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August 2024 Genetic Evaluations: Key Updates and Innovations from CDCB and USDA AGIL

Discover the latest updates in genetic evaluations from CDCB and USDA AGIL. How will the new 305-AA yield measurement and Constructed IDs impact your herd?

CDCB and USDA Animal Genomics and Improvement Laboratory (AGIL) implemented essential changes to improve genetic assessment accuracy on August 13, 2024. This paper underlines these critical developments and their advantages for the dairy sector. Supported by USDA AGIL’s innovative genomics research, CDCB is well-known for its exact genetic assessments. Among other improvements, the adoption of Constructed IDs and 305-AA standardized yield measurement highlights their dedication to precision and innovation, increasing the dairy industry’s output and sustainability.

CDCB and USDA AGIL Introduce the New Standardized Yield Measurement Known as 305-AA 

In a step meant to transform dairy genetics, the USDA AGIL and CDCB have unveiled the new standardized yield measurement known as 305-AA. This much-awaited change departs significantly from the mature equivalent (ME) standard, effective since 1935. Standardized yield records now benchmark the average age of 36 months or 305-AA. Inspired by current studies, this adjustment marks a methodological turn to reflect a more contemporary dairy environment.

The new 305-AA yield assessment replaces changes relied upon over the last 30 years and incorporates updated age, parity, and season parameters. The recalibrated changes seek to permit fair phenotypic comparisons among cows of various ages, sexes, and calving seasons. The main objective is to evaluate dairy performance under many settings and management strategies.

One significant modification is adjusting herd averages to approach real yields. Under the former ME method, breed-specific yield projections varied by around 10 percent higher than actual yields. Effective June 12, 2024, the estimates of the 305-AA yield become available via CDCB’s WebConnect for animal and data searches. Moreover, the officially adopted, on August 13, 2024, new 305-AA changes are entirely included in the CDCB genetic examinations.

Table 1. The ratio of mature equivalent to 36-month equivalent milk, fat, and protein yields from 1994 or recent data

Breed1994 FactorME / 36-month SD ratio in recent data
Brown Swiss1.151.1561.1501.142
Milking Shorthorn1.151.1101.1001.090

This move from 305-ME to 305-AA offers a perceptive analogy. Recent data shows that standardized yields calculated from the 1994 ME factors are routinely more significant than those adjusted to the 36-month equivalent. This change marks a reassessment of yield projections to more closely reflect the contemporary dairy environment and current dairy animal performance.

A vital component of this shift is the modification in standard deviation (SD) “ME / 36-month” ratios, usually seen to be somewhat greater in earlier data than in recent changes. These little variations indicate calibrating output estimations to fit modern dairy production methods and genetic developments.

For predicted transmitting abilities (PTAs), these changes have significant ramifications. Updated ratios closer to 1.08 for Holsteins (HO) and Jerseys (JE) and generally more tiny numbers for fat and protein point to a minor scaling or base adjustment in PTA values. These changes assist representative assessments of dairy cow genetics, improving the validity and applicability of these measures according to contemporary industry requirements. Thus, a sophisticated, data-driven approach to genetic studies helps the dairy industry by promoting informed breeding and management choices.

Enhancing Precision: Modern Dairy Environments and Refined Seasonal Adjustments

Recent data analysis has improved seasonal adjustments to reflect the effect on lactation yields of the changing dairy environment. Modern architecture and construction methods have lessened the seasonal impact on yields, hence stressing improvements in dairy settings. The revised approach reveals minor variations by estimating seasonal impacts within five separate climatic zones defined by average state climate scores. This change emphasizes the advantages of better dairy conditions, lessening the need for significant seasonal changes and more accurate genetic tests. This method guarantees lactation yields are assessed in a framework that fairly represents current environmental and management circumstances using region-specific modifications, enabling more precise and fair comparisons of dairy output.

