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Revolutionary $75M Dewatering Dairy Plant to Transform Milk Processing in Alberta by 2025

Learn how Alberta’s $75M dewatering dairy plant will transform milk processing by 2025. Will this new technology reduce costs and improve sustainability for farmers?

Alberta, Canada, is set to open the first-of-its-kind, a revolutionary $75 million (€50.4 million) ‘dewatering’ dairy processing factory in the spring of 2025. This innovative facility is poised to revolutionize milk processing, significantly impacting the Canadian dairy sector. With its creative ultra-filtration techniques, the factory aims to enhance sustainability, reduce transportation costs, and streamline manufacturing, paving the way for a more efficient and eco-friendly dairy industry.

Henry Holtman, board chair of Dairy Innovation West, believes “this plant is a transforming step towards a more efficient, eco-friendly dairy industry in Canada.”

The new facility is a game-changer for central Albertine dairy producers, who have long grappled with limited local milk processing capabilities. Over 1,300 farmers stand to gain from this development, as it will enhance their operations and transform the financial landscape of the area’s dairy industry, thereby bolstering the local economy.

A Proactive Coalition: Uniting Dairy Marketing Boards for Revolutionary Milk Processing in Canada 

Five leading dairy marketing boards—Alberta Milk, SaskMilk, Dairy Farmers of Manitoba, BC Milk Marketing Board, and BC Dairy Association—have joined forces in a bold initiative to revolutionize milk processing in Canada. This collaborative effort, under the banner of the Western Milk Pool, is a testament to the sector’s unity and power, and it is poised to address industry challenges and stimulate local businesses.

Farm Credit Canada’s backing provides essential money and agricultural economic knowledge. This alliance guarantees a strong financial basis and offers expected major advantages, like fewer transportation emissions and possible savings of $5 million.

Dairy Innovation West: Leading the Charge in Alberta’s Dairy Processing Revolution

Dairy Innovation West is Leading Alberta’s brand-new dewatering milk processing plant. Supported by five Western milk marketing boards, this company seeks regional environmental, economic, and technical advantages.

“This plant will create jobs, lower transportation costs for producers, and reduce our environmental footprint,” Henry Holtman, board chair of Dairy Innovation West, emphasizes as the main benefits of the endeavor. These advantages represent our commitment to Western Canada’s ecological and financially feasible dairy production.

The Revolutionary Dewatering Strategy: Transforming Canada’s Milk Processing Landscape 

At this innovative plant, the cutting-edge dewatering system concentrates up to 300 million liters of milk yearly using sophisticated ultrafiltration. This technique removes certain soluble components and water from raw milk using semi-permeable membranes, preserving important milk solids such as proteins and lipids.

When milk passes ultrafiltration, its volume may drop up to 75%. After that, concentrated milk is a flexible basis for many dairy goods. It may be dried, for example, to produce skim milk powder, prized for its long shelf life and simplicity of transportation.

Furthermore, condensed milk helps cheese manufacture by means of better yields and simplified procedures. This invention benefits butter manufacturing, as a richer cream base improves both product quality and efficiency.

This innovative approach maximizes classic dairy products like skim milk powder, cheese, and butter. By lowering the amount of milk carried, it lowers the environmental impact and saves transportation expenses for farmers and processors. It also increases sustainability and cost-efficiency.

Revolutionizing Transportation: ultra-filtration’s Role in Dairy Efficiency 

At the new plant, ultra-filtration marks a significant development in transportation efficiency. Concentrating up to 300 million liters of milk yearly helps drastically lower the liquid volume requiring transportation. Estimates indicate that 50–75% of the necessary truck trips might be avoided, saving manufacturers $5 million yearly. This efficiency is vital for central Alberta dairy producers, who already pay expensive shipping charges because of inadequate local processing. With the new facility, local farmers could anticipate better profitability and a more environmentally friendly dairy business.

Long forcing producers to transfer their raw milk to far-off provinces like British Columbia, the lack of milk processing facilities in central Alberta has long caused expenses and delays. Comprising up to 300 million liters annually, this new dewatering facility seeks to solve these problems. Means of ultra-filtration technology will lower environmental effects and shipping costs, enabling a significant step toward economic sustainability for Albert’s dairy sector.

Empowering Dairy Farmers: The Rise of On-Farm Milk Processing in Ontario and Beyond 

Driven by the need for more control over product quality, marketing tactics, and financial returns, the trend of on-farm milk processing is expanding in Ontario and Canada. One such prominent example is Summit Station Farm in Ontario. Establishing their processing plant, they create a variety of dairy products—including milk, yogurt, and handcrafted cheeses—sold straight to customers and neighborhood businesses. This approach lets the farm leverage customer tastes for local, farm-to-table products and lessens reliance on conventional dairy cooperatives.

