Archive for Class III futures

Strange Day in Dairy: Class III Futures Up, Cheese and Grain Markets Down

Explore the unusual shifts in dairy markets: Class III futures rise while cheese and grain prices fall. What will the USDA Milk Production report reveal for May?

As the dairy markets reopened after the mid-week break in honor of Juneteenth, a significant cultural event was celebrated annually on June 19 to commemorate the ending of slavery in the United States. Traders and analysts were keenly looking for a clear direction. It was a peculiar day indeed — while the cheese spot market moved lower, Class III futures were higher. Let’s delve into these unusual market movements and unravel the factors.

Understanding the underlying numbers can provide clarity as the dairy markets react to a whirlwind of influences. Below is a snapshot of the current market trends: 

Class III Futures$18.75/cwt+0.5010,000 contracts
Cheese Blocks$1.8525/lb-0.007513 loads
Cheese Barrels$1.9300/lb-0.01007 loads
Nonfat Dry Milk$1.2075/lb+0.01751 lot
Corn (Dec Futures)$4.5675/bushel-0.075050,000 contracts
Soybeans (Dec Futures)$11.50/bushel-0.125045,000 contracts

Class III Futures Market Sees Surprising Uptick Amid Recent Downward Trends

The Class III futures market saw an interesting uptick despite recent declines. This rebound was a bit surprising. What could be driving this shift?  One possibility is the market catching its breath. After falling prices, minor adjustments and corrections are normal. Traders might see recent lows as too harsh, sparking a buying spree. Expectations of positive news might also play a role, prompting a preemptive move.  Whatever the cause, this uptick adds a new dynamic to an already complex market. Understanding these fluctuations is not just important, it’s crucial to our role as traders and analysts, as it allows us to anticipate and react to market changes.

A Day of Divergence: Cheese Spot Market Buckles Amid Class III Futures Rally

This was an unusual day for the cheese spot market. The cheese sector faced a downward trend despite Class III futures moving higher. ‘Blocks ‘, a type of cheese, dipped to $1.8525 per pound with 13 loads trading. ‘Barrels ‘, another type of cheese, slipped by a penny to $1.9300 per pound with seven lots exchanged.  So, what’s behind this decline? It seems to boil down to supply and demand dynamics and external economic factors. An oversupply of cheese or reduced demand from critical buyers might drive prices down. Economic uncertainties and fluctuations in global dairy trade could also impact the market.

Grain Markets Plunge as Crop Conditions Brighten and Futures Hit Lows Since February

Corn and soybeans saw a significant drop in the grain markets, driven by good crop conditions and ‘technical selling ‘, a strategy where traders sell based on technical indicators rather than fundamental analysis. December futures fell to $4.5675 per bushel, the lowest since February. A positive crop outlook has reassured traders, leading to a wave of selling and pushing prices down.

Nonfat Dry Milk Prices Climb Amid Potential Market Demand Surge and Rising Costs

Nonfat dry milk prices increased to $1.2075 per pound, up $0.0175, with one lot traded. This rise could be due to higher market demand, rising production costs, or shifts in consumer behavior towards dairy products. These elements, along with other factors, will be critical to watch to understand broader dairy market trends.

New Zealand’s Milk Production: A Temporary Decline or a Long-term Trend?

New Zealand’s milk production has declined for the third month. May saw a 4.3% drop year-over-year on a milk solids basis and a 6.2% decrease on a tonnage basis. This might seem concerning, but NZX attributes it to variable weather and pasture conditions.  Despite these drops, the production levels align with the five-year rolling average. So, while the recent declines are notable, they’re part of a long-term pattern with both highs and lows. This decline could have implications for the global dairy market, as New Zealand is a major exporter of dairy products.

The Bottom Line

The dairy markets had an unusual day. While the cheese spot market fell, Class III futures unexpectedly rose, reflecting the inherent unpredictability of the market. Grain markets dropped due to good crop conditions and technical selling, with December futures at their lowest since February. Nonfat dry milk prices rose slightly, hinting at increased demand. New Zealand’s milk production declined for the third consecutive month, sparking questions about future trends. All eyes are now on tomorrow’s USDA Milk Production report for May, a reminder of the constant vigilance required in our field.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cheese spot market prices dropped while Class III futures saw a surprising increase.
  • Grain markets took a significant hit, with December futures for corn and soybeans reaching lows not seen since February.
  • Nonfat dry milk prices witnessed a notable rise, suggesting potential increased market demand or rising production costs.
  • New Zealand’s milk production continued to decline for the third consecutive month due to variable weather and pasture growth conditions.
  • The upcoming USDA Milk Production report for May is a significant watch factor for tomorrow’s market movements.


Dairy markets experienced an unusual day, with Class III futures rising unexpectedly and grain markets dropping due to good crop conditions and technical selling. The cheese spot market saw prices drop to $1.8525 per pound and barrels to $1.9300 per pound, driven by supply and demand dynamics and external economic factors. The grain market experienced a significant drop due to good crop conditions and technical selling, with December futures falling to $4.5675 per bushel, the lowest since February. Nonfat dry milk prices increased to $1.2075 per pound, up $0.0175, due to higher market demand, rising production costs, or shifts in consumer behavior towards dairy products. New Zealand’s milk production has declined for the third consecutive month, with a 4.3% drop year-over-year on a milk solids basis and a 6.2% decrease on a tonnage basis. The USDA Milk Production report for May will provide further insights into future trends.

Flying Through Uncertainty: Domestic Cheese Demand Spurs Record Highs in Class III Futures Amid Global Market Shifts

Discover how surging domestic cheese demand is driving Class III futures to record highs. Can U.S. producers keep up amid global market shifts and rising competition?

Robust domestic cheese demand has pushed Class III futures to unprecedented heights. Reflecting worries about U.S. cheese production capacity and intense competition in export markets, third-quarter contracts shot an average of $21.28 per cwt. Attracting new overseas customers will be difficult given that U.S. cheese prices are among the highest worldwide, affecting long-term prospects.

Although high prices discourage new business, domestic consumption lowers cheese inventory. This results in a complicated situation where limited production capacity and competitive exports cause restrictions even as strong demand drives short-term advantages. These dynamics will define present results and future sustainability.

CommodityAvg PriceQty Traded4 wk Trend
Cheese Blocks$1.944517Stable
Cheese Barrels$2.006013Increase
Non-Fat Dry Milk$1.194026Stable

We will investigate the extent and ramifications of these events for the U.S. cheese industry.

Global Shifts: Strategic Cheese Production Adjustments and Their Rippling Effects on the U.S. Market 

RegionProjected Increase (%)Key Factors
Europe3.5%Decrease in fluid milk demand, better margins in cheese production
New Zealand4.0%Higher profitability in cheese, decline in milk powder prices
Australia2.8%Shift from milk powder to cheese due to higher margins
United States2.3%Strong domestic demand, export competition

The global cheese market is undergoing significant changes. USDA experts in Australia, New Zealand, and Europe are anticipating strategic surges in cheese output. This shift is driven by two main trends: a decrease in fluid milk consumption and declining profit margins for milk powder. These forecasts indicate that processors in these regions are adapting to the increased value that cheese markets offer and are prepared to redirect more milk into cheese production. As fluid milk loses its appeal and milk powder becomes less profitable, producers are increasingly focusing on more lucrative cheese manufacturing.

