Medication Administration: Carefully manage antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications to avoid adverse effects on the developing fetus. 

Adjusting Management Practices During Different Trimesters: Our data suggest that specific trimesters are more sensitive to various stressors, thereby guiding targeted interventions:  

  • First Trimester Focus: Pay close attention to maintaining consistent milk yields and optimal fat percentages. Any noticeable perturbations should be addressed promptly.
  • Third Trimester Care: Minimize high milk yields and monitor for increased locomotion scores, which can indicate discomfort or stress. Implementing strategies such as comfortable bedding and reducing physical exertion can be beneficial. 

By taking a proactive approach to managing these critical aspects of dam care during pregnancy, dairy farmers can substantially impact the resilience and productivity of their future herds. While not all variations can be controlled, these strategies offer a solid foundation for improving calf lifetime performance.

The Bottom Line

The journey of dairy cow resilience starts in utero. Understanding and managing prenatal conditions can help foster a hardier and more productive herd. However, these early influences are only part of the equation. Optimal calf resilience requires a holistic approach, integrating genetics and on-farm practices. By adopting this comprehensive view, dairy farmers can enhance the lifetime performance of their herds, ensuring greater sustainability and profitability.

Key Takeaways:

  • Prenatal conditions significantly influence a calf’s lifetime resilience, affecting milk yield, reproductive performance, and longevity.
  • Higher temperature-humidity indexes during the first and third trimesters can lower a calf’s Lifetime Resilience Score (LRS).
  • Discrepancies in dam milk yields and fat percentages during pregnancy can also negatively impact calf resilience.
  • High parity in dams tends to result in lower LRS in their offspring, suggesting a need to monitor older cows more closely.
  • Maternal locomotion issues in the third trimester were linked to reduced calf resilience in some herds.
  • The study highlights that while prenatal factors are influential, other factors also play a crucial role in determining calf resilience.


The dairy industry faces challenges like climate change, unpredictable weather, and public concerns about animal welfare and environmental impact. Resilient dairy cows are crucial for the industry’s sustainability, as they combine high milk yield with longevity and solid reproductive performance. Understanding factors affecting cow resilience is vital, as events during a calf’s in-utero phase can significantly influence its lifetime resilience. Prenatal conditions can affect a cow’s health and productivity, making it essential to identify and manage these factors effectively. This article explores how in-utero events impact the lifetime resilience of dairy cows through comprehensive datasets and detailed analysis. The findings aim to guide practices that enhance the resilience of future dairy cow generations, leading to a more sustainable and productive dairy industry. Dam characteristics are crucial in shaping calf resilience, with higher dam Lifetime Resilience Scores often leading to better calf resilience.

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How Age at Puberty Predicts Longevity and Productivity: Unlocking Dairy Cow Fertility

Unlock the secrets to dairy cow fertility: How does the age at puberty predict longevity and productivity? Discover the genetic connections and elevate your herd’s performance.

Have you ever considered how a dairy cow’s age at puberty impacts its entire productive life? Surprisingly, it’s a critical factor influencing fertility, longevity, and productivity. Research shows that cows reaching puberty earlier tend to have better reproductive performance, resulting in consistent milk cycles and longer lifespans. 

This relationship isn’t just theoretical; it’s crucial for dairy farmers. Predicting and optimizing reproductive performance can mean thriving or struggling in pasture-based, seasonal systems. Farmers breeding cows for early puberty traits see improvements in calving rates, milk yields, and overall herd health

Age at puberty is a critical trait that dairy farmers must prioritize. Its profound influence on fertility and productivity makes it essential for maximizing dairy operations. Understanding the genetics behind this trait can enhance herd efficiency and sustainability.

This article delves into the genetic underpinnings of age at puberty in Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle and its correlations with fertility and body size traits. It offers insights for improved dairy herd management.

Introduction: The Link Between Puberty and Productivity

The drive to boost productivity and longevity in dairy cattle compels researchers to investigate the genetic foundations of critical traits like reproductive performance and body growth. Among these, age at puberty (AGEP), mainly through blood plasma progesterone levels (AGEP4), stands out for its moderate heritability and early occurrence. 

Recognizing that early-life traits can predict future performance, this study examines AGEP4’s genetic roots and its link to fertility and physical growth in Holstein-Friesian cattle. Despite fertility traits like calving rate and pregnancy rate having low heritability, they are crucial for a cow’s productive life. The research aims to enhance breeding programs focused on fertility and productivity by pinpointing genetic markers and correlations. 

