Golden Oaks Farm, former owners, and Adolf Langhout, current owner, are justifiably proud of the achievements of GOLDEN-OAKS PERK RAE – Red-ET EX-90. Perk Rae is an 8thgeneration EX and she is a red Roxy. She has 7 EX sisters. Her sire, Burket-Falls Perk-Red, is a breeding product of Burket Falls Farms in Pennsylvania where the 270-head herd is 80% polled. With that family line behind and beside her and strengths that include protein (+16kg) daughter fertility (103), milking speed (107) and temperament (106), it isn’t surprising that she is a contender for 2012 Golden Dam.

Perk Rae is a Prolific Embryo Producer
Perk is impressive in her own right as a long bodied cow with power and dairy strength. She supports all of that with an excellent udder and outstanding feet and legs. She was on a continual flush program at Golden Oaks, performed by Sunshine Genetics of Whitewater, WI and recently has milking daughters from Alexander, Goldwyn and Shaquille. Perk Rae flushed really well and sold more than 100 of her embryos around the world. (Read – What Comes First the Chicken or the Egg?) With ten years in their breeding program she had a total of 81 registered direct offspring including 10 VG and one EX-92.
GOLDEN-OAKS DUR RAE1 VG-89-3YR-CAN – daughter of Perk Rae
Perk’s Imposing Number of Daughters Also Perform on the Plus Side
What is distinctive about Perk Rae is her capacity to transmit her quality to the next generation. Perk Rae has Very Good daughters by Vince, Mr. Burns and Durham. They all have high production. Her best daughter, by Durham, is Golden-Oaks Dur Rae1. She earned the maximum score VG89 as a three year old. Her production at three years was 13,530kg, 3.4% fat and 3.2% protein. Golden Oaks is working with a Goldwyn daughter who as a GTPI of +1910. As well, she has 8 VG daughters in the USA.
Perk Rae’s Sons Considerably Improve the Breed
Perk Rae has numerous sons including Mr Perky at ABS Global, Rocco P at ABC Genetics and Parkson at Trans-World Genetics. Grandsons in AI include Ventur Proxy PP-Red – homozygous polled Red Mitey P x VG Durham x Perk Rae at DairyBullsOnline (Read – They’re Sold on Polled). In particular there is considerable enthusiasm for the polled and red daughters of Golden Oaks Rocco-Red (Redman x Perk Rae).
Perk Rae Mates Well
Nate Janssen, Dairy Operations Manager of Golden Oaks, reports that the best matings on Perk Rae have been Redman, Durham and Goldwyn. “A lot of Perks best descendants are from her Redman daughters.” Durham worked well, as mentioned previously, with a 92 pt daughter by him. Nate adds, “Goldwyn helped bring a little more angularity and style into the picture.” He outlines a two-part marketing strategy.
GOLDEN-OAKS PEACH-P-ET VG-85-2YR-CAN – daughter of Perk Rae
Perk Rae And Her Family Are In Demand in the Market
“Although we like to keep red in the picture, there is a market for high polled B&W animals, so we are using some of the top B&W as well and protecting for milk and health traits.” Presently there is large demand. “At our farm we have a PP Colt Daughter that we are currently flushing to fill contracts. We also have a polled Shamrock daughter that is 2000 GTPI.” There are progeny by over twenty-five different sires registered in North America and Europe.
SCIENTIFIC DEBUTANTE RAE EX-92-4YR-USA DOM GMD 2* – sister to dam of Perk Rae
There are Many Perks to Working with Perk Rae
Perk Rae is also the winner of the 2012 Red Impact Award from Holstein International. Second in family to win this award. Her dam’s sister, Scientific Debutant Rae, won it in 2010. In 2011, going under the hammer for $20,000 Perk Rae was the top seller at the National Red & White Convention Sale. Presently, Perk Raw is owned by Adolf Langhout of the Netherlands who plans to keep Perk Rae-Red at Sunshine Genetics in Wisconsin and export her genetics around the world where her descendants are continuing to garner attention. “It is very interesting that two direct daughters and one granddaughter are selling in the World Classic Sale at World Dairy Expo this year!”
The Perk Rae Advantages. She’s Polled. She’s Red.
New owner A.L.H Genetics is happy with their purchase. Embryos imported from embryos purchased previously resulted in a VG-86 Lawn Boy heifer in the Netherlands and the popular Lawn Boy son Lewitan PP at Mastrrind in Germany. The unique polled and red qualities of Perk Rae mean that her owners have sold her genetics all over the world. (Read – Polled Genetics: Way of the Future or Passing Fad?) “Since she is red, high type, deep pedigree, and polled, with a unique sire, there are endless markets!” He happily points out the obvious, “There are not many excellent cows that are red as well as polled.”
Do you think Perk Rae deserves to win our 2012 Golden Dam Contest? Let us know. Your vote counts.