Archive for Farm

Trent Hendrickson Honored as 2024 Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder

Explore how Trent Hendrickson’s enthusiasm for genetics and devotion to Holsteins secured him the 2024 Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder award. Eager to learn about his path?

A keen interest in genetics, a steadfast commitment to Registered Holsteins®, and the determination to carve his own path have propelled the 2024 Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder to success in the dairy industry. Holstein Association USA proudly recognizes Trent Hendrickson as this year’s Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder. 

Trent, alongside his wife Kelsey, operates Trent-Way Genetics in Blanchardville, Wisconsin. The couple is raising their four young children: Trevor, Grace, Lee, and Jeffrey. 

Over the past 12 years, Trent and Kelsey have built Trent-Way Genetics from the ground up, turning it into a nationally and internationally acclaimed name. They specialize in balanced type cows and Red and Red-Carrier genetics. Their herd comprises 400 cows and 600 young stock, boasting a Rolling Herd Average of 28,483 pounds of milk with a 4.0% fat test and 3.2% protein. 

“I’m thankful and proud of what we’ve accomplished to be able to receive this award,” Trent shares. “I’m kind of in awe about it and excited to represent this next generation of young farmers.”

Raised on his family’s Jeffrey-Way Holsteins in Belleville, Wisconsin, Trent actively participated in the Junior Holstein Association and engaged in showing and dairy judging. After high school, he attended the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, earning a degree in animal science with a dairy emphasis. In 2010, Trent returned to farm at Jeffrey-Way Holsteins. 

In 2011, Trent began farming with Dave Erickson, a Registered Holstein breeder approaching retirement. Dave handled crop management and feed provision, while Trent owned 100% of the cows. Six years later, Trent and Kelsey purchased the building site and continued to expand the farm. 

Trent’s keen eye for quality cows and focus on d

airy cattle genetics have been pivotal to the farm’s success. They’ve marketed breeder bulls and sent 45 bulls from Trent-Way Genetics into A.I. The farm has also bred 83 Excellent cows with the Trent-Way prefix and ranked second in BAA for herds over 250 in 2023, with a BAA of 109.5. 

Behind this high-performing herd and sought-after genetics is a man passionate about breeding top-tier cows and raising his family on the farm. At Trent-Way Genetics, the Hendricksons cherish hard work, a love for the industry, and pride in breeding outstanding cow families.

The Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder Award recognizes significant accomplishments of young Registered Holstein breeders for their commitment to preserving the dairy industry and for achieving excellence in their daily lives. Trent Hendrickson will be recognized on June 26, 2024, during the National Holstein Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Holstein Association USA, Inc. provides programs, products, and services to dairy producers to enhance genetics and improve profitability. These include animal identification and ear tags, genomic testing, mating programs, dairy records processing, classification, communication, consulting services, and Holstein semen.

Summary; Trent Hendrickson, a 2024 Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder, has achieved success in the dairy industry through his interest in genetics, commitment to Registered Holsteins®, and determination. Hendrickson and his wife Kelsey have built Trent-Way Genetics in Blanchardville, Wisconsin, specializing in balanced type cows and Red and Red-Carrier genetics. The herd consists of 400 cows and 600 young stock, with a Rolling Herd Average of 28,483 pounds of milk with a 4.0% fat test and 3.2% protein. Hendrickson attended the University of Wisconsin-Platteville and returned to farm at Jeffrey-Way Holsteins in 2010. He and Kelsey purchased the building site and continued to expand the farm. Their focus on dairy cattle genetics has led to success, with 83 Excellent cows bred with the Trent-Way prefix and ranking second in BAA for herds over 250 in 2023.

Lawmakers Hopeful Yet Cautious: Future of the 2024 Farm Bill Hangs in the Balance

Will the 2024 Farm Bill pass before the deadline? Lawmakers are cautiously optimistic but face challenges. Discover the key issues and potential outcomes.

Few legislative efforts are as influential as the Farm Bill, formally known as the Farm, Food and National Security Act of 2024. Historically, it has enjoyed strong bipartisan support, serving as a cornerstone for U.S. agriculture, nutrition, and conservation programs. Passed every five years, the farm bill provides critical stability and resources for farmers and ranchers, ensures food security for low-income families, and promotes sustainable agricultural practices. The 2024 Farm Bill is not just a piece of legislation; it is a lifeline for the agricultural community, and its timely enactment is crucial for their well-being. 

