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The Ultimate Guide to Contingency Planning for Dairy Farms: Why Paranoia is Your Best Friend

Is your dairy farm ready for the unexpected? Discover essential contingency planning tips to ensure your operation thrives through any crisis. Learn more now.

Imagine waking up to discover a disease spreading across your herd or a vital piece of equipment on your dairy farm that has failed. Though they don’t have to, these situations can flip your life around. This is the reason a robust contingency plan is essential. ” Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth,” Mike Tyson stated. For dairy producers, such blows may represent severe storms, abrupt changes in the market, or health emergencies.

Your farm’s safety net is contingent on planning. Planning for the “what-ifs” ensures survival and potentially empowers you to thrive in the face of unforeseen challenges. The statement, “It pays to be paranoid,” is a testament to this proactive attitude. Anticipating crises ahead gives you a sense of control, helping you manage them to reduce financial loss and disturbance. Embracing this proactive approach can help you protect your livelihood and the prosperity of your dairy farm.

Navigating an Era of Uncertainty: The Imperative of Robust Contingency Plans in Dairy Farming

The dairy sector’s many difficulties emphasize the importance of solid backup plans. The COVID-19 epidemic threw off labor availability, supply chains, manufacturing, and market demand; farms had to keep running while ensuring staff health.

Changes in government policies add yet more intricacy. Changing trade agreements, agricultural policy, and environmental laws force dairy producers to react fast, influencing financial stability. These new rules might throw off corporate models, so brilliant reactions are needed to stay viable.

The H5N1 avian influenza outbreaks and Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) danger highlight supply chain weaknesses. These illnesses underline the importance of preparation with movement limits, further testing, and the interconnectedness of cattle health management.

Considering these overall difficulties, thorough backup preparations are essential. They enable dairy farms to negotiate unanticipated circumstances with resilience, protecting operations against uncertainty.

Grasping the Full Spectrum of Resources: Lessons from the Field to the Farm 

During a crisis, one must know and use the resources at hand. High-stress military situations depend on fast access to information and resources, including air support and medevac facilities. This quick information flow emphasizes the need to understand all available tools.

As head of a dairy farm, maintain current with your supplies. Know where your processes and plans are, how capable your local emergency response teams are, and be aware of surrounding utility services. Like putting emergency medical supplies in key essential regions, prepositioning assets can improve your reaction time. This proactive strategy guarantees your readiness for effective crisis management.

Financial Resilience: The Pillars of Working Capital and Equity

Financial readiness, with enough accessible cash reserves and working capital, is your first line of protection in any crisis. It provides a sense of security that operations can continue even with unexpected disturbances. Keeping enough reserves to cover four to six months of running costs ensures that the money is readily available if anything happens to the primary account holder, offering a reassuring safety net.

Just as crucial is maintaining a solid financial sheet. On a market-based balance sheet, aim for a net worth of more than 50% to guarantee further funding in case of long-term difficulties. The harmony between solid equity and good operating capital will enable your business to withstand small and significant challenges.

Critical elements of a robust risk management plan include many insurance products and market price protection measures. Crop insurance, income insurance, and other coverages protect your working capital and equity. This multi-layered strategy helps stabilize your financial situation, strengthening your contingency plan.

Workforce Continuity: Jolene Brown’s Imperative for Implementing a ‘Plan B’ 

Jolene Brown emphasizes the need for having a “Plan B,” especially for employment readiness. Seamlessly transferring responsibilities may make all the difference in a crisis between continuous operations and debilitating downtime, instilling confidence. Employees must be cross-trained absolutely. If someone fails to fulfill their obligations, another may easily replace them, improving your staff’s redundancy and your confidence in your team’s preparedness.

Cross-training, however, needs to be improved. Create backup plans to manage unanticipated gaps. For instance, having bespoke operators ready for harvest or custom heifer raisers to do chores would immediately help amid labor shortages. These outside alliances guarantee constant output even with internal disturbances.

