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Why New Zealand Dairy Farmers Should Brace for a Challenging Milking Season

Why are New Zealand dairy farmers facing a tough season? How will moisture levels and market shifts impact your farm’s profits? Keep reading to find out.

Summary: Dairy farmers in New Zealand are navigating a challenging start to the 2024-25 milking season with a slight dip in milk production and solids. According to the Dairy Companies Association of New Zealand, initial June figures show a 0.9% decline in milk production and a 2.2% drop in milk solids compared to last year. Despite a higher opening milk price from Fonterra, these numbers raise concerns, particularly with industry expectations of further declines in July. However, hope persists as forecasts predict increased volumes later in the season. Farmers closely monitor moisture levels and weather patterns conducive to pasture growth, especially on the North Island. Internationally, New Zealand remains a crucial dairy exporter. Yet, shifts in global trade, particularly a reduction of exports to China, present new challenges. These changes underscore the importance of monitoring market dynamics and adapting to evolving conditions that could influence the dairy supply chain.

  • The June 2024-25 season saw a 0.9% drop in milk production and a 2.2% decrease in milk solids.
  • Fonterra’s opening milk price for the new season shows a slight increase.
  • Industry experts expect further declines in July, with an upswing in production predicted for August to October.
  • Current moisture levels on North Island and favorable weather forecasts support pasture growth.
  • Global trade shifts, notably reduced exports to China, create new market challenges for New Zealand’s dairy industry.
  • Farmers are cautious about the evolving market dynamics and the importance of adaptability in the dairy supply chain.
milking season, New Zealand, dairy producers, challenges, milk collections, milk solids, decline, income, Kiwi farmers, Fonterra, starting price, kilogram of milk solids, break even, additional feed, dairy businesses, overhead expenses, inflation, geopolitical uncertainty, forecast, control expenditures, market circumstances, profit, loss, vigilance, techniques, moisture levels, North Island, historical norms, Waikato region, South Island, pasture quality, milk output, global trade, dairy dominance, export patterns, alternative purchasers, global dairy prices, supply pools

The 2024-25 milking season presents challenges as output figures fall short of expectations. Are you prepared for what lies ahead? With milk collections down 0.9% and milk solids down 2.2% compared to the previous year [DCANZ Statistics], evaluating the elements that might affect your bottom line is essential. The dynamics of the local and global economies pose important considerations concerning our preparedness, and your involvement is critical in dealing with these issues.

Consider the following significant issues:

  • Mitigating the effects of diminishing milk solids production.
  • Addressing possible swings in global dairy demand, notably from China.
  • Adapting to changing weather patterns that may impact pasture conditions.

Being proactive and well-informed is an essential and potent tool in our arsenal as we confront these challenges. What strategies are you employing to stay ahead in this volatile landscape?

SeasonMilk Production (Million Pounds)Milk Solids (Million Pounds)
2024-25 (Forecast)50344.8

Are We Seeing the Dawn of a Dairy Dilemma?

As we begin the 2024-25 milking season, the preliminary numbers have aroused some questions. Milk output has declined by 0.9% since June 2023. While June usually sees the lowest collecting statistics of the year, the 2.2% decline in milk solids is especially concerning. We recognize that milk solids are a critical source of income for many Kiwi farmers, and we deeply appreciate your efforts and dedication in this area.

So, how does this affect our daily heroes? With milk solids down to only 44.8 million pounds from last year’s period, the financial consequences might be felt across their budgets. Given that supplementary feed is a significant expenditure for New Zealand growers, these lower margins may make it challenging to balance their books. Farmers may need help to break even this season, especially with rising overhead expenditures. We appreciate the passion and hard work you put into your farms and are here to help you during these difficult times.

Can Fonterra’s Milk Prices Save the Day?

Fonterra’s starting price for the 2024-25 season ranges between $7.25 and $8.75 per kilogram of milk solids (kgMS), essential for dairy producers looking to remain afloat. The $8/kgMS midpoint is slightly above the previous season’s final $7.90/kgMS midpoint.

