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The Shift in Dairy Farming: Will Large Dairies Overtake Milk Cooperatives as Small Farms Disappear?

Explore the future of dairy farming: Will large dairies replace milk cooperatives as small farms vanish? Discover the impact on the U.S. milk supply and industry trends.

Imagine a day when, instead of being handled via a cooperative, the milk in your refrigerator comes straight from a large dairy farm. This is not far-fetched; it is growing more and more plausible. According to Rabobank, smaller dairy farms are fast disappearing, while around 46% of the U.S. milk supply is generated on the largest 3% of farms with more than 2,500 cows. What, then, does this imply for the distribution and manufacturing of milk? We investigate the dynamics of the dairy sector with an eye on the growth of large operations and the fall in local dairies.

Farm Size CategoryPercentage of FarmsPercentage of Milk Production
Over 2,500 cows3%46%
Fewer than 500 cows86%22%

A Legacy Under Threat: The Enduring Role of Milk Cooperatives in U.S. Dairy 

Established in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, milk cooperatives have been pivotal in the growth of the American dairy sector. These cooperatives were designed to let individual dairy producers combine resources and sell milk together, guaranteeing fair pricing and consistent profits. They offset the difficulties of changing milk pricing and the monopolistic policies of big distributors and producers, leaving a significant mark on the industry’s history. 

Milk cooperatives have always been about empowering farmers through unity. By banding together, cooperatives could negotiate better rates, access processing facilities and transportation, and fund marketing and quality control projects—resources that were often beyond the reach of individual farmers. Over time, their responsibilities expanded to include legislative lobbying, bulk buying, and technical support.

Milk cooperatives support smaller dairy farms by providing market access, allowing fair pricing and financial sustainability. Sharing information encourages better agricultural methods and management, strengthening community and mutual support among small dairy farmers. Despite the challenges, this resiliency has been a beacon of hope for the American dairy sector, ensuring its stability and promising a bright future.

Milk cooperatives guaranteed smaller farms could enter a concentrated market even as the dairy industry developed. Small farmers attained economies of scale and streamlined supply chains by group organizing and leveling the playing field against more large-scale commercial dairy enterprises. The historical contributions made by milk cooperatives are enormous; they provide small dairy farms throughout the country with assistance and infrastructure.

Assessing Today’s Dairy Landscape: The Accelerating Trend Toward Consolidation 

YearNumber of Dairy FarmsAverage Herd Size

Examining the present state of dairy output in the United States shows that the consolidation trend is fast developing. According to Rabobank, the largest 3% of dairy operations—those having more than 2,500 cows—account for an astonishing 46% of the country’s milk supply. This is much different from smaller dairies, which account for 86% of all farms yet generate just 22% of the milk.

YearNumber of Large Dairy Farms (2,500+ cows)Percentage of Total Milk Production

Historically home to many small, family-owned farms, the Midwest and Eastern U.S. show especially this change. Based on projections, just over 20,000 dairy farms—mostly smaller businesses—should still be active in 2023. Most closures in this regard come from This trend, which draws essential issues about the viability of smaller farms among market pressures and changing industry dynamics as it emphasizes the growing dominance of larger dairy operations.

Consolidation Pressures: Economic Challenges Crushing Small Dairy Farms 

Small dairy farms face many different and frequently overwhelming financial constraints, which causes a notable drop in their population. Rising operating costs, including feed, gasoline, labor, and healthcare, mainly burden these smaller dairy farms. Compared to their bigger counterparts, small dairy businesses need economies of scale, which means they need to produce a large volume of milk to spread their costs over more units, enabling affordable bulk buying and simplified efficiency.

Variability in the market increases these difficulties. Driven by global trade dynamics, such as international trade agreements, tariffs, and local supply-demand mismatches, variations in milk prices may destroy business margins. Smaller dairies, running with smaller financial buffers, are more sensitive to these pricing changes and can need help to keep running during recessionary times.

