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Revolutionary $75M Dewatering Dairy Plant to Transform Milk Processing in Alberta by 2025

Learn how Alberta’s $75M dewatering dairy plant will transform milk processing by 2025. Will this new technology reduce costs and improve sustainability for farmers?

Alberta, Canada, is set to open the first-of-its-kind, a revolutionary $75 million (€50.4 million) ‘dewatering’ dairy processing factory in the spring of 2025. This innovative facility is poised to revolutionize milk processing, significantly impacting the Canadian dairy sector. With its creative ultra-filtration techniques, the factory aims to enhance sustainability, reduce transportation costs, and streamline manufacturing, paving the way for a more efficient and eco-friendly dairy industry.

Henry Holtman, board chair of Dairy Innovation West, believes “this plant is a transforming step towards a more efficient, eco-friendly dairy industry in Canada.”

The new facility is a game-changer for central Albertine dairy producers, who have long grappled with limited local milk processing capabilities. Over 1,300 farmers stand to gain from this development, as it will enhance their operations and transform the financial landscape of the area’s dairy industry, thereby bolstering the local economy.

A Proactive Coalition: Uniting Dairy Marketing Boards for Revolutionary Milk Processing in Canada 

Five leading dairy marketing boards—Alberta Milk, SaskMilk, Dairy Farmers of Manitoba, BC Milk Marketing Board, and BC Dairy Association—have joined forces in a bold initiative to revolutionize milk processing in Canada. This collaborative effort, under the banner of the Western Milk Pool, is a testament to the sector’s unity and power, and it is poised to address industry challenges and stimulate local businesses.

Farm Credit Canada’s backing provides essential money and agricultural economic knowledge. This alliance guarantees a strong financial basis and offers expected major advantages, like fewer transportation emissions and possible savings of $5 million.

Dairy Innovation West: Leading the Charge in Alberta’s Dairy Processing Revolution

Dairy Innovation West is Leading Alberta’s brand-new dewatering milk processing plant. Supported by five Western milk marketing boards, this company seeks regional environmental, economic, and technical advantages.

“This plant will create jobs, lower transportation costs for producers, and reduce our environmental footprint,” Henry Holtman, board chair of Dairy Innovation West, emphasizes as the main benefits of the endeavor. These advantages represent our commitment to Western Canada’s ecological and financially feasible dairy production.

The Revolutionary Dewatering Strategy: Transforming Canada’s Milk Processing Landscape 

At this innovative plant, the cutting-edge dewatering system concentrates up to 300 million liters of milk yearly using sophisticated ultrafiltration. This technique removes certain soluble components and water from raw milk using semi-permeable membranes, preserving important milk solids such as proteins and lipids.

When milk passes ultrafiltration, its volume may drop up to 75%. After that, concentrated milk is a flexible basis for many dairy goods. It may be dried, for example, to produce skim milk powder, prized for its long shelf life and simplicity of transportation.

Furthermore, condensed milk helps cheese manufacture by means of better yields and simplified procedures. This invention benefits butter manufacturing, as a richer cream base improves both product quality and efficiency.

This innovative approach maximizes classic dairy products like skim milk powder, cheese, and butter. By lowering the amount of milk carried, it lowers the environmental impact and saves transportation expenses for farmers and processors. It also increases sustainability and cost-efficiency.

Revolutionizing Transportation: ultra-filtration’s Role in Dairy Efficiency 

At the new plant, ultra-filtration marks a significant development in transportation efficiency. Concentrating up to 300 million liters of milk yearly helps drastically lower the liquid volume requiring transportation. Estimates indicate that 50–75% of the necessary truck trips might be avoided, saving manufacturers $5 million yearly. This efficiency is vital for central Alberta dairy producers, who already pay expensive shipping charges because of inadequate local processing. With the new facility, local farmers could anticipate better profitability and a more environmentally friendly dairy business.

Long forcing producers to transfer their raw milk to far-off provinces like British Columbia, the lack of milk processing facilities in central Alberta has long caused expenses and delays. Comprising up to 300 million liters annually, this new dewatering facility seeks to solve these problems. Means of ultra-filtration technology will lower environmental effects and shipping costs, enabling a significant step toward economic sustainability for Albert’s dairy sector.

