Archive for cheese production

Will the Surge in Milk Prices Last? Analyzing Trends and Future Outlook

Will the surge in milk prices last? Discover the trends and future outlook for milk, cheese, and butter prices, and what it means for your grocery budget.

The early-year increase in milk prices has pleasantly surprised dairy producers in changing agricultural markets, characterized by shifting consumer preferences and fluctuating grain prices. While Class IV milk reached $21.08, a level not seen since mid-2022, June’s Class III milk price was notably $19.87, the most since December 2022. The economic situation of dairy farmers depends on this increase, which also influences the whole agricultural industry. With May’s revenue above feed price rising to $10.52, the greatest since November 2022, dairy producers have optimism given changing grain prices.

Record Highs in Class III and IV Milk Prices Signal Potential Market Stability

MonthClass III Milk Price ($)Class IV Milk Price ($)
January 202318.2719.60
February 202318.8820.22
March 202319.1720.75
April 202319.4421.05
May 202319.7521.08
June 202319.8721.08

The recent record highs in Class III and IV milk prices, the highest since December 2022, signal a potential market stability. With Class III milk reaching $19.87 and Class IV prices hitting $21.08, this increase could provide a stable market environment that would benefit both customers and operators, instilling a sense of reassurance in the industry.

Optimizing Feed Costs: A Path to Enhanced Dairy Farm Profitability

MonthFeed Cost ($/ton)

The recent increases in revenue above feed cost have substantially benefited dairy producers. Driven by dropping grain prices, the May number of $10.52 is the highest since November 2022. Grain prices fall; lowering feed costs increases dairy farmers’ profit margins. Should present grain market patterns continue, dairy producers might lock in low feed costs, thus providing financial stability for the following year. Using forward contracts or other financial instruments to hedge against growing feed costs can guarantee ongoing profitability. Although the future is bright, awareness is required as grain market volatility might rapidly alter the scene and call for swift decisions. The conditions provide a great chance to maximize feed costs and increase revenue above feed prices, enabling a steady and prosperous future in the dairy sector.

The Evolution of Cheese Production: American vs. Italian Varieties 

MonthAmerican Cheese Production (Million lbs)Italian Cheese Production (Million lbs)

The mechanics of American cheese manufacturing have shown interesting patterns deserving of conversation. Since the beginning of the year, output has been steadily declining; May 2023 shows a 5.7% drop over the year before. This tendency is shocking when compared to consistent milk output statistics. Production methods and market tastes most certainly have the answer. Particularly Italian-type cheeses, there is a clear shift towards other cheese types. Italian cheese output is much greater than it has been in 2023 and exceeds past year averages. Changing consumer preferences, such as preferring mozzarella and parmesan over conventional American cheese, caused this change.

Essential elements include worldwide gastronomic trends and well-liked meals such as pasta and pizza with Italian cheese. Driven by a passion for culinary variety and premium, handcrafted goods, consumer behavior demonstrates a rising predisposition for varied and gourmet cheese selections. Responding to worldwide demand trends, the sector is realigning its manufacturing strategy to take advantage of higher-margin items.

Therefore, the whole cheese production spectrum is vital even if American cheese stocks are still below the previous year’s. This implies that American cheese production is declining, led by Italian-type cheese’s appeal and significant outputs, but the sector is rebounding. The industry creates paths for possible market stability and profitability as it adjusts to these changing consumer patterns.

Analyzing American Cheese Inventory: What Lower Levels Mean for Future Pricing

MonthAmerican Cheese Inventory (Million Pounds)Year-Over-Year Change (%)

American cheese inventory has always been below last year, which should help to explain why prices should rise given demand growth. The fluctuations in overall cheese output—some months larger and others lower—have kept stockpiles close. Still, demand for American cheese has not skyrocketed; careful consumption has kept prices erratic instead of steadily increasing.

Should demand follow last year’s trends, limited supply may cause prices to rise. Cheese consumers’ careful approach shows a wait-and-see attitude toward changing output. Record-high cheese exports in March, April, and May positively signal worldwide solid demand, supporting the market even with higher pricing points.

American cheese prices can get under increasing pressure if strong export demand meets or surpasses local consumption. Stable or declining feed prices increase the likelihood of this, enhancing dairy companies’ general profitability. Thus, cheese inventory and demand dynamics provide a complex projection with possible price rises depending on the stability of the local and foreign markets.

Robust Cheese Exports: Navigating Record Highs and Future Uncertainties 

Month2022 Cheese Exports (million pounds)2023 Cheese Exports (million pounds)Percentage Change

With record highs in March, April, and May, the latest patterns in cheese exports show a strong market presence. This expansion indicates a robust global demand even if cheese prices increase. Higher costs usually discourage foreign consumers, but the consistency in export numbers indicates a strong worldwide taste for U.S. cheese. This helps the dairy sector maintain a competitive advantage in changing pricing.

Still, the viability of this tendency is being determined. Should prices keep rising, specific foreign markets could change their buying policies, reducing demand. A wide variety of cheese products appealing to different tastes might balance this risk and guarantee ongoing demand.

Strong cheese exports support the worldwide posture of the U.S. dairy sector and help to steady home milk prices. Strong cheese and butter exports should provide dairy producers a solid basis as worldwide butter demand increases, enabling them to negotiate price constraints and market expectations boldly.

Although cheese exports are moving in an encouraging direction now, stakeholders must be alert. Maintaining development depends on examining price changes and reactions in foreign markets. Balancing high local pricing with worldwide solid demand will rely primarily on creative ideas in strategic market participation and product offers.

Global Butter Demand: Navigating the Surge and Potential Market Ripples 

YearDomestic Demand (Million Pounds)International Demand (Million Pounds)Total Demand (Million Pounds)

A promising increase in international butter demand suggests a possible influence on butter prices in the following months. Driven by better economic times and a rising consumer taste for dairy products, recent statistics show a consistent comeback in world butter exports. Rising worldwide demand will cause butter prices to be under increasing pressure. Strong export demand historically matches rising local pricing, which helps manufacturers. Should export growth continue, this tendency is likely to endure.

Nevertheless, supply chain interruptions, geopolitical concerns, and changing feed prices might influence market circumstances. Low-cost manufacturers from developing nations also bring challenges of price competition. Driven by strong worldwide demand, the butter industry seems ready for expansion, yet players must constantly observe changing dynamics.

Strategic Outlook: Navigating the Future of Milk Prices Amid Market Dynamics and Economic Factors

Milk prices’ path will rely on several significant variables that combine market dynamics with general economic circumstances. While sustained high prices provide hope, they also present possibilities and problems for buyers and producers.

High prices allow producers to increase profitability through capitalization. Locking in favorable feed prices might lead to significant cost savings, considering the present grain price pressure. Diverse manufacturing of highly sought-after cheeses, including Italian-type cheeses, could improve income sources, fostering a sense of optimism in the industry.

Risks, however, include changes in foreign demand and erratic market circumstances. Higher costs discourage worldwide consumers, affecting local pricing and exports. Furthermore, changes in consumer tastes toward plant-based dairy substitutes might slow down conventional dairy industry expansion. To stay competitive, the sector has to be creative.

Buyers must guarantee consistent supply chains in retail and food service despite changing customer patterns and costs. Higher prices need flexible pricing policies and intelligent buying. Matching goods with customer tastes for sustainability, and better choices might provide a business advantage.

Although milk prices’ future is bright and unknown, stakeholders may utilize strategic foresight and flexibility to seize possibilities and reduce risk. Tracking consumer behavior and market trends can help buyers and producers flourish in a changing dairy environment.

The Bottom Line

The present success in Class III and IV milk pricing shows a solid but delicate balance for dairy farmers as we negotiate the subtleties of the dairy market. Recent highs encourage a look at lifespan and environmental impact. Changing cheese production patterns, grain price swings, and better revenue over feed ratios highlight a dynamic market. The drop in American cheese output against the increase in Italian cheese reveals a complicated customer choice and market adaption story. Strong cheese export performance reveals the sector’s worldwide resiliency even against growing prices. This should inspire cautious optimism by implying better circumstances ahead and continuous foreign demand. Still, volatility is natural, especially given the changing global butter demand and possible export rebounding. Shielding against downturns mostly depends on careful planning and hedging of expenses. In the end, even if the increase in milk prices provides relief and a promising future, monitoring and market and consumer trend adaptability are crucial. Maintaining momentum and guaranteeing long-term viability will depend on pushing sustainability and openness.

