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From Battlefields to Barnyards: How War Veterans are Transitioning to Dairy Farming

Discover how war veterans are transforming dairy farming. Can their battlefield skills bring innovation and resilience to barnyards? Explore their unique journey.

Transitioning from military to civilian life is challenging for many veterans, as it demands emotional adjustment and new skills in a different environment. Dairy farming is a promising and formidable option among the career paths available. Nearly 10% of new dairy farmers in the United States are war veterans.  Veterans bring resilience and reinvention to dairy farming, applying military discipline to a new, demanding field. We’ll look at these veterans’ challenges and triumphs and share expert insights on this growing trend. From the therapeutic benefits to economic opportunities, their stories offer a compelling narrative of adaptation and success. Join us as we explore how these unique ‘vets’ thrive in a field that demands hard work, commitment, and resilience.

Veterans in Dairy Farming: Stories of Perseverance, Dedication, and Transformation

One compelling success narrative is that of Adam Jackanicz, a veterinarian and milk quality supervisor at Alliance Dairies in Trenton, Florida, who also serves as the Public Health Officer for the 932nd Medical Squadron in the U.S. Air Force Reserve. 

Initially told he could not pursue aviation due to poor eyesight, Jackanicz enlisted in the Air Force during veterinary school, a decision he wishes he had made sooner. “My regret is not signing up sooner,” he confides. 

Overseeing the health and well-being of 10,000 cows, Adam finds that the Air Force values of integrity and excellence are indispensable in dairy farming. His military heritage is profound, with a family history rich in service and his wife offering pivotal support during the COVID-19 pandemic. Adam reenlisted immediately after 9/11, transitioning from an enlisted role to an officer’s commission, serving across various states until 2009, and rejoining the ranks in 2020. 

Kyle Hayes, another distinguished war veteran, is a first-generation dairy farmer in northeast Texas who served in the Navy from 1971 to 1975. For Kyle, boot camp was a transformative experience, reminiscent of a scene from Forrest Gump. 

Beginning his agricultural journey with beef cattle, Kyle transitioned to dairy farming over thirty years ago. He takes immense pride in his son, Kyle Jr., who plays a crucial role on the farm. To Kyle, military service and dairy farming are synonymous with hard work and sacrifice, instilling a profound sense of purpose. 

Finally, Nathan Roth, a second-generation dairy farmer in Mountain Grove, Missouri, tends to 250 cows and farms 1,600 acres alongside his children. After high school, he joined the Navy and served a year in Vietnam. 

Nathan’s return home was an emotional transition. Still, he remains grateful for the G.I. Bill, which enabled him to obtain an accounting degree. Dairy farming is Nathan’s true vocation, perfectly blending with the discipline instilled by his military training. He takes pride in his dual identity as a Vietnam veteran and a dedicated dairy farmer. 

These stories exemplify veterans’ significant impact on agriculture, shedding light on their remarkable achievements and the obstacles they have overcome. Their contributions to the dairy farming industry invigorate local economies and cultivate a sense of purpose and community, demonstrating that the skills honed on the battlefield can yield bountiful harvests in America’s heartlands.

From Combat Boots to Barn Boots: Navigating the Transition from Military to Dairy Farming 

The transition from military to civilian life often challenges veterans with identity shifts, psychological stress, and the loss of a structured community. Issues like PTSD and depression can make it hard to settle into new careers. 

Yet, the skills from military service—operating under pressure, discipline, and resilience—are assets in dairy farming. Veterans excel in managing livestock, maintaining health standards, and handling agricultural unpredictability. Their strong work ethic and leadership can effectively manage farm teams and coordinate large-scale operations. 

Moreover, their logistical and strategic planning expertise is crucial for crop rotations, feed schedules, and overall farm management—the teamwork and camaraderie from their service foster strong, cooperative farm communities. 

Veterans’ resilience, discipline, and leadership ultimately lead to success and enhance the agricultural communities they integrate into.

Harnessing Military Expertise: How Veterans Excel in Dairy Farming 

Veterans bring unique skills from their military service that translate seamlessly into dairy farming. Foremost is leadership. In the military, individuals must make quick decisions and lead teams through challenges. On a dairy farm, this leadership is evident in managing farmworkers, coordinating operations, and ensuring tasks are completed efficiently. This includes overseeing milking, maintaining livestock health, and adhering to regulations. 

