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Americans Unaware of Raw Milk Dangers: Survey Reveals Alarming Knowledge Gap

Discover the hidden dangers of raw milk. Are you aware of the risks? Learn why fewer than half of Americans understand the safety benefits of pasteurization.

Did you know that pouring a glass of raw milk could be pouring a glass of potential danger? A recent survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center (APPC) reveals that fewer than half of Americans understand the health risks of raw milk. Only 47% of U.S. adults know raw milk is less safe than pasteurized milk. Realizing that raw milk can make you sick is crucial, while pasteurization reduces the risk of milk-borne illnesses. Each individual’s understanding of this issue is critical, as it empowers them to make informed decisions about their health. The APPC survey, conducted by SSRS, highlights a significant gap in public knowledge, raising serious concerns about food safety education and public health.

Despite the potential health risks associated with consuming raw milk, many Americans remain uninformed about its dangers. A recent survey conducted by the Annenberg Public Policy Center reveals a significant knowledge gap among the public regarding the safety of raw versus pasteurized milk. Below is a detailed breakdown of the survey findings: 

Survey QuestionPercentage
Know that raw milk is less safe than pasteurized milk47%
Incorrectly think pasteurization is not effective at killing bacteria and viruses4%
Not sure whether pasteurization is effective at killing bacteria and viruses20%
Think drinking raw milk is safer9%
Think drinking raw milk is just as safe15%
Unsure whether drinking raw milk is safer or as safe as drinking pasteurized milk30%

“It is important that anyone planning to consume raw milk be aware that doing so can make you sick and that pasteurization reduces the risk of milk-borne illnesses.” — Patrick E. Jamieson, Director of the Annenberg Health and Risk Communication Institute

Unveiling the Truth: Alarming Gaps in Public Awareness of Raw Milk Risks

The APPC survey unveils disturbing gaps in public knowledge about raw milk safety. Only 47% of U.S. adults know raw milk is less safe than pasteurized milk, leaving many misinformed or uncertain about the risks. Notably, 4% incorrectly believe pasteurization doesn’t kill harmful bacteria and viruses, while 20% are unsure of its effectiveness. These findings highlight a crucial misunderstanding that could have profound health implications.

Expert Commentary: Authorities Stress the Imperative of Public Awareness on Raw Milk Risks and Pasteurization Benefits 

Expert commentary highlights the critical need for public awareness of raw milk consumption risks and pasteurization’s benefits. Patrick E. Jamieson emphasizes, “Anyone planning to consume raw milk should be aware that it can make you sick and that pasteurization reduces the risk of milk-borne illnesses.” Kathleen Hall Jamieson concludes, “Pasteurization is crucial for public health as it eliminates harmful pathogens in milk, regardless of political or geographical differences.”

The Hidden Dangers in a Glass: The Health Risks of Consuming Raw Milk 

Raw milk poses significant health risks due to harmful pathogens like CampylobacterE. coli, and Salmonella. These can cause severe illnesses, from food poisoning to serious gastrointestinal conditions. For instance, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that unpasteurized dairy products cause 840 more illnesses and 45 times more hospitalizations than pasteurized versions. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) echoes these concerns, emphasizing the danger of consuming raw milk, leading to moderate symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting and critical hospitalizations due to conditions like hemolytic uremic syndrome.

The Advent of HPAI H5N1 in Cow’s Milk: A New Layer of Concern in the Raw Milk Debate

The discovery of avian influenza virus (HPAI) H5N1 in cow’s milk has intensified the raw milk debate. On June 6, 2024, the FDA reported H5N1 in cow’s milk, a virus also widespread among wild birds and infecting poultry and dairy cows in the U.S. This was confirmed in cattle in March 2024, prompting profound implications. 

The CDC reported four U.S. human cases of H5N1 since 2022, with three linked to infected cows, raising severe concerns about raw milk consumption. While conclusive evidence on human transmission through raw milk is pending, a mouse study suggests that the virus in untreated milk can infect susceptible animals, implying potential human risk. 

The NIH echoes these concerns, highlighting the importance of pasteurization, which effectively kills most pathogens. The FDA assures that “evidence continues to indicate that the commercial milk supply [which is pasteurized] is safe.” Nonetheless, the presence of H5N1 in raw milk underscores the critical need for public awareness about pasteurization’s safety benefits and inherent risks.

Navigating the Legal Labyrinth: The Intricate Regulatory Landscape and Rising Market Demand for Raw Milk in the United States

The legal landscape of raw milk sales in the United States is complex. Since 1987, the FDA has banned interstate raw milk sales due to health risks. Yet, 30 states still allow its sale in various forms, such as direct farm purchases, retail sales, or cow-share programs. Despite these risks, demand for raw milk is rising. From late March to mid-May 2024, raw milk sales grew dramatically, increasing by 21% to 65% compared to the previous year. This trend highlights a gap between public awareness of health dangers and consumer behavior driven by misconceptions and anecdotal endorsements. The rise in sales despite the known health risks underscores the need for more effective public health education to bridge this gap and ensure informed consumer choices.

A Clear Divide: Survey Highlights Disparities in Public Understanding of Raw Milk Risks 

Survey data from the Annenberg Public Policy Center highlights troubling gaps in public understanding of raw milk risks. Alarmingly, 54% of respondents either mistakenly believe raw milk is safer (9%), just as safe (15%), or are unsure (30%) about its safety compared to pasteurized milk. Nearly a quarter doubt pasteurization’s effectiveness, with 20% uncertain and 4% incorrectly deeming it ineffective. Demographic differences are stark: older adults (65+) and those with higher education are more likely to correctly recognize pasteurization’s safety benefits. In contrast, 25% of young adults (18-29) wrongly believe pasteurization destroys nutrients, compared to just 5% of those aged 65 and older. 

These findings underscore the urgent need for targeted educational efforts to correct widespread misconceptions and inform the public about the risks of raw milk and the benefits of pasteurization. Tailoring these initiatives to specific demographics could be crucial in bridging knowledge gaps and reducing health risks associated with raw milk consumption. For instance, political affiliation also influences perceptions. Democrats are more likely than Republicans to understand raw milk is less safe than pasteurized milk (57% vs. 37%). Conversely, 23% of Republicans, compared to 8% of Democrats, incorrectly believe pasteurization destroys milk nutrients. Geographic distinctions add another layer; urban dwellers more readily view raw milk as less safe compared to rural residents (49% vs. 32%). However, urban vs. rural residency does not significantly affect beliefs about pasteurization’s nutritional impact. Understanding these societal influences can help to target educational efforts more effectively. 

These findings underscore the urgent need for targeted educational efforts to correct widespread misconceptions and inform the public about the risks of raw milk and the benefits of pasteurization. Tailoring these initiatives to specific demographics could be crucial in bridging knowledge gaps and reducing health risks associated with raw milk consumption. With the proper education and awareness, we can make a significant change in public health.

Nutrient Integrity vs. Safety: Debunking the Myths Surrounding Pasteurization in the Raw Milk Controversy

Among the contentious points in the raw milk debate is the assertion that pasteurization destroys valuable nutrients. Raw milk proponents argue that heat treatment negatively impacts the vitamin and mineral content, rendering it less nutritious. However, scientific evidence refutes these claims. The CDC states that pasteurized milk retains the same nutritional benefits as raw milk, minus the associated health risks. Essential nutrients like calcium, protein, and vitamins are preserved during pasteurization. This process eliminates harmful pathogens, preventing severe foodborne illnesses. The CDC advocates for pasteurized milk as a safer alternative that doesn’t compromise nutritional value, highlighting that the significant reduction in health risks far outweighs the minimal impact on some vitamins.

The Bottom Line

The survey’s findings unmistakably illustrate a significant gap in public awareness regarding the dangers of raw milk consumption. Central to this discussion is the crucial message that the risks associated with raw milk are severe and often misunderstood. The disparity in knowledge is striking, with less than half of Americans recognizing that raw milk is less safe than pasteurized milk. Public education is paramount in bridging these knowledge gaps. Individuals must base their dietary choices on rigorously validated scientific data rather than anecdotal evidence or online misinformation. By fostering a well-informed public, we can help mitigate the health risks associated with consuming raw milk and ensure that everyone makes safer, more informed decisions regarding their dairy products.

Key Takeaways:

  • Fewer than half (47%) of U.S. adults know that drinking raw milk is less safe than drinking pasteurized milk.
  • Nearly a quarter of Americans either incorrectly think pasteurization is not effective at killing bacteria and viruses in milk products (4%) or are unsure about its effectiveness (20%).
  • Unpasteurized dairy products cause significantly more illnesses and hospitalizations than pasteurized products.
  • The FDA has reported the detection of bird flu (HPAI H5N1) in cow’s milk, raising further health concerns.
  • The survey revealed that adults aged 65 and older, those with college education, and Democrats are more likely to understand the benefits of pasteurization.
  • Raw milk sales have been increasing despite the known health risks, with some political leaders advocating for its consumption.
  • ofOver half Americans either believe that raw milk is safer or as safe as pasteurized milk, or are unsure about the relative safety.
  • There is a persistent belief among some Americans that pasteurization destroys nutritional value, despite evidence to the contrary.
  • The survey found significant differences in beliefs about raw milk safety based on political affiliation and living environment (rural vs. urban).


A survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center found that less than half of Americans understand the health risks of raw milk, with only 47% believing it is less safe than pasteurized milk. Raw milk is known to contain harmful pathogens like Campylobacter, E. coli, and Salmonella, which can cause severe illnesses and gastrointestinal conditions. The CDC reports that unpasteurized dairy products cause more illnesses and hospitalizations than pasteurized versions. The FDA and NIH emphasize the importance of pasteurization, while the CDC and FDA assure the commercial milk supply is safe. Despite these risks, demand for raw milk is rising, with sales increasing by 21% to 65% from March to May 2024.

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New Zealand Exports to U.S. Hit Record $5.4 Billion Amid Strong Demand and Kiwi Dollar Decline

Uncover the dynamics behind New Zealand’s record $5.4 billion in exports to the U.S. Delve into the factors driving this growth, from robust demand to the depreciation of the kiwi dollar.