Key Takeaways:

  • Higher Milk Prices: Both Class III and Class IV milk prices reached their highest levels since December 2022, signaling potential market stability.
  • Enhanced Income Over Feed: The income over feed price has been improving, with lower grain prices potentially boosting dairy farm profitability in the near term.
  • Shift in Cheese Production: A noticeable trend towards Italian-type cheese production, despite a decline in American cheese output, could reshape market dynamics.
  • Consistent Cheese Inventory: Lower American cheese inventory levels, paired with steady demand, may lead to higher prices if consumption rises.
  • Strong Export Markets: Record-high cheese exports in recent months indicate robust international demand, which could sustain higher prices moving forward.
  • Global Butter Demand: Improving international butter demand suggests potential price increases if export strength continues throughout the year.


The dairy industry has experienced a significant increase in milk prices, signaling potential market stability. Class IV milk reached $21.08, the highest level since mid-2022, and June’s Class III milk price was $19.87, the most since December 2022. This has impacted the economic situation of dairy farmers and the agricultural industry. May’s revenue above feed price rose to $10.52, giving dairy producers optimism due to changing grain prices. Record highs in Class III and IV milk prices provide a stable market environment that benefits both customers and operators. Lowering feed costs can increase dairy farmers’ profit margins, and if present grain market patterns continue, producers might lock in low feed costs, providing financial stability for the following year. Using forward contracts or other financial instruments to hedge against growing feed costs can guarantee ongoing profitability. The evolution of cheese production, particularly American vs. Italian varieties, has shown interesting patterns, with strong export demand meeting or surpassing local consumption, enhancing dairy companies’ profitability. Global butter demand is expected to influence butter prices in the coming months, driven by better economic times and rising consumer tastes for dairy products.

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Why Are Class III Milk Prices So Low? Causes, Consequences, and Solutions

Uncover the factors behind the low Class III milk prices and delve into practical measures to enhance milk protein and butterfat content. What strategies can producers and processors implement for adaptation?

The U.S. dairy industry faces a critical challenge: persistently low Class III milk prices. These prices, which comprise over 50% of the nation’s milk usage and are primarily used for cheese production, are vital for the economic stability of dairy farmers and the broader market. The current price indices reveal that Class III milk prices align with the average of the past 25 years, raising concerns about profitability and sustainability. This situation underscores the urgent need for all stakeholders in the dairy industry to come together, collaborate, and explore the underlying factors and potential strategies for improvement.

Class III Milk Prices: A Quarter-Century of Peaks and Troughs

Over the past 25 years, Class III milk prices have fluctuated significantly, reflecting the dairy industry’s volatility. Prices have hovered around an average value, influenced by supply and demand, production costs, and economic conditions. 

In the early 2000s, prices rose due to increased demand for cheese and other dairy products. However, the 2008 financial crisis led to a sharp decline as consumer demand dropped and exporters faced challenges. 

Post-crisis recovery saw gradual price improvements but with ongoing unpredictability. Stability in the mid-2010s was periodically interrupted by export market changes, feed cost fluctuations, and climatic impacts on milk production. Increased production costs from 2015 to 2020 and COVID-19 disruptions further pressured prices. 

In summary, while the average Class III milk price may seem stable over the past 25 years, the market has experienced significant volatility. Understanding these trends is not just important; it’s critical for navigating current pricing issues and strategizing for future stability. This understanding empowers us to make informed decisions and take proactive steps to address the challenges in the dairy industry.

The Core Components of Class III Milk Pricing: Butterfat, Milk Protein, and Other Solids

Examining Class III milk prices reveals crucial trends. Due to high demand and limited supply, butterfat prices have soared 76% above their 25-year averages. Meanwhile, milk protein prices have dropped by 32%, impacting the overall Class III price, essential for cheese production. Other solids, contributing less to pricing, have remained stable. These disparities call for strategic adjustments in pricing formulas to better align with market conditions and ensure sustainable revenues for producers.

Dissecting the Price Dynamics of Butter, Cheese, and Dry Whey in Class III Milk Pricing 

The prices of butter, cheese, and dry whey are crucial to understanding milk protein prices and the current state of Class III milk pricing

Butter prices have skyrocketed by 70% over the 25-year average due to increased consumer demand and tighter inventories. This marks a significant shift from its historically stable pricing. 

Cheese prices have increased slightly, indicating steady demand both domestically and internationally. This trend reflects strong export markets and stable milk production, aligning closely with historical averages. 

In contrast, dry whey prices have remained steady, reflecting its role as a stable commodity in the dairy sector—consistent demand in food manufacturing and as a nutritional supplement balances any supply fluctuations from cheese production. 

Together, these trends showcase the market pressures and consumer preferences affecting milk protein prices. Understanding these dynamics is critical to tackling the broader challenges in Class III milk pricing.

Decoding the USDA Formula: The Intricacies of Milk Protein Pricing in Class III Milk

Understanding Class III milk pricing requires examining the USDA’s formula for milk protein. This formula blends two critical components: the price of cheese and the butterfat value of cheese compared to butter. 

Protein Price = ((Cheese Price – 0.2003) x 1.383) + ((((Cheese Price – 0.2003) x 1.572) – Butterfat Price x 0.9) x 1.17) 

The first part, ((Cheese Price—0.2003) x 1.383) depends on the cheese market price, which has been adjusted slightly by $0.2003. Higher cheese prices generally boost milk protein prices. 

The second part, ((((Cheese Price – 0.2003) x 1.572) – Butterfat Price x 0.9) x 1.17), is more intricate. It adjusts the cheese price by 1.572, subtracts 90% of the butterfat price, and scales the result by 1.17 to match industry norms. 

This formula was based on the assumption that butterfat’s value in cheese would always exceed that in butter. With butterfat fetching higher prices due to increased demand and limited supply, the formula undervalues protein from cheese. This mismatch has led to stagnant protein prices despite rising butter and cheese prices. 

The formula must be reevaluated to align with today’s market, ensuring fair producer compensation and market stability.

Unraveling the Web of Stagnant Pricing in Class III Milk

Stagnant pricing in Class III milk can be traced to several intertwined factors. Inflation is a key culprit, having significantly raised production costs for dairy farmers over the past 25 years—these increasing expenses span wages, health premiums, utilities, and packaging materials. Yet, the value received for Class III milk has not kept pace, resulting in a perceived price stagnation. 

Another factor is the shift in the value relationship between butterfat and cheese. Historically, butterfat’s worth was higher in cheese production than in butter, a dynamic in the USDA pricing formula for milk protein. Today’s market conditions have reversed this, with butterfat now more valuable in butter than in cheese. Consequently, heavily based on cheese prices, the existing formula must adapt better, contributing to stagnant milk protein prices. 

Also impacting this situation are modest increases in cheese prices compared to the substantial rise in butterfat prices. The stable prices of dry whey further exert minimal impact on Class III milk prices. 

Addressing these challenges requires a multifaceted approach, such as reconsidering USDA pricing formulas and strategically managing dairy production and processing to align with current market realities.

Class III Milk Producers: Navigating Low Prices through Strategic Adaptations

Class III milk producers have adapted to persistently low prices through critical strategies. Over the past 25 years, many have expanded their herds to leverage economies of scale, reducing costs per gallon by spreading fixed costs over more milk units. 

Additionally, increased milk production per cow has been achieved through breeding, nutrition, and herd management advances. Focusing on genetic selection, high-productivity cows are bred, further optimizing dairy operations

Automation has also transformed dairy farming, with robotic milking systems and feeding solutions reducing labor costs and improving efficiency. These technologies help manage larger herds without proportional labor increases, counteracting low milk prices. 

Focusing on higher milk solids, particularly butterfat, and protein, offers a competitive edge. Producers achieve higher milk quality by enhancing feed formulations and precise nutrition, yielding better prices in markets with high-solid content.

An Integrated Strategy for Optimizing Class III Milk Prices

Improving Class III milk prices requires optimizing production and management across the dairy supply chain. Increasing butterfat levels in all milk classes can help align supply with demand, especially targeting regions with lower butterfat production, like Florida. This coordinated effort can potentially lower butterfat prices and stabilize them. 

Balancing protein and butterfat ratios in Class III milk is crucial. Enhancing both components can increase cheese yield efficiency, reduce the milk needed for production, and lower costs. This can also lead to better control of cheese inventories, supporting higher wholesale prices. 

Effective inventory management is critical. Advanced systems and predictive analytics can help producers regulate supply, prevent glutes, and stabilize prices. Maintaining a balance between supply and demand is crucial for the dairy sector’s economic health. 

These goals require collaboration among producers, processors, and organizations like Ohio State University Extension, which provides essential research and services. Modernizing Federal Milk Marketing Orders (FMMO) to reflect current market realities is also vital for fair pricing. 

Addressing Class III milk pricing challenges means using technology, improving farm practices, and fine-tuning the supply chain. Comprehensive strategies are essential for price stabilization, benefiting all stakeholders.