The problem is made worse by competition from bigger farms equipped with sophisticated technology and vast infrastructure. These larger operations gain from economies of scale, improved access to finance, and more robust marketing skills, which allow them to produce milk more effectively and at a reduced cost. Their competitive edge helps them control market share, therefore isolating smaller farms.

The scene of dairy production is progressively gathering around larger-scale activities. From manufacturing to retail, survival now depends on vertically growing and integrating, which means that companies are expanding their operations upstream and downstream in the supply chain. This trend threatens small dairy farmers’ livelihoods and raises questions about the resilience and variety of the American dairy sector overall.

From Mainstay to Marginalized: The Uncertain Future of Milk Cooperatives Amid Small Dairy Decline

Historically, the fall of small dairies, the pillar of fair pricing and market stability for dairy producers, has long loomed over milk cooperatives’ future. These cooperatives’ whole basis is shifting as more large-scale companies define the U.S. dairy scene. The mainstay has been family-owned farms cooperating to negotiate the erratic dairy market.

However, falling milk prices and growing expenses have caused a decline in these small-scale dairies, pushing cooperatives to change their approaches. How can cooperatives remain strong with fewer small dairies to maintain relevance and sustainability?

Looking Ahead: The Increasing Tilt Toward Consolidation in the U.S. Dairy Industry 

Looking forward, the path of the U.S. dairy sector veers primarily toward consolidation. Large dairies are taking control, drastically altering milk’s consumer access. Milk cooperatives have historically assisted smaller farmers by combining resources and obtaining better prices, yet this consolidation presents a severe risk. Larger dairies are starting to form direct partnerships with stores and avoid cooperatives.

This change has advantages and drawbacks. Big dairies might cut consumer prices, simplify processes, and minimize expenses. This reflects patterns in other agricultural fields, where fewer middlemen translate into better profitability and efficiency. Direct retail alliances could also inspire creativity in marketing plans and product offers.

However, the fall of milk cooperatives might deepen the disparity between small and big producers, hastening the departure of smaller farms. This might damage rural economies, especially in places where small farms are essential. Less unique regional items mean less consumer choice as well.

Even with these estimates, unanticipated events can veer the sector’s path. Growing consumer demand for locally grown, ecologically made milk might help niche markets and provide smaller cooperatives and dairy farms a lifeline. Policies supporting fair market practices and agricultural variety also surface, encouraging a more balanced sector. These potential policy changes offer a ray of hope for the future of the dairy sector.

The Bottom Line

The future of milk cooperatives with the emergence of large-scale dairies remains to be discovered as the U.S. dairy sector consolidates. Whereas the smaller farms, which account for 86% of all farms, only provide 22% of the milk, the largest 3% of farms now generate 46% of the milk supply for the country. These figures show a significant change in the dairy scene, with local dairies disappearing mainly in the Midwest and Eastern U.S. We have to wonder whether milk cooperatives, the cornerstone of collective bargaining and support, can endure or will disappear as market pressures drive out smaller farmers. Will Big Dairy skip cooperatives and sell milk straight to stores, altering the distribution dynamics? Our decisions today will shape our agricultural scene in the future. A future that strikes efficiency and equality using creative ideas and stakeholder cooperation depends on big and small dairy enterprises’ health. This is about the future of our farms, towns, and food systems as much as milk.

Key Takeaways:

  • Approximately 46% of the U.S. milk supply is produced by the largest 3% of operations, each housing more than 2,500 cows.
  • Dairy farms with fewer than 500 cows make up 86% of the total number of farms but only contribute 22% of the milk supply.
  • There are just over 20,000 dairy farms in operation as of 2023, with most closures occurring among smaller operations in the Midwest and Eastern U.S.
  • The consolidation trend poses significant challenges to the traditional role of milk cooperatives, potentially paving the way for large dairies to sell directly to retailers.