Robust Validation: Testing New Factors Across Decades of Lactation Records

The new parameters were tested rigorously using 101.5 million milk, 100.5 million fat, and 81.2 million protein lactation data from 1960 to 2022. The validation focused on the relationships of Predicted Transmitting Ability (PTAs) for proven bulls born after 2000. Results were rather good, with correlations of 0.999 for Holsteins, above 0.99 for Jerseys and Guernseys, and somewhat lower, ranging from 0.981 to 0.984, for Brown Swiss and Milking Shorthorns. These strong connections underscore the dependability of the new elements. The study also observed minor changes in genetic trends: a decline for Brown Swiss and Jerseys and a rise for Guernseys. These revelations help us better evaluate our genes, guaranteeing justice and ongoing development.

Revolutionizing Genetics: The Full Integration of Constructed IDs into the CDCB Database 

When fully adopted by August 2024, Constructed IDs represent a significant turning point for CDCB. Targeting partial pedigrees, particularly for animals without maternal ancestry information, this invention launched in mid-2023 and ends in July 2024. Constructed IDs link approximately 3.2 million animals in the National Cooperator Database to newly discovered relatives, developed by significant research by USDA AGIL using over a decade of genetic technology experience.

This improvement increases the dependability and accuracy of genetic tests. The worldwide influence is significant given these complex interactions across the closely linked U.S. dairy community. More precise breeding choices help directly impacted and related animals to improve their genetic quality and raise U.S. assessments. Designed IDs strengthen the genetic bases for further development by filling critical pedigree gaps.

Refined Criteria and Data Integration: Elevating Heifer Livability Evaluations for Improved Genetic Precision 

Recent improvements in heifer liability (HLV) show how committed the USDA AGIL and CDCB are to accuracy and dependability in genetic assessments. Fundamental changes exclude recent heifer fatalities from 2022–24 and rectify previously missed data resulting from changes in cow termination codes. These wholly integrated reports improve HLV assessments immediately. Improving the speed and depth of evaluations is a crucial modification that calls for a minimum of 1 percent mortality loss annually for the data of a herd to be legitimate. Faster adaptability to evolving reporting methods made possible by this change from cumulative to yearly criteria guarantees current herd health dynamics are faithfully captured. These improvements have generally resulted in a significant increase in the dependability of HLV assessments, particularly for bulls with daughters in the most recent data sets, generating more robust genetic predictions for offspring and informed breeding choices.

Pioneering Genetic Insights: Brown Swiss Rear Teat Placement (RTP) Evaluation

A significant turning point in dairy cow breeding is the introduction of the conventional and genomic assessment for Brown Swiss Rear Teat Placement (RTP). Using about 15,000 assessments from January 2024, CDCB and USDA AGIL accurately calculated the RTP parameters. On the 50-point linear scale, about 80 percent of the evaluations lie between 25 and 35 points. Heritability for RTP is 0.21, somewhat similar to front teat placement at 0.22; repeatability is 0.33.

Ranges for Rear Teat Placement in Brown Swiss

 Predicted Transmitting Abilities (PTA)Reliabilities
Males-2.4 to 3.10 to 98%
Females-3.7 to 2.90 to 79%

For bulls with reliabilities between 0 and 98% and for women between 0 and 79%, the PTA values for RTP in Brown Swiss are -2.4 to 3.1 and -3.7 to 2.9, respectively. This assessment uses exact measures and rigorous statistical techniques and emphasizes genetic heterogeneity within the breed.

Breeding choices depend on this thorough assessment, which helps farmers choose ideal RTP characteristics, enhancing herd quality and production. Driven by reliable, data-based conclusions, the August 2024 release of these assessments marks a new chapter in Brown Swiss genetics.

Refined Precision: Streamlining Genetic Markers for Enhanced Genomic Predictions 

Effective August 2024, the genetic marker update improved the SNPs used in genomic predictions, lowering the list from 78,964 to 69,200. This exact choosing approach removed low call rates, poor genotyping quality, minor allele frequencies, and markers with minimal effects. The X chromosome’s length allowed all SNPs to be maintained there. This update improved efficiency by helping to reduce processing time and storage usage by 12%. About 74% of the deleted SNPs originated from high-density chips.