Strategic Collaborations: Empowering Stakeholders to Thrive in the Class III Milk Market

Organizations and suppliers play a critical role in optimizing Class III milk prices. Entities like Penn State Extension, in collaboration with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and the USDA’s Risk Management Agency, offer valuable resources and guidance. These organizations provide educational programs to help dairy farmers understand market trends and best practices in milk production. 

The Ohio State University Extension and specialists like Jason Hartschuh advance dairy management and precision livestock technologies, sharing research and providing hands-on support to enhance milk production processes. 

The FMMO (Federal Milk Marketing Order) modernization process aims to update milk pricing regulations, ensuring a more equitable and efficient market system. Producers’ participation through referendums is crucial for representing their interests. 

Processors should work with packaging suppliers to manage material costs, establish contracts to mitigate financial pressures and maintain stable operational costs

These collaborations offer numerous benefits: improved milk yield and quality, better financial stability, and a balanced supply-demand dynamic for butterfat and protein. Processors benefit from consistent milk supplies and reduced production costs. 

In conclusion, educational institutions, agricultural agencies, and strategic supply chain collaborations can significantly enhance the Class III milk market, equipping producers and processors to handle market fluctuations and achieve sustainable growth.

The Bottom Line

The low-Class III milk prices, driven by plummeting milk protein prices and stagnant other solids pricing, highlight an outdated USDA formula that misjudges current market conditions where butterfat is valued more in butter than in cheese. Compared to the past 25 years, inflation-adjusted stagnation underscores the need for efficiency in milk production via larger herds, higher yields per cow, and automation. 

To address these issues, increasing butterfat and protein levels in Class III milk will improve cheese yield and better manage inventories. Engaging organizations and suppliers in these strategic adjustments is crucial. Fixing the pricing formula and balancing supply and demand is essential to sustaining the dairy industry, protecting producers’ economic stability, and securing the broader dairy supply chain.

Key Takeaways:

  • Class III milk, primarily used for cheese production, constitutes over 50% of U.S. milk consumption.
  • Despite an increase in butterfat prices by 76%, milk protein prices have plummeted by 32% compared to the 25-year average.
  • The USDA formula for milk protein pricing is a critical factor, with its reliance on cheese and butterfat values leading to current pricing challenges.
  • Inflation over the last 25 years contrasts sharply with stagnant Class III milk prices, necessitating strategic adaptations by producers.
  • Key strategies for producers include increasing butterfat levels, improving protein levels, and tighter inventory management for cheese production.
  • Collaborations between producers and processors are essential to drive changes and stabilize Class III milk prices.


The U.S. dairy industry is grappling with a significant challenge: persistently low Class III milk prices, which account for over 50% of the nation’s milk usage and are primarily used for cheese production. These prices align with the average of the past 25 years, raising concerns about profitability and sustainability. Over the past 25 years, Class III milk prices have fluctuated significantly, reflecting the dairy industry’s volatility.

In the early 2000s, prices rose due to increased demand for cheese and other dairy products. However, the 2008 financial crisis led to a sharp decline as consumer demand dropped and exporters faced challenges. Post-crisis recovery saw gradual price improvements but with ongoing unpredictability. Stability in the mid-2010s was periodically interrupted by export market changes, feed cost fluctuations, and climatic impacts on milk production. Increased production costs from 2015 to 2020 and COVID-19 disruptions further pressured prices.

The core components of Class III milk pricing include butterfat, milk protein, and other solids. Butterfat prices have soared 76% above their 25-year averages due to high demand and limited supply, while milk protein prices have dropped by 32%, impacting the overall Class III price, essential for cheese production. Other solids, contributing less to pricing, have remained stable.

Understanding the price dynamics of butter, cheese, and dry whey in Class III milk pricing is crucial for navigating current pricing issues and strategizing for future stability. Butter prices have skyrocketed by 70% over the 25-year average due to increased consumer demand and tighter inventories. Cheese prices have increased slightly, indicating steady demand both domestically and internationally, while dry whey prices have remained steady, reflecting its role as a stable commodity in the dairy sector.

Understanding Class III milk pricing requires examining the USDA’s formula for milk protein, which blends two critical components: the price of cheese and the butterfat value of cheese compared to butter. This formula undervalues protein from cheese, leading to stagnant protein prices despite rising butter and cheese prices. The formula must be reevaluated to align with today’s market, ensuring fair producer compensation and market stability.

The stagnant pricing in Class III milk can be attributed to several factors, including inflation, the shift in the value relationship between butterfat and cheese, and modest increases in cheese prices. To address these challenges, a multifaceted approach is needed, such as reconsidering USDA pricing formulas and strategically managing dairy production and processing to align with current market realities.

Class III milk producers have adapted to persistently low prices through critical strategies, such as expanding herds to leverage economies of scale, increasing milk production per cow through breeding, nutrition, and herd management advances, and focusing on higher milk solids, particularly butterfat, and protein. This has led to better control of cheese inventories, supporting higher wholesale prices.

Improving Class III milk prices requires optimizing production and management across the dairy supply chain. Balancing protein and butterfat ratios in Class III milk is crucial, as it can increase cheese yield efficiency, reduce milk needed for production, and lower costs. Effective inventory management is essential, and advanced systems and predictive analytics can help producers regulate supply, prevent glutes, and stabilize prices.

Collaboration among producers, processors, and organizations like Ohio State University Extension, which provides essential research and services, and modernizing Federal Milk Marketing Orders (FMMO) to reflect current market realities is also vital for fair pricing. Comprehensive strategies are essential for price stabilization, benefiting all stakeholders.

Organizations and suppliers play a critical role in optimizing Class III milk prices. Entities like Penn State Extension, in collaboration with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and the USDA’s Risk Management Agency, offer valuable resources and guidance to dairy farmers. They provide educational programs to help dairy farmers understand market trends and best practices in milk production.

The FMMO modernization process aims to update milk pricing regulations, ensuring a more equitable and efficient market system. Producers’ participation through referendums is crucial for representing their interests. Processors should work with packaging suppliers to manage material costs, establish contracts to mitigate financial pressures, and maintain stable operational costs.

In conclusion, educational institutions, agricultural agencies, and strategic supply chain collaborations can significantly enhance the Class III milk market, equipping producers and processors to handle market fluctuations and achieve sustainable growth. The low-Class III milk prices, driven by plummeting milk protein prices and stagnant other solids pricing, highlight an outdated USDA formula that misjudges current market conditions where butterfat is valued more in butter than in cheese.

Dairy Margin Watch June: Strong Class III Milk Prices Amid Surging Whey and Cheese Demand

Explore how robust Class III Milk prices and soaring whey and cheese demand influence dairy margins in June. What role will Mexico’s demand play in shaping future trends?

June experienced stable dairy margins, notably increasing during the spot period due to high Class III Milk prices. This rise provided much-needed support in an otherwise flat margin trend. The resilience in Class III Milk prices was crucial in maintaining market stability during the volatile spot period. While margins remained steady, the strong demand for Class III Milk underscores market forces and exciting potential growth areas for industry stakeholders.

Understanding the Forces Behind Rising Class III Milk Prices 

MonthClass III Milk Price (per cwt)Change from Previous Month

Dairy farmers and market analysts have noticed rising Class III milk prices. Strong cheese and whey demand are key drivers.

Cheese Demand: Mexico’s appetite for U.S. cheese has surged, reflected in record-setting exports. This strong demand directly impacts Class III milk prices since cheese production relies heavily on this milk.

Whey Demand: Whey is also seeing renewed interest. Tight whey powder inventories pushed prices to their highest since February, increasing Class III milk prices further. This 30% price spike underscores whey’s significant role in future milk contracts.

These factors and slower shipments to China and Southeast Asia have shifted focus to Mexico, bolstering demand and sustaining high-Class III milk prices. Understanding this helps you see the link between dairy product demand and milk pricing.

Navigating Recent Trends in the Whey Market 

MonthSpot Whey Price (per lb)Price Change (cents)
April 2023$0.37
May 2023$0.44+7
June 2023 (first half)$0.48+4

Let’s examine the recent trends in the whey market. Over the past two months, whey prices have surged by about 30%, or 11 cents, significantly impacting the dairy sector. 

This increase is primarily due to tighter whey powder inventories, highlighting how low stock levels push prices higher. On the demand side, renewed strength, especially from key markets, has also bolstered whey prices. 

The ripple effects of this price surge are evident in the Class III futures market, contributing to a notable gain of about 66 cents. This showcases whey’s importance in shaping Class III Milk prices and influencing dairy margins. 