Empowering Dairy Farmers: The Rise of On-Farm Milk Processing in Ontario and Beyond 

Driven by the need for more control over product quality, marketing tactics, and financial returns, the trend of on-farm milk processing is expanding in Ontario and Canada. One such prominent example is Summit Station Farm in Ontario. Establishing their processing plant, they create a variety of dairy products—including milk, yogurt, and handcrafted cheeses—sold straight to customers and neighborhood businesses. This approach lets the farm leverage customer tastes for local, farm-to-table products and lessens reliance on conventional dairy cooperatives.

The more control Summit Station has over its goods, the better its standards of quality and consistency are guaranteed. Hence, one main advantage for them is That They Respond to customer needs more successfully than more centralized processing facilities. On-farm processing also provides the freedom to develop and swiftly launch new goods in response to market trends.

Summit Station may also customize its marketing plans to appeal to nearby customers, strengthening brand recognition and creating a devoted clientele. This direct-to-consumer approach creates stronger customer ties, as consumers value the openness and authenticity of buying straight from the manufacturer.

On-farm processing may significantly enhance a farm’s bottom line by obtaining better margins on processed goods than raw milk sales. This strategy guarantees a more consistent and durable income source and helps reduce the hazards connected with changing milk prices.

The trend toward on-farm milk processing enables Ontario and Canada’s dairy producers to take back control over their output and marketing, strengthening and adjusting the dairy sector.

Innovative Diversification: Enhancing Financial Stability Through Agritourism, Renewable Energy, and Value-Added Products 

Dairy producers dealing with low milk prices and expensive feeds must diversify to survive. Many look beyond on-farm processing for agritourism, renewable energy initiatives, and value-added goods such as yogurt and handcrafted cheeses. Their public farm openings provide fresh income sources and encourage community involvement in dairy farming.

Solar panels and methane digesters can also help lower energy bills and generate revenue by selling excess energy back to the grid. Government subsidies and incentives for sustainability help offset starting expenses, benefiting the environment and earnings.

From the University of Minnesota, Dr. Marin Bozic emphasizes the need for creativity in finding new sources of income for dairy farms. “Innovation will enable more traditional dairy farms to incorporate diverse revenue sources,” he says, strengthening resilience and profitability. Maintaining competitiveness demands embracing new technology and business concepts. These approaches signify a turning point for the dairy sector as they guarantee economic viability and help sustainable development and environmental stewardship.

The Bottom Line

With the $75 million dewatering milk processing plant Alberta is building, she is poised to transform her dairy sector. Supported by five western milk marketing boards and driven by Dairy Innovation West, this facility will increase operational efficiency, boost farmer profitability, and promote environmental stewardship. Using sophisticated ultra-filtration technologies will considerably lower transportation expenses and ecological effects while generating employment and strengthening the area’s economy.

Reflecting a trend wherein farmers progressively manage their production and marketing channels, on-farm processing devices enhance these creative approaches. This change provides financial resilience and sustainability in line with professional opinions that say the future of conventional dairy production depends on diversification and innovation.

Alberta and beyond will be greatly impacted as the facility approaches its spring 2025 launch. The help and investment of stakeholders will be crucial in boosting the community and guaranteeing the survival of dairy farming in Canada. Working together, we can change the scene of dairy farming for future generations.

Key Takeaways:

  • Alberta, Canada, will host the first ‘dewatering’ milk processing facility in the country by spring 2025, with a $75 million investment.
  • The plant is co-owned by five western milk marketing boards and supported financially by Farm Credit Canada.
  • This facility will process milk from over 1,300 farmers, offering job creation and environmental benefits.
  • Dewatering will concentrate up to 300 million liters of milk annually, reducing transportation costs and environmental footprint.
  • The plant addresses a critical gap in milk processing capacity in central Alberta, previously necessitating transport to distant provinces.
  • On-farm processing is gaining traction as a strategic response to industry challenges, with examples from Ontario, Canada, and the US.
  • Diversification, including agritourism and renewable energy, is vital for enhancing the financial stability of dairy farms.


