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Dairy Market Recap for the Week Ending August 18th 2024

Find out how rising dairy prices affect your farm and what you can do to stay ahead. Are you ready for the market changes? Read more now.

Summary: The dairy market is experiencing a whirlwind of changes this summer, with significant fluctuations in butter, cheese, and milk production across the United States. Tight spot cream supplies in the East and Central regions contrast with steady churning in the West, while cheese production faces regional disparities due to varying milk availability. Fluid milk volumes are dipping across much of the country, influenced by high temperatures, although the Pacific Northwest remains an exception. As milk production forecasts for 2024 and 2025 are lowered, dairy farmers are navigating a complex landscape marked by supply limitations and shifting demands. International dynamics further add to the complexity, with changing production patterns in Europe, Australia, and South America influencing global dairy prices. Dairy costs have reached record levels, affecting farmers and producers. Factors driving these prices include fluctuations in milk output and increased demand in global markets. Butter prices have remained stable, while cheese prices have varied. Nonfat dry milk has decreased slightly, but dry whey has maintained a mixed trend. Grade AA butter closed around $3.1800 in mid-August, with a weekly average approaching $3.1410. Declining cream supplies in the East and Central areas have made churning rare, while the West remains active. Cheese demand is constantly in flux, with milk supplies tightening as schools stock up. Retail cheese demand is increasing, providing vitality to the market. Grade A NDM and dried whey have remained slightly lower than the weekly average, leading to constrained supply and surging demand. The Pacific Northwest has moderate temperatures, while dry dairy products are making waves due to their complex supply and demand dynamics. International markets significantly impact U.S. dairy pricing, with hot weather worsening the seasonal decline in milk output in Europe.

  • Tight spot cream supplies in the East and Central regions, with steady churning in the West.
  • Cheese production faces regional disparities due to varying milk availability.
  • Fluid milk volumes are dipping across much of the U.S., except in the Pacific Northwest, influenced by high temperatures.
  • Milk production forecasts for 2024 and 2025 have been lowered, impacting dairy farmers.
  • International dynamics, including production patterns in Europe, Australia, and South America, influence global dairy prices.
  • Dairy costs have reached record levels due to fluctuations in milk output and global demand.
  • Butter prices remain stable, while cheese prices show regional variations.
  • Nonfat dry milk prices have slightly decreased, and dry whey prices show mixed trends.
  • Increasing retail cheese demand suggests a strengthening market.
  • Moderate temperatures in the Pacific Northwest are aiding milk production stability.
  • International hot weather conditions are worsening the seasonal decline in milk output in Europe.

Have you ever wondered why your grocery store’s dairy section has become more expensive recently? It’s not just inflation; dairy costs are skyrocketing at record levels. These fluctuating market movements may have a significant impact on farmers. Staying educated is more than just a good idea; it’s essential for managing this ever-changing world. Understanding the mechanics behind these pricing changes might make the difference between prospering and barely scraping by. Several reasons are driving these growing prices, including fluctuations in milk output and increased demand in worldwide markets. Butter prices have remained stable over the previous week, whereas cheese prices have varied. Nonfat dry milk has decreased somewhat, although dry whey has maintained a mixed trend. These little adjustments have a significant effect on dairy producers like you. By the end, you’ll better understand why keeping ahead of market trends is not just advantageous, but necessary for proactive decision-making.

ProductLatest Closing PriceWeekly Average PricePrice Change (+/-)
Butter (Grade AA)$3.1800$3.1410+0.0400
Cheese (Barrels)$2.2550$2.1840+0.2370
Cheese (40# Blocks)$2.1000$2.0495+0.1275
Nonfat Dry Milk (Grade A)$1.2550$1.2380-0.0155
Dry Whey (Extra Grade)$0.5500$0.5590-0.0275

Wondering How the Dairy Market is Faring This Summer? Let’s Break It Down. 

How was the dairy market doing this summer? Let us break it down. First, let’s discuss butter. As of mid-August, Grade AA butter closed around $3.1800, with a weekly average approaching $3.1410. “Why the uptick?” you may wonder. Declining cream supplies in the East and Central areas have made churning rare, while the West remains active.