Five other gene tests—HH7 and Slick, among others—were also included in the update. Confirming the low effect on trait averages and standard deviations, preliminary studies revealed a roughly 99.6% correlation between genomic predictions from the old and new SNP lists. For animals with less dense genotypes or partial pedigrees, this recalibration improves the accuracy of genetic assessments.

Incorporating Genomic Advancements: Annual Breed Base Representation (BBR) Updates

Accurate genetic evaluations depend on annual Breed Base Representation (BBR) revisions. This update, set for August, guarantees that the most relevant genetic markers are included in BBR calculations. Consistent with past upgrades, a test run based on February 2024 data confirmed the stability and strength of the new SNP set. The CDCB maintains BBR calculations at the forefront of genetic assessment by including this improved SNP set, giving dairy farmers the most reliable data for informed breeding choices.

Integrating Cutting-Edge Gene Test Data: Enhancing Haplotype Calculations for Holstein HH6 and Jersey JNS

A significant step forward in genetic assessments is combining Holstein Haplotypes 6 (HH6) and Jersey Neuropathy with Splayed Forelimbs (JNS) direct gene test data into haplotype calculations. By providing thorough gene test results to CDCB, Neogen and the American Jersey Cattle Association (AJCA) have been instrumental in this process. More exact haplotype estimations have come from including these direct gene tests in imputation procedures. Test runs greatly increase performance, Particularly for animals with gene test results and their offspring. This integration improves genetic prediction accuracy and emphasizes the need for cooperation in enhancing dairy cow genes.

The Bottom Line

Incorporating innovative modifications to maximize yield metrics, genetic evaluations, and pedigree correctness, the August 2024 genetic assessments signal a turning point in dairy herd management. These advances improve the dependability and accuracy of tests. While improved seasonal and parity corrections reflect current conditions, the new 305-AA standardizes yield measures for fair comparisons. We designed IDs to decrease pedigree gaps, improving assessments and criteria for Heifer Livability (HLV) and rear teat placement for Brown Swiss. Simplified genetic markers and combined genomic advances such as HH6 and JNS gene testing further improve assessment accuracy. These developments provide consistent data for farmers, enhancing the general health and output of dairy cows. Supported by a thorough study, the August 2024 assessments mark a significant breakthrough and inspire manufacturers to use these innovative approaches for more sustainability and efficiency.

Key Takeaways:

  • The 305-AA standardized yield records, adjusted to 36 months, replace the previous mature equivalent (ME) adjustments.
  • Implemented new factors enable fairer phenotypic comparisons across cows of different ages, parities, and seasons.
  • Seasonal adjustments are now estimated within regional climate zones, reflecting improved management and housing reducing environmental impact on yields.
  • Implementation of Constructed IDs enhances pedigree completeness and genetic evaluation accuracy.
  • Heifer Livability (HLV) evaluations refined through revised modeling and data integrations, particularly focusing on recent years’ reports.
  • Brown Swiss Rear Teat Placement (RTP) evaluations introduced, offering significant genetic insights with traditional and genomic evaluations.
  • Reduction of SNPs from 78,964 to 69,200 for streamlined genomic predictions, enhancing processing time and accuracy.
  • Annual BBR updates incorporate the new set of SNP markers, ensuring consistency and precision in breed representation.
  • Direct gene tests for Holstein HH6 and Jersey JNS now included in haplotype calculations, improving prediction accuracy.


The CDCB and USDA Animal Genomics and Improvement Laboratory (AGIL) have introduced a new standardized yield measurement, 305-AA, on August 13, 2024. This change allows fair comparisons among cows of various ages, sexes, and calving seasons. The revised approach estimates seasonal impacts within five separate climatic zones. Robust validation of the new parameters was conducted using 101.5 million milk, 100.5 million fat, and 81.2 million protein lactation data from 1960 to 2022. Results showed good correlations for Holsteins, Jerseys, Guernseys, Brown Swiss, and Milking Shorthorns. The August 2024 genetic assessments represent a significant turning point in dairy herd management, enhancing the dependability and accuracy of genetic tests. Constructed IDs link approximately 3.2 million animals in the National Cooperator Database to newly discovered relatives, improving genetic quality and raising U.S. assessments.

