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Global Dairy Trade Index Dips: Price Surge in Butter, Skim Milk Powder, and Anhydrous Milk Fat

Understand the 0.5% drop in the Global Dairy Trade index, even though butter and skim milk powder saw price increases. What does this mean for the dairy industry’s future?

The Global Dairy Trade (GDT) index is a crucial barometer for dairy prices worldwide, reflecting supply and demand dynamics within the dairy industry. It’s significant as it guides stakeholders, from farmers to large dairy corporations, in making informed decisions. On Tuesday, the GDT index experienced a slight dip, falling by 0.5% during the trading session.

ProductPrice (per metric ton)Change (%)
Skim Milk Powder$2,766+0.7%
Cheddar Cheese$4,205-1.0%
Anhydrous Milk Fat$7,317+1.2%
Whole Milk Powder$3,394-2.5%

The latest trading session saw mixed performances across different dairy products. Specifically, the GDT index fell 0.5%, indicating a slight overall decline. While prices were up for butter, lactose, and skim milk powder, this positive trend was counterbalanced by decreases in anhydrous milk fat, Cheddar cheese, and whole milk powder. Additionally, buttermilk powder and Mozzarella cheese were not traded during this session.

Butter saw a substantial increase, climbing 6.2% to $7,350 per metric ton, translating to $3.33 per pound. Lactose experienced a rise of 1.9%, reaching $801 per metric ton, or $0.36 per pound. Skim milk powder also went up by 0.7%, priced at $2,766 per metric ton, or $1.25 per pound. 

Conversely, anhydrous milk fat fell 2.5% to $7,317 per metric ton, or $3.31 per pound. Cheddar cheese decreased by 1% to $4,205 per metric ton, equivalent to $1.90 per pound. Whole milk powder dropped 1.7% to $3,394 per metric ton, or $1.53 per pound.

Interestingly, both buttermilk powder and Mozzarella cheese were notably absent from Tuesday’s trading session. This lack of availability could potentially tighten supply chains, leading to increased prices for these products in future sessions. With fewer items on offer, winning bidders might have concentrated their purchasing power on the other available products, slightly shifting market dynamics. Keeping an eye on future sessions where these products are reintroduced could provide valuable insights into their influence on overall market trends.

This session saw robust activity, with 106 winning bidders engaging in 21 rounds of competitive bidding. Collectively, these participants procured an impressive 16,787 metric tons of dairy products. Such high levels of participation demonstrate strong demand, despite the slight decline in the overall Global Dairy Trade index.

Let’s dive into the specifics of the pricing changes for each product: 

Butter: Butter prices saw a significant increase of 6.2%, rising to $7,350 per metric ton, or $3.33 per pound. This notable rise indicates a strong demand for butter on the market. 

Lactose: Lactose experienced a modest increase of 1.9%, bringing the price to $801 per metric ton, or $0.36 per pound. This reflects a steady interest in lactose from buyers. 

Skim Milk Powder: This product observed a healthy upward trend of 3.0%, with prices reaching $2,766 per metric ton, or $1.25 per pound. The rise in skim milk powder prices showcases its growing demand. 

Cheddar Cheese: Despite other product price increases, Cheddar cheese saw a slight decline of 1%, dropping to $4,205 per metric ton, or $1.90 per pound. This minor dip could suggest a fluctuation in market preference or supply. 

Anhydrous Milk Fat: This commodity reported a small bump of 0.9% in its pricing, now at $7,317 per metric ton, or $3.31 per pound. The marginal increase points to a consistent demand for anhydrous milk fat. 

Whole Milk Powder: Whole milk powder prices fell by 1.7%, decreasing to $3,394 per metric ton, or $1.53 per pound. The decline could indicate a shift in buyer preference or market dynamics. 

These variances in product pricing highlight the dynamic nature of the global dairy market, influenced by fluctuating supply and demand factors.

In summary, the Global Dairy Trade index took a slight dip of 0.5%, reflecting a mixed bag of price changes across various dairy products. Notably, butter saw a significant increase of 6.2%, while Cheddar cheese and whole milk powder experienced declines of 1% and 2.5%, respectively. These fluctuating prices underscore the dynamic and often unpredictable nature of the dairy market

Looking ahead, these changes may signal a period of adjustment within the global dairy market. The rise in prices for products like butter and anhydrous milk fat suggests a strong demand in specific segments, whereas the drop in whole milk powder and Cheddar cheese prices could indicate potential oversupply or shifting consumer preferences. As market participants continue to navigate these fluctuations, staying informed and adaptable will be key to leveraging opportunities and mitigating risks.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Global Dairy Trade index dropped by 0.5% in the latest trading session.
  • Butter, lactose, and skim milk powder prices increased.
  • Prices fell for anhydrous milk fat, Cheddar cheese, and whole milk powder.
  • Buttermilk powder and Mozzarella cheese were not available in this session.
  • 106 winning bidders purchased a total of 16,787 metric tons of dairy products.
  • Price highlights include butter at $7,350 per metric ton and Cheddar cheese at $4,205 per metric ton.