However, Dairy Market News warns that a $8.31/kgMS price is required to break even. The rising cost of additional feed, a significant expenditure, has increased strain on dairy businesses. Overhead expenses follow closely, eroding business margins. Inflation and geopolitical uncertainty exacerbate the situation, making it challenging to forecast and control expenditures properly.

But there is hope. Fonterra’s starting price indicates a buffer if market circumstances are favorable. While it represents a tiny increase over the previous season’s halfway, it may assist farmers in managing these tumultuous times. Milk solids are the true breadwinner; even modest price changes might mean the difference between profit and loss. Fonterra’s milk prices’ potential benefits should give you hope and optimism in these challenging times.

With these stakes, farmers must stay vigilant and adjust their techniques to obtain the highest price for their milk solids. Increased solids and higher milk prices might be the difference between profit and loss. Do you understand the stakes now?

Is the Weather Playing Favorites With Dairy Farmers?

According to the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), moisture levels on both islands are encouraging. Soil moisture levels on the North Island are close to historical norms, notably in the lush Waikato region, which has the country’s most significant dairy area. This is good news for pastures since it ensures they stay lush and nutritious for grazing. However, the South Island has a significantly different story. The Canterbury area, home to 20% of New Zealand’s dairy cows, is experiencing drier weather than typical. This mismatch is problematic for farmers since dry circumstances may severely influence pasture quality and milk output. However, NIWA remains hopeful, forecasting average or above-average precipitation from August to October, which might relieve some of these worries and offer optimal grazing conditions.

Will La Niña’s Wet Spell Be a Boon for Waikato’s Dairy Farmers?

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicts a 70% chance of a La Niña event forming in the following months. This meteorological phenomenon is likely to provide wetter-than-usual weather, especially in the northeastern parts of the North Island, including the Waikato area. Because Waikato is New Zealand’s most significant dairy region, this enhanced rainfall has the potential to boost grazing considerably. The moist pastures will benefit dairy producers by possibly increasing milk output and helping to offset any early-season milk solids deficiency. La Niña’s prolonged rains may boost soil moisture levels, resulting in a more stable environment for cattle. This is especially important since Waikato’s historical soil moisture standards are already favorable, and more precipitation would only increase the viability of dairy production in the area. Understanding these potential benefits can help you plan your operations more effectively.

Are Shifts in Global Trade Unsettling New Zealand’s Dairy Dominance?

New Zealand remains a dominant player in the global dairy market, esteemed as the top exporter of dairy products worldwide. The importance of these overseas sales cannot be emphasized since they are critical to the health of the nation’s dairy sector. However, changes in export patterns have started to alter the balance. Have you seen recent shifts in trading between China and Algeria?

New Zealand’s whole milk powder exports increased 7.4% year through June compared to January to June 2023. However, despite this increased tendency, sales to China and Algeria, who have long been the biggest consumers, have fallen dramatically. This decline is particularly concerning since China’s decreased imports amount to a significant volume—about 150,000 metric tons, or 1.3 million metric tons of milk equivalent [Rabobank Report]. Understanding these changes in export patterns can help you anticipate potential shifts in global dairy prices and adjust your strategies accordingly.

This structural transition, which refers to the ongoing changes in the global dairy market, is expected to cause considerable issues for New Zealand and the worldwide dairy industry. As more New Zealand goods flood the market, finding alternative purchasers becomes urgent but challenging. Given that milk output in the United States is declining and growth in Europe has halted, how will this shift in export destinations affect global dairy prices? The interaction may prevent prices from rising too quickly, preserving a fragile balance among smaller supply pools. Understanding this concept can help you navigate the changing market dynamics more effectively.

The Bottom Line

As the 2024-25 milking season begins, New Zealand’s dairy producers are dealing with a sluggish start. The minor decrease in milk output and the more alarming reduction in milk solids are accompanied by bleak outlooks for quick recovery. Fonterra’s price raises hopes, but breaking even remains a significant problem. Weather conditions seem encouraging in some areas, but variability prevails, adding another element of uncertainty. Global trade patterns are altering, putting further strain on a fragile equilibrium.

Farmers must remain aware and adaptable, using novel techniques to overcome growing prices and fluctuating markets. The future of New Zealand’s dairy business will depend on how well farmers adjust to these changing difficulties. With sustainability becoming a worldwide priority, how will you adapt to shifting conditions?

