Archive for genetic makeup

New Genomic Option for Canadian Dairy Breeders to Bypass Herdbook Requirements

Find out how Canadian dairy breeders can now avoid the U.S. herdbook restrictions for genomic evaluations. Could this new choice simplify your breeding efforts?

Canadian dairy breeders are on the verge of an exciting change. Soon, you’ll be able to get genomic evaluations for domestically bred cows without needing to register them in National Breed Association herdbooks. This breakthrough will make it easier for all Canadian-born dairy cattle to receive genomic evaluations based on Canadian standards. Announced at Lactanet’s Open Industry Session, this change will simplify the process for Canadian dairy farmers, reducing the hassle of herdbook registration. Additionally, there’s a proposed fee waiver if you register your cattle promptly.

Genomic Evaluations in Canadian Dairy Breeding: Overcoming Challenges 

Genomic evaluations are essential in modern dairy breeding, predicting future performance based on genetic makeup. Lactanet provides these services in Canada but faces challenges, especially for cows not registered in the National Breed Association herdbooks. 

All genomic testing relies on the U.S. Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB), which handles genotype quality assurance and haplotype analysis. The process involves higher costs and longer times, as breeders must go through CDCB directly, particularly for non-registered animals, costing US$6 per animal. 

This system adds bureaucratic layers and financial strain, potentially discouraging breeders from using genomic evaluations entirely. Despite these challenges, genomic testing remains invaluable, allowing precise predictions of an animal’s potential and aiding better breeding decisions. However, until changes are implemented, Canadian dairy farmers navigate an inefficient system, limiting their ability to expand their genetic base and achieve top-rated status for their dairy herds.

Evolution in Genomic Accessibility: Canadian Calculations for All Dairy Breeders

Brian Van Doormaal, chief services officer at Lactanet, has announced fundamental changes that will make it easier for Canadian breeders to obtain genomic evaluations for cows not registered in National Breed Association herdbooks. This shift allows these evaluations to be conducted within Canada using Canadian calculations. Previously, breeders had to work directly with the U.S. Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) for such evaluations. 

Although genomic testing will still occur in the United States, integrating with Lactanet means these genotypes can be shared in Canada. This eliminates the need to navigate the U.S. system for your genomic predictions, saving time and resources. 

This change aims to increase inclusivity in genetic evaluations within the Canadian dairy industry. It expands the genetic base accessible to breeders and leverages Canadian service providers’ expertise and infrastructure. An associated fee may apply, but if an animal is registered within two months of testing, the fee could be waived, offering a cost-effective solution for breeders. 

Lactanet is working with the CDCB on a new record-keeping process to ensure accurate tracking of these evaluations. Non-registered cattle will receive an alphabetic country code, differentiating them from registered animals and streamlining the identification process. This change will also align with other advancements, such as Lactanet’s transition to monthly official evaluations for Canadian females, potentially allowing more dairy cows in Canada to achieve top-ranked status in genetic rankings.

Ensuring Accuracy and Trust Through The Genomic Testing Process 

The genomic testing process is key to accurately evaluating dairy cattle, with the U.S. Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) playing a crucial role. When you send a sample, the CDCB ensures quality through genotype validations and haplotype analysis. While future evaluations will be based on Canadian standards, the core testing and quality assurance will still rely on the CDCB’s infrastructure. This ensures that Canadian dairy farmers get consistent and reliable genomic evaluations, with the added benefit of local calculations.

New Logistics and Fee Structure for Genomic Evaluations 

With the proposed changes, dairy breeders will see new logistics for obtaining genomic evaluations. Currently, the cost is US$6 per animal through CDCB. However, the fee structure might change once done in Canada, though specifics are still pending. 

An exciting part is the potential fee waiver. If you register an animal within two months of testing, the fee might be waived, saving you money and encouraging timely registration. 

Lactanet is working with CDCB on a solid record-keeping system to manage this. Registered animals will still have numeric country codes, while non-registered cows will get unique alphabetic country codes. This ensures explicit tracking and accurate genomic identification, enhancing trust in the genomic data.

Understanding the Logistics of this New Process is Crucial for Dairy Breeders 

Understanding the logistics of this new process is crucial for dairy breeders. While genomic testing will still be done by the U.S. Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB), Canadian service providers like Lactanet will handle the submission process. This means breeders can send samples through these providers, easing the workflow. 

Regarding costs, though the exact fee is undecided, sending samples via Canadian providers will incur a charge. However, if an animal is registered within two months of testing, this fee might be waived, promoting timely registration. 

