Archive for market dynamics

Soaring Temperatures Hammer Dairy Production: Tight Milk Supply and Rising Costs Impact Market

How are soaring temperatures impacting dairy production and milk supply? Discover the challenges faced by farmers and the market shifts affecting your dairy products.

For America’s dairy producers, the increasingly sizzling summers are a testament to their resilience. Despite the rising heat and humidity that create severe difficulties for the dairy business, these farmers continue to persevere. The unrelenting heat may compromise cow comfort and lower milk output, but these dedicated individuals are finding ways to adapt. Their efforts, even in the face of the worst conditions in decades, are a source of inspiration. They are proving that even in this heat, cows can still produce.

Tightening of Spot Milk Availability: A Dire Shift for Dairy Processors 

MonthAverage Price ($/cwt)Year-Over-Year ChangeFive-Year Average ($/cwt)

The lack of spot milk availability is rather apparent. Dairy Market News notes a shortfall of extra shipments even during last week’s vacation. As temperatures climb and cow comfort falls, Midwest milk workers find it challenging to meet demand. Usually, there would be a surplus, but this season provides few choices. Against the five-year average of about $2.70/cwt discounts, processors seeking spot cargoes of milk now face expenses averaging 50¢ above Class III. This sudden shift draws attention to the mounting strain in the dairy sector.

Improvement in Milk Margins: A Double-Edged Sword for Dairy Farmers

MonthMilk Margin 2023 ($/cwt)Milk Margin 2024 ($/cwt)Change ($/cwt)

Despite the better milk margins recorded by USDA’s Dairy Margin Coverage program, the financial environment for dairy farmers is not without its challenges. The Milk Margin Over Feed Cost climbed to $10.52 per hundredweight (cwt) in May, a noteworthy 92%-increase from April, the highest number since November 2022. This increase has helped dairy producers relax some of their financial load. However, various economic hurdles include high interest rates, increased borrowing costs, and limited operational investment. Further impeding development are low heifer supplies necessary for herd expansion, replenishment, and high meat costs. As such, increasing milk production presents significant difficulties even with improved profits.

Significant Decline in Dairy Powder Production: A Paradoxical Market Stability

MonthNDM Production (Million lbs)SMP Production (Million lbs)
January 2024120.595.3
February 2024115.290.1
March 2024118.792.8
April 2024112.388.6
May 2024109.486.5

The effects on dryers have been notable; nonfat dry milk (NDM) and skim milk powder (SMP) output shows a clear drop. The industry’s difficulties were highlighted in May when the combined production of these powders dropped by 15.9% year over year. Over the first five months of 2024, NDM and SMP’s combined production fell to a decade-low. Still, NDM rates have remained highly constant, varying within a small 20′ range over the previous 17 months. Tepid demand balances the limited supply and preserves market equilibrium, providing this stability.

Volatile Dairy Export Markets Take a Hit: Mexico and Southeast Asia Push NDM and SMP Exports to Record Lows

MonthNDM Exports (Million Pounds)SMP Exports (Million Pounds)

The dairy sector has been severely disrupted by the decline in NDM and SMP exports, which has been made worse by a dramatic reduction in demand from Mexico and Southeast Asia. The lowest for May since 2017, shipments of NDM and SMP dropped 24.2% year over year to barely 133.6 million pounds. The drop occurred mainly due to a notable 18.3% annual fall in sales to Mexico. Orders have also notably dropped in key markets in Southeast Asia. This crisis exposes dairy export markets’ sensitivity to trade dynamics and regional economic situations.

Butter Market Soars Amid Supply Constraints: Elevated Prices Highlight Unyielding Demand

Reflecting a robust historical figure, the butter market has maintained high prices at $3.10 per pound. Fundamental causes include:

  • Limited cream supply from the summer heat.
  • Growing competition from Class II users.
  • An aggravating cream shortage.

Notwithstanding these limitations, May’s 4% year-over-year growth in butter output points to strong demand. These supply problems disturb the churns, yet the market needs more butter to satisfy industrial and consumer requirements.

A Tale of Two Cheeses: Italian Varieties Surge While Cheddar Falters 

Cheese TypeProduction Change (Year over Year)Key Influences
Italian Varieties+4.4%Rising Demand, Improved Margins
Cheddar-9.7%Lack of Available Supplies, Market Fluctuations

Cheese manufacturing is undergoing a significant shift, reflecting the impact of changing consumer tastes. Italian variants like Parmesan and Mozzarella are witnessing a 4.4% spike in May, indicating the evolving market. On the other hand, Cheddar’s output is falling, plagued by declining milk supplies and growing manufacturing costs. This shift in consumer preferences is a crucial factor that the industry needs to be aware of and prepared for. As global consumers search for less expensive options, present high costs might restrict exports in the future.

Whey Markets Surge: Breaking Through the 50¢ Barrier

MonthPrice per PoundVolume Traded (Loads)Trend
June48.5¢22Slight Increase

This week, the whey markets performed well, surpassing the 50¢ per pound threshold for the first time since February. Monday’s slight decrease was followed by Tuesday’s and Thursday’s price increases. With three cargoes exchanged, dried whey prices on Friday had risen 1.75% from the previous week to 51¢ per pound. Manufacturers concentrate on value-added goods such as whey protein isolates and high protein whey protein concentrates, even if regular cheese output drives constant whey manufacturing. This change reduces dry whey output and will probably help near-term pricing.

USDA’s July Report: Sobering Projections Amid Flood-Induced Uncertainty 

The July World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates published by the USDA provide a mixed picture of the maize and soybean output for 2024/25. Increased acreage causes estimates of corn output to rise by 1.6%, but greater use and exports lower ending stockpiles. Conversely, lower starting stocks and less acreage caused soybean output to drop by 0.3%, resulting in declining ending stocks.

While soybean meal prices held at $330 per ton, USDA shaved the average farm price prediction by 10¢ for both commodities, bringing corn to $4.30 per bushel and soybeans to $11.10 per bushel. This ought to keep feed expenses under control. However, recent extreme flooding in the Midwest, particularly along the Mississippi River, has severely disrupted crop output, possibly rendering up to one million acres of maize useless with little likelihood of replanting. These difficulties might cause feed price volatility, changing the economic environment for dairy producers and other agricultural sector players.

The Bottom Line

Modern dairy markets must contend with changing market dynamics, economic instability, and climate change. Rising heat and humidity have put cow comfort and milk output under pressure, therefore affecting spot milk supply. High borrowing rates, heifer shortage, beef pricing, and better margins all help to limit milk output. Extreme weather influences market stability and dairy output: the declining dairy powder output and butter and cheese market volatility highlight sector instability. Unpredictable availability and significant price fluctuations are resulting from supply restrictions and competition. Dampened demand from Mexico and Southeast Asia complicates matters, especially for skim milk powder and nonfat dry milk. The future of the dairy sector depends on changing consumer tastes, economic pressures, and environmental issues. To guarantee a robust and sustainable future for dairy, stakeholders must innovate for sustainability by adopting adaptive practices.

Key Takeaways:

  • Milk production has declined due to high temperatures affecting cow comfort.
  • Spot milk availability has tightened significantly, with handlers in the Midwest struggling to find excess loads.
  • The price of spot milk is averaging 50¢ over Class III, compared to a five-year average discount of $2.70/cwt.
  • US milk supply has been trailing prior year levels for almost a year on a liquid basis.
  • May Milk Margin Over Feed Cost reached $10.52/cwt., the highest since November 2022.
  • Despite improved margins, producer expansion is limited by high interest rates, heifer scarcity, and elevated beef prices.
  • Milk supplies are tightest for dryers, with NDM/SMP production down markedly and cumulative production at its lowest in a decade.
  • NDM prices have remained stable despite low production, ending the week at $1.18/lb.


Rising heat and humidity in America have put cow comfort and milk output under pressure, affecting spot milk availability. Dairy producers are adapting to these challenges, with processors facing expenses averaging 50¢ above Class III. The Milk Margin Over Feed Cost increased by 92% in May, the highest number since November 2022. High interest rates, increased borrowing costs, and limited operational investment are also impeding development. Low heifer supplies for herd expansion and replenishment are causing difficulties. Dairy powder production has declined significantly, with nonfat dry milk (NDM) and skim milk powder (SMP) output dropping by 15.9% year over year. The volatile dairy export markets have taken a hit, with Mexico and Southeast Asia pushing NDM and SMP exports to record lows. The butter market maintains high prices at $3.10 per pound due to limited cream supply, growing competition from Class II users, and an aggravating cream shortage.

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Donald Trump’s Shooting: Critical Information for Dairy Farmers

Understand the ramifications of Trump’s shooting on dairy farming. Discover essential measures to safeguard your operations and ensure your livelihood. Access expert insights and practical guidance today.

In an unsettling turn of events, former President Donald Trump was shot during a public appearance, an incident that has reverberated through the entire nation. This event—amid increased political unrest—is especially noteworthy for America’s dairy farmers. We are already struggling with issues like changing milk costs and labor difficulties, so we now deal with further uncertainty. For dairy producers, the effects are instantaneous: psychological stress on an already strained society and unstable markets. Knowing these dynamics will help one negotiate the following days and weeks.

A Sudden Shock: The Incident’s Immediate Aftermath and Ongoing Investigations

A shooting occurred at a Donald Trump rally on Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania, at 6:13 PM. Loud noises filled the air as Trump was struck in the right ear. He was quickly aided by security and later declared “fine” after a medical checkup. Unfortunately, one spectator died, and at least two others were injured. The rally site is now an active crime scene, with the FBI heading the investigation. 

The suspect, Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, was killed by the Secret Service. Crooks, a self-proclaimed anarchist with a history of mental health issues and political disenchantment, saw Trump as a symbol of systemic failure. His online forums and manifesto revealed deep frustrations and disdain for authoritarian figures. This raises the urgent need to address mental health and the radicalization of politically disillusioned individuals.

An Environment of Tension: The Context Leading Up to the Incident

Leading up to Donald Trump’s shooting, the political and social milieu was tense and divided. Trump’s divisive words and actions over time widened social gaps and created an atmosphere where political conflict often went personal and sometimes violent. Many were offended by his policies on immigration, healthcare, and environmental rules; others loved his attitude to economic development and deregulation. The nation was also dealing with a protracted epidemic, financial turmoil, and more active social justice movements concurrently. The unexpected occurrence was built up by this almost unheard-of polarizing and historically low public confidence in political institutions. Social media fed the fires of debate and false information, aggravating existing differences.

