Archive for National Milk Producers Federation

U.S. Dairy Exports Drop 5% in May as Cheese Continues to Shine Amid a Challenging Year

Uncover the factors behind the 5% dip in U.S. dairy exports for May, even as cheese exports surged. Can the dairy sector overcome these hurdles and sustain its presence in the global market?

These initiatives, designed with a proactive approach, represent a strategic goal to boost the U.S. dairy industry. The investment in experimental projects for value-added skim milk powder sales to Southeast Asia is a testament to our progressive attitude towards consumer needs. Products such as ESL/aseptic fluid milk, evaporated/condensed milk, and ice cream now receive fat-equivalent support, a deliberate diversification strategy to improve our export profiles.

Furthermore, establishing an advisory council for strategic direction underscores our commitment to industry-wide cooperative efforts. The council’s first emphasis on precompetitive assistance ensures that even smaller companies have opportunities in the global market. The NMPF Executive Committee and the entire board have meticulously planned to increase the industry’s international profile, a goal we all share and are proud to work towards.

Conversely, the larger scene of agricultural commerce seems negative because May’s numbers support an unparalleled trade imbalance. Changing trade links, currency volatility, and global pricing rivalry distort the picture. The USDA Economic Research Service projects a record $32 billion trade imbalance by the end of 2024, stressing significant difficulties ahead for American agriculture.

This disparity emphasizes a crucial point: whereas specific dairy sectors benefit from strategic initiatives and high overseas demand, the agriculture export industry has structural challenges. Essential actions to guarantee a steady increase in U.S. dairy exports in a competitive worldwide market include updating trade agreements and increasing workforce availability.

Cheese Leads the Charge Amidst a Mixed Bag for U.S. Dairy Exports

The U.S. Dairy Export Council reports that May’s dairy exports dropped by 5% after April, which showed an encouraging increase. This drop emphasizes the market’s unequal performance, whereas cheese still shows a fantastic upward tendency. With a 27% rise over the first five months of 2024, U.S. cheese exports in May totaled 48,029 metric tons, up 47% yearly and somewhat less than March’s record number. Strong demand from China’s pig sector also increased Whey exports by 19%.

However, these increases were countered by a dramatic reduction in nonfat dry and skim milk powder shipments to Southeast Asia, which fell 51% yearly to 14,265 metric tons. Weak currencies in the area and fierce worldwide competitiveness help explain this decline.

U.S. Cheese Exports Shine Bright in a Cloudy Dairy Market

American cheese exports shined brilliantly in May, with a substantial 47% year-over-year rise. Driven by American dairy producers’ constant excellence and inventiveness, this explosion emphasizes the worldwide desire for American cheese. Cheese exports have shown strong resilience throughout the first five months 2024, rising by 27%. Record-high March volumes highlight even more the tremendous worldwide demand for American cheese.

Whey Exports Surge Amidst Turbulence, Driven by China’s Growing Demand

Whey exports maintained an upward tendency in a changing U.S. dairy export market. Driven chiefly by great demand from China’s recovering pork sector, whey exports in May showed a noteworthy 19% rise over the year before. This comeback in China’s hog output has made whey even more critical as an ingredient in animal feed. This requirement emphasizes the need to focus on specific international markets to negotiate global competitiveness, currency changes, and the links among many industries.

Global Competition and Economic Pressures Batter U.S. NDM and SMP Exports, Plunging 51% in May

Among the general drop in U.S. dairy exports, nonfat dry milk (NDM) and skim milk powder (SMP) dropped by 51% yearly in May. Various reasons have led to this sharp decline in U.S. exports to Southeast Asia. Mainly from Australia, Europe, and New Zealand—places that gain from reduced manufacturing costs and strategic trade agreements—the heightened global competitiveness from these countries has given them a competitive advantage over American exporters.

The economic difficulties in Southeast Asia aggravate the problem even further. American dairy goods are more expensive and less appealing when weaker currencies in many nations lower their buying power against the U.S. dollar. This junction of fierce competitiveness and financial restrictions shows the problematic environment U.S. dairy exporters must negotiate. To recover power in Southeast Asia, American dairy goods could make a strategic turn, including improved marketing, focused trade agreements, and investigation of new market niches.

CWT Program: A Pillar of Support in U.S. Dairy Export Success

U.S. dairy exports are increasing thanks to the Cooperatives Working Together (CWT) program, a voluntary, producer-funded program that helps U.S. dairy farmers by strengthening and maintaining the demand for dairy products. Thanks to CWT’s help, an extra 5.4 million pounds of dairy products were included in sales in June. CWT-supported export sales the year to date show 45.9 million pounds of American-type cheese, 309,000 pounds of butter, 769,000 pounds of anhydrous milkfat, 18 million pounds of whole milk powder, and 5.9 million pounds of cream cheese. This amounts to 627.8 million pounds of milk on a milkfat basis sent to 27 nations across five continents. Navigating changing market circumstances depends much on the effect of the CWT program.