With an 8.9% rise from the year before, New Zealand’s exports to the United States have jumped to an extraordinary NZ$8.8 billion ($5.4 billion). High demand for New Zealand’s goods and a reasonable exchange rate—the Kiwi currency dropping 3.3% versus the US dollar—drive this increase. “The strong market demand and currency shifts have bolstered New Zealand’s export potential,” said an expert from Statistics New Zealand. American customers have looked for goods like meat, dairy products, and wine. On the other hand, relationships with other vital allies like Australia have displayed different patterns.

Shifting Horizons: New Zealand’s Strategic Diversification in Global Trade 

Geographic remoteness and great agricultural and marine resources have dramatically influenced New Zealand’s export scene. Originally primarily dependent on the British market, the country today boasts a varied export portfolio, including China, Australia, the United States, Japan, and the European Union, and engages essential trade partners.

Driven by strong demand for dairy, beef, and lumber, China has become New Zealand’s top export destination. With exports topping NZ$10 billion by 2018, the 2008 free-trade deal between New Zealand and China, which eliminated tariffs on many goods, spurred this expansion.

Australia is still a critical economic partner because of the Closer Economic Relations (CER) trade deal signed in 1983. Notwithstanding current volatility, which includes [specific examples of volatility], the geographical closeness and bilateral solid relations guarantee continuous commerce in food items, manufactured goods, and equipment.

From the 1980s to the late 2010s, trade with the United States has changed progressively. However, a recent trend shows growing demand for New Zealand’s luxury food and beverage exports, especially wine, dairy, and meat.

New Zealand constantly changes its export plans to maintain economic resilience and reduce market volatility. This is particularly clear in the global financial crisis when diversification has proven essential. The increase in U.S. exports highlights a calculated attempt to enter the American solid market at advantageous exchange rates, which involved proactive engagement with American buyers, leveraging favorable trade agreements, and capitalizing on the consumer demand for premium-quality products. 

Economic Catalysts: The U.S. Market’s Robust Demand and Kiwi Dollar Depreciation 

Many economic factors have spurred the rise in New Zealand’s exports to the United States. Most importantly, the strength of the American economy has contributed to this. Over the last year, the United States has enjoyed rising consumer expenditures, industrial expansion, and a strong employment market, driving demand for premium imports like those from New Zealand.

Furthermore, the devaluation of the New Zealand currency has improved its export competitiveness. With the Kiwi currency depreciating 3.3% versus the US dollar, New Zealand products have been more reasonably priced for US consumers, increasing demand.

The attraction of New Zealand’s primary export goods—wine, dairy, and meat—has produced a welcoming trading climate. This synergy between a robust U.S. market and advantageous exchange rates shows New Zealand’s export performance.

Contrasting Fortunes: U.S. Growth, Australian Decline, and China’s Dominance

The image of New Zealand’s exports shows complexity. Thanks to American robust demand and the devaluation of the Kiwi currency, exports to the United States reached a record NZ$8.8 billion, an 8.9% rise over last year. By contrast, exports to Australia dropped 2.4%, falling from a mid-year record of NZ$9.1 billion to NZ$8.7 billion, mainly owing to lower demand for industrial items such as mechanical gear. With sales of NZ$17.9 billion, China still ranks New Zealand’s biggest export market. This varied export performance emphasizes how urgently strategic adaptability is needed in New Zealand’s trade strategies.

Quality Drives Demand: Wine, Dairy, and Meat Propel New Zealand’s Record-Breaking U.S. Exports

New Zealand’s record exports to the U.S. are powered mainly by high demand for winedairy products, and meat. These products align well with U.S. consumer preferences and market needs. 

Wine exports have surged by 38% over the past year. New Zealand’s Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir are highly acclaimed for their quality, benefiting from the country’s unique climate and soil, which appeal to discerning U.S. consumers. 

Dairy products have seen increased demand due to their high quality and nutritional value. New Zealand’s grass-fed dairy aligns with the preferences of health-conscious and organic-seeking U.S. consumers. The country’s strict farming practices ensure the purity of its products. 

Meat exports are thriving thanks to U.S. demand for premium lamb and beef. New Zealand’s free-range, grass-fed livestock practices produce flavorful, ethically, and sustainably sourced meat that appeals to American consumers. 

The Kiwi dollar’s decline against the U.S. dollar boosts New Zealand’s export competitiveness, making its quality products more affordable for American buyers.

Seasonal Synergy: The Summer Surge Behind New Zealand’s Export Peaks

Given the particular environment of the southern hemisphere, New Zealand’s export numbers are much shaped by seasonal elements. From December to February, the summer of New Zealand marks the maximum fruit and vegetable harvest. May has become a vital export month, falling after harvest and the beginning of the world shipping season. This scheduling guarantees that exports such as apples and kiwifruit arrive at markets fresh, increasing quantities and value. The summer also improves crop quality, which appeals to foreign consumers of New Zealand’s goods.

Beyond agriculture, summer supports viticulture, among other industries. Strong grape yields and ideal harvesting circumstances in the summer months help the wine business. Therefore, May observed a boom in wine exports, which helped explain the increase in exports. Although the summer temperature less affects dairy and meat products, the favorable agricultural surroundings increase general production and effect. The record-breaking export numbers in May reflect this seasonal synergy, which emphasizes the critical part seasonal elements play in the export dynamics of New Zealand.

The Bottom Line

The record NZ$8.8 billion exports to the United States best captures New Zealand’s nimble trade approach. Driven by American steady demand and the devaluation of the Kiwi currency versus the U.S. dollar, this milestone emphasizes New Zealand’s capacity to exploit economic circumstances. Premium wine, dairy, and meat goods from New Zealand appeal especially to American consumers. On the other hand, declining Australian consumption and China’s relentless supremacy expose changing patterns in New Zealand’s export markets.

New Zealand is poised to profit from its strong trade links and quality products. Particularly in the southern hemisphere summer, seasonal maxima will keep increasing export quantities. Maintaining competitiveness, however, will depend on being alert about changing consumer tastes in essential areas such as China, Australia, and the United States, as well as monetary change. Stressing quality and strategic orientation will also be crucial to maintaining and surpassing these record export levels.

Key Takeaways:

  • New Zealand’s exports to the United States reached a record NZ$8.8 billion ($5.4 billion) in the 12 months through May, marking an 8.9% increase from the previous year.
  • While the U.S. market surged, exports to Australia experienced a decline of 2.4% year-over-year to NZ$8.7 billion.
  • China maintains its position as New Zealand’s largest export market, with NZ$17.9 billion in sales, accounting for 26% of total exports.
  • The usability of the kiwi dollar played a crucial role, as its 3.3% decline against the U.S. dollar enhanced the competitiveness of New Zealand goods in the American market.
  • May alone witnessed record-breaking exports of NZ$7.2 billion, with the U.S. accounting for NZ$1.02 billion due to high demand for wine, dairy products, and meat.
  • New Zealand’s export numbers typically peak in May, aligning with the end of the southern hemisphere summer and the height of the fruit and vegetable season.


New Zealand’s exports to the United States have reached an impressive NZ$8.8 billion ($5.4 billion), driven by high demand for its goods and a reasonable exchange rate. This growth is attributed to strong market demand and currency shifts, as American customers are seeking meat, dairy products, and wine. New Zealand’s strategic diversification in global trade is influenced by its geographical remoteness and great agricultural and marine resources. The country has a diverse export portfolio, including China, Australia, the United States, Japan, and the European Union, and engages essential trade partners. China has become New Zealand’s top export destination due to strong demand for dairy, beef, and lumber. Australia remains a critical economic partner due to the Closer Economic Relations (CER) trade deal signed in 1983. New Zealand constantly changes its export plans to maintain economic resilience and reduce market volatility, particularly during the global financial crisis when diversification is essential.

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Why Rising Freight Costs Are Driving Up Amino Acid Prices for Animal Feed

Discover why rising freight costs are driving up amino acid prices for animal feed. How is this impacting the global market and your feed formulations? Find out now.

Rising freight costs suddenly raise vital amino acid prices, critical for animal feed in today’s linked world. Knowing how goods affect the supply chain is essential as farmers and cattle nutritionists deal with these financial changes.

Amino acids, the building blocks of protein, play a crucial role in cattle development and health. The demand for these essential feed-grade amino acids is expected to surge from under $10 million to over $40 million annually by 2031, driven by the global rise in protein-based food consumption. However, accessing these vital feed additives depends on addressing the escalating cost factors.

“The integration of amino acids into feed formulations is crucial for advancing animal health,” says a top veterinarian nutritionist.

However, the surge in demand is accompanied by delivery challenges, particularly the significant increase in freight costs. Most feed-grade amino acids are produced in China, which is now facing substantially higher transportation charges to reach markets in the Americas and Europe. This rise in freight costs is a crucial factor driving the overall price increase.

A Multitude of Forces Drive the Surge in the Global Feed-Grade Amino Acid Market

Rising global protein consumption will fuel notable expansion in the feed-grade amino acid market worldwide between 2021 and 2031. As more people want high-protein meals, the agriculture industry is under increased pressure to raise protein output by improving animal feed.

Furthermore, farmers and animal nutritionists acknowledge amino acids as essential components of feed formulations. Improving animal performance—including growth rates, feed efficiency, and general livestock health—requires these vital components.

Furthermore, environmental advantages are noteworthy. Refining feed formulas helps farmers lower nitrogen excretion and lessen the environmental impact of animal farming. In today’s world of sustainability, this environmentally responsible approach is even more crucial.

Improved meat and dairy product quality guarantees safer consumer consumption standards, so enhanced amino acid supplementation also helps food safety.

The expected increase in the feed-grade amino acid market reflects its general advantages. Rising protein needs, known nutritional benefits, environmental concerns, and food safety drive this increase.