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Leveraging Dietary Starch and Amino Acids for Optimal Component Yields: Boosting Dairy Cow Productivity

Boost dairy cow productivity with optimal dietary starch and amino acids. Discover how to enhance component yields and improve feed efficiency. Ready to maximize your herd’s potential?

Profitability for dairy farmers depends on increasing the fat and protein output in milk. To maximize milk output, dairies must implement nutrition plans that stress high digestibility and the exact balance of critical elements. Precision nutrition—which emphasizes the proper ratio of carbohydrates to amino acids—is crucial. In the upcoming sections, we investigate techniques to maximize essential nutrients, enabling dairy farms to balance production, maintain herd health, and enhance overall efficiency and success.  Maximizing milk components isn’t just about feeding more; it’s about feeding smarter. Precision nutrition ensures that every bite contributes to superior productivity and animal well-being.

Key strategies covered include: 

  • The importance of evaluating feed efficiency and component yields
  • The critical role of forage quality and inventory management
  • Balancing starch and NDF for optimal rumen function
  • Incorporating sugars and soluble fibers
  • The strategic use of amino acids and fatty acids
  • Innovative solutions amidst forage shortages
  • Addressing common bottlenecks in dairy management

Maximizing Dairy Cow Productivity: Key Metrics for Success 

Two primary indicators assess dairy cow productivity: feed efficiency and daily milk output adjusted for fat and protein, known as Energy Corrected Milk (ECM). A feed efficiency ratio of 1.4 to 1.6 pounds of milk per pound of dry matter intake (DMI) is effective for high-producing dairy cows.  Good ECM values vary based on breed, lactation stage, and dairy operation goals. Generally, Holstein cows, which yield high milk volumes, tend to have higher ECM values. However, context and herd-specific factors are crucial when evaluating ECM.

Furthermore, the daily consumption of fat and protein or ECM is essential. ECM standardizes milk production to include fat and protein levels by offering a better picture of a herd’s output. Higher fat and protein content milk often commands more excellent pricing. Dairy farmers may boost component yields by emphasizing feed economy and ECM. These are linked: better feed efficiency increases fat and protein yields, increasing dairy businesses’ profitability and output.

The Crucial Role of Forage Quality in Dairy Production 

Forage quality becomes extremely important for dairy production, particularly with the digestion of neutral detergent fiber (NDF). High-quality fodder improves herd efficiency and nutritional intake. NDF digestibility primarily focuses on the cow’s ability to break down cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin-based plant cell walls. Excellent digestibility ensures cows convert fiber into energy effectively, enhancing rumen performance.

High digestibility forages offer several advantages to optimize rumen efficiency and overall productivity: 

  • Improved Feed Efficiency: Better nutrient absorption, minimizing waste, and maximizing diet benefits.
  • Enhanced Rumen Function: A stable and efficient ruminal environment with better fermentation and more volatile fatty acids is essential for milk production and energy levels.
  • Increased Milk Components: Improved energy availability supports higher milk fat and protein yields, boosting economic viability.
  • Better Health and Productivity: Reduced risk of metabolic disorders, leading to healthier cows and sustained productivity.

Ultimately, dairy farm managers may strategically address forage quality and NDF digestibility. High digestibility forages guarantee effective feed use, better cows, and increased milk output, promoting a sustainable dairy enterprise.

Balancing Starch and NDF: The Key to Enhanced Dairy Cow Productivity

Enhancing dairy cow productivity hinges significantly on the precise management of starch content in their diet. As a cornerstone energy source, starch is pivotal for achieving high milk yields. However, it must be judiciously balanced with neutral detergent fiber (NDF) to prevent metabolic issues and maintain overall cow health. 

The interplay between starch and NDF can profoundly influence milk production and component quality. While starch boosts milk yield and energy levels, excessive amounts can lead to acidosis, disrupting rumen health and decreasing feed intake. Conversely, insufficient starch limits energy availability, thereby reducing milk production. 

