Archive for disease prevention

How DairyTrace and proAction Safeguard Canada’s Dairy Industry Against Bird Flu Spread

Explore the vital role DairyTrace and proAction play in shielding Canada’s dairy sector from the threat of bird flu. Understand how meticulous traceability and comprehensive biosecurity measures fortify farms and safeguard cattle health.

Given the worldwide danger of avian influenza, also known as bird flu, Canada’s dairy industry has to stay alert. Beyond poultry, bird flu might damage dairy businesses because of cross-species infection and financial disturbance. Essential protections include DairyTrace and proAction, which allow animal traceability and improve on-farm biosecurity. The efficiency of these systems, which are implemented and maintained by our valued dairy producers, may make all the difference between operational resilience and terrible losses.

DairyTrace and proAction, the tools that you, as dairy producers, implement, enhance the long-term viability of the dairy sector and help to allow fast outbreak reactions. Discover how these biosecurity and traceability policies, which are a testament to your dedication and hard work, are a strong barrier against the avian flu epidemic in Canada.

The Cornerstone of Canadian Dairy Biosecurity: DairyTrace and SimpliTrace 

DairyTrace and SimpliTrace, the backbone of Canadian dairy traceability, play a pivotal role in preventing the spread of avian flu. By tracking the movement and history of dairy cattle, these initiatives not only support health management and outbreak response but also serve as a robust defense against avian flu. While SimpliTrace caters to Quebec’s specific needs, DairyTrace extends its benefits to dairy producers across Canada, except Quebec.

Controlling disease epidemics requires traceability. It offers a comprehensive picture of cow movements, guiding the identification of disease routes and exposure hazards. Daily operations and national biosecurity depend on the quick identification of afflicted livestock made possible by DairyTrace and SimpliTrace.

These initiatives provide vital traceback information, locating an animal historically and now during epidemics. Early-warning systems like quick identification help control disease transmission through focused actions, reducing the economic and health effects.

DairyTrace and SimpliTrace ultimately provide dual protection by improving response capacity and reducing disease introduction. This all-encompassing strategy emphasizes Canada’s dedication to high public health standards, animal welfare, and economic sustainability.

proAction: Ensuring Safety and Sustainability in Canadian Dairy Farming 

The proAction Biosecurity module, a cornerstone of dairy Farmers of Canada’s initiative, is designed to enhance the safety and environmental viability of dairy farming. This module, which is crucial for controlling hazards and preventing illness in herds, upholds strict biosecurity rules that are essential for preserving cattle health and limiting the spread of diseases. Its adoption can significantly improve the overall health and sustainability of dairy farming.

The biosecurity module protects herds from outside health hazards through strong preventive actions comprising frequent risk assessments, rigorous hygienic procedures, and regulated farm access. These systems assist farmers in controlling biosecurity hazards and lowering the possibility of an epidemic start-off.

Ensuring cattle well-being, the module also encourages proactive health monitoring and cooperation with veterinarians for early diagnosis and illness control. This results in a better, more productive herd, increasing long-term farm sustainability and output.

Through the proAction Biosecurity module, Dairy Farmers of Canada maintain high standards of animal health and welfare, increasing their dedication to providing safe, premium dairy products. This strategy protects herds and increases customer trust in Canadian dairy products, strengthening the industry’s standing worldwide.

Veterinary Collaboration: The Bedrock of Biosecurity and Traceability in Canadian Dairy Farming 

Collaboration with veterinarians is not just beneficial but also vital for Canadian dairy producers. These professionals provide crucial information for early illness prevention and identification, helping farmers apply best animal health practices, biosecurity protocols, and customized vaccination campaigns. This collaboration is a key factor in maintaining the health and productivity of dairy herds.

Significant advantages of this cooperation include early illness identification and control. Routine health checks by veterinarians enable rapid diagnosis of developing disorders and control before they become widespread. This quick reaction is crucial for maintaining herd health and minimizing financial losses.

Additionally, veterinarians teach farmers the newest biosecurity techniques and animal health technology. They guarantee that farmers are ready to face any health obstacle by offering direction on controlling current conditions and avoiding future ailments.

Strong cows increase agricultural output. Their better-quality milk helps the farm be financially stable and environmentally friendly. Improved herd health also leads to better reproduction rates and reduced mortality, which is vital for the long-term survival of a dairy business.