Amid Growth, Diverging Price Trends in Amino Acids Require Strategic Planning

As the global feed-grade amino acid market expands, prices for essential amino acids such as lysine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine exhibit a distinct pattern. While the base prices for these amino acids fell early in 2024, the subsequent rise in container prices from China to the Americas and Europe has balanced this potential advantage. In this context, strategic planning and using long-term contracts to hedge against potential freight price rises become crucial for sector participants.

Though base prices are down, the rise in delivery costs maintains net pricing high. Long-term contracts to protect against potential freight price rises might help sector participants. Given present transport cost uncertainty, analysts predict great demand for these contracts throughout the third and fourth quarters.

Elevated Freight Costs: A Rising Tide Lifting Amino Acid Prices 

Rising freight costs affect the price of amino acids. Rising transportation costs have wiped out savings even if base prices for essential amino acids such as lysine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine are lower. Prices have been greatly influenced by the higher container loads from China to the Americas and Europe—a main route for these chemicals.

Higher fuel prices, logistical problems, and growing demand for shipping all contribute to the ongoing rise in goods costs. Analysts expect this trend to continue through the summer, driving higher costs.

Most amino acids either stay expensive or rise as transportation costs increase, thus offsetting any base price cuts. Given the unstable cargo conditions, stakeholders in the feed sector should consider long-term contracts and strategic planning. Now would be an intelligent time to set rates for Q3 and Q4.

Freight Costs Outweigh Production Challenges in Methionine Pricing

Although operational difficulties and supply chain interruptions cause declining methionine output, freight costs influence pricing more than production concerns. Global transport routes from China to the Americas and Europe have significantly raised goods prices. This neutralized any price relief from softening manufacturing costs, maintaining constant or increasing methionine prices. This emphasizes logistics’s critical role, as transportation costs influence the final product price.

Methionine Prices Surge Amid Navigation of Increasing Freight Costs, Overshadowing Production Challenges

Though methionine output lags behind world demand, more than production variables affect prices—freight rates. Crucial in animal nutrition, methionine has seen supply chains disrupted and slowed down. These problems affect availability, but growing goods costs are more important in increasing pricing. Higher container loads in the logistics industry mean significantly more importation expenses from Asia to the Americas and Europe. This tendency surpasses usual variations in supply-demand-driven pricing. Stakeholders are more concerned with obtaining good freight contracts to minimize adverse price effects as transportation prices increase. Therefore, even if manufacturing inefficiencies increase complexity, the leading pricing effect is freight prices.

Future Trajectory of Amino Acid Prices Hinges on Global Freight Dynamics 

World freight costs will likely determine amino acid pricing. Improved cattle nutrition and the global need for protein-based meals drive the increasing demand for feed-grade amino acids. Still, rising freight charges endanger price stability. Inspired by geopolitical concerns, supply chain problems, and fuel price swings, this pattern points to ongoing growth in shipping prices.

Given growing demand and increased freight prices, forward contracts for Q3 and Q4 could attract considerable attention. Feed producers and livestock growers will probably lock in rates to prevent future cost rises. According to analysts, contracts should be obtained immediately to provide financial security and predictability in a market of uncertainty.

Navigating these problems calls for strategic vision and proactive preparation. Negotiating early and tracking cargo patterns can help offset the effect of rising costs on amino acid pricing, ensuring manufacturers stay profitable and competitive.

The Bottom Line

Higher demand for protein-based diets and improved animal performance via well-chosen feed formulations drive worldwide feed-grade amino acid market expansion. Rising freight expenses from China to the Americas and Europe are raising prices for these feed additives. Although specific amino acid prices are down, more significant transportation costs counteract these declines, driving up prices. Animal feed sector stakeholders must pay great attention to these freight cost changes to control procurement and maintain profitability under changing market circumstances.

Key Takeaways:

  • The market is projected to grow significantly, with demand for ration enhancements expected to quadruple by 2031.
  • Rising global consumption of protein-based food sources is a major driver of this growth.
  • Optimizing feed formulations with amino acids is recognized for improving animal performance, reducing environmental impact, and supporting food safety.
  • Although ingredient prices have softened, escalating freight costs are contributing to higher overall prices for amino acids.
  • Freight rates from China to major markets like the Americas and Europe have surged, influencing the net price of feed-grade amino acids.
  • Despite ongoing production issues, methionine prices are primarily affected by increased shipping costs rather than supply constraints.
  • Industry analysts recommend strategic planning for locking in contracts to mitigate price fluctuations in coming quarters.


The global demand for essential feed-grade amino acids is expected to rise from under $10 million to over $40 million annually by 2031 due to the rise in protein-based food consumption. However, accessing these essential feed additives is crucial due to rising freight costs, particularly in China, which faces higher transportation charges to reach markets in the Americas and Europe. The rise in container prices from China to the Americas and Europe has balanced the potential advantage of lower base prices for amino acids. Strategic planning and long-term contracts are essential for sector participants to hedge against potential freight price rises. Freight costs influence pricing more than production concerns in methionine pricing, as global transport routes have significantly raised goods prices. Stakeholders are more concerned with obtaining good freight contracts to minimize adverse price effects. Forward contracts for Q3 and Q4 could attract attention, as feed producers and livestock growers may lock in rates to prevent future cost rises. Negotiating early and tracking cargo patterns can help offset the effect of rising costs on amino acid pricing, ensuring manufacturers stay profitable and competitive under changing market circumstances.

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Navigating the Waves: Dairy Producers Defy Challenges to Keep Barns Full Amid Soaring Milk Prices and Adverse Conditions

Learn how dairy producers are managing high milk prices and tough conditions to keep their barns full. Can they keep milk production steady despite these challenges?

Producers are making significant efforts to preserve their herds, often lowering milk yield standards to avoid slaughter. This collective action has led to the lowest dairy cow slaughter rates in eight years, indicating a shared commitment to increase herd sizes and milk output. However, external pressures such as severe weather and avian influenza pose additional challenges to this collective quest. 

With the prospect of tightening milk supplies and reduced production, the dairy industry is entering a crucial period. The coming months will serve as a litmus test for the resilience and ingenuity of dairy producers across the nation. We invite you to delve deeper into the challenges they’ve overcome and the strategies they’re employing to navigate these turbulent times.

A Remarkable Feat: Dairy Producers Innovate to Sustain Herd Sizes Amid Soaring Milk Prices

MonthSpringer Prices (2023)Springer Prices (2022)

Dairy producers have demonstrated remarkable resilience in maintaining herd sizes despite soaring milk prices. They have invested over $3,000 in springers, a testament to their commitment to high-quality replacements. By adjusting milk yield standards, they have managed to retain more cows in the herd, avoiding the financial impact of sending them to the packer despite record-high beef prices. 

MonthCull Rate (2024)Cull Rate (2023)

This strategic move led to a significant drop in dairy cow slaughter rates, with only 216,100 heads culled in May—an eight-year low. The decreased cull rates boosted herd numbers. The USDA’s Milk Production report revised April estimates upwards by 5,000 heads, and May saw an additional expansion by another 5,000 heads. Consequently, the U.S. milk parlors housed 9.35 million cows in May, the highest count in seven months, though still 68,000 head fewer than in May 2023.

USDA’s Revised Estimates Highlight Complexities in Dairy Sector Dynamics 

The USDA’s latest Milk Production report, a comprehensive analysis of milk production, supply, and demand in the United States, brings new insights into the dairy sector. The revised estimate for April shows an increase of 5,000 head in the milk cow herd despite a slight decline from March. The herd grew by another 5,000 in May, totaling 9.35 million cows—the highest count in seven months but still 68,000 fewer than in May 2023. 

MonthMilk Production (Billion Pounds)Year-over-Year Change (%)

Milk output, however, presents a less encouraging picture. April’s production was adjusted to a 0.6% decline, and May followed suit with a 0.9% year-over-year decrease, dropping to 19.68 billion pounds. 

These figures highlight the challenges facing the dairy industry. Even with herd growth, heat waves and avian influenza undermine yields. This could tighten milk supplies and increase prices, emphasizing the need for adaptive strategies in this volatile market.

Heat Waves and Avian Influenza Compound Pressures on Dairy Producers 

Adverse conditions have taken a toll on milk yields, exacerbating dairy producers’ challenges. The heat wave sweeping through California, the Southwest, and parts of the eastern United States has subjected the dairy herd to significant thermal stress. Record-high overnight temperatures in Florida and the Northeast further hampered milk production. Dairy cows, sensitive to heat, generally eat less and produce less milk when temperatures soar, making it difficult for producers to maintain output levels. Similarly, the spread of avian influenza has reduced herd health, necessitated increased biosecurity measures, and decreased milk quality, further adding to the strain on production capabilities.

While Idaho was spared from the intense heat, it faced its own battle with avian influenza, leading to a significant year-over-year drop in milk output. The state’s milk production fell by 0.6% in May, starkly contrasting the 0.3% gain in April. 

These challenges resulted in a nationwide decline in milk yields and total output. National average milk yields fell below prior-year levels, with total milk production dipping to 19.68 billion pounds in May, a 0.9% reduction from the previous year. The USDA revised its estimate for April milk output to show a 0.6% decline, up from the initially reported 0.4% deficit. These factors underscore adverse conditions’ significant impact on dairy production nationwide.

Worsening Conditions Signal Tightening Milk Supplies Ahead 

As we look ahead, the dairy industry’s adaptability will be crucial as milk supplies could significantly tighten due to worsening conditions. The persistent heat wave in key dairy regions and the spread of avian influenza are adding strain to production capabilities. However, the industry’s ability to navigate these adverse conditions and maintain a stable supply chain instills confidence in its resilience. 

MonthNDM Price ($/lb)SMP Price ($/lb)
December 20221.101.12
January 20231.151.14
February 20231.181.17
March 20231.201.19
April 20231.221.21
May 20231.2051.23

This tightening of milk supplies is already impacting milk powder production. As liquid milk availability diminishes, so does the capacity to produce milk powder. This constraint is evident in the market, with CME spot nonfat dry milk(NDM) prices hitting a four-month high at $1.205 per pound. The market recognizes that the looming supply shortage and upward pressure on NDM prices will likely persist. 