Establishing a culture wherein leaders are dedicated to teaching their successors is also vital. Good succession planning includes continuous mentoring, enabling essential staff members to acquire leadership positions. This guarantees a seamless change in case of unexpected absences and improves the competency of your staff. A good succession plan addresses leadership change and asset transfer, enabling your business to flourish even under challenging circumstances.

Addressing Leadership Voids: Comprehensive Succession Planning for Dairy Farm Resilience

The unexpected death of a principal owner is one of the most challenging obstacles a dairy farm faces. Clear management transition plans and beyond asset transfer should be part of succession planning. This guarantees constant output and morale. Clearly defining responsibilities for successors, implementing management handover procedures, and creating business continuity plans are vital. Planning for asset distribution and leadership succession helps farms maintain stability and handle challenges properly.

Conducting Scenario-Based Training: The Pillar of Crisis Preparedness 

Scenario-based training or “war gaming” greatly aids preparation for possible crises. From natural calamities like floods or tornadoes to crises like disease outbreaks or equipment breakdowns, this entails building thorough, realistic scenarios that can affect your dairy farm.

Create your leadership team to evaluate the most relevant circumstances based on probability and possible influence. For example, whereas power outages are frequent, the effects of a parlor fire—though less likely—could be significantly more catastrophic.

Once situations are recognized, create a basic, step-by-step reaction strategy. These should encompass quick actions, communication plans, financial distribution of resources, and rehabilitation techniques. Specify roles and obligations to prevent uncertainty during a natural occurrence.

Including your whole farm team, these drills will help them. This guarantees everyone understands their part and offers insightful analysis from several angles. As genuinely as possible, replicate the situation by upsetting regular operations and deploying emergency gear.

During a crisis, assign tasks linked to many purposes; rotate these responsibilities in repeated exercises to improve cross-training and guarantee redundancy—record observations on the team’s answers, timeliness, and crisis management prowess.

Following protocols:

  1. Debrief once more.
  2. Discuss what went well and point out areas needing work.
  3. Change the plans, then inform the staff about these new ideas.

Using scenario-based training and consistent use of these rules improves the resilience and preparedness of your operations. This readiness guarantees that should a true crisis arise, your farm is ready to manage it quickly and successfully, helping team members develop confidence.

Strategic Communication: Safeguarding Information Flow in Times of Crisis 

A crisis calls for good communication. A company policy guarantees constant information flow and helps to solve problems. Create backup lines of communication—like satellite phones or radios—to let everyone know should the central systems fail. Assign certain people to represent the farm to prevent contradicting claims. These contingency plans improve the farm’s resilience and guarantee a coordinated reaction during crises.

The Bottom Line

The resilience and success of your dairy farm depend on proactive contingency planning. You set your farm to withstand any storm by inventorying your resources, keeping finances solid, guaranteeing personnel continuity, creating succession plans, doing scenario-based training, and developing communication protocols. The fluid character of our sector calls for not only the development of these strategies but also their ongoing improvement and application.

Every exercise, revised plan, and team training session advances you toward mastery of unpredictability. In dairy farming, excellent preparation will help one differentiate between prospering and surviving. Thus, act right now. Examine your present contingency plans, find flaws, call on your staff, and pledge frequent drills and upgrades. The future of your farm relies on it. Investing in thorough and proactive preparation now guarantees that, should anything arise, you and your farm are ready to meet it squarely.

Key Takeaways:

  • Comprehensive Resource Inventory: Always know what equipment, protocols, and local emergency response resources are available to you.
  • Financial Preparedness: Maintain four to six months of operating expenses in accessible funds, and ensure proper account management for continuity.
  • Workforce Redundancy: Cross-train employees and have fallback options to ensure continuous operation in case of unexpected disruptions.
  • Succession Planning: Clearly outline management and operational succession plans to carry your farm through any significant leadership changes.
  • Scenario-Based Training: Engage in regular training exercises to simulate various crises, ensuring protocols are practiced and improved over time.
  • Effective Communication: Establish redundant communication channels and be clear about who is authorized to speak on behalf of the operation.


