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China to Implement Measures to Curb Dairy and Beef Production Amid Falling Meat Prices

China aims to curb dairy and beef production due to falling meat prices. Will these steps stabilize the market and aid struggling farmers?

China’s meat prices have plunged as the economy has slowed, forcing decisive government intervention. As the world’s top meat eater, the nation is seeing significant price declines in pig, beef, dairy, and poultry, putting a financial burden on farmers. To stabilize the market and help farmers, authorities are already reducing dairy and meat output levels. Wang Lejun, the agricultural ministry’s Chief Animal Husbandry Officer, said that beef and dairy cow producers are suffering significant losses as a result of price drops of 12.1% and 12.5%, respectively, in the first half of the year. Beyond market dynamics, this problem influences food security and rural lives. By resolving the supply-demand mismatch, the government hopes to safeguard agriculture and maintain the long-term viability of the meat and dairy sectors.

The Economic Underpinnings of Meat Price Declines: China’s Experience 

The economic environment has a significant influence on China’s declining meat costs. A slowing economy, characterized by lower growth rates, directly impacts consumer spending patterns. As people restrict their finances, meat expenditure, frequently seen as a luxury, falls. Higher living expenses and economic uncertainty drive customers to seek cheaper food, further depressing prices.

This slowness impacts both manufacturing costs and supply networks. Farmers confront increasing operating costs but lower product market prices, resulting in financial distress. This has prompted demands for government intervention to stabilize the market. As a result, the government’s involvement in reducing output attempts to help farmers and rebalance the supply-demand equation, promoting a sustainable economic environment.

Challenging Landscape: China’s Livestock Industry Grapples with Supply-Demand Imbalance

China’s cattle sector is facing challenging conditions. In the first half of the year, beef prices plummeted 12.1%, while raw milk prices declined 12.5%, posing a considerable challenge for farmers: oversupply and reduced demand cause losses for beef and dairy cattle ranchers.

Overall, pig, beef, mutton, and poultry output rose by 0.6% yearly. Egg and milk output increased by 2.7% and 3.4%, respectively, contributing to a market oversupply and accelerated price decreases.

This circumstance exhibits a supply and demand mismatch, in which rising output and decreased consumption force prices down, putting the whole industry in danger.

Strategic Measures to Stabilize Dairy and Beef Production: China’s Plan to Curb Overproduction

China intends to reduce the overproduction of dairy and beef and stabilize prices. Herd structure optimization is a critical step in balancing output with market demand. This entails gradually removing elderly and low-yielding cows, increasing efficiency, and lowering expenses.

The government also intends to better connect output with market demands by improving breeding methods and supporting more market-sensitive approaches. These initiatives are designed to relieve financial constraints on farmers and build a more resilient cattle business.

A Bleak Financial Horizon: The Struggle of Beef and Dairy Producers Amidst Plummeting Prices 

The financial effect on livestock and dairy farmers has been significant. In the first half of the year, beef and raw milk prices declined by 12.1% and 12.5%, respectively. This price decline has resulted in enormous losses for producers with high expenses. Producers are improving herd structures, removing elderly and low-yielding cows to reduce overproduction and better meet market demand. Government measures have also been introduced to minimize breeding numbers, notably in March and June. While these steps have helped to stabilize hog prices, the beef and dairy sectors continue to suffer. Producers must strike a compromise between cutting production and sustaining operations, as prices are projected to stay low in the second half of the year, necessitating continued adaptation and resilience.

Historical Precedents in Government Interventions: Safeguarding China’s Agricultural Markets 

Government interventions to stabilize agricultural markets are not uncommon in China. Recently, the Chinese government took many initiatives to rectify market imbalances. Beijing implemented measures in March to curb the breeding sow population after pig farms’ fast development, which resulted in an excess of pork and financial losses for farmers.

In June, new criteria for controlling beef cow output were implemented. These strategies attempt to reduce excess supply and stabilize the market, allowing prices to recover. Such initiatives demonstrate the government’s proactive approach to controlling agricultural productivity and ensuring the economic well-being of the livestock industry.

Forecasting the Market: Persistent Low Prices Amidst Overproduction and Economic Slowdown

Looking forward to the year’s second half, market estimates suggest that beef and dairy prices will remain low. Despite attempts to reduce overproduction, supply exceeds demand, putting downward pressure on pricing—this situation for meat results from structural oversupply despite farmers’ attempts to alter herd levels. Dairy prices are projected to remain low owing to increased output and moderate demand. Analysts believe these low prices will provide little relief to manufacturers, who are already struggling with tight margins and financial losses. The more significant economic situation, characterized by a weakening economy and cautious consumer spending, complicates the forecast, implying that price stability may remain challenging.

Significant Decline in Meat Imports Highlights Domestic and Economic Shifts

China’s beef imports in the first half of 2024 fell 13.4% from the previous year. This decrease is particularly noticeable in pork and poultry imports, which have taken the most significant blow. The drop in meat imports is a dramatic reaction to local production trends and shifting consumer habits amid a faltering economy. The decreased reliance on imported meat relieves some of the burden on domestic farmers dealing with low pricing and overstock. However, it highlights deeper economic issues that may have long-term effects on demand and market stability.