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Why Are Dairy Farmers Desperately Holding onto Their Cows in 2024? Uncover the Truth

Why are U.S. dairy farmers holding onto their cows amid a 20-year low in replacements? How is the beef-on-dairy trend reshaping the industry?

Summary: U.S. dairy farmers are shifting gears, sending fewer cows to slaughter to keep herd sizes stable. This move is driven by the profitable beef-on-dairy market, with high cash flows from selling beef-on-dairy calves. The drop in dairy replacements and rising heifer costs since September 2023 has led producers, especially in the West, to keep more cows, causing slaughter numbers to hit a 20-year low. The high value of week-old beef-on-dairy calves ($800 to $1,000 each) offers a profitable opportunity for dairy farmers, who are also investing in gender-sorted dairy semen to plan for future replacements. This trend shows no signs of reversal, presenting both challenges and opportunities.

  • Record drop in cow culling, reducing slaughter by 397,200 head over 10 months.
  • Shift driven by profitable beef-on-dairy market, boosting cash flow for dairy farmers.
  • Beef semen sales surged 276% from 2017 to 2023, with most sales to dairy farmers.
  • Dramatic decline in dairy replacements, pushing heifer costs to $3,000+ per head.
  • Week-old beef-on-dairy calves now fetching $800 to $1,000 each, a lucrative opportunity.
  • Growing trend of using gender-sorted dairy semen to ensure future heifer replacements.
  • Current trends show no signs of near-term reversal, creating both challenges and benefits.
dairy farming industry, crisis, beef-on-dairy concept, drop in dairy replacements, rising heifer costs, western areas, herd numbers, profit, cull cows, slaughter numbers, 20-year low, strategic move, beef-on-dairy market, economic incentives, milk production, high-yielding dairy cows, cattle semen sales, dairy-beef calves, $800 to $1,000, dairy cow replacements, scarcity, costs, auction markets, supply-demand mismatch, high pricing, profitable opportunity, demand, limited availability.

Imagine being a dairy farmer in 2024, facing a harsh reality in which every choice might make or break your existence. Farmers have been forced to reconsider their strategy due to the 2024 dairy crisis, mainly caused by a drop in dairy replacements and rising heifer costs. Are you interested in knowing why this is occurring and what it implies for the future of your farm? Since September 2023, dairy farmers in the United States have sent fewer cows to slaughter for 46 weeks, indicating a desperate attempt to protect their herd.

YearCows Sent to SlaughterBeef Semen Sales (in Millions)Dairy Replacements AvailableAverage Heifer Replacement Value

Why U.S. Dairy Farmers Are Clinging to Their Cows: Unraveling the Staggering Industry Shift

Since September 2023, dairy producers in the United States have kept more of their cows, especially in western areas. This strategic move was made due to a lack of dairy alternatives and high beef-on-dairy market pricing. Farmers want to protect their herd numbers and profit from the lucrative beef-on-dairy business by limiting the number of cows sent to slaughter.

The dairy business has seen the impact of a considerable decline in cull cows during the last ten months. Between January 1, 2024, and July 6, 2024, dairy producers in the United States slaughtered 259,400 fewer cows. Extending this pattern to September 2023, we observe a stunning reduction of 397,200. Culling numbers have fallen to a 20-year low in parts of the United States, including the West.

This rapid fall represents a strategic move as farmers stick to their herds, aided by a beef-on-dairy solid market. Record-high beef prices encourage producers to keep cows for extended periods to crossbreed calves, contributing to the historic low culling rate.

Beef-On-Dairy: The Game-Changer for Dairy Farmers’ Cash Flow 

The beef-on-dairy market is at the center of this movement, drastically altering the economic incentives for dairy producers. Traditionally, dairy producers prioritized milk production and keeping a consistent herd of high-yielding dairy cows. However, the growth in cattle semen sales to dairy producers has wholly transformed the scene. Farmers produce more lucrative calves for the meat market by inseminating dairy cows with beef semen.