Given the current scenario, it is imperative for those involved in the dairy industry, including producers and traders, to remain vigilant. A comprehensive understanding of these trends can significantly aid in navigating the market and making informed decisions.

The Unwavering Impact of Mexican Demand on U.S. Cheese Prices 

ProductApril 2022 (million pounds)April 2023 (million pounds)Change (%)
Total Dairy Exports to Mexico124.6142.914.7%
Cheese Exports to Mexico32.638.016.6%
Butter Production197.4207.85.3%
Cheese Production1,166.11,187.01.8%
Mozzarella Production383.6407.16.1%
Cheddar Production332.4303.8-8.6%

Cheese demand plays a pivotal role in the dairy market, mainly thanks to Mexico’s strong appetite for U.S. cheese, which has led to record-high prices. In April, cheese exports to Mexico hit 38 million pounds, highlighting this continued trend. 

This demand positively impacts not just cheese but the entire U.S. dairy sector. Higher cheese prices contribute to rising Class III Milk prices, offering stability to dairy margins even as shipments to markets like China and Southeast Asia slow down. 

It’s essential to remain aware of potential changes, such as economic fluctuations in Mexico, that could affect future demand. For now, Mexico’s consistent cheese demand supports strong U.S. dairy margins.

 U.S. dairy exports to Mexico surged in April, hitting 142.9 million pounds—up 18.3 million from last year. Cheese exports set a new record at 38 million pounds, surpassing the previous high in February. This highlights Mexico’s vital role in the U.S. dairy market, as exports to China and Southeast Asia slow. 

With 30% of U.S. dairy exports going to Mexico, their market’s demand significantly supports American dairy prices

In April, the U.S. shipped 142.9 million pounds of dairy products to Mexico, up 18.3 million from last year. This was the second-highest monthly export level on record. Cheese exports alone hit a record 38 million pounds, showing strong demand for U.S. dairy. 

Since early 2023, demand from China and Southeast Asia has decreased, but Mexico has helped fill the gap. This demand has been crucial in stabilizing prices and preventing a potential downturn. 

Mexican demand plays a vital role in U.S. dairy exports. As shipments to other regions slow, this strong market helps maintain prices despite external challenges.

Claudia Sheinbaum’s presidential win has raised questions about the Mexican Peso and future U.S. dairy exports. Analysts worry her socialist policies could weaken the Peso, which dropped 5% in two days, reaching its lowest since October 2023. This devaluation might make U.S. dairy products pricier for Mexican buyers, possibly reducing demand. With 30% of U.S. dairy exports going to Mexico, a prolonged weak Peso could impact the U.S. dairy market. Exporters may need to find new markets or tweak pricing to keep their foothold in Mexico.

April’s Dairy Production: Butter’s Rise and Cheese’s Mixed Signals

MonthPrice (cents/lb)

In April, butter output reached 207.8 million pounds, marking a 5.3% increase from the previous year. On the other hand, cheese production showed a mixed pattern. Total cheese output was up by 1.8%, reaching 1.187 billion pounds. However, within this category, mozzarella production surged by an impressive 6.1%. Cheddar cheese output saw a decline of 8.6% compared to last year.

Strategic Moves: Leveraging Historical Margins for Future Gains

Intelligent investors are extending coverage in deferred marketing periods to leverage strong margins. By locking in positions at or above the 90th percentile of the past decade, they’re ensuring stability and profitability despite market fluctuations. This proactive strategy, backed by historical data, helps make informed strategic decisions.

The Bottom Line

June’s Dairy Margin Watch highlights critical market drivers. Class III Milk prices remain high due to solid cheese demand and tighter whey powder supplies. Increased U.S. dairy exports to Mexico also play a crucial role despite potential economic concerns following recent political changes. April’s dairy production data shows a rise in butter output but mixed cheese production signals. 

Understanding these can help dairy producers make intelligent decisions to protect margins. Now is an excellent time to consider leveraging historically strong margins by extending coverage in deferred periods. Stay proactive and informed. 

For tailored strategies, consider subscribing to the CIH Margin Watch report. Visit

Key Takeaways:

Welcome to this month’s Dairy Margin Watch. Here are the key takeaways from the latest trends and developments shaping the dairy market: 

  • Class III Milk prices remain strong due to robust demand for cheese and whey.
  • CME spot whey prices have surged by 30% over the past two months, reaching their highest level since February.
  • U.S. dairy exports to Mexico saw a significant increase, with cheese exports setting new records.
  • Concerns arise over the potential impact of recent political changes in Mexico on the value of the Peso and subsequent dairy demand.
  • April’s dairy production statistics reveal a rise in butter output, but mixed signals for cheese production, particularly a decline in Cheddar output.
  • Strategic coverage in deferred marketing periods is crucial to leverage historically strong margins.


June’s dairy margins increased significantly due to high Class III Milk prices, which were crucial for maintaining market stability during the volatile spot period. Key drivers of rising milk prices include cheese demand and whey demand, with Mexico’s appetite for U.S. cheese leading to record-setting exports. Whey demand is also seeing renewed interest, with tight whey powder inventories pushing prices to their highest since February. Mexican demand plays a pivotal role in the dairy market, mainly due to Mexico’s strong appetite for U.S. cheese, leading to record-high prices. In April, cheese exports to Mexico reached 38 million pounds, highlighting this continued trend. However, Claudia Sheinbaum’s presidential win has raised questions about the Mexican Peso and future U.S. dairy exports, as analysts worry that her socialist policies could weaken the Peso, making U.S. dairy products pricier for Mexican buyers and potentially reducing demand. Understanding these factors can help dairy producers make intelligent decisions to protect margins and leverage historically strong margins by extending coverage in deferred periods.

Higher Butterfat and Protein Levels Propel U.S. Cheese Output Despite Milk Production Decline

Uncover the story behind U.S. dairy farms’ increased cheese production, driven by more nutrient-dense milk even amid a decline in overall output. Want to know how higher butterfat levels play a role? Keep reading.

American dairy farms are changing significantly within changing agricultural environments. They are establishing new standards by supplying nutrient-rich milk that improves dairy quality and cheese yield, even if general milk output is dropping.

Corey Geiger, a renowned dairy economist at CoBank, has observed a significant improvement in the nutritional profile of milk. This transformation, marked by unprecedented levels of butterfat and protein, is reshaping the dairy industry and elevating the value of key milk components.

The economic landscape is now favoring quality over quantity, with a 4% increase in butterfat levels since 2011 and the MCP system encompassing 92% of the U.S. milk supply. This shift has led to a 2.2% rise in the combined production of butterfat and protein, despite a 0.4% drop in milk output in April 2024.

Through a comprehensive analysis of the elements driving these developments and their economic implications, we aim to paint a clear picture of the current state and future trajectory of the American dairy industry. This analysis is designed to reassure stakeholders about the industry’s resilience and its ability to adapt to changing consumer demands, instilling a sense of optimism and hope for the future.

The Transformative Insights of Corey Geiger: Elevating Milk Nutrient Density through Economic Innovation 

Corey Geiger, CoBank’s lead dairy economist, has painstakingly studied changes in milk composition for the previous ten years. His observations point to a notable shift in nutritional density, especially with regard to butterfat level. The multiple component pricing (MCP) scheme is one of the economic motivations pushing this change. Based on Geiger’s findings, food quality may be raised via financial incentives, benefitting customers and producers.

Agricultural Variability and Innovation: A Tale of Static Crops vs. Dynamic Dairy

YearButterfat (%)Protein (%)Total Milk Production (billion pounds)Cheese Production (billion pounds)

The dairy sector’s response to consumer needs and financial incentives is a stark contrast to the static nature of crops like No. 2 yellow dent corn. While the nutritional composition of No. 2 maize remains unchanged, butterfat levels in milk have increased from 3.71% in 2011 to 4.11% in 2023. This dynamic shift in milk’s nutritional density underscores the industry’s proactive approach in meeting consumer requirements and market demand.

Economic Incentives and Quality Focus: The Rise of Nutrient-Dense Milk through the MCP System

YearButterfat (%)Butterfat Contribution to Milk Check Income (%)

The multiple component pricing (MCP) system has pushed American dairy farmers toward higher nutrient-dense milk production. Covering 92% of the nation’s supply, MCP pays farmers based on milk quality, rewarding higher levels of butterfat, protein, and other solids. Butterfat alone accounted for 58% of milk check income in 2023, underscoring its growing market importance. This strategy encourages farmers to improve their milk’s nutritious profile, promoting efficiency and innovation without increasing volume.