Cheese is now the subject of an ongoing drama. Barrel cheese closed at $2.2550, while 40-pound chunks sold for $2.1000. Weekly averages rose significantly, with barrels at $2.1840 and blocks at $2.0495. Cheese demand is constantly in flux: milk supplies are tightening, mainly as schools stock up, making Class I requirements a top priority. But guess what? Retail cheese demand is increasing, providing vitality to the market.

What about nonfat dry milk (NDM) and dried whey? Grade A NDM finished at $1.2550, slightly lower than the weekly average of $1.2380. Dry whey concluded at $0.5500, with the weekly average dropping to $0.5590. The story here is one of scarcity—whether condensed skim or whey, everyone feels the squeeze.

The primary result is that constrained supply and surging demand are paving the way for a volatile market. As a dairy producer, it’s crucial to monitor these market trends and navigate these developments. This vigilance will help you understand the market’s future direction and make informed decisions. Will these tendencies remain consistent? Only time will tell, but your proactive monitoring will keep you ahead of the curve.

What’s Going On with the Butter Market? Spoiler: It’s Quite the Roller Coaster! 

Are you aware that the butter market is seeing exciting changes this summer? Let’s get into it. Butter production has reached a seasonal low, which is unsurprising given the time of year. Limited spot cream supplies have hampered churning schedules in the East and Central areas. However, the West has a different narrative. Despite the seasonal fall, butter output in this area remains steady. This geographical disparity represents a fragmented market in which location influences manufacturing tendencies.

As the autumn season approaches, butter demand is expected to rise. Customers begin to reserve their quantities to get ahead of the seasonal rush. It’s that time when everyone prepares for Christmas baking and festive feasts. Don’t remember that consumers purchase 3-5% more butter in the autumn than in summer [Bureau of Labor Statistics]. This increase in demand has a positive impact on butter prices in the latter half of the year. This anticipation of increased demand should make you feel prepared and ready to capitalize on the market.

What does this imply for pricing? The butter market is stable, but those positive factors could impact prices as the autumn season unfolds. This is especially important for dairy producers and dealers seeking to capitalize on market circumstances. In summary, although supply may be at a seasonal low, demand is increasing. This dynamic will substantially influence butter prices as the year ends.

Let’s Talk Cheese: What’s Driving This Market’s Steady Climb? 

Let’s discuss cheese. Have you observed how the cheese market has recently been stable with a modest upward tendency? There are a few main variables influencing this. One of the most potent influences is milk supply. Cheesemakers suffer when milk quantities tighten, as they have recently, particularly in the East. Limited milk implies fewer raw materials for manufacturing, resulting in a rippling impact on supply and pricing.

But it isn’t just about the milk. Regional demand is also an important consideration. Food service demand has been consistent, but retail demand is where things become interesting. Consider this: with schools resuming, there is an increase in demand for cheese. Why? Educational institutions are large consumers of dairy products, and their buying activity increases when the academic year begins. This increase in demand strengthens the market and helps to keep cheese prices firm.

The limited spot milk supply in the central area is projected to keep prices above Class III until around Labor Day. Meanwhile, farmers in the West feel the strain but seem to have enough milk to keep the wheels going. Inventory levels vary per company, but the overall message is cautious optimism. As we approach the autumn season, combining milk supply and increased school demand may pave the way for the next phase of cheese market dynamics. The resilience and determination of farmers in the face of supply constraints should inspire and motivate you in your own operations.

What’s the Real Story Behind Fluid Milk Production This Summer? It’s a Tale of Regional Contrasts 

What is the true story behind fluid milk production this summer? It’s a story of regional disparities caused by temperature fluctuations and varying seasonal needs. Dairies throughout the United States report lower milk output as the summer heat takes its toll. Temperatures in the highland and southern desert regions reach triple digits, putting cow comfort at risk and decreasing milk output.

However, the Pacific Northwest is a significant exception. Here, moderate temperatures—peaking in the 70s during the day and dropping to the 50s at night—have helped to keep milk quantities stable. This geographical heterogeneity is essential in influencing our overall fluid milk trends.

Seasonal changes play a significant role in the dairy market. With the back-to-school season approaching, there is an increased demand for Class I, notably fluid milk products. This demand prompts milk to migrate within areas to fulfill local demands, resulting in restricted supply and higher spot market prices. For example, spot milk prices reached $3.50 over Class, up $1.00 from the previous week. Understanding and anticipating these seasonal shifts can help you prepare and adapt your business strategies accordingly.