This rise in cattle semen sales has improved cash flow for various reasons. First and foremost, dairy beef calves are much more expensive than purebred dairy calves. According to the National Association of Animal Breeders, beef semen sales will increase by 276% by 2023, with dairy producers receiving 84% of the proceeds. This move has resulted in week-old dairy-beef calves commanding between $800 and $1,000 each. The most excellent purebred dairy bull calves sell for less than half that amount.

The record prices for dairy-beef calves are partly due to the beef sector’s low feeder supplies, which have been at their lowest since 1972. This scarcity raises demand and, as a result, the price of beef-on-dairy calves, making it a very successful investment for dairy farmers. Dairy producers that include beef genetics in their herds do more than preserve their dairy cows for milk output. Still, they use high market prices for beef calves to boost their cash flow.

Beef Semen Sales Surge: A 276% Leap That’s Revolutionizing Dairy Farming

Some surprising facts support the enormous rise in beef-on-dairy initiatives. According to the National Association of Animal Breeders, beef semen sales to dairy producers in the United States have increased by an astounding 276% between 2017 and 2023. Specifically, sold units significantly increased from 2.5 million in 2017 to 9.4 million by 2023  [National Association of Animal Breeders].

Dale Woerner of Texas Tech University believes there are between 3 and 3.25 million beef-on-dairy animals in the United States. “The growth in this area has been exponential, creating a significant shift in both the dairy and beef industries,” says Woerner [Texas Tech University].

The Heifer Crisis: Soaring Prices and Scarce Supply Challenge Dairy Farmers

YearDairy Heifer Inventory (in 1,000s)

The effects of dairy cow replacements have been nothing short of remarkable. With the inventory of dairy heifer replacements at a 20-year low, scarcity pushes up costs. At auction markets nationwide, prices for dairy heifer replacements have risen beyond $3,000, indicating a significant supply-demand mismatch. This fast jump in replacement prices presents a considerable problem for dairy producers, who must now negotiate a more competitive market to renew their herds.

High Prices for Beef-On-Dairy Calves: A Golden Opportunity for Dairy Farmers

The current trend of high pricing for beef-on-dairy calves is a profitable opportunity for dairy producers. Week-old calves sell for between $800 and $1,000 a head, twice the price of the finest purebred dairy bull calves. This increase in value is caused by a combination of inadequate feeder supply and continued high demand from the beef industry. Because beef-on-dairy calves fetch such high prices, and it takes almost three years from a heifer’s pregnancy to her first calf, there are no indications of a near-term reversal. As demand for excellent beef rises and availability remains limited, dairy producers will prioritize this lucrative crossbreeding technique.

The Smart Bet on Heifers: Dairy Farmers Embrace Gender-Sorted Semen for Expansion

Meanwhile, dairy producers looking to expand their operations are increasingly resorting to gender-sorted dairy semen. This strategy ensures that more female calves, or heifers, are produced to replace old cows and sustain milk output. In 2023, 54% of all dairy bull semen sold in the United States was gender-sorted, representing a 5% rise over the previous year. This trend emphasizes the need for dependable replacements in an industry facing a dairy cow crisis.

The Bottom Line

The dairy farming environment in the United States is rapidly changing. Farmers resort to the beef-on-dairy concept to save their income flow when faced with a steep fall in dairy alternatives. While this trend gives a much-needed financial boost, it has resulted in a heifer shortage issue, raising replacement prices and forcing the sector to adjust. The increase in beef semen sales and the strategic shift to gender-sorted semen demonstrate dairy producers’ inventive methods for overcoming these obstacles. With milk supply staying static and replacement costs skyrocketing, the economic viability of dairy farming is jeopardized. The demand for smaller but bigger dairy farms and growing input prices are altering the business. The choices made today will likely affect the future of dairy farming in the United States, requiring farmers and industry stakeholders to reassess their strategy and plan for the difficulties.

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Oxidative-Stress: The Hidden Culprit Sabotaging Your Calf’s Health

Uncover the unseen culprit harming your calves. Learn how oxidative stress affects your dairy farm and what steps to take to safeguard your herd.