“The farm bill is not just a piece of legislation; it is the bedrock of our food and agricultural policy, influencing everything from crop insurance to food aid,” remarked a senior legislator on the Agriculture Committee.

The House and Senate are currently engaged in a rigorous process of scrutinizing their respective versions of the Farm Bill. This process is expected to result in significant modifications before the bill becomes law. Despite a packed congressional calendar and the upcoming election, legislators and agricultural groups are optimistic about the bill’s passage before the September deadline.

The House Agriculture Committee Advances 2024 Farm Bill, Emphasizing Large-Scale Commodity Production

The recent passage of the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 by the House Agriculture Committee signifies a significant step forward, with the bill clearing the committee by a vote of 33-21. This version, crafted primarily by House leaders, emphasizes large-scale commodity production. It includes vital provisions to boost risk management tools for farmers and ranchers, essential amid global market volatility. The House bill also allocates significant resources to enhance the efficiency and output of large-scale agricultural operations. 

The House version of the Farm Bill focuses on broad-spectrum commodity production, aiming to secure stability and a competitive edge for American agriculture globally. However, this focus comes with the challenge of navigating tight budget constraints, leading to increased funding for commodity and trade programs at the expense of other areas. This version of the bill prioritizes big agriculture while balancing fiscal realities.

A Divergent Path: Senate’s Holistic and Inclusive Vision for the 2024 Farm Bill

From the Senate’s perspective, the 2024 Farm Bill strategy differs notably from the House’s. With Democrats in control, the focus has shifted to supporting smaller-scale farming operations and addressing broader agricultural priorities. This includes helping new and beginning farmers and creating an inclusive framework that addresses existing support gaps. Senator Boozman has highlighted the importance of bipartisanship, acknowledging common ground on critical issues and recognizing strategic differences that need negotiation. 

The Senate aims to enhance the resilience and sustainability of the agricultural sector. This involves boosting agrarian research, conservation programs, and protective grant programs. Additionally, there is a focus on monitoring and supporting the trade of seasonal and perishable produce, which aligns assistance with market needs. 

These proposals reflect a more holistic approach, balancing innovation in farming with economic sustainability. As negotiations progress, finding a bipartisan path is crucial to ensure the farm bill meets the diverse needs of the agricultural community.

The Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024: Ensuring Comprehensive Support for America’s Agricultural Sector 

The Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 supports America’s agricultural sector through crucial risk management tools like federal crop insurance and disaster assistance. These tools help farmers and ranchers manage market volatility and unpredictable weather patterns

Nutrition funding, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), aims to reduce food insecurity and boost local economies through improved purchasing power

Agricultural research and conservation programs drive sustainability and innovation, supporting research at land-grant universities and the Agricultural Research Service. These programs promote sustainable farming, natural resource conservation, and improved soil and water quality, ensuring the sector’s future viability.

Legislative Obstacles and Political Dynamics: Challenges to the Timely Enactment of the 2024 Farm Bill

The path to passing the 2024 farm bill faces significant obstacles that could delay its enactment. The congested congressional calendar, with numerous legislative priorities, poses an immediate challenge as the farm bill could be sidelined. 

The upcoming election further complicates the process. Election years heighten partisan tensions and strategic maneuvering, making legislators hesitant to make bold moves or compromises that could be used against them during campaigns. This could further stall the farm bill’s progress. 

The potential for a legislative stalemate is also significant. The House and Senate have divergent views on the farm bill, with the House emphasizing large-scale commodity production and the Senate advocating for inclusive agricultural support. This could lead to prolonged negotiations and an impasse. If a stalemate occurs, Congress might have to consider a temporary extension of current policies, pushing the new farm bill’s finalization into the lame-duck session between the November election and the end of the congressional term on January 3. This scenario only adds to the uncertainty of the legislative landscape.

Ticking Clock and Looming Deadlines: The Uncertain Future of the 2024 Farm Bill as Temporary Extension Looms

With the current farm bill set to expire on September 30, lawmakers and agricultural stakeholders are becoming increasingly concerned about the possibility of a temporary extension. While not new, this extension could have substantial implications for both the agricultural community and the legislative process.