Alberta, Canada is set to open a $75 million dewatering dairy processing factory in spring 2025, aiming to improve sustainability, reduce transportation costs, and streamline manufacturing. The project will benefit over 1,300 farmers and boost the local economy. Five leading dairy marketing boards, including Alberta Milk, SaskMilk, Dairy Farmers of Manitoba, BC Milk Marketing Board, and BC Dairy Association, have partnered to revolutionize milk processing in Canada. Farm Credit Canada’s backing offers fewer transportation emissions and potential savings of $5 million. Dairy Innovation West is leading the new dewatering milk processing plant, which uses ultrafiltration to concentrate up to 300 million liters of milk yearly. This process preserves important milk solids, reducing environmental impact and transportation expenses. On-farm milk processing in Ontario and Canada is driven by the need for more control over product quality, marketing tactics, and financial returns. Summit Station Farm in Ontario uses this approach to create various dairy products, such as milk, yogurt, and handcrafted cheeses, sold directly to customers and neighborhood businesses.

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Preventing Poor Fertility and Pregnancy Losses in Older Dairy Cows: Maximize Dairy Farm Profitability

Maximize dairy farm profits by preventing fertility issues and pregnancy losses in multiparous cows. Are you ensuring optimal reproductive management for your herd?

Profitable dairy production depends on maintaining a significant proportion of multiparous cows in your herd. To clarify, multiparous cows are those that have given birth to more than one calf. These cows are more economically advantageous and prolific than primiparous cows, which are those that have given birth only once. Managing the fertility of multiparous cows and avoiding pregnancy losses is therefore crucial. By ensuring at least 70% of your herd are multiparous cows, you can significantly improve milk productivity and financial returns.

Failure to prioritize pregnancy control and fertility management can result in unnecessary slaughter, which can significantly lower the genetic potential and overall output of your herd. As reproductive technologies continue to advance, it becomes increasingly urgent for you to adopt strategies that enhance your cows’ reproductive efficiency. By implementing efficient fertility programs and early interventions, you can significantly reduce these losses and ensure the long-term success of your dairy farm. 

The High Stakes of Managing Multiparous Cows: Fertility and Economic Implications 

Economic Impact AreaCost Impact
Increased Culling$100 – $200 per cow
Lost Milk Production$300 – $400 per cow
Extended Calving Interval$50 – $100 per day
Increased Veterinary Costs$20 – $50 per cow
Replacement Heifer Rearing Costs$1,200 – $1,500 per heifer

Low fertility and pregnancy losses may significantly impact dairy farm profitability and productivity. Because of reproductive issues, significant financial losses might arise from the killing of multiparous cows—those with more than one calf. These cows are very expensive, so early removal disturbs the output of the herd.

Generally speaking, multiparous cows give more milk than younger cows or heifers. Early culling of these productive animals might lower general milk output, affecting profitability. Changing them with younger, less productive animals compounds this loss as heifers need time and money to raise.

Along with opportunity losses from their reduced productive lifetime, the direct expenses of culling include costs for feed, veterinary care, and administration of the culled cows. These direct losses can be substantial, especially when considering the high cost of maintaining a dairy cow. Furthermore, introducing younger cows into the herd adds further financial pressure, which calls for careful management and investment in reproductive programs.

Managing fertility and reducing pregnancy losses is essential to keeping a healthy herd and hence saving the costs related to early culling. Best practices, including scheduled A.I. procedures, regular pregnancy detection, and modern reproductive technology, may assist in maintaining the percentage of multiparous cows, hence promoting long-term profitability and productivity.

Revolutionizing Reproduction: The Impact of Advanced A.I. Protocols in Dairy Farming 

ProtocolPregnancy Rate (%)Additional Benefits
Double Ovsynch45%High synchronization, reduced embryonic loss
G6G42%Improved first service conception rates
G7G39%Enhanced follicular development
Presynch-11/Ovsynch40%Better timing for ovulation, reduced interval between AI services

While advanced reproductive technologies offer remarkable potential, they also come with challenges that must be navigated. Detecting pregnancy early and incorporating a blend of automated activity monitoring with these synchronization protocols can drastically improve fertility outcomes. By aiming for at least 70% of the herd being multiparous, dairy producers can ensure sustainable productivity and profitability.

Advances in reproductive technology over recent years have transformed dairy herd fertility and pregnancy control. For instance, Double Ovsynch, Presynch-11/Ovsynch, G6G, and G7G are advanced reproductive technologies that synchronize ovulation, guaranteeing ideal timing for A.I. These technologies have been proven to significantly increase fertility rates and improve the chances of successful conception, thereby enhancing the overall productivity and profitability of dairy farms.