Despite the projected global expansion of cheese production, the U.S. dairy sector has demonstrated remarkable resilience. Currently, robust domestic demand is driving record Class III futures and high U.S. cheese prices. This resilience, coupled with the strategic changes in the global cheese market, is helping to maintain a positive outlook and keep U.S. cheese competitive in other markets.

The expected worldwide rise in cheese output points to fewer export prospects, even if today’s market supports high local pricing and demand. This might finally influence Class III values and cheese prices, stressing the intricate link between the U.S. market and worldwide production policies.

Weathering the Storm: How Strategic Moves and Climate Trends Propel U.S. Cheese Prices

Several key factors are contributing to the current surge in U.S. cheese pricing. Notably, record-breaking cheese shipments from November through April have significantly impacted American cheese supplies. This decrease in supply, combined with strong domestic demand fueled by effective promotional strategies from major retailers, has further tightened the market.

Grasping the strategic movements and climatic patterns that influence U.S. cheese pricing is crucial. An unusually hot June is forecasted for the Midwest, and adverse weather conditions, including searing temperatures in California and the Southwest, have curtailed milk production. These factors are driving up cheese prices and straining the milk supply, thereby creating an expected but challenging market situation. This understanding empowers policymakers to make informed decisions.

Market Surge: Dynamic Movements in the CME Spot Prices for Various Dairy Commodities

The CME spot market for many dairy products saw noteworthy swings this week. Strong domestic demand and inventory changes drove cheddar barrels, which soared by 6.5 cents to $2.02 per pound. Likewise, Cheddar blocks dropped 12.5 cents to $1.97 a pound, underscoring limited supply and strong demand.

Prices in the whey market remained constant at 47 cents per pound, reflecting robust local demand for high-protein goods despite poor exports. This denotes stability at the extreme of the current range.

Strong worldwide demand for butterfat keeps butter prices high even though they marginally dropped 0.25 cents to $3.09 per pound.

Class III Futures Soar Amid Robust Cheese Demand While Class IV Contracts Retreat

ContractMilk ClassPriceChange
July 2024Class III$20.67+0.75
August 2024Class III$21.13+0.75
July 2024Class IV$21.00-0.30
August 2024Class IV$21.00-0.30

Strong demand for domestic cheese has driven Class III futures to unprecedented heights, with July ending at $20.67 and August closing at $21.13. Driven by strong cheese markets and solid whey prices, this spike contrasts significantly with the fall in Class IV contracts, which dropped almost 30ȼ but still above $21 for 2024.

The higher Class III futures present promising financial opportunities for dairy farmers, encouraging increased milk output. Despite potential obstacles such as low slaughter volumes, high heifer prices, and the risk of disease outbreaks, which could complicate milk production, the potential for financial expansion remains excellent. This optimistic outlook should inspire confidence in the audience.

It is still being determined if high prices are sustainable. Strong worldwide demand for U.S. dairy and climate disruptions might sustain high prices longer than usual, presenting a problematic but profitable scene for dairy farmers, even if the decline in Class IV futures would indicate market corrections.

Butterfat Bonanza: Global Demand and Scarcities Propel U.S. Butter Prices to New Heights

Butterfat components must be raised more drastically to fulfill our need for cream-based goods. American butter prices have been so high that they have raised markets. At the height of the pandemic shortage in October 2022, German and Dutch butter values reached their maximum levels. At last week’s Global Dairy Trade auction, butter peaked at a two-year high and exceeded $3 per pound. Butter melted somewhat on LaSalle Street, sliding 0.25ȼ to a still-buoyant $3.09.

Likewise, the markets for milk powder are consistent. CME spot nonfat dry milk (NDM) concluded at $1.1925, down a negligible 0.25ȼ from the start of the week. Due to decreased output and improved consumer demand in important regions outside China, prices are rising in Europe, Oceania, and South America. Tightened milk supply and higher cheese pricing might increase demand for NDM to strengthen cheese vats in Mexico and the United States.

Dairy Dilemmas: Navigating Financial Strains, Disease Outbreaks, and Climatological Threats 

The dairy industry has significant challenges. Low slaughter levels and high heifer prices point to slight expansion. The bottleneck of diminishing replacement heifers hinders herd increase. The spread of avian influenza throughout the Midwest and mountain regions has further taxed chicken production and indirectly affected dairy operations because of complex agricultural supply lines.

Key dairy areas, including California and the Midwest, are dangerous from a developing heat wave. As cows experience heat stress, high temperatures will reduce milk production. This climatic difficulty strikes when consumer demand for dairy is still strong, aggravating the supply-demand mismatch and maintaining high prices.

These elements—limited herd expansion, disease outbreaks, and lower milk output due to weather—suggest that high dairy prices will last longer than usual. The sector finds this problematic as it aims to raise production to satisfy the high customer demand.

Steady Crops Amidst Market Calm: Limited USDA Updates Leave Commodity Prices Mostly Unchanged

Commodity6/10/20246/11/20246/12/20246/13/20246/14/2024Weekly Change
Corn (per bushel)$4.485$4.485$4.485$4.485$4.485
Soybean Meal (per ton)$352.90$353.50$355.20$358.60$360.60+$7.70
Wheat (per bushel)$6.060$6.050$6.045$6.040$6.035-$0.025

The USDA’s most recent crop balance sheet report surprised a few people. Unchanged U.S. corn output projections meant that July corn futures were constant at $4.485 a bushel. July soybean meal jumped to $360.60 per ton, up by $7.70, mirroring lower output from spring downtimes at primary crushers.

Black Sea region’s bad weather reduced forecasts of world wheat yield. Still, the American market was mostly unaffected, paying more attention to local projections. The Western Corn Belt is expected to have heavy rain; warm, sunny Midwest weather has been ideal. These seasons have restored soil moisture, therefore guaranteeing strong summer crop development. Feed costs stay low and steady, which helps dairy farmers, given the robust demand for cheese and butterfat.

The Bottom Line

Strong domestic cheese demand drives Class III futures to fresh highs despite intense worldwide rivalry and rising overseas output. Rising temperatures affecting milk output and strategic market maneuvers have constrained cheese supply, driving stratospheric prices on the CME spot market.

Planned increases in cheese production from Australia, New Zealand, and Europe call into doubt the sustainability of present U.S. pricing levels. Rising U.S. cheese prices make landing new export agreements improbable, which might change world trade dynamics in the following months.

The dairy sector is negotiating obstacles from environmental conditions and the development of illnesses like avian influenza to economic constraints like low slaughter volumes and high heifer prices. In this usually changing sector, these elements might help to maintain high prices longer than usual.

High cheese demand and limited supply help Class III futures to continue firm, yet the long-term prediction hinges on addressing production problems and changes in world market behavior. The larger dairy market will watch these changes as dairy farmers aim to optimize production, balancing optimism with prudence.