The combined effects of climatic challenges and disease outbreaks highlight the precarious state of the dairy supply chain. Producers are preparing for a tough summer, where every pound of milk is crucial for meeting demand and stabilizing market prices. Navigating these tumultuous times will be critical to the industry’s resilience and adaptability.

A Seismic Shift: China’s Domestic Milk Production Transforms Global Dairy Markets

YearMilk Production (billion pounds)

China’s significant increase in domestic milk production over the past five years, adding roughly 23 billion pounds, has had a profound impact on global dairy prices. This surge is equivalent to the combined annual output of Texas and Idaho, underscoring the global reach of the dairy industry and the need for producers to stay informed about international market dynamics. 

Data from last month underscores this trend: whole milk powder (WMP) imports fell by 33% from May 2023, the lowest May figure since 2017. Skim milk powder (SMP) imports plummeted 52% year-over-year, the lightest since 2016. The year-to-date milk powder imports are the slowest in nine years, prompting dairy processors to focus more on cheese production and broaden their market reach. 

While China’s increased milk production hasn’t significantly affected whey imports, local factors like declining birth rates and financial challenges in the hog industry have lessened demand for whey in infant formula and animal feed. As a result, Chinese whey imports dropped by 9.4% last month compared to May 2023. The U.S. provided much of this supply, but the market’s slower growth has led to reduced overall volumes.

Dynamic Domestic Demand for High-Protein Whey and the Ripple Effects in the Dairy Market

Domestic demand for high-protein whey has been pivotal in maintaining dry whey inventories and stabilizing prices. Even with reduced exports to China, the U.S. market’s vital need for nutritional supplements and food ingredients has kept the demand high. This has prevented a surplus, helping prices hold firm. CME spot dry whey remains at 47ȼ, underscoring this consistent support. 

Meanwhile, the intense heat has boosted ice cream sales, tightening cream supplies. This shift has slowed butter churning as more cream goes into ice cream production. Yet, butter demand stays strong, and prices are stable. At the Global Dairy Trade (GDT) auction, CME spot butter prices ended the week at $3.09. These trends show how weather impacts dairy product segments and market behaviors.

Cheese Price Challenges: Navigating Domestic Demand and Global Market Dynamics

MonthCheddar BlocksCheddar Barrels

The recent dip in cheese prices highlights the complexities of market balance. Despite strong domestic demand, securing new export sales has been challenging, with prices close to $2, making U.S. cheese-less competitive globally. This week, CME spot Cheddar blocks dropped 12.5ȼ to $1.845, and barrels fell to $1.92. 

This pricing slump has rippled through the futures market, affecting Class III and IV values. The June Class III contract fell 81ȼ to $19.86 per cwt, while fourth-quarter contracts increased slightly, indicating mixed market sentiments. Class IV futures remained steady, averaging $21.43, showing bullish expectations amid the current market challenges.

Weather Extremes and Market Sentiments: Navigating the Grain Market’s Unpredictable Terrain

MonthCorn Futures ($ per bushel)Soybean Meal Futures ($ per ton)Key Influences
January$4.75$370.00Winter conditions, pre-planting speculation
February$4.65$365.00More favorable weather outlooks
March$4.50$360.00Spring planting preparations
April$4.60$355.00Initial planting progress reports
May$4.40$350.00Heavy rains, mixed planting progress
June$4.35$362.50Flood issues in Midwest, market correction

The grain market faces weather challenges and market reactions this season. A wet spring boosted soil moisture in the Corn Belt, setting the stage for solid crop growth. However, heavy rains west of the Mississippi River have caused oversaturation and flooding fields in Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, and Minnesota. This excess moisture, now a concern, hampers fieldwork and threatens crops. 

In contrast, the eastern regions have seen hot and dry conditions. Initially, this was good for crops, but persistent heat is now stressing them, potentially affecting yields if it continues. 

Despite these adverse conditions, grain markets remain surprisingly calm. July corn futures have dipped by 13 cents to $4.35 per bushel, and December contracts hit a four-month low at $4.53. Conversely, July soybean meal prices have risen, reaching $362.50 per ton. This reveals agricultural markets’ intricate and often unpredictable nature, where traders and producers constantly adapt to changing conditions and signals.

The Bottom Line

Dairy producers have shown remarkable resilience as milk prices soar. Despite record-high beef prices, they’ve kept herd sizes steady, investing in springers and reducing cull rates to combat the challenges posed by rising costs. The USDA’s data revision underscores slight expansions in the dairy herd, but producers are under pressure from a heat wave and avian influenza, affecting yields and supply. 

With worsening conditions, milk supplies are tightening, influencing milk powder production and prices. China’s significant boost in domestic milk production has reshaped global markets, making the landscape competitive for dairy exporters. Domestically, demand for high-protein whey remains strong, while cheese prices struggle despite robust demand, revealing a complex market environment. 

Extreme weather and fluctuating grain markets add to the industry’s challenges. Strategic adjustments in herd management, leveraging domestic solid demand for certain products, and adapting to global changes will be crucial. Dairy producers’ ability to innovate and respond to these challenges will determine their success and sustainability.

Key Takeaways:

  • Dairy producers paid $3,000 or more for springers to keep their barns full amidst soaring milk prices.
  • The dairy cow slaughter rate dropped to an eight-year low in May, with just 216,100 head being culled.
  • The USDA reported a 5,000 head increase in the April milk-cow herd estimate and a further 5,000 head rise in May.
  • Despite heightened efforts, national average milk yields dipped below prior-year volumes, with overall milk output dropping by 0.9% year-over-year to 19.68 billion pounds.
  • Heat waves and avian influenza exacerbated the situation, particularly affecting dairy operations in Idaho and many parts of the United States.
  • China’s increased domestic milk production has significantly reduced its reliance on imports, impacting global dairy product prices and competition.
  • Although Chinese whey imports declined, domestic demand for high-protein whey in the U.S. remains strong, keeping prices firm.
  • Ice cream demand due to hot weather has tightened cream supplies and slowed butter churning, keeping butter prices robust while cheese prices faced a decline.
  • Weather conditions have varied widely, with floods in the Corn Belt and heat stress on crops in the east, affecting grain market sentiments.


The dairy sector is facing a surge in milk prices due to increased demand, supply chain disruptions, and consumer preferences. Producers are lowering milk yield standards to preserve herds, leading to the lowest dairy cow slaughter rates in eight years. However, external pressures like severe weather and avian influenza pose additional challenges. The USDA’s Milk Production report shows an increase in the milk cow herd, but milk output is less encouraging. The dairy industry’s adaptability is crucial as milk supplies could tighten due to worsening conditions. The market is also facing a shortage of nonfat dry milk (NDM) and skim milk powder (SMP) imports, with China’s domestic milk production significantly impacting global dairy prices. Domestic demand for high-protein whey is pivotal in maintaining dry whey inventories and stabilizing prices. The grain market faces weather challenges and market reactions, but grain markets remain calm.

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HPAI’s Limited Impact on U.S. Milk Production Despite Rising Cases and Strong Dairy Product Output

Uncover the resilience of U.S. milk production amidst increasing HPAI cases. Could surging demand be the real force behind rising dairy prices? Delve into the latest industry analysis.

In the United States, the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) has emerged as a critical concern, particularly due to its unforeseen impact on dairy production. Initially associated with poultry, HPAI has now been confirmed on 92 dairy farms across 12 states, including Minnesota, Iowa, and Wyoming. Industry insiders suspect that the actual number of affected farms could be significantly higher. A USDA spokesperson noted, “The true impact of HPAI on U.S. dairy farms may be significantly underreported, with far-reaching implications for milk production and market prices.” Despite these concerns, the milk output data for April defied expectations. A deeper analysis of the virus transmission and the supply-demand dynamics in the dairy market is necessary to understand the HPAI’s effect. What factors are influencing the fluctuations in dairy pricing and milk output?

Underreported Resilience: April’s Milk Production Defies HPAI Trends  

ProductApril 2022 Production (in 1,000s of lbs)YoY Change (%)
Hard Ice Cream300,000+7.3%
Sour Cream200,000+4.7%

Despite the increasing number of HPAI patients, April’s milk output showed surprising resilience with a 0.4% annual-over-year drop. The April Dairy Products report revealed a 1.8% gain in cheese, a 5.3% increase in butter, a 7.3% increase in hard ice cream, a 4.7% rise in sour cream, and a 10.9% increase in yogurt output, demonstrating the industry’s ability to maintain steady production levels.

The robust April figures for milk output, despite the HPAI epidemic, underscore the dairy sector’s resilience. The virus’s initial timing and geographic distribution could be contributing factors to this resilience. The strong performance of dairy products indicates a steady milk output in the midst of mounting challenges. It’s worth considering that the virus’s primary impact may have surfaced in May, with more confirmed cases resulting from late April testing. This could help explain the discrepancy between HPAI’s spread and the enhanced milk output.

Enhanced Detection or Escalating Spread? The Impact of Mandatory Testing on HPAI Case Numbers

StateConfirmed Cases
New York1

Mandatory testing for nursing cows crossing state borders at the end of April raised reported HPAI cases from 26 in April to 44 in May. This increase suggests an underestimating of the virus’s spread by implying many instances were probably overlooked earlier.

The spike begs a crucial question: Are we better at spotting HPAI, or has its spread really worsened? If the former, extreme containment policies are required. If the latter, we are revealing what has always been there rather than necessarily confronting a mounting catastrophe.

The rise in verified HPAI cases might represent a more realistic picture than a fresh, uncontrollably occurring epidemic. This underscores the crucial role of strong testing in controlling the virus’s influence on dairy output, thereby enabling stakeholders to react properly and reduce future threats, instilling a sense of preparedness in the audience.

The Demand Dynamics: Unraveling the Forces Behind Dairy Price Strength

Many essential elements become clear given the part demand plays in determining dairy pricing. From poor performance in the early months, domestic cheese disappearance recovered with 1% in March and 0.6% in April. This comeback shows that consumers are again interested in cheese, supporting price strength. Reflecting a growing worldwide demand for American dairy goods, U.S. cheese exports reached a new high in March and stayed strong in April.