These technologies mainly help to raise fertility rates. Data indicates that compared to estrus identification with automated activity monitoring, multiparous cows treated with Double Ovsynch had a 260% increased likelihood of conception. This proactive technique reduces calving intervals, therefore improving farm profitability and output.

Early, precise pregnancy diagnosis by ultrasound scanning and pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAGs) also enables prompt re-inseminations and pregnancy loss identification. Maintaining many multiparous cows—essential for continuous milk output and economic stability—depends on early identification.

Still, these technologies need careful planning and supervision, which may be time-consuming. While providing genetic advances, techniques including sexed semen or in-vitro produced (IVP) embryos are dangerous for multiparous cows because of lower pregnancy rates and more losses.

Despite the challenges, advanced reproductive technology holds immense potential for the dairy farming industry. By enhancing breeding plans and reproductive control, dairy farmers can substantially increase profitability and efficiency, thereby ensuring long-term sustainability and success for their farms.

Maximizing Reproductive Success: The Imperative of Timed A.I. Before 85 Days in Milk

Successful pregnancies depend on ensuring multiparous cows have timely A.I. before 85 days in milk. Double Ovsynch, G6G, G7G, or Presynch-11/Ovsynch simplify reproductive efforts by lowering the time between calvings, which is the period from one birth to the next, and improving herd efficiency. These systems coordinate estrus cycles, maximizing the breeding window for conception and increasing pregnancy rates. Giving scheduled A.I. top priority helps multiparous cows retain their reproductive capacity, increasing farm profitability and output.

Harnessing Technology: The Synergy of Automated Activity Monitoring and Timed A.I. for Optimal Reproductive Management 

Modern dairy herd management depends heavily on automated activity monitoring devices, particularly for estrus detection in non-pregnant cows. These sophisticated instruments use pedometers, accelerometers, and sensors to track cow movement and behavior in real time. Tracking activity variations helps them precisely detect estrus, which is necessary for timely artificial insemination (A.I.).

Automated monitoring-based estrus detection has many main advantages. It guarantees timely insemination at maximum fertility, therefore increasing conception rates. It also lessens manual observation so agricultural employees can concentrate on more essential management tasks.

Automated activity monitoring improves timed A.I. systems such as Double Ovsynch or G6G when combined. TimedTimed A.I. synchronizes ovulation for optimum inside, the accuracy of breeding plans, and increased reproductive success.

Timed A.I. automated activity monitoring helps to provide complete management. Monitoring helps early, allowing for reduced cycle restoration between prompt and non-pregnant cows by means of further terminus confirmation action. More research improves synergy multip, boosting cows’ economic viability and herd production.

Preserving Herd Fertility: The Critical Role of Early and Recurrent Pregnancy Detection in Dairy Management

Dairy herd management depends heavily on early and frequent pregnancy identification. Frequent tests identify pregnancy losses early, enabling quick interventions and changes in reproductive plans. This guarantees the retention of pregnant multiparous cows and the early identification of possible replacements. Early inspections and twice-weekly rechecks before 120 days post-A.I. allow farmers to get important information on the reproductive health of their herd, therefore improving fertility control and general output.

Strategic Utilization of Sexed Semen and IVP Embryos: Enhancing Genetic Gains While Safeguarding Multiparous Cow Productivity

Particularly in heifers and first-lactation cows, sexed semen and IVP (in vitro produced) embryos provide exciting means for genetic improvement. With their excellent reproductive rates, these younger cows are perfect candidates for these technologies. Their robust reproductive health produces more significant results than older, multipurpose cows.

Multiparous cows face more difficulties. Their reproductive effectiveness usually suffers with many pregnancies and lactations. Stress from past calvings and ongoing milk output may lower reproductive rates. Using sexed semen or IVP embryos in these cows usually leads to reduced pregnancy rates and more pregnancy losses. This compromises initiatives aimed at preserving a high percentage of multiparous cows in the herd.

Economically, the hazards are substantial. Early embryonic losses or failed pregnancies call for more insemination efforts, more expenses, and longer gaps between pregnancies. This affects profitability and herd capacity. Although sexed semen and IVP embryos help younger cows, their usage in multiparous cows should be carefully considered to prevent these hazards. Optimizing results over many cow stages and paries depends on efficient reproductive control, which is the process of managing and monitoring the reproductive health of the herd, using customized methods.