The more control Summit Station has over its goods, the better its standards of quality and consistency are guaranteed. Hence, one main advantage for them is That They Respond to customer needs more successfully than more centralized processing facilities. On-farm processing also provides the freedom to develop and swiftly launch new goods in response to market trends.

Summit Station may also customize its marketing plans to appeal to nearby customers, strengthening brand recognition and creating a devoted clientele. This direct-to-consumer approach creates stronger customer ties, as consumers value the openness and authenticity of buying straight from the manufacturer.

On-farm processing may significantly enhance a farm’s bottom line by obtaining better margins on processed goods than raw milk sales. This strategy guarantees a more consistent and durable income source and helps reduce the hazards connected with changing milk prices.

The trend toward on-farm milk processing enables Ontario and Canada’s dairy producers to take back control over their output and marketing, strengthening and adjusting the dairy sector.

Innovative Diversification: Enhancing Financial Stability Through Agritourism, Renewable Energy, and Value-Added Products 

Dairy producers dealing with low milk prices and expensive feeds must diversify to survive. Many look beyond on-farm processing for agritourism, renewable energy initiatives, and value-added goods such as yogurt and handcrafted cheeses. Their public farm openings provide fresh income sources and encourage community involvement in dairy farming.

Solar panels and methane digesters can also help lower energy bills and generate revenue by selling excess energy back to the grid. Government subsidies and incentives for sustainability help offset starting expenses, benefiting the environment and earnings.

From the University of Minnesota, Dr. Marin Bozic emphasizes the need for creativity in finding new sources of income for dairy farms. “Innovation will enable more traditional dairy farms to incorporate diverse revenue sources,” he says, strengthening resilience and profitability. Maintaining competitiveness demands embracing new technology and business concepts. These approaches signify a turning point for the dairy sector as they guarantee economic viability and help sustainable development and environmental stewardship.

The Bottom Line

With the $75 million dewatering milk processing plant Alberta is building, she is poised to transform her dairy sector. Supported by five western milk marketing boards and driven by Dairy Innovation West, this facility will increase operational efficiency, boost farmer profitability, and promote environmental stewardship. Using sophisticated ultra-filtration technologies will considerably lower transportation expenses and ecological effects while generating employment and strengthening the area’s economy.

Reflecting a trend wherein farmers progressively manage their production and marketing channels, on-farm processing devices enhance these creative approaches. This change provides financial resilience and sustainability in line with professional opinions that say the future of conventional dairy production depends on diversification and innovation.

Alberta and beyond will be greatly impacted as the facility approaches its spring 2025 launch. The help and investment of stakeholders will be crucial in boosting the community and guaranteeing the survival of dairy farming in Canada. Working together, we can change the scene of dairy farming for future generations.

Key Takeaways:

  • Alberta, Canada, will host the first ‘dewatering’ milk processing facility in the country by spring 2025, with a $75 million investment.
  • The plant is co-owned by five western milk marketing boards and supported financially by Farm Credit Canada.
  • This facility will process milk from over 1,300 farmers, offering job creation and environmental benefits.
  • Dewatering will concentrate up to 300 million liters of milk annually, reducing transportation costs and environmental footprint.
  • The plant addresses a critical gap in milk processing capacity in central Alberta, previously necessitating transport to distant provinces.
  • On-farm processing is gaining traction as a strategic response to industry challenges, with examples from Ontario, Canada, and the US.
  • Diversification, including agritourism and renewable energy, is vital for enhancing the financial stability of dairy farms.


Alberta, Canada is set to open a $75 million dewatering dairy processing factory in spring 2025, aiming to improve sustainability, reduce transportation costs, and streamline manufacturing. The project will benefit over 1,300 farmers and boost the local economy. Five leading dairy marketing boards, including Alberta Milk, SaskMilk, Dairy Farmers of Manitoba, BC Milk Marketing Board, and BC Dairy Association, have partnered to revolutionize milk processing in Canada. Farm Credit Canada’s backing offers fewer transportation emissions and potential savings of $5 million. Dairy Innovation West is leading the new dewatering milk processing plant, which uses ultrafiltration to concentrate up to 300 million liters of milk yearly. This process preserves important milk solids, reducing environmental impact and transportation expenses. On-farm milk processing in Ontario and Canada is driven by the need for more control over product quality, marketing tactics, and financial returns. Summit Station Farm in Ontario uses this approach to create various dairy products, such as milk, yogurt, and handcrafted cheeses, sold directly to customers and neighborhood businesses.

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Precision Feeding for Dairy Cows: Why Using a Sniper Approach Beats the Shotgun Strategy

Gain insight into the importance of precision feeding in dairy farming. Are you taking a shotgun or sniper rifle approach to your cows’ nutrition? Discover the optimal strategies today.