The evidence unequivocally shows that current dairy market prices are driven largely by demand. Rising demand rather than a limited supply clearly shapes market dynamics, given both local consumption and export records indicating an increase. This pattern shows that strong consumer and global demand for dairy products balances any supply interruptions from HPAI.

Contingency Planning and Market Dynamics: Navigating the Uncertainty of HPAI in Dairy Production 

Future developments of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in dairy cows have essential consequences for milk output and dairy costs. The virus’s propagation may intensify as verified cases and required testing grow. Should infections grow, the dairy industry might suffer disturbance, lowering milk production and raising expenses resulting from more stringent biosecurity policies and herd culling.

Given present patterns, this situation may drive dairy prices upward if supply reduces and demand remains strong. The mix between limited supply and rising demand might lead to a turbulent market that fuels price increases. Furthermore, export dynamics could change if American dairy output declines as foreign consumers seek elsewhere.

Given the potential implications of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) on the dairy sector, it is crucial for policymakers, business leaders, and other stakeholders to maintain a vigilant watch and develop flexible strategies to minimize adverse economic effects. The effective containment and safeguarding of the dairy sector against this evolving threat hinges on continuous collaboration between federal and state authorities and advancements in epidemiological research.

The Bottom Line

Although HPAI is concerned with the dairy sector, the present statistics provide little comfort. April’s milk output surprised everyone by displaying resilience in increasing HPAI numbers. Mandatory testing rather than an unregulated spread helps to explain the increase in recorded cases in May. Notwithstanding these issues, the supply side is steady; recent dairy price increases are more likely due to high demand than supply problems. Though HPAI is a significant issue, there is not enough data to show whether it noticeably influences milk output or current pricing patterns.

Key Takeaways:

The ongoing issue of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) is making headlines, particularly in relation to its impact on U.S. dairy production and prices. Below are the key takeaways to understand how the situation is unfolding: 

  • The USDA has reported an increase in confirmed HPAI cases, now affecting 92 dairy farms across 12 states, including Minnesota, Iowa, and Wyoming.
  • Despite concerns, April milk production improved, being only down 0.4% from the previous year, showing resilience against the expected decline.
  • In April, the U.S. dairy industry produced 1.8% more cheese, 5.3% more butter, 7.3% more hard ice cream, 4.7% more sour cream, and 10.9% more yogurt compared to last year, indicating stronger-than-reported milk production.
  • The uptick in confirmed HPAI cases from 26 in April to 44 in May could be attributed to more stringent testing measures that began on April 29, complicating assessments of the virus’s spread.
  • Weak domestic cheese demand in January and February rebounded by March and April, accompanied by record-high cheese exports, suggesting that current price strength is driven by demand rather than limited supply.
  • While HPAI may yet impact milk production and prices significantly, there is currently little evidence indicating it is the main driver of market trends.


HPAI, a highly pathogenic avian influenza, has significantly impacted dairy production in the United States, with 92 confirmed cases across 12 states. The true impact of HPAI on dairy farms may be underreported, with far-reaching implications for milk production and market prices. April’s milk output showed a 0.4% annual-over-year drop, while the April Dairy Products report revealed a 1.8% gain in cheese, a 5.3% increase in butter, a 7.3% increase in hard ice cream, a 4.7% rise in sour cream, and a 10.9% increase in yogurt output. The spike in reported cases raises questions about whether we are better at spotting HPAI or if its spread has worsened. Future developments of HPAI in dairy cows have essential consequences for milk output and dairy costs. The virus’s propagation may intensify as verified cases and testing grow, leading to disturbance, lower milk production, and increased expenses due to more stringent biosecurity policies and herd culling.

Learn more:

The persistent presence of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in U.S. dairy herds is raising significant concerns about the potential impact on milk production and pricing. To fully understand the scope and implications of the ongoing HPAI outbreak, it is important to consider insights from multiple sources. 

Irish Farmers Urge Higher Milk Prices Amid Rising Costs and Market Pressures

Irish farmers demand higher milk prices to combat rising costs and market pressures. Can increased prices ensure the future of Ireland’s dairy sector?

Amidst the relentless financial pressures and unpredictable markets, Irish dairy farmers , with their unwavering determination, call for higher milk prices. Rising input costs, poor weather, and strict nitrates regulations have heavily burdened these farmers, reducing margins and threatening sustainability. 

The dairy industry , a cornerstone of Ireland’s economy, supports rural livelihoods and contributes significantly to the national economy through exports and jobs. Organizations like the Irish Farmers Association (IFA) and the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association (ICMSA) are advocating for fair milk prices, recognizing the industry’s vital role.  

“We are at a critical juncture,” warned a representative from the IFA. “The current base milk prices are pushing us to the brink, especially with the surge in feed, fertilizer, and energy expenses. We need immediate relief.”

If these pressing issues are not promptly addressed, the dairy sector, a pillar of Ireland’s economy, could suffer a severe blow, forcing many farmers out of business. Addressing these challenges is not just important; it’s a matter of survival for Ireland’s dairy farmers.

As Irish dairy farmers grapple with the multifaceted challenges shaking their sector, one cannot overlook the stark figures that illustrate their plight. From declining production levels to stagnant milk prices, the data paints a clear picture of the adversities faced by those who form the backbone of Ireland’s dairy industry. 

YearTotal Milk Production (million liters)Base Milk Price (€/liter)Input Costs (€/liter)

The figures above starkly demonstrate the mounting financial pressure on Irish dairy farmers, who are facing higher input costs without a corresponding increase in milk prices, leading to a vicious cycle of dwindling margins and decreased production.

The Multifaceted Challenge Facing Irish Dairy Farmers: Navigating Declining Production and Stagnant Prices 

Irish dairy farmers face a significant challenge due to declining milk production and stagnant prices. Data from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) shows that milk volumes lag behind 2023 levels, creating pressure on farmers’ livelihoods. 

The Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association (ICMSA) is leading the charge for change. Despite a slight improvement in the Global Dairy Trade (GDT) index and the Ornua Purchase Price Index (PPI), current prices still need to be improved. The ICMSA calls for a base milk price of 45c/L to restore sector confidence. High input costs and adverse weather conditions compound this need. 

Stagnant prices and reduced production erode farmers’ margins, leading to tighter cash flows and difficulty managing costs. Stringent nitrate regulations and unpredictable weather patterns worsen this situation. 

Higher milk prices are essential for the long-term viability of the sector. Addressing these challenges can restore confidence, stabilize the market, and ensure future growth.

The Escalating Costs Squeezing Ireland’s Dairy Sector: A Perfect Storm of Financial Pressures 

Parameter20222023 (Projected)
Average Milk Price (per liter)€0.37€0.34
Total Milk Production (million liters)8,0007,800
Input Costs Increase (%)15%10%
Weather Impact on YieldModerateSevere
Nitrates Pressures Compliance Cost€50 million€60 million

Rising input costs are a significant burden on Irish dairy farmers. The feed cost has surged due to global supply chain disruptions and local shortages. Similarly, fertilizer prices have increased due to high demand and supply constraints. Additionally, fluctuating oil and gas prices have caused energy costs to soar, impacting transportation and machinery expenses. Rising labor costs, influenced by higher minimum wages and labor shortages, add further financial pressure. 

These escalating costs erode farmers’ slim margins, resulting in severe cash flow difficulties. Increased spending on essential inputs leaves farmers less financial flexibility for operational needs or investments in sustainability. Moreover, adverse weather conditions and strict nitrates regulations further strain their finances, threatening the viability of dairy farming in Ireland.

A Clarion Call for Financial Sustainability: Irish Dairy Farmers Advocate for Essential Base Milk Price Increase 

Irish dairy farmers are demanding an increase in the base milk price to at least 45 cents per liter, as the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association (ICMSA) advocates. This increase is essential for several reasons. Rising input costs, volatile weather, and strict nitrates regulations have tightened farmers’ margins. Without a price hike, many face unsustainable cashflows and further declines in milk production. 

The call is more than a temporary plea; it’s crucial for restoring confidence in the sector. A higher base price would boost cash flow, allowing farmers to invest in resources and cover expenses adequately. Improved margins would help farmers withstand market pressures, ensuring a stable milk supply and fostering long-term growth and sustainability. 

Increasing the base milk price also benefits the broader dairy market. Returning the value realized from market improvements—such as the recent 1.7% rise in the Global Dairy Trade and the 1.1 cents per liter increase in the Ornua Purchase Price Index—to farmers, the entire supply chain gains. Enhanced farmer profitability strengthens rural economies and the dairy supply chain, benefiting processors, retailers, and consumers. Thus, increasing the base milk price is vital for fortifying Ireland’s dairy sector.

Complexities and Constraints: The Role of Milk Processors in Pricing Dynamics 

MonthGlobal Dairy Trade Index (GDT)Ornua Purchase Price Index (PPI)

Milk processors influence milk pricing by acting as intermediaries between dairy farmers and the market. They determine the base milk price, factoring in global market trends, domestic supply, and costs. Their pricing decisions significantly impact farmers’ incomes. 

Setting prices involves balancing market conditions indicated by the Global Dairy Trade (GDT) and the Ornua Purchase Price Index (PPI). The PPI recently showed a slight increase, reflecting a modest improvement. However, these gains do not always lead to higher payouts for farmers, as processors face financial pressures, including processing and distribution costs. 

The Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association (ICMSA) has called for a milk price of 45c/L to restore confidence in the sector, stressing the tension between farmers’ needs and processors’ financial stability. 

Although the Ornua PPI indicated an increase to 39.6c/L for May, this falls short of what farmers need. Processors argue that price increases must be sustainable in the market context and reflect real improvements in dairy product prices. 

Based on transparent market understanding, practical changes in milk pricing require coordinated efforts between farmers and processors.

The Ripple Effect of Higher Milk Prices: Balancing Immediate Relief with Long-Term Market Dynamics 

Increasing milk prices would offer immediate relief to dairy farmers, stabilizing cash flows and covering rising input costs. This support is crucial for maintaining production levels and preventing further declines in milk volumes. 