Discipline is another critical asset. The military demands a high level of personal discipline directly applicable to the rigorous routines of dairy farming. Veterans’ ability to stick to structured timelines ensures smooth operations, extending to essential record-keeping and maintenance. 

Problem-solving is invaluable. Military training instills the capacity to think critically and act swiftly in the face of challenges. This ability translates well to dairy farming, from handling animal health crises to machinery breakdowns. Veterans can innovate solutions, improving aspects like biosecurity and milk yield

Lastly, teamwork is crucial in both fields. Military operations rely on teamwork, as does dairy farming, which involves collaboration among various personnel. Veterans’ experience fosters a culture of teamwork and cooperation, enhancing productivity and creating a positive work environment. 

Leadership, discipline, problem-solving, and teamwork are essential for managing a dairy farm successfully. Veterans find a rewarding second calling in farming and significantly contribute to the agricultural sector.

Navigating the Green Transition: Support Systems Paving the Way for Veterans in Agriculture 

Transitioning from combat zones to pastoral fields is no small feat. Fortunately, numerous programs and organizations stand ready to support veterans in this journey. The Farmer Veteran Coalition (FVC) is a pivotal non-profit mobilizing veterans to feed America, offering training, mentorship, and financial assistance through the Fellowship Fund. 

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) supports these efforts with its Veterans in Agriculture and Farming Program, established under the 2014 Farm Bill. This program provides veterans with accessible microloans and conservation programs to promote sustainable farming practices. 

Community-centric programs like the Veteran Farmer at Turner Farm offer hands-on organic farming experience. Veterans like Rob Lewis have utilized this support to prepare for their farming ventures. Similarly, the Armed to Farm program combines sustainable agriculture training with technical assistance tailored for veterans. 

Local initiatives also play a crucial role. Hines’ apprenticeship at Avril-Bleh & Sons Meat Market highlights the value of community-level engagements in offering real-world experience. State-specific programs in Michigan and Kentucky further reflect the importance of agriculture in veterans’ reintegration into civilian life. 

Converging federal support, non-profit initiatives, and local programs creates a robust system that helps veterans thrive in agricultural settings. These resources provide essential skills, foster a sense of purpose, and build community for veterans in their post-military careers.

The Far-Reaching Impacts of Veterans in Dairy Farming: Economic and Social Dimensions 

Integrating veterans into the dairy farming industry offers profound economic and social benefits that resonate throughout local communities. Economically, veterans foster job creation and sustain local economies with a dependable influx of skilled labor. Their military training in logistics, management, and operational efficiency translates seamlessly to agricultural endeavors. 

Veteran farmers significantly enhance food security. Their disciplined practices ensure reliable production rates, providing a steady supply of high-quality dairy products. This consistency benefits consumers and strengthens the agricultural supply chain, reducing risks associated with market fluctuations and environmental challenges. 

Socially, veterans in dairy farming invigorate community development. Their involvement stimulates rural economies, attracts regional investment, and fosters community solidarity. Initiatives like the Farmers Veteran Coalition and veteran agriculture programs offer essential support, enabling veterans to excel and become community pillars. 

Inspiring narratives, such as Billy Webb’s transformation from a 20-year Navy veteran to a successful mushroom farmer, motivate other veterans and community members. These success stories highlight the potential for growth and adaptation within the veteran community, enriching rural areas’ social fabric and economic vitality. 

Integrating veterans into dairy farming aligns with sustainable agriculture, community resilience, and economic development goals. Their contributions bolster rural economies, enhance food security, and tighten social bonds, underscoring their invaluable role in local and national landscapes.

Overcoming Barriers: Navigating the Complex Path of Military to Dairy Farming Transition 

Transitioning from military service to dairy farming presents unique challenges. One significant barrier is access to land, often requiring substantial financial outlay that can be prohibitive for beginners. Veterans face disadvantages in securing farmland due to high costs and competitive markets

Innovative solutions like the Farmer Veteran Coalition and veteran-specific grant funding address this issue. The 2014 Farm Bill, for example, introduced provisions supporting veteran farmers through targeted grants and land acquisition assistance. 

Another challenge is access to capital for necessary equipment and infrastructure. Traditional financing demands substantial collateral and high interest rates, making it less accessible. Veteran-focused loan programs and micro-financing options offer favorable terms and lower entry barriers, helping bridge financial gaps

Technical knowledge is another hurdle. Military training instills discipline and resilience but not specialized dairy farming knowledge. Educational programs tailored to veterans are essential. Programs like the veteran farmer initiatives at Turner Farm provide hands-on training and mentorship. 

