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Monthly Genetic Evaluations to Boost Top-Rated Canadian Dairy Cow Rankings in 2025

Uncover the potential of Lactanet’s 2025 monthly genetic evaluations to elevate your Canadian dairy cows to premier status. Are your herds positioned to gain from this groundbreaking update? Learn more today.

A pillar of the dairy sector, genetic assessments are essential for herd management, breeding choices, and production. These tests concentrate on important factors like milk output, health, and fertility, thus empowering breeders and farmers to propel operational effectiveness and genetic advancement. Early 2025 will see Lactanet, Canada’s national dairy statistics and genetic improvement agency, moving to monthly official assessments for Canadian cows. This shift is significant for herds where milk samples are gathered unsupervised by the herd owner as it might improve more dairy cows to a top-rated level in genetic rankings. The change fits business trends toward automation, improved data-collecting techniques, and expands the genetic basis accessible to breeders.

Driving Genetic Progress: How Lactanet Canada Shapes the Future of Dairy Herds 

Crucially, lactate is the pillar of genetic development in Canada. The company provides complete dairy herd management solutions comprising milk records, genetic assessments, and advising services to boost dairy output and genetic enhancement.

Using solid data collecting and thorough analysis, Lactanet stimulates developments that support the national dairy industry’s sustainability and output. Three times a year, in April, August, and December, genetic assessments and bull proofs guarantee great precision and dependability. These tests provide essential benchmarks, including production characteristics, Lifetime Production Index (LPI), and Pro$, thus helping breeders choose the most genetically outstanding animals.

The way Lactanet combined genomic data emphasizes its dedication to genetic improvement. Lactanet accurately assesses the genetic potential of dairy cattle by using sophisticated genotyping, enabling breeders to make educated choices promoting long-term genetic improvement.

Lactanet guarantees the genetic quality of Canadian dairy cattle by matching modern genetic research with pragmatic on-farm data collecting, therefore advancing the sector.

Unveiling Hidden Potentials: Addressing the Genetic Evaluation Gaps in Owner-Sampled Herds

Even with improvements in genetic assessments, the existing method offers challenges—especially for owner-sampled herds. These cows are deprived of gaining places on top-ranking lists like the Lifetime Production Index or Pro$ depending on Parent Average (PA) values instead of exact genetic parameters from supervised testing. These cows typically stay underestimated in formal genetic evaluations without controlled testing data.

The triannual updates postpone the distribution of vital genetic information and further limit the acknowledgment of gene progress within owner-sampled herds. This lag narrows the breeding base, affecting individual breeders and limiting general genetic progress.

The introduction of automated milking systems with built-in sample features emphasizes the increasing discrepancy between contemporary herd management techniques and conventional genetic assessment approaches. In the present configuration, these systems generate large amounts of data that only partially support genetic assessments, developing a discrepancy between actual and evaluated genetic value.

To solve these problems and guarantee that every cow has fair access to top-ranking lists independent of milk testing control, the suggested change to monthly official assessments aims to This modification seeks to drive more successful breeding strategies by offering a more comprehensive and accurate picture of genetic quality in Canadian dairy herds.

Proposed Monthly Genetic Evaluations: A Game Changer for Owner-Sampled Dairy Herds 

The suggested adjustments will greatly help owner-sampled herds, including switching to a monthly genetic evaluation scheme. The first Tuesday of every month will be used to update genetic assessments for cows with fresh test results, including unsupervised samples. Official updates for proven sires will come three times a year; owner-sampled herds will frequently have their Parent Average (PA) values updated. This shift increases the genetic pool accessible to breeders by allowing these herds to have maybe cows included in top-ranking genetic lists.

Through monthly updates, Lactanet recognizes the growth in automated milking systems, which gather production data and conduct thorough sampling. This renders either supervised or unsupervised categorization less critical. The obtained data still shows excellent accuracy. Hence, genomics guarantees solid genetic assessments. This change toward regular and comprehensive updates seeks to optimize genetic advancement and enhance the genetic health of dairy cows throughout Canada.

Lactanet’s genetic assessment procedure revolves mainly around integrating genomics, the fundamental component of all genetic ranking systems used in Canada. The company uses a diverse strategy to guarantee the quality and completeness of the published genetic data. Newly collected data from bulls and females undergoing controlled testing is continuously included in the current dataset, updating the “unofficial” genetic assessments. Participating artificial insemination (AI) businesses and farmers using modern herd management systems like Compass and DairyComp may obtain these unofficial assessments. 