Shocks to the Political Landscape: Implications for the Dairy Industry Amidst Donald Trump’s Shooting 

Shocks to the political landscape, such as Donald Trump’s shooting, can significantly affect various economic sectors, including the dairy industry. Initially, this incident can cause market uncertainty and volatility, impacting milk prices and consumer behavior. Political instability often leads to dips in consumer confidence, which may decrease demand for dairy products. Dairy farmers need a strategic approach to balance supply and demand, adjusting production levels to minimize losses during such periods. 

The incident could also influence international trade relations. As the U.S. dairy industry is integrated into global markets, disruptions in geopolitical stability can affect trade agreements and export opportunities. Staying informed about trade policies, tariffs, and market conditions is crucial. Engaging with trade organizations and updating policy knowledge will help navigate these complexities. 

In summary, while the long-term impacts on the dairy market are uncertain, dairy farmers must remain proactive and informed. By anticipating market changes, adjusting production, and staying attuned to international trade developments, they can better manage the challenges arising from this unprecedented event.

Catalyst for Change: How Donald Trump’s Recent Shooting Could Shift Agricultural Policies 

Donald Trump’s recent shooting could lead to significant shifts in agricultural policies and regulations, unexpectedly impacting the dairy industry. This incident might trigger a reevaluation of current policies focusing on national security and public health, potentially resulting in stricter regulations. This translates to increased scrutiny and compliance obligations for dairy farmers, emphasizing the industry’s critical role in food security

One key area of potential change is occupational safety and health standards. While farming operations with ten or fewer employees are exempt from OSHA enforcement, heightened safety concerns could spark debates on extending these standards more broadly. This could mean new mandates for excellent worker safety, impacting farm operations and possibly increasing costs

The incident may also affect agricultural subsidies and financial assistance programs. Political stability is crucial for consistent support of farming businesses, and an event of this magnitude introduces uncertainties. Policymakers might reconsider funding allocations, leading to adjustments in subsidy programs, which would require dairy farmers to adapt proactively to new economic conditions. 

Regulations to protect public health might tighten, affecting everything from dairy production processes to cheese curd handling. These changes could require investments in compliance measures, impacting operational costs within the dairy industry. 

Market dynamics influenced by political events should be considered. Volatility in trade policies may alter demand-supply equations. Dairy farmers must stay informed, as changes in international trade agreements or domestic market protections could create new opportunities or impose challenges. 

The shooting incident has significant implications for dairy farmers, who must navigate a changing regulatory landscape. Staying informed and adaptable will be crucial for mitigating disruptions and leveraging new opportunities in the wake of this event.

Resilience Through Unity: Strengthening Community Bonds in Times of Crisis 

In these turbulent times, community support for dairy farmers is paramount. Nationwide, farmers are uniting to pool resources and sustain operations amidst uncertainty. Local initiatives are thriving, with communities developing networks to share best practices, labor, and tools. These networks are essential, especially for smaller farms with limited resources. Regional agricultural associations also provide legal, logistical, and emotional support, ensuring dairy farmers remain connected and resilient.

The Bottom Line

The sudden and violent incident involving Donald Trump has sent shockwaves through various sectors, including the dairy industry.  Dairy farmers must stay vigilant and adaptable. Keeping up with these developments will protect their operations and ensure a stable food supply for the public. Knowledge and preparedness are the best tools to navigate the uncertainty. Stay proactive, connect with your community, and advocate for supportive policies in the dairy industry.

Key Takeaways:

  • Political Instability: The incident has heightened political tensions, which could lead to changes in agricultural policies and subsidies that impact dairy farmers directly.
  • Market Volatility: Fluctuating markets and economic uncertainty may follow, affecting milk prices and export demands.
  • Community Resilience: Emphasizing the importance of solidarity within the agricultural community to navigate these trying times together.


Former President Donald Trump was shot during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. The incident could impact international trade relations, affecting trade agreements and export opportunities. Dairy farmers must remain proactive by anticipating market changes, adjusting production, and staying attuned to international trade developments. The incident may trigger a reevaluation of current policies focusing on national security and public health, potentially resulting in stricter regulations. Market dynamics influenced by political events should be considered, as changes in international trade agreements or domestic market protections could create new opportunities or impose challenges. Community support is crucial for dairy farmers, as they unite to pool resources and sustain operations amidst uncertainty.

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Will the Surge in Milk Prices Last? Analyzing Trends and Future Outlook

Will the surge in milk prices last? Discover the trends and future outlook for milk, cheese, and butter prices, and what it means for your grocery budget.

The early-year increase in milk prices has pleasantly surprised dairy producers in changing agricultural markets, characterized by shifting consumer preferences and fluctuating grain prices. While Class IV milk reached $21.08, a level not seen since mid-2022, June’s Class III milk price was notably $19.87, the most since December 2022. The economic situation of dairy farmers depends on this increase, which also influences the whole agricultural industry. With May’s revenue above feed price rising to $10.52, the greatest since November 2022, dairy producers have optimism given changing grain prices.

Record Highs in Class III and IV Milk Prices Signal Potential Market Stability

MonthClass III Milk Price ($)Class IV Milk Price ($)
January 202318.2719.60
February 202318.8820.22
March 202319.1720.75
April 202319.4421.05
May 202319.7521.08
June 202319.8721.08

The recent record highs in Class III and IV milk prices, the highest since December 2022, signal a potential market stability. With Class III milk reaching $19.87 and Class IV prices hitting $21.08, this increase could provide a stable market environment that would benefit both customers and operators, instilling a sense of reassurance in the industry.

Optimizing Feed Costs: A Path to Enhanced Dairy Farm Profitability

MonthFeed Cost ($/ton)

The recent increases in revenue above feed cost have substantially benefited dairy producers. Driven by dropping grain prices, the May number of $10.52 is the highest since November 2022. Grain prices fall; lowering feed costs increases dairy farmers’ profit margins. Should present grain market patterns continue, dairy producers might lock in low feed costs, thus providing financial stability for the following year. Using forward contracts or other financial instruments to hedge against growing feed costs can guarantee ongoing profitability. Although the future is bright, awareness is required as grain market volatility might rapidly alter the scene and call for swift decisions. The conditions provide a great chance to maximize feed costs and increase revenue above feed prices, enabling a steady and prosperous future in the dairy sector.

The Evolution of Cheese Production: American vs. Italian Varieties 

MonthAmerican Cheese Production (Million lbs)Italian Cheese Production (Million lbs)

The mechanics of American cheese manufacturing have shown interesting patterns deserving of conversation. Since the beginning of the year, output has been steadily declining; May 2023 shows a 5.7% drop over the year before. This tendency is shocking when compared to consistent milk output statistics. Production methods and market tastes most certainly have the answer. Particularly Italian-type cheeses, there is a clear shift towards other cheese types. Italian cheese output is much greater than it has been in 2023 and exceeds past year averages. Changing consumer preferences, such as preferring mozzarella and parmesan over conventional American cheese, caused this change.

Essential elements include worldwide gastronomic trends and well-liked meals such as pasta and pizza with Italian cheese. Driven by a passion for culinary variety and premium, handcrafted goods, consumer behavior demonstrates a rising predisposition for varied and gourmet cheese selections. Responding to worldwide demand trends, the sector is realigning its manufacturing strategy to take advantage of higher-margin items.

Therefore, the whole cheese production spectrum is vital even if American cheese stocks are still below the previous year’s. This implies that American cheese production is declining, led by Italian-type cheese’s appeal and significant outputs, but the sector is rebounding. The industry creates paths for possible market stability and profitability as it adjusts to these changing consumer patterns.

Analyzing American Cheese Inventory: What Lower Levels Mean for Future Pricing

MonthAmerican Cheese Inventory (Million Pounds)Year-Over-Year Change (%)

American cheese inventory has always been below last year, which should help to explain why prices should rise given demand growth. The fluctuations in overall cheese output—some months larger and others lower—have kept stockpiles close. Still, demand for American cheese has not skyrocketed; careful consumption has kept prices erratic instead of steadily increasing.

Should demand follow last year’s trends, limited supply may cause prices to rise. Cheese consumers’ careful approach shows a wait-and-see attitude toward changing output. Record-high cheese exports in March, April, and May positively signal worldwide solid demand, supporting the market even with higher pricing points.

American cheese prices can get under increasing pressure if strong export demand meets or surpasses local consumption. Stable or declining feed prices increase the likelihood of this, enhancing dairy companies’ general profitability. Thus, cheese inventory and demand dynamics provide a complex projection with possible price rises depending on the stability of the local and foreign markets.

Robust Cheese Exports: Navigating Record Highs and Future Uncertainties 

Month2022 Cheese Exports (million pounds)2023 Cheese Exports (million pounds)Percentage Change

With record highs in March, April, and May, the latest patterns in cheese exports show a strong market presence. This expansion indicates a robust global demand even if cheese prices increase. Higher costs usually discourage foreign consumers, but the consistency in export numbers indicates a strong worldwide taste for U.S. cheese. This helps the dairy sector maintain a competitive advantage in changing pricing.

Still, the viability of this tendency is being determined. Should prices keep rising, specific foreign markets could change their buying policies, reducing demand. A wide variety of cheese products appealing to different tastes might balance this risk and guarantee ongoing demand.

Strong cheese exports support the worldwide posture of the U.S. dairy sector and help to steady home milk prices. Strong cheese and butter exports should provide dairy producers a solid basis as worldwide butter demand increases, enabling them to negotiate price constraints and market expectations boldly.

Although cheese exports are moving in an encouraging direction now, stakeholders must be alert. Maintaining development depends on examining price changes and reactions in foreign markets. Balancing high local pricing with worldwide solid demand will rely primarily on creative ideas in strategic market participation and product offers.