Lactanet collaborates with the CDCB on a robust tracking system to ensure accurate record-keeping. Registered cattle will have numeric country codes, while non-registered cows will get alphabetic codes. This differentiation helps maintain clear genomic identification. 

These logistics aim to make genetic evaluations more accessible and integrated within Canadian dairy breeding, leading to higher genetic standards and better breeding outcomes.

The Bottom Line

This new genomic option is a game-changer for Canadian dairy breeders. It will make genomic evaluations based on Canadian calculations available to all domestically bred cows. Although testing will still happen in the U.S., the process will be more streamlined and affordable for non-registered cattle in Canada. With the rise of automated milking systems and more accessible genotyping, this change is set to roll out later this year, transforming genetic evaluation and breeding for Canadian dairy producers.

Key Takeaways:

  • Canadian genomic evaluations for non-herdbook dairy cows may be available later this year.
  • Testing will still be conducted in the United States by the U.S. Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB).
  • Genomic evaluations will be based on Canadian calculations, making them more relevant and beneficial for Canadian dairy operations.
  • The potential change allows all Canadian-born dairy cattle to receive a genomic evaluation, regardless of their herdbook registration status.
  • Fees are yet to be determined but might be waived if the animal is registered within two months of testing.
  • A new record-keeping process is being developed to differentiate between registered and non-registered cows via Canadian service providers.


Canadian dairy breeders can now receive genomic evaluations for domestically bred cows without needing to register them in National Breed Association herdbooks. This change simplifies the process for Canadian dairy farmers and offers a proposed fee waiver if cattle are registered promptly. Genomic evaluations are essential in modern dairy breeding, predicting future performance based on genetic makeup. Lactanet, a Canadian service provider, has announced fundamental changes that will make it easier for Canadian breeders to obtain genomic evaluations for cows not registered in National Breed Association herdbooks. The change aims to increase inclusivity in genetic evaluations within the Canadian dairy industry and leverages Canadian service providers’ expertise and infrastructure. An associated fee may apply, but if an animal is registered within two months of testing, the fee could be waived. The new record-keeping process will ensure accurate tracking of genomic evaluations.

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How Calf Birth Weight Influences Dairy Cow Performance: Insights from a Large-Scale Study

Discover how calf birth weight impacts dairy cow performance. Can lighter calves boost milk yield and efficiency? Dive into insights from a large-scale study.

Consider the birth of a calf, a routine event on a dairy farm. Yet, the weight of a newborn calf can significantly impact its mother’s future performance. Recent research sheds light on the relationship between calf birth weight and dairy cow productivity, providing farmers with valuable insights. 

This association is crucial for dairy farmers aiming to optimize their herd’s performance. Key findings from a study analyzing over 11,000 lactation records include: 

  • For primiparous cows (first-time mothers), lower calf birth weight was linked to higher milk yield in the first 60 days and shorter intervals to the first service.
  • In multiparous cows (experienced mothers), higher calf birth weight correlated with increased total milk, fat, and protein yield.
  • The sire breed also influenced 60-day milk yield in multiparous cows when calf birth weight wasn’t considered.

These findings have direct implications for dairy farmers, underscoring the importance of calf birth weight as a predictor of dairy dam performance. By incorporating these insights into their practices, farmers can potentially enhance their herd’s productivity and overall efficiency.

Factors Influencing Calf Birth Weight

Understanding the role of genetic factors in calf birth weight is crucial for dairy farm management . The genetic makeup of the sire and dam significantly influences calf birth weight, making strategic breeding choices and maintaining genetic diversity within the herd key factors in optimizing calf birth weight. 

Maternal nutrition during pregnancy profoundly impacts calf birth weight. Balanced nutrition is vital for the pregnant dam’s health and fetal growth. Nutritional deficiencies or excesses can lead to variations in birth weight, affecting subsequent calf performance

Environmental factors, such as stress and climate, also induce variability in birth weights. Extreme temperatures, poor housing conditions, and other stressors can affect the dam’s pregnancy and, thus, the calf’s birth weight. Mitigating these stressors can promote consistent and favorable birth weights, enhancing overall well-being

These insights highlight the need for a holistic dairy herd management approach, harmonizing genetic selection, nutritional planning, and environmental control to optimize outcomes for both calves and dams.