Implications for Breeders: Expanding the Genetic Horizon with Monthly Evaluations 

This change has significant ramifications for breeders. Monthly certified genetic evaluations will increase the genetic data accessible to breeders, enabling assessments based on actual performance rather than Parent Average values. This will increase the genetic pool from which sires and dams could be chosen. Frequent updates will ensure breeders receive the most recent genetic information, guiding their breeding choices. This precision will enable the identification of previously missed outstanding cows. More cows will land top-rated in genetic rankings.

Including information from automated milking systems and other cutting-edge technology will also help to guarantee ratings reflect actual performance. This will enable breeders to propel genetic advancement efficiently, improving dairy herd sustainability, health, and production throughout Canada.

Precision and Reliability: Lactanet’s Multifaceted Genetic Evaluation Process 

Using a thorough internal procedure, Lactanet guarantees accuracy and dependability in genetic assessments. This generates unofficial and formal genetic evaluations by combining data from known sires with supervised testing females. Shared via Compass and DairyComp, unofficial assessments provide vital information for temporary herd sire decisions.

Underlying all genetic rankings, Lactanet’s work is based on the integration of genomes. Genomic testing lowers the uncertainty related to conventional techniques by improving assessments’ accuracy and prediction ability.

Considered equally accurate are both controlled and unsupervised milk sample data. The emergence of automated technologies has improved sample integrity and milk production monitoring. Lactanet’s data analytics technologies tightly evaluate these inputs and match them with genetic data to provide high-precision assessments.

Combining conventional data collection, cutting-edge genomics, and strict validation techniques, Lactanet’s genetic assessment system is a diverse strategy that improves assessment accuracy. It increases the genetic basis accessible to breeders, promoting the ongoing development of Canadian dairy herds.

Technological Advancements: The Role of Automated Milking Systems in Modern Dairy Farming

Using automated milking systems signifies a significant change in dairy production, improving output and efficiency. These sophisticated technologies have reduced the need for supervised milk testing by including exact sampling and production monitoring features. Automated milking guarantees reliable data collecting necessary for genetic studies and fits with Lactanet’s shift to unsupervised testing, simplifying the procedure. This change enables significant genetic advancement and improves the quality of Canadian dairy herds by allowing cows to be included more broadly in genetic rankings.

Genomics and Unsupervised Testing: A New Era of Equitable Genetic Evaluations

Brian Van Doormaal highlighted the significance of these changes, noting, “For genetic evaluation, top lists usually involve genotyped females, so there’s little need to distinguish between supervised and unsupervised testing. The data accuracy is equivalent, and genomics ensures high genetic information accuracy.”

Mapping the Road Ahead: Key Milestones for Implementing Lactanet’s New Genetic Evaluation System 

As Lactanet gears up for its new monthly evaluation system, several pivotal milestones guide its implementation: 

  • Early 2024: Finalize criteria for cow eligibility through stakeholder consultations and in-depth analysis.
  • Mid to Late 2024: Conduct pilot runs and gather feedback to refine the evaluation process.
  • January 2025: Begin initial rollout, integrating the new system with existing triannual updates.
  • May 2025: Achieve full implementation, ensuring monthly updates for all owner-sampled herds.

This carefully structured timeline guarantees thorough preparation and testing, allowing Lactanet to maintain its commitment to accuracy and reliability.

The Bottom Line

Changing from Lactanet to monthly genetic tests might revolutionize the Canadian dairy sector. It levels the playing field for owner-sampled herds so they may reach high genetic rankings alongside monitored herds, hence increasing the genetic pool available for breeders. This action also fits the growing usage of automated milking systems, which combine cutting-edge dairy farming technology. Dairy cow rankings will become more dynamic and accurate, defining new national genetic advancement and herd development criteria.

Key Takeaways:

  • Monthly official evaluations will provide more timely and comprehensive genetic data for Canadian cows.
  • Owner-sampled herds, previously limited to Parent Average values, will now have their genetic evaluations updated monthly.
  • This change is expected to expand the genetic base available to breeders, allowing more cows to achieve top rankings.
  • Proven sires’ evaluations will continue to be updated three times annually, maintaining the reliability of genetic data.
  • The transition aligns with the rising trend of automated milking systems, which offer unsupervised sampling and monitoring capabilities.
  • Genomics remain fundamental to genetic rankings, ensuring accuracy across both supervised and unsupervised testing environments.
  • Lactanet is yet to finalize criteria for eligibility, with implementation set for early or mid-2025.


