Archive for farm restoration

Rowley Brothers Dairy Farm Rebuilds After Devastating Fire: Community Rallies to Support

See how the Milton community came together to help Rowley Brothers Dairy Farm after a big fire. Want to help? Find out how you can make a difference today.

Last Saturday, a devastating fire struck the Rowley Brothers Dairy Farm in Milton, challenging this multi-generational farm to its core. The blaze destroyed several structures and tragically killed livestock. The community’s swift and heartfelt response highlighted their unbreakable solidarity in times of crisis. 

“By the time he got a hold of first responders, the barn was too dangerous to go back into to try and put it out ourselves. We just did what we could to evacuate all the cows from the buildings and help the fire department the best we could,” said Rowley.

The fire claimed multiple structures, including the milk parlor, a house, and around 800 gallons of milk. Although 230 cows were rescued, three perished. The swift action of neighbors, who took in about 200 cows, has aided the Rowley family’s recovery efforts.

A Legacy of Resilience: The Rowley Brothers Dairy Farm’s Generational Journey

The Rowley Brothers Dairy Farm in Milton has been a community cornerstone for generations. Established over seventy years ago by Brendan Rowley’s grandfather, the farm stands as a testament to resilience and dedication. Despite the recent devastating fire, the farm’s spirit remains unbroken. It has grown through hard work, earning respect and admiration from locals and fellow farmers. The farm contributes significantly to local agriculture, providing fresh milk and supporting agricultural education and job opportunities. 

Brendan Rowley isn’t alone in running the farm. His father, a pivotal figure, ensures day-to-day operations go smoothly and passes down essential farming knowledge. Brendan’s sister, Kate, also plays a crucial role, offering support and participating in farm activities. Together, they form a tight-knit team dedicated to sustaining the farm’s legacy and supporting the wider farming community. Their efforts highlight the crucial role of family-run farms in maintaining local food system integrity and sustainability.

A Quiet Evening Turns Catastrophic: The Onset of the Fire 

A typical day at the Rowley Brothers Dairy Farm started uneventfully. The evening sun cast a serene glow as milking filled the barn. Around 7:00 p.m., Brendan Rowley’s father, while milking a cow, smelled smoke. The faint wisp quickly became an unmistakable threat. He promptly called first responders, recognizing the gravity of the situation. Despite his swift action, the fire grew out of control. 

By the time the call was made, the barn was already engulfed in flames, making it too dangerous to enter. Efforts to control the blaze were futile, forcing a retreat. Brendan and his family focused on evacuating the livestock, urgently guiding the cows out of the burning barns as the fire department swiftly arrived.

Heartbreak and Heroism: Navigating the Immediate Aftermath of the Fire

The fire’s aftermath was catastrophic, with multiple essential structures like the milk parlor and milk house destroyed. Around 800 gallons of milk were lost, significantly impacting farm productivity and income. The Rowley family heroically saved 230 cows in the chaos, though three were tragically lost. This mix of rescue and loss underscored a grim yet hopeful scenario in the immediate wake of the fire.

Unity in Crisis: Community Steps Up to Support the Rowley Family 

The local community’s support was extraordinary, with neighbors quickly providing refuge for the displaced cattle. Around 200 cows needed immediate rehoming, and neighboring farmers swiftly opened their barns to ensure the animals had a safe place to stay. This collective effort, which was instrumental in the farm’s recovery, highlighted the strong bonds and mutual aid within agricultural communities. Brendan Rowley expressed deep gratitude, stating, “We just want to make sure the community knows how thankful we are for all the help. It made the best of a nightmare; we couldn’t have handled it without all the help we had.” The Rowley family’s experience underscores the vital role of the community during a crisis.

Gratitude and Resilience: The Rowley Siblings Appreciate Community’s Lifeline During Crisis

Brendan Rowley expressed his deep gratitude: “We just want to make sure the community knows how thankful we are for all the help. It made the best of a nightmare; we couldn’t have handled it without all the help we had. Your support has been a lifeline for us during this challenging time.” 

Kate Rowley echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the community’s crucial support. “We would just ask that everyone continue to support their neighboring farmers; without them, we wouldn’t have had that hope that night. We knew we had a place for our cows to go, and their support was everything we needed in that moment.” Her words highlight the farming community’s deep connection and how collective action can bring light during dark times.