Summary: Oxidative stress is a big, often overlooked, factor that can quietly harm your calves’ health. It happens when there’s an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in their bodies. Triggers like environmental extremes, poor diets, and diseases can all contribute to this. For dairy farmers, stressed calves might not grow into productive cows, hitting your farm’s output and profits hard. Plus, it links to various health issues, leading to higher vet bills and lower milk yields over time. As dairy farm consultants, we aim to give you practical tips to combat this hidden issue, from dietary tweaks to stress-reducing practices. Preventive measures like proper diets, adequate ventilation, clean living spaces, and gentle handling can make a big difference.

  • Oxidative stress results from an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants and can severely affect calves’ health.
  • Common triggers include environmental extremes, poor diets, and diseases.
  • Stressed calves are likely to grow into less productive cows, impacting farm output and profits.
  • Links to various health issues, higher veterinary costs, and decreased milk yields emphasize the seriousness of oxidative stress.
  • Practical strategies to combat oxidative stress include dietary modifications, maintaining adequate ventilation, ensuring clean living spaces, and employing gentle handling practices.

Picture this: You walk into your barn expecting lively calves, but instead, they seem sluggish and unwell. You’ve fed them well, kept the barn clean, and ensured they’re infection-free, so what’s going wrong? The hidden culprit could be oxidative stress—a condition where an imbalance of antioxidants and free radicals causes cell damage. This issue can severely impact young calves, affecting their growth and immune systems. Did you know calves facing oxidative stress have a 20% higher death rate and a 30% rise in respiratory illnesses? Plus, their growth rates can drop by up to 15%. But don’t worry; there are ways to address this health threat. Want to know the secret to healthier, stronger calves? Keep reading for expert tips and strategies!

The Silent Saboteur: How Oxidative Stress Is Secretly Undermining Your Calves’ Health! 

Oxidative stress can be considered a seesaw inside a calf’s body. On one side are harmful chemicals called free radicals, and on the other are antioxidants that keep these radicals in check. Usually, the seesaw stays balanced, keeping the calf healthy. But when too many free radicals and insufficient antioxidants exist, the seesaw tips, causing oxidative stress.

This imbalance is often caused by inadequate diet, illnesses, or environmental pressures, such as a poorly maintained automobile engine, which releases excessive smoke and breaks down faster. A calf suffering from oxidative stress may have difficulty growing, developing immunity, and maintaining good overall health. For dairy producers, this is a significant worry. A stressed calf will not mature into a productive cow, reducing the farm’s output and profit. Oxidative stress has been related to various health concerns, which may result in higher veterinary expenditures and lower milk outputs in the long run  (J. et al., 2017;100:9602-9610).

Environmental Extremes, Poor Diets, and Disease: The Trio Wreaking Havoc on Your Calves’ Health 

Many variables cause oxidative stress in calves, each contributing uniquely to this hidden threat. Extreme temperatures, both blazing heat and chilling cold, may increase oxidative stress levels. For example, according to research published in Animal Feed Science and Technology, calves exposed to high temperatures often have elevated levels of oxidative markers (Gaojuan Zhao et al.).

The diet also plays a significant influence. Nutrient deficits or imbalances, notably in antioxidants such as Vitamin E and Selenium, worsen oxidative stress. According to research, a shortage of these essential antioxidants impairs the calf’s capacity to neutralize free radicals, resulting in cellular damage (Surai et al., “Free Radical Biology and Medicine,” 2010).

Furthermore, infections and disorders may significantly increase oxidative stress. Pathogens cause an immunological response, which, although helpful for fighting sickness, also produces oxidative byproducts that may be dangerous if not handled properly. An investigation by Science (1973) supports this by revealing higher oxidative stress indicators in sick cattle.

These elements work together to create a situation where calves constantly battle oxidative stress, which is unknown to many farmers. Understanding and managing these effects is critical, and it’s also your responsibility as a dairy producer to improve calf health and build a strong herd.

Unmasking the Hidden Enemy: The Silent Impact of Oxidative Stress on Your Herd

Oxidative stress, the invisible nemesis of calf health, may have many negative consequences. One of the main implications is a decreased immune system. When free radicals outnumber antioxidants, oxidative damage can impair immune cell functionality, reducing the calf’s ability to fight pathogens—a study published in Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. (2014, 191: 15-23) discovered that oxidative stress significantly compromised the immune response in young calves, making them more susceptible to infections.