While some areas see a seasonal fall in milk production, others maintain their levels. This intricate interaction of environment and seasonal demand affects the fluid milk market, keeping dairy producers on their toes. As we look forward to the following months, we should evaluate how these regional and seasonal elements will continue to impact milk quantities and pricing, posing difficulties and possibilities for individuals in the dairy business.

Why Are Dry Dairy Products Making Waves in the Market? Let’s Get Into It. 

As we concentrate on dry dairy products, the landscape for commodities such as nonfat dry milk, dry buttermilk, and dry whey shows a complex narrative of supply and demand dynamics influencing pricing and availability. Nonfat dry milk (NDM) costs, for example, have stabilized somewhat while rising in some places. This variation corresponds to the lower availability of condensed skim, which tends to fall with seasonal milk production. Less milk means less opportunity to create NDM, pushing prices upward.

Dry buttermilk is a mixed bag: inventories are available but not growing, indicating a balanced market without oversupply. The supply limitations are less severe than in NDM, but they are strong enough to prevent prices from decreasing. End users should expect pricing to be steady or higher, depending on their geographical market.

Then, we have dry whey, which highlights the market’s intricacies. Prices have fluctuated across areas, mainly due to the limited supply of selected labeled whey, keeping the market somewhat positive. The selective scarcity adds an element of uncertainty, causing companies that manufacture higher-protein concentrates to prefer whey protein concentrate markets.

Overall, it is evident that, although supplies of these dry items remain constant in certain circumstances, they are tightening in others. This equilibrium, or lack thereof, profoundly influences market circumstances and price structures. Supply chain coordination and strategic procurement planning become more critical as processors and end users negotiate these challenges.

Global Dairy Dynamics: How International Markets Shape U.S. Dairy Prices 

International markets substantially impact U.S. dairy pricing since different areas confront distinct difficulties and possibilities. Hot weather has worsened the seasonal decline in milk output in Europe, notably in Western countries such as France, Germany, and the Netherlands, resulting in lower milk yields and reduced availability of dairy products. This has added uncertainty to the market, raising farm gate milk and cream prices and impacting global trade dynamics.

Meanwhile, in Eastern Europe, the picture is more upbeat. Countries such as Belarus are increasing milk output. According to USDA and CLAL statistics, Belarus witnessed a 3.7% rise in milk output in June 2024 compared to the prior year. This localized expansion helps to offset shortages elsewhere and contributes to the more excellent worldwide supply chain.

Oceania’s story is a mixed bag. Australia’s dairy exports have fallen 23.5 percent from the previous year owing to weather-related challenges and a tight feed market. Despite this, estimates for ordinary to above-average rainfall indicate some respite in the next season. In contrast, during recent trading events, New Zealand’s anticipated milk price for the 2024/2025 season has increased, partly due to a higher index price for whole milk powder. This surge is anticipated to keep global dairy prices up.

South American dairy farmers have benefited from neutral weather trends. Countries such as Brazil and Uruguay indicate good circumstances that should sustain continuous milk production. Cow comfort and pasture quality have been constant and favorable, ensuring a consistent supply of dairy products.

These worldwide dynamics influence supply and demand in the United States market. Reduced output in crucial regions such as Western Europe and Oceania may require more imports to meet local needs, thus raising costs. On the other hand, increased production in Eastern Europe and South America may help stabilize world supply, reducing dramatic price volatility. It’s a delicate balance that American dairy producers must strike, with worldwide trends constantly changing the landscape.

Have You Noticed More Dairy Ads Lately? You’re Not Imagining Things. 

Have you seen an increase in dairy advertising recently? You are not imagining things. According to recent studies, retail advertising totals have increased significantly. Conventional ad numbers are up 5%, but organic ads have increased by 52%. That’s quite a bump! Traditional ice cream in 48-to-64-ounce containers has been the most marketed item, with typical cheese in six-to-eight-ounce pieces following closely after. Even in the organic section, half-gallon milk remains popular.