The Bottom Line

Improving pregnancy rates requires synchronizing primiparous cows with sexed semen using fertility programs such as Double Ovsynch or G6G. These algorithms address the reduced conception rates of sexed semen by matching artificial intelligence with cows’ cycles. Double Ovsynch pre-synchronizes the estrous cycle to match scheduled A.I., improving fertility results and raising the likelihood of a successful pregnancy.

In a similar vein, the G6G method precisely synchronizes ovulation using hormonal therapies. This preparation helps the reproductive system react better to A.I., therefore lowering the hazards connected with sexed semen. These fertility initiatives guarantee that primiparous cows are reproductively ready, thus increasing pregnancy rates and improving the herd’s long-term output through genetic enhancement.

Start now by including these cutting-edge reproductive treatments in your herd management schedule. Maximizing reproductive efficiency helps you protect the output of your multipurpose cows and improve the genetic basis of your whole herd. Start today making wise breeding choices for a more lucrative and sustainable dairy farming future.

Key Takeways:

Effective fertility management and minimizing pregnancy losses in multiparous cows are vital for maintaining a profitable and productive dairy herd. Here are the key takeaways to ensure you keep the proportion of multiparous cows high: 

  • Unnecessary culling of multiparous cows can severely impact dairy farm profitability and production.
  • A general aim is to have 70% or more of the herd as multiparous cows at any given time.
  • Implementing advanced reproductive technologies and understanding their benefits and challenges is essential for enhancing efficiency and profitability.
  • Adopt timed A.I. protocols like Double Ovsynch, G6G, G7G, or Presynch-11/Ovsynch, which significantly improve the chances of pregnancy in multiparous cows.
  • Ensure timed first A.I. is administered before 85 days in milk to control fertility effectively.
  • Utilize automatic activity monitoring to track estrus in non-pregnant cows, enhancing pregnancy detection and response times.
  • Detect pregnancies early and recheck frequently, up to 120 days post-A.I., to identify losses and manage replacements proactively.
  • Use sexed semen or IVP embryos selectively, primarily for heifers and first-lactation cows, to balance genetic gains with the risk of reduced pregnancy rates and losses in multiparous cows.


Profitable dairy production relies on maintaining a significant proportion of multiparous cows, which are more economically advantageous and prolific than primiparous cows. Managing the fertility of multiparous cows and avoiding pregnancy losses is crucial, as ensuring at least 70% of the herd is multiparous can improve milk productivity and financial returns. Failure to prioritize pregnancy control and fertility management can result in unnecessary slaughter, lower genetic potential, and lower overall output. As reproductive technologies advance, it is urgent for dairy farmers to adopt strategies that enhance their cows’ reproductive efficiency. Implementing efficient fertility programs and early interventions can reduce losses and ensure the long-term success of their dairy farm. Best practices, including scheduled AI procedures, regular pregnancy detection, and modern reproductive technology, can help maintain the percentage of multiparous cows and promote long-term profitability and productivity.

Learn more:

Understanding the intricate dynamics of managing fertility and pregnancy in multiparous cows is crucial for dairy producers looking to enhance productivity and profitability. For more insights on optimal reproductive strategies and the impacts on dairy farming, consider exploring the following resources: 

National DHI Test-Day Data Shows 2023 Somatic Cell Count Average Drops to 181,000

Find out how U.S. dairy farmers lowered the average somatic cell count to 181,000 in 2023. What drove this enhancement in milk quality?

The 2023 Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) test-day data, a significant milestone in the dairy industry, reveals that U.S. milk producers have successfully reduced their herds’ average somatic cell counts (SCC). With a drop of 1,000 cells from last year, the new average SCC stands at 181,000 per milliliter, indicating a significant improvement in milk quality. This is the first drop since 2020, marking a positive trend in the industry.

The average of 181,000 cells per mL for 2023 is a testament to the continuous advancements in mastitis control policies and herd health management across American dairy farmers. This deliberate effort, which is the backbone of the industry, significantly improves cow health and milk quality, leading to better financial returns for dairy farmers.

Milestone in Milk Quality: U.S. Dairy Farms See First Dip in Somatic Cell Counts Since 2020

YearAverage SCC (cells per mL)Change from Previous Year

The national Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) test-day average somatic cell count (SCC) for 2023 was 181,000 cells per milliliter (cells per mL). From 2022, this marks a slight decline of 1,000 cells per mL, the first year-to-year decline since 2020. Source from the USDA’s Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory and the Council of Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB), this data shows a continuous trend toward better milk quality throughout U.S. dairy farms. The DHI test-day findings show the constant efforts of dairy farmers to reduce somatic cell counts, a main gauge of milk quality and udder health.

