Archive for highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI)

Colorado Leads Nation in Bird Flu Cases Among Dairy Cows: Rising Infections Prompt Urgent Response

Colorado leads the U.S. in bird flu cases among dairy cows. Discover how the state is tackling rising infections and what it means for public health and dairy workers.

Colorado leads in avian flu cases among dairy cows. The state now has the highest number of bird flu cases in dairy cows in the U.S., marking a severe public health concern. 

In April, Colorado reported its first case, but the numbers have skyrocketed since: 

  • 26 cases since April
  • 22 cases in June alone
  • 17 new cases in the past two weeks

On Tuesday, a top state health official announced proactive efforts to work closely with dairy farms to contain the outbreak and safeguard livestock and workers. This proactive approach should reassure the public that the situation is being managed effectively.

Bird Flu Surge in Colorado Dairy Cows: A Growing Concern

Colorado is seeing a troubling rise in bird flu cases among dairy cows. The first case was reported in April, and the numbers have surged. Colorado recorded 26 more cases, with 22 in June and 17 just in the last two weeks, including one on July 1. 

All confirmed cases are in northeast Colorado, impacting about a quarter of the state’s dairies. Of 105 licensed dairy facilities, 27 have been hit by the avian flu outbreak.

Swift and Proactive Response by State Health Officials

State health officials have quickly and proactively addressed the bird flu surge among dairy cows in Colorado. They are closely collaborating with dairy farms and the broader industry to implement measures to limit the spread of the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). An essential part of their strategy includes placing affected facilities under quarantine. As of the latest reports, 27 out of 105 licensed dairy facilities in the state have been impacted by the outbreak, with nearly two dozen cases currently under quarantine. The health department is diligently working to monitor and mitigate the situation, ensuring the safety of both the livestock and the people working on these farms.

A Comparative Look: Colorado vs. Other States in Bird Flu Outbreak

Colorado’s situation is more severe than that of other states. The U.S. Department of Agriculture reports 21 affected livestock herds in Colorado over the last 30 days, more than any other state. In comparison, Iowa has 12, and Idaho has 10. Wyoming, Texas, Minnesota, and Michigan only report cases in single digits. This data highlights the more significant impact on Colorado’s dairy farms.

Dairy Workers at Higher Risk from Bird Flu as Colorado Takes Proactive Measures

While the rise in bird flu cases among dairy cows in Colorado is concerning, the general public’s risk remains low. However, dairy workers are at higher risk due to close contact with infected animals. Dr. Rachel Herlihy, state epidemiologist, stresses using personal protective equipment (PPE) to mitigate this risk. “The risk continues to be low to people, but we know that dairy workers, in particular, right now, are going to have increased exposure to the virus,” said Dr. Herlihy. 

The state is monitoring over 500 workers and has completed monitoring for 113 others. Essential protective measures are being implemented to ensure their safety. “Much of the way to successfully do that is through personal protective equipment or PPE,” noted Dr. Herlihy. 

Those showing symptoms like fever, fatigue, and sore throat are tested following CDC guidelines. “So far, we’ve tested nine individuals, all negative, with some results pending,” Dr. Herlihy reported. Symptomatic individuals also have access to antiviral medication like Tamiflu while awaiting results. 

Colorado aims to limit the virus’s spread and protect dairy workers and the public through these proactive measures.

Colorado’s Vigilant Surveillance: A Key Factor in High Bird Flu Reporting

Colorado’s top spot in bird flu cases may partly be due to its proactive search compared to other states. Dr. John Swartzberg from UC Berkeley highlighted that Colorado’s high case count might reflect its thorough surveillance efforts, suggesting that other states might have unreported cases. “I wouldn’t put too much credence into Colorado now taking over being number one now,” he remarked. “It’s just that you’re probably looking more carefully.”

Vigilant Monitoring: Key to Preventing Spillover and Ensuring Public Safety

Public health experts are monitoring any potential spillover from cattle to humans. Vigilant monitoring is critical to early detection and response to new cases. Health officials can respond quickly and effectively by tracking the virus’s spread. Strong coordination between the public health and agriculture sectors ensures the safety of workers and the public.