Studies, such as those by Nilforooshan and Edriss (2004), highlight reproductive timing’s impact on dairy traits. For instance, reducing age at first calving may slightly decrease productive life but positively affects lifetime profit. Conversely, increasing it can improve productive life and milk income, showing a balance that breeders must manage. 

In pasture-based, seasonal calving systems, predicting and enhancing reproductive traits boosts individual animal performance and aids the whole herd’s economic viability. This comprehensive approach to analyzing genetic and phenotypic variances and genomic associations seeks to link early-life indicators with long-term productivity.

The Science Behind Age at Puberty: Understanding AGEP4

AGEP4, or the age at first measurable elevation in blood plasma progesterone, is crucial for understanding reproductive efficiency in dairy cattle. This early-life trait is more heritable and predictable than traditional fertility metrics like pregnancy rate or inter calving interval, which are less heritable and occur later in life. AGEP4 provides an early indicator, helping farmers make informed decisions long before the first calving event. 

Our study explored the genetic and phenotypic relationships between AGEP4, fertility traits, and body size indicators such as height, length, and body weight (BW). We measured these traits in approximately 5,000 Holstein-Friesian or Holstein-Friesian × Jersey crossbred yearling heifers across 54 seasonal calving herds to reveal insightful patterns and correlations. 

We found that AGEP4 has a moderate heritability of 0.34. In contrast, traditional fertility traits like calving rate (CR42), breeding rate (PB21), and pregnancy rate (PR42) have low heritabilities, often under 0.05. This contrast highlights AGEP4’s potential as a predictor of reproductive success. Genetic correlations between AGEP4 and fertility traits ranged from 0.11 to 0.60, indicating significant genetic linkage. 

Moreover, our Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) identified a strong association between AGEP4 and a genomic window on chromosome 5. We also found suggestive associations on chromosomes 14, 6, 1, and 11, suggesting a complex genetic architecture. These discoveries pave the way for refining genomic predictions of fertility using AGEP4 and other early traits. 

Understanding AGEP4 enhances our grasp of reproductive genetics and provides a strategic tool for improving fertility and longevity in dairy cattle. This knowledge underscores the transformative power of genetic research in achieving efficient and sustainable dairy farming.

Age at Puberty and Longevity

Age at puberty, marking dairy cow reproductive maturity, significantly influences their lifespan. The age at first calving is tied to puberty onset, and reproductive performance is crucial for cow longevity in dairy systems. Optimal age at puberty enhances reproductive performance, boosting longevity and productivity. 

Early puberty correlates with a shorter lifespan. Nilforooshan and Edriss (2004) noted that early or late first calving impacts milk yield, fat percentage, and overall productive life. Cows calving before 700 days see more lifespan variability, underscoring the need for balanced reproductive timing for sustained productivity. 

Proper nutrition and management are crucial to achieving optimal puberty age. Balanced diets and effective health management ensure timely puberty, improving fertility, lifespans, and overall productivity. Strategic feeding, regular health check-ups, and tailored breeding programs are essential for dairy cows to develop appropriately and achieve beneficial reproductive maturity.

Age at Puberty and Productivity

The age at which dairy cows reach puberty, known as age at puberty (AGEP), is pivotal for their productivity and reproductive performance. Understanding the genetic factors behind AGEP helps us predict and enhance fertility, improving milk production in dairy systems. 

Studies consistently show that AGEP significantly affects reproductive performance, impacting traits like inter calving interval and pregnancy rates. Earlier puberty leads to better reproductive outcomes, allowing timely breeding and reducing intervals between lactations. Strategically managing AGEP enhances reproductive efficiency and extends productive life spans for dairy cows

Research highlights the link between early puberty and increased milk yield. Nilforooshan and Edriss (2004) found that age at first calving affects milk yield, fat percentage, and overall productive life. Cows reaching puberty early can be bred optimally, resulting in earlier milk production and higher lifetime yields, vital for dairy farm profitability. Reducing the age at first calving, tied to an earlier AGEP, can boost lifetime profit despite potentially shorter productive lives. 

Optimizing AGEP requires a multi-faceted approach: genetic selection, nutritional management, and herd health strategies. Using genome-wide association studies (GWAS), we can identify genetic markers linked to AGEP. Selecting for these traits allows dairy farmers to breed more advantageous heifers. Optimal nutrition during the rearing phase supports earlier puberty without compromising health. Regular health monitoring ensures early-reproducing heifers remain productive. 

In summary, focusing on AGEP optimization enhances reproductive performance and milk production. Leveraging genetic insights, improved nutrition, and robust health management practices leads to more efficient and profitable dairy operations. 