However, higher prices may reduce consumer demand for dairy products, as price-sensitive consumers might turn to cheaper alternatives. This could cause an initial oversupply, impacting processors and retailers. 

Higher milk prices encourage farmers to invest in advanced production technologies long-term, boosting efficiency and output. Consistent pricing could also attract new entrants, strengthening the supply base. 

Internationally, Ireland’s dairy competitiveness could be affected. Higher costs might make Irish products less competitive. Still, improved quality and supply could capture niche markets willing to pay premium prices. 

In conclusion, while a price increase is crucial for farmers, its broader impacts on supply, demand, and global market positioning must be carefully managed for long-term sustainability.

The Bottom Line

The Irish dairy sector faces several challenges, including declining milk production and stagnant prices, compounded by rising costs and environmental pressures. A key issue is the gap between what farmers earn for their milk and the increasing costs they face. It’s crucial for processors to fairly distribute market gains back to farmers to ease cash flow pressures faced by dairy producers

Increasing the base milk price to at least 45c/L, as suggested by the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association (ICMSA), is essential to restore confidence among producers. Transparency and timely price adjustments by milk processors, in line with market trends like those shown by the Ornua Purchase Price Index (PPI) and Global Dairy Trade (GDT), are also critical. 

Tackling these issues calls for collaboration among processors, associations, and policymakers to support farmers. This would provide immediate financial relief and ensure the dairy industry’s resilient and prosperous future.

Key Takeaways:

  • Financial Strain: Irish dairy farmers are under considerable financial strain due to declining milk prices and rising input costs.
  • Production Decline: There is a tangible decline in milk production, impacting the overall market and supply chain.
  • Advocacy for Fair Pricing: Industry bodies like the Irish Farmers Association and the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association are advocating for a base milk price increase to support farmers.
  • Regulatory Pressures: Stringent nitrate regulations and unpredictable weather patterns add to the challenges faced by dairy farmers.
  • Call for Sustainable Practices: Ensuring financial sustainability through fair pricing can enable farmers to invest in better resources and practices, ultimately benefiting the broader agricultural sector.

Summary: Irish dairy farmers are grappling with financial pressures and unpredictable markets, resulting in dwindling margins and decreased production. The dairy industry, a vital part of Ireland’s economy, supports rural livelihoods and contributes significantly to the national economy through exports and jobs. Organizations like the Irish Farmers Association and the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association are advocating for fair milk prices to restore sector confidence. High input costs and adverse weather conditions further exacerbate the situation, with milk volumes lagging behind 2023 levels. Stringent nitrate regulations and unpredictable weather patterns exacerbate the situation. To restore confidence, the dairy sector is advocating for an increase in the base milk price to at least 45 cents per liter. This would boost cash flow, enable farmers to invest in resources, and ensure stable milk supply. The broader dairy market benefits from increased farmer profitability, strengthening rural economies and the dairy supply chain. However, the broader impacts on supply, demand, and global market positioning must be carefully managed for long-term sustainability.

Boost Your Dairy Cow’s Milk Production & Efficiency by 4% with Rumen Native Microbes Supplements

Boost your dairy cow’s milk yield and efficiency with rumen native microbes. Curious how these supplements can enhance your herd’s performance? Discover the benefits now.

Increasing populations and income levels, particularly in developing nations where dairy consumption is on the rise, bring greater demand and higher production efficiency to the dairy industry. The profitability and sustainability of dairy farms, which are crucial for the global dairy industry, can be significantly enhanced by the adoption of rumen-native bacteria in dairy cow diets. This innovative approach, backed by rising worldwide dairy demand, holds the promise of boosting milk yields and feed efficiency, thereby increasing production and profitability.

Rumen native bacteria might transform dairy farming. Naturally found in the cow’s rumen, these microorganisms have shown potential for increasing feed efficiency and lactation performance. Mainly targeted strains such as Pichia kudriavzevii and Clostridium beijerinckii have shown appreciable increases in milk yield and quality.

The effect of dietary supplements, including these microbes, on feed efficiency and productive performance in Holstein dairy cows is investigated in this paper. We will discuss:

  • How does cow digestion interact with rumen bacteria to increase milk output?
  • Specific bacterial additions and their noted advantages.
  • Consequences for present research and methods of dairy farming.

Without compromising cow body weight, microbial supplements can raise milk yield, boost ECM production, and increase feed efficiency, resulting in more profitable herds and possible profit gains. By analyzing current studies, we hope to emphasize the possibilities of rumen native bacteria and provide helpful advice for dairy producers to improve herd performance and condition.

A Comprehensive Study on Microbial Additives in Holstein Cows 

Run on 117 Holstein cows, the study “Dietary supplementation of rumen native microbes improves lactation performance and feed efficiency in dairy cows” assessed two particular microbial additions. The cows were arranged according to parity: first-time calving (nulliparous) or calving more than once (multiparous). The cows were further divided within these parity groups according to their pre-treatment energy-corrected milk (ECM) yield to provide a standard starting point.

Each parity block in a randomized complete block design was split and then assigned at random to one of three treatments over 140 days:

  • CON (Control Group): 100 grams of corn meal without microbial additives (15 primiparous and 25 multiparous).
  • G1 Group: 100 grams of corn meal containing a blend of 5 grams of Clostridium beijerinckii and Pichia kudriavzevii, featuring 4 × 107 cfu of C. beijerinckii and 1 × 109 cfu of P. kudriavzevii (14 primiparous and 24 multiparous).
  • G2 Group: 100 grams of corn meal with 5 grams of a composite of C. beijerinckiiP. kudriavzeviiButyrivibrio fibrisolvens, and Ruminococcus bovis, containing 4 × 107 cfu of C. beijerinckii, 1 × 109 cfu of P. kudriavzevii, 1 × 108 cfu of B. fibrisolvens, and 1 × 108 cfu of R. bovis (15 primiparous and 24 multiparous).

Cows housed in ventilated tie-stall barns fitted with rubber mattresses and sand bedding to preserve consistent and ideal conditions ran the study from October 27, 2020, until July 20, 2021.

Accurate measurements and thorough data collection were necessary for this work. Daily logs of body weight (BW), milk yield, and dry matter (DM) intake guaranteed exact control of general health and nutritional intake. Twice-weekly evaluations of body condition score (BCS) helped closely monitor the cows’ physical state.

The analysis of milk composition twice a week lets researchers track changes in quality. Milk samples on days 60 and 62 also gave thorough fatty acid profiles. This careful approach guaranteed that the information represented the actual effects of the dietary supplements.

The Result: Boosted Milk Yield and Feed Efficiency

TreatmentMilk Yield (kg/d)ECM (kg/d)Fat Yield (kg/d)Total Solids (kg/d)ECM per kg of DMI (kg/kg)
Control (CON)39.937.91.314.591.72

The study emphasizes how much feeding dairy cows microbial additions help them. From 39.9 kg/day in the control group to 41.3 kg/day and 41.5 kg/day in groups G1 and G2, respectively, cows given these supplements showed greater milk yields. Analogous increases in energy-corrected milk (ECM) production from 37.9 kg/day in the control group to 39.3 kg/day (G1) and 39.9 kg/day (G2). Furthermore, in the treatment groups, fat output rose from 1.31 kg/day to 1.37 kg/day and 1.40 kg/day.

With an increase from 4.59 kg/day in the control group to 4.75 kg/day and 4.79 kg/day in the experimental groups, total solids output improved significantly. Measured as ECM per kilogram of dry matter intake (DMI), feed efficiency also improved from 1.72 kg/kg in the control group to 1.76 kg/kg (G1) and 1.80 kg/kg (G2). These findings highlight how well microbial additions might improve milk production volume and quality. 

The long-term effects of incorporating microbial additives into dairy farming are not only significant but also promising. The improved milk yield and quality directly translate into higher income and improved product quality, ensuring the economic viability of dairy farms in a competitive market. Moreover, the enhanced feed efficiency achieved through microbial additions streamlines operations and increases their sustainability, thereby optimizing production and ensuring a bright future for dairy farming.

Enhancing Milk Fat Composition with Microbial Additives 

The study found that adding microbial additives (MAs) to Holstein cow diets greatly improved milk fat composition. Pre-formed fatty acids, particularly those with more than 16 carbons, showed an especially high yield. Additionally, unsaturated fatty acids, including α-linolenic acids (C18:3) and linoleic acids (C18:2), increased. While α-linolenic acid rose from 2.46 g/d to 2.82 g/d, linoleic acid levels rose from 30.9 g/d to 35.4 g/d. 

Known for their health advantages—anti-inflammatory effects and heart health contributions—unsaturated fatty acids help make the milk more marketable to health-conscious consumers, perhaps enabling higher pricing. More pre-formed fatty acids also indicate better energy use by the cows, reflecting better general health and output. These microbial additions thus not only improve the quality of milk but also offer a great chance to maximize dairy farm activities.

A Practical Roadmap for Integrating Microbial Additives

The findings of this research provide a practical roadmap for dairy producers, cattle nutritionists, and researchers to integrate microbial additives into dairy farming. The selection of the appropriate type is crucial, and the study highlights the effectiveness of specific bacterial additions such as Clostridium beijerinckii and Pichia kudriavzevii. To identify the best fit for your herd, consult with a cattle nutritionist. This practical advice empowers you to make informed decisions for your dairy farm.

Following the study’s methodology, consider introducing additives to your herd in a controlled manner. Begin by gradually adding the additive as a top dress for the cows’ diets, then monitor their milk yield, feed intake, and overall condition. This approach allows for a comprehensive assessment of the effects under your control.

Take into account the cost-benefit aspect. While the initial cost of microbial additives may seem significant, the study indicates substantial returns in terms of increased milk yield and improved feed efficiency. Enhanced yields of key milk components, such as unsaturated and pre-formed fatty acids, could lead to higher-quality dairy products with greater market value.