Navigating Decline with Enhanced Quality: USDA Report Highlights Increased Nutrient Density in U.S. Milk Amid Production Slump

YearTotal Milk Production (Billion Pounds)Butterfat Percentage (%)Protein Percentage (%)Forecasted Milk Production (Billion Pounds)

Starting a ten-month declining trend, the USDA notes a 0.4% drop in U.S. milk output in April 2024. Still, butterfat and protein levels increased to 4.22% within this drop. This change emphasizes the strategic turn the dairy sector has made from volume to nutritional density, optimizing the value of dairy solids.

Quality Over Quantity: U.S. Dairy Farms’ Remarkable Component Yield Efficiency

Component yield analysis shows clearly this paradigm change towards nutrient-dense milk. Though U.S. milk output dropped 0.4% in April 2024, yields of important dairy components have increased. Protein levels rose along with butterfat percentages, rising from 4.08% in 2023 to 4.22% in 2024. These improvements correspond to a 2.2% increase in total butterfat and protein output, adding 31.3 million pounds of dairy solids. This rise emphasizes how well American dairy farms can satisfy consumer needs for nutrient-dense products even with reduced milk volume.

Evolving Nutrient Profiles Yield Tangible Results: Record Cheese Production Amid Declining Milk Volumes

YearCheese Production (million pounds)Percent Change from Previous Year

Increasing protein and butterfat levels has significantly helped U.S. cheese production grow. More nutrient-dense milk allows dairy processors to extract more valuable solids from less milk. This effectiveness resulted in a record 1.8% rise in cheese output for April. While milk output is dropping, concentrating on milk quality over quantity shows results because more excellent nutritional profiles directly produce more cheese and other dairy products.

Harnessing Technology and Innovation: The Cornerstones of Modern Dairy Farm Success

The development of dairy farming methods is one leading cause of this boom. Precision agriculture technology in modern dairy farms lets farmers track herds with formerly unheard-of accuracy. These include real-time health monitoring and automated milking equipment, encouraging conditions wherein cows provide better milk.

Furthermore, well-chosen cow feeds are essential. Dairy nutritionists hone feed compositions using appropriate amounts of calories, protein, and essential minerals to improve milk output and quality. To increase butterfat content, these custom diets often include premium forages, grains, and fats.

Another very important factor is genetic enhancements in dairy cows. Through strict genetic selection, selective breeding programs concentrate on features linked with increased butterfat and protein content, therefore progressively improving herd quality.

By leveraging these technologies, the American dairy sector is demonstrating its commitment to efficiency and excellence. This dedication, combined with the strategic use of technology, meticulous dietary planning, and selective breeding, is ensuring that American customers continue to enjoy some of the finest dairy products. This success is a testament to the integral role played by stakeholders in the industry’s growth and development.

The Bottom Line

Despite a decline in overall output, the American dairy industry is demonstrating its resilience by enhancing the nutritional richness of milk. This strategic shift, driven by financial incentives, is boosting butterfat and protein levels, thereby supporting cheese production and other dairy products. By prioritizing quality over quantity, the industry is ensuring a robust and nutrient-rich dairy market, underscoring its productivity and resilience even in the face of reduced milk quantities.

Key Takeaways:

  • U.S. dairy farms have significantly improved the nutrient density of milk over the past decade, enhancing its butterfat content.
  • Economic incentives via the multiple component pricing (MCP) system have been pivotal, with butterfat now comprising 58% of milk revenue.
  • Despite a slight drop in overall milk production, component yields, particularly protein butterfat and, have increased, leading to higher dairy solids production.
  • This rise in nutrient-dense milk production has supported a 1.8% year-over-year increase in U.S. cheese output despite a ten-month decline in total milk volume.
  • The increased nutrient density has helped maintain, if not enhance, dairy product output even with reduced overall milk supplies.


American dairy farms are increasing milk nutritional richness despite a decline in general milk output. Financial incentives have led to a 2.2% rise in butterfat and protein production, despite a 0.4% drop in milk output in April 2024. The multiple component pricing system, covering 92% of the U.S. milk supply, encourages farmers to improve milk’s nutritional profile without increasing volume. The USDA report highlights increased nutrient density in U.S. milk, with butterfat and protein levels increasing to 4.22% within a ten-month decline. This shift emphasizes the dairy sector’s strategic shift from volume to nutritional density, optimizing the value of dairy solids. Precision agriculture technology, well-chosen cow feeds, and genetic enhancements in dairy cows are contributing to this boom.

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Flying Through Uncertainty: Domestic Cheese Demand Spurs Record Highs in Class III Futures Amid Global Market Shifts

Discover how surging domestic cheese demand is driving Class III futures to record highs. Can U.S. producers keep up amid global market shifts and rising competition?

Robust domestic cheese demand has pushed Class III futures to unprecedented heights. Reflecting worries about U.S. cheese production capacity and intense competition in export markets, third-quarter contracts shot an average of $21.28 per cwt. Attracting new overseas customers will be difficult given that U.S. cheese prices are among the highest worldwide, affecting long-term prospects.

Although high prices discourage new business, domestic consumption lowers cheese inventory. This results in a complicated situation where limited production capacity and competitive exports cause restrictions even as strong demand drives short-term advantages. These dynamics will define present results and future sustainability.

CommodityAvg PriceQty Traded4 wk Trend
Cheese Blocks$1.944517Stable
Cheese Barrels$2.006013Increase
Non-Fat Dry Milk$1.194026Stable

We will investigate the extent and ramifications of these events for the U.S. cheese industry.

Global Shifts: Strategic Cheese Production Adjustments and Their Rippling Effects on the U.S. Market 

RegionProjected Increase (%)Key Factors
Europe3.5%Decrease in fluid milk demand, better margins in cheese production
New Zealand4.0%Higher profitability in cheese, decline in milk powder prices
Australia2.8%Shift from milk powder to cheese due to higher margins
United States2.3%Strong domestic demand, export competition

The global cheese market is undergoing significant changes. USDA experts in Australia, New Zealand, and Europe are anticipating strategic surges in cheese output. This shift is driven by two main trends: a decrease in fluid milk consumption and declining profit margins for milk powder. These forecasts indicate that processors in these regions are adapting to the increased value that cheese markets offer and are prepared to redirect more milk into cheese production. As fluid milk loses its appeal and milk powder becomes less profitable, producers are increasingly focusing on more lucrative cheese manufacturing.

Despite the projected global expansion of cheese production, the U.S. dairy sector has demonstrated remarkable resilience. Currently, robust domestic demand is driving record Class III futures and high U.S. cheese prices. This resilience, coupled with the strategic changes in the global cheese market, is helping to maintain a positive outlook and keep U.S. cheese competitive in other markets.

The expected worldwide rise in cheese output points to fewer export prospects, even if today’s market supports high local pricing and demand. This might finally influence Class III values and cheese prices, stressing the intricate link between the U.S. market and worldwide production policies.

Weathering the Storm: How Strategic Moves and Climate Trends Propel U.S. Cheese Prices

Several key factors are contributing to the current surge in U.S. cheese pricing. Notably, record-breaking cheese shipments from November through April have significantly impacted American cheese supplies. This decrease in supply, combined with strong domestic demand fueled by effective promotional strategies from major retailers, has further tightened the market.

Grasping the strategic movements and climatic patterns that influence U.S. cheese pricing is crucial. An unusually hot June is forecasted for the Midwest, and adverse weather conditions, including searing temperatures in California and the Southwest, have curtailed milk production. These factors are driving up cheese prices and straining the milk supply, thereby creating an expected but challenging market situation. This understanding empowers policymakers to make informed decisions.

Market Surge: Dynamic Movements in the CME Spot Prices for Various Dairy Commodities

The CME spot market for many dairy products saw noteworthy swings this week. Strong domestic demand and inventory changes drove cheddar barrels, which soared by 6.5 cents to $2.02 per pound. Likewise, Cheddar blocks dropped 12.5 cents to $1.97 a pound, underscoring limited supply and strong demand.

Prices in the whey market remained constant at 47 cents per pound, reflecting robust local demand for high-protein goods despite poor exports. This denotes stability at the extreme of the current range.

Strong worldwide demand for butterfat keeps butter prices high even though they marginally dropped 0.25 cents to $3.09 per pound.

Class III Futures Soar Amid Robust Cheese Demand While Class IV Contracts Retreat

ContractMilk ClassPriceChange
July 2024Class III$20.67+0.75
August 2024Class III$21.13+0.75
July 2024Class IV$21.00-0.30
August 2024Class IV$21.00-0.30

Strong demand for domestic cheese has driven Class III futures to unprecedented heights, with July ending at $20.67 and August closing at $21.13. Driven by strong cheese markets and solid whey prices, this spike contrasts significantly with the fall in Class IV contracts, which dropped almost 30ȼ but still above $21 for 2024.