Key Takeaways:

  • High Class III Futures: Driven by strong domestic cheese demand, Class III futures have reached new highs, averaging $21.28 per cwt. for third-quarter contracts.
  • Limited Impact on Exports: Current U.S. cheese prices are expected to hinder new export business, with a foreseeable decline in exports later this year.
  • Record Cheese Exports: Between November and April, record cheese shipments helped reduce U.S. cheese inventories.
  • Climate Challenges: Sweltering temperatures in California and the Southwest, coupled with an unusually hot June forecast for the Midwest, have curtailed milk production.
  • Persistent Demand for Butterfat: Global demand for butterfat remains high, with U.S. butter prices influencing international markets.
  • Whey and Nonfat Dry Milk Markets: Steady whey prices and a stable milk powder market, with some regional price increases due to lower production and better demand outside China.
  • Class IV Futures Decline: While Class III futures have surged, Class IV futures have retreated slightly, impacting profit margins for dairy producers.
  • Agricultural Market Stability: USDA’s latest crop updates provided no significant changes, leaving commodity prices mostly unchanged, with corn and soybean meal prices stable.

Summary: The global cheese market is experiencing significant changes, with USDA experts in Australia, New Zealand, and Europe anticipating strategic surges in cheese output due to a decrease in fluid milk consumption and declining profit margins for milk powder. This shift indicates that processors in these regions are adapting to the increased value of cheese markets and are ready to redirect more milk into cheese production. Despite the projected global expansion of cheese production, the U.S. dairy sector has demonstrated remarkable resilience, driving record Class III futures and high U.S. cheese prices. Key factors contributing to the current surge in U.S. cheese pricing include record-breaking cheese shipments from November through April, strong domestic demand, and strategic movements and climatic patterns. An unusually hot June is forecasted for the Midwest, and adverse weather conditions, including searing temperatures in California and the Southwest, have curtailed milk production, driving up cheese prices and straining the milk supply. Class III futures present promising financial opportunities for dairy farmers, encouraging increased milk output. However, it is still uncertain if high prices are sustainable. The butter industry faces significant challenges due to global demand and scarcities, leading to high butter prices. High cheese demand and limited supply may help maintain high prices longer than usual.

Cheese Prices Surge to New Highs Amid Milk Market Strain and Regional Disruptions

Find out why cheese prices are climbing. Learn how milk market issues and local disruptions are affecting your favorite dairy products. Get the details here.

Another day of positive growth in the cheese market. Higher CME spot prices have led to a significant increase in block values, reaching the highest level since August 2023. With futures finishing 6.4 cents higher at $2.1390 a pound, it has driven the August all-cheese price to fresh life-of-contract highs. While milk output is a concern in certain cheese-making areas, the overall market is showing promising signs.

CommodityCurrent PriceChangeHighest Price Since
Block Cheese$2.1390 per pound+6.4 centsAugust 2023
Spot Blocks$1.9825 per pound+$0.0450
Barrel Cheese$2.0225 per pound+$0.0125
Butter$3.0900 per pound-$0.0150

Leading Chicago’s dairy market activity today:

  • With four shipments sold, spot blocks increased to $1.9825 per pound, gaining $0.0450.
  • Barrels likewise rose to $2.0225 per pound, earning $0.0125.
  • The lone red on the board was butter, which slid to $3.0900, down $0.0150.

Stability in the dairy market is evident as Class III futures improved, with contracts for third quarters concluding at $21.28 per hundredweight, up $0.45 for the day. Simultaneously, adjacent Class IV contracts remained steady at $21.35, indicating a balanced market.

Though steady from last week, Midwest spot milk prices this week averaged—$1.50, significantly above last year’s price of—$7.75 and the five-year average of—$2.73. Cow comfort still presents difficulties in many areas of the United States, resulting in limited supply.

Summary: The cheese market has seen positive growth, with higher CME spot prices leading to a significant increase in block values, reaching the highest level since August 2023. Futures finished 6.4 cents higher at $2.1390 a pound, driving the August all-cheese price to fresh life-of-contract highs. Despite concerns about milk output in certain cheese-making areas, the overall market is showing promising signs. Chicago’s dairy market activity saw spot blocks increase to $1.9825 per pound and barrels to $2.0225 per pound. Class III futures improved, with contracts for third quarters ending at $21.28 per hundredweight, up $0.45. Midwest spot milk prices averaged $1.50, significantly above last year’s price and the five-year average of $2.73.

Milk Futures Predict Brighter Prices Ahead Amid Market Volatility and Rising Demand

Learn how milk futures suggest better prices ahead despite market volatility and rising demand. Will tighter supplies and more exports lift dairy markets?

Understanding the market dynamics, especially the recent trends in Class III futures, is crucial. It can equip you with the knowledge to navigate through these uncertain waters. Stay informed and be prepared for fluctuations that could significantly impact your bottom line.

MonthClass III Futures Price ($ per cwt)Class IV Futures Price ($ per cwt)

Milk Futures Signal a Brighter Horizon for Dairy Farmers 

The potential for a brighter horizon for dairy farmers this year is signaled by milk futures. If spot prices hold, milk prices could surpass last year’s levels. This optimistic outlook is driven by several factors, including increased demand and supply constraints, which could further boost prices. 

Firstly, increased demand plays a significant role. Both domestic and international markets show a heightened appetite for dairy products, especially cheese and butterfat. 

Secondly, supply constraints could further boost prices. Cheese inventories haven’t exceeded last year’s levels. If demand continues to rise, the supply may struggle to keep pace, pushing prices upward. 

It’s also worth noting that volatility in recent milk markets could become more pronounced as summer progresses. The indicators point positively toward better milk prices compared to last year.

MonthCheese Exports (Metric Tons)Butterfat Exports (Metric Tons)

The Stability in Cheese Inventory: A Beacon for Dairy Farmers 

The stability in cheese inventory signals good news for dairy farmers. With international demand rising, especially in quicker-rebounding markets, you can expect further price gains. High cheese exports will likely continue, cushioning against domestic shortages. 

Butterfat exports surged 23% in April, hinting at record butter prices. If domestic consumption follows suit, the dairy sector could have a profitable year. Watch these trends closely as they shape market dynamics. 

The crop outlook remains strong despite planting delays. With 75% of corn rated good/excellent, a bountiful harvest is expected. This could lower feed costs and boost profits. While some input costs are high, stable grain prices and improving milk futures suggest a better income over feed margin. 

As summer progresses, a proactive approach is essential. The market’s volatility demands your attention. Monitor both local and international trends to navigate the ups and downs, maximizing gains and minimizing setbacks.

Record Cheese Exports: A Promising Outlook for Dairy Farmers

International cheese demand has surged, with record-high cheese exports in March and April. This increase has provided strong market support. More domestic cheese is being sold internationally, reducing inventory levels and potentially tightening supplies. 

The impact on future prices could be significant. Continued strong demand and tighter supplies may boost cheese prices. As global market dynamics favor U.S. cheese, this could mean better margins and a more stable income for dairy farmers.

The Butter Market: Rising Exports Foreshadow Potential Records

The butter market is showing robust signs. In particular, April witnessed a substantial increase in butterfat exports, soaring by 23%. This upward trend in exports is not just a fleeting moment; it sets a solid foundation for potentially record-high butter prices this year. As both domestic and international demand for butter continues to rise, the market outlook becomes increasingly favorable. This spike in demand, coupled with the surge in butterfat shipments, could very well propel butter prices to new heights, instilling confidence in dairy farmers about the market’s potential.

April’s Income Over Feed Margin: A Glimpse of Dairy Farming Resilience

April’s income over feed price was $9.60 per cwt, marking the second month without Dairy Margin Coverage payments. This positive signal for dairy farmers shows profitable conditions without government support. 