Global Butter Demand: Navigating the Surge and Potential Market Ripples 

YearDomestic Demand (Million Pounds)International Demand (Million Pounds)Total Demand (Million Pounds)

A promising increase in international butter demand suggests a possible influence on butter prices in the following months. Driven by better economic times and a rising consumer taste for dairy products, recent statistics show a consistent comeback in world butter exports. Rising worldwide demand will cause butter prices to be under increasing pressure. Strong export demand historically matches rising local pricing, which helps manufacturers. Should export growth continue, this tendency is likely to endure.

Nevertheless, supply chain interruptions, geopolitical concerns, and changing feed prices might influence market circumstances. Low-cost manufacturers from developing nations also bring challenges of price competition. Driven by strong worldwide demand, the butter industry seems ready for expansion, yet players must constantly observe changing dynamics.

Strategic Outlook: Navigating the Future of Milk Prices Amid Market Dynamics and Economic Factors

Milk prices’ path will rely on several significant variables that combine market dynamics with general economic circumstances. While sustained high prices provide hope, they also present possibilities and problems for buyers and producers.

High prices allow producers to increase profitability through capitalization. Locking in favorable feed prices might lead to significant cost savings, considering the present grain price pressure. Diverse manufacturing of highly sought-after cheeses, including Italian-type cheeses, could improve income sources, fostering a sense of optimism in the industry.

Risks, however, include changes in foreign demand and erratic market circumstances. Higher costs discourage worldwide consumers, affecting local pricing and exports. Furthermore, changes in consumer tastes toward plant-based dairy substitutes might slow down conventional dairy industry expansion. To stay competitive, the sector has to be creative.

Buyers must guarantee consistent supply chains in retail and food service despite changing customer patterns and costs. Higher prices need flexible pricing policies and intelligent buying. Matching goods with customer tastes for sustainability, and better choices might provide a business advantage.

Although milk prices’ future is bright and unknown, stakeholders may utilize strategic foresight and flexibility to seize possibilities and reduce risk. Tracking consumer behavior and market trends can help buyers and producers flourish in a changing dairy environment.

The Bottom Line

The present success in Class III and IV milk pricing shows a solid but delicate balance for dairy farmers as we negotiate the subtleties of the dairy market. Recent highs encourage a look at lifespan and environmental impact. Changing cheese production patterns, grain price swings, and better revenue over feed ratios highlight a dynamic market. The drop in American cheese output against the increase in Italian cheese reveals a complicated customer choice and market adaption story. Strong cheese export performance reveals the sector’s worldwide resiliency even against growing prices. This should inspire cautious optimism by implying better circumstances ahead and continuous foreign demand. Still, volatility is natural, especially given the changing global butter demand and possible export rebounding. Shielding against downturns mostly depends on careful planning and hedging of expenses. In the end, even if the increase in milk prices provides relief and a promising future, monitoring and market and consumer trend adaptability are crucial. Maintaining momentum and guaranteeing long-term viability will depend on pushing sustainability and openness.

Key Takeaways:

  • Higher Milk Prices: Both Class III and Class IV milk prices reached their highest levels since December 2022, signaling potential market stability.
  • Enhanced Income Over Feed: The income over feed price has been improving, with lower grain prices potentially boosting dairy farm profitability in the near term.
  • Shift in Cheese Production: A noticeable trend towards Italian-type cheese production, despite a decline in American cheese output, could reshape market dynamics.
  • Consistent Cheese Inventory: Lower American cheese inventory levels, paired with steady demand, may lead to higher prices if consumption rises.
  • Strong Export Markets: Record-high cheese exports in recent months indicate robust international demand, which could sustain higher prices moving forward.
  • Global Butter Demand: Improving international butter demand suggests potential price increases if export strength continues throughout the year.


The dairy industry has experienced a significant increase in milk prices, signaling potential market stability. Class IV milk reached $21.08, the highest level since mid-2022, and June’s Class III milk price was $19.87, the most since December 2022. This has impacted the economic situation of dairy farmers and the agricultural industry. May’s revenue above feed price rose to $10.52, giving dairy producers optimism due to changing grain prices. Record highs in Class III and IV milk prices provide a stable market environment that benefits both customers and operators. Lowering feed costs can increase dairy farmers’ profit margins, and if present grain market patterns continue, producers might lock in low feed costs, providing financial stability for the following year. Using forward contracts or other financial instruments to hedge against growing feed costs can guarantee ongoing profitability. The evolution of cheese production, particularly American vs. Italian varieties, has shown interesting patterns, with strong export demand meeting or surpassing local consumption, enhancing dairy companies’ profitability. Global butter demand is expected to influence butter prices in the coming months, driven by better economic times and rising consumer tastes for dairy products.

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How the European Green Deal Affects Dairy Farmers: Protests, Policies, and Profit Margins

Find out how the European Green Deal affects dairy farmers. Are EU green policies hurting their competitiveness? Learn about the economic effects and current protests.

If you are a European dairy farmer, you most certainly feel the significant changes the European Green Deal brought. Designed to make Europe the first continent with a zero carbon footprint by 2050, this approach presents substantial difficulties for the agricultural industry—especially for dairy producers. Aiming to completely change the EU’s approach to sustainability, the Green Deal is a transforming manifesto that includes lowering greenhouse gas emissions, supporting sustainable agricultural systems, and safeguarding biodiversity while guaranteeing a fair transition for all EU members. From circular economy projects to green finance techniques, this all-encompassing strategy forms a consistent picture of a cleaner future. Still, reaching sustainability shouldn’t mean compromising farmers’ way of life.

Protests have started throughout Europe as these grandiose schemes come to pass. Hundreds of Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, and Germany farmers assembled in Brussels before the June 6–9, 2024 European Parliament elections. These farmers said that EU green regulations damage their competitiveness on the international scene as tractors were queued up. “We came from Poland, as Brussels is the root of our dilemma. During the northern Brussels demonstration, one farmer said, “We want to change the Green Deal deeply.” With vociferous protests in Belgium and stopped border crossings in Poland, this turbulence is noteworthy. It signals a consistent message: The Green Deal presents significant obstacles. This is particularly true in the dairy industry, where rules and changes in the market might affect anything from revenue consistency to cattle count. Deeper exploration will allow us to investigate the many effects of this green revolution on dairy farming, stressing its prospects and challenges.

The European Green Deal: A Comprehensive Strategy for a Sustainable Future 

The European Commission launched the European Green Deal as a bold road map to make the EU climate-neutral by 2050. This transforming project presents ideas for environmental policy and supports sustainable development through economic growth. Acknowledging the need to tackle climate change, the Green Deal offers a whole picture linking several sectors, including business, energy, and agriculture.

The Green Deal aims to: 

  • Achieve Climate Neutrality: Reduce net greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050.
  • Preserve Biodiversity: Protect and restore ecosystems and biodiversity.
  • Sustainable Food Systems: Reduce environmental pressures from food production while ensuring food security and affordability.
  • Circular Economy: Promote sustainable resource use through reuse, repair, and recycling.
  • Pollution Reduction: Minimize air, water, and soil pollution.

The Green Deal directly impacts the agricultural sector, especially dairy farming. Key policies include: 

  • Farm to Fork Strategy: This strategy aims to create a fair, healthy, and environmentally friendly food system. Targets include reducing chemical pesticides by 50%, lowering fertilizer use by 20%, and ensuring 25% of EU farmland is organic by 2030.
  • Biodiversity Strategy: Enhances protection of ecosystems. Encourages dairy farms to preserve habitats and adopt biodiversity-friendly practices.
  • CAP Reform: Aligns the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) with Green Deal objectives. Introduces eco-schemes that incentivize farmers to engage in sustainable practices. Dairy farmers can receive financial support for adopting sustainable practices like precision farming and grazing.

These rules have many different economic effects. Consumers gain from better food, but dairy producers must make significant changes. Using new technology and changing conventional wisdom may be financially taxing. Still, incentives and subsidies under the CAP structure seek to enable farmers to shift to sustainable methods gradually.

Farmers’ Protests: A Growing Wave of Discontent Across Europe

Farmers’ demonstrations have become more frequent lately, resulting in significant events in Brussels. Organizers said that hundreds of tractors from Germany, Belgium, Poland, and the Netherlands gathered to express dissatisfaction with EU green regulations, which, therefore, compromise the competitiveness of European farmers. Driven by complaints about low food costs, strict rules, and free-trade agreements allegedly making it difficult to compete with cheap imports, these demonstrations, reverberating around Europe for months, reflect the frustrations many EU dairy farmers feel.

“We want Europe to put the Green Deal away because it’s unrealistic,” says Bart Dickens, head of the Farmers Defence Force’s Belgian section. Supported by right-wing and far-right organizations, the Farmers Defence Force has been instrumental in planning these marches by publicizing farmers’ hardships and calling for significant legislative reforms.

Support was clear outside of Brussels as well; farmers in Poland protested by blocking a border crossing with Ukraine. This move was planned for three days and comprised “blocking trucks from Ukraine from entering Poland between 8 am and 8 pm,” police spokesman Malgorzata Pawlowska said.

Views among farmer advocacy organizations differ, however. Although groups like Copa Cogeca and La Via Campesina did not participate in the Brussels demonstration, they have identical requests for fair pricing and appropriate working conditions. The latest study from La Via Campesina underlines, “There should be a guarantee for fair prices that cover production costs and decent working conditions through market regulation and European public policies.” This emphasizes common issues motivating the need for change, even if lobbying strategies vary.

The Economic Ramifications of the European Green Deal on the Dairy Sector: Navigating a Multifaceted Challenge 

The economic effect of the European Green Deal on the dairy industry is diverse. Studies, including those of Wageningen Economic Research and the European Dairy Association, highlight notable output, revenue, and market dynamics changes.

The Green Deal strikes the European Dairy Association as a double-edged sword. As a leading voice for the European dairy industry, it sees the promise of long-term advantages in the Green Deal, which seeks to include sustainable dairy methods. However, it also acknowledges the short-term financial difficulties the deal may create for farmers. Despite these challenges, the organization views the future of dairy in nutrition, economics, and sustainability as bright.

According to Wageningen Economic Research, following the Green Deal might reduce cattle output by 10–15%. Farm revenues will vary depending on the area; some will increase while others will decrease. Factors like regional restrictions, which may limit certain farming practices, and variations in CAP funds, which could lead to unequal support across regions, are crucial. Additionally, the expenses of additional environmental measures are significant economic considerations for dairy farmers.