Comprehensive Data Collection Offers a Clear Snapshot of Dairy Health 

The somatic cell count (SCC) test-day data provides key new information on milk quality and herd health. This information originates from many Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) test programs involving owner-sampler tracking. These plans span herds of various sizes and management styles, reflecting the health of the dairy sector. With 8,947 herds and almost 3.8 million cows among the 2023 figures, the data is strong and representative of national trends.

Diving into State-by-State Dairy Health Metrics 

StateHerd Test DaysAvg. Cows per HerdAvg. Daily Milk Yield (lbs)Avg. SCC (cells/mL)% Test Days > 750,000 cells/mL% Test Days > 400,000 cells/mL
New York10,48931484177,0002.1%7.4%

The specific state data we provide is a valuable tool for you to understand your herd’s test days, average cow count per herd, daily milk supply, butterfat and protein percentages, and their average SCC. This information empowers you to make informed decisions and take necessary actions to improve your herd’s health and milk quality.

Because of production conditions and management variations, herd test days range significantly among states. Higher herd test days for Minnesota and Michigan represent specific information on their dairy businesses.

The average herd numbers also vary. While Maine and West Virginia have relatively modest numbers, states like California often have more than 1,000 cows per herd. These differences may affect SCC control.

Still, another important statistic is daily milk yield. States like Washington and Oregon record yields around the national average of 83 pounds per cow daily; Kansas and Montana might exhibit minor differences depending on regional feed and climatic variables.

Butterfat and protein ratios strongly influence milk price and profitability. Higher averages in leading states like Vermont and Wisconsin help dairy producers.

Somatic cell count (SCC) shows notable variations among states. There are two critical SCC threshold categories: 

  • Over 750,000 cells per mL: This flags test days exceeding the federal limit for Grade A producers. States like Alabama and Oklahoma report higher percentages in this category, indicating mastitis challenges.
  • Over 400,000 cells per mL: This aligns with the maximum SCC level for export milk. States like Idaho and California focus on keeping SCC below this limit for export markets.

High Standards, High Rewards: The Impact of Stricter State Somatic Cell Count Limits

Federal rules provide a broad maximum for bulk tank somatic cell counts (SCC) at 750,000 cells per milliliter (cells per mL) for Grade A milk producers. Other states have tougher criteria, though: California (600,000 cells per mL), Oregon (500,000 cells per mL), and both Idaho and Washington (400,000 cells per mL).

These tighter restrictions concentrate on milk quality and marketability, as lower SCC milk suggests better cows and quality. Producers may develop a competitive advantage in these states and demand more money.

Under Federal Milk Marketing Orders (FMMOs), which vary compensation depending on SCC levels, SCC limitations also affect payments, rewarding lower counts and punishing higher ones. This system is designed to encourage manufacturers like you to maintain low SCC levels, thereby raising general dairy quality and health standards. This not only benefits the industry but also holds the promise of improved profitability for you.

Federal Milk Marketing Orders: Incentivizing Quality for Fair Pricing

Federal milk marketing orders (FMMOs) guarantee equitable pricing by varying compensation depending on somatic cell counts (SCC) in raw milk. Every 1,000 cells per mL variance from the 350,000 cells per mL baseline is adjusted every hundredweight (cwt). Higher SCC leads to negative adjustments; lower SCC results in positive payment adjustments.

The monthly variations depend on the wholesale cheese price. These promote methods to reduce SCC levels, therefore improving milk quality for consumers and the dairy sector. Four areas—Central, Mideast, Southwest, and Upper Midwest—among the eleven existing FMMOs change payouts, according to SCC. This advances better milk quality and general industry health.

Climatic Conditions Drive Diverse Somatic Cell Count Averages Across States 

Variation in SCC across states is still quite different, partly shaped by factors like temperature and humidity. With Vermont and North Dakota topping the field with the lowest counts, the yearly average SCC for sixteen states falls below or below the national average. By contrast, Alabama, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Tennessee have the highest average SCC—more than 300,000 cells per mL.