Looking ahead, the stability of grain prices and the positive trend in milk futures should inspire optimism. Despite planting delays, grain prices remain steady, and 75% of the corn crop is rated good to excellent. A strong crop could mean lower grain prices and feed costs, potentially boosting income over feed margins and improving profitability. This promising outlook could reduce reliance on Dairy Margin Coverage payments, offering a brighter future for dairy farmers. 

With steady or falling grain prices and positive milk futures, dairy farmers might see continued profitability, reducing reliance on Dairy Margin Coverage payments. This outlook benefits farmers navigating market volatility.

Grain Market Conditions: A Silver Lining for Dairy Farmers

Let’s shift focus to the grain market. Planting delays have yet to affect grain prices significantly. The early corn condition looks very positive, with 75% rated as good to excellent. That sets the stage for a robust harvest. 

If this trend holds, expect a large corn crop, likely lowering corn prices. This means reduced feed costs for dairy farmers, leading to better income over feed margins and improved profitability despite volatile milk market conditions.

The Bottom Line

The dairy market is experiencing significant volatility, especially in Class III futures. However, current trends suggest milk prices could improve. Cheese inventory is stable, hinting at tighter supplies if demand rises. Meanwhile, cheese and butterfat exports have surged, boosting market confidence. 

In April, income over feed margins was resilient, with stable grain prices suggesting favorable conditions for dairy farmers. Despite some planting delays, strong crop conditions for corn indicate ample supply and potentially lower feed costs. These factors contribute to a positive milk price outlook if spot prices hold and demand grows.

Key Takeaways:

  • Milk futures suggest better prices compared to last year if current spot prices hold.
  • Demand dynamics: Improved international cheese demand boosts market optimism.
  • Cheese inventory levels remain stable, indicating potential supply tightening.
  • April saw a 23% increase in butterfat exports, hinting at possible record-high butter prices.
  • Grain market: Initial crop conditions are favorable, potentially leading to lower grain prices.
  • No further Dairy Margin Coverage program payments expected due to improved income over feed conditions.

Summary: The dairy market is experiencing significant volatility, especially in Class III futures, and this turbulence is expected to persist and escalate as summer approaches. Milk futures indicate a brighter horizon for dairy farmers this year, with spot prices holding and milk prices potentially surpassing last year’s levels. Increased demand for dairy products, particularly cheese and butterfat, is driving optimism. Supply constraints could further boost prices, as cheese inventories haven’t exceeded last year’s levels. Stability in cheese inventory signals good news for dairy farmers, as international demand is rising, especially in quicker-rebounding markets. High cheese exports will likely continue, cushioning against domestic shortages. The butter market is showing robust signs, with record-high cheese exports in March and April providing strong market support. More domestic cheese is being sold internationally, reducing inventory levels and potentially tightening supplies.

Milk Futures Signal Potential for Stronger Prices Amid Volatility and Rising Cheese Demand

Discover how milk futures signal stronger prices amid rising cheese demand and market volatility. Will this trend continue to benefit dairy producers and consumers?

The dairy markets have seen increased volatility, with Class III futures showing significant ups and downs. I mentioned this earlier, and it happened sooner than expected. Expect more volatility as summer progresses. Traders are reacting quickly to cash movements or perceived price changes. Milk futures suggest milk prices could be better than last year if spot prices remain steady. Prices will improve if demand rises and supplies tighten. Cheese inventory hasn’t exceeded last year’s levels, hinting at potential supply tightening if demand grows. Manufacturers say cheese demand is up but not enough to cut inventory.

MonthTotal Cheese Exports (Metric Tons)Change from Previous YearButterfat Exports (Metric Tons)Change from Previous Year
March 202350,022+20.5%2,350+15%
April 202346,271+27%2,881+23%

International cheese demand has seen a remarkable improvement. In March, cheese exports surged to 50,022 metric tons, a 20.5% increase from the previous year and the highest recorded. April followed suit with a 27% rise over April 2023, reaching 46,271 metric tons, the second highest on record. 

MonthClass III Closing Price (per cwt)Price Change (%)Market Sentiment

The outlook for cheese exports is bright, providing strong market support. Butterfat exports also jumped in April, reaching 2,881 metric tons—up 23% from last year and the first year-over-year increase since November 2022. This could lead to record-high butter prices, thanks to higher demand and the highest butter prices yet for this time of year. Increasing domestic demand and potential for rising international demand could push prices even higher. 

  • April income over feed price was $9.60 per cwt.
  • Second month with no Dairy Margin Coverage program payments.
  • Current grain prices and milk futures suggest no future payments under the program.
  • Planting delays haven’t impacted grain prices.
  • Initial crop condition for corn is 75% good/excellent.
  • One of the highest initial ratings for a crop, possibly leading to a large supply and lower prices.
  • This could improve income over feed significantly.

Summary: Dairy markets are experiencing increased volatility, with Class III futures showing significant fluctuations. Traders react quickly to cash movements or price changes, and milk prices could improve if spot prices remain steady. Cheese inventory has not exceeded last year’s levels, suggesting potential supply tightening if demand grows. International cheese demand has seen a remarkable improvement, with cheese exports rising 20.5% in March and 27% in April. The outlook for cheese exports is bright, providing strong market support. Butterfat exports also jumped in April, reaching 2,881 metric tons, up 23% from last year and the first year-over-year increase since November 2022. This could lead to record-high butter prices due to higher demand. Income over feed price in April was $9.60 per cwt, with no Dairy Margin Coverage program payments.

Bullish Trends Dominate LaSalle Street: Record Highs in Class III & IV Futures Propel Dairy Markets

Uncover the surge of bullish trends on LaSalle Street pushing Class III & IV futures to record highs. Will the dairy markets keep climbing? Delve into the latest insights today.

The bulls are back on LaSalle Street, setting fresh records in dairy futures. Class III and some Class IV futures hit life-of-contract highs this week, making waves in the dairy markets. While some Class III contracts dipped slightly by week’s end, Class IV futures rose about 30ȼ. Third-quarter Class III stands solidly above $20 per cwt. Fourth-quarter contracts hover in the high $19s. Class IV futures are robust in the $21s and $22s. 

Prices climbed across the CME spot market, led by whey – the unsung hero of the Class III complex. 

The recent surge in whey powder, with a significant 13.25% increase, along with solid gains in Cheddar blocks and barrels, is a clear indicator of the market’s strength. This bullish trend in Class III and IV futures not only highlights the current market strength but also promises potential growth and stability.

ProductAvg PriceQty Traded4 Wk Trend
Whey$0.4445713.25% increase
Cheese Blocks$1.866013Up
Cheese Barrels$1.955013Up
Non-Fat Dry Milk (NDM)$1.189531Up

Class III Futures Soar: A Promising Summer and Year-End Forecast

ContractPrice as of Last WeekPrice This WeekChange
July Class III$19.50$20.25+3.85%
August Class III$19.75$20.45+3.54%
September Class III$20.00$21.10+5.50%
October Class III$19.20$20.10+4.69%
November Class III$19.00$19.75+3.95%
December Class III$18.50$19.40+4.86%

The steady trend of class III futures, which are on a roll this summer and heading into the end of the year, offers a clear outlook for dairy producers. With contracts from July through December hitting life-of-contract highs and third-quarter Class III prices solidly above $20 per cwt., there is robust demand in the market. The prices for the fourth quarter, settling in the $19s, further reinforce the potential profitability for dairy producers. 