The Global Dairy Trade (GDT) index fell by 0.5% during the trading session, but butter prices increased by 6.2% to $7,350 per metric ton. Lactose prices rose by 1.9% to $801 per metric ton, skim milk powder prices rose by 0.7% to $2,766 per metric ton, anhydrous milk fat prices fell by 2.5% to $7,317 per metric ton, cheddar cheese prices decreased by 1% to $4,205 per metric ton, and whole milk powder prices dropped by 1.7% to $3,394 per metric ton. The absence of buttermilk powder and Mozzarella cheese from Tuesday’s trading session may tighten supply chains and lead to increased prices in future sessions.

Milk Markets Surge Higher on Late Week Buying: Class III & IV Gain Momentum

Uncover the dynamics driving late-week surges in the milk markets. Witness the ascent of Class III and IV milk prices. Eager to learn about the latest movements in dairy and grain sectors? Continue reading.

The milk markets experienced a volatile week, culminating in a significant late-week surge that notably impacted Class III and Class IV milk prices. The strength of class III milk, particularly in the latter half of the year, was a key highlight. July’s contracts saw a substantial increase of 43 cents to $20.29, while August mirrored this trend with a 46-cent climb to the same price of $20.29/cwt. In contrast, earlier months such as May and June were more subdued, with May closing at $18.60 and June showing a minimal increase of just 2 cents to $19.38/cwt. 

Market analysts observed, “The late-week buying frenzy brought a refreshing upswing to the milk markets, particularly benefiting Class III prices in the latter months of the year.” 

Class IV milk prices demonstrated a more tempered response, maintaining stability despite a modest gain in butter prices. May’s contracts settled at $20.57, June at $20.84, and July reached $21.31/cwt. These figures underscore the nuanced variations within the different milk classes, reflecting broader market dynamics and investor sentiment.

Class III Milk Enjoys Summer Surge Amid Subdued Early-Year Performance


Class III milk experienced a notable improvement in the latter part of the year. July increased by 43 cents to reach $20.29 per hundredweight (cwt), while August followed with a rise of 46 cents, also hitting $20.29/cwt. In contrast, May ended at $18.60, showing little change, and June gained just 2 cents to close at $19.38/cwt. These numbers highlight a clear seasonal trend, with more robust market dynamics emerging in the summer months for Class III milk.

Class IV Milk Market Remains Steady Amid Modest Butter Price Gains 


The week in the dairy market has displayed notable shifts, particularly in the Class IV milk futures. Despite the muted movement, the overall trend leans toward stability with a few upward adjustments compensating for earlier lukewarm phases. For a clearer illustration, let’s delve into the Class IV milk futures trends over the past week: 

Class IV milk prices remained steady compared to Class III, showing minimal volatility. Class IV milk held its ground despite a modest 6-cent rise in butter prices. May closed at $20.57/cwt, June slightly up at $20.84, and July continued this trend at $21.31. These figures highlight a consistent market with gradual gains, reflecting the steady performance of Class IV milk.

The CME Spot Trade Closes the Week with Significant Activity in the Dairy

ProductMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayWeekly Trend
Butter ($/lb)$3.03$3.04$3.05$3.07$3.09▲6 cents
Cheddar Blocks ($/lb)$1.81$1.81$1.81$1.81$1.81
Cheddar Barrels ($/lb)$1.94$1.94$1.94$1.94$1.94
Dry Whey ($/lb)$0.41$0.41$0.41$0.41$0.41 1/2▲1/2 cent
Grade A Non Fat Dry Milk ($/lb)$1.16$1.16$1.16$1.16$1.16 3/4▲3/4 cent

The CME spot trade saw significant action in the dairy sector, especially in the butter and cheese markets. Butter prices rose 6 cents to $3.09 per pound, hinting at increased demand or limited supply, which could positively impact the broader dairy market. 