Explore further insights on the impact of accelerated age at first calving and optimal timing for breeding to maximize milk production and profitability.

Unlocking Dairy Cow Fertility

Reproductive performance is crucial for a profitable dairy operation. Fertile cows mean higher milk yields, lower culling rates, and overall efficiency. When cows conceive and calve on time, milk production synchronizes, maximizing output and minimizing input costs. Effective fertility management ensures steady income and economic stability for dairy farms. 

The key to optimizing fertility starts early in a cow’s life. Genetics, nutrition, and management are pivotal. Age at puberty (AGEP) is a critical marker; when cows hit puberty early, they are more likely to calve timely and have a healthy reproductive life. Factors like body condition, health, and environment also impact fertility. 

Monitoring AGEP is essential to managing fertility. This involves balanced nutrition, regular health check-ups, and genetic selection. Utilizing genomic data to manage reproductive traits can enhance breeding strategies and improve fertility outcomes. Dairy farmers can boost fertility rates and long-term profitability by refining these practices.

Key Findings: The Genetic Architecture of AGEP4

One of our study’s key revelations is the robust heritability of AGEP4, quantified at 0.34. This indicates that age at puberty is significantly influenced by genetics, making it a reliable early predictor for reproductive performance in dairy cattle. Conversely, direct fertility traits like calving, breeding, and pregnancy rates had markedly lower heritabilities, all below 0.05. These findings highlight the potential of AGEP4 as an alternative selection criterion to enhance fertility through genetic means. 

The genetic correlations between AGEP4 and fertility traits further underscore its utility. Our data revealed correlations ranging from 0.11 to 0.60, demonstrating a moderate to substantial genetic link between early puberty and reproductive success. This suggests that selecting for lower AGEP4 could improve fertility outcomes, promoting longer-lasting and more productive cows. 

We also explored the associations between AGEP4 and key body size traits—height, length, and body weight—measured at approximately 11 months of age. Although these traits had lower heritabilities (0.21 to 0.33), their genetic correlations with AGEP4 increased to 0.28. These moderate associations indicate that body size traits might indirectly influence or be influenced by the same genomic factors affecting AGEP4. 

Our genome-wide association study (GWAS) identified several genomic regions associated with AGEP4. A significant genomic window on chromosome 5 emerged as a strong candidate influencing AGEP4, with other suggestive associations found on chromosomes 14, 6, 1, and 11. These findings provide insight into the genetic architecture of AGEP4. However, further research is needed to understand the biological mechanisms and validate these associations. 

The practical implications are substantial. By leveraging the genetic basis of AGEP4, dairy farmers can adopt more informed breeding strategies that prioritize early puberty as a marker for better fertility. However, further studies are essential to refine genomic predictions and fully capitalize on selecting AGEP4 to enhance overall herd fertility and productivity.

The Bottom Line

Our research underscores the crucial role of age at puberty (AGEP4) in predicting the longevity and productivity of dairy cows. With moderate heritability and solid genetic links to fertility traits, AGEP4 is an early indicator for future reproductive performance. This is especially valuable given the typically low heritability of direct fertility traits. By understanding AGEP4’s genetic architecture, dairy farmers can make decisions that enhance reproductive efficiency and herd profitability. 

Attention Dairy Farmers: Incorporate AGEP4 into your herd management practices. Monitoring and selecting for AGEP4 can improve fertility rates and extend the productive lifespans of your cows, leading to higher economic returns and a more sustainable farm. 

Future research should aim to deepen our understanding of AGEP4’s relationship with dairy cow health and productivity. Refining genomic predictions and exploring the genetic mechanisms influencing AGEP4 and fertility will pave the way for better breeding strategies and herd management practices, securing the dairy industry’s future.

Key Takeaways:

  • Early puberty as a predictor: Age at puberty, particularly measured through AGEP4, is a moderately heritable trait that can provide early predictions of a cow’s reproductive success.
  • Genetic correlations: The study highlights moderate genetic correlations between AGEP4 and fertility traits, underscoring the importance of genetic screening for improved reproductive performance.
  • Body size relationship: There’s a discernible association between AGEP4 and yearling body-conformation traits like height, length, and body weight, which also hold heritable values.
  • Genomic insights: Research identifies several critical genomic regions associated with variations in AGEP4, opening avenues for targeted breeding strategies.
  • Low heritability of direct fertility traits: Traits such as calving rate, breeding rate, and pregnancy rate exhibit low heritability, making early-life indicators like AGEP4 more valuable for genetic selection.