Class IV Futures Climb Higher: Butter and NDM Lead the Charge

MonthAvg PriceQty Traded4 wk Trend
July 2024$21.5010
August 2024$21.7512
September 2024$22.0014
October 2024$21.9511
November 2024$22.1013
December 2024$22.2515

Class IV futures are on the rise, now solidly in the $21s and $22s. This reflects the strong and resilient market fundamentals of the dairy sector. The hike in Class IV prices highlights robust demand for butter and nonfat dry milk (NDM), both showing remarkable performances recently. With higher butter output meeting strong demand and climbing NDM prices, these components are crucial to Class IV’s upward trend. This surge boosts market sentiment and provides dairy producers with better financial incentives to increase production despite current challenges, instilling a sense of stability and confidence in the market. 

A Week of Robust Gains: Whey Leads the Charge in the CME Spot Market

The CME spot market buzzed this week, with significant gains led by whey. Spot whey powder jumped 5.5ȼ, a solid 13.25% increase, hitting 47ȼ per pound for the first time since February. This rise shows the strong demand for high-protein whey products as manufacturers focused more on concentration. 

Spot Cheddar also saw gains, with blocks up 3.5ȼ to $1.845 per pound and barrels rising 1.5ȼ to $1.955 per pound. This climb, even with a drop in Cheddar production, reflects strong domestic and international cheese demand, especially with U.S. cheese exports to Mexico hitting record highs. 

Nonfat dry milk (NDM) increased by 2.75ȼ to $1.195 per pound, supported by a robust Global Dairy Trade auction. Despite the price rise, NDM stocks saw their most significant March-to-April jump, suggesting slower exports. 

Butter prices edged slightly, by a fraction of a cent, to settle at $3.0925 per pound. Despite a 5.3% year-over-year production increase, the continued strength in butter prices indicates strong demand holding up the market prices.

April’s Milk Output: High Components Drive Record-Breaking Butter Production

MonthButter Production (million pounds)Year-Over-Year Change (%)

The bulls are back in charge on LaSalle Street. July through December Class III and a smattering of Class IV futures notched life-of-contract highs this week. While most Class III contracts ultimately settled a little lower than they did last Friday, Class

April’s milk output brought some notable developments. Despite lower overall volume than last year, higher milk components led to an uptick in cheese and butter production. Manufacturers churned out nearly 208 million pounds of butter, a 5.3% increase over April 2023. This marks the highest butter output for April, only behind April 2020, when pandemic shutdowns diverted cream to butter production. This spike in butter output indicates solid market demand despite the large volumes.

Record Cheese Production in April: Mozzarella and Italian-Style Cheeses Shine 

Cheese TypeApril 2023 Production (Million lbs)April 2024 Production (Million lbs)Year-over-Year Change (%)
Total Cheese1,1701,191+1.8%

April saw U.S. cheese production reach new heights, with Mozzarella and Italian-style cheeses leading the charge. Mozzarella production hit record levels, and Italian-style cheese output was up 6.2% compared to last April. This high demand ensures quick consumption or export, avoiding the stockpiles that sometimes affect Cheddar. 

Cheddar, however, experienced an 8.6% drop in production from last year, showing a 5.9% decline from January to April compared to 2023. Yet, strong cheese exports, especially to Mexico and key Asian markets, are balancing things out. Exports are up 23% year-to-date, which helped push cheese prices above $2 briefly. 

Continued export growth might be challenging, with cheese prices around $1.90, but the trends are promising for U.S. cheese producers.

Whey Powder Renaissance: Demand for High-Protein Products Fuels Price Surge 

Whey powder, often underrated in the dairy market, is returning thanks to a strong demand for high-protein products. Health-conscious consumers are driving this trend, leading manufacturers to concentrate more on whey and produce less powder. Although April’s whey powder output matched last year’s, stocks have declined. This reduced supply and steady demand have fueled the current price surge. The recent 5.5ȼ gain, a 13.25% increase, underscores the market’s strength.

A Tale of Supply and Demand: NDM Production Slumps While Stockpiles Surge Due to Sluggish Exports

Nonfat Dry Milk (NDM) and Skim Milk Powder (SMP) production fell significantly in April to 209.6 million pounds, down 14.2% year-over-year, marking the lowest April output since 2013. Despite this, NDM stocks surged, hitting a record March-to-April increase. Slower exports are the leading cause. In April, the U.S. exported 144 million pounds of NDM and SMP, down 2.5% from last year and the lowest for April since 2019. This highlights the delicate balance between production, stock levels, and international trade.

Promising Prospects: Mexico’s Shift to NDM Could Boost Exports and Stabilize Markets

There’s hope for increased NDM export volumes, particularly to Mexico. Higher cheese prices might push Mexico to import more affordable NDM instead of cheese. Mexican manufacturers can use NDM to boost their cheese production efficiently. This shift could reduce current NDM stockpiles and stabilize market prices.

Proceed with Caution: Navigating Volatility and Barriers in Milk Production

The recent data highlight extreme volatility in the dairy complex. While high prices are tempting, caution is crucial. There are significant barriers to milk production expansion. High interest rates make investments riskier, and a scarcity of heifers limits rapid growth. Even issues like the bird flu impact the supply chain and market stability.

Economic Incentives and Strategic Tools Empower Dairy Producers to Boost Output and strategically navigate the market. This potential for strategic growth and control over the market dynamics can be a powerful motivator for dairy producers and traders. The current market conditions for dairy producers are a strong incentive to boost milk production. Class III futures are up $3.50 from last year, and with corn prices down $1.55, feed costs are more affordable, making it easier to increase output. 

Despite market ups and downs, there’s a great chance to protect your margins. You can lock in current high prices using futures and options, ensuring steady profits. The Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) insurance program offers a safety net against price drops or production issues. These tools help you navigate the market smartly and aim for maximum profitability.

Feed Markets Show Resilience Amidst Fluctuations: Corn Gains Modestly, Soybean Meal Dips

The feed markets had their ups and downs this week but ended up close to where they started. July corn settled at $4.4875, a slight increase of 2.5ȼ. Meanwhile, July soybean meal dropped $4.10 to $360.60 per ton.

Farmers are almost done planting their crops, with just a few acres left. A drier forecast will help them wrap up. Although heavy spring rains posed initial challenges, they also improved moisture reserves for the upcoming summer months

Less favorable global farming conditions might boost U.S. export prospects, stabilizing prices and preventing steep drops. With average weather, a large U.S. harvest is expected, potentially lowering feed costs even more.

The Bottom Line

The current dairy market offers both opportunities and challenges for producers. Class III and IV futures show solid gains and higher prices thanks to robust demand and reduced milk output. Whey and cheese markets are performing exceptionally, and export volumes could improve. However, volatility remains a concern. High interest rates, scarce resources, and global health threats add to the uncertainty. Farmers can secure attractive margins using strategic tools like futures, options, and insurance programs. Favorable planting conditions and resilient feed markets provide added support. Staying informed and agile will be vital to capitalizing on these dynamics while managing risks.