Imagine yourself searching for a game. The correct weapon counts: a scoped rifle strikes the target precisely with little waste, whereas a shotgun distributes pellets broadly without accuracy. The same holds for dairy farming and cow feeding. Precision counts; hence, feeding cows poorly is like using the wrong hunting tool: waste and inefficiency follow.

Embracing precision feeding techniques empowers dairy farmers, enabling them to steer their operations towards effectiveness, best performance, and less waste. Just as a skilled hunter hones their craft through patience and practice, a dairy farmer can maximize cow health and milk output with the right feeding techniques. Are you ready to transition from a shotgun method to a sniper’s accuracy? Let’s explore how to make every mouthful count.

The Shotgun Approach: Broad-Spectrum Feeding in Dairy Farming 

Historically, the “shotgun” method—a broad-spectrum approach of overfeeding nutrients indiscriminately—has dominated and defined dairy cow feeding. Like a shotgun spraying pellets broadly, this approach sought to meet all possible nutritional demands without exact calibration. The primary justification was simple: ensuring no cow would fall short of essential nutrients, especially protein, vital for optimizing milk output.

There were many apparent advantages to this approach. Overfeeding seemed like sensible insurance when our knowledge of ruminant nutrition was less developed. Farmers might balance shortages and encourage more milk output by including meals with protein levels at or above 18%. This was advantageous as it used the cow’s capacity to convert extra nutrients into milk, therefore supporting financial goals. Under the theory that more was better, high-protein diets were also supposed to promote general cow health and reproductive performance.

These advantages, however, were theoretical rather than evidence-based. Although the shotgun approach avoided shortages, it also resulted in inefficiencies and unexpected results like lost nutrients and more feed expenses. Furthermore, it disregarded the intricate metabolic mechanisms in cows that may lead to unfavorable results with an excess of nutrients. This formerly fail-safe approach has, therefore, come under closer examination and changed into more exact feeding techniques in contemporary dairy production.

Although it seems like a technique to increase milk output, overfeeding protein has substantial adverse effects. Financially, it causes excellent feed expenses, taxing the farmer’s income. The hazardous high-nitrogen environment the extra protein generates compromises cow health and influences embryo development. Lowering fertility rates and reproductive problems may follow. Therefore, this shotgun strategy of feeding is physiologically and economically wrong. However, with careful monitoring and adjustment, these risks can be mitigated.

From Shotgun to Sniper: The Paradigm Shift in Dairy Nutrition 

Moving from broad-spectrum feeding to precision-based nutrition, like a “sniper,” is novel and required in a developing dairy sector that requires efficiency and sustainability. Unlike the “shotgun” technique, which overloads nutrients, the “sniper” technique employs focused nutrition to suit cows’ demands without waste.

Research shows that lower-protein diets supplemented with certain amino acids have shown higher success. For instance, using feeds like synthetic amino acids, heat-treated soybeans, and blood meal in specific ratios can guarantee that cows get necessary amino acids without excess and balance diets to maintain ideal milk production without negative consequences.

Adopting the ‘sniper’ strategy of precision feeding is a testament to your commitment to dairy production. This approach, by matching nutrient intake with cow demands, not only enhances animal health but also leads to cost savings and increased production. It’s a new era of accuracy and effectiveness in dairy production, and you’re at the forefront.

Precision Feeding: The Transformative Role of Amino Acid Supplementation in Dairy Farming 

Amino acid supplements have significantly increased precision feeding in dairy production by offering a focused approach to satisfy cows’ dietary requirements. Blood meal, high in lysine, heat-treated soybeans with their balanced amino acid profile, and synthetic amino acids, including methionine and lysine, are vital sources of these nutrients.

By limiting extra protein, this exact method lowers nitrogen waste and, therefore, reduces nitrogen excretion in manure. Lowering the need for pricey protein supplements minimizes environmental effects and saves farmers money. Furthermore, an excellent amino acid profile improves cow health, improving milk output efficiency and reproductive function. According to a study by [insert study name], amino acid supplements, therefore, represent a significant step towards more affordable and environmentally friendly dairy production methods.

Precision Fat Feeding: Revolutionizing Dairy Nutrition and Herd Productivity 

Dairy producers have long supplemented cow diets with liquid fats, tallow, or grease. These fats—effective to some degree—have inconsistent reproductive function results and often result in inefficiencies in fiber digestion and milk fat synthesis.

Dairy nutrition has changed lately to welcome exact fat sources like palm, stearic, and rumen-protected oleic fats. These fats, when used in the right proportions, improve dairy cow production and general condition. They provide a concentrated source of energy, support rumen health, and enhance the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

First of all, these fats fit perfectly into the cow’s diet without interfering with the fibers’ digestion, guaranteeing effective feed use and good rumen performance.