Summary: The age at puberty in dairy cattle significantly impacts its productive life, affecting fertility, longevity, and productivity. Early puberty results in better reproductive performance, consistent milk cycles, and longer lifespans. This relationship is crucial for dairy farmers, as breeding cows for early puberty traits improves calving rates, milk yields, and overall herd health. Understanding the genetics behind this trait can enhance herd efficiency and sustainability. Researchers are investigating the genetic foundations of critical traits like reproductive performance and body growth, particularly age at puberty (AGEP) through blood plasma progesterone levels (AGEP4). AGEP4 stands out for its moderate heritability and early occurrence, making it an important factor in predicting future performance. Reproductive timing’s impact on dairy traits is highlighted by studies by Nilforooshan and Edriss (2004), which show that reducing age at first calving may slightly decrease productive life but positively affects lifetime profit. Proper nutrition and management are crucial for achieving optimal puberty age, improving fertility, lifespans, and overall productivity.

Genomic Regions and Key Genes Linked to Oocyte and Embryo Production in Gir Cattle Sire Families: A Daughter Design Study

Discover key genomic regions and genes linked to oocyte and embryo production in Gir cattle. How do these findings impact breeding strategies? Explore this study now.

Imagine revolutionizing cattle breeding by pinpointing genetic markers that boost oocyte and embryo production. Recent genomic advances promise just that. Our study explores the inheritance patterns of key genomic regions and genes in Gir cattle sire families, using daughter designs to reveal crucial insights. 

Focusing on genomic regions linked to viable oocytes (VO), total oocytes (TO), and embryos (EMBR) could transform cattle breeding. Understanding these genetic factors enhances reproductive efficiency and economic value. By examining 15 Gir sire families, each with 26 to 395 daughters, we aimed to identify specific genetic markers contributing to these traits. 

“Identifying QTLs through daughter designs may unlock remarkable advancements in cattle breeding.” — Lead Researcher. 

This research holds significant practical potential. Pinpointing genomic windows on BTA7—home to genes like EDIL3, HAPLN1, and VCAN—enables breeders to make informed decisions, boosting reproductive performance and economic returns. Our findings could lead to more robust and fertile cattle herds, ushering in a new era of genetically informed breeding practices.

Introduction to Genomic Regions and Key Genes in Gir Cattle

Identifying genomic regions linked to oocyte quality and embryo development is crucial for cattle breeding advancements. Through extensive Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) on 15 Gir sire families, significant regions associated with viable oocytes (VO), total oocytes (TO), and embryos (EMBR) were discovered. These regions, notably concentrated on BTA7, highlight the heritable nature of these traits. In-depth analysis revealed significant genetic variations within these regions. 

This genetic mapping is essential for selecting sires with optimal reproductive traits, enabling targeted breeding programs to improve reproductive efficiency. Pinpointing specific regions allows breeders to leverage genetic predispositions for desirable outcomes. 

Essential genes like EDIL3, HAPLN1, and VCAN are vital in regulating oocyte maturation and embryo viability, impacting the developmental processes crucial for reproduction. Their involvement in ensuring oocyte and embryo quality underlines their importance in reproductive success. 

Discussions on gene expression patterns highlight the significance of these markers. Differential expression of genes such as EDIL3, HAPLN1, and VCAN influences reproductive outcomes and presents potential targets for genetic interventions. Technologies like CRISPR-Cas9 offer promising avenues for enhancing reproductive traits by precisely modifying specific genomic regions. This can improve oocyte quality and embryo development, leading to more efficient breeding strategies. 

For further insights into genetic selection and its implications, resources like Genomic Selection: Doubling of the Rate of Genetic Gain in the US Dairy Industry and Leveraging Herd Genotyping & Sexed Semen: A Game-Changer in the Livestock Industry are valuable.

Identifying QTL: Key Findings and Implications

The rigorous GWAS analysis using GBLUP revealed crucial genomic regions associated with reproductive traits in Gir cattle. Among these, BTA7 consistently emerged as a critical chromosomal region affecting VO, TO, and EMBR traits, highlighting its potential influence on reproductive efficiency. 

 VCAN, XRCC4, TRNAC-ACA, HAPLN1, and EDIL3 stand out among the identified genes.  VCAN and EDIL3 on BTA7 seem integral to cellular matrix interactions and endothelial cell function. These genes are likely crucial for enhancing oocyte and embryo yields, essential for genetic advancement, and economic benefits in cattle breeding. 