The long-term effects on herd health and productivity are also significant. Frequent additive use helps to support general herd health, stabilize rumen function, and raise body condition scores. Longer cow lifespans and reduced veterinary costs resulting from this often help increase microbial additions’ cost-effectiveness.

Success with microbial additions depends on constant evaluation and careful control. Stay updated on fresh studies and modify your methods based on practical results to maximize the benefits in milk yield, feed efficiency, and herd health over time.

The Bottom Line

Adding rumen-native bacteria to dairy cow diets shows excellent potential to increase feed efficiency and productive performance. Clostridium beijerinckii, Pichia kudriavzevii, Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens, and Ruminococcus bovis added to their feed improved milk yield by up to 4%, energy-corrected milk (ECM) by up to 5.3%, and milk fat composition, all without increasing dry matter intake (DMI). For dairy producers trying to maximize output while controlling feed expenses, cows are more effectively turning feed into milk.

By raising good fatty acids, the study shows that microbial additions increase milk volume and enhance milk quality. In dairy production, this double advantage can result in more sustainability and profitability. Thus, adding these microbial supplements proves that dietary supplementation of rumen native bacteria improves lactation performance and feed efficiency in dairy cows, providing a practical method to attain higher efficiency and output in dairy herds.

Key Takeaways:

  • Dietary supplementation with specific microbial additives enhanced productive performance in Holstein cows.
  • Milk yield, energy-corrected milk (ECM), fat output, and feed efficiency all saw significant improvements.
  • The study included a control group and two treatment groups, each receiving different combinations of microbial additives.
  • Researchers noted an increase in pre-formed fatty acids in the milk, particularly unsaturated fatty acids like linoleic and α-linolenic acids.
  • Body condition scores (BCS) tended to improve with the addition of microbial supplements.
  • The experimental period lasted from October 27, 2020, to July 20, 2021, offering robust data across multiple seasons.
  • Despite variations in starting days in milk (DIM) among cows, the overall positive trends in milk production and composition were consistent.
  • The findings suggest that integrating microbial additives into dairy diets could foster enhanced milk production and better feed efficiency, ultimately contributing to the sustainability and profitability of dairy farming.

Summary: The dairy industry is experiencing a surge in demand due to rising populations and income levels, particularly in developing nations. The adoption of rumen-native bacteria in dairy cow diets can significantly enhance profitability and sustainability. Targeted strains such as Pichia kudriavzevii and Clostridium beijerinckii have shown significant increases in milk yield and quality. This study investigates the effect of dietary supplements, including these microbes, on feed efficiency and productive performance in Holstein dairy cows. The study assessed two specific microbial additions: a control group (100 grams of corn meal without microbial additives) and a group (100 grams of corn meal containing a blend of 5 grams of Clostridium beijerinckii and Pichia kudriavzevii) and a group (100 grams of corn meal with a composite of C. beijerinckii, P. kudriavzevii, Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens, and Ruminococcus bovis). The results showed that cows given microbial additions showed greater milk yields, increased energy-corrected milk (ECM) production, increased fat output, and improved feed efficiency. The long-term effects of incorporating microbial additives into dairy farming are significant and promising.

Milk Futures Predict Brighter Prices Ahead Amid Market Volatility and Rising Demand

Learn how milk futures suggest better prices ahead despite market volatility and rising demand. Will tighter supplies and more exports lift dairy markets?

Understanding the market dynamics, especially the recent trends in Class III futures, is crucial. It can equip you with the knowledge to navigate through these uncertain waters. Stay informed and be prepared for fluctuations that could significantly impact your bottom line.

MonthClass III Futures Price ($ per cwt)Class IV Futures Price ($ per cwt)

Milk Futures Signal a Brighter Horizon for Dairy Farmers 

The potential for a brighter horizon for dairy farmers this year is signaled by milk futures. If spot prices hold, milk prices could surpass last year’s levels. This optimistic outlook is driven by several factors, including increased demand and supply constraints, which could further boost prices. 

Firstly, increased demand plays a significant role. Both domestic and international markets show a heightened appetite for dairy products, especially cheese and butterfat. 

Secondly, supply constraints could further boost prices. Cheese inventories haven’t exceeded last year’s levels. If demand continues to rise, the supply may struggle to keep pace, pushing prices upward. 

It’s also worth noting that volatility in recent milk markets could become more pronounced as summer progresses. The indicators point positively toward better milk prices compared to last year.

MonthCheese Exports (Metric Tons)Butterfat Exports (Metric Tons)

The Stability in Cheese Inventory: A Beacon for Dairy Farmers 

The stability in cheese inventory signals good news for dairy farmers. With international demand rising, especially in quicker-rebounding markets, you can expect further price gains. High cheese exports will likely continue, cushioning against domestic shortages. 

Butterfat exports surged 23% in April, hinting at record butter prices. If domestic consumption follows suit, the dairy sector could have a profitable year. Watch these trends closely as they shape market dynamics. 

The crop outlook remains strong despite planting delays. With 75% of corn rated good/excellent, a bountiful harvest is expected. This could lower feed costs and boost profits. While some input costs are high, stable grain prices and improving milk futures suggest a better income over feed margin. 

As summer progresses, a proactive approach is essential. The market’s volatility demands your attention. Monitor both local and international trends to navigate the ups and downs, maximizing gains and minimizing setbacks.

Record Cheese Exports: A Promising Outlook for Dairy Farmers

International cheese demand has surged, with record-high cheese exports in March and April. This increase has provided strong market support. More domestic cheese is being sold internationally, reducing inventory levels and potentially tightening supplies. 

The impact on future prices could be significant. Continued strong demand and tighter supplies may boost cheese prices. As global market dynamics favor U.S. cheese, this could mean better margins and a more stable income for dairy farmers.

The Butter Market: Rising Exports Foreshadow Potential Records

The butter market is showing robust signs. In particular, April witnessed a substantial increase in butterfat exports, soaring by 23%. This upward trend in exports is not just a fleeting moment; it sets a solid foundation for potentially record-high butter prices this year. As both domestic and international demand for butter continues to rise, the market outlook becomes increasingly favorable. This spike in demand, coupled with the surge in butterfat shipments, could very well propel butter prices to new heights, instilling confidence in dairy farmers about the market’s potential.

April’s Income Over Feed Margin: A Glimpse of Dairy Farming Resilience

April’s income over feed price was $9.60 per cwt, marking the second month without Dairy Margin Coverage payments. This positive signal for dairy farmers shows profitable conditions without government support. 

Looking ahead, the stability of grain prices and the positive trend in milk futures should inspire optimism. Despite planting delays, grain prices remain steady, and 75% of the corn crop is rated good to excellent. A strong crop could mean lower grain prices and feed costs, potentially boosting income over feed margins and improving profitability. This promising outlook could reduce reliance on Dairy Margin Coverage payments, offering a brighter future for dairy farmers. 

With steady or falling grain prices and positive milk futures, dairy farmers might see continued profitability, reducing reliance on Dairy Margin Coverage payments. This outlook benefits farmers navigating market volatility.

Grain Market Conditions: A Silver Lining for Dairy Farmers

Let’s shift focus to the grain market. Planting delays have yet to affect grain prices significantly. The early corn condition looks very positive, with 75% rated as good to excellent. That sets the stage for a robust harvest. 

If this trend holds, expect a large corn crop, likely lowering corn prices. This means reduced feed costs for dairy farmers, leading to better income over feed margins and improved profitability despite volatile milk market conditions.

The Bottom Line

The dairy market is experiencing significant volatility, especially in Class III futures. However, current trends suggest milk prices could improve. Cheese inventory is stable, hinting at tighter supplies if demand rises. Meanwhile, cheese and butterfat exports have surged, boosting market confidence. 

In April, income over feed margins was resilient, with stable grain prices suggesting favorable conditions for dairy farmers. Despite some planting delays, strong crop conditions for corn indicate ample supply and potentially lower feed costs. These factors contribute to a positive milk price outlook if spot prices hold and demand grows.

Key Takeaways:

  • Milk futures suggest better prices compared to last year if current spot prices hold.
  • Demand dynamics: Improved international cheese demand boosts market optimism.
  • Cheese inventory levels remain stable, indicating potential supply tightening.
  • April saw a 23% increase in butterfat exports, hinting at possible record-high butter prices.
  • Grain market: Initial crop conditions are favorable, potentially leading to lower grain prices.
  • No further Dairy Margin Coverage program payments expected due to improved income over feed conditions.

Summary: The dairy market is experiencing significant volatility, especially in Class III futures, and this turbulence is expected to persist and escalate as summer approaches. Milk futures indicate a brighter horizon for dairy farmers this year, with spot prices holding and milk prices potentially surpassing last year’s levels. Increased demand for dairy products, particularly cheese and butterfat, is driving optimism. Supply constraints could further boost prices, as cheese inventories haven’t exceeded last year’s levels. Stability in cheese inventory signals good news for dairy farmers, as international demand is rising, especially in quicker-rebounding markets. High cheese exports will likely continue, cushioning against domestic shortages. The butter market is showing robust signs, with record-high cheese exports in March and April providing strong market support. More domestic cheese is being sold internationally, reducing inventory levels and potentially tightening supplies.

Bullish Trends Dominate LaSalle Street: Record Highs in Class III & IV Futures Propel Dairy Markets

Uncover the surge of bullish trends on LaSalle Street pushing Class III & IV futures to record highs. Will the dairy markets keep climbing? Delve into the latest insights today.

The bulls are back on LaSalle Street, setting fresh records in dairy futures. Class III and some Class IV futures hit life-of-contract highs this week, making waves in the dairy markets. While some Class III contracts dipped slightly by week’s end, Class IV futures rose about 30ȼ. Third-quarter Class III stands solidly above $20 per cwt. Fourth-quarter contracts hover in the high $19s. Class IV futures are robust in the $21s and $22s. 

Prices climbed across the CME spot market, led by whey – the unsung hero of the Class III complex. 

The recent surge in whey powder, with a significant 13.25% increase, along with solid gains in Cheddar blocks and barrels, is a clear indicator of the market’s strength. This bullish trend in Class III and IV futures not only highlights the current market strength but also promises potential growth and stability.