The ideal NDF to starch ratio can vary based on forage type, lactation stage, and overall diet. Typically, an effective diet consists of 30-32% NDF and 25-28% starch. This balance maintains rumen function and provides energy for milk production.

Cows need an adequate supply of NDF to sustain optimal rumen function and avert digestive complications. While increasing starch can enhance milk yield and protein content, the inclusion of highly digestible starch sources, such as maize, is often preferred for their efficiency. At the same time, incorporating highly digestible NDF sources, such as citrus or beet pulp, can mitigate the risks associated with high-starch diets. These fibers improve rumen function and help maintain higher milk fat production. 

Dairy producers can carefully balance starch and NDF to optimize milk output, component yields, and overall herd health. Although starch remains crucial, its optimal utilization requires a nuanced approach. Managing the interaction between starch and NDF is essential to maximizing milk production and quality while safeguarding cow health.

Strategic Benefits of Incorporating Sugars and Soluble Fibers in Dairy Cow Diets

Incorporating soluble fibers and sugars into dairy cow diets presents clear advantages. By immediately providing energy, sugars play a pivotal role in enhancing rumen fermentation and increasing butyrate levels. Additionally, certain fatty acids are essential for effective milk fat production. By strategically lowering starch and increasing sugar content to 5–7%, butyrate production is maximized, thus improving the quality of milk fat. Soluble fibers, such as those from beet or citrus, augment the pool of fermentable fibers. These fibers break down rapidly in the rumen, thereby boosting butyrate levels. These dietary adjustments raise milk fat content and enhance energy efficiency, increasing dairy farm profitability and output.

The Essential Role of Amino Acids in Enhancing Dairy Cow Productivity

Dairy cow diets require amino acids, significantly affecting milk output and general health. Lysine, methionine, and histidine are essential amino acids because they function in protein synthesis and metabolism.

Lysine is essential for muscle protein synthesis, calcium absorption, immune function, and hormone production. As the first limiting amino acid in dairy diets, lysine supplementation is vital for maximizing milk protein yield. Adequate levels can be ensured through high-lysine feeds or supplements. 

Methionine is critical for methylation and influences DNA and protein synthesis. It also helps produce other amino acids like cysteine and taurine. Methionine levels can be maintained with methionine-rich feeds (e.g., soybean meal) or specific additives. 

Histidine supports histamine and carnosine production, which is essential for muscle function and metabolism. Its direct influence on milk production makes it vital. Histidine is typically sourced from blood meal. 

To maintain adequate amino acid levels, diet formulation should include: 

  • Analyzing feed components for amino acid content.
  • High-quality protein sources like canola, blood, and soybean meal are used.
  • Employing supplements for targeted amino acid delivery.
  • Monitoring cow performance to adjust diets as needed.

Maintaining nitrogen balance and maximizing feed efficiency depends on carefully balancing these amino acids between rumen-degradable and rumen-undegradable protein needs. Emphasizing these essential amino acids produces better cow health, yields, and financial returns.

The Strategic Role of Fatty Acids in Dairy Cow Diets 

Dairy cow diets must include fatty acids as they affect metabolic processes necessary for milk output. Usually considered energy sources, certain fats like palm oil and high oleic beans may significantly increase milk fat content and general energetic efficiency. Rich in palmitic acid (C16:0), palm oil powerfully promotes milk fat production. It increases milk fat production by supplying necessary fatty acids for triglyceride synthesis in the mammary gland, saving the cow’s metabolic energy for other uses. This produces more milk fat without draining the cow’s energy supply too rapidly. 

High oleic beans, with oleic acid (C18:1), increase mammary glands’ cell membrane fluidity and metabolic flexibility. This improves milk fat synthesis and digestion, guaranteeing that energy intake is effectively transformed into useful outputs like more excellent milk fat percentages. 

Including these fatty acids in dairy cow diets calls for a measured approach. Reducing feed efficiency and causing metabolic problems may be the result of overfeeding. However, adequately controlled lipids from palm oil and high oleic beans may significantly increase production, enabling a dairy farming system with maximum efficiency.