Studies published in Communications Earth & Environment journal show that while the Green Deal increases food system sustainability, its economic impacts vary. Lower food prices might help consumers; however, cattle producers may see decreased pricing and volume.

The Green Deal offers dairy producers a demanding but necessary road forward. Although the plan calls for a sustainable future, present financial demands emphasize the need for adaptable techniques and favorable policies to guarantee the sector’s profitability.

Contrasting Stances: Navigating the Divide Among Farmer Lobby Groups on the European Green Deal

It’s essential to consider how different farmer advocacy organizations respond to the European Green Deal through continuous demonstrations. Although the Brussels protest attracted much attention, critical agricultural stakeholders had other ideas about its influence.

The most well-known European agricultural advocacy group, Copa Cogeca, refrained from participating in the recent demonstrations. Their wary approach reflects knowledge of the possible advantages and drawbacks of the Green Deal. Although they have expressed reservations about various policies, they favor open communication with legislators to strike a compromise between farmers’ financial viability and sustainability.

On the other hand, the well-known agricultural group La Via Campesina more directly relates to the issues of the demonstrators. La Via Campesina has been vocal about the demand for assurances of fair pricing and adequate working conditions even if they did not take part in Brussels. Their most recent study advocates measures that guarantee farmers get prices commensurate with their production costs and market control. This emphasis on economic justice reveals their support of robust agricultural sector protection.

These many points of view highlight the intricate way the agricultural community responded to the European Green Deal. Although everyone agrees on sustainable methods, how to achieve this is still up for discussion and compromise.

Regional Disparities in the Impact of the European Green Deal on Dairy Farmers

Dairy farmers’ responses to the European Green Deal differ depending on their location. Local agricultural methods, environmental laws, and financial policies shape them.

Given the strict environmental rules in the Netherlands, adjusting to the Green Deal was easier. Subsidies meant to lower nitrogen emissions and improve water management helped farmers. Smaller farms, however, are under financial pressure because modernizing their methods costs money, fueling industry consolidation.

Polish dairy producers, mainly depending on conventional techniques, need help finding the strict criteria of the Green Deal. Concentrating on lowering methane emissions and sustainable feed production has considerably raised running expenses, particularly for smaller, family-run farms. Driven by rivalry among more prominent EU producers, lower milk prices aggravate these financial strains.

Emphasizing biodiversity, farmers in Germany have turned to agroforestry—that is, combining trees and bushes into pastures to increase carbon sequestration and biological variety. These developments improve the long-term survival of farms using government incentives. The initial outlay is significant, however, which presents a problem for mid-sized farms.

Belgian dairy producers have varying results. Some have switched to organic farming using EU money, attracting better market pricing. Others, particularly elderly farmers without funds or knowledge, battle with regulatory expenses, market constraints, and the need for new technologies.

The foundation of these different results is the current infrastructure and preparedness for sustainable development. Regions with established support systems move more naturally; traditional agricultural regions suffer great difficulty. The effect of the Green Deal emphasizes both possibilities and challenges for redesigning agriculture to become more sustainable and resilient.

The Bottom Line

The careful balance of the European Green Deal is at the core of our conversation: supporting sustainable agriculture while guaranteeing the financial survival of dairy producers. European farmers have protested, drawing attention to the conflict between agricultural reality and ambitious environmental ideals. The opposition points to possible drops in cattle output and unequal farmer revenue distribution.

The effects of the Green Deal are varied both environmentally and economically. Reaching a fair, sustainable, healthful, and ecologically friendly food system fits with environmental aims. However, studies like those from Wageningen Economic Research and the European Dairy Association show that while consumers would gain from cheaper food prices, dairy farmers suffer from decreased output and price fluctuations. Regional variances complicate this even more, and there is a need for careful rules that consider local realities.

Policy changes have to close the gap between economic reality and environmental objectives. This covers reasonable prices for agricultural goods and enough assistance provided by laws and subsidies. Changing to sustainable dairy production is feasible with much work and collaboration. Policymakers have to create plans that support sustainability while thus protecting farmers’ livelihoods. As Europe negotiates this new agricultural age, embracing communication and creative ideas is vital.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hundreds of farmers from the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, and Germany protested in Brussels against EU green policies, citing concerns over their competitiveness.
  • Farmers argue that the Green Deal is “not realistic” and calls for a deep change to these policies.
  • Protests have been supported by right-wing and far-right groups, highlighting the political divides on this issue.
  • There are mixed reactions among farmer lobby groups, with some major associations choosing not to participate in the protests.
  • The European Green Deal is aimed at creating a fair, healthy, and environmentally friendly food system within the EU.
  • Reports indicate a potential 10-15% reduction in livestock production as a result of the Green Deal’s objectives.
  • Research shows that while consumers may benefit economically, livestock producers could face declines in both quantity and prices.
  • Regional disparities mean that the impact on farm net income varies, influenced by environmental constraints, costs, and subsidies.


The European Green Deal, aimed at making Europe the first continent with a zero carbon footprint by 2050, has significantly impacted the agricultural sector, particularly dairy producers. Key policies include the Farm to Fork Strategy, the Biodiversity Strategy, and CAP Reform, which aim to support sustainable agricultural systems and safeguard biodiversity while guaranteeing a fair transition for all EU members. However, reaching sustainability shouldn’t compromise farmers’ way of life. Protests have started throughout Europe, with hundreds of farmers from Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, and Germany gathering in Brussels before the June 6-9, 2024 European Parliament elections. These farmers say that EU green regulations damage their competitiveness on the international scene as tractors are queued up. The Farmers Defence Force, supported by right-wing and far-right organizations, has been instrumental in planning these marches, publicizing farmers’ hardships and calling for legislative reforms. Support was also clear outside of Brussels, with farmers in Poland protesting by blocking a border crossing with Ukraine. The Green Deal has had a significant economic impact on the dairy industry, with studies showing notable output, revenue, and market dynamics changes.

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Markets are not Bullish or Bearish, but Indecisive: Cheese Stocks Shrink Amid Soaring Milk Demand.

Find out how rising milk demand is reducing cheese stocks and affecting prices and exports. Will this trend keep changing the dairy market? Learn more here.

The dairy market is changing in a terrain defined by uncertainty. Growing demand for milk here and abroad has resulted in declining cheese supplies.

Over successive months, cheese supplies in cold storage have dropped, leading to a dramatic price rise and difficulties for new exporting companies. Reflecting this, the USDA observes, “Cheese markets are not bullish or bearish, but indecisive.” LaSalle Street shows this feeling with changing spot Cheddar block and barrel pricing.

“Cheese markets are not bullish or bearish, but indecisive.” – USDA

These factors affect home as well as foreign markets. While decreasing mozzarella sales and high prices discourage new export contracts, they show steady domestic demand for cheese. The erratic character of market dynamics points to stormy times ahead for those involved.

Spring Surprises: An Unanticipated Shift in Cheese Production and Inventories

MonthProduction Volume (Million Pounds)Year-over-Year Change (%)

Driven by the ‘spring flush,’ when cows produce more milk, spring often marks a period of higher cheese output in the dairy sector. This surplus of milk leads to more significant, less expensive supplies for cheese makers, which in turn drives more manufacturing and inventory build-up. However, this year, the situation was different due to rising milk costs and growing demand, resulting in a contraction in cheese supplies.

Still, spot milk prices were high this year as cheese’s local and export demand increased. This odd situation resulted in cheese supplies declining from March through May, the lowest May inventories since 2019.

The present situation emphasizes how global demand and price changes may disrupt established dairy industry supply lines.

Demand Dynamics: Unpacking the Surge in Milk Consumption and Its Ripple Effects 

Time PeriodExport Demand (Million Pounds)Domestic Demand (Million Pounds)Total Demand (Million Pounds)
Q1 20232501,2001,450
Q2 20233001,2501,550
Q3 20233201,2801,600
Q4 2023 (Projected)3401,3001,640

For several reasons, both domestic and export milk demand has increased. American tastes for dairy goods like unique yogurts and handcrafted cheeses have changed. This shift in consumer preferences is further fueled by the economic recovery after the pandemic, which has increased disposable income and a greater focus on health and nutrition, thereby boosting the demand for dairy products.

Globally, U.S. milk products are much sought after because of their competitive price and superior quality. Rising Asian and Latin American emerging markets are increasingly looking for nutrient-rich diets. Additionally, increasing exports ease trade barriers.

This demand increase has limited milk supplies for cheese manufacture. Usually, the spring flush period sees an excess of inexpensive milk aimed toward cheese manufacturing; however, rising milk costs and growing demand have altered this year and resulted in a contraction in cheese supplies. The increase in milk costs has made cheese production more expensive, leading to a decrease in cheese supplies.

Strong export markets and rising domestic consumption have pressured milk supply, pushing cheese makers to negotiate a limited milk procurement scene. Strong cheese demand and shortage have caused market instability and price rises.

A Season of Scarcity: The Decline in Cheese Stocks Reveals Market Vulnerabilities


This year’s noteworthy drop in cheese supplies Cheese stockpiles at the end of May amounted to 1.44 billion pounds, a 3.7% decline from May 2023, marking the lowest May total since 2019.

While prices were flat in June as the market battled to draw fresh export business, this inventory loss caused a price spike in April and May. While sales of mozzarella dropped, home demand for other cheeses remained robust. With CME spot Cheddar blocks climbing 6.5ȼ to $1.91 per pound and barrels sliding 4ȼ to $1.88, the USDA labeled the market “indecisive.”

Global Competition Heats: U.S. Cheese Exporters Face Escalating Prices and Adverse Exchange Rates

MonthCheese Exports (Million lbs)YoY Change (%)Export Price ($/lb)

Exporters are battling intense worldwide competition and rising cheese costs. Both domestic and export demand has raised prices, so U.S. cheese-less competitiveness abroad has suffered. This has made it difficult—a difficulty that still exists—to get fresh export contracts.

The strong U.S. currency makes American goods more costly for overseas consumers, aggravating the situation. A lower euro helps European producers; they have raised milk output, strengthening their market share. This increase in European production, particularly in Poland, sharpens the competitiveness of American exporters.