The Road to Recovery: Navigating Immediate Challenges and Long-Term Rebuilding Efforts 

The Rowley family’s resilience is evident as they deal with the fire’s aftermath. With their primary milk source and refrigeration system destroyed, they’re using milk replacers to nourish the young calves, showing their commitment to animal welfare despite challenges. 

The insurance process, which is a key step in funding the replacement of lost structures, can be complex and time-consuming. This adds another layer of difficulty, demanding patience and strength amid an already stressful situation. 

Community support has been essential, but uncertainties remain. The immediate challenges the Rowleys face include securing temporary housing for the cows, replacing lost equipment, and managing the farm’s finances. Strategic planning for rebuilding and managing finances is critical as the Rowleys face the future. Their perseverance and determination demonstrate their enduring commitment to the farm’s legacy.

In Times of Distress: Your Support Can Make a Difference 

Community support is crucial in times of crisis. If you wish to help the Rowley Brothers Dairy Farm, there are several ways to contribute. Providing milk replacers for the calves or financial aid for specific needs such as rebuilding structures, replacing lost equipment, or covering veterinary expenses can make a real impact. 

To offer assistance or donations, please contact: 

Your generosity will play a vital role in the farm’s recovery.

The Bottom Line

The Rowley Brothers Dairy Farm exemplifies resilience and community spirit. The fire was a trial no family should face alone, highlighting the crucial role of communal support. Neighbors and fellow farmers responded immediately, showcasing solidarity in challenging times. 

As the Rowley family begins the arduous journey of rebuilding, their grit and gratitude shine. They remind us that while the path ahead is challenging, they are committed to restoring the farm to its former glory. Their future plans include implementing more sustainable farming practices and continuing to contribute to the local agriculture community. Support and collective effort are crucial to these plans and their recovery. 

Please keep the Rowley family in your thoughts and prayers. Your support, whether through contributions or encouragement, significantly aids their recovery. Together, we can help the Rowley family restore their farm and uphold the spirit of our farming community. If you wish to help, please consider providing milk replacers for the calves, financial aid for rebuilding efforts, or offering temporary housing for the cows. Your generosity will play a vital role in the farm’s recovery.

Key Takeaways:

In the wake of a devastating fire, the resilience, solidarity, and gratitude of the Rowley family and their community shine through. Here are the key takeaways: 

  • A fire ravaged the Rowley Brothers Dairy Farm in Milton, destroying multiple structures and roughly 800 gallons of milk.
  • First responders were promptly called, but the fire had already grown too dangerous to contain independently.
  • Despite the loss, 230 cows were successfully evacuated, though three tragically perished.
  • With no safe place to house the cows long-term, around 200 cows were rehomed with the help of neighbors.
  • The Rowley family expressed profound gratitude for the overwhelming community support during their time of crisis.
  • The farm is currently using milk replacer to feed the remaining calves due to the loss of their refrigeration system.
  • Contributions to aid the recovery, particularly in providing milk replacer, can be coordinated through the Vermont Farm Bureau or by contacting Dave & Sally Baker.
  • The family is navigating the insurance process and appreciates being kept in thoughts and prayers.


A devastating fire destroyed the Rowley Brothers Dairy Farm in Milton, destroying several structures and killing livestock. The community’s swift response demonstrated their unbreakable solidarity in times of crisis. The fire claimed multiple structures, including the milk parlor, a house, and around 800 gallons of milk. Despite 230 cows being rescued, three perished. The Rowley family’s recovery efforts were aided by the swift action of neighbors who took in about 200 cows. The Rowley Brothers Dairy Farm has been a community cornerstone for generations, contributing significantly to local agriculture, providing fresh milk and supporting agricultural education and job opportunities. The Rowley family heroically saved 230 cows, though three were tragically lost. The local community’s support was extraordinary, with neighbors providing refuge for the displaced cattle. Around 200 cows needed immediate rehoming, and neighboring farmers opened their barns to ensure the animals had a safe place to stay. The Rowley Brothers Dairy Farm exemplifies resilience and community spirit, highlighting the crucial role of communal support in times of crisis.

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