Milk cooperatives have played a crucial role in the growth of the American dairy sector, enabling producers to combine resources and sell milk together, ensuring fair pricing and consistent profits. They empower farmers through unity, negotiation of better rates, access to processing facilities and transportation, and funding marketing and quality control projects. Milk cooperatives also support smaller dairy farms by providing market access, fair pricing, financial sustainability, and sharing information to encourage better agricultural methods and management. However, the consolidation trend is rapidly developing in the US, with the largest 3% of dairy operations accounting for 46% of the country’s milk supply. Smaller dairy farms face financial constraints, including rising operating costs and market variability. Larger farms with sophisticated technology and vast infrastructure further complicate these challenges, gaining economies of scale, improved access to finance, and more robust marketing skills. The future of milk cooperatives with the emergence of large-scale dairies remains to be discovered.

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China Enacts New Law to Strengthen Farmers’ Land Rights and Boost Rural Economy

Find out how China’s new law, starting in May 2025, plans to give farmers more power and improve the rural economy. Will it protect land rights and secure food?

The law’s key objectives include: 

  • Empowering Farmers: Giving farmers more oversight and a stronger voice in land management.
  • Clarifying Collective Roles: Clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of rural collectives for fair land management.
  • Encouraging Economic Growth: Implementing fiscal and tax measures to enhance rural collective economies.

Xinhua stated, “This law aims to safeguard the rights of the collective and its members while fostering an economic environment where rural communities can thrive.”

Collectives and Contention: Navigating China’s Unique Farmland Ownership Terrain

In China, all farmland is state-owned, making the government the principal landowner, while farmers hold long-term lease rights. These rights are administratively managed by village collectives rather than the farmers themselves. This arrangement has sparked significant dissatisfaction as these collectives often fail to represent farmers’ interests effectively. Consequently, farmers’ limited say in land-related decisions has led to ongoing tensions and frequent disputes.

Voiceless and Victimized: The Farmers’ Struggle Against State-Dominated Land Decisions 

Despite the promised land lease rights for farmers, the current system faces severe criticism due to the minimal representation of farmers in crucial decision-making processes. This gap has allowed state officials to dominate land use and development decisions, often to the detriment of farmers. 

Instances of land grabs have increased, where farmers are pressured to give up their land for little or no compensation. These decisions usually aim to attract investment or stimulate local economic growth, benefiting external investors or local governments rather than the farmers themselves. 

Such practices have sparked social unrest and widespread dissatisfaction among rural communities. Forced land takeovers have led to protests and legal battles as farmers fight to protect their fundamental rights. This imbalance underscores the urgent need for reforms that empower farmers and protect their land rights.

A New Dawn: Empowering Farmers and Democratizing Decision-Making 

The Rural Collective Economic Organisations Law aims to reshape China’s rural economy by clearly defining the roles of rural collectives and enhancing farmers’ rights. By managing farmland on behalf of farmers, this legislation seeks to democratize decision-making and ensure more equitable economic benefits

Under this law, farmers gain more supervisory power over collective operations, giving them a stronger voice in decisions affecting their livelihoods. This aims to make collectives more accountable and transparent, thus reducing unilateral decisions by state officials that have historically caused unrest. 

The law enforces principles of openness, fairness, and impartiality in land contracts and requires local governments to issue certificates confirming farmers’ land rights. This formal recognition protects against unjust modifications or revocations. Additionally, it promotes cooperative agricultural production, allowing contractors to pool their rights for more efficient farming practices. 

Fiscal and taxation measures support the rural collective economy, ensuring economic benefits are evenly distributed and protecting farmers’ rights. This reform aims to create a fairer and more resilient rural economic structure, contributing to national food security goals and rural development.

Financial Frameworks and Future Prosperity: How Fiscal and Taxation Measures Will Reshape China’s Rural Landscape

The new Rural Collective Economic Organisations Law aims to revolutionize China’s rural economy by promoting fiscal and taxation measures. This law intends to empower rural collectives with essential financial resources, fostering long-term growth and sustainability.  