Furthermore, genomic windows found on BTA2, BTA4, BTA5, BTA7, BTA17, BTA21, BTA22, BTA23, and BTA27 for VO, and those on BTA2, BTA4, BTA5, BTA7, BTA17, BTA21, BTA22, BTA26, and BTA27 for TO, underline the complex genetic foundation of these traits. Overlaps among these regions hint at loci with pleiotropic effects, suggesting that targeted selection could improve multiple characteristics simultaneously. 

Additionally, the QTLs on BTA4, BTA5, BTA6, BTA7, BTA8, BTA13, BTA16, and BTA17 related to EMBR highlight the intricate genetic interplay in reproductive success. Overlapping and distinct QTLs across various chromosomes point to a nuanced genetic network. 

Overall, this study confirms the value of daughter design in QTL mapping, uncovering critical genetic insights into oocyte and embryo production. These findings lay a robust groundwork for future research. They targeted breeding strategies, with BTA7 identified as a primary focus for enhancing reproductive efficiency in Gir cattle.

Implications for Breeding and Genetic Improvement

Genomic information has the potential to enhance breeding strategies in Gir cattle. By identifying key genes like EDIL3, HAPLN1, and VCAN, breeders can improve reproductive traits with precision. Incorporating this data into selection programs allows for targeted breeding, focusing on individuals with favorable alleles. This can boost the number of viable oocytes and embryos, improving production efficiency and profitability. 

Moreover, integrating genetic data into selection programs is vital for sustained improvements. Genome-wide markers enable breeders to predict reproductive success early, accelerating genetic gains. This method enhances selection and reduces resources on less productive animals, optimizing herd performance. 

Finally, ongoing research is essential. Identifying more genomic regions and genes related to oocyte and embryo production maintains genetic diversity and refines breeding strategies. Incorporating new markers into programs ensures Gir cattle genetic improvement evolves with dairy production challenges. Advanced genomic tools and traditional practices promise robust, high-yielding cattle meeting growing dairy demands.

The Bottom Line

The discovery of genomic regions and essential genes tied to reproductive traits in Gir cattle significantly enhances our grasp of these crucial economic traits. This research highlights QTL across various chromosomes by examining 15 Gir sire families through a daughter design approach, particularly the vital genes EDIL3, HAPLN1, and VCAN on BTA7. These findings offer a genetic blueprint for improving oocyte and embryo production efficiency. 

These results call for further investigation to dissect the complexities of the bovine genome. Applying these insights in breeding programs can refine genetic selection strategies, optimize reproductive performance, and enhance the productivity and profitability of Gir cattle herds. 

The potential impact on the cattle industry is immense. Livestock producers can expect better herd fertility and efficiency, leading to higher yields and lower costs. Consumers may benefit from more sustainable and ethically managed cattle production systems, producing higher quality and potentially more affordable beef products. This study marks a crucial step in livestock genetic refinement, encouraging stakeholders to leverage these findings for future advancements.

Key Takeaways:

  • Identification of genomic regions and candidate genes related to reproductive traits in Gir cattle families has been achieved.
  • BTA7 was found to have the genomic windows with the highest QTL concentration, including genes like VCAN, XRCC4, TRNAC-ACA, HAPLN1, and EDIL3.
  • A total of 42 genes were associated with embryo production (EMBR), and 42 genes were linked to both viable oocytes (VO) and total oocytes (TO).
  • The study utilized a daughter design approach, focusing on 15 Gir sire families to map the inheritance of these key traits.
  • Genomic regions for VO were identified on multiple chromosomes, with BTA8 being the most frequent within families.
  • For EMBR, significant genomic windows were found on several chromosomes, with BTA7 being the most frequently occurring within families.
  • The research indicates a heritable nature of these reproductive traits, emphasizing the importance of targeted breeding strategies for genetic improvement.

Summary: A study on the inheritance patterns of key genomic regions and genes in Gir cattle sire families has revealed significant insights. The research focuses on genomic regions linked to viable oocytes (VO), total oocytes (TO), and embryos (EMBR) and aims to identify specific genetic markers contributing to these traits. The study holds practical potential, as pointing genomic windows on BTA7, home to genes like EDIL3, HAPLN1, and VCAN, enables breeders to make informed decisions, boosting reproductive performance and economic returns. The study highlights the heritable nature of these traits, with significant genetic variations within these regions. This genetic mapping is essential for selecting sires with optimal reproductive traits, enabling targeted breeding programs to improve reproductive efficiency. Technologies like CRISPR-Cas9 offer promising avenues for enhancing reproductive traits by precisely modifying specific genomic regions.

Why Subclinical Hypocalcemia Can Sink You Faster Than The Titanic!