Navigating the Challenges of Variability in Blood Meal for Dairy Nutrition 

One major challenge in dairy nutrition is the variability in feed ingredients, especially blood meal. Blood meal’s inconsistency in bioavailability and digestibility can complicate diet formulations and affect herd productivity. This variability often results from differences in processing, handling, and sourcing. Regular testing and analysis of blood meal batches are essential to tackle this. Implementing assays to estimate bioavailability and working with reputable suppliers can help ensure consistent product quality.

Additionally, diversifying protein sources by incorporating fish, soybean, or other high-quality supplements can reduce reliance on blood meal and mitigate its variability. Utilizing precise feed formulation software that adjusts nutrient levels based on ingredient analyses can also help maintain balanced diets. While blood meal variability is challenging, proactive management and diversified supplementation can ensure consistent nutrient delivery and enhance dairy cow productivity.

Innovative Solutions for Maintaining Optimal NDF Levels Amid Forage Shortages

When forage availability is limited, innovative solutions are needed to maintain optimal NDF levels and support rumen function. Utilizing non-forage fiber sources can be effective for dairy producers facing constrained forage supplies. Consider incorporating the following alternatives: 

  • Wheat Mids: Enhance the overall fiber content of the diet with this valuable NDF source.
  • Soy Hulls: Rich in digestible fiber, they boost dietary fiber without affecting feed efficiency.
  • Beet pulp is high in fiber and palatable and supports rumen health.
  • Citrus Pulp: Adds soluble fibers, improving digestion and nutrient absorption.

These non-forage fiber sources can help balance the diet, ensuring adequate fiber to support healthy rumen function and productivity, even when forage supplies are limited.

Addressing Common Management Bottlenecks: Unlocking Dairy Cow Productivity

Maximizing dairy cow output depends on addressing typical management obstacles such as crowding and limited water space. Overcrowding decreases resting time, raises stress, lowers feed intake, and affects milk output and general health by reducing resting time. Following advised stocking densities is essential to help mitigate these problems so that every cow has adequate room to walk, eat, and relax. Gradually reducing stocking density will significantly improve animal comfort and output. 

Furthermore, ensuring water troughs are sufficiently spaced and easily reachable is crucial, as design defects might restrict adequate water availability, affecting hydration and feed efficiency. Optimizing cow comfort requires sufficient lighting, good ventilation, and dry, clean bedding. Frequent observation of the barn surroundings helps to avoid respiratory problems and support steady milk output. 

Good time management is essential. Maintaining constant feeding schedules, structuring the cows’ day to promote rest and rumination, and limiting disturbances aids digestion and nutrient absorption, directly affecting milk output. Regular evaluations of cow behavior and health markers help to spot early stresses or inefficiencies. Using wearable technology or routine health inspections, minute indicators of pain or disease may be identified, enabling quick treatments and continuous output.

The Bottom Line

Understanding vital benchmarks like feed efficiency and pounds of fat, protein, or energy-corrected milk daily helps maximize dairy cow output. Excellent forages are essential; their primary goal should be to raise digestible NDF to improve ruminal efficiency and general cow condition. Energy supply and milk components depend on carefully balancing starch and NDF levels. Adding soluble fibers and sugars enhances fermentation and increases milk fat synthesis. Adding methionine, lysine, and histidine—essential amino acids—helps to maximize protein synthesis and milk supply. Adding fatty acids improves milk fat production and meets energy demands. Dealing with the fluctuations in blood meal as a protein source guarantees a consistent dairy cow diet. When premium forages are few, non-forage fiber sources may help preserve NDF levels. Addressing management issues such as water availability and congestion significantly affects output. These techniques improve general herd health, milk supply, and feed efficiency, promoting economic success. By being knowledgeable and flexible, producers can ensure the welfare of their herds and support successful, environmentally friendly farming.