Lactanet Canada, Canada’s national dairy statistics and genetic improvement agency, is set to transition to monthly official assessments for Canadian cows in early 2025. This change is particularly significant for herds where milk samples are collected unsupervised by the herd owner, as it could improve more dairy cows to a top-rated level in genetic rankings. Lactanet provides complete dairy herd management solutions, including milk records, genetic assessments, and advisory services to boost dairy output and genetic enhancement. The proposed change aims to drive more successful breeding strategies by offering a more comprehensive and accurate picture of genetic quality in Canadian dairy herds. The company’s genetic assessment procedure focuses on integrating genomics, the fundamental component of all genetic ranking systems used in Canada. Monthly certified genetic evaluations will increase the genetic data accessible to breeders, enabling assessments based on actual performance rather than Parent Average values. Frequent updates will ensure breeders receive the most recent genetic information, guiding their breeding choices.

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H5N1 in Dairy Cows: How Pasteurisation Ensures Milk Safety and Prevents Health Risks

Curious about how pasteurization keeps milk safe during H5N1 outbreaks in dairy cows? Learn how pasteurization can protect you from health risks associated with contaminated milk.

Imagine starting your day with a fresh glass of milk, only to discover it might carry the dangerous H5N1 influenza virus. Recent outbreaks of H5N1 in American dairy cows have raised significant public health concerns about milk safety. However, the process of pasteurization, which effectively kills influenza viruses, including H5N1, provides a reassuring safety measure. Unpasteurized or ‘raw’ milk, on the other hand, can still carry infectious viruses, posing significant health risks. Understanding these safety measures is crucial for preventing a potential adaptation of the H5N1 virus to humans, which could lead to a new pandemic. With this information, you can make informed decisions about your dairy consumption and help spread awareness about the importance of pasteurization. Wondering how this impacts you and how to ensure your milk is safe? Read on.

The Threat of H5N1: A Cross-Species Concern 

H5N1, known as avian influenza or bird flu, is a subtype of the influenza A virus. It originates in wild birds but can spread to domestic poultry and other animals, causing severe disease and high bird mortality rates. 

While wild birds often carry the virus without symptoms, domestic birds like chickens and turkeys can experience severe illness and high death rates. The virus has also infected mammals such as foxes, bears, and seals, usually from eating infected birds or drinking contaminated water. 

Human cases of H5N1 are severe but rare, with around 900 infections reported, mostly from close contact with infected birds. These infections can cause severe respiratory illness and have high fatality rates, raising concerns about the virus mutating to spread between humans. 

H5N1 is a significant threat to both animals and humans. Its potential to jump from birds to humans and possibly mutate for human-to-human transmission makes it a global concern. Ongoing surveillance and research are critical to managing these risks and preventing future pandemics.

Widespread H5N1 Outbreaks in American Dairy Cows: A Wake-Up Call for the Dairy Industry 

Recent H5N1 outbreaks in American dairy cows have shaken the dairy industry, sparking severe public health concerns. The U.S. Department of Agriculture reports that 36 herds across nine states are infected, highlighting the widespread issue. This highly pathogenic strain has jumped from birds to mammals, risking dairy cows and milk safety. 

Detection: Researchers have found the H5N1 virus in milk from infected cows through rigorous testing, necessitating stringent safety measures in milk processing. 

The impacts on the dairy industry are significant. Farmers face economic hardships from quarantines and potential herd culling, while consumer trust in dairy products wanes over contamination fears. 

Public Health Concerns: Experts warn that H5N1 in cow milk raises the risk of zoonotic transmission, primarily through unpasteurized milk. While human cases of H5N1 are rare, they can be severe, and the possibility of human-to-human transmission emphasizes the need for control measures

These outbreaks underscore the importance of scientific measures like pasteurization to ensure public safety and protect the dairy industry.

Understanding Pasteurization: Methods and Benefits

Pasteurization is a heat treatment process that eliminates harmful microorganisms in milk by heating it to a specific temperature for a set period. This process effectively kills bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens, making the milk safe for consumption. 

  • Low-Temperature Long-Time (LTLT): This method heats milk to 63°C (145°F) for 30 minutes and is commonly used in smaller dairies.
  • High-Temperature Short-Time (HTST): This method heats milk to 72°C (161°F) for at least 15 seconds and is often used in large-scale operations.

These treatments kill pathogens in the milk without altering its taste or nutrition. The high temperatures break down bacteria and viruses, making the milk safe to drink.