So, what does this imply for you, the dairy farmer? These retail trends are more than simply statistics; they reflect customer desire. When marketing for dairy products rises, it usually indicates high customer interest. And increased customer interest generally results in higher costs. For example, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported a 2.2% increase in the July Consumer Price Index (CPI) for total food, while dairy goods showed mixed patterns, including a 1.3% increase in fresh whole milk and a significant 6.1% increase in butter.

Now, let’s connect the dots. As demand rises, farmers must plan for both possibilities and problems. Higher retail pricing often results in more significant profit margins for manufacturers. However, it is a double-edged sword; increasing demand for feed and other resources may result in higher production costs. Furthermore, the pressure to maintain high-quality output will increase as prices rise.

Be watchful and adaptive. Monitor consumer trends and store ads. They provide crucial information on the market’s direction. Altering your strategy proactively may help you capitalize on these developments, ensuring that your efforts pay off now and in the future.

Supply and Demand Shifts: How Will Lowered Milk Production Forecasts Impact You? 

As we examine the most recent supply and demand projections for the dairy market, it is clear that the picture is changing dramatically. The World Agricultural Outlook Board’s (WAOB) August Supply and Demand Estimates show that milk production predictions for 2024 and 2025 have been reduced. This change is based on the most current statistics, which show a fall in cow inventories and reduced production per cow for both years.

How does this affect dairy farmers? Lower milk production predictions inevitably result in tighter supply. In dairy economics, tighter supply often puts upward pressure on pricing. The predicted decrease in milk production coincides with the expected price rise for different dairy products. The price estimates for cheese, nonfat dry milk (NDM), and whey have been increased in response to recent price gains. The all-milk price is expected to climb to $22.30 per cwt in 2024 and $22.75 per cwt in 2025.

Butter, however, offers a somewhat different narrative. Despite decreasing milk output, the butter price projection 2024 has been revised downward. This might be due to altering market dynamics or current inventory levels that are adequate to fulfill demand. However, the lower milk supply for other goods, such as cheese and whey, is expected to sustain further price hikes.

Despite decreasing output, robust local and international demand for dairy is predicted to stabilize prices. Dairy producers should optimize their processes to capitalize on increased pricing while controlling decreasing milk yield.

The Bottom Line

The dairy industry is active and diverse, with butter production balancing seasonal lows with anticipated demand and cheesemakers dealing with limited milk sources and unpredictable stocks. Temperatures impact regional variations in fluid milk production. In contrast, dry dairy product pricing varies due to restricted milk supply and altering seasonal demand. International market patterns influence U.S. pricing, emphasizing the need for monitoring and agility. Are you using all available data and insights to improve your operations and keep ahead of these changes?

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Surging Dairy Prices: Are You Prepared for the Impact?

Discover the latest dairy market milestones and record highs. How will rising prices impact your farm? Stay informed to make the best decisions for your dairy business.

Summary: Dairy spot markets have reached historic highs, with prices rising faster than ever. CME spot Cheddar barrels have increased by 25% to $2.255 per pound, the highest level in over two years. Butter has also skyrocketed to $3.18 a pound, a record high for this time of year. Nonfat dry milk has seen its value rise to $1.255 per pound, a level not seen in 18 months. The markets are begging for producers to make more milk, but biology limits their ability to respond. However, there is a silver lining: the potential for increased profits. The demand for butter remains strong, even at record-high costs, providing a stable market for dairy products. Nonfat dry milk (NDM) rose 5.5% to $1.255 a pound, its highest level in 18 months. Class III and Class IV futures have performed exceptionally well, reaching life-of-contract highs and posting significant gains. The primary cause of these tremendous gains is a scarcity of milk, influenced by seasonal factors, such as cow stress and increased school demand.

  • Record-high prices for dairy spot markets, especially for Cheddar barrels and butter.
  • Nonfat dry milk reaches levels not seen in 18 months, highlighting the market’s upward trend.
  • Biological limitations hinder immediate production increases, despite growing market demand.
  • Strong butter demand provides a reliable market for dairy products, even at high costs.
  • Class III and Class IV futures reach life-of-contract highs due to milk scarcity.
  • Seasonal factors, including cow stress and school demand, contribute significantly to milk scarcity.
  • Potential for increased profits for dairy producers amidst the tightening milk supply.
dairy market milestones, rising prices impact, dairy business decisions, dairy market soars, milk supply shortages, Class III futures, Class IV futures, skyrocketing dairy prices, tight milk supply, summer stress on cows, global dairy market, Oceania dairy stabilization, Europe dairy stabilization, dairy market turmoil, butter prices soar, cheese market challenges, milk powder market challenges, dairy producers, record harvests, crop yields, dairy profits, dairy expansion, dairy innovation, dairy market analysis, dairy market insights, sustainable dairy future, political uncertainties dairy, dairy costs, dairy production