Another significant effect is reduced growth rates. Oxidative stress may harm cellular components crucial for growth and development, including DNA, proteins, and lipids. The study published in Science (1973, 179: 585-590) found that oxidative stress in calves caused a considerable reduction in growth rates, underlining the need for watchful antioxidant control in young animals.

Furthermore, calves under oxidative stress are more susceptible to illnesses. The cumulative damage to immune system components and general tissue health creates a breeding environment for illness. According to Free Radic. Biol. Med. (2010, 49: 1603-1616), oxidative stress may disturb the gut microbial balance, affecting overall health and resistance to gastrointestinal disorders.

Dr. Peter F. Surai, a specialist in animal nutrition and author of numerous research on oxidative stress, states that “incorporating antioxidants like Vitamin E and Selenium in the diet has been shown to bolster the immune system of calves.” This modest nutritional change may boost disease resistance and general vitality, ensuring calves grow into healthy, productive adult cattle” (Anim. Feed Sci. Technol., 2014).

Case studies support these views. According to observational studies referenced by Hoard’s Dairyman, calves with high oxidative stress had a 15% higher risk of respiratory illness and a 10% lower weight growth than those with less stress. These findings provide little doubt regarding the negative impact of oxidative stress on calf health.

Preventive Measures to Safeguard Your Calves from Oxidative Stress: Evidence-Backed Strategies for Optimal Health and Growth. By implementing these strategies, you can significantly improve the health and growth of your calves, giving you hope for a healthier herd. Preventive interventions to reduce oxidative stress in calves are critical for their health and healthy development. Implementing a complete strategy incorporating dietary changes, environmental management, and stress-reduction techniques can have a significant impact, giving you confidence in your approach to managing oxidative stress.

Here are some evidence-backed strategies: 

Dietary Recommendations 

  • Antioxidant-Rich Feed: Providing feed rich in antioxidants such as Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and Selenium can help neutralize free radicals. Research indicates that antioxidant supplementation improves immune responses and reduces animal oxidative damage (J.Dairy Sci.201710096029610).
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Incorporating omega-3 fatty acids into the diet has been shown to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. Studies suggest omega-3 supplementation can improve calf health and reduce disease prevalence (Anim.Feed.Sci.Technol.20141921523).

Environmental Management 

  • Proper Ventilation: Ensuring adequate ventilation in barns can help reduce the accumulation of harmful gases and pathogens. Good airflow is essential in maintaining an environment conducive to calf health (J Nat. Med.2015697685).
  • Clean and Dry Housing: Keeping the calves’ living area clean and dry minimizes the risk of infections and reduces the overall stress on young animals. Regular cleaning protocols and bedding changes are recommended (Free Radic.Biol.Med.20104916031616).

Stress-Reducing Practices 

  • Consistent Routines: Maintaining consistent feeding and handling routines can help reduce stress in calves. Animals are sensitive to changes, and a stable environment contributes to their well-being (Pak. J. Zool.201648923930).
  • Gentle Handling: Employing gentle handling techniques and reducing abrupt environmental changes are crucial for minimizing stress responses in calves. Training staff on low-stress handling can have long-term benefits (Sci.1973179588590).

These techniques improve the calves’ immediate health and promote long-term growth and production. Regular monitoring and modifications depending on unique farm circumstances may help optimize these tactics for the best results.

The Bottom Line

Oxidative stress is a concealed foe in the health management of calves. Environmental extremes, poor diets, and illnesses enhance oxidative stress, jeopardizing calf health and development. Addressing this problem entails providing a nutritionally balanced food supplemented with antioxidants, using environmental management measures to reduce stressors, and applying stress-reduction methods to improve overall well-being. These measurements are critical in developing muscular, healthy calves; they do not consider the importance of oxidative stress. Evidence-based practices might be the key to increasing your herd’s production and lifespan. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and protecting your calves against oxidative stress is a proactive step toward improved health and profitability. Are you prepared to make these adjustments and notice the difference?

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