Groundbreaking Collaborative Research Confirms Pasteurization Effectively Inactivates H5N1 and Other Influenza Viruses in Milk

A collaborative study by the MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research explored how well pasteurization kills influenza viruses in milk. They mixed different flu viruses, including H5N1, with raw and store-bought whole milk, then heated them to 63°C and 72°C. The result? These temperatures effectively kill the viruses, making the milk safe to drink.

The study’s findings could be more timely. Researchers confirmed that standard pasteurization temperatures of 63°C or 72°C effectively inactivate all tested influenza viruses, including the high-threat H5N1 strain, making the milk safe for consumption. 

Conversely, consuming raw or unpasteurized milk in areas with H5N1-infected dairy cows poses significant risks. Raw milk can carry infectious influenza viruses, including H5N1, which is already known to harbor various pathogens. This highlights the crucial role of pasteurization in safeguarding public health and underscores the need for caution in dairy consumption.

Expert Opinions on Pasteurization and Risks of Raw Milk Amidst H5N1 Outbreak 

Renowned experts have voiced their perspectives on the significance of pasteurization and the associated risks of consuming raw milk amidst the H5N1 outbreak. Professor Ian Brown, the group leader of avian virology at The Pirbright Institute, emphasized, “While infection with high pathogenicity avian influenza virus in dairy cattle is confined to the U.S., we must support global efforts to understand the disease better, the risks it presents to the public and its control. This study on pasteurization provides important information that underpins disease preparedness and response beyond the U.S., should it be required.” 

Ed Hutchinson, senior lecturer at the MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research, echoed these sentiments, highlighting the urgent need to confirm pasteurization’s efficacy. He noted, “We urgently needed to answer whether pasteurization made milk safe. We have now shown that the temperatures used in pasteurization should rapidly inactivate all influenza viruses. However, we also found that ‘raw’ or unpasteurized milk can carry infectious influenza viruses.” 

Both experts stress that raw milk can harbor various pathogens. Hutchinson adds, “We would caution people against drinking it in areas where cattle might be infected with H5N1 influenza.” He further warned, “Human infections with H5N1 influenza viruses can be hazardous, and they also give the virus more opportunities to adapt to growing in humans with the chance of becoming able to transmit to humans. Pasteurizing milk in affected areas is a good way to minimize these risks.

The Critical Public Health Role of Pasteurization in Combating H5N1

The findings of this study have important public health implications. Pasteurization is crucial for safe milk consumption and plays a significant role in preventing zoonotic transmissions like H5N1. This process effectively inactivates dangerous pathogens, reducing the risk of the virus adapting to humans and possibly causing a new pandemic. This emphasis on pasteurization’s role should make you feel more secure about your dairy consumption. 

Public health authorities play a crucial role in advising against the consumption of raw milk in affected areas. Their guidance is based on the understanding that raw milk can pose significant health risks, especially in regions with H5N1 outbreaks among dairy cattle. Raw milk is already known to carry various pathogens, and H5N1 increases these dangers. The study supports rigorous pasteurization protocols to safeguard against current and future public health threats.

Global Implications of Pasteurization: Safeguarding Public Health Against H5N1 and Beyond

These findings are crucial not just for the American dairy industry but globally. Influenza viruses like H5N1 can cross species and potentially trigger pandemics. This research shows that pasteurization is vital in making dairy products safe, inactivating H5N1 and other flu viruses, and impacting global dairy practices and health policies. 

Understanding how influenza viruses behave under different conditions is vital for global disease preparedness. Insights from this study can help countries enhance their response to potential H5N1 outbreaks, supporting efforts to control zoonotic pathogens. 

These findings also stress the need for vigilance in regions where raw milk consumption is daily and poses health risks. Promoting pasteurization globally can help protect both animals and humans from future outbreaks.

The Bottom Line

Ensuring the safety of milk through pasteurization is crucial to mitigate the risks posed by the H5N1 virus. Pasteurization effectively inactivates influenza viruses, including H5N1. However, consuming raw milk remains a significant hazard, especially in outbreak areas. Pasteurized milk does not carry infectious influenza viruses, while raw milk can be a carrier. This demonstrates the necessity of heat treatments. 

Understanding pasteurization and its benefits, as well as expert insights from leading researchers, makes it clear that pasteurization plays a critical role in disease prevention. This collaborative research supports established food safety practices and ongoing efforts to protect public health from emerging zoonotic diseases. 

The study highlights the need for vigilant monitoring and strict biosecurity measures worldwide. While H5N1 is currently more prevalent in avian species, its introduction to U.S. dairy cattle reminds us of the virus’s potential to cross species and the risks to human health. 