May’s Dairy Heifer Replacement Exports Highlight Market Vulnerabilities

With an 87% drop from April, May’s dairy heifer replacement exports provide a worrying picture. Distribution of only 241 dairy heifers marked a dramatic decline from April’s 1,808 head. Turkey and Vietnam made significant acquisitions in April, totaling more than 2,000 head, which marks this fall-off. May’s shipments went only to North American partners; Mexico bought 178 and Canada 63. This geographical emphasis reflects patterns from February, therefore illustrating continuous difficulties in the U.S. dairy export sector.

Dairy Embryo Exports Show Robust Growth, Highlighting Market Opportunities and Regional Variability

Exports of dairy embryos were resilient, jumping 13% in May. The UK, Germany, China, and Honduras were key customers, reflecting different market conditions. Germany’s purchases jumped by 52%, while Brazil’s imports declined from 93 to 75 embryos to show regional variances.

U.S. Hay Exports Continue Downward Trend: Alfalfa and Other Varieties Reflect Mixed Market Dynamics

Hay exports remained dropping in May for the second straight month. Year-to-date sales topped 1,013,054 metric tons, while U.S. alfalfa hay exports fell by 12% to 198,993 metric tons. Though their purchases dropped 13% and 8%, respectively, China and Saudi Arabia remained the largest consumers. Japan did boost imports by 2% to 35,424 metric tons.

Other hay exports dropped by 1% in May, following a similar, albeit less dramatic, trend. Japan also dominated in this area with an 11% rise to 55,178 metric tons; South Korea’s imports dropped 13% to 25,466 metric tons. With 96,302 metric tons of other hay shipped overall in May, the U.S. has sold 464,352 metric tons year-to-date.

May Figures Paint a Bleak Picture of U.S. Agricultural Trade Deficit 

May’s numbers concerning the U.S. agriculture trade balance provide a concerning narrative. Exports were $13.739 billion; imports were $18.009 billion, producing a $4.269 billion deficit. With a deficit of $15.218 billion, the fiscal year-to-date is at an all-time high. By 2024, the U.S. Department of Agriculture projects an unheard-of $32 billion trade imbalance.

Several factors contribute to this worsening trade balance: 

  • Falling Commodity Prices: Lower prices for key American crops reduce export revenues, aggravated by international competition.
  • Strong U.S. Dollar: A strong dollar makes U.S. goods pricier abroad, deterring foreign buyers.
  • Labor Challenges: High labor costs and worker shortages hamper productivity.
  • Stagnant Trade Agreements: No new trade deals since 2012 have disadvantaged U.S. agriculture.
  • Economic Conditions in Partner Countries: Weak currencies in Southeast Asian regions reduce their buying power.

Addressing these issues through strategic trade negotiations, labor investments, and policies to stabilize prices and currencies is crucial to reversing this trend.

The Bottom Line

As we negotiate the complexity of the U.S. dairy export market, it’s evident that although cheese and whey are booming, others face significant challenges. May’s numbers show this uneven performance; cheese exports lead the way, while nonfat dry milk and skim milk powder struggle against world competitiveness and financial constraints.

These opposing results highlight more general difficulties in the dairy export scene—a market molded by changing demand, foreign rivalry, and economic uncertainty. Driven by China’s demand, whey’s comeback emphasizes prospects in specialized markets; cheese exports have consistently demonstrated a substantial increase. On the other hand, the sharp drops in skim milk powder and nonfat dry milk expose weaknesses in worldwide competitiveness and exchange rates.

The general agriculture trade imbalance exposes fundamental market problems, further complicating the situation. Dairy exporters will have to negotiate economic headwinds even if price recovery is possible in the following months. Using Cooperatives Working Together (CWT) assistance, developing focused pilot projects, and adding operational flexibility will help U.S. dairy goods be more visible on the market. Furthermore, sustainability and creativity might provide a competitive advantage worldwide.

The American dairy sector finds itself at a turning point. Maintaining adaptability and forward-looking by prioritizing strategic interventions and encouraging international cooperation would help. Although the difficulties are great, so are the chances for development and change worldwide.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cheese Exports: Increased by 47% year-over-year to 48,029 metric tons, maintaining strong performance.
  • Whey Exports: Rose by 19% compared to last year, driven by robust demand from China.
  • Nonfat Dry Milk (NDM) and Skim Milk Powder (SMP): Experienced a significant 51% drop due to global competition and weaker currencies in Southeast Asia.
  • CWT-Assisted Sales: Surpassed 5 million pounds in June, with notable contracts for cheese, butter, and other dairy products.
  • Dairy Heifer Replacements: Recorded an 87% decline in May, with trading limited to North American partners.
  • Dairy Embryo Exports: Increased by 13%, showcasing market potential in several regions.
  • Hay Exports: Continued to decline, with a 12% drop in alfalfa hay sales and a slight decrease in other hay varieties.
  • Agricultural Trade Deficit: Reached -$4.269 billion in May, contributing to a record fiscal year-to-date deficit of $15.218 billion.