Hypervigilance is the new watchword for profitable dairy farming in the 21st Century.  Cow comfort in clean, stress-free environments is getting the attention and implementation that makes milk production a rewarding experience for both staff and animals.  But even with this focus and continuing advances in cow management, there is one under-diagnosed disease that is linked to almost every disease that has onset around the time of calving. This disease is subclinical hypocalcemia (milk fever) and it’s sneaky, harmful and costly.

Hypocalcemia is Most Apparent in Its Subclinical Form

Recognition and treatment of milk fever (hypocalcemia) at calving is becoming well-recognized and treatment protocols are in place on well-managed dairies. Unfortunately subclinical hypocalcemia, because of its non-symptomatic nature, is not dealt with as efficiently. It’s easier for cows to get enough calcium from the food eaten when they are late in their lactation or early in the dry period.  But as they get closer to giving birth, the calf’s bones are growing rapidly, and the need for calcium increases by two to ten grams a day. Subclinical hypocalcemia is defined as low blood calcium concentrations without clinical signs of milk fever.

One Out of Every Two Cows Has Subclinical Hypocalcemia

Subclinical hypocalcemia affects about 50% of second and greater lactation dairy cattle fed typical pre-fresh diets. If anions are supplemented to reduce the risk for milk fever, the percentage of hypocalcemic cows is reduced to about 15 to 25% (Oetzel, 2004). Cows with high body condition at calving also are more likely to have hypocalcemia. However, subclinical hypocalcemia does not present with recognizable symptoms, and can only be diagnosed when blood samples which must be collected within the first 1 to 2 days post-calving and blood calcium concentration is determined to be below 8.5 md/dl.

Jersey and Guernsey cattle are more susceptible to the disorder.

One reason for this is that Jersey cattle have fewer vitamin D receptors than Holstein cattle.  Incidence increases with higher milk production and successive lactations.  First-calf heifers rarely develop clinical hypocalcemia because they produce less colostrum and milk and can more rapidly mobilize calcium from bone in their growing skeleton.  Reinhardt and co-workers at the National Animal Disease Center in Ames, Iowa, found the prevalence of clinical hypocalcemia was 1% for first-lactation, 4% for second-lactation, 7% for third-lactation, and 10% for fourth-lactation Holstein cows in a study where 1,462 cows were sampled.

Studies Show Reduced Dry Matter Intake

In recent studies used a group of induced subclinical hypocalcemic cows and a control group of normalcemic cows no differences were detected in heart and respiratory rates, rectal temperature, and white blood cell counts between the two groups.  However, subclinically hypocalcemic cows had a major decline in dry matter intake, from 26 lbs of dry matter/day on the days before, to 12 lbs of dry matter/day during hypocalcemia, whereas the decline in dry matter intake in normocalcemic cows during the infusion of saline was of only 4 lbs/day.

Subclinical Hypocalcemia Is Sinking Dairy Herds

Subclinical hypocalcemia could be a contributing factor in herds with a high incidence rate of metabolic disorders. A recent study (Martinez et al., 2012) defined subclinical hypocalcemia as serum total calcium below 8.59 mg/dl during any of the first 3 days in milk.  Cows with subclinical hypocalcemia in this study also had reduced pregnancy rate and longer days open. Other problems such as the following can be attributed to hypocalcemia:

  • Can inhibit muscle and nerve activity and lead to increased risk of injuries due to falling and slipping.
  • Subclinical hypocalcemia has a blocking effect on immune function
  • Greater risk of developing milk fever, metritis, ketosis, retained placenta and pneumonia.
  • Poor smooth muscle function brings on slower GI tract activity, so a cow feels full when it’s not, and eats less. The loss of dry matter intake continues to decrease calcium intakes and the cascade continues.

Check for Higher Rates of Uterine Disease

One of the most common health problems affecting dairy cows is uterine disease. It affects 20 to 30 per cent of the cows either in confinement or in grazing systems. Recently, a group at the University of Florida (Martinez et al., 2012 J. Dairy Sci. 95: 874-887) documented that cows with subclinical hypocalcemia in the first 3 days postpartum had 3-fold greater risk of developing metritis and 11 times the risk of developing metritis concurrent with fever, compared with cows with normal blood Ca after calving.

Is there Increased Incidence of Endometritis?