Ultimately, this research advocates for the continued and rigorous application of pasteurization. It urges consumers to avoid raw milk in outbreak-prone areas to reduce the threat of H5N1 infections and safeguard public health. Stay informed, stay cautious, and prioritize safety in your dietary choices.

Key Takeaways:

  • H5N1 outbreaks in dairy cows raise significant concerns about milk safety and potential human infections.
  • Pasteurisation at standard temperatures (63°C or 72°C) can effectively inactivate H5N1 and other influenza viruses in milk.
  • Raw or unpasteurised milk can carry infectious influenza viruses, posing serious health risks.
  • Human infections with H5N1 are rare but can be extremely severe if they occur.
  • Researchers urge consumers to avoid raw milk in areas affected by H5N1 to minimize risks of infection.


The H5N1 influenza virus outbreak in American dairy cows has raised public health concerns about milk safety. Pasteurization, a heat treatment process, eliminates harmful microorganisms in milk by heating it to a specific temperature for a set period, making the milk safe for consumption. Unpasteurized or ‘raw’ milk can still carry infectious viruses, posing significant health risks. Understanding these safety measures is crucial for preventing the potential adaptation of the H5N1 virus to humans, which could lead to a new pandemic. H5N1, also known as avian influenza or bird flu, originates in wild birds but can spread to domestic poultry and other animals, causing severe disease and high bird mortality rates. Human cases of H5N1 are rare, with around 900 infections reported, mostly from close contact with infected birds. Recent outbreaks in American dairy cows have shaken the dairy industry, highlighting the widespread issue. Researchers have found the H5N1 virus in milk from infected cows through rigorous testing, necessitating stringent safety measures in milk processing. Consuming raw or unpasteurized milk in areas with H5N1-infected dairy cows poses significant risks, as raw milk can carry infectious influenza viruses, including H5N1, which is already known to harbor various pathogens. Promoting pasteurization globally can help protect both animals and humans from future outbreaks.

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US Expands Bird Flu Testing in Milk Products: 120+ Dairy Herds in 12 States Infected

Find out how the FDA is increasing bird flu tests in dairy products. Are your milk products safe? Learn about the new steps to protect public health.

As avian influenza permeates American dairy farms, questions mount. The FDA’s expanding testing is meant to help avert a public health disaster. With more than 120 herds in 12 states reporting positive since March, the government now closely examines a broad spectrum of dairy products for the virus.

A government official says, “The risk of human infection remains low.” Still, the risks are much more significant for individuals intimately involved with diseased animals.

This increased awareness seeks to protect the population generally and dairy animals against disease. As the USDA sharpens its observation, the agriculture industry prepares for continuous danger.

The Unlikely Invasion: Bird Flu’s Leap to Dairy Herds and Its Implications

Usually affecting birds like ducks and geese, avian flu may be transferred to domestic chickens by direct touch or infected surroundings. Sometimes, it leaps to animals, including humans, posing epidemic issues.

It is rare for avian flu to arise in dairy cattle. Experts think cows could get the virus from environmental pollution or wild bird interaction. This dispersion calls for more confinement and observation.

The USDA organizes response activities, monitors the virus, and investigates transmission. The FDA’s tests confirm that pasteurization effectively kills the virus in dairy products, ensuring the safety of the national food supply. This reassurance, along with the USDA’s efforts, helps to reduce hazards and safeguard public health.

A New Frontline in the Battle Against Bird Flu: Dairy Farms Under Siege

Now affecting more than 120 dairy farms in 12 states, the avian flu epidemic raises significant issues for health authorities. This invasion of dairy farms increases the danger of zoonotic transmission, particularly for farm workers who come into proximity to sick animals. Although the public’s danger is modest overall, employees must follow rigorous protective policies. Human infections are a concern that motivates thorough testing and surveillance, therefore stressing the importance of alertness in preserving public health.

Ensuring Dairy Safety: FDA’s Comprehensive Approach Amid Bird Flu Outbreaks

Expanded testing of dairy products by the FDA is a proactive measure to increase food safety, given the growing avian flu crisis among dairy farms. Given rising instances and hazards to public health and farm workers, the government wants all dairy products to be virus-free. Targeting a broad spectrum of dairy products, this initiative will cover 155 items. Verifying pasteurization neutralizes the bird flu virus would help protect customers and reassure the public and the dairy sector of product safety. Pasteurization is still vital as a protection against infections, so verifying its efficacy during the current epidemic is essential. Previous FDA testing of 297 retail dairy products returned negative for viral presence.