This cooperation guarantees the health and production of the herd by minimizing the introduction and transmission of illnesses. It also increases the resilience of the Canadian dairy sector against biosecurity risks.

Precision and Promptness: The Lifeline of DairyTrace and SimpliTrace

DairyTrace and SimpliTrace depend on maintaining correct databases. Farmers have to record animal movements and instantly change herd inventories. This guarantees that data stays current, improves quick response systems, and should ideally be done in 24 hours.

During a bird flu epidemic, such methods enable officials to find animals and segregate impacted regions rapidly. Targeted treatments depend on instantaneous movement data, which helps avoid general infections. Following reporting guidelines helps farms greatly enhance national biosecurity and safeguard public health and animal welfare.

Embracing Technological Advancements: Enhancing DairyTrace for Seamless Reporting and Robust Disease Management. Rest assured, these advancements in DairyTrace are not just for show. They are designed to make your work easier and more efficient, ensuring the safety and sustainability of Canadian dairy farming. Farmers now find event reporting simpler because of recent improvements DairyTrace made to its site and mobile app. These developments guarantee quick data recording and accessibility by allowing more effective updates and reporting on livestock movement.

Crucially, government authorities may obtain DairyTrace and SimpliTrace, which help to control diseases effectively and provide real-time traceback. This integration helps reduce disease transmission, lower risks, and safeguard the health of dairy cows throughout Canada.

The Bottom Line

DairyTrace and proAction are crucial in the Canadian dairy sector to stop the fast spread of avian flu. Tracking cow movements and maintaining current health information enables these systems to detect and separate impacted animals rapidly, preventing significant outbreaks. Crucially for controlling illnesses like avian flu, DairyTrace and SimpliTrace traceability modules provide vital information on animal movements and whereabouts. Furthermore, the proAction Biosecurity module helps farmers apply rigorous policies to stop disease introduction and spread within herds. Reducing hazards to human and animal health depends on keeping reliable records. Farmers are urged to maintain herd inventories and quickly document animal movements, expediting traceback studies in times of health problems. DairyTrace and proAction are essential to safeguarding the resilience and sustainability of Canadian dairy production against dangers like avian flu using cooperation and modern technologies.

Key Takeaways:

  • DairyTrace and SimpliTrace offer comprehensive traceability of dairy cattle across Canada, ensuring efficient response during disease outbreaks.
  • ProAction’s Biosecurity module focuses on preventing the introduction and spread of diseases within herds, enhancing on-farm safety and protecting cattle health.
  • Timely and accurate reporting of animal movements is crucial under these programs, with robust databases that assist in swift traceback and disease management.
  • Collaboration with veterinarians plays a vital role in the effective implementation of biosecurity and traceability measures, helping control and mitigate diseases.
  • Improvements to reporting systems, like updates to DairyTrace’s portal and app, facilitate easier and more convenient compliance for farmers.


Canada’s dairy industry is facing a significant threat from avian influenza, or bird flu, due to its global impact. To combat this, dairy producers are implementing systems like DairyTrace and proAction, which enable animal traceability and improve on-farm biosecurity. DairyTrace and SimpliTrace provide a comprehensive picture of cow movements, guiding the identification of disease routes and exposure hazards. These systems provide vital traceback information, locating animals historically and now during epidemics. Early-warning systems like quick identification help control disease transmission, reducing economic and health effects. ProAction is designed to enhance safety and environmental viability, upholding strict biosecurity rules essential for cattle health and disease spread. Veterinary collaboration is vital for early illness prevention and identification. Precision and promptness are crucial aspects of DairyTrace and SimpliTrace, with farmers recording animal movements and changing herd inventories to ensure data stays current and improve quick response systems. Technological advancements in DairyTrace make event reporting simpler and more efficient, ensuring the safety and sustainability of Canadian dairy farming.

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Boosting Farm Safety: Understanding Biosecurity in Canadian Dairy Farming

Uncover the crucial role of biosecurity in enhancing farm safety within the Canadian dairy industry. Explore the myriad benefits, navigate the unique challenges, and discover strategies for effective implementation on your farm.