The legislative calendar is crowded, and the upcoming election adds complexity. A temporary extension seems likely if the House and Senate can’t reconcile their versions of the bill in time. Such an extension would prevent an immediate lapse in vital programs, including risk management tools for farmers, nutrition funding for low-income families, and critical conservation efforts.

In this scenario, a “lame-duck” Congress—those lawmakers still in office between the November elections and the start of the new session in January—would play a crucial role in enacting stopgap measures. This period often sees heightened pressure to pass essential legislation, including the farm bill. 

However, relying on a temporary extension has its drawbacks. While it buys time, it also perpetuates uncertainty for farmers and ranchers who need long-term policy stability for planning and investment decisions. Additionally, it could delay necessary reforms and innovations outlined in both the House and Senate versions of the bill. The potential for a temporary extension underscores the need for timely and decisive action on the 2024 Farm Bill. 

Congress’s ability to negotiate and compromise during the lame-duck session could determine the future of agricultural policy in the United States. While cautious optimism persists regarding the passage of a new farm bill, the clock is ticking, and all eyes are on Capitol Hill as the deadline approaches.

Balancing Act: Navigating Legislative Hurdles and Harmonizing Diverse Agricultural Priorities in the 2024 Farm Bill

Amid the intricate legislative landscape filled with competing priorities and fiscal challenges, there’s a cautious optimism among lawmakers and agricultural groups. Efforts to balance large-scale commodity production with inclusive approaches highlight a dedication to meeting diverse agrarian needs. Despite a busy congressional calendar and the upcoming election, there’s a belief that bipartisan collaboration can ensure the 2024 Farm Bill’s timely enactment. While a temporary extension remains possible, there’s strong hope that comprehensive support measures will be enacted before the September deadline.

The Bottom Line

The House Agriculture Committee’s move to advance the 2024 Farm, Food, and National Security Act is pivotal for the future of American agriculture. Though it progresses, challenges loom in the Senate, where differing priorities and budgetary issues could reshape the bill. As the current farm bill expires on September 30, stakeholders from large-scale commodity producers to low-income families dependent on nutrition programs are anxious about its fate. 

The bill is essential for providing risk management tools to farmers and ranchers. It has far-reaching impacts on food security, agricultural research, and conservation. Historically, bipartisan farm bills necessitate collaboration to address the diverse needs of the agricultural community. While the Senate’s inclusive approach contrasts with the House’s commodity focus, shared priorities could form a basis for consensus. Legislators and advocacy groups stress the urgency for swift legislative action to prevent a policy gap that could cause disruptions.

Key Takeaways:

  • The U.S. House of Representatives Agriculture Committee has passed the 2024 Farm Bill with a vote of 33-21, focusing on large-scale commodity production.
  • The Senate is considering a contrasting approach, emphasizing support for smaller-scale farming operations and a broader range of agricultural priorities.
  • The current farm bill is set to expire at the end of the 2024 fiscal year on September 30, adding urgency to the legislative process.
  • The proposed bill includes provisions for risk management tools, nutrition funding, and agricultural research and conservation.
  • Lawmakers face a packed congressional calendar and an upcoming election, which could delay the new farm bill’s passage.
  • A potential stalemate could necessitate a temporary extension of current policies, pushing the final decision to the post-election congressional session.
  • Despite challenges, legislators and agricultural groups remain cautiously optimistic about passing the new bill before the September deadline.

Summary: The Farm Bill, also known as the Farm, Food and National Security Act of 2024, is a crucial legislative effort in the U.S. agriculture, nutrition, and conservation programs. Passed every five years, it provides stability and resources for farmers and ranchers, ensures food security for low-income families, and promotes sustainable agricultural practices. The House Agriculture Committee has passed the 2024 Farm Bill, emphasizing large-scale commodity production and risk management tools. However, this focus comes with the challenge of navigating tight budget constraints, leading to increased funding for commodity and trade programs at the expense of other areas. The Senate’s strategy differs from the House’s, focusing on supporting smaller-scale farming operations and addressing broader agricultural priorities. The Farm Bill supports America’s agricultural sector through risk management tools, federal crop insurance, disaster assistance, nutrition funding, and agricultural research and conservation programs. Finding a bipartisan path is crucial to ensure the farm bill meets the diverse needs of the agricultural community.

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