Additionally, changing agricultural policy, European nations are slowing down dairy herd declines and boosting cheese production capacity. New EU rules mandating Dutch farmers to distribute manure across more extensive regions might lower cattle numbers but have little effect on total output shortly.

Despite the challenges, U.S. exporters have the opportunity to navigate the high domestic cheese prices, robust overseas market, and the currency’s economic impact. The key to maintaining a strong presence in the global cheese market lies in strategic orientation, creative pricing, and innovative marketing techniques. These strategies can help the industry adapt to the changing landscape and continue to thrive in the worldwide cheese market.

Domestic Cheese Demand Anchors Market Amidst Uncertainty

Type of CheeseQ1 2023 Demand (Million lbs)Q2 2023 Demand (Million lbs)Growth Rate (%)
Other Cheeses3003206.7%

Despite the market’s unpredictability, the robust domestic demand for certain cheese types provides a sense of stability. While mozzarella sales may have dipped, the consistent demand for other cheeses has helped maintain market buoyancy amidst fluctuating prices and inventory levels. The enduring popularity of Cheddar, in particular, has been a boon for local manufacturers. The strong demand for a variety of cheese options is a testament to the industry’s ability to navigate market uncertainty.

Whey Market Dynamics: A Tale of Domestic Resilience and Export Challenges

ProductDomestic PriceExport PriceTrend
Whey Protein Concentrate$0.45/lb$0.38/lbStable
Whey Powder$0.49/lb$0.37/lbIncreasing

Though exports are sluggish, domestic solid demand supports the whey product industry. While export loads are in the mid $0.30s per pound, USDA notes that some load categories are grabbing rates “at and above the $0.45/lb. Mark.” The prices of CME spot whey powder have increased by 2ȼ to a four-month high of 49ȼ by local demand. Although export difficulties still exist, the domestic market demonstrates confidence, which leaves the whey product market in a unique and somewhat dubious state.

Butter Resilience and Emerging Fears: High Inventories Yet Potential Shortages Loom 

MonthButter Stocks (million pounds)CME Spot Butter Prices ($/lb)

Butter stockpiles rose by 3.4% by the end of May to 380 million pounds, the highest level since 2020 and 1993. Still, worries about a possible shortfall later in the year cloud this increase. Rising milk prices and hot weather have boosted CME spot butter prices to $3.125, up 3.5ȼ this week, illustrating the market’s response to high domestic demand and growing expenses.

Milk Powder Puzzles: Navigating the Setbacks in Global and Domestic Markets

MonthCME Spot Nonfat Dry Milk (Price per lb.)Notable Market Movements
January$1.05Stable with minimal shifts in market dynamics
February$1.08Minor increase due to lower production volumes
March$1.12Gradual upward trend as export demand briefly rises
April$1.15Peak due to supply chain disruptions
May$1.10Initial decline after export challenges emerge
June$1.18Brief recovery, but long-term outlook remains uncertain

A disappointment at the Global Dairy Trade Pulse auction highlights the declining milk powder industry. CME spot nonfat dry milk is down 2.25ȼ to $1.1825. Soft worldwide demand causes prices to struggle to gather even with minimal U.S. production. Reduced global demand limits price rises even if local output levels fall short of past highs.

European Dairy Gains Momentum: Navigating Increased Production and Stringent Regulations in a Competitive Export Landscape

Europe’s increasing production capacity stands out as the worldwide dairy industry adjusts to competition and demand. With Europe and the UK producing around 31.5 billion pounds in April, a 0.3% rise from April 2023, European milk production exceeded last year’s levels in February, March, and April. While lousy weather hindered growth in Ireland and the UK, Germany and France reported modest output gains.

Reflecting local agricultural efficiency, Poland saw a 5.4% year-over-year increase. Still, this expansion presents some difficulties. New rules meant to satisfy EU climate pledges fall on European farmers. Though there are expectations for slower legislative changes after recent elections, current rules continue.

The EU Nitrate Directive ends Dutch dairy farmers’ exemption from manure derogation rules, aggravating their logistical problems. A 1.3% decline in Dutch milk output in April resulted from almost 40% of Dutch farmers needing help finding adequate space for manure spreading, reducing their cattle numbers.

Strict rules and this higher output are changing the competitiveness of dairy exports. A significant dollar deficit for American goods gives European manufacturers an advantage and complicates the export scene for American exporters.

Market Outlook: A Complex Interplay of Domestic Growth and International Competition 

The market’s state shows a combination of domestic strength and foreign challenges. Domestically, growing expenses have driven strong demand for milk and certain cheeses, driving prices even if sales of mozzarella have slowed down. The recent increase in CME spot whey powder indicates this demand has also bolstered whey product prices.

Globally, when European manufacturers raise their production, more competition and an unfavorable exchange rate pose challenges to U.S. cheese exporters. Further strict environmental rules complicate the supply scene even further.

Futures in Class III and IV mirror industry challenges. While fourth-quarter Class IV contracts climbed somewhat, stabilizing in the mid-$21s per cwt, third-quarter Class III futures decreased; the July contract fell 81ȼ to $19.46 per cwt.

Although dairy farmers face market instability, decreased feed costs and high-class III and IV milk prices provide some hope for alleviation in a convoluted worldwide market.

Grain Market Turmoil: Corn Futures Plummet as USDA Reports Upend Expectations

MonthCorn Price (per bushel)Soybean Price (per bushel)Wheat Price (per bushel)

After USDA’s Acreage and Grain Stocks figures, December corn futures reached a three-year low. Farmers planted 1.5 million more acres of maize than the early spring poll expected—91.5 million acres. Soybean acreage dropped 400,000 acres to 86.1 million.

September corn futures plummeted 32ȼ to $4.085 per bushel from a massive stockpile of corn acres. The December contract dropped 32ȼ as well, to $4.215. Though there is flooding in the Northern Plains, grain is plentiful and helps keep feed prices down.

The Bottom Line

Recently, the dairy market has shown a combination of volatility and resilience. Unlike past patterns, rising demand has reduced cheese supplies, pushing prices higher but not maintaining them. Strong domestic whey demand helps raise spot prices even in lean export markets. Though possible shortages due to weather and higher milk costs loom, butter supplies have risen. European competitiveness and worldwide demand issues are testing the milk powder sector.

Ahead, the dairy market is expected to negotiate challenging terrain. European manufacturing advantages and political demands might affect world commerce, posing difficulties for American manufacturers. Strong domestic dairy demand might help the price, but global economic and environmental issues will always be critical. Stakeholders have always to be vigilant and ready for changes in the industry.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cheese stocks have decreased significantly, with inventories at their lowest since 2019, influencing price changes.
  • Domestic milk demand continues to soar, while both domestic and export demands are impacting cheese production and pricing.
  • The whey product market remains strong domestically, though export challenges persist.
  • Butter stocks are high but fears of shortages later in the year have driven prices up.
  • Milk powder market faces setbacks due to soft global demand, despite light U.S. output.
  • European dairy production is ramping up, creating stiffer competition for U.S. exports amidst regulatory challenges.
  • Grain market upheaval as USDA reports higher-than-expected corn inventories and planted acreage, leading to a dip in corn futures.
  • Lower feed costs are anticipated to benefit dairy producers in the face of volatile market conditions.


The dairy market is experiencing a shift due to increasing demand for milk both domestically and internationally, leading to declining cheese supplies. This year, the situation was different due to rising milk costs and growing demand, resulting in a contraction in cheese supplies. The USDA has observed that cheese markets are not bullish or bearish, but indecisive. This situation affects both domestic and foreign markets, with decreasing mozzarella sales and high prices discouragering new export contracts. The current situation emphasizes how global demand and price changes may disrupt established dairy industry supply lines. Both domestic and export milk demand have increased due to changing consumer preferences, economic recovery after the pandemic, and rising Asian and Latin American emerging markets seeking nutrient-rich diets. Strong export markets and rising domestic consumption have pressured milk supply, pushing cheese makers to negotiate a limited milk procurement scene. The decline in cheese stocks has revealed market vulnerabilities, with cheese stockpiles at the end of May averaging 1.44 billion pounds, a 3.7% decline from May 2023. The erratic character of market dynamics points to stormy times ahead for those involved in the dairy industry.

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Improving Processor Relationships: Key to Dairy Producers’ Future Success

Can better communication with processors secure dairy producers’ future? Discover how improving these relationships can address market challenges and boost confidence.

key to success – golden key isolated on white background

The dairy industry’s modernization underscores the crucial nature of producer-processor solid relationships. These relationships were tested during the global pandemic, highlighting the need for clear communication and mutual understanding to navigate market uncertainties, such as milk price fluctuations and processing capacities. 

“Inadequate capacity for processing is more than just a bottleneck—it’s a pivotal determinant in whether a farm continues as a dairy producer or transitions entirely,” explains DFA Risk Management president Ed Gallegher.

With significant investments aimed at boosting future processing capacity, the opportunities for growth and innovation in the dairy industry are immense. Yet, these opportunities are intertwined with challenges. Enhanced cooperation and communication are imperative for the industry’s sustainability and growth, sparking excitement and inspiration for the future.

Communication: The Cornerstone of Robust Producer-Processor Relationships 

Effective communication is not just a tool, but a shared responsibility for both producers and processors. It is essential for solid relationships, ensuring operational efficiency and strategic alignment. As the dairy industry grows more complex, both parties must engage in clear dialogue about daily operations, broader market dynamics, and potential risks, recognizing their integral roles in the industry’s success. 

Producers must understand milk price risks and food price volatility. Open lines of communication allow them to gain insights from processors, particularly in light of global disruptions like the recent pandemic, which have highlighted the need for these discussions. 

Honesty and forthrightness are essential, even when discussing challenging topics such as market constraints. This fosters trust and aligns long-term objectives, helping both parties adapt to consumer shifts and seize international opportunities, especially in growing Asian markets. 

Maintaining clear communication channels enhances market confidence and operational resilience. Through committed, transparent dialogue, dairy producers and processors can navigate the evolving global dairy landscape together, reassuring the audience about the industry’s resilience and adaptability.