The Bottom Line

China is halting dairy and meat production to synchronize with market needs and stabilize the agriculture industry. The drop in pig, beef, dairy, and poultry prices is due to an economic downturn and decreased consumer expenditure. Regulations on sow breeding and control over meat and dairy cow output are among the measures to ease the financial burden on livestock producers. When demand rebounds, these policies may constrain market supply and drive prices upward. China’s strategy emphasizes the necessity of balanced market intervention to ensure stability and food security. Global economic dynamics, climate change, and consumer behavior influence agriculture policy. Policymakers, industry stakeholders, and consumers must work together to secure the long-term development of China’s—and the global—meat sector.

Key Takeaways:

  • China plans to implement measures to curb dairy and beef production to prevent further price declines, adding to existing regulations on pork producers.
  • Shoppers are reducing meat purchases due to a slowing economy, leading to falling prices for pork, beef, dairy, and poultry.
  • The livestock industry has seen increased production, contributing to low market prices; pork, beef, mutton, poultry, egg, and milk production all rose in the first half of the year.
  • New regulations aim to optimize herd structures by eliminating older, low-yielding cows to better align production with market demand.
  • The Chinese government previously issued regulations to reduce the sow population due to an oversupply of pork, which helped stabilize pork prices.
  • Despite efforts to control production, beef and dairy prices are expected to remain low in the second half of the year.
  • China’s meat imports dropped significantly in the first half of 2024, reflecting shifts in domestic production and economic factors.


China’s slowing economy has led to a significant decline in meat prices, affecting top meat eaters and putting a financial burden on farmers. The government is reducing dairy and meat output levels to stabilize the market, but beef and dairy cow producers are suffering significant losses. This affects food security and rural lives, leading to demands for government intervention to stabilize the market. The economic environment directly impacts consumer spending patterns, leading to a decrease in meat expenditure and higher living expenses. This slowness impacts manufacturing costs and supply networks, causing farmers to face increasing operating costs but lower product market prices, resulting in financial distress. China’s cattle sector is facing challenging conditions, with beef prices plummeting by 12.1% and raw milk prices declining by 12.5% in the first half of the year. Market estimates suggest that beef and dairy prices will remain low in the second half of 2024, as supply exceeds demand, putting downward pressure on pricing.

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German Dairy Crisis: Nationwide Strike Looms as Wage Talks Falter

Will German dairy workers’ wage talks avert a nationwide strike? Discover the stakes and potential impacts on the industry as negotiations reach a critical point.

Germany’s dairy industry, an essential element of the country’s agricultural economy, is now facing the possibility of a statewide strike owing to delayed pay discussions. This impending disruption jeopardizes thousands of farmers’ livelihoods and consumers’ critical supply of dairy products. Currently, 19,000 workers at 28 dairy and cheese companies in Bavaria are participating in ‘warning strikes,’ laying the groundwork for more extensive measures if discussions fail. Major industry giants such as Danone, Ehrmann, and Nestlé are at a crucial point, with just hours till the next round of discussions. These choices will affect the dairy ecosystem, from factory workers to farmers, influencing everything from supply chains to milk pricing in a volatile market.

CompanyOffered Wage Increase (Year 1)Union Demand (Monthly)Current Impact
Danone€150€41130 shifts paralyzed
Ehrmann€150€41125 shifts paralyzed
Nestlé€150€41135 shifts paralyzed

The Crescendo of Discontent: Escalating Tensions and Strategic Labor Actions in Bavaria

The buildup to this probable statewide strike comes from weeks of rising tensions and labor actions by dairy workers in Bavaria. These ‘warning strikes,’ which included 19,000 workers from 28 dairy and cheese manufacturers, were a forceful protest to win higher salaries. They purposefully interrupted over 90 shifts, resulting in substantial production downtime and financial loss. By stopping operations, the union demonstrated its power to organize and compel employers, laying the groundwork for essential pay discussions. Each warning strike has increased urgency, emphasizing the fundamental divisions in the German dairy industry.

Power Players at the Bargaining Table: The NGOs and Corporate Giants Shaping Germany’s Dairy Future

The Gewerkschaft Nahrung-Genuss-Gaststätten (NGG) is essential to these contentious discussions, with the food trade union strongly lobbying for the workers. Mustafa Öz is a crucial individual who articulates demands and strategizes labor activities. Major dairy corporations like Danone, Ehrmann, and Nestlé represent employers. These industry titans are critical in determining the sector’s economic environment via wage reactions and negotiating tactics. The conversation will likely impact worker relations in Germany’s dairy sector.

A Call for Fairness: Advocating Equitable Wage Distribution in Germany’s Dairy Sector

The union’s proposal for a €411 monthly salary rise per employee stems from a desire to promote industry fairness. Mustafa Öz and NGG emphasize the need for a fixed rise in narrowing the income disparity. By winning a significant salary increase, the union hopes to assure steady financial improvements for all workers, especially those in lower-paid areas such as manufacturing and warehousing. This requirement is intended to establish a more balanced and equal economic environment. Furthermore, the €411 number tackles growing living expenses and inflation, acting as a buffer against economic stress and a step toward enhancing the quality of life for dairy workers.