The Critical Role of Pasteurization: FDA’s Stern Warning Against Raw Milk Amid Bird Flu Outbreak

The FDA’s unambiguous warning against raw milk products emphasizes the importance of reducing the dangers of unpasteurized dairy. Acting FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition director Don Prater underlined how well pasteurization neutralizes the pathogen.

Acting senior advisor for the avian flu response for USDA, Eric Deeble stated that raw milk supplies do not include contaminated cows. Nonetheless, the FDA’s firm position on pasteurization emphasizes eating only pasteurized dairy for public health safety.

Vigilance in Action: Comprehensive Monitoring Protects Public Health in Bird Flu Crisis

The strict human health surveillance throughout the avian flu epidemic sees federal authorities’ dedication to stopping human transmission. Monitoring over 690 people who could have come into contact with sick animals guarantees quick detection and reaction. Of these, 51 people reported flu-like symptoms and went under testing.

Three dairy farm employees mainly acquired the virus but only had minor conjunctivitis or respiratory problems. They recovered thanks to quick medical treatment. The intense reactions of the CDC and state health officials depend on controlling the spread of the virus and safeguarding public health.

The CDC plays a crucial role in halting the spread of the avian flu among dairy farm workers amid the developing problem. The FDA is serologically examining areas like Michigan to find previous viral infections among agricultural workers, further strengthening the control measures in place.

The CDC also intends to extend this testing to other states, guaranteeing consistent access to these health examinations. The CDC’s cooperation is crucial for identifying possible human cases and formulating a public health strategy to control and finally eliminate the virus.

USDA’s Intensive Research Initiative: Decoding Bird Flu Transmission in Dairy Cattle 

The USDA closely investigates how avian flu affects dairy animals, mainly via contaminated milk or respiratory droplets. This research seeks to create control plans and preventive actions to stop the virus from spreading in dairy farms.

Using cutting-edge technologies and rigorous biosecurity policies, the USDA wants to eliminate avian flu rather than depending on vaccinations. This proactive strategy aims to preserve the country’s milk supply by avoiding immunization.

Charting the Future: Strategic Vaccine Development Amid Bird Flu Threats in Dairy Industry

One of the main approaches to controlling the virus within the dairy sector is creating a bird flu vaccination for dairy cows. Creating an efficient vaccination “is going to take some time,” Eric Deeble from the USDA pointed out. The objective is to eliminate the virus without first depending on immunization, notwithstanding the difficulties.

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack states that the USDA is actively discussing vaccine research with over twenty-one firms. Once the first research stages are over, these conversations seek to hasten the development and use of a functioning vaccination. Though the chronology is unknown, the will to create a vaccination reveals strategic planning and urgency.

Part of the continuous work includes tackling major immunization issues and understanding the effectiveness of vaccinations in dairy cows. This study depends on strengthening defenses against avian flu and safeguarding the public and agricultural sectors.

The Bottom Line

US food safety officials’ recent extension of avian flu testing draws attention to mounting worries about outbreaks among dairy farms. Federal officials are intensifying public health protection as over 120 herds in 12 states have shown positive results since March. The FDA hopes to lower viral risks by stressing pasteurization and thorough testing. Though earlier FDA studies on retail dairy products revealed no live virus, the government remains alert, particularly considering the heightened risk for farm workers. The continuous studies of the USDA and possible vaccine development highlight a diverse strategy for this public health concern.

This avian flu incursion into dairy farms requires adaptive techniques and vigilant awareness. Two critical components of this defensive approach are ensuring good pasteurization and discouraging raw milk intake.

Your contribution is vital. Keep educated, help nearby dairy producers choose pasteurized goods, and urge ongoing research and safety precautions. Your involvement is key in addressing this complex problem and safeguarding public health.

Key Takeaways:

  • More than 120 dairy herds across 12 states have tested positive for bird flu since March.
  • Federal officials warn that the spread of bird flu in dairy cows could increase the risk of human infections, particularly among dairy farm workers.
  • The FDA has initiated additional testing of dairy products to ensure pasteurization effectively inactivates the bird flu virus.
  • Preliminary FDA tests on 297 retail dairy samples found no evidence of bird flu.
  • Workers on dairy farms are advised to wear personal protective equipment to minimize the risk of contracting bird flu.
  • No known infected dairy herds are contributing to the supply of raw milk products, but the FDA strongly advises against the consumption of raw milk.
  • More than 690 individuals exposed to suspected infected animals have been monitored, with 51 tested for flu-like symptoms.
  • Three dairy farm workers have tested positive for bird flu but have only experienced mild symptoms and have recovered.
  • The CDC is aiding states like Michigan in conducting serological testing of farm workers for prior virus infections.
  • Research is ongoing to understand how dairy cattle contract bird flu and the potential development of a vaccine is being explored, though it may take time.