Eleven of the 22 states that exhibited improvement in their yearly average SCC in 2023 had reductions of 10,000 cells per mL or more. Notable gains were seen in New Jersey, North Dakota, and Rhode Island. Conversely, 22 states had annual SCC increases year over year. In particular, Alabama, Oklahoma, and Colorado had their SCC values grow by 30,000 cells per mL or more, highlighting the variances across several areas.

Herd Size Matters: Analyzing the Impact on Somatic Cell Count Levels

Herd SizeSCC (cells per mL)
< 50 cows175,000
50-99 cows182,000
100-299 cows179,000
300-499 cows187,000
500-999 cows189,000
1,000-3,999 cows176,000
> 4,000 cows190,000

Changes in cow numbers affect SCC levels by herd size. Up by 18 cows from the previous year, DHI herds in 2023 averaged 288 cows per herd, and this increase had varied SCC effects.

Herds with more than 4,000 cows saw the most SCC increase; those with 500– 999 cows also somewhat increased. On the other hand, herds with 50–299 cows and those with 1,000–3,999 cows could reduce their SCC levels.

These differences highlight how milk quality is influenced by herd management and possibly hereditary elements. For the dairy business, smaller to mid-sized herds lowering SCC show an encouraging trend.

Monthly Trends Unveiled: Fluctuations in Somatic Cell Counts Throughout the Year 

MonthAverage SCC (cells per mL)Change from Previous Year

SCC levels vary monthly according to trends. March and April saw increases from last year. Jan-Feb and May-Sep experienced substantial declines. October slightly rose; November stayed the same; December finished with a drop.

Seasonal Peaks and Valleys: How Monthly Variations Shape Milk Quality

The test-day average milk output marginally changed this year, increasing almost half a pound to reach 83 pounds. The protein content climbed to 3.26%; the fat percentage grew by 0.07% to 4.15%.

Ideal for creating rich dairy products, milk produced in November and December had the most significant fat and protein levels. By comparison, July and August had the lowest component percentages.

These seasonal variations highlight how herd management and climate circumstances affect milk composition—more significant fat and protein levels in colder months point to improved management methods throughout these seasons.

The Bottom Line

The findings of the 2023 DHI test day for milk quality reveal an excellent trend; national SCC averages are lowering for the first time since 2020. Though state-specific, this improvement is seen all over due to climate and laws. Additionally, pushing this good shift are tighter state regulations and financial incentives from Federal Milk Marketing Orders.

For a dairy farmer, these realizations underline the need to follow rules and maintain herd health. Reduced SCC levels improve milk quality and increase financial returns. Look for practical ideas from states with lower SCC averages that could apply to your farm. With these steps, the good trend will be maintained, and the dairy sector will generally be supported.

Act in response. Examine the SCC statistics for your farm, identify areas needing work, and use local DHI resources to reach and maintain reduced SCC levels. Your dedication to excellence helps the whole dairy community and your herd.

Key Takeaways:

  • National average somatic cell count (SCC) dropped to 181,000 cells per milliliter, marking the first decrease since 2020.
  • The 2023 results included data from 8,947 herds and approximately 3.8 million cows.
  • 22 states improved their annual average SCC in 2023, with significant gains in Rhode Island, North Dakota, and New Jersey.
  • States with stricter SCC limits include California (600,000 cells per mL), Oregon (500,000 cells per mL), and Idaho and Washington (400,000 cells per mL).
  • Four Federal Milk Marketing Orders (FMMOs) adjust payments based on SCC, promoting higher milk quality.
  • Average herd size in DHI programs increased to 288 cows in 2023.
  • Seasonal variation in SCC was observed, with fluctuations throughout the year.

Summary: The 2023 Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) test-day data shows that U.S. milk producers have reduced their herds’ average somatic cell counts (SCC), marking a significant improvement in milk quality. This is the first drop since 2020, a positive trend in the industry. The average of 181,000 cells per milliliter for 2023 is a testament to continuous advancements in mastitis control policies and herd health management across American dairy farmers. This deliberate effort significantly improves cow health and milk quality, leading to better financial returns for dairy farmers. State-by-state data is available, providing valuable tools for understanding herd test days, average cow count per herd, daily milk supply, butterfat and protein percentages, and SCC. Federal milk marketing orders (FMMOs) ensure fair pricing by varying compensation based on SCC in raw milk.

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Stay updated with the latest trends and analysis in the dairy industry by exploring more of our expert articles: 

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