Cheddar cheese prices remained stable, with Blocks at $1.81 and Barrels at $1.94 per pound. This consistency suggests a balanced market without primary surpluses or deficits. 

The block/barrel spread stayed inverted at 13 cents, indicating supply concerns or quality preferences. Typically, Blocks are pricier due to their broader use and better quality. The sustained average price of $1.87 1/2 per pound reflects the market’s effort to balance these differences, providing insight into future price trends in the dairy sector.

Powder Markets Show Promise with Incremental Price Gains

ProductPrice (per lb)ChangeTrend
Dry Whey$0.41½+1 centUp
Grade A Non Fat Dry Milk$1.16¾+½ centUp

The powder markets exhibited a solid performance this past week, signaling promise in this sector. Dry Whey climbed by a penny to $0.41 1/2 per pound, indicating a steady demand. This rise may suggest market stability amid fluctuating dairy prices. 

Grade A Non-Fat Dry Whey also increased by 1/2 cent, reaching $1.16 3/4 per pound. This small but significant uptick reflects the strength of the dairy industry and hints at a balanced supply and demand. These incremental gains not only reinforce market stability but also inspire confidence in the potential growth of the powder markets, which could have broader economic implications for those invested in commodities.

Grain and Feed Markets Reflect Broader Economic and Environmental Instabilities

CommodityContract MonthClosing PricePrice Change
CornJuly$4.46 1/4Down 2 1/2 cents
SoybeansJuly$12.05Down 4 3/4 cents
Soybean MealJuly$364.10/tonUp $1.10
WheatJuly$6.78Down 2 1/2 cents
RiceJuly$17.67Down 16 cents
Feeder CattleAugust$256.40Down $2.67

The grain and feed markets faced a notable shift towards the weekend, marked by varied price movements across critical commodities. Corn slipped slightly, with July futures closing at $4.46 1/4, down 2 1/2 cents. This minor dip mirrors broader market trends where corn battles to sustain momentum amid changing demand-supply dynamics. Soybeans followed suit, with July futures dropping 4 3/4 cents to $12.05 per bushel, reflecting ongoing market volatility and the impact of trade conditions and weather on crop yields. 

Despite a modest rise in soybean meal prices, the feed markets remained complex. July prices increased by $1.10, finishing the week at $364.10 per ton. However, prices remained over $25 per ton below earlier weekly highs, underscoring the intricate and volatile nature of the feed markets. These shifts serve as a reminder of the need for caution in the grain and feed sectors, mirroring the broader economic and environmental uncertainties.

The Bottom Line

The week concluded with a notable rise in milk markets, spurred by a robust late-week surge in Class III milk. Gains in July and August highlighted its strength, contrasting a quieter early-year performance. Class IV milk displayed a steadiness, with modest butter price increases

Significant activity marked the CME spot trade, with butter and cheese showing price movements and powder markets finishing the week with gains. In contrast, grain and feed markets slid into the weekend, impacted by economic and environmental challenges. Corn, soybeans, and soybean meal exhibited varied performances, reflecting the intricate dynamics of agricultural markets.

Key Takeaways:

  • Class III milk prices experienced an encouraging surge in late-week trading, showing notable gains for July and August contracts.
  • Earlier months like May and June saw more modest price movements, with minimal increases observed.
  • Class IV milk prices remained relatively stable, with slight upward adjustments despite varied commodity performance within the dairy market.
  • The CME spot trade highlighted a 6-cent gain in Butter prices, while Cheddar Blocks and Barrels maintained their previous levels, keeping the block/barrel spread inverted.
  • Powder markets closed the week on a positive note, with Dry Whey and Grade A Non-Fat Dry Whey inching upward.
  • Grain and feed markets displayed downward trends, with slight declines in corn and soybeans and a notable drop in soybean meal from earlier highs.

Summary: The milk markets experienced a volatile week, culminating in a late-week surge that significantly impacted Class III and Class IV milk prices. Class III milk experienced a significant improvement in the latter part of the year, with July’s contracts seeing a substantial increase of 43 cents to $20.29, and August mirrored this trend with a 46-cent climb to the same price. In contrast, earlier months such as May and June were more subdued, with May closing at $18.60 and June showing a minimal increase of just 2 cents to $19.38/cwt. Market analysts observed that the late-week buying frenzy brought a refreshing upswing to the milk markets, particularly benefiting Class III prices in the latter months of the year. The dairy market displayed notable shifts, particularly in Class IV milk futures, with the overall trend leaning toward stability with a few upward adjustments compensating for earlier lukewarm phases.

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