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EU Dairy Decline: 2024 Milk Production Forecasted to Drop 0.3% Amid Lower Cow Numbers and Rising Costs

Discover why EU milk production is forecasted to drop 0.3% in 2024. How will declining cow numbers and rising costs impact the dairy industry? Read more to find out.

EU Flag waving against blue Sky

European Union milk production is set to face another challenging year, continuing its downward trend into 2024. Several factors contribute to this decline, with a predicted 0.3% drop in cow milk production. As the number of dairy cows falls below 20 million for the first time, it’s evident that consistent growth in cow productivity won’t fully offset the shrinking cow inventories. Rising production costs and lower farm-gate milk prices further exacerbate the situation, making milk production less profitable for EU farmers.  Join us as we delve further; these elements paint a comprehensive picture of the EU’s milk production landscape in 2024.

EU Dairy Herds Dwindling: First-Ever Drop Below 20 Million Cows Marks 2024’s Start

CountryDairy Cows in Milk (January 2024)Expected Change in Dairy Farmer Numbers (2024)Milk Production (Forecast for 2024)
Germany4.0 millionDecreaseStable
France3.5 millionDecreaseSlight Decrease
Poland2.8 millionDecreaseSlight Increase
Belgium0.6 millionDecreaseSlight Decrease
Netherlands1.6 millionMinimal ChangeStable
Ireland1.5 millionMinimal ChangeDecrease

At the start of 2024, the EU saw a significant change in its dairy industry: dairy cows dropped below 20 million, hitting 19.7 million. This marks a historic low and indicates a continuing downward trend in cow numbers, which is expected to persist throughout the year.

The Double-Edged Sword of Rising Cow Productivity Amid Shrinking Herds

Even though each cow produces more milk, more is needed to make up for the overall decline in cow numbers across the EU. Simply put, fewer cows mean less milk overall. This imbalance contributes directly to the forecasted 0.3% drop in milk production for 2024. Despite individual productivity gains, the milk output is declining due to the shrinking herds.

A Temporary Respite: Early 2024 Sees Milk Deliveries Surge Before Expected Decline

Time PeriodMilk Deliveries (MMT)Change (% Year-on-Year)Average Farm Gate Milk Price (EUR/100kg)

January-February 2023 24.0 – 40.86

January-February 2024 24.4 1.7% 35.76

Full Year 2023 145.24 -0.03% 39.50

Full Year 2024 (Forecast) 144.8 -0.3% 37.00

Early 2024 saw a 1.7% rise in cow’s milk deliveries compared to the same period in 2023. However, this boost is short-lived. Many farmers are expected to sell their cows or exit milk production later in the year, leading to a decline in deliveries.

The Multifaceted Challenges Shaping Europe’s Dairy Economy

The economic landscape for dairy farmers is becoming more challenging. A key issue is the steady drop in farm-gate milk prices since early 2023, significantly affecting profitability. 

Production CostsHigh production costs for energy, fertilizers, and labor persist, squeezing farmers’ margins despite some recent reductions. 

Geographical Impact: In Germany, France, Poland, and Belgium, smaller and less efficient farms are hardest hit. The pressure from lower milk prices and high input costs drives many to reduce herd sizes or stop milk production. 

Environmental RegulationsEnvironmental rules in the Netherlands and Ireland seek to cut nitrogen emissions, which are expected to negatively affect herd numbers and production costs in the long term. 

Overall, larger farms may better cope, but the trend toward consolidation continues due to falling profits and rising costs.

Environmental Regulations Cast Long Shadows Over EU Dairy Farming

Environmental regulations are threatening Europe’s dairy farming. New measures to curb nitrogen emissions are adding pressure on struggling farmers in the Netherlands and Ireland. 

For example, the Netherlands aims to cut nitrogen emissions by 50% by 2030, including reducing the number of dairy cows and relocating farms. Ireland’s targets similarly demand stricter manure management and sustainable farming practices, both costly and complex. 

These regulations, combined with high production costs and declining milk prices, make it challenging for smaller farms to stay in business. Many are choosing to exit the market rather than invest in expensive upgrades. 

As a result, smaller farms are shutting down, and larger farms need help to maintain their herd sizes. Although these regulations are essential for a greener future, they add another layer of complexity to the EU dairy industry’s challenges.