Imagine waking up to discover that every drop of milk in your storage tanks is suddenly worth more than a week ago. Dairy spot markets are at historic highs, and prices are rising faster than ever. CME spot Cheddar barrels have increased to $2.255 per pound, the highest level in over two years. Butter skyrocketed to $3.18 a pound, a record high for this time of year. Even nonfat dry milk saw its value rise to $1.255 per pound, a level not seen in 18 months. “The markets are begging for producers to make more milk, but biology limits their ability to respond.” With this fast-paced movement, it’s difficult not to pay attention. But amidst this surge, there’s a silver lining-the potential for increased profits. So, what does this mean for you and your operations? How can you leverage this surge to your advantage?

ProductPrice ChangeCurrent PriceHistorical Context
Cheddar Barrels+25¢$2.255 per lbHighest in over 2 years
Blocks+14.25¢$2.10 per lbHighest since January 2023
Butter+8.25¢$3.18 per lbLoftiest since last October
Nonfat Dry Milk (NDM)+5.5¢$1.255 per lbFirst time in 18 months
Whey Powder-1.25¢$0.55 per lbHigher than much of the past 2 years

Skyrocketing Prices Alert: The Dairy Market Soars to New Heights 

Recent milestones in the CME spot markets for cheddar barrels, blocks, butter, and nonfat dry milk have been impressive. The price of Cheddar barrels increased by 25% to $2.255 a pound, reaching its highest level in two years. This spike reflects fundamental market dynamics, with a temporary increase and a large retreat. Similarly, Cheddar blocks significantly rose 14.25˼, driving the price to $2.10 per pound, matching the highest level since January 2023.

Butter has also been increasing in popularity. The price increased by 8.25 percent to $3.18 a pound, the most since October during the pre-holiday surge. Despite the high cost, merchants were busy, swapping 103 cargoes this week alone. More impressively, 51 loadings were reported on Thursday, the biggest since daily trading started in 2006. This demonstrates that demand for butter remains strong, even at record-high costs, providing a stable market for dairy products.

Nonfat dry milk (NDM) rose 5.5 percent to $1.255 a pound, its highest level in 18 months. This shows that demand is recovering, that supply is constrained, or both. However, whey powder did not share the spotlight, declining 1.25 percent compared to last Friday. Despite a slight decline, the current whey price of 55˼ remains much higher than the previous two years.

Class III and Class IV Futures Break Records: Milk Supply Shortages Fuel Market Surge

Class III and IV futures have lately performed exceptionally well, reaching life-of-contract highs and posting significant gains. On Thursday, September, Class III futures rose to $21.81 per cwt, up $1.13 per week. The October contract advanced 84˼ to reach $22. Despite a modest setback on Friday, these data show tremendous development and a promising future for the dairy industry.

Class IV futures traded steadily, with tiny but continuous weekly gains. In September, Class IV increased by 53% to $22.22; in October, it increased by 67% to $22.41. This consistent rise implies that Class III and Class IV are practically comparable, in sharp contrast to the significant discrepancies witnessed in the previous year.

What’s causing these tremendous gains? The primary cause is a scarcity of milk. Seasonal factors, such as cow stress from a hot summer and increased school demand, have considerably influenced milk supply. Additionally, avian influenza in central areas has reduced milk output, further straining the market. This scarcity has forced processors to give up to $3.50 premiums over the already high Class III price for spot milk, the highest ever recorded in mid-August.

Tight Milk Supply: What’s Behind the Sizzling Summer Stress? 

Several converging variables are principally responsible for the limited milk supply. Seasonal stress has been especially tough for cows this year, with high summer temperatures reducing milk output. Have you noticed your herd is suffering more than usual? This seasonal strain is not a tiny blip; it considerably impacts milk production. Avian influenza is another factor that changes the game in this equation. Bird flu may impede milk production, especially in the central United States. The virus decreases productivity in a significant portion of the country’s dairy cows, causing a ripple effect across the industry.