The higher Class III futures present promising financial opportunities for dairy farmers, encouraging increased milk output. Despite potential obstacles such as low slaughter volumes, high heifer prices, and the risk of disease outbreaks, which could complicate milk production, the potential for financial expansion remains excellent. This optimistic outlook should inspire confidence in the audience.

It is still being determined if high prices are sustainable. Strong worldwide demand for U.S. dairy and climate disruptions might sustain high prices longer than usual, presenting a problematic but profitable scene for dairy farmers, even if the decline in Class IV futures would indicate market corrections.

Butterfat Bonanza: Global Demand and Scarcities Propel U.S. Butter Prices to New Heights

Butterfat components must be raised more drastically to fulfill our need for cream-based goods. American butter prices have been so high that they have raised markets. At the height of the pandemic shortage in October 2022, German and Dutch butter values reached their maximum levels. At last week’s Global Dairy Trade auction, butter peaked at a two-year high and exceeded $3 per pound. Butter melted somewhat on LaSalle Street, sliding 0.25ȼ to a still-buoyant $3.09.

Likewise, the markets for milk powder are consistent. CME spot nonfat dry milk (NDM) concluded at $1.1925, down a negligible 0.25ȼ from the start of the week. Due to decreased output and improved consumer demand in important regions outside China, prices are rising in Europe, Oceania, and South America. Tightened milk supply and higher cheese pricing might increase demand for NDM to strengthen cheese vats in Mexico and the United States.

Dairy Dilemmas: Navigating Financial Strains, Disease Outbreaks, and Climatological Threats 

The dairy industry has significant challenges. Low slaughter levels and high heifer prices point to slight expansion. The bottleneck of diminishing replacement heifers hinders herd increase. The spread of avian influenza throughout the Midwest and mountain regions has further taxed chicken production and indirectly affected dairy operations because of complex agricultural supply lines.

Key dairy areas, including California and the Midwest, are dangerous from a developing heat wave. As cows experience heat stress, high temperatures will reduce milk production. This climatic difficulty strikes when consumer demand for dairy is still strong, aggravating the supply-demand mismatch and maintaining high prices.

These elements—limited herd expansion, disease outbreaks, and lower milk output due to weather—suggest that high dairy prices will last longer than usual. The sector finds this problematic as it aims to raise production to satisfy the high customer demand.

Steady Crops Amidst Market Calm: Limited USDA Updates Leave Commodity Prices Mostly Unchanged

Commodity6/10/20246/11/20246/12/20246/13/20246/14/2024Weekly Change
Corn (per bushel)$4.485$4.485$4.485$4.485$4.485
Soybean Meal (per ton)$352.90$353.50$355.20$358.60$360.60+$7.70
Wheat (per bushel)$6.060$6.050$6.045$6.040$6.035-$0.025

The USDA’s most recent crop balance sheet report surprised a few people. Unchanged U.S. corn output projections meant that July corn futures were constant at $4.485 a bushel. July soybean meal jumped to $360.60 per ton, up by $7.70, mirroring lower output from spring downtimes at primary crushers.

Black Sea region’s bad weather reduced forecasts of world wheat yield. Still, the American market was mostly unaffected, paying more attention to local projections. The Western Corn Belt is expected to have heavy rain; warm, sunny Midwest weather has been ideal. These seasons have restored soil moisture, therefore guaranteeing strong summer crop development. Feed costs stay low and steady, which helps dairy farmers, given the robust demand for cheese and butterfat.

The Bottom Line

Strong domestic cheese demand drives Class III futures to fresh highs despite intense worldwide rivalry and rising overseas output. Rising temperatures affecting milk output and strategic market maneuvers have constrained cheese supply, driving stratospheric prices on the CME spot market.

Planned increases in cheese production from Australia, New Zealand, and Europe call into doubt the sustainability of present U.S. pricing levels. Rising U.S. cheese prices make landing new export agreements improbable, which might change world trade dynamics in the following months.

The dairy sector is negotiating obstacles from environmental conditions and the development of illnesses like avian influenza to economic constraints like low slaughter volumes and high heifer prices. In this usually changing sector, these elements might help to maintain high prices longer than usual.

High cheese demand and limited supply help Class III futures to continue firm, yet the long-term prediction hinges on addressing production problems and changes in world market behavior. The larger dairy market will watch these changes as dairy farmers aim to optimize production, balancing optimism with prudence.

Key Takeaways:

  • High Class III Futures: Driven by strong domestic cheese demand, Class III futures have reached new highs, averaging $21.28 per cwt. for third-quarter contracts.
  • Limited Impact on Exports: Current U.S. cheese prices are expected to hinder new export business, with a foreseeable decline in exports later this year.
  • Record Cheese Exports: Between November and April, record cheese shipments helped reduce U.S. cheese inventories.
  • Climate Challenges: Sweltering temperatures in California and the Southwest, coupled with an unusually hot June forecast for the Midwest, have curtailed milk production.
  • Persistent Demand for Butterfat: Global demand for butterfat remains high, with U.S. butter prices influencing international markets.
  • Whey and Nonfat Dry Milk Markets: Steady whey prices and a stable milk powder market, with some regional price increases due to lower production and better demand outside China.
  • Class IV Futures Decline: While Class III futures have surged, Class IV futures have retreated slightly, impacting profit margins for dairy producers.
  • Agricultural Market Stability: USDA’s latest crop updates provided no significant changes, leaving commodity prices mostly unchanged, with corn and soybean meal prices stable.

Summary: The global cheese market is experiencing significant changes, with USDA experts in Australia, New Zealand, and Europe anticipating strategic surges in cheese output due to a decrease in fluid milk consumption and declining profit margins for milk powder. This shift indicates that processors in these regions are adapting to the increased value of cheese markets and are ready to redirect more milk into cheese production. Despite the projected global expansion of cheese production, the U.S. dairy sector has demonstrated remarkable resilience, driving record Class III futures and high U.S. cheese prices. Key factors contributing to the current surge in U.S. cheese pricing include record-breaking cheese shipments from November through April, strong domestic demand, and strategic movements and climatic patterns. An unusually hot June is forecasted for the Midwest, and adverse weather conditions, including searing temperatures in California and the Southwest, have curtailed milk production, driving up cheese prices and straining the milk supply. Class III futures present promising financial opportunities for dairy farmers, encouraging increased milk output. However, it is still uncertain if high prices are sustainable. The butter industry faces significant challenges due to global demand and scarcities, leading to high butter prices. High cheese demand and limited supply may help maintain high prices longer than usual.

Bullish Trends Dominate LaSalle Street: Record Highs in Class III & IV Futures Propel Dairy Markets

Uncover the surge of bullish trends on LaSalle Street pushing Class III & IV futures to record highs. Will the dairy markets keep climbing? Delve into the latest insights today.

The bulls are back on LaSalle Street, setting fresh records in dairy futures. Class III and some Class IV futures hit life-of-contract highs this week, making waves in the dairy markets. While some Class III contracts dipped slightly by week’s end, Class IV futures rose about 30ȼ. Third-quarter Class III stands solidly above $20 per cwt. Fourth-quarter contracts hover in the high $19s. Class IV futures are robust in the $21s and $22s. 

Prices climbed across the CME spot market, led by whey – the unsung hero of the Class III complex. 

The recent surge in whey powder, with a significant 13.25% increase, along with solid gains in Cheddar blocks and barrels, is a clear indicator of the market’s strength. This bullish trend in Class III and IV futures not only highlights the current market strength but also promises potential growth and stability.

ProductAvg PriceQty Traded4 Wk Trend
Whey$0.4445713.25% increase
Cheese Blocks$1.866013Up
Cheese Barrels$1.955013Up
Non-Fat Dry Milk (NDM)$1.189531Up

Class III Futures Soar: A Promising Summer and Year-End Forecast

ContractPrice as of Last WeekPrice This WeekChange
July Class III$19.50$20.25+3.85%
August Class III$19.75$20.45+3.54%
September Class III$20.00$21.10+5.50%
October Class III$19.20$20.10+4.69%
November Class III$19.00$19.75+3.95%
December Class III$18.50$19.40+4.86%

The steady trend of class III futures, which are on a roll this summer and heading into the end of the year, offers a clear outlook for dairy producers. With contracts from July through December hitting life-of-contract highs and third-quarter Class III prices solidly above $20 per cwt., there is robust demand in the market. The prices for the fourth quarter, settling in the $19s, further reinforce the potential profitability for dairy producers. 