Social and emotional support is vital, too. Farming can be isolating, lacking the camaraderie found in military service. Peer mentorship programs and community farming initiatives foster and encourage belonging and build technical competence and emotional resilience.

The Future of Veterans in Dairy Farming: A Confluence of Innovation, Support, and Sustainable Growth

The future of veterans in dairy farming is brimming with potential, driven by innovation, financial backing, and a focus on sustainability. Advanced technology is a significant trend, with veterans’ military training equipping them to excel in using precision farming tools, automated systems, and data-driven herd management

Growth prospects also include expanding veteran-specific programs and funding. Successful initiatives like the Farmers Veteran Coalition and the 2014 Farm Bill provisions could inspire future policies, offering better training, increased grants, and more robust support networks. 

Sustainable practices will be pivotal. Veterans, known for their disciplined approach, can lead rotational grazing, organic farming, and waste management efforts, aligning with eco-conscious consumer demands

Veteran involvement in dairy farming could bring positive social and economic changes, boosting rural communities and local economies. Their leadership and resilience could foster innovation and efficiency, setting new standards for productivity and sustainability. 

In conclusion, veterans are poised to transform the dairy farming industry, leveraging their unique skills and experiences amid a landscape of innovation and sustainability.

The Bottom Line

Veterans bring resilience, discipline, and teamwork to dairy farming, making for a meaningful career transition and a significant agricultural contribution. Veterans like Hines and Webb exemplify successful shifts from military life to farming, embodying perseverance and dedication. The 2014 Farm Bill and veteran agriculture programs highlight the systemic support available. Military skills such as strategic planning and crisis management translate well into agriculture. Programs like the Farmer Veteran Coalition help veterans overcome transition barriers, showcasing a promising future where they can innovate and thrive in dairy farming. These efforts foster economic growth and enrich communities, aligning military precision with agricultural innovation. This synergy offers long-term benefits for both sectors, rejuvenating rural economies and promoting sustainable farming practices. We must provide policy backing, community involvement, and direct engagement in veteran-centric programs to support these veterans, ensuring they succeed and flourish in their new roles.

Key Takeaways: 

  • Military training equips veterans with discipline, adaptability, and leadership skills that are invaluable in dairy farming.
  • Personal stories of veterans reveal deep-seated perseverance, commitment, and a seamless transition into agricultural life.
  • Veterans bring innovative and efficient solutions to agricultural challenges, leveraging their military expertise.
  • Support systems, including government programs and nonprofit organizations, play a crucial role in facilitating veterans’ transition to farming.
  • The economic and social benefits of veterans in dairy farming extend to local communities and the broader agricultural landscape.
  • Despite numerous challenges, veterans successfully navigate the complex terrain of transitioning to dairy farming, showcasing their resilience.
  • The future of veterans in dairy farming is promising, driven by innovation, support, and a focus on sustainable practices.


Dairy farming is a promising career path for veterans transitioning from military service to civilian life. Nearly 10% of new dairy farmers in the US are war veterans, bringing resilience and reinvention to the demanding field. Numerous programs and organizations support veterans in their transition, providing essential skills, fostering a sense of purpose, and building community. Integrating veterans into the dairy farming industry offers profound economic and social benefits, such as job creation, local economies, and community development. However, transitioning from military service presents unique challenges, such as access to land and technical knowledge. Innovative solutions like the Farmer Veteran Coalition and veteran-specific grant funding address these issues. The future of veterans in dairy farming is promising, driven by innovation, financial backing, and a focus on sustainability. Advanced technology, military training, and growth prospects include expanding veteran-specific programs and funding.

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Maximize Your Dairy Farm’s Profit: Insights from the 2021 Nutrient Requirements Report

Discover how the 2021 Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle can boost your farm’s profitability. Are you feeding your cows optimally for maximum milk yield and quality?

Imagine running a business where nearly 60% of your expenses come from one thing. Dairy farmers face this, with feed costs taking up a large part of their budget. But here’s the empowering part: understanding how feeding practices impact a dairy farm’s economic outcomes is not just essential, it’s a game-changer. By optimizing feed to boost milk quality and yield, and at the same time, managing costs, dairy farmers can significantly improve their farm profitability and sustainability. 