ProductAvg PriceQty Traded4 Wk Trend
Whey$0.4445713.25% increase
Cheese Blocks$1.866013Up
Cheese Barrels$1.955013Up
Non-Fat Dry Milk (NDM)$1.189531Up

Class III Futures Soar: A Promising Summer and Year-End Forecast

ContractPrice as of Last WeekPrice This WeekChange
July Class III$19.50$20.25+3.85%
August Class III$19.75$20.45+3.54%
September Class III$20.00$21.10+5.50%
October Class III$19.20$20.10+4.69%
November Class III$19.00$19.75+3.95%
December Class III$18.50$19.40+4.86%

The steady trend of class III futures, which are on a roll this summer and heading into the end of the year, offers a clear outlook for dairy producers. With contracts from July through December hitting life-of-contract highs and third-quarter Class III prices solidly above $20 per cwt., there is robust demand in the market. The prices for the fourth quarter, settling in the $19s, further reinforce the potential profitability for dairy producers. 

Class IV Futures Climb Higher: Butter and NDM Lead the Charge

MonthAvg PriceQty Traded4 wk Trend
July 2024$21.5010
August 2024$21.7512
September 2024$22.0014
October 2024$21.9511
November 2024$22.1013
December 2024$22.2515

Class IV futures are on the rise, now solidly in the $21s and $22s. This reflects the strong and resilient market fundamentals of the dairy sector. The hike in Class IV prices highlights robust demand for butter and nonfat dry milk (NDM), both showing remarkable performances recently. With higher butter output meeting strong demand and climbing NDM prices, these components are crucial to Class IV’s upward trend. This surge boosts market sentiment and provides dairy producers with better financial incentives to increase production despite current challenges, instilling a sense of stability and confidence in the market. 

A Week of Robust Gains: Whey Leads the Charge in the CME Spot Market

The CME spot market buzzed this week, with significant gains led by whey. Spot whey powder jumped 5.5ȼ, a solid 13.25% increase, hitting 47ȼ per pound for the first time since February. This rise shows the strong demand for high-protein whey products as manufacturers focused more on concentration. 

Spot Cheddar also saw gains, with blocks up 3.5ȼ to $1.845 per pound and barrels rising 1.5ȼ to $1.955 per pound. This climb, even with a drop in Cheddar production, reflects strong domestic and international cheese demand, especially with U.S. cheese exports to Mexico hitting record highs. 

Nonfat dry milk (NDM) increased by 2.75ȼ to $1.195 per pound, supported by a robust Global Dairy Trade auction. Despite the price rise, NDM stocks saw their most significant March-to-April jump, suggesting slower exports. 

Butter prices edged slightly, by a fraction of a cent, to settle at $3.0925 per pound. Despite a 5.3% year-over-year production increase, the continued strength in butter prices indicates strong demand holding up the market prices.

April’s Milk Output: High Components Drive Record-Breaking Butter Production

MonthButter Production (million pounds)Year-Over-Year Change (%)

The bulls are back in charge on LaSalle Street. July through December Class III and a smattering of Class IV futures notched life-of-contract highs this week. While most Class III contracts ultimately settled a little lower than they did last Friday, Class

April’s milk output brought some notable developments. Despite lower overall volume than last year, higher milk components led to an uptick in cheese and butter production. Manufacturers churned out nearly 208 million pounds of butter, a 5.3% increase over April 2023. This marks the highest butter output for April, only behind April 2020, when pandemic shutdowns diverted cream to butter production. This spike in butter output indicates solid market demand despite the large volumes.

Record Cheese Production in April: Mozzarella and Italian-Style Cheeses Shine 

Cheese TypeApril 2023 Production (Million lbs)April 2024 Production (Million lbs)Year-over-Year Change (%)
Total Cheese1,1701,191+1.8%

April saw U.S. cheese production reach new heights, with Mozzarella and Italian-style cheeses leading the charge. Mozzarella production hit record levels, and Italian-style cheese output was up 6.2% compared to last April. This high demand ensures quick consumption or export, avoiding the stockpiles that sometimes affect Cheddar. 

Cheddar, however, experienced an 8.6% drop in production from last year, showing a 5.9% decline from January to April compared to 2023. Yet, strong cheese exports, especially to Mexico and key Asian markets, are balancing things out. Exports are up 23% year-to-date, which helped push cheese prices above $2 briefly. 

Continued export growth might be challenging, with cheese prices around $1.90, but the trends are promising for U.S. cheese producers.

Whey Powder Renaissance: Demand for High-Protein Products Fuels Price Surge 

Whey powder, often underrated in the dairy market, is returning thanks to a strong demand for high-protein products. Health-conscious consumers are driving this trend, leading manufacturers to concentrate more on whey and produce less powder. Although April’s whey powder output matched last year’s, stocks have declined. This reduced supply and steady demand have fueled the current price surge. The recent 5.5ȼ gain, a 13.25% increase, underscores the market’s strength.

A Tale of Supply and Demand: NDM Production Slumps While Stockpiles Surge Due to Sluggish Exports

Nonfat Dry Milk (NDM) and Skim Milk Powder (SMP) production fell significantly in April to 209.6 million pounds, down 14.2% year-over-year, marking the lowest April output since 2013. Despite this, NDM stocks surged, hitting a record March-to-April increase. Slower exports are the leading cause. In April, the U.S. exported 144 million pounds of NDM and SMP, down 2.5% from last year and the lowest for April since 2019. This highlights the delicate balance between production, stock levels, and international trade.

Promising Prospects: Mexico’s Shift to NDM Could Boost Exports and Stabilize Markets

There’s hope for increased NDM export volumes, particularly to Mexico. Higher cheese prices might push Mexico to import more affordable NDM instead of cheese. Mexican manufacturers can use NDM to boost their cheese production efficiently. This shift could reduce current NDM stockpiles and stabilize market prices.

Proceed with Caution: Navigating Volatility and Barriers in Milk Production

The recent data highlight extreme volatility in the dairy complex. While high prices are tempting, caution is crucial. There are significant barriers to milk production expansion. High interest rates make investments riskier, and a scarcity of heifers limits rapid growth. Even issues like the bird flu impact the supply chain and market stability.

Economic Incentives and Strategic Tools Empower Dairy Producers to Boost Output and strategically navigate the market. This potential for strategic growth and control over the market dynamics can be a powerful motivator for dairy producers and traders. The current market conditions for dairy producers are a strong incentive to boost milk production. Class III futures are up $3.50 from last year, and with corn prices down $1.55, feed costs are more affordable, making it easier to increase output. 

Despite market ups and downs, there’s a great chance to protect your margins. You can lock in current high prices using futures and options, ensuring steady profits. The Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) insurance program offers a safety net against price drops or production issues. These tools help you navigate the market smartly and aim for maximum profitability.

Feed Markets Show Resilience Amidst Fluctuations: Corn Gains Modestly, Soybean Meal Dips

The feed markets had their ups and downs this week but ended up close to where they started. July corn settled at $4.4875, a slight increase of 2.5ȼ. Meanwhile, July soybean meal dropped $4.10 to $360.60 per ton.

Farmers are almost done planting their crops, with just a few acres left. A drier forecast will help them wrap up. Although heavy spring rains posed initial challenges, they also improved moisture reserves for the upcoming summer months

Less favorable global farming conditions might boost U.S. export prospects, stabilizing prices and preventing steep drops. With average weather, a large U.S. harvest is expected, potentially lowering feed costs even more.

The Bottom Line

The current dairy market offers both opportunities and challenges for producers. Class III and IV futures show solid gains and higher prices thanks to robust demand and reduced milk output. Whey and cheese markets are performing exceptionally, and export volumes could improve. However, volatility remains a concern. High interest rates, scarce resources, and global health threats add to the uncertainty. Farmers can secure attractive margins using strategic tools like futures, options, and insurance programs. Favorable planting conditions and resilient feed markets provide added support. Staying informed and agile will be vital to capitalizing on these dynamics while managing risks.

Key Takeaways:

  • Strong bullish trends observed in Class III and IV futures, with significant life-of-contract highs.
  • Third-quarter Class III prices solidly above $20 per cwt, and fourth-quarter contracts in the $19 range.
  • Class IV futures robustly in the $21s and $22s, driven by high demand for butter and NDM.
  • Whey powder prices surged with a 13.25% gain, hitting 47ȼ per pound for the first time since February.
  • Cheddar blocks and barrels showed solid gains at the CME spot market, indicating strong market fundamentals.
  • April’s milk output featured high components, leading to record-breaking butter production.
  • U.S. cheese production hit record levels in April, driven by escalating Mozzarella and Italian-style cheese output.
  • Strong demand for high-protein whey products spurred a price surge, backed by decreased dryer availability.
  • NDM production saw a slump, affected by sluggish exports, but stockpiles surged with the largest March-to-April increase ever.
  • Mexico’s potential shift to importing more NDM could stabilize export volumes and market dynamics.
  • Dairy producers incentivized to boost milk production despite barriers, with improved futures and feed margins.
  • Feed markets exhibited resilience, with minor fluctuations in corn and soybean meal prices.

Summary: The dairy market has seen a strong bullish trend, with Class III and some Class IV futures hitting life-of-contract highs this week. Class IV futures are robust in the $21s and $22s, reflecting the strong and resilient market fundamentals of the dairy sector. The recent surge in whey powder and solid gains in Cheddar blocks and barrels is a clear indicator of the market’s strength, promising potential growth and stability. Class III futures are on a roll this summer and heading into the end of the year, offering a clear outlook for dairy producers. Contracts from July through December hit life-of-contract highs, and third-quarter Class III prices solidly above $20 per cwt., reinforcing potential profitability for dairy producers. Class IV futures are on the rise, now solidly in the $21s and $22s, reflecting the strong and resilient market fundamentals of the dairy sector. The surge in Class IV prices highlights robust demand for butter and nonfat dry milk (NDM), both showing remarkable performances recently. In April, U.S. cheese production reached record levels, with Mozzarella and Italian-style cheeses leading the charge.

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