Generation Renewal Crisis Accelerates Market Consolidation in EU Dairy Sector

A growing trend in market consolidation and farm closures is evident within the EU dairy sector. One key issue here is the challenge of generation renewal. Younger generations are increasingly hesitant to continue milk production due to the heavy workload and tight profit margins. Elevated production costs and decreasing farm-gate milk prices also make it challenging for smaller, less efficient farms to stay in business. 

However, larger and more professional farms show notable resilience. They often have better infrastructure, access to advanced technology, and excellent financial stability, allowing them to maintain herd numbers despite broader declines. By leveraging economies of scale and more efficient practices, these farms can better absorb economic shocks and comply with environmental regulations. 

This disparity between small and large farms is accelerating market consolidation. As smaller farms exit, larger ones are absorbing their market share. While the total number of dairy farms is decreasing, those that remain are becoming more advanced and better equipped to tackle future challenges in the dairy economy.

Record-High Milk Prices in 2022 Spark Production Surge, Only to Shatter in 2023-2024

The surge in milk deliveries in 2022 and 2023 stemmed from record-high EU farm gate milk prices in 2022, peaking in December. These prices incentivized farmers to boost production despite rising costs, supporting the dairy industry at that time. 

However, these prices began to fall from May 2023 through March 2024, squeezing farmers financially. Although still above the 5-year average, the decline sharply contrasted with 2022’s profitability. With global milk production up and dairy demand fluctuating, EU farmers adjusted their production levels, paving the way for a predicted drop in milk deliveries in 2024.

The Ripple Effect: How Global Market Dynamics Shape EU Milk Prices 

Global market dynamics significantly impact EU milk prices. The world’s largest dairy exporters, including Australia, the United States, the UK, and New Zealand, have increased production, leading to an oversupply that pressures prices downward. This makes it challenging for EU producers to maintain their margins. 

Simultaneously, demand from major importers like China and some Middle Eastern countries is declining. Various factors, including trade tensions and shifting consumer preferences, contribute to this weaker demand. 

This supply-demand imbalance has reduced farm gate milk prices in the EU. While European prices remain higher than those of international competitors, more than this advantage is needed to counteract the rising production costs and reduce global demand. The EU dairy industry must navigate these challenges to stay competitive and sustainable.

Price Disparities in Global Dairy: EU’s Costly Position Against New Zealand and US Competitors

When you look at milk prices, you’ll notice that the EU’s are much higher than those of other major exporters like New Zealand and the US. In February 2024, the EU’s milk price hit EUR 46.42 per 100 kilograms. That’s 27% more than New Zealand’s and 18% more than the US. 

These higher prices mean EU dairy products cost more to produce and sell, making it challenging for EU producers to compete globally. Higher costs can squeeze farmers further, especially with high input costs and changing demand.

Weather Woes: Uneven Conditions Across Europe Impact Dairy Farming

In 2024, weather was vital in shaping feed and pasture conditions across Europe. Spring brought warm temperatures and balanced rainfall, leading to good green feed availability. However, the northwest, especially Ireland, faced challenges. Ireland’s dairy farming, which relies on cattle grazing for up to nine months, has struggled with wet soils and recent rains. These conditions hindered field access and grassland regrowth, severely impacting milk production.

The Bottom Line

In summary, EU milk deliveries are forecast to dip to 144.8 million metric tons (MMT) in 2024. Unfavorable weather and high input costs for energy and fertilizers are straining farmer margins. Despite brief boosts in productivity, these challenges will likely persist throughout the year.

Key Takeaways:

  • Decline in Cow Numbers: Cow numbers fell below 20 million for the first time in early 2024, indicating a continuing downward trend.
  • Productivity vs. Herd Size: Increased productivity per cow is not enough to counterbalance the overall decrease in herd sizes.
  • Initial Surge in Milk Deliveries: Early 2024 saw a 1.7% increase in milk deliveries, but this is expected to decline as more farmers exit the industry.
  • Decreasing Profitability: Farm-gate milk prices have been falling since early 2023, alongside high production costs, squeezing farmers’ profit margins.
  • Impact of Environmental Regulations: Government plans to cut nitrogen emissions in countries like the Netherlands and Ireland are affecting herd numbers.
  • Market Consolidation: The industry is seeing greater consolidation, with smaller, less efficient farms closing and bigger farms maintaining their herd sizes.
  • Weather Complications: Varying weather conditions across Europe in 2024 have impacted green feed availability and pasture conditions, particularly in Ireland.