The dairy industry has transformed significantly over the past 20 years due to advancements in genetics, management practices, and nutritional research. Reflecting these changes, the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) released the eighth edition of the Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle in December 2021. This update, succeeding guidelines from 2001, incorporates the latest scientific insights and innovations to enhance dairy cow health, productivity, and profitability.

Understanding the nutrient requirements of dairy cattle is crucial for optimizing feed efficiency, improving milk production quality, reducing environmental impact, and ultimately ensuring dairy operations’ overall profitability and sustainability.

The Evolution of Dairy Nutrition: Adapting to Genetic Enhancements and Technological Innovations 

YearAverage Milk Yield per Cow (liters/year)Average Butterfat Content (%)Average Protein Content (%)

Over the past two decades, the dairy industry has undergone significant transformations thanks to advancements in cow genetics, management practices, research, and productivity. These changes have deepened our understanding of dairy cow nutrition, making it more intricate but also more impactful on farm profitability and cow health. For instance, in the early 2000s, the focus was on increasing milk yield, but now, we’re also considering factors like cow health, environmental impact, and feed efficiency. 

Selective breeding has enhanced traits such as milk yield, disease resistance, and cow longevity. These genetic improvements have increased productivity and made herds more resilient. 

Management practices have evolved with technological innovations, such as precision farming tools, automated milking systems, and real-time health monitoring, which help optimize cow welfare and milk production. 

The research landscape has expanded, generating data translated into practical feeding strategies. This has led to sophisticated models that accurately predict outcomes, reflecting the complexity of dairy cow nutrition. 

Increased productivity necessitates a nuanced understanding of nutritional requirements. Modern cow diets must meet heightened metabolic demands while ensuring rumen health and overall well-being

The growing complexity of dairy cow nutrition underscores our need for precise feeding strategies. These strategies, when implemented effectively, can support and enhance the advanced genetic and productive capabilities of today’s dairy cows. They are not just tools, but a source of enlightenment and motivation for dairy farmers and nutritionists.

Navigating the Microbial Frontier: Insights into Rumen Function and Precision Feeding

Amidst the evolving landscape of dairy nutrition, our understanding of rumen microbial function has advanced significantly. Two decades ago, we had a rudimentary grasp of the microbial intricacies within the rumen. Today, our insights have deepened, highlighting the critical symbiosis between the cow and its rumen microbes for optimizing milk production and overall health. This understanding has led to the development of precision feeding strategies that take into account the cow’s specific microbial needs. 

Recent advancements in rumen microbial nutrition have revealed the complexities of microbial populations and their intricate interactions with dietary components. We now recognize the essential role of specific microbial communities in breaking down complex carbohydrates, fermenting fibers, and synthesizing vital volatile fatty acids. This nuanced understanding has shifted feeding practices towards precision feeding strategies, which involve tailoring the diet to the cow’s specific needs, thus optimizing feed utilization and cow health. 

The integration of predictive models has been pivotal. By simulating rumen fermentation processes, we can forecast nutrient outflow with greater accuracy, fine-tuning diets to meet the cow’s needs more effectively. This helps balance nutrition while mitigating issues like acidosis, thus safeguarding rumen health. 

These models factor in the degradability of dietary components, the interaction of forage fibers, and the impact of particle size on fermentation rates. This complexity provides a framework for nutritionists to precisely calibrate diets, enhancing milk yields without compromising health. Such advancements underscore the importance of improved rumen microbial function understanding in modern dairy farming. By adopting the NASEM guidelines, dairy farmers can feel reassured and confident in their farming practices, knowing that they are backed by the latest scientific research.

Redefining Dietary Fiber: The Critical Role of Physically Adjusted Neutral Detergent Fiber (paNDF) in Rumen Health 

The concept of physically adjusted neutral detergent fiber (paNDF) represents a significant leap in understanding fiber’s role in rumen health. It specifically addresses how fiber’s physical characteristics maintain the optimal rumen pH necessary for efficient digestion. In simpler terms, paNDF is a measure of the fiber’s physical properties, such as its size and how easily it breaks down, which are crucial for maintaining a healthy rumen environment. 

PaNDF factors in critical elements:

  • Forage NDF (fiber from forage)
  • Fiber fragility (ease of breakdown)
  • Particle size (interaction with rumen microbes)
  • Dietary starch content (impact on rumen pH)

Considering these, the paNDF model maintains a rumen pH of 6.0 to 6.1, fostering an environment for optimal microbial activity and digestion. In simpler terms, a healthy rumen is like a well-functioning digestive system in humans. It’s crucial for the cow’s overall health and efficient digestion of the feed. 