Key Takeaways:

  • Feed efficiency and pounds of fat and protein per day are critical metrics for evaluating dairy cow productivity.
  • Increasing utilizability of Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF) in forages significantly enhances dairy cow performance.
  • Balancing dietary starch levels while optimizing NDF can lead to higher component yields.
  • Incorporating sugars and soluble fibers into cow diets can boost butyrate production and overall efficiency.
  • Amino acids, particularly lysine, methionine, and histidine, play an essential role in maximizing milk production.
  • Fatty acids, such as those from high oleic beans, contribute to higher milk fat and overall productivity.
  • The variability of blood meal can impact its effectiveness; monitoring and adaptation are necessary for optimal use.
  • Non-forage fiber sources can help maintain optimal NDF levels when forage availability is limited.
  • Common management bottlenecks like overcrowding and inadequate water space can inhibit productivity despite a well-balanced diet.


Dairy farmers’ profitability relies on increasing fat and protein output in milk through nutrition plans that focus on high digestibility and balance of critical elements. Precision nutrition, which emphasizes the proper ratio of carbohydrates to amino acids, is crucial for dairy farms to balance production, maintain herd health, and enhance efficiency. Key strategies include evaluating feed efficiency, balancing starch and NDF for optimal rumen function, incorporating sugars and soluble fibers, strategic use of amino acids and fatty acids, innovative solutions amidst forage shortages, and addressing common dairy management bottlenecks. Higher feed efficiency increases profitability, lowers feed costs, and improves environmental sustainability.

What Dairy Breeders Need to Know About the Transition to 305-AA Yield Estimates

Learn how the new 305-AA yield estimates affect dairy farming. Ready for changes in genetic evaluations and milk yield predictions?

Significant changes are coming for dairy farmers in the U.S. Starting mid-June, the old 305-ME (Mature Equivalent) yield estimate will be replaced by the new 305-AA (Average Age) standard. This isn’t just an update but a significant improvement reflecting modern dairy practices and environmental factors, providing better tools for herd management and breeding decisions. 

Mark your calendars: On June 12, 305-AA yield estimates will debut in CDCB’s WebConnect data queries. By August 2024, they will be fully integrated into CDCB’s genetic evaluations. This change is based on extensive research and data analysis by USDA AGIL and CDCB, which examined over 100 million milk yield records. 

The industry needs updated tools to make accurate, fair comparisons among cows. This transition and the new 305-AA are based on a 2023 USDA AGIL and CDCB study analyzing millions of milk yield records. 

What does this mean for you? Moving to 305-AA aligns yield estimates with current insights on age, lactation length, climate, and other factors affecting milk production. This leads to more precise and fair comparisons among cows, helping optimize your herd’s performance. 

Stay tuned as we dive deeper into the 305-AA transition, its impact on genetic evaluations, breed-specific changes, and what to expect moving forward.

The New Age of Yield Estimation: Introducing 305-AA

305-AA stands for 305-Average Age. It’s the new method for accurately comparing dairy cows of different ages, climates, and calving seasons. This tool estimates a cow’s lactation corrected to a standard age of 36 months using partial yield measurements from milk tests. It’s a robust update reflecting modern dairy practices.

A New Era in Dairy Production Efficiency 

The shift from 305-ME to 305-AA is a game-changer for the dairy industry. For nearly 30 years, the 305-ME system couldn’t keep up with cow management and genetic advances. But now, the new 305-AA model brings us up to speed, leveraging recent insights into age, climate, and lactation variables for a more accurate milk yield estimate. 

A 2023 study by USDA AGIL and CDCB, analyzing over 100 million milk yield records, showed how outdated the old system was. The new 305-AA promises better decision-making tools, boosting both productivity and fairness in the industry.

What 305-AA Means for Different Dairy Breeds 

The transition to 305-AA will affect different dairy breeds in unique ways. Changes will be minimal for Holsteins, as their data heavily influenced the 1994 adjustments. This means Holstein farmers won’t see minor shifts in their yield estimates or genetic evaluations. 

Non-Holstein breeds will see more significant updates due to more precise, breed-specific adjustments. Ayrshires will experience stable PTAs with a slight increase in milk, fat, and protein yields, especially for younger males. Brown Swiss will see slightly higher overall yield PTAs for younger cows, with older animals maintaining stability. 