Imagine a dairy farm where animals are healthy, production is high, and infectious diseases are rare. Strong biosecurity measures can make this a reality. Biosecurity is the invisible shield protecting your herd from dangerous pathogens. For Canadian dairy farmers, adopting these practices can make the difference between a thriving operation and one facing setbacks. 

In this piece, we’ll examine the state of biosecurity in Canada’s dairy industry, examine the impacts of these measures, and understand the views of producers and veterinarians. The aim is to highlight the importance of biosecurity, discussing its benefits and the challenges farmers encounter. This is especially pertinent for Canadian dairy farmers under a unique supply management system, who face specific hurdles and perceptions regarding biosecurity. 

“Biosecurity isn’t just about animal health; it’s about securing the future of farming and ensuring food safety for all.”

Join us as we explore this crucial topic, offering insights and practical advice to help build a more resilient dairy industry in Canada.

Fortifying Farm Defenses: The Vital Role of Biosecurity in Dairy Farming 

Biosecurity in dairy farming involves practices that prevent the introduction and spread of diseases, pests, and contaminants. This includes controlling farm access and maintaining high hygiene standards, all crucial in managing the movement of animals, equipment, and personnel. Effective biosecurity reduces the spread of diseases and improves overall herd health. 

Healthy cows lead to higher milk yields and better quality production, benefiting farmers economically. Moreover, strong biosecurity measures protect human health by reducing the risk of zoonotic diseases and ensuring a safer working environment and food supply.

Tailoring Biosecurity in the Context of Canada’s Dairy Supply Management System 

Biosecurity practices on Canadian dairy farms vary widely due to regional differences and Canada’s unique supply management system. Unlike other countries where market forces drive strict biosecurity, Canada’s stable milk pricesand predictable farm income create different challenges and opportunities. 

In countries like the United States and New Zealand, competitive markets and international trade expose producers to rigorous biosecurity due to higher disease risks. These nations often adopt stricter measures because of increased animal movement and trade activities. 

Canada’s system allows for more farm-specific biosecurity strategies. While this flexibility benefits some, it also leads to inconsistent adoption. Producers may not see the immediate need or financial payoff, viewing biosecurity as costly and time-consuming. 

In volatile dairy markets, the threat of economic loss from disease is a strong motivator for adhering to strict biosecurity. Canadian farmers, with stable markets, may not feel this urgency despite the long-term benefits. 

Ultimately, Canada’s system requires targeted education and incentives to improve biosecurity practices. This approach makes biosecurity essential and feasible within Canada’s unique dairy farming framework.

Bridging the Gap: Addressing Perceptions and Realities of Biosecurity Among Canadian Dairy Farmers 

Among Canadian dairy producers, perceptions of biosecurity vary widely. Often, biosecurity measures are seen as costly or burdensome. The belief that these protocols are financially draining and time-consuming is common, deterring many from adopting them. Yet, such views can overshadow the benefits like improved herd health and reduced disease outbreaks. 

For many, the upfront costs—from equipment to additional labor—and the time required to educate and enforce practices can be daunting. These factors make it seem like the immediate costs outweigh the long-term benefits. However, this fails to fully account for the economic gains of disease prevention, which can lead to lower veterinary costs, increased productivity, and better milk quality. 

Overcoming these perceptions requires clear, evidence-based financial and operational benefits information. Producers need practical solutions to integrate biosecurity into their routines. Education campaigns should focus on cost-effective strategies and time-efficient practices to address objections related to expense and labor. 

Fostering dialogue between producers and veterinarians is also crucial. As trusted advisors, veterinarians can shape producers’ attitudes by emphasizing preventative measures and offering tailored advice. Creating a shared understanding of biosecurity’s importance can lead to widespread adoption, benefiting herd health and farm productivity.

Decoding the Drivers: Incentives and Barriers Shaping Biosecurity Adoption Among Dairy Farmers

Understanding why dairy producers implement biosecurity measures requires a detailed look at several factors. The perceived value is crucial—producers who see benefits like better herd health, fewer disease outbreaks, and improved milk production are more inclined to adopt these practices. But if these benefits aren’t clear, adoption rates drop. 

The risk of disease is another significant influence. Producers who have dealt with or are aware of nearby outbreaks may be more motivated to adopt strong biosecurity measures. The fear of costly disease events can drive proactive behavior. However, some might consider biosecurity unnecessary if there’s no visible threat. 