Key Takeaways:

  • Strong bullish trends observed in Class III and IV futures, with significant life-of-contract highs.
  • Third-quarter Class III prices solidly above $20 per cwt, and fourth-quarter contracts in the $19 range.
  • Class IV futures robustly in the $21s and $22s, driven by high demand for butter and NDM.
  • Whey powder prices surged with a 13.25% gain, hitting 47ȼ per pound for the first time since February.
  • Cheddar blocks and barrels showed solid gains at the CME spot market, indicating strong market fundamentals.
  • April’s milk output featured high components, leading to record-breaking butter production.
  • U.S. cheese production hit record levels in April, driven by escalating Mozzarella and Italian-style cheese output.
  • Strong demand for high-protein whey products spurred a price surge, backed by decreased dryer availability.
  • NDM production saw a slump, affected by sluggish exports, but stockpiles surged with the largest March-to-April increase ever.
  • Mexico’s potential shift to importing more NDM could stabilize export volumes and market dynamics.
  • Dairy producers incentivized to boost milk production despite barriers, with improved futures and feed margins.
  • Feed markets exhibited resilience, with minor fluctuations in corn and soybean meal prices.

Summary: The dairy market has seen a strong bullish trend, with Class III and some Class IV futures hitting life-of-contract highs this week. Class IV futures are robust in the $21s and $22s, reflecting the strong and resilient market fundamentals of the dairy sector. The recent surge in whey powder and solid gains in Cheddar blocks and barrels is a clear indicator of the market’s strength, promising potential growth and stability. Class III futures are on a roll this summer and heading into the end of the year, offering a clear outlook for dairy producers. Contracts from July through December hit life-of-contract highs, and third-quarter Class III prices solidly above $20 per cwt., reinforcing potential profitability for dairy producers. Class IV futures are on the rise, now solidly in the $21s and $22s, reflecting the strong and resilient market fundamentals of the dairy sector. The surge in Class IV prices highlights robust demand for butter and nonfat dry milk (NDM), both showing remarkable performances recently. In April, U.S. cheese production reached record levels, with Mozzarella and Italian-style cheeses leading the charge.

Butter Prices Surge and Plummet: A Wild Week in Dairy Markets

Discover the rollercoaster ride of butter prices this week. Why did they surge and then plummet? Dive into the latest trends and market insights in dairy.

Get ready for a wild ride in the dairy marketButter prices hit a spring high last Friday but plunged early this week, causing traders and buyers to wonder if such price jumps are sustainable. 

“Butter values plunged early this week after hitting a new high last Friday. Traders spent the long weekend debating if prices should surpass previous years when today’s production, imports, and stocks are all higher than in 2022 and 2023,” noted market analysts. 

This butter price rollercoaster impacts the broader dairy industry. From cheese to whole milk powder and whey, these price shifts affect other dairy products. In this article, we explore the latest trends and key factors shaping the dairy market’s present and future.

Dairy ProductAvg PriceQuantity Traded (4 wk Trend)
Cheese Blocks$1.823114
Cheese Barrels$1.95508
Non-Fat Dry Milk$1.16759

Butter Prices Tumble After New Spring High, Sending Shockwaves Through Dairy Market

After notching a new spring high last Friday, butter values plunged early this week. Buyers, driven by fears of tighter supplies and higher fall prices, initially pushed the market to new heights. However, despite strong domestic consumption and increased international demand, the current production, imports, and stocks are higher than in previous years. 

The anticipated spring flush in milk production failed to alleviate supply chain issues, adding to market volatility. Traders spent the long weekend debating whether current prices justified the recent highs. This resulted in a steep selloff on Tuesday morning as traders rushed to offload holdings, causing a brief but sharp decline in butter prices.

By Thursday, butter buyers showed renewed enthusiasm, aiming to avoid higher costs in the fall. Their robust willingness to pay $3 or more per pound lifted spot butter prices close to last Friday’s peak. Ultimately, spot butter closed the week at $3.09, reflecting strategic foresight in securing their dairy needs early.

Cheese Market Adjusts as Domestic Demand and Export Dynamics Shape Pricing Trends

The cheese market faced a notable pullback this week, driven by shifts in domestic demand and export dynamics. Retailers have boosted domestic interest by promoting lower-priced cheese bought earlier in the year, moving significant volumes. However, the balancing act between competitive pricing and strong export sales remains delicate. 

Early 2024 saw strong export activity, especially in February and March, helping to keep inventories in check. Yet, fears are growing that $2 cheese could deter future international buyers, pushing the market to find a sustainable and fluid price point. As a result, cheese is expected to stay above January through April levels, despite recent corrections. 

This week, CME spot Cheddar blocks fell 6 cents to $1.81, and barrels dropped 4 cents to $1.94, marking the market’s ongoing efforts to effectively balance supply and demand.

Mixed Results at Global Dairy Trade Pulse Auction Highlight Market Divergence

The Global Dairy Trade (GDT) Pulse auction showed mixed results. Whole milk powder (WMP) prices climbed to their highest since October 2022. Meanwhile, skim milk powder (SMP) prices dipped after last week’s gains. This highlights differing trends within the dairy sector.

Nonfat Dry Milk Prices Show Slight Dip Amid Bullish Futures Market Projections

This week, nonfat dry milk (NDM) prices dipped slightly, with CME spot NDM falling 0.75ȼ to $1.1675. Futures, however, remain bullish. June contracts hover around $1.17, but fourth-quarter futures trade in the mid-$1.20s, targeting $1.30 by early 2025. The market anticipates tighter milk supplies and reduced output, awaiting a demand-driven rally to intensify the upward trend.

Whey Market Defies Dairy Commodity Downtrend with Robust Performance and Rising Prices

Amidst a general decline in dairy commodities, the whey market has shown striking resilience. CME spot whey powder rose by 1.5ȼ this week to 41.5ȼ, hitting a two-month high. This surge is driven by robust domestic demand for high-protein whey products. Processors are focusing on these segments, reducing whey for drying and tightening supply, thereby lifting prices across the whey market.

Class IV and Class III Futures Reflect Dynamic Dairy Market Shifts and Supply Concerns

This week saw noticeable shifts in Class IV and Class III futures, driven by changes in the cheese market and broader dairy supply concerns. Class IV futures dropped, with most contracts ending about 60ȼ lower since last Friday, putting May and June contracts in the high $20s per cwt, and July to December above $21 per cwt. 

In contrast, Class III futures showed mixed results. The June Class III fell by 41ȼ to $19.47 per cwt, still an improvement for dairy producers after months of low revenues. Meanwhile, July through October contracts increased by 20 to 60ȼ, indicating market expectations for $20 milk. 

Cheese market trends are key here. Domestic demand is up, driven by retail promotions, and exports remain strong, keeping inventories stable. Yet, there’s concern about maintaining export momentum with potential $2 cheese prices. Finding a balanced price to keep products moving is critical. 

For dairy producers, these developments offer cautious optimism. Near-term futures show slight adjustments, but expectations of tighter milk supplies and higher cheese demand provide a promising outlook. The rise in Class III contracts suggests a favorable environment, backed by strong cheese demand and strategic pricing for exports.