There were other interesting results. “Cows with subclinical hypocalcemia also had increased incidence of endometritis, a disease that is less recognized by producers and characterized by presence of pus in the uterus after 3 weeks postpartum. It is thought that the inability to eliminate the typical bacterial contamination of the uterus after calving predisposes cows to develop inflammation of the uterus and extension of the period in which pathogens remain in the uterus of dairy cows. In fact, cows with subclinical hypocalcemia had immune cells with impaired function, which is thought to explain some of the inability to eliminate the bacterial contamination with the onset of parturition.”

Compromised Reproductive Performance

Not only do cows with subclinical hypocalcemia have increased risk of uterine diseases, but they also have compromised reproductive performance. The interval from calving to pregnancy becomes extended from 109 days in normocalcemic to 124 days in cows with subclinical hypocalcemia. This means that the affected cows had more diseases and also had a 15-day delay to become pregnant. Fifteen more days means that more cows will be needed to meet production goals. There are more dry days and other logistical issues that this causes.

Subclinical Hypocalcemia Steals Profits

Oetzel at the University of Wisconsin has estimated that the economic cost of subclinical hypocalcemia in a dairy herd is four times the cost of clinical cases, thus resulting in a substantial impact on profitability of dairy operations. This increased economic cost is attributed to the greater number of cows with subclinical versus clinical hypocalcemia even though a subclinical case costs 40% of a clinical case.

The Oetzel research gives this sobering example. “If a 2000- cow herd has a 2% annual incidence of clinical milk fever and each case of clinical fever costs $300 (Guard, 1996), the loss to the dairy from clinical cases is about $12,000 per year.  If the same herd has a 30% incidence of subclinical hypocalcemia in second and greater lactation cows (assuming they are 65% of cows in the herd) and each case costs $125 (an estimate that accounts for milk yield reduction and direct costs due to increased ketosis and displaced abomasums), then the total herd loss from subclinical hypocalcemia is about $48,750 per year.  This is about 4 times greater than the cost of the clinical cases. (Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference – April 23 and 24, 2013).

Pro-Active Prevention Strategies

A general rule of thumb is that no more than 15%-20% of cows should have blood calcium levels below 8.5 mg/dl at calving. As with all metabolic disorders, prevention is the key.

  • The use of anionic salts until the urinary pHs are between 6.0 and 6.3. (Jerseys, 5.5-5.8)
  • An intentional strategy for oral calcium supplementation is cost-effective due to increased milk yield in supplemented cows.  Most second- and greater-lactation cows should be given an oral dose at the time of calving and a second dose about 12 hours later.
  • Oral calcium supplementation is the best approach for hypocalcemia in cows that are still standing, such as cows in Stage 1 hypocalcemia or who have undetected subclinical hypocalcemia (Oetzel, 2011).  Cows absorb an effective amount of calcium into her bloodstream with about 30 minutes of supplementation.  Blood calcium concentrations are support for only about four to six hours afterwards (Goff and Horst, 1993, 1994) for most forms of calcium supplementation.
  •  Blood calcium levels and urinary pH levels are inversely related.  Properly acidified animals will have urinary pH between 6.0 and 6.3.
  • Feeding a negative DCAD diet 21 days pre-fresh has been shown to prevent clinical (a five-fold reduction) and subclinical hypocalcemia.
  • More studies are needed before extending or reducing the number of days pre-fresh anionic salts are fed in the field.

Raise the Subclinical Threshold to 8.5 Mg/dl (2.1 mmol/l)

As previously mentioned subclinical hypocalcemia occurs in dairy cows with blood calcium concentrations at or below 8.0 mg/dl (2.0 mmol/l) but not showing clinical signs.  Recently, Martinez and co-workers at the University of Florida suggested that the cut-off should be raised to 8.5 mg/dl (2.1 mmol/l) because cows below this concentration were more likely to develop metritis or metabolic disorders. Using this higher criterion, Reinhardt and co-workers’ data indicate that over 65% of mature cows and 51% of first-calf heifers were below this threshold. Research suggests that subclinical hypocalcemia may be directly associated with other metabolic disorders and may be the primary or secondary cause of decreased performance.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Prevention of hypocalcemia should go beyond minimizing milk fever after calving. It is necessary to take proactive steps to reduce the prevalence of cows that develop subclinical hypocalcemia.  Even though the attack may be unseen, using prevention strategies could have a very positive and visible effect on your dairy profitability. Don’t become the next statistic of a preventable disaster. Remember the Titanic?




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Why you should get rid of the bottom 10%

Before there was Donald Trump, there was Jack Welch, one of America’s greatest business leaders in history. During Jack Welch’s 20-year career as chairman and CEO of General Electric, GE’s company value rose 4000%.  That is a 200% per year growth rate.  More than 50 times that of the average company.  How did Jack do it?  He got rid of the bottom 10% of GE’s employees every year.

