Archive for Dairy Cattle Genetics

STUD WARS: Which AI Company Holds the Power in the Dairy Cattle Genetics Universe

Find out which AI company is the leader in dairy cattle genetics. Compare the top sires and see who really dominates the industry. Who has the most power in this genetic competition?

A long time ago in a galaxy not so far away, the fate of dairy cattle genetics was firmly in the hands of farmers and breeders. Today, the balance of power has shifted dramatically. Artificial Insemination (AI) companies now command unrivaled control over the genetic future of dairy herds worldwide. Much like the interstellar battles in Star Wars, these AI giants wield incredible influence, shaping the destiny of dairy cattle and the dairy industry. But one question remains: Who holds the most power among these titans? 

As these companies duel with pedigree charts in one hand and genomic test results in the other, the landscape of dairy cattle genetics has become a battleground for supremacy. Each AI company claims to have the best sire lineups. Like the legendary clashes between the Sith and the Jedi, only one can truly dominate the genetic universe. So, let’s embark on this journey to uncover which AI company reigns supreme.


URUSSelect SiresABSSemexSTgenOther
Proven TPI1630108315
Genomic TPI9324242011

Select Sires holds the largest market share at 31%, featuring a well-balanced group of both proven and genomic sires. Hot on their heels is STgen with a 25.5% share, boasting the strongest proven sire TPI lineup. Semex completes the top studs with a 16% market share, driven by an impressive genomic sire lineup.


ListURUSSelect SiresABSSemexSTgenOther
Proven NM$1718244325
Genomic NM$2564342011

STgen shows impressive strength with a 26.5% share of top NM$ sires. Meanwhile, URUS steps up with a robust NM$ lineup, claiming 21% of the top sires. Rounding out the top, Semex holds a solid 19% and a very strong genomic NM$ sire lineup.


URUSSelect SiresABSSemexSTAscolBlondin SiresOther
Proven PTAT774224111530
Genomic PTAT597121612930

STgen leads the PTAT rankings with a commanding 20% market share, showcasing a robust lineup of proven sire PTATs. Next is the specialist AI stud Blondin Sires, which boasts the second strongest lineup, combining both proven and genomic lists, capturing a 12% share. Completing the top three, Ascol holds a 12.5% share, demonstrating its impressive offerings.

Red & White

Alta GeneticsSelect SiresABSSemexSTAscolBlondin SiresOther
Red & White41052156742

When it comes to the most diverse list of top Red & White PTAT sires, Semex takes the lead with 21% of the top sires. Right behind them are Select Sires with 10% and ST with 13%.


Alta GeneticsSelect SiresABSSemexSTOther

Similar to the Red & White list, the top 100 polled sires feature a diverse range of ownership. A notable shift from the past is that major AI companies have now significantly strengthened their lineups. Semex and ST each command 22%, closely followed by Select Sires at 15%.

Genomic Sire Lineup

Alta GeneticsSelect SiresABSSemexSTOther

When it comes to the major players in the genomic sire market, Semex undeniably takes the lead, boasting a formidable 22% of the top genomic sires. Trailing behind them is STgen with 16%, and Select Sires at 14%. This marks a significant shift from our previous analysis when Select Sires held the top position with 19%, followed by ABS Global at 18%, and STgen at 14%. Semex has clearly upped their game, immensely strengthening their genomic lineup.

Proven Sire Line Up

Alta GeneticsSelect SiresABSSemexSTOther

In the proven sires’ category, STgen is leading the pack, boasting 29% of the top sires. Trailing behind, Select Sires holds an 18% share, while Alta Genetics and ABS are tied at 13%. It’s also worth noting that Semex, with a 5% share, explains why they have been focusing heavily on genomic sires to revamp their overall lineup.

Overall Line Up

Alta GeneticsSelect SiresABSSemexSTOther

STgenetics leads the pack with a commanding 21% share of the top sires. Their robust genomic and proven lineup underscores the value of ongoing investment in superior genetics. Tied for second place are Select Sires and Semex, each holding 16% of the top sires with 127 entries apiece. Despite arriving at the same percentage, they employ markedly different strategies. Semex has ramped up their genomic investments to compensate for a relatively weaker proven lineup compared to their competitors. Interestingly, our analysis reveals a significant shift in the last couple of years. ABS, previously holding an 18% share, now only 9%. Meanwhile, Ascol and Blondin Sires have each doubled their market share from 2% to 4%.

The Bottom Line

The genetics universe of dairy cattle is vast and continuously evolving. Our journey through the galaxies of TPI, NM$, PTAT, Red & White, Polled, Genomic, and Proven Sire Lineups has revealed the power dynamics of the major players and the emergent contenders. STgen, Semex, ABS Global, and the Select Sires federation remain strong forces, innovating and adapting their strategies to maintain dominance. Meanwhile, new entrants like Blondin Sires and Ascol are trying to shake the status quo, offering tantalizing glimpses of the future. 