Dairy producers need a robust contingency plan to survive and thrive in the face of unforeseen challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, changes in government policies, H5N1 avian influenza outbreaks, and Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) danger. During a crisis, it is crucial to understand the full spectrum of resources, including knowledge of processes, local emergency response teams, and surrounding utility services. Prepositioning assets can improve reaction time and guarantee readiness for effective crisis management. Financial readiness, with enough cash reserves and working capital, is the first line of protection in any crisis. A robust risk management plan includes insurance products and market price protection measures, such as crop insurance and income insurance. Adopting a proactive approach allows dairy farms to navigate unanticipated circumstances with resilience, protecting operations against uncertainty. A “Plan B” for employment readiness involves seamless transferring responsibilities, creating backup plans, and establishing a culture where leaders are dedicated to teaching their successors. Good succession planning includes continuous mentoring, enabling essential staff members to acquire leadership positions, and improving staff competency. A leadership team evaluates relevant circumstances, creates a basic reaction strategy, and involves the entire farm team in drills. Strategic communication is essential in a crisis, and backup lines of communication are created to keep everyone informed.

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Successful 2024 National Holstein Convention in Utah: Highlights, Events, and Future Plans

Explore what made the 2024 National Holstein Convention in Utah special. From fun seminars to networking events, see why this year’s gathering was unforgettable.

 Trent Hendrickson was recognized with the 2024 Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder Award during the Awards Luncheon at National Holstein Convention on Wednesday, June 26. Pictured from left to right are Holstein Association CEO John Meyer, Trent and Kelsey Hendrickson, and outgoing President Jonathan Lamb.

Ever wondered what drives the dairy industry? For Holstein cattle enthusiasts, the National Holstein Convention is the highlight of the year. The 2024 event, themed “Udderly Utah,” was held in Salt Lake City and welcomed 700 attendees from the US, Puerto Rico, Canada, and Mexico. 

This article aims to highlight the key moments of the 2024 National Holstein Convention, sharing attendees’ experiences, innovative events, and vital discussions about the breed’s future. We argue that the 2024 convention was a massive success, showcasing valuable industry insights and high engagement. 

Understanding the convention’s discussions and experiences is crucial for anyone in the dairy industry. It offers a glimpse into the Holstein Association USA‘s direction, challenges, and growth opportunities. 

The 2024 National Holstein Convention was more than a meeting—it was a celebration of community, heritage, and the promising future of Holstein cattle.

A New Era of Hosting

This year marked a big change as Holstein Association USA hosted the National Holstein Convention for the first time, instead of state associations. The goal was to streamline and enhance the attendee experience. 

“We’ve received many positive comments about our new format,” shared CEO John Meyer. 

Meyer added, “As always, the best part is the people. It’s fantastic to reconnect with old friends and meet new ones!”

Exploring Salt Lake City: A Blend of History and Adventure

On Monday, June 24, Holstein enthusiasts kicked off the National Holstein Convention with exciting activities in Salt Lake City. Attendees explored local attractions and Utah’s unique heritage.  

One group visited Utah’s Antique and Classic Power Museum, where they admired antique vehicles and explored a pioneer village, getting a nostalgic glimpse into the past.  

Another group enjoyed This is the Place Heritage Park, with demonstrations, train rides, and gold mining, highlighting Utah’s pioneering spirit.  

Junior members had a thrilling adventure at Impact Ninja Gym, tackling obstacle courses. Afterwards, they joined others at This is the Place Heritage Park, fostering camaraderie.  

The combination of educational tours, historical exploration, and physical activities set a positive tone for the Convention.

Holstein Horizons: A New Gateway to Dairy Industry Expertise

This year’s Convention introduced Holstein Horizons, an engaging forum held on June 25. These seminars, led by dairy industry experts, provided deep insights into different sector aspects. 