Ed Gallegher on Navigating Economic Challenges through Transparent Dialogue 

Ed Gallegher, a prominent figure in the dairy industry and the President of the Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) Risk Management program, emphasizes the pivotal role of informed dialogue in strengthening producer-processor relationships. As dairies become more sophisticated, it becomes crucial for producers to understand the complexities surrounding milk and food price risks. Gallegher asserts that the COVID-19 pandemic has starkly illuminated this necessity. The disruptions caused by the pandemic have exposed vulnerabilities within the dairy industry, underscoring the urgent need for producers to establish robust connections with stakeholders capable of navigating economic uncertainties. This newfound awareness is driving a collective effort towards enhanced risk management and informed decision-making, paving the way for a more resilient dairy market.

Transparent Dialogue as a Catalyst for Addressing Industry Challenges 

Open communication addresses challenges like adapting to customer preferences regarding animal welfare and environmental sustainability. Transparent processors build trust and foster collaboration, aligning both parties on key priorities and market demands

As consumers prioritize sustainability, processors, and producers must discuss steps to meet these expectations, from eco-friendly technologies to humane animal practices. Open communication keeps both parties updated on regulatory changes and market shifts. 

Collaboration between dairy companies, farmers, suppliers, and research institutions thrives on transparent dialogue. This approach improves daily operations and long-term planning. Companies can then focus on cost reduction, efficiency, and market opportunities, coordinating sustainability efforts to secure consumer trust. 

Strong communicative relationships are essential in a competitive, changing landscapeDairy processors who share goals, challenges, and expectations equip producers to meet market demands, fostering innovation and resilience in the dairy industry.

Inadequate Processing Capacity: A Critical Threat to Dairy Producers’ Operational Dynamics 

Inadequate processing capacity poses a significant barrier for dairy producers, impacting their operations and strategic decisions. When facilities are stretched thin, producers face challenges in managing supply, sometimes leading to scaling down or transitioning to different types of farming, especially near retirement. This underscores a critical challenge: insufficient capacity can destabilize the supply chain, limiting growth and prompting a reevaluation of traditional practices. 

Moreover, the need for more processing capacity affects market confidence. Producers need to work on the sustainability of their business models under these constraints. The uncertainty of timely milk processing discourages expansions and investments in technological advancements, especially in an already volatile market influenced by economic fluctuations and shifting consumer demands. 

Given these challenges, robust and transparent dialogue with processors is essential. Strengthening communication can help align expectations and navigate the complex landscape of dairy production. Addressing processing capacity limitations requires concerted efforts, innovative solutions, and open discussions from all industry stakeholders about necessary changes and adaptations.

Producer Perspectives: Value of Honest Communication and Confidence in Processor Relationships 

Producers benefit immensely from fostering candid and open dialogues with processors. Honest communication ensures alignment on future aspirations, creating a collaborative environment that fosters mutual growth. This transparency leads to strategic decision-making, enhancing operational efficiencies and market responsiveness.

However, many dairy operators express uncertainty about the durability of their relationships with processors and the future stability of their milk market. Most dairy operators are uncertain about these relationships, highlighting the need to improve communication and trust-building initiatives.

Exploring international opportunities, particularly in the expanding Asian markets, could significantly bolster the dairy industry’s forward trajectory. Transforming U.S. dairy into a global powerhouse requires unwavering confidence in processor relationships and a willingness to engage in challenging conversations about market dynamics and capacity constraints.

The Bottom Line 

The rapidly changing dairy industry requires solid communication between producers and processors. Experts like Ed Gallegher say open dialogue is critical to navigating economic uncertainties and market risks. Current challenges, such as insufficient processing capacity, inflation, and geopolitical issues, make transparent interactions crucial. 

Producers echo the industry’s belief that trust and candid communication bring mutual benefits. Despite significant challenges, many industry leaders remain hopeful, recognizing that strong partnerships are essential to adapting to evolving consumer demands and ensuring long-term resilience. Building robust processor relationships is crucial for the sustainable growth of dairy producers, making continuous dialogue and collaboration indispensable.

Key Takeaways:

  • Communication: Open and transparent dialogue is crucial for understanding mutual needs and market dynamics.
  • Economic Insight: Producers should seek knowledge about milk price risks and broader food price risks to navigate economic uncertainties better.
  • Capacity Challenges: Current processing capacity limitations represent a significant hurdle impacting the industry’s ability to expand.
  • Future Aspirations: Honest discussions about long-term goals can foster beneficial partnerships and build trust.
  • Retirement Considerations: Inadequate processing capacity may force older dairy owners to rethink their operational strategies.
  • Confidence Levels: A notable portion of dairy operators lack confidence in their current processor relationships, indicating room for improvement.


The dairy industry’s modernization has highlighted the importance of strong producer-processor relationships, which have been tested during the global pandemic. Inadequate processing capacity is crucial for a farm’s survival as a dairy producer. With significant investments in boosting future processing capacity, the dairy industry has immense growth opportunities but also challenges. Effective communication is essential for sustainability and growth. Both producers and processors must engage in clear dialogue about daily operations, market dynamics, and potential risks. Open lines of communication allow producers to gain insights from processors, especially during global disruptions like the pandemic. Honesty and forthrightness are essential, even when discussing challenging topics like market constraints. Maintaining clear communication channels enhances market confidence and operational resilience. However, many dairy operators express uncertainty about the durability of their relationships with processors and the future stability of their milk market. Exploring international opportunities, particularly in expanding Asian markets, could significantly bolster the dairy industry’s forward trajectory.

Global Dairy Market: Price Recovery Slows as China Reduces Imports, Rabobank Reports

Explore the reasons behind the global dairy market’s slower price recovery amidst dwindling demand and surging production in China. What implications does this hold for global dairy prices? Find out more.

red yellow and green flags

Rabobank’s Q2 Global Dairy Report, titled “Searching for Equilibrium,” provides a comprehensive analysis of the worldwide dairy market. It reveals that the market is experiencing a slower-than-expected price recovery. The primary factors contributing to this trend are lower worldwide demand and the increasing local milk output in China. The report further explains that the initial surge in global dairy prices in late 2023 and early 2024 was primarily due to importers restocking at lower prices, rather than increased consumer demand. This complex interplay of factors underscores the need for stakeholders to stay informed and aware of the market dynamics.

CommodityPrice (US$ per tonne)Change (%)Recent Gains
Skim Milk Powder$2,6293.5%Consistent
Anhydrous Milk Fat$7,3653.5%Consistent
Whole Milk Powder$3,4082.9%Steady

Decoding the Supply Chain: How Strategic Restocking Inflated Dairy Prices 

CommodityDatePrice (US$ per tonne)Change (%)
Skim Milk Powder22 May 20242,6293.5%
Anhydrous Milk Fat22 May 20247,3653.5%
Butter22 May 20246,9315.1%
Whole Milk Powder22 May 20243,4082.9%
Cheddar22 May 20244,2390%

Knowing the mechanics underlying the first spike in world dairy prices in late 2023 and early 2024 shows one crucial tendency. Rabobank’s Q2 Global Dairy Report shows that importers’ intentional restocking at lower prices rather than consumer demand drove the jump. Globally, market prices momentarily surged as importers restocked their supplies at reasonable costs. This synthetic surge covered the underlying poor consumer demand, suggesting that the price rise did not reflect a steady increase in dairy consumption.

Navigating Market Turbulence: Global Dairy Faces Demand Challenges and Supply Surpluses in Q2 2024

RegionQ1 2024 Demand (in million tons)Q2 2024 Demand (in million tons)Quarter-over-Quarter Change (%)
North America12.312.1-1.6%
Latin America9.59.3-2.1%

Q2 2024 presented interesting difficulties for the worldwide dairy industry. Along with rising milk output in China, a significant market participant, weak global demand resulted in lower dairy imports from China and downward pressure on world pricing. This scenario underlined the complicated dynamics of declining consumer confidence and increasing local production, therefore tempering prior predictions of a continuous price rebound. The market is now in a phase of cautiousness and adjustment.

China’s Growing Self-Sufficiency: A Stark Contrast in Global Dairy Production Forecasts 

YearMilk Production (Million Metric Tons)Growth Rate (%)
2024 (Forecast)39.23.2

China’s role in the global dairy market is becoming increasingly significant. The country’s milk output projection for 2024 has been raised, indicating a substantial increase in China’s output. This shift is altering the dynamics of dairy imports worldwide. In contrast, other major dairy-producing countries such as the U.S. and the E.U. are expecting only a slight rise in milk production. Senior dairy economist Michael Harvey points out that this disparity underscores the challenges global exporters face in adjusting to China’s rising self-sufficiency and the delayed recovery in other regions.

Consistent Gains Amidst Uncertainty: Analyzing the 3.3% Rise in Dairy Prices at the GDT Auction

CommodityPrice (US$ per tonne)% Change
Skim Milk Powder2,6293.5%
Anhydrous Milk Fat7,3653.5%
Whole Milk Powder3,4082.9%
Cheddar4,239No Change

The GDT auction on May 22 revealed a significant trend in world dairy markets. The latest 3.3% increase in dairy prices to US$3861 per tonne marked the tenth gain out of the last twelve auctions, indicating strong performance in many dairy industries. These consistent increases in prices suggest a robust demand, even in uncertain markets.

China’s Reentry Boosts Global Dairy Markets: Prices Soar 10% Above Long-Term Averages

Reversing their early May retreat, Chinese bidders returning to the most recent auction have lifted prices over 10% above long-term norms. Chief Economist of Westpac NZ Kelly Eckhold points out that this comeback might improve their milk price projection for the 2024–25 season to be NZ$8.40 (US$5.14). China’s increasing demand helps to justify a positive view of world dairy pricing despite continuous difficulties.

Diverse Commodity Movements: Skim Milk Powder and Anhydrous Milk Fat Lead Price Increments while Cheddar Stays Static

Prices for skim milk powder and anhydrous milk fat increased by 3.5% to US$2,629 and US$7,365 per tonne, respectively. Butter climbed 5.1% to US$6,931 per tonne. Rising by 2.9%, whole milk powder brought US$3,408 per tonne. At US$4,239 per tonne, Cheddar stayed the same.