The U.S. dairy industry is focusing on boosting exports by investing in value-added skim milk powder sales to Southeast Asia and establishing an advisory council for strategic direction. These efforts aim to diversify products like ESL/aseptic fluid milk, evaporated/condensed milk, and ice cream, improving their export profiles. However, the agricultural trade landscape faces significant challenges, with a $32 billion trade imbalance projected by the USDA Economic Research Service by the end of 2024. Cheese exports have shown a strong upward trend, with a 27% rise over the first five months of 2024. However, nonfat dry and skim milk powder shipments to Southeast Asia fell 51% yearly to 14,265 metric tons. American cheese exports have shown resilience, rising by 27% in May, driven by the excellence and inventiveness of American dairy producers. Whey exports have also seen a significant 19% rise in May, driven by China’s recovering pork sector. To recover power in Southeast Asia, American dairy goods could make a strategic turn, including improved marketing, focused trade agreements, and exploration of new market niches. Addressing these issues through strategic trade negotiations, labor investments, and policies to stabilize prices and currencies is crucial to reversing this trend.

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USDA Proposes Major Changes to Federal Milk Marketing Order: Key Updates and Stakeholder Reactions

Learn about the USDA’s proposed changes to the Federal Milk Marketing Order. What do these updates mean for dairy farmers and the industry? Check out key insights and reactions below.

Imagine a sector where little legislative changes affect millions of customers and producers. This is the domain of dairy. Recent suggestions for the Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) system by the USDA have attracted much attention. A pivotal hearing in Indiana in late autumn and early winter covered many dairy industry issues. The USDA’s new 600-page proposal calls for changes to modernize the FMMO. This paper dissects these important suggestions and their possible influence on the dairy sector. Why is this relevant to you? These developments could impact milk prices and marketing in the United States, influencing processors, farmers, and the dairy products you buy. Still under examination are several industry players like the American Farm Bureau Federation and the American Dairy Coalition. Knowing these developments helps one have an insightful analysis of the dairy industry’s direction.

Navigating Dairy’s Bedrock: The Evolution of the Federal Milk Marketing Order System 

Since the 1930s, the Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) system has been a pillar of the US dairy sector. Designed under the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, it sought to guarantee fair prices for dairy farmers and balance milk markets. It helps to create a transparent and stable milk market even as it develops to meet new demands.

At first, FMMOs set minimum milk prices depending on use, creating controlled settings to protect consumers and farmers from price volatility. This guaranteed fair returns for farmers and a consistent milk supply for processors. This arrangement has helped control underproduction and overproduction, preventing sharp price changes.

By controlling the supply chain from farm to table and promoting economic stability in the agricultural sector, FMMOs help regional markets. Fair milk pricing across different locations helps to minimize inequalities and guarantees that even less competitive places are still fit for dairy production.

Efforts to modernize FMMOs continue to update them to meet technical developments in dairy production and present issues. FMMOs are vital in maintaining the financial viability of the dairy industry by improving milk composition standards and pricing policies.

The USDA’s Proposed Updates Aim for Modernization and Fairness 

The USDA’s proposed changes aim to modernize the Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) system, ensuring it stays fair and relevant for today’s dairy market. Here are the fundamental changes: 

  • Milk Composition: Adjust protein levels from 3.1% to 3.3%, other solids from 5.9% to 6.0%, and nonfat solids from 9.0% to 9.3%.
  • Cheese Price Reporting: Remove 500-pound barrel cheese prices from the Dairy Products Mandatory Reporting Program survey.
  • Make Allowances: Increase allowances for cheese, butter, nonfat dry milk, dry whey, and butterfat recovery.

Stakeholders’ Initial Reactions: Weighing in on USDA’s FMMO Proposals

Stakeholders are reviewing the USDA’s proposed Federal Milk Marketing Order system revisions. Before speaking, critical organizations such as the American Farm Bureau Federation, Wisconsin Farm Bureau, and American Dairy Coalition give much thought to the plan. Laurie Fischer of the American Dairy Coalition raised a significant issue: the possible vote exclusion of sure farmers.

Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative and the National Milk Producers Federation both recognize the work behind the initiative. Leaders like Tim Trotter value the thorough attention paid to market studies, written replies, and testimonies. Stakeholders are evaluating the suggested changes’ overall possible effects and fairness.