Guernseys will find that younger males show an increase, while older cows might see a slight decline in their milk, fat, and protein PTAs. Jersey cows will have a noticeable decrease in yield PTAs for younger males, but older males will benefit from an increase in their evaluations. 

This recalibration means that farmers focusing on non-Holstein breeds can expect more tailored and accurate yield estimates. These changes pave the way for better breed management and selection strategies in the future.

The Ripple Effects of 305-AA on Breed-Specific PTAs

The shift to 305-AA adjustments will have varied impacts on Predicted Transmitting Abilities (PTAs) across different dairy breeds. Each breed will experience unique changes for more breed-specific and accurate assessments. 

Ayrshire: PTAs will stay stable, with younger males seeing a slight increase in milk, fat, and protein yields. 

Brown Swiss: Young animals will see a slight increase in yield PTAs, while older animals remain stable. 

Guernsey: Younger males will experience an increase in milk, fat, and protein PTAs, while older males may see a decrease. 

Holstein: Young males will get a boost in yield PTAs, and older animals will have more stable measurements. 

Jersey: Younger males will see a decrease in yield PTAs, while older males will experience an increase.

Coming Soon: 305-AA Data Goes Live on CDCB WebConnect and Genetic Evaluations.

Starting June 12, 2024, you’ll see the new 305-AA yield estimates in CDCB’s WebConnect queries. This kicks off the move to 305-AA. 

By August 2024, 305-AA will be fully integrated into CDCB genetic evaluations. Phenotypic updates in the triannual evaluations will adopt the new method, affecting PTAs and indices like Net Merit $. 

Rest Easy: July Evaluations to Continue Uninterrupted; August Brings Enhanced Accuracy with 305-AA

Rest easy; switching to 305-AA won’t affect July’s monthly evaluations. Your data will still follow the old 305-ME adjustments for now. However, with the triannual update from August 13, 2024, all evaluations will feature the new 305-AA data, giving you the most accurate yield estimates for your dairy herd.

The Bottom Line

The switch to 305-AA is a big step forward. It uses the latest research and a massive database for more accurate milk yield estimates. This change reflects how dairy management and cow biology have evolved over the last 30 years. With 305-AA, comparing cows—no matter their age, breed, or conditions—is now fairer and more scientific. 

Key Takeaways:

The transition from 305-ME to 305-AA is set to bring significant advancements in yield estimation for U.S. dairy farmers. Here are some key takeaways: 

  • Effective date: 305-AA will be officially implemented starting June 12.
  • Modern alignment: This change reflects current management practices and environmental factors.
  • Updated research: Based on a 2023 study examining over 100 million milk yield records.
  • Breed-specific adjustments: Non-Holstein breeds will see more significant changes due to more precise data.
  • Impact on PTAs: Different breeds will experience unique effects on their Predicted Transmitting Abilities (PTAs).
  • Genetic evaluations: The 305-AA adjustments will appear in CDCB genetic evaluations starting August 2024.
  • Uninterrupted evaluations: The July monthly evaluations will not be affected by this change.

Summary: Starting mid-June, the old 305-ME yield estimate will be replaced by the new 305-AA standard, reflecting modern dairy practices and environmental factors. This transition aligns yield estimates with current insights on age, lactation length, climate, and other factors affecting milk production, leading to more precise and fair comparisons among cows. The new 305-AA model is based on extensive research and data analysis by USDA AGIL and CDCB, which examined over 100 million milk yield records. The industry needs updated tools to make accurate, fair comparisons among cows. The transition will affect different dairy breeds in unique ways, with Holstein farmers not seeing minor shifts in their yield estimates or genetic evaluations, while non-Holstein breeds will see more significant updates due to more precise, breed-specific adjustments. Ayrshires will experience stable Predicted Transmitting Abilities (PTAs), Brown Swiss will see slightly higher overall yield PTAs for younger cows, and Guardeys will show an increase in milk, fat, and protein PTAs.

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