Financial factors are also crucial. The costs of biosecurity can be high, especially for smaller operations, covering equipment, upgrades, and maintenance. Without immediate economic returns, producers may hesitate. However, financial incentives like subsidies, tax breaks, and insurance benefits can encourage adoption. Also, educating producers about long-term savings from avoiding disease outbreaks can lead to more proactive investments.

Harnessing Veterinary Expertise: The Key to Effective Biosecurity Implementation in Dairy Farming 

Veterinarians play a crucial role in implementing biosecurity practices on dairy farms. Their deep understanding of animal health and disease prevention makes them invaluable advisors, helping design and recommend biosecurity measures for each farm. As trusted sources of information, their guidance is essential for motivating farmers to adopt and maintain strict biosecurity protocols. 

Challenges arise when veterinarians and producers have differing views. Veterinarians focus on the long-term benefits of strict biosecurity to prevent outbreaks and ensure herd health. Producers, however, may worry about immediate costs, labor, and logistical challenges. Effective communication is critical; veterinarians need to educate on biosecurity’s importance while addressing economic and practical concerns. Bridging this gap fosters collaboration, making biosecurity measures practical and effective, thus safeguarding livestock health and farm viability.

Building Bridges: The Crucial Role of Communication in Advancing Biosecurity Practices in Dairy Farming 

Effective communication between veterinarians and producers is crucial for solid biosecurity practices on dairy farms. Clear dialogue can bridge knowledge gaps, leading to better adherence and innovative solutions. 

Veterinarians should act as consultants, regularly meeting with producers to discuss biosecurity. These structured sessions can foster respect and open dialogue, allowing vets to share updates and best practices, positioning themselves as partners in farm health rather than mere service providers. 

A conversational approach encourages producers to express their concerns and preferences, making the exchange more interactive. Farm management software for tracking biosecurity measures can offer a common discussion platform, aiding quick, informed decisions

Understanding individual farm challenges allows veterinarians to offer personalized advice. Workshops and field days provide hands-on experience, demonstrating the benefits of solid biosecurity measures. 

Continuous education through newsletters, webinars, and training sessions can sustain high awareness and preparedness. By prioritizing these communication strategies, the dairy industry can achieve a unified, practical approach to biosecurity, safeguarding animal and human health.

Tackling Biosecurity in Canadian Dairy: A Multifaceted Strategy for Success 

An effective strategy for boosting biosecurity in Canadian dairy farming must be multifaceted, addressing each farm’s unique challenges while fostering proactive health management. Here’s a streamlined approach: 

  1. Individualized Education:Personalized training, workshops, and on-farm consultations are essential. Use technology like mobile apps and online courses to provide ongoing learning opportunities.
  2. Research on Efficacy and Barriers:Conduct detailed research to evaluate the effectiveness of biosecurity measures and identify obstacles. Collaborate with institutions, government, and industry stakeholders.
  3. Effective Communication Strategies:Enhance communication between farmers and veterinarians. Regular forums, explicit language, and training in communication skills can bridge gaps and ensure biosecurity measures are valued and adopted.

Adopting this multifactorial approach can realize biosecurity’s full potential, safeguarding Canada’s dairy farms and fostering a resilient, sustainable industry. 

The Bottom Line

Understanding and implementing biosecurity is critical for the well-being and productivity of the Canadian dairy industry. This article outlines how biosecurity reduces the spread of diseases, enhances animal health, and safeguards human safety. Recognizing the unique challenges within Canada’s supply management system is essential, as it influences how dairy farmers perceive and adopt biosecurity. Addressing both the incentives and barriers to biosecurity, from financial costs to disease risks, provides a more straightforward path for farmers to follow. 

By leveraging veterinarians’ expertise and fostering open, effective communication channels, farmers can improve their biosecurity measures, directly benefiting their farms. A multifaceted approach is imperative to achieve robust biosecurity, including targeted education, continual research, and collaborative strategies between key stakeholders. 