U.S. Dairy’s Persistent Production Woes: Navigating the Multifaceted Decline Amidst Deflationary Pressures

StateChange in Milk Production (YOY)
South Dakota+12.3%
New York0%

Reflecting a disturbing pattern, April represented the tenth straight month of decreased U.S. milk output. One crucial component is a more miniature dairy herd—74,000 fewer cows than last year—that results in 9.34 million total. Though each cow produces more, general output has fallen. Constant dairy deflation has further complicated the economic environment for farmers by inhibiting growth and investment. Regional differences are also apparent; California experienced more yields per cow but had fewer cows. These elements imply that stabilizing the U.S. dairy sector might still be difficult.

The U.S. Dairy Sector Battles Persistent Deflation: CPI Slips 1.3% in April Reflecting Ongoing Market Challenges

MonthU.S. Dairy CPI Change

April’s U.S. dairy CPI dropped 1.3% year-on-year, eight consecutive months of deflation. This steady drop emphasizes the difficulties still facing the market.

Regional Disparities in U.S. Milk Production: A Complex Landscape of Growth and Stagnation

The geographical differences in U.S. milk output provide a mixed picture. Wisconsin and South Dakota have shown outstanding performance, with respective year-on-year growth of 2.5% and 12.3%. On the other hand, California has experienced a 9,000 cow drop but still saw a modest 0.2% increase in productivity, marking its second month of gain. While Idaho had a small drop of 0.1%, New York’s output has stalled, exhibiting no year-on-year variation. These differences draw attention to the complex dynamics of the American dairy industry, where areas experiencing expansion also face difficulties.

European Dairy Landscape: Gearing Up for a Resilient Market Amidst Global Uncertainties 

MonthPrice (€/100 kg)

In April, the preliminary E.U. average farmgate milk price dropped 0.2% to €46.31 per 100 kg. Rabobank is still optimistic despite this downturn; led by sustained increases, more significant fat and protein composition, and more premiums, prices might reach €50 per 100 kg. Reflecting a solid market amid worldwide uncertainty, Rabobank predicts the 2024 E.U. farmgate basic milk prices to average about €47.5 per 100 kg.

The Bottom Line

Despite the challenges, the global dairy industry is demonstrating resilience. The industry is grappling with declining demand and rising milk output in China, which is hindering price recovery. Additional hurdles include subdued consumer confidence and cautious shopping after a restocking phase. However, Rabobank maintains a cautiously hopeful view. It anticipates that lower feed prices and consistent output in key areas by year-end will bolster the market. While recovery might be erratic and delayed, the long-term market dynamics indicate a steady improvement, instilling optimism in stakeholders.

Key Takeaways:

The global dairy market is experiencing a more gradual price recovery than initially expected, influenced by factors such as fluctuating global demand and China’s changing import needs. Rabobank’s latest report provides an in-depth analysis of the current landscape and future projections. Here are the key takeaways: 

  • Global dairy prices surged in late 2023 and early 2024 due to importers’ restocking rather than a robust consumer demand.
  • Weaker global demand and increased domestic milk production in China have tempered expectations for a steady price increase through 2024.
  • China has revised its milk production forecast upwards, contrasting with modest growth anticipated in other major dairy-producing regions for Q3 2024.
  • Dairy prices at the Global Dairy Trade (GDT) auction rose by 3.3% to US$3861 per tonne on May 22, marking the 10th increase in the last 12 auctions.
  • US April milk production fell by 0.4% year-on-year, and the consumer price index (CPI) for dairy and related products decreased by 1.3% year-on-year in April, continuing an eight-month deflation trend.
  • European farmgate milk prices fell slightly to €46.31 per 100 kg in April, with Rabobank projecting stable to incremental gains throughout the year.


The Rabobank Q2 Global Dairy Report suggests a slower-than-expected price recovery in the global dairy market due to lower worldwide demand and increasing local milk output in China. The initial surge in global dairy prices in late 2023 and early 2024 was primarily due to importers restocking at lower prices, rather than increased consumer demand. China’s growing self-sufficiency in the global dairy market is causing a significant shift in dairy import dynamics, with its milk output projection for 2024 raising significantly. Meanwhile, major dairy-producing countries like the U.S. and the E.U. are expecting only a slight rise in milk production. The GDT auction on May 22 revealed a 3.3% increase in dairy prices to US$3861 per tonne, with Chinese bidders lifting prices over 10% above long-term norms. The U.S. dairy sector faces persistent production woes, with April representing the tenth straight month of decreased milk output. The European dairy landscape is gearing up for a resilient market amid global uncertainties, with Rabobank predicting lower feed prices and consistent output in key areas by year-end.

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To delve deeper into market trends and implications, explore our related articles:

Milk Futures Predict Brighter Prices Ahead Amid Market Volatility and Rising Demand

Learn how milk futures suggest better prices ahead despite market volatility and rising demand. Will tighter supplies and more exports lift dairy markets?

Understanding the market dynamics, especially the recent trends in Class III futures, is crucial. It can equip you with the knowledge to navigate through these uncertain waters. Stay informed and be prepared for fluctuations that could significantly impact your bottom line.

MonthClass III Futures Price ($ per cwt)Class IV Futures Price ($ per cwt)

Milk Futures Signal a Brighter Horizon for Dairy Farmers 

The potential for a brighter horizon for dairy farmers this year is signaled by milk futures. If spot prices hold, milk prices could surpass last year’s levels. This optimistic outlook is driven by several factors, including increased demand and supply constraints, which could further boost prices. 

Firstly, increased demand plays a significant role. Both domestic and international markets show a heightened appetite for dairy products, especially cheese and butterfat. 

Secondly, supply constraints could further boost prices. Cheese inventories haven’t exceeded last year’s levels. If demand continues to rise, the supply may struggle to keep pace, pushing prices upward. 

It’s also worth noting that volatility in recent milk markets could become more pronounced as summer progresses. The indicators point positively toward better milk prices compared to last year.

MonthCheese Exports (Metric Tons)Butterfat Exports (Metric Tons)

The Stability in Cheese Inventory: A Beacon for Dairy Farmers 

The stability in cheese inventory signals good news for dairy farmers. With international demand rising, especially in quicker-rebounding markets, you can expect further price gains. High cheese exports will likely continue, cushioning against domestic shortages. 

Butterfat exports surged 23% in April, hinting at record butter prices. If domestic consumption follows suit, the dairy sector could have a profitable year. Watch these trends closely as they shape market dynamics. 

The crop outlook remains strong despite planting delays. With 75% of corn rated good/excellent, a bountiful harvest is expected. This could lower feed costs and boost profits. While some input costs are high, stable grain prices and improving milk futures suggest a better income over feed margin. 

As summer progresses, a proactive approach is essential. The market’s volatility demands your attention. Monitor both local and international trends to navigate the ups and downs, maximizing gains and minimizing setbacks.

Record Cheese Exports: A Promising Outlook for Dairy Farmers

International cheese demand has surged, with record-high cheese exports in March and April. This increase has provided strong market support. More domestic cheese is being sold internationally, reducing inventory levels and potentially tightening supplies. 

The impact on future prices could be significant. Continued strong demand and tighter supplies may boost cheese prices. As global market dynamics favor U.S. cheese, this could mean better margins and a more stable income for dairy farmers.

The Butter Market: Rising Exports Foreshadow Potential Records

The butter market is showing robust signs. In particular, April witnessed a substantial increase in butterfat exports, soaring by 23%. This upward trend in exports is not just a fleeting moment; it sets a solid foundation for potentially record-high butter prices this year. As both domestic and international demand for butter continues to rise, the market outlook becomes increasingly favorable. This spike in demand, coupled with the surge in butterfat shipments, could very well propel butter prices to new heights, instilling confidence in dairy farmers about the market’s potential.

April’s Income Over Feed Margin: A Glimpse of Dairy Farming Resilience

April’s income over feed price was $9.60 per cwt, marking the second month without Dairy Margin Coverage payments. This positive signal for dairy farmers shows profitable conditions without government support. 

Looking ahead, the stability of grain prices and the positive trend in milk futures should inspire optimism. Despite planting delays, grain prices remain steady, and 75% of the corn crop is rated good to excellent. A strong crop could mean lower grain prices and feed costs, potentially boosting income over feed margins and improving profitability. This promising outlook could reduce reliance on Dairy Margin Coverage payments, offering a brighter future for dairy farmers. 

With steady or falling grain prices and positive milk futures, dairy farmers might see continued profitability, reducing reliance on Dairy Margin Coverage payments. This outlook benefits farmers navigating market volatility.

Grain Market Conditions: A Silver Lining for Dairy Farmers

Let’s shift focus to the grain market. Planting delays have yet to affect grain prices significantly. The early corn condition looks very positive, with 75% rated as good to excellent. That sets the stage for a robust harvest. 

If this trend holds, expect a large corn crop, likely lowering corn prices. This means reduced feed costs for dairy farmers, leading to better income over feed margins and improved profitability despite volatile milk market conditions.

The Bottom Line

The dairy market is experiencing significant volatility, especially in Class III futures. However, current trends suggest milk prices could improve. Cheese inventory is stable, hinting at tighter supplies if demand rises. Meanwhile, cheese and butterfat exports have surged, boosting market confidence. 

In April, income over feed margins was resilient, with stable grain prices suggesting favorable conditions for dairy farmers. Despite some planting delays, strong crop conditions for corn indicate ample supply and potentially lower feed costs. These factors contribute to a positive milk price outlook if spot prices hold and demand grows.

Key Takeaways:

  • Milk futures suggest better prices compared to last year if current spot prices hold.
  • Demand dynamics: Improved international cheese demand boosts market optimism.
  • Cheese inventory levels remain stable, indicating potential supply tightening.
  • April saw a 23% increase in butterfat exports, hinting at possible record-high butter prices.
  • Grain market: Initial crop conditions are favorable, potentially leading to lower grain prices.
  • No further Dairy Margin Coverage program payments expected due to improved income over feed conditions.

Summary: The dairy market is experiencing significant volatility, especially in Class III futures, and this turbulence is expected to persist and escalate as summer approaches. Milk futures indicate a brighter horizon for dairy farmers this year, with spot prices holding and milk prices potentially surpassing last year’s levels. Increased demand for dairy products, particularly cheese and butterfat, is driving optimism. Supply constraints could further boost prices, as cheese inventories haven’t exceeded last year’s levels. Stability in cheese inventory signals good news for dairy farmers, as international demand is rising, especially in quicker-rebounding markets. High cheese exports will likely continue, cushioning against domestic shortages. The butter market is showing robust signs, with record-high cheese exports in March and April providing strong market support. More domestic cheese is being sold internationally, reducing inventory levels and potentially tightening supplies.