The challenges of raising milk production add another dimension to this complex problem. Heifers are expensive and rare, making increasing herd levels difficult for farmers like you. Even as attempts to stabilize or grow dairy head numbers intensify, the truth remains sobering: many of you are coping with older cows that produce less milk than younger heifers. This aged herd leads to declining yields, limiting its capacity to fulfill market demand. The shortage of milk raises overall expenses. Have you ever wondered why processors are paying up to $3.50 more than the already high-Class III price for spot milk? High demand combined with limited supply sends prices into the ceiling.

Fresh cheddar supply has dropped, resulting in a significant increase in the barrel market. These limits pushed dairy prices significantly higher, changing market dynamics and placing farmers in power. However, this also entails walking a tightrope, balancing rising prices and the constant fight to increase productivity. The market remains positive, and prices are projected to rise as supply limitations continue.

The Global Dairy Showdown: Stabilization in Oceania and Europe Amid Market Turmoil 

The worldwide dairy production situation has been stable. Since August 2023, production levels among the world’s biggest dairy exporters have consistently been lower than in previous years. However, there is hope for stability, especially in Oceania and Europe. Following months of volatility, these areas are now finding their feet and stabilizing their production, providing a sense of reassurance and confidence in the global dairy market.

The struggle for milk powder market share has intensified owing to a significant fall in Chinese imports. As China adjusts its import plans, Oceania and Europe compete to fill the gaps, reshaping global trade maps and adding complexity to the delicate balance of supply and demand.

This increased rivalry emphasizes an important point: although production may be steady in vital places, market dynamics constantly change. Dairy farmers and exporters must be adaptable and ready to respond to changing global trade and consumer needs, fostering a sense of preparedness and proactivity in the industry.

Mixed Market Realities: Butter Soars While Cheese and Milk Powder Face Challenges 

The demand prognosis for different dairy products is varied. Butter demand is high, and this trend will likely continue, given its importance in-home consumption and processed goods. Strong demand has kept butter prices stable despite volatility in other industries.

Cheese, on the other hand, must deal with increasing pricing, which might reduce worldwide demand. The high prices will make U.S. cheese-less competitive worldwide, reducing export quantities. With Europe already catching up, the American race may halt as global customers seek more economical options.

Whey and milk powder are in a challenging situation. High pricing may dissuade the foreign market, mainly when competing with European peers whose recently increased costs. While many dairy sectors have strong local demand, the export market presents a substantial barrier. The present high pricing may be beneficial for immediate profits. However, they may reduce international competitiveness, resulting in a natural ceiling on dairy prices and balancing the market over time.

Record Harvests and Crop Yields: A Boon for Dairy Producers? 

Turning our attention away from the dairy farms and onto the lush fields, the most recent USDA estimates are optimistic. The organization predicts record harvests for corn and soybeans, with a 183.1 bushels per acre corn output. Soybeans are also doing well, with forecasts indicating that output may reach new highs. These stats are not just astounding; they are game changers.

What does this imply for you as a dairy farmer? Feed expenses might take a significant chunk out of your earnings. With such plentiful crops, feed costs are anticipated to stabilize or fall. Lower feed costs imply higher profits, mainly because milk prices are already upward.

While you may be eager to rejoice, it is essential to remember the bigger picture. Cheap feed may increase animal output, affecting meat markets and milk supply dynamics. As you drink your coffee and analyze these estimates, it’s evident that the USDA’s forecast represents a complicated mix of possibilities and concerns. But one thing sticks out: abundant crops have the potential to flip the tide in your favor, making your dairy farming future sustainable and lucrative.

The Bottom Line

Soaring prices and restricted milk supply have pushed the dairy market to new highs. Record-breaking achievements in cheese, butter, and nonfat dry milk support the optimistic trend. However, the summer stress on the cows and problems like avian influenza and an aging herd hinder attempts to increase milk output. With worldwide supply deficits and competitive international markets, butter demand remains high. At the same time, cheese and milk powder prices face export hurdles. While producers enjoy high prices, the future remains unpredictable, with supply limits and global market dynamics important in determining pricing and availability.

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