Employers’ Strategic Counter-Offer: Balancing Immediate Relief and Long-Term Fiscal Prudence

Employers reacted with a counter-offer that included two years of incremental wage increases: a fixed €150 rise in the first year and a 2.5% hike the following year. This method seeks immediate financial comfort while promoting progressive pay increases and balancing employee demands with economic discipline.

Clock Strikes Tense: Imminent Deadline Fuels Heated Wage Negotiations in Germany’s Dairy Sector

The present stage of discussions is quite heated, with a tangible feeling of urgency. As negotiations reach their third crucial phase, Mustafa Öz, the primary negotiator and regional chairman of NGG Bayern, has highlighted the essential aspect of the following discussions. “We are sending a clear message to the employers: just a few hours remain before the next meeting at the collective bargaining table. Öz added that warning strikes would continue until a fair agreement is reached. The union asks for a significant monthly salary rise of €411 ($447) per employee, contrasting with the employers’ cautious offer. This deadlock might lead to a full-scale industrial strike. The union’s demands for equal pay distribution, especially for lower-paid workers, provide a moral dimension to the discussions. As deadlines approach, the union’s haste highlights the importance of these negotiations for the future of Germany’s dairy business.

The Ripple Effect: Unveiling the Far-Reaching Impact of Prolonged Labor Disruptions in Germany’s Dairy Industry

The consequences of these warning strikes have considerably affected production operations, resulting in the shutdown of nearly 90 shifts. This suspension in operations has caused significant financial hardship for the firms, resulting in immediate revenue losses and unfulfilled production limits. Inefficiency has a cascade effect on supply chain fulfillment, startup costs, idle labor compensation, and possible fines for failing to meet contractual commitments. The combined effect of these continuous strikes jeopardizes the stability and predictability required for the dairy industry’s economic sustainability.

Nationwide Strike Looms: An Escalating Crisis for Germany’s Dairy Industry

The German dairy sector might face a catastrophic statewide strike if talks fail. Building on the earlier ‘warning strikes,’ this might interrupt operations at dairy and cheese plants, slowing output and increasing supply chain concerns. With over 19,000 workers poised to strike, the consequences would be far-reaching. Immediate shortages of dairy goods in supermarkets and severe financial losses would put pressure on allied businesses such as retail and transportation. The disruption might result in waste and a storage backlog, further affecting operations.

Consumer prices may increase as more extraordinary manufacturing expenses are passed down. The economic burden may pressure the administration to reconsider austerity measures and agricultural policy. The strike may inspire similar strikes in other areas, causing industrial turmoil across Germany. Finally, this might drive all stakeholders in the dairy business to address long-standing challenges, such as pay fairness and production costs, crafting a more sustainable future for the sector.

The Bottom Line

The stakes are very high since the German dairy sector is on the verge of a statewide strike. The continuing wage conflicts and company counter-offers need prompt action. These discussions will influence the future of labor relations and production efficiency in this critical industry. The planned talks are crucial for settling existing issues and establishing a precedent for future industry standards. Union leaders and business executives’ decisions will influence the whole sector, from factory floors to distribution networks. Both parties must emphasize long-term stability and fair progress above short-term profits. This labor unrest will impact legislative choices, market circumstances, and the future of Germany’s dairy sector. Stakeholders carefully monitor the situation, looking for a solution that fosters justice, sustainability, and mutual prosperity.

Key Takeaways:

  • German dairy industry facing potential nationwide strike due to unresolved wage negotiations.
  • Recent wave of ‘warning strikes’ has disrupted production in 28 dairy and cheese factories.
  • Food trade union NGG demands a significant monthly wage increase of €411 per employee.
  • Employers counter with a €150 fixed increase for the first year and a 2.5% increase in the second year.
  • Third round of wage negotiations scheduled with major dairy companies like Danone, Ehrmann, and Nestlé.
  • Union emphasizes the urgency of negotiations, continuing strikes until an agreement is reached.
  • Strikes could have a far-reaching impact on labor relations and production dynamics in the dairy sector.


Germany’s dairy industry is on the brink of a statewide strike due to delayed pay discussions, potentially threatening thousands of farmers’ livelihoods and consumers’ critical supply of dairy products. 19,000 workers at 28 dairy and cheese companies in Bavaria are participating in warning strikes, with major industry giants like Danone, Ehrmann, and Nestlé at a crucial point. The Gewerkschaft Nahrung-Genuss-Gaststätten (NGG) is crucial to these discussions, with Mustafa Öz advocating for workers. The union proposes a €411 monthly salary increase per employee to promote industry fairness and ensure steady financial improvements for all workers, particularly those in lower-paid areas like manufacturing and warehousing. Employers have responded with a strategic counter-offer of two years of incremental wage increases, aiming to provide immediate financial comfort while promoting progressive pay increases and balancing employee demands with economic discipline. The union’s haste highlights the importance of these negotiations for the future of Germany’s dairy business.

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