Class IV Futures Climb Higher: Butter and NDM Lead the Charge

MonthAvg PriceQty Traded4 wk Trend
July 2024$21.5010
August 2024$21.7512
September 2024$22.0014
October 2024$21.9511
November 2024$22.1013
December 2024$22.2515

Class IV futures are on the rise, now solidly in the $21s and $22s. This reflects the strong and resilient market fundamentals of the dairy sector. The hike in Class IV prices highlights robust demand for butter and nonfat dry milk (NDM), both showing remarkable performances recently. With higher butter output meeting strong demand and climbing NDM prices, these components are crucial to Class IV’s upward trend. This surge boosts market sentiment and provides dairy producers with better financial incentives to increase production despite current challenges, instilling a sense of stability and confidence in the market. 

A Week of Robust Gains: Whey Leads the Charge in the CME Spot Market

The CME spot market buzzed this week, with significant gains led by whey. Spot whey powder jumped 5.5ȼ, a solid 13.25% increase, hitting 47ȼ per pound for the first time since February. This rise shows the strong demand for high-protein whey products as manufacturers focused more on concentration. 

Spot Cheddar also saw gains, with blocks up 3.5ȼ to $1.845 per pound and barrels rising 1.5ȼ to $1.955 per pound. This climb, even with a drop in Cheddar production, reflects strong domestic and international cheese demand, especially with U.S. cheese exports to Mexico hitting record highs. 

Nonfat dry milk (NDM) increased by 2.75ȼ to $1.195 per pound, supported by a robust Global Dairy Trade auction. Despite the price rise, NDM stocks saw their most significant March-to-April jump, suggesting slower exports. 

Butter prices edged slightly, by a fraction of a cent, to settle at $3.0925 per pound. Despite a 5.3% year-over-year production increase, the continued strength in butter prices indicates strong demand holding up the market prices.

April’s Milk Output: High Components Drive Record-Breaking Butter Production

MonthButter Production (million pounds)Year-Over-Year Change (%)

The bulls are back in charge on LaSalle Street. July through December Class III and a smattering of Class IV futures notched life-of-contract highs this week. While most Class III contracts ultimately settled a little lower than they did last Friday, Class

April’s milk output brought some notable developments. Despite lower overall volume than last year, higher milk components led to an uptick in cheese and butter production. Manufacturers churned out nearly 208 million pounds of butter, a 5.3% increase over April 2023. This marks the highest butter output for April, only behind April 2020, when pandemic shutdowns diverted cream to butter production. This spike in butter output indicates solid market demand despite the large volumes.

Record Cheese Production in April: Mozzarella and Italian-Style Cheeses Shine 

Cheese TypeApril 2023 Production (Million lbs)April 2024 Production (Million lbs)Year-over-Year Change (%)
Total Cheese1,1701,191+1.8%

April saw U.S. cheese production reach new heights, with Mozzarella and Italian-style cheeses leading the charge. Mozzarella production hit record levels, and Italian-style cheese output was up 6.2% compared to last April. This high demand ensures quick consumption or export, avoiding the stockpiles that sometimes affect Cheddar. 

Cheddar, however, experienced an 8.6% drop in production from last year, showing a 5.9% decline from January to April compared to 2023. Yet, strong cheese exports, especially to Mexico and key Asian markets, are balancing things out. Exports are up 23% year-to-date, which helped push cheese prices above $2 briefly. 

Continued export growth might be challenging, with cheese prices around $1.90, but the trends are promising for U.S. cheese producers.

Whey Powder Renaissance: Demand for High-Protein Products Fuels Price Surge 

Whey powder, often underrated in the dairy market, is returning thanks to a strong demand for high-protein products. Health-conscious consumers are driving this trend, leading manufacturers to concentrate more on whey and produce less powder. Although April’s whey powder output matched last year’s, stocks have declined. This reduced supply and steady demand have fueled the current price surge. The recent 5.5ȼ gain, a 13.25% increase, underscores the market’s strength.

A Tale of Supply and Demand: NDM Production Slumps While Stockpiles Surge Due to Sluggish Exports

Nonfat Dry Milk (NDM) and Skim Milk Powder (SMP) production fell significantly in April to 209.6 million pounds, down 14.2% year-over-year, marking the lowest April output since 2013. Despite this, NDM stocks surged, hitting a record March-to-April increase. Slower exports are the leading cause. In April, the U.S. exported 144 million pounds of NDM and SMP, down 2.5% from last year and the lowest for April since 2019. This highlights the delicate balance between production, stock levels, and international trade.

Promising Prospects: Mexico’s Shift to NDM Could Boost Exports and Stabilize Markets

There’s hope for increased NDM export volumes, particularly to Mexico. Higher cheese prices might push Mexico to import more affordable NDM instead of cheese. Mexican manufacturers can use NDM to boost their cheese production efficiently. This shift could reduce current NDM stockpiles and stabilize market prices.

Proceed with Caution: Navigating Volatility and Barriers in Milk Production

The recent data highlight extreme volatility in the dairy complex. While high prices are tempting, caution is crucial. There are significant barriers to milk production expansion. High interest rates make investments riskier, and a scarcity of heifers limits rapid growth. Even issues like the bird flu impact the supply chain and market stability.

Economic Incentives and Strategic Tools Empower Dairy Producers to Boost Output and strategically navigate the market. This potential for strategic growth and control over the market dynamics can be a powerful motivator for dairy producers and traders. The current market conditions for dairy producers are a strong incentive to boost milk production. Class III futures are up $3.50 from last year, and with corn prices down $1.55, feed costs are more affordable, making it easier to increase output. 

Despite market ups and downs, there’s a great chance to protect your margins. You can lock in current high prices using futures and options, ensuring steady profits. The Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) insurance program offers a safety net against price drops or production issues. These tools help you navigate the market smartly and aim for maximum profitability.

Feed Markets Show Resilience Amidst Fluctuations: Corn Gains Modestly, Soybean Meal Dips

The feed markets had their ups and downs this week but ended up close to where they started. July corn settled at $4.4875, a slight increase of 2.5ȼ. Meanwhile, July soybean meal dropped $4.10 to $360.60 per ton.

Farmers are almost done planting their crops, with just a few acres left. A drier forecast will help them wrap up. Although heavy spring rains posed initial challenges, they also improved moisture reserves for the upcoming summer months

Less favorable global farming conditions might boost U.S. export prospects, stabilizing prices and preventing steep drops. With average weather, a large U.S. harvest is expected, potentially lowering feed costs even more.

The Bottom Line

The current dairy market offers both opportunities and challenges for producers. Class III and IV futures show solid gains and higher prices thanks to robust demand and reduced milk output. Whey and cheese markets are performing exceptionally, and export volumes could improve. However, volatility remains a concern. High interest rates, scarce resources, and global health threats add to the uncertainty. Farmers can secure attractive margins using strategic tools like futures, options, and insurance programs. Favorable planting conditions and resilient feed markets provide added support. Staying informed and agile will be vital to capitalizing on these dynamics while managing risks.

Key Takeaways:

  • Strong bullish trends observed in Class III and IV futures, with significant life-of-contract highs.
  • Third-quarter Class III prices solidly above $20 per cwt, and fourth-quarter contracts in the $19 range.
  • Class IV futures robustly in the $21s and $22s, driven by high demand for butter and NDM.
  • Whey powder prices surged with a 13.25% gain, hitting 47ȼ per pound for the first time since February.
  • Cheddar blocks and barrels showed solid gains at the CME spot market, indicating strong market fundamentals.
  • April’s milk output featured high components, leading to record-breaking butter production.
  • U.S. cheese production hit record levels in April, driven by escalating Mozzarella and Italian-style cheese output.
  • Strong demand for high-protein whey products spurred a price surge, backed by decreased dryer availability.
  • NDM production saw a slump, affected by sluggish exports, but stockpiles surged with the largest March-to-April increase ever.
  • Mexico’s potential shift to importing more NDM could stabilize export volumes and market dynamics.
  • Dairy producers incentivized to boost milk production despite barriers, with improved futures and feed margins.
  • Feed markets exhibited resilience, with minor fluctuations in corn and soybean meal prices.

Summary: The dairy market has seen a strong bullish trend, with Class III and some Class IV futures hitting life-of-contract highs this week. Class IV futures are robust in the $21s and $22s, reflecting the strong and resilient market fundamentals of the dairy sector. The recent surge in whey powder and solid gains in Cheddar blocks and barrels is a clear indicator of the market’s strength, promising potential growth and stability. Class III futures are on a roll this summer and heading into the end of the year, offering a clear outlook for dairy producers. Contracts from July through December hit life-of-contract highs, and third-quarter Class III prices solidly above $20 per cwt., reinforcing potential profitability for dairy producers. Class IV futures are on the rise, now solidly in the $21s and $22s, reflecting the strong and resilient market fundamentals of the dairy sector. The surge in Class IV prices highlights robust demand for butter and nonfat dry milk (NDM), both showing remarkable performances recently. In April, U.S. cheese production reached record levels, with Mozzarella and Italian-style cheeses leading the charge.