Impacts of Calf Birth Weight on Dairy Cow Performance

The association between calf birth weight and dairy dam performance extends beyond immediate post-calving metrics, impacting long-term productivity and health. Higher birth weight calves generally exhibit better growth rates, which enhance overall herd health and operational efficiency. This growth is often coupled with improved immune function, reducing early-life diseases and calf mortality, leading to a healthier adult herd and lower veterinary costs. 

Calf birth weight significantly influences future milk production and reproductive performance. Heavier birth-weight calves tend to transition to adulthood with fewer health issues, reaching peak milk production more efficiently. For dairy dams, calving heavier calves can improve milk yield and reproductive metrics. In primiparous cows, this includes shorter intervals to first service and higher body condition scores. In multiparous cows, there’s a notable association with total milk, fat, and protein yield and a reduced drop in body condition score from calving to nadir. 

By managing calf birth weight, dairy farmers cannot only optimize immediate lactation outcomes but also enhance the long-term efficiency of their farms. This underscores the importance of strategic breeding and nutrition in achieving optimal birth weights, which can lead to a more productive and sustainable dairy farming environment.

Recommendations for Dairy Farmers

Given the intricate ties between calf birth weight and the dairy dam’s post-calving performance, dairy farmers play a crucial role in proactively managing their herds. Here are detailed recommendations: 

  • Monitor and Record Calf Birth Weights: Keeping meticulous records of calf birth weights allows for identifying patterns and anomalies within the herd. This data can be invaluable for making informed management decisions and refining breeding strategies that align with the farm’s productivity goals.
  • Improve Maternal Nutrition and Reduce Stress: Ensuring cows receive optimal nutrition and experience minimal stress during pregnancy can positively affect calf birth weight. Farmers should focus on balanced diets that cater to the specific needs of pregnant cows and adopt management practices that reduce stress factors such as overcrowded housing or abrupt environmental changes.
  • Genetic Selection for Optimal Birth Weights: Implementing breeding programs prioritizing genetic traits associated with favorable birth weights can enhance calf and dam health. Selecting sires with a proven track record of producing calves with optimal birth weights can improve overall herd performance in milk yield, fertility, and body condition scores.

By integrating these recommendations, dairy farmers can foster a more robust and productive herd, ultimately enhancing farm sustainability and efficiency. This not only promises improved milk yield and cow health but also sets the stage for a more prosperous and sustainable dairy farming environment.

The Bottom Line

The study reveals a subtle yet notable link between calf birth weight and the performance of dairy dams. These findings, while the effects are generally small, provide valuable insights for dairy farmers. Primiparous cows showed associations with calf birth weight across performance metrics like milk yield and body condition scores. The calf’s weight influenced total milk, fat, and protein yields for multiparous cows. Interestingly, multiparous cows with traditional beef breed calves produced more milk than those with Holstein-Friesian calves. 

These results emphasize the importance of more research. Understanding how calf birth weight impacts dairy cow performance could drive new strategies for optimizing dairy farming efficiency, which is pivotal for productivity and animal welfare

Dairy farmers should consider calf birth weight in herd management. This focus can lead to better decisions on milk yield, cow health, and overall performance, promoting a productive and sustainable dairy farming environment.

Key Takeaways:

  • Calf birth weight is linked to critical dairy performance metrics, influencing both immediate and long-term productivity.
  • Primiparous cows (first-time mothers) show a direct correlation between lower calf birth weight and higher milk yield within the first 60 days of lactation.
  • Multiparous cows (experienced mothers) with lower birth-weight calves demonstrate decreased milk, fat, and protein yields over the first 305 days of lactation.
  • The sire breed of the calf plays a crucial role, with traditional beef breeds leading to higher milk production than those sired by Holstein-Friesians in multiparous cows.
  • The biological impact of these associations, though statistically significant, is relatively small, underscoring the complexity of dairy cow performance factors.

Summary: Research indicates a significant correlation between calf birth weight and dairy cow productivity, particularly in primiparous cows. Primiparous cows have lower calf birth weight, while multiparous cows have higher total milk, fat, and protein yield. The sire breed also influences milk yield in multiparous cows. Factors influencing calf birth weight include genetic factors, maternal nutrition during pregnancy, environmental factors, and environmental control. The genetic makeup of the sire and dam significantly influences calf birth weight, making strategic breeding choices and maintaining genetic diversity crucial. Maternal nutrition during pregnancy is vital for fetal growth, while environmental factors like stress and climate can induce variability in birth weights. The association extends beyond immediate post-calving metrics, impacting long-term productivity and health. Higher birth-weight calves generally show better growth rates and operational efficiency.

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