Summary: The European Union’s milk production is experiencing a significant decline, with a predicted 0.3% drop in cow milk production. This decline is attributed to rising production costs and lower farm-gate milk prices. The number of dairy cows has fallen below 20 million for the first time, making milk production less profitable for EU farmers. In early 2024, there was a 1.7% rise in cow milk deliveries compared to the same period in 2023, but this was short-lived as many farmers were expected to sell their cows or exit milk production later in the year. The economic landscape for dairy farmers is becoming more challenging, with a steady drop in farm-gate milk prices since early 2023 significantly affecting profitability. High production costs for energy, fertilizers, and labor persist, squeezing farmers’ margins despite some recent reductions. The EU dairy sector is experiencing a growing trend of market consolidation and farm closures, with younger generations increasingly hesitant to continue milk production due to heavy workloads and tight profit margins.

May 2024 Milk Prices: A State-by-State Earnings Comparison for US Dairy Farmers

Learn how May 2024 milk prices differed across the US. Which states gave dairy farmers the best earnings? Check out our state-by-state comparison.

Have you ever wondered why milk prices vary from state to state? It’s not just a simple question—it’s essential for understanding the economic landscape that dairy farmers navigate. This article, set against the backdrop of the US dairy farming sector, delves into the May 2024 milk prices across the United States. 

Comparing milk prices isn’t just about numbers; it reveals the pressures and opportunities shaping the dairy industry. Examining these differences gives you a clearer picture of how factors like local demand, production costs, and state policies impact farmers. 

Understanding the disparity in milk prices helps farmers and sheds light on trends affecting the entire country. 

This article explains why these price differences matter and what they reveal about the U.S. dairy farming sector. You’ll find comparisons and insights illuminating the economic realities facing dairy farmers today. 

Sourcing and Accuracy: Behind the May 2024 Dairy Price Analysis 

Our analysis of May 2024 milk prices draws on multiple reliable sources. We gathered data from Illinois Farm Business Farm Management (FBFM) Association records, USDA reports, and state agricultural departments. This data was then cross-referenced with regional market reports and verified with dairy producers nationwide to ensure accuracy. 

We surveyed dairy producers nationwide and cross-referenced with regional market reports. To ensure data accuracy, we clarified any discrepancies directly with producers. 

Inflation adjustments were made using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for dairy products, ensuring that current market conditions were reflected. 

We focused on states like California, Wisconsin, and New York for their significant milk production. States with varied regional pricing trends were also included for a comprehensive national view. 

Rest assured, our robust data sources, diligent data collection, inflation adjustments, and strategic state selection ensure the reliability of our May 2024 milk price analysis. You can trust the insights and recommendations we provide to navigate the dairy market.

Milk Price Trends in May 2024: A Beacon of Economic Optimism for Dairy Farmers 

RegionMay 2024 Milk Price ($ per cwt)May 2023 Milk Price ($ per cwt)YoY Change (%)

In May 2024, average milk prices in the U.S. increased, reflecting significant market shifts. The national average hit $20.30 per hundredweight (cwt), up from $18.75 in May 2023 and $19.50 in April 2024. This rise is attributed to reduced cow culling and better export performance. 

Increased domestic consumption has also boosted milk prices, signaling a potential opportunity for dairy farmers. This demand surge began in late 2023 and continued into 2024, driven by household and food service needs. The milk market remains resilient despite a drop in cheddar cheese and mozzarella prices, offering a glimmer of hope in these challenging times. 

Regional variances show some states with sharper price rises due to localized supply issues and varying production costs. Overall, the trend looks promising for dairy farmers. 

These changes suggest cautious economic optimism for the U.S. dairy market, which faces challenges like regional production differences and fluctuating domestic demand. Looking ahead, factors such as weather conditions, global trade policies, and consumer preferences will continue to influence milk prices, making it crucial for dairy farmers to stay informed and adaptable.

Regional Breakdown of May 2024 Milk Prices: Climate, Costs, and Market Impact 

RegionAverage Milk Price (per cwt)Key Influencing Factors
Northeast$21.50Cold climate, High production costs
Midwest$20.20Favorable climate, Low production costs
West$19.80Drought conditions, Export demand
Southeast$20.75High feed costs, Moderate climate
Southwest$20.00Tight milk supplies, Strong domestic use

When looking at May 2024 milk prices across the U.S., we see apparent regional differences: 

Northeast: Milk prices here are higher. The cold climate raises heating costs and affects feed quality. Plus, proximity to big cities like New York drives demand and prices. 