Moreover, these advanced fat sources have little effect on milk fat depression, supporting consistent milk fat production necessary for high-quality milk output and consistency.

Last but not least, these exact lipids greatly enhance energy balance, fertility rates, and embryo development, thus enhancing reproductive performance.

In a time where precision nutrition rules, changing fat-feeding plans guarantees the best herd health and output.

The Economic Precision: Unveiling the Financial Benefits of Targeted Nutrient Delivery in Dairy Farming 

Feeding ApproachProtein LevelsMilk Yield (liters/day)Cost per Cow ($/day)Embryo Viability
Broad-Spectrum (Shotgun)18%+305.00Moderate
Precision (Sniper)16-18%324.50High

Precision feeding in dairy production has significant and varied economic advantages. By tailoring nutrition intake to each cow’s requirements, precision feeding reduces wastage and expenses. This focused method guarantees that every dollar spent on feed directly supports milk production, preventing unnecessary nutrients wasted by cows unable to use. According to a study by [insert study name], precision feeding can lead to a [insert percentage] reduction in feed costs and a [insert percentage] increase in milk production, resulting in a significant boost to farm income.

Precision feeding also increases cow health, thereby extending longevity and output. Fewer illnesses in healthier cows help to save veterinary costs and maintain constant milk output. This harmony in nutrition also improves reproductive success, which results in better pregnancies and more muscular calves, increasing economic value.

In the current economic landscape of dairy production, precision feeding is a strategic choice. It not only lowers nitrogen waste, supporting sustainability by improving milk output and feed efficiency, but also offers significant economic benefits. Precision feeding is not just a means of boosting farm income, but a calculated action to enhance the sustainability and resilience of the dairy sector. You’re making a smart financial move.

The Bottom Line

Precision feeding will transform dairy production. Farmers may succeed best with focused nutrition delivery by behaving like ” snipers” rather than ” shotguns,” lowering waste and expenditures. This guarantees cows get what they need for optimal milk output, reducing harmful nitrogen levels and improving health and reproductive performance. Specialized fats and balanced amino acids help digestion and enhance milk quality and general herd output.

The economic advantages are really large, with decreased expenses and fewer nitrogen emissions. Precision feeding supports the current dairy scene and technical innovations for maximum efficiency by matching with the integration of robotic milking systems.

Right now is the moment to start precise feeding. From broad-spectrum to focused nutrition delivery, start to be the “sniper” in your dairy. Advance herd health, raise output and guarantee financial rewards. How sustainable dairy production is headed—precision feeding Starting now will let you see how sustainability and output change.

Key Takeaways:

  • Precision in feeding, analogous to the precision of a sniper rifle, is crucial for optimizing cow health and productivity.
  • Overfeeding nutrients, particularly proteins, can be detrimental, leading to unnecessary costs and negative effects on cow health, including reproduction.
  • Adopting lower protein diets supplemented with specific amino acids minimizes nitrogen waste and supports the overall well-being of cows.
  • Targeted fat feeding using palm, stearic, and rumen-protected oleic fats can enhance fiber digestibility, maintain milk fat levels, and improve reproductive performance.
  • Precision feeding not only supports better cow health and productivity but also delivers significant financial benefits in the current milk economy.


Precision in dairy farming is crucial for optimizing cow health and milk output. The “shotgun” method, which overfeeds without exact calibration, has led to inefficiencies and unexpected results, such as lost nutrients and increased feed expenses. In a developing dairy sector, the “sniper” approach is necessary, employing focused nutrition to suit cows’ demands without waste. Research shows that lower-protein diets supplemented with certain amino acids have shown higher success. Adopting the “sniper” strategy of precision feeding is a testament to a dairy farmer’s commitment to dairy production. This approach not only enhances animal health but also leads to cost savings and increased production. Amino acid supplements, such as blood meal, heat-treated soybeans, and synthetic amino acids, have significantly increased precision feeding. Precision fat feeding is revolutionizing dairy nutrition and herd productivity, replacing liquid fats, tallow, or grease with exact fat sources like palm, stearic, and rumen-protected oleic fats. Precision feeding in dairy production has significant economic advantages, reducing wastage and expenses, increasing milk production, and boosting farm income. Starting now is the moment to start precise feeding, advancing herd health, raising output, and guaranteeing financial rewards.

Learn more:

Understanding the importance of precision in dairy farming can transform your approach and maximize the productivity and health of your herd. If you’re aiming to refine your feeding techniques and enhance overall herd performance, you’ll find these articles incredibly helpful: 

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