Voices in the Balance: Voting Eligibility and Representation Concerns 

One issue is voting eligibility for the ultimate package. American Dairy Coalition member Laurie Fischer worries that farmers whose milk isn’t pooled under the federal decree won’t be allowed to vote. This regulation raises questions about fairness and might silence numerous producers.

Tim Trotter, CEO of Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative, shared these same worries. He underlined the necessity of a few days to review the report carefully. He questioned the present voting rules, highlighting the importance of inclusive decision-making.

One must carefully balance thorough representation with a simplified voting system. Organizations like the Wisconsin Farm Bureau and the American Farm Bureau Federation are currently evaluating the ideas; voting rights will probably remain a major topic of debate.

Industry Reactions: Diverse Opinions and Appreciations on USDA’s Proposed Changes

“This rule would bar producers from voting unless their milk is pooled in the federal order, raising fair representation issues for farmers,” Laurie Fischer from the American Dairy Coalition said of voting eligibility.

Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative CEO Tim Trotter said, “We need a few days to review the report thoroughly, but appreciate the AMS team’s extensive effort in compiling all testimony, responses, and market analysis.”

These points of view reflect the many perspectives in the dairy sector, the need for thorough analysis, and the involvement of stakeholders as the USDA implements its recommendations.

National Milk Producers Federation Embraces USDA’s FMMO Updates with Cautious Optimism

The proposed USDA amendments excite the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF). With his optimistic view, NMPF President and CEO Gregg Doud honored the diligence behind these suggestions. “We are glad to see much of what we suggested included in the USDA’s Federal Milk Marketing Order modernization plan,” Doud added. This answer shows that NMPF is dedicated to a fair and contemporary FMMO that advances the dairy industry.

USDA’s Proposals: A Comprehensive Overhaul with Potential Industry-Wide Impacts 

The suggested modifications by the USDA will affect the whole dairy sector.

Refined milk composition elements would help manufacturers improve milk quality and value. However, issues about voting rights might cause more small, non-pooled producers to be overlooked.

Processors may respond differently. Eliminating 500-pound barrel cheese pricing from surveys would streamline reporting, but more allowances translate into more running expenses. Until retail prices increase or efficiency improves, this might strain profits.

Higher manufacturing costs might cause dairy product consumers to pay a premium. However, they could savor more nutrient-dense and better-tasting milk options.

Seeking justice and openness, these suggested improvements seek to modernize the Federal Milk Marketing Order system. The influence will rely on the balance of healthy interests among several sectors.

The Bottom Line

The USDA’s suggested modifications to the Federal Milk Marketing Order system, which address the technical and democratic sides of the dairy supply chain, are a significant step towards modernizing dairy sector rules and guaranteeing a fair market. These adjustments include adjusting milk composition parameters, changing allowances, and considering voting exclusions.

Reactions among stakeholders are varied. While some value the careful study, others worry about farmer representation and voting eligibility. Reflecting years of policy discussion and testimony, these improvements are not just regulatory changes but might also change the dairy business’s economic environment.

The USDA seeks to establish a more open and effective system that benefits consumers and farmers. All industry views must be listened to to guarantee that the final regulation serves the larger society. Stay active, provide comments, and get in touch with your neighborhood dairy groups. Your participation depends on writing a sustainable future for dairy farming.

Key Takeaways:

  • The USDA has proposed changes to the Federal Milk Marketing Order system aiming to modernize and ensure fairness.
  • Adjustments include changes in milk composition factors and an increase in make allowances for Class III and Class IV dairy products.
  • Removal of 500-pound barrel cheese prices from the Dairy Product Mandatory Reporting Program survey is proposed.
  • Stakeholders, including major dairy organizations, are still reviewing the recommendations before commenting.
  • Voting eligibility concerns arise, particularly around the rule barring producers from voting unless their milk is pooled in the federal order.
  • The National Milk Producers Federation shows hope, reflecting the results from extensive policy development and stakeholder input.
  • This overhaul could have significant and wide-ranging impacts across the dairy industry.


The USDA has released its recommendations for changes to the Federal Milk Marketing Order system, which includes adjustments to milk composition factors such as protein, other solids, and nonfat solids. The document also proposes removing 500-pound barrel cheese prices from the Dairy Product Mandatory Reporting Program survey and raising Class III and Class IV make allowances for cheese, butter, nonfat dry milk, dry whey, and butterfat recovery. Many dairy stakeholders, including the American Farm Bureau Federation, Wisconsin Farm Bureau, and the American Dairy Coalition, are still reviewing the proposals before commenting. One concern is the question of who farmers will get to vote on the final package, as the rule would bar producers from voting unless their milk is pooled in the federal order. The National Milk Producers Federation President and CEO Gregg Doud expressed hope that much of their proposed changes will be reflected in the USDA’s recommended Federal Milk Marketing Order modernization plan.

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