Midwest: Prices are stable thanks to robust dairy infrastructure and ample feed resources. While cheese prices, particularly cheddar, dropped by 8.5%, diversified dairy production keeps incomes steady. 

South: Lower milk prices are seen here due to the hot climate, which increases cooling costs and stresses dairy cows. Higher feed costs and lower demand also play a role, though better export performance offers some hope. 

West: California’s dairy farmers face moderate prices influenced by high feed and water costs from ongoing drought conditions. However, rising butter stocks help stabilize prices. 

These regional prices are shaped by climate, feed costs, and market demand, showing how important it is for dairy farmers to adapt to changing conditions.

Unpacking May 2024 Milk Prices by State: Key Patterns and Outliers 

Grasping the milk prices by state for May 2024 is essential to understanding the broader trends and economic impacts on dairy farmers. Let’s examine the data from different states and spot key patterns and outliers.

StateMay 2024 Price per cwt ($)April 2024 Price per cwt ($)TrendAnalysis
California21.3020.85▲ 2.2%Strong export markets and stable production.
Wisconsin22.1021.50▲ 2.8%Increased output per cow and regional demand stability.
New York20.7520.20▲ 2.7%Higher domestic use and tight supplies.
Texas19.8019.50▲ 1.5%Recovering from regional production declines.
Idaho21.0020.60▲ 1.9%Stable production and export performance.
Pennsylvania20.6020.05▲ 2.7%Increase in local demand and tighter supplies.

Milk prices in May 2024 vary by region. California, a key dairy producer, charges $3.75 per gallon, while Florida charges the highest, $3.90 per gallon. This difference stems from production costs, climate, and market demand.

Understanding the Economic Impact of Milk Prices on Dairy Farmers 

Understanding the economic impact of milk prices on dairy farmers is crucial. Variations in milk prices can affect profitability, sustainability, and the long-term viability of dairy farms across states. 

Higher milk prices often lead to improved incomes and more significant investment in farm infrastructure. This can mean better herd health management and higher productivity. Conversely, lower prices may reduce profitability, making it difficult for farmers to cover costs and potentially leading to smaller herds or delayed updates. 

Profitability impacts sustainability, too. Higher revenue can help farmers adopt sustainable practices like advanced feed systems or better waste management, benefiting both efficiency and the environment. Lower prices might force cost-cutting, compromising sustainability efforts and posing long-term risks. 

Varying milk prices also affect the long-term viability of dairy farms. Consistently higher prices encourage farmers to pass their operations to future generations, preserving farming traditions. Persistent low prices, however, could force exits from the industry, reducing the number of operational dairy farms. 

In conclusion, while higher milk prices generally support dairy farmers’ profitability, sustainability, and viability, lower prices create significant challenges. Balancing these fluctuations is vital for the overall health of the dairy sector. To navigate these price variations, dairy farmers can consider strategies such as diversifying their product offerings, improving operational efficiency, and exploring new markets.

Dairy Farmer Journeys: A Glimpse Into State-Specific Innovations 

Every dairy farmer’s journey is unique, and in May 2024, milk prices have impacted them differently. Here’s a look at a few of their stories: 

Case Study 1: Illinois – The Adaptive Farmer 

For over two decades, John Miller, a dairy farmer in Illinois, saw a revenue boost in May 2024 with improved milk prices. “This year, prices help us reinvest in better feed and expand our herd,” he says. Enrolled in the Illinois Farm Business Farm Management (FBFM) Association, John uses essential data to make informed decisions, seeing a brighter, more sustainable future

Case Study 2: California – The Sustainable Visionary 

Maria González, running a mid-sized organic dairy farm in California, is a champion of sustainable farming. The rise in butter stocks and strong export performance in May 2024 boosted her farm’s profitability. “Higher prices allow us to maintain organic certifications and invest in eco-friendly tech,” Maria shares. Still, she is cautious due to regional production disparities and slower domestic demand. 

Case Study 3: Wisconsin – The Technological Innovator 

Wisconsin’s Ryan Thompson embraces technology at his family’s dairy farm. Improved milk prices in May 2024 enabled advanced herd management tools, including the Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) decision tool by the USDA. “These tools help with loss documentation, saving time and reducing stress,” says Ryan. Milk prices offer operational stability and growth despite a slight dip in cheese prices. 