In conclusion, dairy farmers must prioritize and enhance biosecurity practices. The collective effort to fortify farm defenses not only secures the health of their herds but also ensures the longevity and resilience of the dairy industry as a whole. Adopting better biosecurity practices is an investment in the future, promising a safer, more productive agricultural landscape for all.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biosecurity is crucial for reducing pathogen spread, enhancing animal health, and ensuring human safety in dairy farms.
  • Canadian dairy farmers face unique biosecurity challenges due to the nation’s supply management system.
  • Perceptions of biosecurity among dairy farmers can vary widely, with some viewing it as costly or time-consuming.
  • Effective biosecurity adoption hinges on multiple factors including disease risk perception and financial incentives.
  • Veterinarians play a pivotal role in influencing farmers’ biosecurity practices due to their trusted status.
  • There are notable differences in how veterinarians and farmers view and discuss biosecurity measures.
  • Comprehensive strategies combining education, research, and improved communication are essential for enhancing biosecurity on dairy farms.


Biosecurity is a crucial aspect of dairy farming, preventing the introduction and spread of diseases, pests, and contaminants. It involves controlling farm access and maintaining high hygiene standards to manage the movement of animals, equipment, and personnel. Effective biosecurity reduces disease spread, improves herd health, and ensures a safer working environment and food supply. However, biosecurity practices on Canadian dairy farms vary due to regional differences and Canada’s unique supply management system. In volatile dairy markets, the threat of economic loss from disease is a strong motivator for adhering to strict biosecurity. Canadian farmers, with stable markets, may not feel this urgency despite the long-term benefits. To overcome these perceptions, clear, evidence-based financial and operational benefits information is needed. Producers need practical solutions to integrate biosecurity into their routines, and education campaigns should focus on cost-effective strategies and time-efficient practices. Fostering dialogue between producers and veterinarians is crucial, as they can shape producers’ attitudes by emphasizing preventative measures and offering tailored advice. Financial incentives like subsidies, tax breaks, and insurance benefits can encourage adoption. Building bridges between veterinarians and producers is essential for solid biosecurity practices.

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Top 5 Must-Have Tools for Effective Calf Health and Performance

Boost calf health and performance with top tools: sanitary colostrum vessels, reusable naval dippers, refractometers, scales, and ammonia monitors. Ready to up your game?

In the demanding world of dairy farming, the health and performance of your calves and heifers can’t be left to chance. Effective calf and heifer management is crucial for a successful dairy operation, ensuring that young animals grow into productive, high-yielding cows. 

The Dairy Calf and Heifer Association Annual Conference, a renowned platform for the latest advancements in calf and heifer management, unveiled five key innovations this year. From sanitary colostrum vessels to ammonia monitors, these tools have the potential to revolutionize your calf management practices. Incorporating these innovations into your routine could be the game-changer your dairy operation needs.

Spotlight on Colostrum Hygiene: The First Step to Robust Calf Health 

Using sanitary colostrum vessels is not just a hygiene measure, it’s a direct investment in your calves’ health. By ensuring newborn calves receive clean, uncontaminated colostrum, you’re preventing the spread of disease and boosting calf immunity. This simple step can significantly reduce the risk of illnesses in vulnerable newborns. 

Maintaining high hygiene standards ensures colostrum remains rich in essential antibodies and nutrients, protecting calves’ immune systems. Clean vessels promote better health during the crucial early days of life and lay a strong foundation for growth and resilience. It’s a small investment with significant benefits for healthier, more robust calves.

Reusable Navel Dippers: A Small Tool with Big Benefits 

Reusable navel dippers are essential tools in calf management. By disinfecting the navel area, these tools help reduce the risk of infections, a crucial step right after birth. 

These dippers ensure that each calf gets the disinfectant, promoting faster healing and overall health. Keep them clean and sanitized for reliable infection prevention: They are a small tool that significantly impacts calf health.

Refractometers: Precision Tools for Optimal Calf Nutrition 

Refractometers are not just precision tools, they’re decision-making aids. By measuring total proteins in colostrum and blood serum, they provide essential data about colostrum quality and calf nutrition. This instant feedback allows you to make timely, informed decisions that can have a profound impact on calf health and growth

Accurate protein measurements are crucial for calf health. High-quality colostrum with ample immunoglobulins transfers necessary immunity to newborn calves, safeguarding them from early diseases. Ensuring colostrum’s protein levels meet standards helps build a robust immune system. 