Such bold and committed action could also apply in dairy farming. Although most of us are so entrenched in our own operations that we cannot always be objective. But we should be objective. Managers must make the tough decisions. Are you ready to Fire the Bottom 10%?  Management choices or decisions could very well be significantly dragging down your profits.

Random Poll

So The Bullvine polled dairy producers asking them:

“In managing your dairy enterprise, if someone said to you fire the Bottom 10% in order to increase your profits what would you do?”

The following four management areas were the ones the producers identified as their top “fire the bottom” moves.

Heifer Rearing

Producers tell us that the easiest and quickest change they can make is to stop raising all their heifer calves. In the past selling springing bred heifers or recently calved in first calvers was a revenue source. Some long for those days to return. The reality is that those days in North America are not about to reoccur with increased use of sexed semen and producers finding ways to retain still profitable older cows.

One producer in expansion mode dropped his heifer numbers back and used the barn space and feed to milk more cows. He did it using the heifer sized free stalls for a group of 22-26 month old milkers. Another producer changed his program to lower feed costs using a very high forage diet for all milking females thereby needing more cows to fill his daily milk shipments. His plan is that by dropping from 75 to 65 pounds of milk per cow per day he will have less cow turnover, a shorter calving interval and more profit per cow per day of productive life. Profit per cow per day (sometimes referred to as daily return over feed costs) is a term all producers are now using extensively.

Some producers report selling all heifer calves to a heifer raiser with the option of buying back needed replacements at $200 over going market price for any of his own heifers. He is very satisfied with them and he knows their ancestry. The only limiting factor being he must take care not to cause his farm any biosecurity problems with the reintroductions. He is considering testing his reintroduction for common diseases. But still sees that new cost much outweighing the cost for feed, labour or capital costs associated with raising his own replacements.

Reproductive Performance

Producers tell us that reproduction is their biggest thief of profits. Changing reproductive performance is not easy to put in place. Steps being taken include: not breeding back cows or heifers that have a history of poor reproductive performance; milkers requiring a fourth breeding are not rebred;  purchasing heat monitoring systems; creating a group of cows 60 days in milk until confirmed pregnant or a decision is made not to rebreed and using high genomic bulls instead of AI.

Other producers have worked with specialists and redesigned their transition cow program. Many report excellent results relative to calving, no retained placentas or metritis, quick entry into the milking string and high percent of first heats post calving by 50 days in milk. They have found a savings in staff time handling problems and maintaining detailed records.

Still other producers have handed off heat checking to their AI technician with very good results. It is one less job for the milkers and animal feeders to do.

Animal Health

Producers share about the frustration with the excessive time required by a sick cow, or a lame cow or a sick calf. ‘If only we did not have to be taking an extra twenty minutes per day to deal with each animal with a health problem, besides the drugs cost  and lost milk’.

One producer shared how he has built an expensive barn and manure handling system only to find that the number of cows with feet problems has exploded. His thinking is that producers are too willing to accept lameness, feet problems, foot trimming, footbaths, loss of milk, treatment costs and other detrimental issues as a cost of doing business. To that he added that in the end he had to spend even more money to re-design his housing system and now he has sand wearing out his equipment.  He actually longed for the good old days when cows could walk on dry natural surfaces.

Few of the producers see a way clear of health problems. This suggests that, as an industry, we need to think – if what we are doing isn’t working for us we definitely need to step back from the problem and find effective approaches to handling animal health.


Producers have given this topic much consideration and many have implemented changes. The list was quite long but it often does not hurt to repeat what producers are doing. The list includes: install robotics; milking the cows less than 120 days fresh 3x; hiring out the field work to a custom operator thereby eliminating labour and capital cost; capturing more cow information at every milking in both parlour and tie stall barns, (as mentioned above) heat detection systems; training and assigning specialty jobs to staff; purchasing software programs that capture and analyze data so manager can make quick accurate decisions and the list went on. In all cases it appears that dollar cost-benefit criteria were used to base decisions on. Definitely this is an area that producers feel more comfortable with. Which is reassuring given that the average herd size is growing and wage rates are increasing.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Jack Welch earned a reputation for brutal candor in his meetings with executives. He rewarded those in the top 20% with bonuses and stock options. Sometimes as dairy breeders we are guilty of looking at our operations as a way of life and not as a business.   The hard truth is the dairy business decisions need to be based on dollars. Firing poor performers is not just good for your dairy business, it’s necessary. Where do you draw the firing line?






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