Spring Flush and Seasonal Dynamics Raise Concerns Over Future Milk Supply Tightness

The spring flush, holiday weekend, and drop-off in school milk orders have resulted in ample milk for processors. However, higher prices signal concerns about potential rapid supply tightening. According to USDA’s Dairy Market News, milk was spread thin last summer with more tankers moving south, and a similar situation is expected in summer 2024, although overall milk access has been lighter this year than in the first half of 2023. This suggests that immediate milk abundance might be quickly offset by long-term supply constraints.

Bird Flu, Heifer Shortage, and Herd Dynamics Pose Multifaceted Challenges for 2024 Milk Production

The dairy industry is grappling with several critical issues that could disrupt milk production for the rest of the year. Key among these is the persistent bird flu, which continues to affect herds in major milk-producing states like Idaho and Michigan and is now spreading into the Northern Plains. 

Compounding the problem is the ongoing heifer shortage. Dairy producers are finding it increasingly difficult to keep their barns and bulk tanks full due to limited availability of replacement heifers. The high demand has driven up prices, leading some producers to sell any extra heifers they have, though this only temporarily eases the shortage. 

At the same time, dairy cow slaughter volumes have plummeted as producers retain low-production milk cows to maintain or grow herd sizes. While this strategy aims to increase milk output, it involves keeping less efficient cows longer, which could hinder overall growth. These challenges together create an uncertain outlook for milk production in the months ahead.

Farmers Navigate Weather Challenges to Meet Corn Planting Goals Amid Future Market Volatility

Intermittent sunshine gave farmers just enough time to catch up with the average corn planting pace. As they dodge showers and storms, some in fringe areas may switch crops, while others might opt for prevented planting insurance rather than risk fields for sub-$5 corn. The trade remains cautious, gauging the wet spring’s impact on yield and acreage. However, the moisture might be welcome as we approach a potentially hot, dry La Niña summer. Consequently, July corn futures dropped nearly 20ȼ to $4.46 per bushel, and soybean meal plummeted $21 to $364.70 per ton.

The Bottom Line

This week, the dairy market experienced significant shifts, with butter prices dropping sharply before partially recovering, reflecting ongoing volatility. Cheese prices also declined, although strong domestic demand and exports helped stabilize the market. Interestingly, whey prices bucked the trend, driven by robust demand for high-protein products. 

Looking forward, the dairy market is set for continued fluctuations. The spring flush and current weather conditions are creating short-term abundance, but concerns over milk supply tightness are already influencing pricing. The combined effects of bird flu, heifer shortages, and keeping lower-yield cows highlight the challenges for dairy producers. As these issues evolve, they will shape market dynamics throughout 2024. Stakeholders must remain vigilant and adaptable, as milk production constraints and demand pressures could test the market’s resilience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Butter prices experienced a sharp decline early in the week, following a new spring high last Friday, leading to market reassessment and volatility.
  • Cheese prices retreated due to shifts in domestic demand and concerns over the sustainability of export sales at higher price points.
  • Mixed results at the Global Dairy Trade Pulse auction highlighted market divergence, with whole milk powder values increasing and skim milk powder prices retreating.
  • Despite a slight dip in nonfat dry milk prices, futures market projections remain bullish, anticipating a rise in values due to tighter milk supplies.
  • The whey market outperformed other dairy commodities, showing robust demand and rising prices amidst an industry downtrend.
  • Class IV and Class III futures markets reflected the dynamic dairy market shifts, with fluctuations in pricing due to current supply concerns.
  • Seasonal dynamics and spring flush raised concerns over future milk supplies, as high temperatures and declining school orders impact availability.
  • Challenges such as the bird flu and heifer shortage continue to pressure 2024 milk production, complicating the supply chain and market equilibrium.
  • Farmers navigated adverse weather conditions to meet corn planting goals, reflecting broader agricultural market volatility and future crop yields’ uncertainty.
  • Overall, dairy markets faced significant price fluctuations and supply chain challenges, underlining the importance of strategic planning and market adaptation.

Summary: Butter prices reached a new spring high last Friday, but plummeted early this week, raising concerns about the sustainability of these prices. Current production, imports, and stocks are higher than in 2022 and 2023, posing challenges for dairy producers. The anticipated spring flush in milk production failed to alleviate supply chain issues, adding to market volatility. Butter buyers showed renewed enthusiasm to avoid higher costs in the fall. Spot butter closed the week at $3.09, reflecting strategic foresight in securing dairy needs early. The cheese market faced a pullback this week due to shifts in domestic demand and export dynamics. Retailers promoted lower-priced cheese bought earlier in the year, moving significant volumes. Balancing competitive pricing and strong export sales remains delicate, and fears that $2 cheese could deter future international buyers push the market to find a sustainable price point.

Will Milk Production Sustain Its Strength Amid Market Surprises and Rising Futures?

Will milk production sustain its strength amid market surprises and rising futures? Discover the factors influencing milk output and market volatility this year.

Analyst pointing the chart.

In recent months, the dairy industry has faced a challenging landscape with expected production declines, economic pressures, and health concerns. However, April’s surprise milk production report revealed a remarkable resilience in milk output. This stability has notably influenced Class III futures, which experienced significant drops due to stronger-than-expected production figures, instilling a sense of confidence in the industry’s ability to adapt. 

April Milk Production Report Defies Expectations, Showcases Unexpected Resilience

MonthTop 24 States Production (Billion Pounds)National Production (Billion Pounds)Percent Change from Last Year (Top 24 States)Percent Change from Last Year (National)

The April Milk Production report defied forecasts of a sharp decline in milk output. Analysts predicted a drop due to the H5N1 virus, dwindling heifer supply, and increased culling rates from low milk prices. However, the data revealed a more resilient industry landscape, underscoring the need for caution in predicting the impact of the H5N1 virus on milk production. 

Significantly, March’s production figures were revised. Initially, March decreased sharply—down 0.9% in the top 24 states and 1.0% nationwide. The April report revised this to a 0.5% decline in the top 24 states and 0.7% nationwide, indicating more excellent stability than initially thought. 

The severe downturn in milk output did not materialize as expected. Factors like the H5N1 virus and reduced heifer availability exerted less pressure than anticipated. This resilience affected market dynamics, lowering Class III futures and easing industry anxieties about prolonged declines.

Market Sentiment Spurs Notable Increases in Class III and IV Futures Amid Tightening Milk Production

MonthClass III ($/cwt)Class IV ($/cwt)
May 202224.6525.73
June 202225.8726.52
July 202222.5225.79
August 202220.1024.81
September 202219.8224.63
October 202221.3424.96
November 202221.0123.66
December 202220.5023.92
January 202319.4321.99
February 202317.7820.67
March 202318.4021.06
April 202317.6720.33

The perception of tightening milk production significantly influenced Class III and Class IV futures, causing notable increases. As market sentiment leaned towards a decrease in milk output, primarily influenced by factors such as the H5N1 virus, heifer supply constraints, and increased culling due to low milk prices, traders anticipated lower milk availability. This anticipation spurred a rise in milk futures prices, with Class III futures experiencing a more pronounced impact due to a combination of perceived supply constraints and a surge in spot cheese prices. Consequently, the June contract for Class III rose by over $5.00 per cwt. On the other hand, Class IV futures, while also bolstered by production concerns, saw their price increases driven predominantly by the rise in spot butter prices. Thus, while both Class III and Class IV futures reacted to the overarching theme of tightening supply, the specific price dynamics within the dairy commodities—cheese for Class III and butter for Class IV—played crucial roles in their respective futures markets, highlighting the importance of flexible hedging strategies to navigate these market dynamics.

