Archive for grain prices

Declining Grain Prices Offer Major Financial Relief for Dairy Producers

Uncover how falling grain prices are alleviating financial pressures for dairy farms. Could reduced feed expenses enhance the profitability of the dairy sector? Find out more.

The agricultural sector is rife with anxiety as plummeting grain prices disrupt farming communities. While crop producers bear the brunt, a glimmer of hope shines in the dairy industry. Here, reduced grain prices mean cheaper feed, offering dairy producers a significant opportunity to enhance their profit margins.   Falling grain prices have varying impacts on the diverse agricultural landscape. For dairy producers, low-cost feed is a boon, alleviating expenses that can consume up to 50% of income. Each farm must assess feed costs based on specific needs and forage quality.   This scenario showcases a divided world in agriculture. Grain growers scramble to maintain profitability, yet dairy farmers benefit from reduced operational costs.

The Feed Puzzle: A Crucial Component in Dairy Farm Economics 

In dairy farming, feed expenses are significant outlays that affect financial sustainability. Depending on internal feed production, these expenses could account for 20% to 45% of a dairy farm’s total revenue. Dairy finance expert Gary Sipiorski points out that purchasing all feed may drive this cost to almost 50% of the milk check, underscoring the critical requirement of innovative feed management to preserve profitability. You play an essential part in this process.

MonthFeed Cost ($/cwt)Year-over-Year Change (%)

Grain Price Declines: A Financial Boon for the Dairy Sector 

Lower grain prices have brought financial comfort to dairy farmers by lowering a significant outlay and increasing profitability.Ag Insights president Phil Plourd notes this pattern, pointing to the concurrent cost drop and increase in milk futures. This double benefit makes margins more appealing than in the prior two years. Although Plourd warns that the circumstances may change, the present financial status of the dairy sector is bright. 

Driven by reduced feed costs and robust milk futures, Plourd notes a good profit increase for dairy farmers. Although theoretical models point to favorable circumstances, actual complexity, like erratic weather and market volatility, might skew this view. Producers should so approach the matter with strategic preparation and cautious hope.

Strategic Steps for Capitalizing on Declining Grain Prices

Jay Matthews is Ever’s vice president in the feed and dairy producer segment.Ag emphasizes the long-term advantages of lowering grain prices for dairy farmers. Given consistent milk prices, margins are right now rather appealing. Especially if waiting for improved base values on maize and protein, Matthews advises growers to enter fresh crop physical purchases and have hedges in place. However, He advises against complacency, given that erratic weather and seasonal variations might compromise these benefits. He emphasizes the danger of managed money covering their net short position in the summer, mainly depending on unfavorable weather. Protecting profits and maximizing profitability among market volatility and environmental uncertainty depend on deliberately controlling feed cost risk.

The dairy industry has to be alert about possible hazards even if dropping grain prices indicates a promising future. Jay Matthews emphasizes the importance of a proactive strategy, as erratic weather and seasonal variations might undermine existing benefits. Managed money covering net-short positions in lousy weather could set off quick changes in the market. Mainly maize and protein, dairy farmers should create robust risk management plans involving hedging for new crop holdings and tracking basis levels. Dairy farmers may better negotiate uncertainty and maintain profitability by being ready.

Historical Trends Highlight Substantial Decrease in Feed Costs

Analyst Monica Ganely of the Daily Dairy Report and Quarterra founder notes a significant decrease in feed expenses. May’s feed costs were about $3 per cwt. Less than last year, the most significant drop since 2021. This drop gives dairy companies substantial financial benefits that help them maintain good profit margins.

The Bottom Line

For dairy farmers, the declining trend in grain prices provides a significant benefit regarding feed expense reduction. This financial relief improves profit margins and gives the dairy industry fresh hope—a rare occurrence given more general agricultural difficulties. To fully enjoy these economic advantages, producers have to be proactive. This covers planned feed purchases and readiness for weather and market changes. Using hedging techniques and being alert helps dairy farmers protect their margins against volatility. Producers should keep educated, review their financial plans often, and be ready to react quickly to developments. This time of low feed prices should be both a call to action and a possibility to guarantee a strong future for dairy farming.