As you navigate the cosmic landscape of dairy cattle genetics, the key takeaway is balancing both proven and genomic sires. Keeping an eye on emerging trends, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each player, and making informed decisions will steer your herd toward stellar success. The universe may be unpredictable, but you can chart a course toward prosperity with the right choices. May the force of informed decision-making be with you!

Summary: The landscape of dairy cattle genetics is evolving rapidly, with major players like STgen, Select Sires and Semex, and new entrants such as Blondin Sires and Ascol making significant strides across various segments. While traditional metrics like TPI and NM$ still hold weight, the focus on specialized categories such as Red & White, Polled, and genomic sires shows a dynamic shift towards more targeted breeding strategies. Companies like Validity Genetics are carving out notable shares, particularly in the genomic Polled segment, indicating a competitive and diverse market. This evolving competition among Artificial Insemination companies highlights the increasing importance of niche segments and innovative genetic offerings, reshaping the power dynamics in the dairy cattle genetics universe.

Forget Genomics – Epigenomics & Nutrigenomics are the Future

Two months ago I had one of those conversations. A friend said to me “you know Murray I am moving on from just simple genomics”. That perked my ears up and I listened more intently. “Yep I am now thinking about epigenomics”, he said. Well that was enough to set me off investigating what is out there that is beyond what our industry is currently considering and using when it comes to genomic.  Relax a little, this may seem like rocket science today, but it is in tune with what our industry has always done in the past.  We look to find more accurate ways of indentifying the elite animals. Then we figure out how knowing that information gives us ways to make dairy breeders and dairy farming more profitable.

Already Many Steps Too Far?

So now ‘epigenomics’ was pinned to my clipboard. But I didn’t get any further before I had a Master Breeder husband and wife corner me for half an hour and ‘inform’ me that “The Bullvine was leading the industry astray”. They stated to me that “they were from Missouri” and perhaps we should “still only be using the actually officially authenticated information – DHIR records and breed classification results – when it comes to selecting bulls and marketing females.  They asked how can we know that the hair pulled and submitted for DNA testing actually came from said animal.” I have known this couple for almost forty years so I took the discussion on to a review great cows of the past and how they would not compare to the great show and brood cows of today. As we started to conclude our conversation the lady, who had been somewhat quiet during our sharing, commented “You (Murray) have a good point about how the genetic evaluation results over our lifetimes have resulted in the fact that we have far superior cows for both conformation and production, but our herd’s current biggest genetic problem is cows not getting back in calf. We just do not now get to have very many ten year old and older cows in our herd, liked we used to.” That gave me the opportunity to talk to them about genomics and having fairly reliable information, early in an animal’s life, on its genetic merit for reproductive traits.

The husband’s concluding comment warmed my heart. “Our grandson plans to come home to our family farm and he tells us that at university his professors are saying the information we have today on genomics is just the start. So don’t give up on us old guys. You folks at The Bullvine just keep giving us the facts and helping the industry do an even better job of breeding dairy cattle. We don’t own a computer but our family keep us quite up-to-date on what The Bullvine is writing about.”  Obviously this couple are not as set in their ways as they led me to understand at the start of the conversation.

So if we have just scratched the surface, let’s delve a little deeper.

Epigenomics – What’s That?

By definition, epigenomics is the study of modification of the expression of the genetic material in a cell. Sounds rather out of the norm. Something can alter what the DNA says is the genetic merit of an animal? Let’s think that through a bit more.

As cattle breeders we can all think of times when three full sisters all had very similar performance. And I expect many of us can also remember situations where two of the sisters were very similar but the third sister just did not measure up to the other two.  The question that breeders always ask is did the third one not get the good genes, or did she get the good genes but something inhibited her from being able to express them.  I have even heard very knowledgeable breeders say that the third one will breed just a good as the other two.  How they arrived at that conclusion I am not really certain. But I have seen it happen as they predicted.

Research in mice has shown that the diet of a sire can influence the gene expression of their progeny. So that fits under the definition of epigenomics. Dr. Jacques Chesnais of Semex feels that “there is a definite possibility that epigenomics plays as important role in adaption to the environment. In particular, in our industry, the way we feed and treat a cow in the early stage of pregnancy could affect the calf for a lifetime and therefore affect the future productivity of the herd.” Hearing that made me wonder if the recipient dams of ET calves may have an influence on how those calves pass on their genetics.

Leaders in the study of epigenomics in livestock Dr Marc-Andre Sirard and Dr Claude Robert, Laval University, are currently  investigating how epigenomics applies to the bovine and in particular to female reproduction and embryo development. It will be interesting to follow their reports.

There is obviously much to be studied and learned about epigenomics in the bovine. Definitely traits like reproduction, health and immunity are ones that dairy breeders wish to know more about as they relates to inheritance.

So then – What is Nutrigenomics?

The second new kid-on-the-block, so to speak, is nutrigenomics. The study of the effects of foods and food constituents on gene expression. By definition “Nutrigenomics can be described as the influence of genetic variation on nutrition, by correlating gene expression or SNPs with a nutrient’s absorption, metabolism, elimination or biological effects.” Think about it. If we know the genetic make-up of our dairy cows we would be able to design their diets accordingly. Are there cows out there that can make better use of lower quality forages? Wouldn’t that be a boon for the economics of dairy farming. Especially given that feed costs are 52-58% of total dairy enterprise costs and low quality forages are less costly.