Empowering the Dairy Workforce Through Multilingual and Culturally Sensitive Communication 

The state prioritizes clear communication and education to manage the bird flu outbreak in dairy cows. Officials recognize the diverse dairy workforce and ensure that information is accurate and accessible. They provide materials in multiple languages, addressing workers with limited English skills. Additionally, communications are culturally sensitive to fit community contexts. This approach aims to keep all dairy farm workers well-informed about protective measures and updates.

U.S. Government Boosts Moderna’s Bird Flu Vaccine Development with Major Investment

The U.S. government is investing $176 million to help Moderna develop a bird flu vaccine. Moderna is in the early stages of testing using mRNA technology, similar to the COVID-19 vaccine. If successful, they’re planning a late-stage trial by 2025. This investment highlights the focus on protecting public health and boosting vaccine readiness.

Ensuring Milk Safety Amidst Rising Bird Flu Cases: Pasteurization’s Crucial Role and Raw Milk Warnings from CDC

With bird flu cases rising, it’s good to know that commercial milk products are safe. The USDA and FDA confirm that pasteurization—heating milk to eliminate germs—makes milk safe for consumption. This method effectively kills bacteria and viruses in milk, ensuring no risk from pasteurized milk products. This information should make the audience feel informed and confident about their food choices. 

However, the CDC advises against drinking raw milk contaminated with the A(H5N1) virus. “Consuming raw milk could make you sick,” the CDC warns. Raw milk can cause foodborne illnesses. The CDC’s website has more details on the current bird flu situation. 

Veterinarians must report any cattle illnesses with signs of bird flu. Contact the State Veterinarian’s office at 303-869-9130, use the Reportable Disease Case Report Form, or notify local Veterinary Medical Officers. You can also request HPAI testing for suspect samples to help control the outbreak.

The Bottom Line

Colorado is tackling a critical issue with the highest number of bird flu cases among dairy cows in the U.S. State health officials are tirelessly implementing surveillance and quarantine measures and equipping dairy workers to mitigate risks. However, the importance of vigilance and collaboration from all stakeholders cannot be overstated in controlling the outbreak. 

This situation includes a significant rise in reported cases, proactive state monitoring efforts, and a comparative look at other affected states. The importance of personal protective equipment (PPE) for dairy workers and effective communication was also highlighted. 

Broader implications stress the need for vigilance and collaboration between the public health and agriculture sectors. Agencies like the USDA and CDC coordinate to protect both animal and human health. 

All stakeholders must stay informed and proactive. Dairies need to follow strict health protocols, leverage vaccines like those developed by Moderna, and maintain robust surveillance. Whether you’re a consumer, dairy worker, or health professional, your role is crucial in controlling this outbreak. Stay vigilant and informed, and support efforts to curb bird flu.

Key Takeaways:

  • Colorado leads the nation in bird flu cases among dairy cows, with 27 of 105 licensed dairy facilities affected.
  • The state is working closely with dairy farms to limit the spread and protect over 500 workers, with 113 workers having completed their monitoring period.
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) is essential for dairy workers to minimize the risk of infection.
  • All confirmed cases have been in northeast Colorado, and about a quarter of the state’s dairies have been impacted.
  • Public health experts are monitoring for potential spillover from cattle to humans, but risk to the general public remains low at this time.
  • The U.S. government has invested $176 million in Moderna to accelerate the development of a pandemic influenza vaccine using mRNA technology.
  • Pasteurization ensures the safety of the commercial milk supply, while consuming raw milk contaminated with bird flu virus poses health risks.


Colorado is grappling with a severe public health crisis due to a surge in bird flu cases among dairy cows in the US. The state reported its first case in April, but the numbers have since increased, affecting about a quarter of the state’s dairies. Out of 105 licensed dairy facilities, 27 have been affected. Colorado’s situation is more severe than any other state, with 21 affected livestock herds in the last 30 days. Dairy workers are at higher risk due to proactive measures like using personal protective equipment and providing antiviral medication. The US government is investing $176 million in Moderna’s development of a bird flu vaccine, similar to the COVID-19 vaccine. If successful, Moderna plans a late-stage trial by 2025. Commercial milk products are safe, but the CDC advises against drinking raw milk contaminated with the A(H5N1) virus. Veterinarians must report any cattle illnesses with bird flu signs.

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How Farm Practices are Fueling the Spread of Bird Flu in U.S. Dairy Cattle

Uncover the ways farm practices might be contributing to the bird flu spread among U.S. dairy cattle. Are shared transportation and labor amplifying the risk? Find out more.