Key Takeaways:

  • Lower grain prices are reducing feed costs for dairy producers, which can take up a substantial portion of a dairy farm’s gross income.
  • Independent consultant Gary Sipiorski estimates feed costs to range between 20% to 45% of gross income, depending on farm specifics.
  • Phil Plourd from Ever.Ag Insights highlights concurrent decreases in feed costs and high milk futures, resulting in strong prospective margins.
  • Ever.Ag’s Jay Matthews advises dairy producers to secure new crop physical purchases and hedges amid favorable margins and current market conditions.
  • Analyst Monica Ganely provides data showing May’s feed costs significantly lower than last year, delivering the lowest levels since 2021.
  • Producers are urged to stay cautious of market volatility and environmental changes that could affect these gains.


The agricultural sector faces a crisis due to falling grain prices, disrupting farming communities. However, the dairy industry has seen a bright spot as reduced grain prices mean cheaper feed, offering a significant opportunity to enhance profit margins. Low-cost feed can alleviate expenses that consume up to 50% of a dairy farm’s income. In dairy farming, feed expenses are significant outlays that affect financial sustainability, accounting for 20% to 45% of a farm’s total revenue. Dairy finance expert Gary Sipiorski points out that purchasing all feed may drive this cost to almost 50% of the milk check, underscoring the critical requirement of innovative feed management to preserve profitability. Lower grain prices have brought financial comfort to dairy farmers by lowering a significant outlay and increasing profitability. However, actual complexity, like erratic weather and market volatility, might skew this view. Producers should approach the matter with strategic preparation and cautious hope. Historical trends show a significant decrease in feed costs, with May’s feed costs being about $3 per cwt, the most significant drop since 2021.

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Milk Futures Signal Potential for Stronger Prices Amid Volatility and Rising Cheese Demand

Discover how milk futures signal stronger prices amid rising cheese demand and market volatility. Will this trend continue to benefit dairy producers and consumers?

The dairy markets have seen increased volatility, with Class III futures showing significant ups and downs. I mentioned this earlier, and it happened sooner than expected. Expect more volatility as summer progresses. Traders are reacting quickly to cash movements or perceived price changes. Milk futures suggest milk prices could be better than last year if spot prices remain steady. Prices will improve if demand rises and supplies tighten. Cheese inventory hasn’t exceeded last year’s levels, hinting at potential supply tightening if demand grows. Manufacturers say cheese demand is up but not enough to cut inventory.

MonthTotal Cheese Exports (Metric Tons)Change from Previous YearButterfat Exports (Metric Tons)Change from Previous Year
March 202350,022+20.5%2,350+15%
April 202346,271+27%2,881+23%

International cheese demand has seen a remarkable improvement. In March, cheese exports surged to 50,022 metric tons, a 20.5% increase from the previous year and the highest recorded. April followed suit with a 27% rise over April 2023, reaching 46,271 metric tons, the second highest on record. 

MonthClass III Closing Price (per cwt)Price Change (%)Market Sentiment

The outlook for cheese exports is bright, providing strong market support. Butterfat exports also jumped in April, reaching 2,881 metric tons—up 23% from last year and the first year-over-year increase since November 2022. This could lead to record-high butter prices, thanks to higher demand and the highest butter prices yet for this time of year. Increasing domestic demand and potential for rising international demand could push prices even higher. 

  • April income over feed price was $9.60 per cwt.
  • Second month with no Dairy Margin Coverage program payments.
  • Current grain prices and milk futures suggest no future payments under the program.
  • Planting delays haven’t impacted grain prices.
  • Initial crop condition for corn is 75% good/excellent.
  • One of the highest initial ratings for a crop, possibly leading to a large supply and lower prices.
  • This could improve income over feed significantly.

Summary: Dairy markets are experiencing increased volatility, with Class III futures showing significant fluctuations. Traders react quickly to cash movements or price changes, and milk prices could improve if spot prices remain steady. Cheese inventory has not exceeded last year’s levels, suggesting potential supply tightening if demand grows. International cheese demand has seen a remarkable improvement, with cheese exports rising 20.5% in March and 27% in April. The outlook for cheese exports is bright, providing strong market support. Butterfat exports also jumped in April, reaching 2,881 metric tons, up 23% from last year and the first year-over-year increase since November 2022. This could lead to record-high butter prices due to higher demand. Income over feed price in April was $9.60 per cwt, with no Dairy Margin Coverage program payments.

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