Checking total proteins in calf blood serum reveals overall health and nutritional status. Low levels indicate malnutrition or poor colostrum absorption, necessitating timely care. Refractometers provide precise readings, aiding in tailored feeding and care, which promotes better health and improved growth in your herd.

Heifer Growth Tracking: The Key to Breeding Success and Herd Performance 

Monitoring heifer growth before breeding is crucial for their health and future productivity. Regularly using scales to track weight gives you a clear picture of how effective your feeding and care strategies are. Accurate growth metrics let you adjust nutrition and management practices, ensuring heifers reach optimal size and condition for breeding. 

Tracking these metrics helps identify growth patterns and potential issues early on. If a heifer isn’t gaining weight as expected, it might indicate health or dietary problems. Addressing these promptly prevents breeding delays and improves overall herd performance. Investing in scales for weight monitoring is a practical step toward better herd management, leading to higher success rates in breeding and milking productivity.

Ammonia Monitors: Breathing Easier for Healthier Calves 

Ammonia monitors can be a game-changer for your calf housing facilities. These devices measure air quality and help protect calf respiratory health. Elevated ammonia levels can increase infection risk and reduce overall well-being. 

By monitoring ammonia levels, you can spot problems early and improve ventilation, ensuring your calves breathe healthier air. This approach boosts hygiene and overall calf performance. 

Investing in and using ammonia monitors diligently promotes healthier calves and a more productive herd.

Non-Negotiables in Calf Management: Start with Cleanliness 

When it comes to calf management, cleanliness is critical. Here’s how to give your calves the best start: 

  • Avoid Dirty Equipment: Always clean and sanitize bottles, feeders, and other equipment after each use.
  • Use Single-Use Paper Cups: Opt for disposable paper cups for medications and supplements to prevent cross-contamination.
  • Practice Rigorous Cleaning Routines: Regularly disinfect pens, feeding areas, and water troughs.
  • Hand Hygiene: Wash your hands with disinfectant soap before and after handling calves.
  • Colostrum Collection and Storage: Use clean containers and store colostrum appropriately to prevent bacterial contamination.
  • Regular Health Checks: Conduct routine health checks to catch and address issues early.

Implementing these practices promotes disease prevention and overall calf health, producing more robust and high-performing animals. 

The Bottom Line

The Dairy Calf and Heifer Association Annual Conference highlighted essential tools to boost calf and heifer management. These tools include ensuring colostrum hygiene, using reusable navel diapers, measuring protein with refractometers, tracking growth with scales, and monitoring ammonia levels. By adopting these practices, you play a crucial role in leading to healthier calves, robust growth, and improved breeding outcomes. Embrace these tools to enhance your calf management and see tangible improvements in your herd’s health and productivity, knowing that your efforts are integral to the success of your dairy operation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Sanitary Colostrum Vessels: Ensure the first feeding is free from contaminants to boost immunity in newborns.
  • Reusable Navel Dippers: Disinfect the navel area to prevent infections and promote healthy growth.
  • Refractometers: Accurately measure total protein levels for optimal calf nutrition.
  • Scales for Pre-breeding Heifer Growth Goals: Track growth to meet breeding objectives and improve herd performance.
  • Ammonia Monitors: Monitor air quality to protect respiratory health in calf housing facilities.

Summary: The Dairy Calf and Heifer Association Annual Conference highlighted five key innovations in calf and heifer management that can revolutionize practices. These innovations include ensuring colostrum hygiene, using reusable navel dippers, measuring protein with refractometers, tracking growth with scales, and monitoring ammonia levels. Colostrum hygiene is crucial for preventing disease spread and boosting calf immunity in newborn calves. Reusable navel dippers disinfect the navel area, reducing the risk of infections. Refractometers provide accurate protein measurements, promoting better health and improved growth in the herd. Heifer growth tracking is essential for breeding success and herd performance, allowing for adjustments in nutrition and management practices. Ammonia monitors can measure air quality in calf housing facilities, protecting calf respiratory health by detecting problems early and improving ventilation. Cleanliness is also essential in calf management, with regular cleaning and sanitizing of bottles, feeders, and equipment. Disposable paper cups for medications and supplements prevent cross-contamination, and regular health checks can catch and address issues early, promoting disease prevention and overall calf health. Adopting these tools can lead to healthier calves, robust growth, and improved breeding outcomes in dairy farming.

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