The avian flu outbreak has raised concerns about the health of dairy farms in the US, with over 120 herds reporting positive results since March. The FDA is intensifying public health protection efforts to prevent a public health disaster by closely examining a broad spectrum of dairy products for the virus. The USDA organizes response activities, monitors the virus, and investigates transmission. The FDA’s tests confirm that pasteurization effectively kills the bird flu virus in dairy products, ensuring the safety of the national food supply. The FDA’s comprehensive approach to ensuring dairy safety targets 155 items and verifies pasteurization’s efficacy during the current epidemic. The USDA aims to eliminate avian flu using cutting-edge technologies and rigorous biosecurity policies. One of the main approaches to controlling the virus within the dairy sector is creating a bird flu vaccination for dairy cows. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack states that the USDA is actively discussing vaccine research with over twenty-one firms to hasten the development and use of a functioning vaccination.

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Harnessing Phytochemicals: Boosting Dairy Cow Health and Performance During the Transition Period

Learn how phytochemicals can improve dairy cow health and performance during the transition period. Can plant-based solutions make your herd more productive?

The transition period, spanning three weeks from pre-calving to peak milk production, is a pivotal phase in dairy cows’ lives. It’s a time when their future health, production, and successful reproduction are determined. Dairy producers, well aware of the numerous challenges this period poses, including environmental, nutritional, and physiological aspects, understand that the success of their operation hinges on effectively managing these difficulties. 

Among the main difficulties experienced during the transition period are:

  • Diet and nutrient intake adjustments
  • Environmental stressors like heat or cold stress
  • Changes in housing or pen environments
  • Increased metabolic demands due to the onset of lactation

A smooth transition depends on environmental management and nutrition. Proper forage, focused supplements, and careful environmental control minimize stress and support metabolic and endocrine systems. Dairy farmers always want better results, so knowledge of these elements becomes essential. The transition period marks a make-or-break event rather than only a phase. Good management during this period can result in notable increases in general herd health and milk yield.

Let’s delve into the significant role phytochemicals can play during the transitional phase. These plant-based chemicals, often overlooked, can provide dairy cows with substantial benefits. By harnessing these natural interventions, dairy farmers can equip themselves with the tools to enhance the health, efficiency, and performance of their herds, thereby promoting more sustainable and profitable dairy farming methods.

Mitigating Transition Period Stressors: Keys to Health and Productivity 

During the transition period, dairy cows face a multitude of stressors that can significantly impact their production and overall health. These include pen movements, changes in stocking density, adjustments in ration, and variations in environmental conditions such as heat, cold, ventilation, and bedding. 

Pen movements upset social hierarchies and induce stress that influences the immune system and endocrine function. Regular relocations can change cortisol levels, so influencing general metabolic processes.

Stocking density is quite essential. Overcrowded pens cause resource competition, which raises stress levels and reduces immune system response, increasing cow susceptibility to infections and nutrient absorption problems. 

Essential for meeting nutritional needs, ration adjustments can upset the digestive system if not closely controlled. Diet changes taken suddenly can cause metabolic problems, including acidosis, which reduces nutrient absorption and influences endocrine and immune systems.

Environmental changes, including temperature and variations in ventilation, impact cow physiological states. While cold stress raises energy demands, straining metabolic resources, heat stress reduces feed intake and milk production. Inappropriate bedding and bad ventilation can cause infections and respiratory problems.

These pressures cause a cascade of physiological problems that influence hormone levels vital for metabolic and reproductive processes, making the immune system more susceptible to diseases. Compromised metabolic processes lead to reduced milk yield and poor health effects.

Effective management techniques are not just beneficial, they are crucial. By reducing pen movements, optimizing stocking density, carefully managing ration changes, and controlling environmental conditions, dairy producers can directly influence their cows’ endocrine and immune systems. This control guarantees improved nutrient metabolism and general health during the transition period, empowering dairy producers to steer their herd toward better health and productivity.