The emergence of highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in U.S. dairy cattle has sparked significant concerns. Since June 21, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has reported the virus in dairy cows in 12 states, underscoring the urgent need for immediate action to prevent disruption in the food supply chain and dairy output.

Julie Gauthier of the USDA underlined the challenge of precisely determining transmission paths. The poll conducted by the USDA revealed:

  • 51% of dairy farms used shared trucks or trailers for cattle.
  • 50-85% reported frequent visitors with direct cattle contact.
  • 27% received new cattle within 30 days before symptoms appeared.

“We can’t say this is exactly how the virus made its way onto the premises, but we can look at those risky activities that are happening on-farm to get an idea of how this might be spreading around,” said Gauthier during a June 24 webinar.

The effects on the dairy sector are significant. Ongoing viral transmission may lower milk output and call for strict biosecurity policies. To handle this problem, the USDA is deploying epidemiological strike squads. These squads, comprised of disease control and prevention experts, will conduct thorough investigations to identify the source of the outbreak and implement immediate control measures.

Cross-Species Threat: Bird Flu’s Unprecedented Impact on Dairy Cattle 

Avian influenza—also known as bird flu—is a highly infectious virus that primarily affects natural hosts and wild birds such as ducks and geese. Chickens and turkeys are among the poultry that are vulnerable and usually die fast from the infection. Direct contact with sick birds or polluted surroundings—including water, food, and tools—helps to transmit bird flu.

The finding of avian influenza in dairy cattle is unusual and concerning. Since dairy cows are not shared hosts for this virus, a broader, more forceful spread is indicated. This implies that the virus may adapt or benefit from agricultural methods to enable its transgression across species.

This cross-species transmission has far-reaching implications for public health and milk output. Reduced milk production from infected cows impacts dairy companies’ production, while the potential for the virus to infect mammals, including humans, increases the risk of a pandemic. This underscores the critical need for immediate, coordinated action to address this evolving threat.

The presence of avian influenza in cattle necessitates the implementation of rigorous biosecurity policies and surveillance to prevent its further spread and protect public health and agriculture. Coordinated actions are essential to effectively manage this evolving threat and balance immediate needs with long-term strategies.

The Interconnected Web of Farm Practices: A Challenge in Controlling Bird Flu Spread Among Dairy Cattle 

The linked network of agricultural activities seriously hampered controlling bird flu transmission in dairy cattle. One crucial risk element is the joint usage of trailers and vehicles, commonly called ‘shared transportation. ‘ With just half likely cleansed before reuse, the USDA discovered that 51 percent of farms utilized shared transportation, providing a risky conduit for the virus to move.

Frequent farm visits increase the danger; 50 to 85 percent of them often contact with animals. These guests can unintentionally infect many farms with the pathogen.

Shared staff across dairies and even poultry farms raises another issue. Strict biosecurity rules are desperately needed, as workers traveling between farms may readily spread the virus via contaminated hands, shoes, and clothes.

Curbing the virus’s spread and safeguarding health depends on addressing these hazards through improved biosecurity policies, cleaning procedures, and the follow-through of the Secure Milk Supply Plan. This plan, developed by the USDA, outlines specific biosecurity measures and response protocols to be followed in the event of a disease outbreak, thereby helping to protect the health of dairy cattle and the safety of the milk supply.

Decoding the Spread: USDA Survey Highlights Key Risk Factors in Dairy Bird Flu Transmission 

The USDA’s study emphasizes essential elements in the spread of avian flu among dairy cows. Significantly, 50–85% of farms have regular visits with livestock interaction, and 51% exchange vehicles or trailers. Furthermore, 27% of farmers had acquired cattle within 30 days after the appearance of clinical symptoms. By transmitting the virus on hands, clothes, and shoes, shared workers traveling between dairy farms and poultry houses create a significant danger. These methods highlight how urgently strong biosecurity policies are needed.

Critical Need for Robust Biosecurity and Vigilant Monitoring in Combating Bird Flu 

Julie Gauthier stressed throughout the webinar the importance of solid biosecurity and constant surveillance. “Identifying and reducing risk factors is utmost,” she said.

Gauthier said shared transportation and people interaction between farms were vital issues. She pushed farm managers toward strict cleanliness standards. “To stop transmission, vehicles have to be completely cleaned and sterilized,” she said.