Expected fiscal measures include subsidies, grants, and low-interest loans, which could drive rural development. Taxation measures might offer tax reliefs or incentives for collective farming projects and rural enterprises, easing the financial burden. This approach aims to boost investment in agricultural infrastructure, technology, and sustainable practices, enhancing the agricultural sector‘s resilience and productivity. 

Mandating greater financial oversight and accountability within rural collectives, the law seeks to ensure fiscal incentives reach the farmers. Increased financial transparency could build confidence among farmers, encouraging their active participation and cooperation within collectives. The ultimate goal is a vibrant rural economy with improved agricultural productivity, better living standards, and economic stability for farming communities.

Securing the Harvest: Strategic Legal Moves to Safeguard China’s Food Supply 

Ensuring food security in China is a national priority that depends on effective farmland management. The new Rural Collective Economic Organisations Law strengthens farmers’ roles in managing collectives, enabling better decision-making, sustainable practices, and increased productivity. This legal empowerment encourages modern farming techniques, improving land use efficiency.  

The law also transforms rural collectives from land administrators to proactive entities driving agricultural innovation. This shift helps support farmers with resources, knowledge, and investment, which is crucial for a stable food supplyamidst urbanization pressures.  

Moreover, the law’s focus on financial and taxation measures empowers rural collectives, ensuring they have the funding to invest in technology and infrastructure. This leads to higher yields and a more resilient food productionsystem.  

The law consolidates China’s food security by placing farmers at the center of agricultural policy and enabling collectives to drive rural development. This fosters a more democratic and financially supported agricultural landscape, safeguarding China’s food supply for the future.

The Bottom Line

China’s new law represents a significant move in addressing the longstanding issues farmers face. It aims to strengthen land rights and boost the rural collective economy. 

Farmers will gain more control over land decisions, reducing the risk of land grabs and ensuring fair compensation. The law clarifies rural collectives’ role, enhancing community transparency and trust. These changes could revitalize the rural economy, promote sustainable agriculture, and secure the nation’s food supply. 

By tackling previous problems and providing a framework for growth, this law seeks to resolve conflicts and create a more equitable rural landscape. The actual test will be used to effectively implement and enforce these provisions. 

Sustainable development driven by fair land rights is crucial for the resilience of China’s rural economy. With the proper measures and oversight, this new law could usher in an era of agricultural prosperity and social harmony.

Key Takeaways:

  • The new law, effective May 1, 2025, aims to protect farmers’ land rights and bolster village collectives.
  • This legislative move is designed to support China’s rural economy and ensure food security.
  • Farmers will now have greater oversight over rural collectives, potentially reducing state dominance in land-related decisions.
  • The law stipulates that fiscal and taxation measures will be used to boost the development of the rural collective economy.
  • Previously, villagers had limited practical power to make decisions about their land, often overridden by state officials.
  • The new framework emphasizes openness, fairness, and impartiality in land contracts and aims to democratize the decision-making process.
  • Disputes can be resolved through consultation, mediation, or arbitration, ensuring more protection for farmers’ rights.
  • Certificates of land contractual management or forestry ownership will be issued to contractors, safeguarding their land use rights.
  • Farmers can leverage their land rights through transfer, lease, pooling of rights as shares, mortgage, or other means.
  • The ultimate goal is to stabilize and improve rural management systems while promoting agriculture and rural development.


China has passed the Rural Collective Economic Organisations Law, aiming to protect farmers’ land rights and boost village collectives. The legislation, set to take effect on May 1, 2025, aims to promote rural economic revival and food security. Key objectives include empowering farmers, clarifying collective roles, and encouraging economic growth through fiscal and tax measures. In China, all farmland is state-owned, with the government being the principal landowner. Farmers hold long-term lease rights, which are administratively managed by village collectives. This arrangement has led to dissatisfaction with the lack of representation of farmers in decision-making processes and increased land grabs. The Rural Collective Economic Organisations Law aims to reshape China’s rural economy by defining the roles of rural collectives and enhancing farmers’ rights. It enforces principles of openness, fairness, and impartiality in land contracts and requires local governments to issue certificates confirming farmers’ land rights.

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