Dairy farmers and nutritionists need precise inputs on cow body weight, dietary forage NDF, and starch content. Tools like the Penn State Particle Separator measure these factors, particularly particle size, ensuring dietary adjustments to sustain the rumen environment. Though complex, the paNDF system ultimately allows dairy herd managers to optimize feed formulations, promoting cow health and efficient milk production.

Unveiling the Modern Energy Paradigm: Enhanced Maintenance Net Energy of Lactation (NEL) and Refined Non-Fiber Carbohydrates (NFC) Calculations

Component20 Years AgoCurrent Requirements
Maintenance Net Energy of Lactation (NEL)25%Increased by 25%
Non-Fiber Carbohydrates (NFC)General categorySeparated into starch and ROM
Digestibility of Supplemental Dietary Fatty Acids92%Reduced to 73%
Digestibility of NDF and StarchVariable based on dry matter intake (DMI)Refined with specific considerations

The recent energy requirement update shows a notable 25% increase in the maintenance net energy of lactation (NEL) requirement. This change highlights our growing understanding of the energy needs tied to today’s high-producing dairy cows. 

Another crucial adjustment is the division of non-fiber carbohydrates (NFC) into starch and residual organic matter (ROM). This allows for a more detailed examination of starch degradability and its influence on rumen fermentation. At the same time, ROM is considered 96% digestible. 

Advancements in digestibility calculations further enhance our predictive accuracy. Digestibility models, previously based solely on dry matter intake (DMI), are now more refined. For example, dietary fatty acid digestibility has been adjusted from 92% to 73%. NDF and starch digestibilities are tweaked based on intake levels, aligning dietary energy inputs with cow energy needs more precisely.

Revolutionizing Protein Nutrition: From Metabolizable Protein (MP) to Essential Amino Acids (EAA) in Dairy Cattle

Protein RequirementMetabolizable Protein (MP)Essential Amino Acids (EAA)
Maintenance500 g/day20 g/day
Lactation (30 kg milk/day)1,300 g/day60 g/day
Growth (500 g/day)950 g/day45 g/day
Pregnancy (6th to 9th month)700 g/day30 g/day

The recent NASEM report marks a significant shift in protein nutrition for dairy cattle by transitioning from metabolizable protein (MP) to essential amino acids (EAA). This change emphasizes precision in nutrient utilization to enhance dairy cow productivity and health. Previously, MP served as a broad measure of absorbed protein but fell short in predicting specific protein synthesis needs. In contrast, EAA provides a more accurate measure of the cow’s protein needs, allowing for more precise feeding strategies. 

The NASEM committee conducted an extensive review to identify the EAA requirements for synthesizing various proteins, including those in milk, urine, scurf, feces, tissue growth, and pregnancy. They established EAA needs through a thorough examination of research, focusing on the efficiency of EAA use, which varies by protein type. This approach allows for more accurate predictions of dietary protein conversion, enabling precise and cost-effective diet formulations. 

Adopting an EAA-centric model offers practical advantages. Nutritionists can now create diets with lower protein content while still meeting cows’ needs, reducing feed costs and environmental impacts from nitrogen excretion. As dairy nutrition advances, these improvements support more sustainable and economically viable farming practices.

Strategic Nutrition for Transition Cows: A Pivotal Aspect in Managing Post-Calving Health Risks

StageEnergy Needs (NEL, Mcal/day)Protein Needs (g/day)
Close-up Dry Period14 – 161,200 – 1,400
Fresh Period18 – 221,500 – 1,700
Peak Lactation22 – 281,700 – 2,000

The period around calving is crucial for dairy cow health and productivity, making transition cow management and feeding vital. Proper nutrition during this phase can mitigate post-calving disease risks. The NASEM 2021 report adopts a continuous function approach to predict energy and protein needs during gestation. Though more physiologic, this method challenges meeting nutritional requirements with a one-size-fits-all diet. 

Dry Matter Intake (DMI) predictions now factor in dietary Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF) content to address this. As dietary NDF rises from 30% to 50%, DMI decreases, ensuring transition cows receive adequate fiber without overwhelming their digestive system. 