I asked two nutritional consultants about this. I got two very different responses. The first one said – “don’t bring that on too quickly I still have another ten to fifteen years in my working career”. The other consultant said “Well it would change my job but if it means dairy farming can be profitable and sustainable and if we can feed the hungry world – well bring it on”.

Expect Genetics to Play an Even Bigger Role in the Future

Investigation by Canadian Dairy Network (CDN) has predicted that, in stable milk pricing times and on milk production focused farms, half of the increased on-farm profits comes from increasing the genetic merit of sires and cows used to produce the next generation of females.  With a better understanding and more definitive knowledge of epigenomics and nutrigenomics it could possibly be that 60+% of on-farm profits could be as a result of the genetics used.

From the DNA analysis using hair follicles, breeders now know with 50-70% accuracy the genetic merit of their animals for a host of important traits. Think what might be possible if by including epigenomics and nutrigenomics information. The accuracy levels could rise to 70-80%.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

The research phase of studying how epigenomics and nutrigenomics relate to the dairy cow is well underway. We can expect refinements to our genetic evaluation procedures based on what the research tells us.  And in time breeders will have information so they can better breed, feed and manage their herds. Stay tuned to the Bullvine for more great insight into these two future changing technologies.

The Dairy Breeders No BS Guide to Genomics


Not sure what all this hype about genomics is all about?

Want to learn what it is and what it means to your breeding program?

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Flukes and Pukes – What Happens When You Don’t Have a Plan

Sure when a mating works out you say you planned it or it was the result of a great mating decision.  But what do you say when it doesn’t work?  Most of the time you blame the sire.  In reality, you cannot leave your breeding programs to chance.  If you do you are just as likely to end up with a puke as you are to get a great one by a fluke.

No matter what your breeding goals are you need to have a plan (Read more: What’ the plan?).  Recently there has been a lot of discussion resulting from our interview with Don Bennink (Read more:  North Florida Holsteins: Aggressive, Progressive and Profitable and The Truth About Type and Longevity). Bennink does not look at type when making his mating decisions.  Instead, Don uses the following criteria when selecting what herd sires to use:

  • 60 pounds or more of protein
  • 5 or above for  PL
  • 1 or above for DPR
  • 2.9 or less for SCC
  • 8 or below for Calving Ease

While some of us may not agree with Don’s filters for which sires he uses, there is no arguing that he has a very clear plan.  A clear plan that is based on what works for the management style and profitability of his North Florida Holsteins.  .

While many breeders dream about getting a cow that looks like this

While many breeders dream about getting a cow that looks like this

The problem with many breeders’ breeding programs is that they don’t have a plan that centers around the way their farm makes money.  Think about it.  How often do you select a mating sire for the reasons you typically cull animals, as opposed to what your perceived ideal cow looks like?  Sure when it works and you get that great show cow you claim that it was planned and was a result of years of thought and that you have cattle sense.  BS to that.  Unless you set out a clear plan for your herd, then claims that these animals are a result of great “dairysense” are just bull.  Trust me I have walked through herds and asked them, what the “iffier” looking ones are sired by and more often than not they blame it on the sire not working instead of taking responsibility for not having a plan and making smart breeding decisions.

The reality is they should be breeding for something like this

The reality is they should be breeding for something like this

Sure flukes do happen.  But, even in the show ring these days, I  see less and less flukes and more and more show winners coming from generations of great breeding that have had careful thought put into exactly which  sire  to use.  For most of these herds that does mean using the high type sire that is obviously getting the job done.  But if you are like most breeders you are not making your money selling show winners.  Your money is coming from those that deliver the most milk, as efficiently as possible, and last for multiple lactations.  So tell me why don’t your sire selection filters reflect this production goal?

Now you ask me, “Andrew how do you know that we are not doing this?”  and my answer to that is pretty simple.  Most breeders are not looking at fertility and SCS  as their top two filters, and yet those are the top two reasons most cows are culled from the herd (Read more: FACT VS. FANTASY: A Realistic Approach to Sire Selection). Instead I hear comments like she needed more dairy strength as a key issue.  Did you know four out of the top five sires for dairy strength are below +1000 kg.  of milk.  And four of the five are also negative on at least protein% or fat% deviations.  So I ask you how much does dairy strength correlate to overall production?

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Don’t get me wrong there are herds that have done very well and been very profitable breeding for high type generation after generation.  Two great examples are Ferme Jacobs (Read more: Ferme Jacobs: Success Is All In The Family!) and Quality Holsteins (Read more: Quality Holsteins – Well-deserved Congratulations and Quality Cattle Look Good Every Day).  Both these herds have bred for type generation after generation and have amazing high conformation herds to visit.  But that is because they had taken a lot of time and energy to carefully plan out how they will make money and how their breeding program will map to it, instead of the other way around.  The big lesson is that instead of leaving everything to chance you need to have a plan, otherwise all you will end up with are the flukes and pukes.


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