The April Production Report Offers Critical Insight into the Actual Impact of the H5N1 Virus on Milk Production 

The April production report sheds light on the impact of the H5N1 virus on milk production. Texas, hit hardest by the virus, saw a 3.3% year-over-year decline in milk production, with milk per cow dropping by 55 pounds and a herd reduction of 5,000. 

In contrast, Michigan reported a 0.5% increase in overall milk production, despite a slight decrease of 5 pounds per cow, and added 3,000 cows to its herd. This highlights the virus’s variable impact, influenced by herd health, management practices, and local conditions. 

While the H5N1 virus does affect milk production, the extent varies widely. Local dynamics play a crucial role, indicating that national forecasts may not accurately predict regional outcomes.

Beyond the H5N1 Virus Concerns, perhaps the Most Pressing Issue Facing Dairy Producers is the Ongoing Scarcity of Heifers. 

The ongoing scarcity of heifers remains a critical issue for dairy producers. Breeding a portion of the dairy herd to beef has tightened heifer supplies, rendering them scarce and expensive. While financially beneficial, this strategic move poses sustainability challenges for milk production. 

Recent increases in Class III and IV milk futures have eased some pressure, with higher milk prices encouraging producers to retain heifers despite high costs. The April Livestock Slaughter report highlighted reduced culling, as optimism for better milk prices leads to retaining more cows. 

Yet, this balance is fragile. If milk prices fail to meet optimistic projections, increased culling and further strain on heifer supplies may follow. The interplay of breeding practices, heifer availability, and market trends requires strategic management by dairy producers. 

April Livestock Slaughter Report Reveals Significant Decline in Dairy Cattle Processing, Reflects Market Sensitivity to Rising Milk Futures and Pricing Expectations

MonthDairy Cattle Slaughter (Head)Change from Previous MonthChange from Previous Year
April 2023238,200-6,400-5,400
March 2023244,600-5,300-4,700
February 2023249,900+3,200-8,300

The April Livestock Slaughter report showed a significant drop in dairy cattle slaughter, with 238,200 head processed. This is down 6,400 head from March and 5,400 head from April 2023, marking the lowest monthly slaughter since December 2023 and the lowest April count since 2022. This decline is influenced by rising milk futures and expectations of higher milk prices, reducing the need for aggressive culling. Producers are holding onto more cows, promoting a stable milk production outlook. The report’s findings indicate that the market is reacting to the expectation of tightening milk supply, as reflected in the rising futures prices, and adjusting its production strategies accordingly. 

This trend highlights the dairy industry’s adaptability. Producers may sustain or even increase milk output by slowing the culling rate in the near term, emphasizing the importance of efficient herd management. Monitoring dairy cattle slaughter rates will be essential for predicting shifts in milk production and market dynamics as the year progresses.

Market Perception as a Potent Catalyst: Navigating the Volatile Landscape of Milk Futures

Market perception is a powerful catalyst for volatility in milk futures, driven by expected supply and demand dynamics. As producers, traders, and investors react to reports, the perceived health of milk production can inflate or deflate futures prices overnight. This means that the market’s perception of the future supply and demand for milk, based on factors such as the H5N1 virus, heifer scarcity, and increased culling, can significantly impact future prices. This perception-driven volatility opens avenues for both potential gains and frustrations, as it can lead to unexpected price fluctuations that can either benefit or harm market participants. 

Opportunities arise as the market reacts, enabling astute traders and producers to capitalize on price fluctuations. A deep understanding of market sentiment allows positioning for maximum returns. Anticipating production downturns leads to timely investments before futures surge, while recognizing overblown fears of shortages can present cost-saving buy-ins when prices dip. 

Volatility also introduces frustrations, especially for those lacking the means or expertise to navigate rapid market swings. Misjudging market direction can result in significant financial setbacks, particularly when based on incomplete or incorrect information. The unpredictability of factors affecting production—like disease outbreaks or changes in breeding practices—adds complexity to price forecasting. 

In this environment, robust and flexible hedging strategies are crucial. These strategies help manage exposure to adverse price movements while allowing stakeholders to capitalize on favorable trends. Hedging provides a safety net, reducing risk and ensuring resilience against market perception’s whims. As volatility brings opportunities and challenges, flexible hedging approaches adapt to changing market conditions, fostering more responsive operations.

The Bottom Line

The April Milk Production report showcased unexpected resilience in milk output, revealing a minimal decline despite initial fears driven by the H5N1 virus and a tightening heifer supply. Some states even recorded increased per-cow yields. This perception of potential shortages caused a notable rise in Class III and IV milk futures, fueled by speculative price increases in spot cheese and butter

Heifer availability remains a long-term challenge for dairy producers, raising concerns about sustainable production levels. The April Livestock Slaughter report reflected a reduced rate of dairy cattle processing, indicating producers’ sensitivity to rising milk futures and potential higher prices, contributing to a cautious market environment. 

The year ahead remains uncertain as market sentiment drives volatility in milk futures. While current production levels suggest stability, the long-term maintenance hinges on improved demand. With increased demand, milk prices may reach the optimistic predictions currently priced in the future. Stakeholders need to employ flexible hedging strategies amid this volatile market landscape.

Key Takeaways:

  • April’s milk production report surprised many by showing stronger-than-expected output, resulting in a significant drop in Class III futures.
  • Revisions in March’s milk production figures show a less drastic decline than initially reported, suggesting some resilience in the market.
  • Despite concerns, the H5N1 virus has not yet had a significant impact on overall milk production.
  • The scarcity of heifers and increased culling due to low milk prices remain pressing challenges for dairy producers.
  • The recent rise in milk futures prices reflects market sentiment anticipating a tighter milk supply, driven by various perceived risks and actual economic pressures.
  • April’s livestock slaughter report indicates a decrease in dairy cattle slaughter, easing some concerns about long-term production declines.
  • Both Class III and Class IV futures experienced price increases, but for different reasons: Class III due to cheese prices and perceived supply constraints; Class IV primarily from butter prices.
  • Effective and adaptable hedging strategies are essential to navigate the anticipated market volatility and capitalize on favorable trends.

Summary: The dairy industry has been facing challenges such as expected production declines, economic pressures, and health concerns. However, April’s milk production report showed remarkable resilience in milk output, affecting Class III futures, which experienced significant drops due to stronger-than-expected production figures. Factors like the H5N1 virus and reduced heifer availability exerted less pressure than anticipated, lowering Class III futures and easing industry anxieties about prolonged declines. Market sentiment leaned towards a decrease in milk output, primarily influenced by factors such as the H5N1 virus, heifer supply constraints, and increased culling due to low milk prices. This anticipation spurred a rise in milk futures prices, with Class III futures experiencing a more pronounced impact due to perceived supply constraints and a surge in spot cheese prices. Class IV futures saw price increases driven predominantly by the rise in spot butter prices. The April Livestock Slaughter report revealed a significant decline in dairy cattle slaughter, with 238,200 head processed, marking the lowest monthly slaughter since December 2023 and the lowest April count since 2022. Robust and flexible hedging strategies are crucial in managing exposure to adverse price movements and allowing stakeholders to capitalize on favorable trends.

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