Dr. Emily Johnson of the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology repeated Gauthier’s observations on worker management. “Shared laborers traveling between fields represent a major hazard. Employees must strictly follow guidelines like cleaning shoes and changing clothes,” Johnson said.

Gauthier further underlined the need for fast reporting and monitoring. “Our strongest protection is early identification, accomplished by regular testing and observation. We have to document any suspicious instances right now,” she said.

She underlined USDA’s new voluntary herd status program, which promotes frequent testing to guarantee herds stay free from contamination. “We want to find sick animals and keep cattle moving safer,” she said.

The experts agreed that controlling the epidemic depends on knowledge of linked agricultural practices, improvement of biosecurity, and careful monitoring. “Every action we take now to lower these hazards helps to protect our food supply chain,” Gauthier said.

Proactive Measures and Financial Support: USDA’s Strategy to Mitigate Bird Flu Outbreaks in Dairy Cattle

With ramped-up testing, the USDA expects to uncover more highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) infections in dairy cows. This phase is crucial for controlling the spread and safeguarding the dairy sector. The agency’s epidemiology “strike teams” will enable speedier reactions by using thorough interviews and testing to uncover latent cases.

A vital component of this initiative is the government’s financial relief program, which pays for up to 90% of lost milk output brought on by HPAI. This helps motivate dairy farmers to follow rigorous biosecurity policies and complete testing. The USDA wants to stop the present epidemic and others by tying health procedures with financial help.

The Bottom Line

The bird flu outbreak in American dairy cows has exposed many dangerous farming methods, including shared transportation, frequent visits, and staff mobility. These activities need further attention, even if particular transmission routes are unknown. Focusing on monitoring, testing, and minimizing cow movement, Julie Gauthier of the USDA underlines robust biosecurity policies, including those in the Secure Milk Supply Plan.

Dairy farmers should be educated about possible hazards and use rigorous biosecurity procedures. Maintaining herd health and production depends on frequent testing and reporting, so the USDA’s voluntary herd status program supports these activities.

Protecting the dairy sector against avian influenza depends on a commitment to exacting biosecurity and group efforts. Vigilance and follow-through with advised procedures are also crucial for maintaining vital dairy operations and stopping the spread of the virus.

Key Takeaways:

  • Shared Transport Woes: Over half of the surveyed farms (51%) used trucks or trailers shared with other farms to move cattle, significantly elevating the risk of viral transmission.
  • Human Vectors: Frequent visitors and shared workers, often transiting between dairy and poultry premises, have been identified as significant contributors to the spread of the virus.
  • Interstate Movement of Cattle: 27% of producers reported receiving new cattle within 30 days prior to the detection of flu symptoms, highlighting the risk associated with interstate livestock movement.
  • Biosecurity Imperative: Gauthier emphasizes the critical need for robust biosecurity measures, as outlined in the Secure Milk Supply Plan, to mitigate the spread of HPAI.
  • Herd Status Program: The USDA has introduced a voluntary herd status program, requiring weekly testing of cattle and bulk tank milk, to allow for safer movement of livestock while maintaining low infection rates.
  • Future Outlook: The USDA anticipates additional HPAI cases in dairy cattle as enhanced testing continues, urging producers to engage in proactive measures and leverage financial aid programs to manage potential impacts.


The highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) has been reported in 12 US states since June 21, with 51% of dairy farms using shared trucks or trailers for cattle. This poses a significant threat to the dairy sector, as ongoing viral transmission may lower milk output and necessitate strict biosecurity policies. The interconnected web of farm practices has hampered controlling bird flu transmission in dairy cattle. The joint usage of trailers and vehicles, known as “shared transportation,” increases the danger, as frequent farm visits can unintentionally infect many farms with the pathogen. Shared staff across dairies and poultry farms also raises another issue, as workers traveling between farms may easily spread the virus via contaminated hands, shoes, and clothes. To curb the virus’s spread and safeguard health, improved biosecurity policies, cleaning procedures, and the Secure Milk Supply Plan are needed. The USDA’s voluntary herd status program promotes frequent testing to ensure herds remain free from contamination. Controlling the epidemic depends on knowledge of linked agricultural practices, improvement of biosecurity, and careful monitoring.

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