These stories highlight the diverse experiences of dairy farmers across the United States. May 2024, milk prices have provided relief and optimism, enabling farmers to adapt, innovate, and invest in their operations.

Understanding Milk Price Dynamics: Policies, Subsidies, and Market Forces at Play 

Understanding milk price dynamics involves evaluating policies, subsidies, and market forces. These measures provide stability, helping farmers withstand market fluctuations. In May 2024, several factors stood out. 

The USDA introduced a new online Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) decision tool and farm loan resources. This initiative aids farmers with loss documentation and financial aid, potentially stabilizing milk prices by reducing financial strain and preventing abrupt market exits. 

Market forces were also crucial. Early May saw a significant reduction in cow culling, with slaughter volumes dipping below 50,000 head for the first time in nearly eight years. This shift points to altered herd management strategies, likely influenced by improving milk prices and more robust export performance. Stable cheese inventories and rising butter stocks also supported a favorable pricing landscape. 

External market conditions, such as changes in domestic use, also impacted supply and demand dynamics. Increased domestic use due to higher disappearance rates in late 2023 and into 2024 shaped the pricing environment. 

The interplay of these policy tools and market adaptations highlights the complexity behind dairy pricing. While higher milk prices brought economic optimism, the ongoing balance of production and demand continued to define the financial landscape for dairy farmers in May 2024.

Embracing the Future: Insights from May 2024’s Dairy Price Data

Looking ahead, May 2024 data offers insights into future milk price trends. With a significant drop in cow culling, herd management is shifting. This trend could lead to more stable herd sizes, impacting supply and prices positively. 

Strong export performance and better domestic use create dual opportunities for farmers. Exports provide a lucrative market while growing domestic consumption signals further potential. 

Yet, challenges remain. Regional production disparities and slower domestic demand in some areas create economic imbalances. States like Illinois may innovate, but others might need help with these issues. 

Price drops in essential dairy products like cheddar and mozzarella hint at market volatility. Farmers may need to adjust production strategies to stay competitive. 

On a positive note, tools like the USDA’s online Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) decision tool offer valuable risk management and planning resources. 

In summary, May 2024 promises better milk prices and strong exports. However, balancing these opportunities with ongoing challenges is critical to profitability and sustainability in milk production.

The Bottom Line

May 2024’s dairy price analysis shows a mix of optimism and challenges for dairy farmers. While improved prices and robust exports are positive, regional disparities and varying market forces bring different hurdles and opportunities. State-by-state variations in climate, operational costs, and market conditions significantly affect milk prices. 

Staying informed about policy changes, market trends, and regional insights is crucial. Embracing innovative practices, adjusting herd management, and leveraging new technologies can enhance sustainability and profitability. By being adaptable and informed, the dairy industry can better navigate economic fluctuations and seize emerging opportunities.

Key Takeaways:

  • National Price Increase: The national average milk price rose to $20.30 per hundredweight (cwt), a significant boost for dairy farmers.
  • Regional Variations: Prices experienced notable differences across states due to localized supply issues and production costs.
  • Economic Drivers: Factors such as reduced cow culling, better export performance, and increased domestic consumption contributed to the price surge.
  • Climate Impact: Weather conditions played a crucial role, with colder climates in the Northeast leading to higher prices, and hotter Southern climates contributing to lower prices.
  • Technological and Sustainable Advances: Dairy farmers in states like Wisconsin and California are leading the way with tech innovations and sustainable practices, respectively.

Summary: Milk prices in the US have risen significantly in May 2024, reaching $20.30 per hundredweight (cwt), reflecting the challenges and opportunities in the dairy industry. This rise is attributed to reduced cow culling, improved export performance, and increased domestic consumption. Regional variations show some states with sharper price rises due to localized supply issues and varying production costs. However, the trend is promising for dairy farmers, suggesting cautious economic optimism. Factors such as weather conditions, global trade policies, and consumer preferences will continue to influence milk prices, making it crucial for farmers to stay informed and adaptable. Regional breakdowns show Northeast experiences higher prices due to cold climate, Midwest prices remain stable due to robust infrastructure, South experiences lower prices due to hot climate, higher feed costs, lower demand, and better export performance, and West farmers face moderate prices due to drought conditions.

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