Exploring the Wonders of Phytochemicals in Dairy Cattle Health 

Phytochemicals stand out when considering plants for purposes beyond forages. Including essential oils, flavonoids, and tannins, these are known in the dairy world as plant-bioactive components, plant extracts, or photogenic molecules. Herbs with medicinal properties have long been prized: lavender, ginger, and chamomile. Recent studies have focused primarily on the advantages of these phytomolecules for dairy cattle health, especially during the critical transition period.

Balancing Inflammation and Metabolism: Key Strategies for Transitioning Dairy Cows 

The key for dairy cattle experiencing physiological changes is maintaining a balanced inflammatory response and good metabolism throughout the transition period. Unchecked inflammatory reactions can cause metabolic problems that compromise immune system function. This time, marked by calving and the beginning of lactation, biological systems must be finely tuned to produce the best milk.

In this sense, strategically planned dietary programs are vital. By guaranteeing enough nutrient intake and providing the energy, proteins, and minerals required for metabolic activities and tissue repair, they help prevent a negative energy balance and minimize inflammation.

Moreover, thorough management strategies to lower stressors aggravating inflammation and metabolic problems are crucial. Effective practices include minimizing pen movements, optimizing stocking density, and furnishing comfortable environmental conditions, including appropriate ventilation, temperature control, and quality bedding. These steps help the endocrine and immune systems, improving the metabolism of nutrients.

Dairy cows can flourish during the transition period through the synergy between exact nutritional strategies and rigorous management, fostering health, productivity, and good lactations. This method lays a solid basis for their lactation cycle and lowers sensitivity to metabolic and infectious diseases.

Harnessing the Power of Specific Phytochemicals: Antioxidants, Appetite Stimulants, and Metabolic Enhancers

During the transition period, specific phytochemicals have great benefits, especially because of their antioxidant properties, appetite stimulation, and metabolic-boosting action. Thyme, clove, and cinnamon extracts, especially known for their great antioxidant qualities, help lower oxidative stress and support general cow health.

Vanilla and fenugreek extracts show great potential to increase appetite. These extracts increase feed intake, ensuring dairy cows satisfy their dietary needs during the vital transition period.

Capsicum extracts are particularly remarkable for enhancing dairy cow metabolic state. These extracts improve the availability of glucose for milk synthesis, supporting a better energy balance and general metabolic condition.

The Bottom Line

Integrating botanical extracts into herd management plans presents a significant opportunity to enhance cow health and output as the dairy industry evolves. With the growing body of scientific research and field experience, understanding the specific modes of action of these phytochemicals is crucial. By collaborating with your nutritionist, you can develop tailored plans that leverage the benefits of these natural compounds to meet the unique needs of your herd. This collaborative approach not only supports optimal dairy cow health and performance but also contributes to the development of sustainable and efficient dairy farming practices.

Key Takeaways:

Understanding the role of phytochemicals during the transition period can significantly help improve the health and performance of dairy cows. Here are the key takeaways: 

  • Proper forage species, varieties, and management are crucial for building a targeted nutrition program that supports a smooth transition period.
  • Farm management must address various stressors around the transition period, including pen movements, stocking density, ration changes, and environmental changes.
  • Working with springing heifers and cows requires special attention to meet their genetic potential, promoting their health and productivity.
  • The transition period, from 21 days pre-calving to peak milk production, is critical for dairy cows, affecting health, production, and reproduction.
  • Phytochemicals, including essential oils, flavonoids, and tannins, offer potential benefits such as antioxidant properties, appetite stimulation, and metabolic enhancements.
  • Reducing stress, ensuring adequate feed intake, and minimizing negative energy balance are vital goals during the transition period.
  • Research shows that plant extracts like thyme, clove, cinnamon, fenugreek, vanilla, and capsicum have specific roles in improving dairy cow health and performance.
  • Phytomolecules can help better manage glucose allocation in cows, enhancing milk production without negatively impacting their glucose levels.

Summary: The transition from pre-calving to peak milk production is a critical phase for dairy cows, affecting their health, production, and reproduction. Dairy producers must manage various challenges, including diet adjustments, environmental stressors, housing changes, and increased metabolic demands due to lactation. A smooth transition requires proper forage, supplements, and environmental control. Phytochemicals play a significant role in this transition, providing benefits to dairy cows and enhancing their health, efficiency, and performance. Stressors like pen movements, stocking density changes, and environmental conditions can disrupt social hierarchies, increase susceptibility to infections, and affect the digestive system, leading to metabolic problems like acidosis. Effective management techniques and the incorporation of botanical extracts into herd management plans can support optimal health and performance, contributing to sustainable farming practices.

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