The report also doubles the dietary vitamin E requirement from 1,000 IU to 2,000 IU per day for close-up dry cows, boosting their immune function during this critical period. Additionally, dry cows’ trace mineral needs have been increased to prevent deficiencies as they prepare for lactation. Minimal changes were made for heifers and lactating cows, highlighting the unique nutritional needs during the transition period.

Embracing Nutritional Nuance: The NASEM 2021 Report’s Evolved Approach to Mineral and Vitamin Requirements

NutrientLactating Cows (mg/day)Dry Cows (mg/day)Heifers (mg/kg of DM)
Vitamin A (IU)50,00030,00020,000-40,000
Vitamin D (IU)1,5001,000700-1,000
Vitamin E (IU)1,0002,000300-500

In addition to updated mineral and vitamin requirements, the NASEM 2021 report takes a nuanced approach to defining these essential nutrients. Unlike previous NRC guidelines focusing on specific production outcomes, the new report uses population mean values, moving away from a one-size-fits-all strategy. 

A notable change is the increase in dietary vitamin E for close-up dry diets, doubling from 1,000 IU to 2,000 IU per day. This adjustment aligns with recent research highlighting vitamin E’s role in disease prevention and cow health. Trace mineral requirements have also been revised, emphasizing their importance during the dry period, while changes for heifers and lactating cows remain minimal. 

The committee employs a factorial approach, utilizing data to calculate a population mean value instead of strict “requirements.” When data is sufficient, a safety factor is included. Due to limited data, the committee offers “adequate intake (AI)” recommendations rather than rigid requirements, allowing on-farm flexibility and adjustments tailored to specific herd conditions.

The Bottom Line

The new NASEM guidelines highlight pivotal updates reflecting two decades of advancements in dairy cows’ genetics, physiology, and nutrition. These guidelines equip dairy farmers with tools to fine-tune feeding strategies, emphasizing precise energy balance and a novel focus on essential amino acids for protein nutrition. Models like paNDF ensure optimal rumen health, which is crucial for maximizing feed efficiency

Incorporating these guidelines allows dairy farmers to manage feed costs more strategically without compromising cow health or productivity. Enhanced energy and protein calculations lead to balanced diets, potentially reducing feed expenses by minimizing waste. Focusing on nutrient bioavailability and adequate intake also streamlines mineral and vitamin supplementation, further optimizing costs. 

Adopting the NASEM guidelines offers significant practical benefits. They help farmers improve herd longevity and well-being, reducing veterinary costs and post-calving health risks. This boosts milk yields and enhances milk quality, leading to better market prices. By aligning feeding practices with the latest science, dairy farms can improve operational efficiency and profitability, ensuring a more sustainable and viable future for the industry.

Key Takeaways:

  • Feed costs remain a significant portion of production costs, ranging from 45% to nearly 60%, underscoring the need for efficient nutrient management.
  • The highest milk yield does not always equate to the best farm profitability; a balance between yield, composition, and quality is crucial.
  • The evolving understanding of rumen microbial function and nutrition guides precision feeding strategies.
  • Introduction of physically adjusted neutral detergent fiber (paNDF) to ensure rumen health by maintaining optimal rumen pH and efficient fiber digestion.
  • Significant updates in energy and protein requirements, including a 25% increase in maintenance net energy of lactation (NEL) and a shift from metabolizable protein (MP) to essential amino acids (EAA) for protein nutrition.
  • Continuous function approach in predicting the energy and protein needs of transition cows enhances disease risk management post-calving.
  • Revision of mineral and vitamin requirements with a focus on bioavailability and adequate intake (AI) rather than strict requirements.

Summary: The dairy industry has undergone significant changes in the past two decades due to genetics, management practices, and nutritional research. The National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) released the eighth edition of the Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle in December 2021, reflecting these changes. Understanding the nutrient requirements of dairy cattle is crucial for optimizing feed efficiency, improving milk production quality, reducing environmental impact, and ensuring profitability and sustainability. Selective breeding has enhanced traits like milk yield, disease resistance, and cow longevity, increasing productivity and resilience. Technological innovations have evolved management practices, such as precision farming tools, automated milking systems, and real-time health monitoring. The research landscape has expanded, generating data that has led to sophisticated models that accurately predict outcomes. Adhering to NASEM guidelines provides dairy farmers with confidence in their farming practices, backed by the latest scientific research. The NASEM 2021 report emphasizes strategic nutrition for transition cows, adopting a continuous function approach to predict energy and protein needs during gestation.

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