Will Milk Production Sustain Its Strength Amid Market Surprises and Rising Futures?

Will milk production sustain its strength amid market surprises and rising futures? Discover the factors influencing milk output and market volatility this year.

Analyst pointing the chart.

In recent months, the dairy industry has faced a challenging landscape with expected production declines, economic pressures, and health concerns. However, April’s surprise milk production report revealed a remarkable resilience in milk output. This stability has notably influenced Class III futures, which experienced significant drops due to stronger-than-expected production figures, instilling a sense of confidence in the industry’s ability to adapt. 

April Milk Production Report Defies Expectations, Showcases Unexpected Resilience

MonthTop 24 States Production (Billion Pounds)National Production (Billion Pounds)Percent Change from Last Year (Top 24 States)Percent Change from Last Year (National)

The April Milk Production report defied forecasts of a sharp decline in milk output. Analysts predicted a drop due to the H5N1 virus, dwindling heifer supply, and increased culling rates from low milk prices. However, the data revealed a more resilient industry landscape, underscoring the need for caution in predicting the impact of the H5N1 virus on milk production. 

Significantly, March’s production figures were revised. Initially, March decreased sharply—down 0.9% in the top 24 states and 1.0% nationwide. The April report revised this to a 0.5% decline in the top 24 states and 0.7% nationwide, indicating more excellent stability than initially thought. 

The severe downturn in milk output did not materialize as expected. Factors like the H5N1 virus and reduced heifer availability exerted less pressure than anticipated. This resilience affected market dynamics, lowering Class III futures and easing industry anxieties about prolonged declines.

Market Sentiment Spurs Notable Increases in Class III and IV Futures Amid Tightening Milk Production

MonthClass III ($/cwt)Class IV ($/cwt)
May 202224.6525.73
June 202225.8726.52
July 202222.5225.79
August 202220.1024.81
September 202219.8224.63
October 202221.3424.96
November 202221.0123.66
December 202220.5023.92
January 202319.4321.99
February 202317.7820.67
March 202318.4021.06
April 202317.6720.33

The perception of tightening milk production significantly influenced Class III and Class IV futures, causing notable increases. As market sentiment leaned towards a decrease in milk output, primarily influenced by factors such as the H5N1 virus, heifer supply constraints, and increased culling due to low milk prices, traders anticipated lower milk availability. This anticipation spurred a rise in milk futures prices, with Class III futures experiencing a more pronounced impact due to a combination of perceived supply constraints and a surge in spot cheese prices. Consequently, the June contract for Class III rose by over $5.00 per cwt. On the other hand, Class IV futures, while also bolstered by production concerns, saw their price increases driven predominantly by the rise in spot butter prices. Thus, while both Class III and Class IV futures reacted to the overarching theme of tightening supply, the specific price dynamics within the dairy commodities—cheese for Class III and butter for Class IV—played crucial roles in their respective futures markets, highlighting the importance of flexible hedging strategies to navigate these market dynamics.

The April Production Report Offers Critical Insight into the Actual Impact of the H5N1 Virus on Milk Production 

The April production report sheds light on the impact of the H5N1 virus on milk production. Texas, hit hardest by the virus, saw a 3.3% year-over-year decline in milk production, with milk per cow dropping by 55 pounds and a herd reduction of 5,000. 

In contrast, Michigan reported a 0.5% increase in overall milk production, despite a slight decrease of 5 pounds per cow, and added 3,000 cows to its herd. This highlights the virus’s variable impact, influenced by herd health, management practices, and local conditions. 

While the H5N1 virus does affect milk production, the extent varies widely. Local dynamics play a crucial role, indicating that national forecasts may not accurately predict regional outcomes.

Beyond the H5N1 Virus Concerns, perhaps the Most Pressing Issue Facing Dairy Producers is the Ongoing Scarcity of Heifers. 

The ongoing scarcity of heifers remains a critical issue for dairy producers. Breeding a portion of the dairy herd to beef has tightened heifer supplies, rendering them scarce and expensive. While financially beneficial, this strategic move poses sustainability challenges for milk production. 

Recent increases in Class III and IV milk futures have eased some pressure, with higher milk prices encouraging producers to retain heifers despite high costs. The April Livestock Slaughter report highlighted reduced culling, as optimism for better milk prices leads to retaining more cows. 

Yet, this balance is fragile. If milk prices fail to meet optimistic projections, increased culling and further strain on heifer supplies may follow. The interplay of breeding practices, heifer availability, and market trends requires strategic management by dairy producers. 

April Livestock Slaughter Report Reveals Significant Decline in Dairy Cattle Processing, Reflects Market Sensitivity to Rising Milk Futures and Pricing Expectations

MonthDairy Cattle Slaughter (Head)Change from Previous MonthChange from Previous Year
April 2023238,200-6,400-5,400
March 2023244,600-5,300-4,700
February 2023249,900+3,200-8,300

The April Livestock Slaughter report showed a significant drop in dairy cattle slaughter, with 238,200 head processed. This is down 6,400 head from March and 5,400 head from April 2023, marking the lowest monthly slaughter since December 2023 and the lowest April count since 2022. This decline is influenced by rising milk futures and expectations of higher milk prices, reducing the need for aggressive culling. Producers are holding onto more cows, promoting a stable milk production outlook. The report’s findings indicate that the market is reacting to the expectation of tightening milk supply, as reflected in the rising futures prices, and adjusting its production strategies accordingly. 

This trend highlights the dairy industry’s adaptability. Producers may sustain or even increase milk output by slowing the culling rate in the near term, emphasizing the importance of efficient herd management. Monitoring dairy cattle slaughter rates will be essential for predicting shifts in milk production and market dynamics as the year progresses.

Market Perception as a Potent Catalyst: Navigating the Volatile Landscape of Milk Futures

Market perception is a powerful catalyst for volatility in milk futures, driven by expected supply and demand dynamics. As producers, traders, and investors react to reports, the perceived health of milk production can inflate or deflate futures prices overnight. This means that the market’s perception of the future supply and demand for milk, based on factors such as the H5N1 virus, heifer scarcity, and increased culling, can significantly impact future prices. This perception-driven volatility opens avenues for both potential gains and frustrations, as it can lead to unexpected price fluctuations that can either benefit or harm market participants. 

Opportunities arise as the market reacts, enabling astute traders and producers to capitalize on price fluctuations. A deep understanding of market sentiment allows positioning for maximum returns. Anticipating production downturns leads to timely investments before futures surge, while recognizing overblown fears of shortages can present cost-saving buy-ins when prices dip. 

Volatility also introduces frustrations, especially for those lacking the means or expertise to navigate rapid market swings. Misjudging market direction can result in significant financial setbacks, particularly when based on incomplete or incorrect information. The unpredictability of factors affecting production—like disease outbreaks or changes in breeding practices—adds complexity to price forecasting. 

In this environment, robust and flexible hedging strategies are crucial. These strategies help manage exposure to adverse price movements while allowing stakeholders to capitalize on favorable trends. Hedging provides a safety net, reducing risk and ensuring resilience against market perception’s whims. As volatility brings opportunities and challenges, flexible hedging approaches adapt to changing market conditions, fostering more responsive operations.

The Bottom Line

The April Milk Production report showcased unexpected resilience in milk output, revealing a minimal decline despite initial fears driven by the H5N1 virus and a tightening heifer supply. Some states even recorded increased per-cow yields. This perception of potential shortages caused a notable rise in Class III and IV milk futures, fueled by speculative price increases in spot cheese and butter

Heifer availability remains a long-term challenge for dairy producers, raising concerns about sustainable production levels. The April Livestock Slaughter report reflected a reduced rate of dairy cattle processing, indicating producers’ sensitivity to rising milk futures and potential higher prices, contributing to a cautious market environment. 

The year ahead remains uncertain as market sentiment drives volatility in milk futures. While current production levels suggest stability, the long-term maintenance hinges on improved demand. With increased demand, milk prices may reach the optimistic predictions currently priced in the future. Stakeholders need to employ flexible hedging strategies amid this volatile market landscape.

Key Takeaways:

  • April’s milk production report surprised many by showing stronger-than-expected output, resulting in a significant drop in Class III futures.
  • Revisions in March’s milk production figures show a less drastic decline than initially reported, suggesting some resilience in the market.
  • Despite concerns, the H5N1 virus has not yet had a significant impact on overall milk production.
  • The scarcity of heifers and increased culling due to low milk prices remain pressing challenges for dairy producers.
  • The recent rise in milk futures prices reflects market sentiment anticipating a tighter milk supply, driven by various perceived risks and actual economic pressures.
  • April’s livestock slaughter report indicates a decrease in dairy cattle slaughter, easing some concerns about long-term production declines.
  • Both Class III and Class IV futures experienced price increases, but for different reasons: Class III due to cheese prices and perceived supply constraints; Class IV primarily from butter prices.
  • Effective and adaptable hedging strategies are essential to navigate the anticipated market volatility and capitalize on favorable trends.

Summary: The dairy industry has been facing challenges such as expected production declines, economic pressures, and health concerns. However, April’s milk production report showed remarkable resilience in milk output, affecting Class III futures, which experienced significant drops due to stronger-than-expected production figures. Factors like the H5N1 virus and reduced heifer availability exerted less pressure than anticipated, lowering Class III futures and easing industry anxieties about prolonged declines. Market sentiment leaned towards a decrease in milk output, primarily influenced by factors such as the H5N1 virus, heifer supply constraints, and increased culling due to low milk prices. This anticipation spurred a rise in milk futures prices, with Class III futures experiencing a more pronounced impact due to perceived supply constraints and a surge in spot cheese prices. Class IV futures saw price increases driven predominantly by the rise in spot butter prices. The April Livestock Slaughter report revealed a significant decline in dairy cattle slaughter, with 238,200 head processed, marking the lowest monthly slaughter since December 2023 and the lowest April count since 2022. Robust and flexible hedging strategies are crucial in managing exposure to adverse price movements and allowing stakeholders to capitalize on favorable trends.

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