Participants explored topics like on-farm processing, beef opportunities for Holsteins, genetics history focusing on inbreeding, and advanced technology. The on-farm processing panel featured Jeff King (Kings-Ransom Farm, NY), Todd Koch (TMK Creamery, OR), and Michael Turley (Rolling Lawns Farm, IL), offering diverse and valuable perspectives. 

Dr. Arquimides Reyes (University of Wisconsin – River Falls) discussed beef opportunities, while Dr. Roger Shanks (Holstein Association USA) delved into genetics history. Dr. Tad Sonstegard (Acceligen) presented on genome editing’s future, and Dr. Jeffrey Bewley concluded with insights from the WKU SmartHolstein Lab. The sessions were expertly moderated by Lisa Behnke (World Dairy Expo). 

Attendees praised the experience. Matt Hoff from New Windsor, MD, noted, “Holstein Horizons was very educational. The producer panel featured three distinct on-farm creameries. Learning about industry advancements is always beneficial.”

Bonds Beyond Business: Social Events that Foster Genuine Connections

The Convention wasn’t just about seminars and meetings. Attendees enjoyed plenty of socializing and networking through various events. 

On Monday evening, Cutting Edge Connections in downtown Salt Lake City featured axe throwing and casual conversations, perfect for reconnecting with old friends and meeting new ones. 

Tuesday evening’s Mountain View Mingle offered a laid-back atmosphere with dairy-themed trivia, laughter, and camaraderie, further strengthening the Holstein community. 

These informal gatherings were crucial in fostering connections, enhancing the inclusive spirit of the National Holstein Convention.

Youthful Excellence: Junior Members Shine at the Convention

National Junior Holstein Association members shined brightly at this year’s convention, showcasing their skills and forming invaluable connections. Engaging contests and workshops offered a mix of competition and networking opportunities. 

A highlight was the Monday evening workshop with past Distinguished Junior Member (DJM) finalists. Andrew King, David J. Lentz, and Michele Ruby shared their experiences, illustrating how Junior Holstein membership shaped their lives. 

Contests like the dairy bowl, public speaking, and project showcases challenged junior members while promoting learning and teamwork. 

“The National Junior Holstein Convention is a fantastic opportunity for youth to compete, network, and create lasting memories,” said DJM finalist Courtney Glenna from Amery, Wisconsin. 

Social activities further helped junior members bond, ensuring a community feel beyond the competitive events. Overall, the junior activities balanced education, competition, and social interaction, preparing the next generation of Holstein professionals.

Leadership Reflections, Future Directions: Highlights from the 138th Annual Meeting

The 138th Annual Meeting of Holstein Association USA kicked off with detailed reports from the leadership team. President Jonathan Lamb, CEO John Meyer, and CFO/Treasurer Barbara Casna shared last year’s highlights from the 2023 Annual Report, 20 Years of Growth

Vice President John Burket discussed the upcoming leadership change. CEO John Meyer will retire on December 31, 2024, with current COO Lindsey Worden stepping in as CEO on January 1, 2025. 

Committee reports followed, along with recognition for 40-Year Members and awards for the 2023 Herds of Excellence and Star of the Breed. Dr. Jeffrey Bewley’s talk on the CowSignals program stressed the importance of understanding cows’ responses for better management practices

The meeting also honored three retiring board members: outgoing President Jonathan Lamb (Oakfield, NY), Region 7 Director Dwight Rokey (Sabetha, KS), and Region 3 Director Steve Moff (Columbiana, OH). John Burket was elected as President, and Dwight Rokey as Vice President, with Paul R. Haskins (Butler, OH) and Alfred Brandt (Linn, MO) joining the board. Re-elected were Region 2 Director Dean W. Jackson (Columbia Cross Roads, PA) and At-Large Director Tony Brey (Sturgeon Bay, WI).

The Excitement Doesn’t End Here! 

The excitement doesn’t end here! Mark your calendars for the 2025 National Holstein Convention, June 23-26, in vibrant St. Louis, Missouri. Whether you’re a seasoned attendee or new, this convention offers a perfect mix of learning, networking, and fun. 

Stay updated at See you there!

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