How Once-a-Day Milking Impacts Quality, New Study Reveals: Boosting Milk Proteins

Uncover the effects of once-a-day milking on milk protein quality. Could this approach boost your dairy production? Dive into the breakthrough study’s latest revelations.

Understanding the intricacies of dairy farming can profoundly affect milk quality, with milking frequency emerging as a crucial factor. A recent study by Riddet Institute PhD student Marit van der Heijden, published in the journal Dairy, illustrates how milking frequency can alter the protein composition in milk, potentially transforming dairy practices. 

“Milk from a once-a-day (OAD) milking system contained higher proportions of αs2-casein and κ-casein and lower proportions of α-lactalbumin,” said Van der Zeijden.

This study compares the effects of OAD and twice-a-day (TAD) milking over an entire season, revealing significant changes in protein proportions that could affect milk processing and quality.

This research underscores the impact of milking frequency on milk protein composition. By comparing once-a-day (OAD) and twice-a-day (TAD) milking, the study reveals how these practices affect specific milk proteins. Conducted by the Riddet Institute, the study analyzed protein composition over the entire milking season, providing insights that previous short-term studies should have included. These findings highlight the relationship between milking practices and milk quality, with potential implications for dairy management and processing.

Protein Composition Shifts with Milking Frequency: Implications for Milk Quality and Processing

ParameterOAD MilkingTAD Milking
αs2-caseinHigher ProportionsLower Proportions
κ-caseinHigher ProportionsLower Proportions
α-lactalbuminLower ProportionsHigher Proportions
Average Milk Solids ProductionDecreased by 13%Variable
Milk YieldReducedHigher

The study uncovered noteworthy disparities in protein proportions contingent on the milking regimen employed. Specifically, milk derived from an OAD milking system exhibited elevated levels of α s2 casein and κ-casein, juxtaposed with a decrease in the proportion of α-lactalbumin. These findings underscore the impact that milking frequency can have on milk’s nutritional and functional properties, potentially influencing its processing characteristics and overall quality.

Van der Zeijden’s Findings: A New Paradigm for Dairy Processing and Quality Management

Van der Zeijden’s findings reveal significant effects on milk processing and quality due to changes in protein composition from different milking frequencies. OAD milking increases α s2 casein and κ-casein levels while reducing α-lactalbumin. These proteins are crucial for milk’s gelation and heating properties. 

Higher κ-casein in OAD milk can enhance gel strength and stability, which is beneficial for cheese production. κ-casein is key in forming casein micelle structures, improving cheese texture and firmness. 

Lower α-lactalbumin levels in OAD milk may impact milk’s heat stability. α-lactalbumin affects whey proteins, which are heat-sensitive and play a role in denaturation during pasteurization or UHT processing. Less α-lactalbumin might result in smoother consistency in heat-treated dairy products

The protein composition differences from milking frequency require adjustments in dairy processing techniques to optimize product quality. Dairy processors must tailor their methods to harness these altered protein profiles effectively.

Methodical Precision: Ensuring Robust and Comprehensive Findings in Van der Zeijden’s Research

The methodology of Van der Zeijden’s study was meticulously crafted to ensure reliable and comprehensive findings. Two cohorts of cows at Massey University research farms in Palmerston North followed different milking regimes—OAD and TAD. Both farms used pasture-based feeding, with TAD cows receiving more dry matter supplementation. 

Eighteen cows, evenly split between the two systems, were selected for homogeneity. Each group consisted of three Holstein-Friesians, three Holstein-Friessian x Jersey crosses, and three Jerseys, allowing for a direct comparison of milking frequency effects on protein composition. 

Over nine strategic intervals across the milking season, Van der Zeijden collected milk samples, capturing data at the season’s start, middle, and end. Samples were also categorized by early, mid, and late lactation stages, ensuring a thorough understanding of how milking frequency impacts protein content throughout the lactation period.

Dynamic Interplay: Seasonal Timing, Lactation Stages, and Cow Breeds Shape Protein Composition in Bovine Milk

FactorDescriptionImpact on Protein Composition
Milking FrequencyOnce-a-day (OAD) vs. Twice-a-day (TAD) milkingOAD increases proportions of α s2 casein and κ-casein, decreases α-lactalbumin
Seasonal TimingDifferent periods within the milking seasonVaries protein proportions due to changes in diet, environmental conditions
Lactation StagePeriods of early, mid, and late lactationProtein and fat content increase as milk yields decrease
Cow BreedHolstein-Friesian, Jersey, and crossbreedsJersey cows have higher protein and milk fat content, larger casein-to-whey ratio
Feeding SystemPasture-based vs. supplementary feedingImpacts overall milk yield and protein profiles

Several factors impact protein composition in bovine milk, directly influencing milk quality and processing. Seasonal timing is critical; protein levels can shift throughout the milking season due to changes in pasture quality and cow physiology. The lactation stage also plays a vital role. Early in lactation, milk generally has higher protein and fat levels, decreasing until mid-lactation and possibly rising again as the drying-off period nears. This cyclical variation from calving to preparation for the next cycle affects milk yield and composition. 

By considering seasonal timing, lactation stages, and cow breeds, dairy producers can adapt management practices to enhance protein levels in milk. This alignment with consumer demands boosts product quality. It informs breeding, feeding, and milking strategies to maximize milk’s nutritional and functional benefits.

Breed-Specific Insights: Jersey Cows Stand Out in Protein-Rich Milk Production

Van der Zeijden’s study provides detailed insights into how different breeds vary in milk protein composition, with a focus on Jersey cows. Jersey cows produce milk with higher protein and milk fat content compared to other breeds and a higher casein-to-whey ratio. This makes Jersey milk better for certain dairy products like cheese and yogurt, where more casein is helpful. These findings highlight how choosing the right breed can improve the quality and processing of dairy products.

Embracing Change: The Increasing Popularity of Once-a-Day Milking Among New Zealand Dairy Farmers

The appeal of once-a-day (OAD) milking is growing among New Zealand dairy farmers, driven by its lifestyle benefits. While most farms stick with twice-a-day (TAD) milking, more are shifting to OAD for better work-life balance. OAD milking reduces time in the cowshed, allowing more focus on other farm tasks and personal life. It also improves herd health management by providing more efficient handling routines. However, it comes with challenges like managing higher somatic cell counts and adjusting milk processing to different compositions. The move to OAD reflects a balance between efficiency and personal well-being without compromising milk quality.

The Bottom Line

Milking frequency significantly influences the protein composition of milk, impacting its quality and processing. Marit van der Zeijden’s study highlights vital differences; OAD milking leads to higher levels of certain caseins and lower α-lactalbumin, altering milk’s gelation and heating properties. These findings urge dairy producers to adapt practices based on protein needs. 

The research also reveals that breed and lactation stages interact with milking frequency to affect protein content. Jersey cows show higher protein and fat ratios. As OAD milking is popular in New Zealand, these insights can guide better farm management decisions, optimizing economics and product quality. Strategic adjustments in milking practices could enhance profitability and productivity, advancing dairy processing and quality management.

Key Takeaways:

  • Once-a-day milking (OAD) impacts milk protein composition, increasing α s2-casein and κ-casein while decreasing α-lactalbumin.
  • Variation in protein composition influences milk’s gelation and heating properties, affecting cheese production and heat-treated dairy products.
  • This study is unique as it evaluates protein changes over a complete milking season rather than relying on single samples.
  • Breed-specific differences, particularly in Jersey cows, highlight the importance of genetic factors in milk protein content.
  • OAD milking systems are gaining popularity due to lifestyle benefits, despite lower overall milk production compared to twice-a-day (TAD) systems.
  • Further research is needed to explore the environmental impact, specifically greenhouse gas emissions, associated with OAD milking systems.

Summary: Milk quality in dairy farming is significantly influenced by milking frequency, with a study published in the journal Dairy revealing that once-a-day (OAD) milking systems contain higher proportions of αs2-casein and κ-casein, while lower proportions of α-lactalbumin. This highlights the relationship between milking practices and milk quality, with potential implications for dairy management and processing. OAD milking increases α s2 casein and κ-casein levels while reducing α-lactalbumin, which are crucial for milk’s gelation and heating properties. Higher κ-casein in OAD milk can enhance gel strength and stability, beneficial for cheese production. Lower α-lactalbumin levels may impact milk’s heat stability, affecting whey proteins, which are heat-sensitive and play a role in denaturation during pasteurization or UHT processing. Less α-lactalbumin may result in smoother consistency in heat-treated dairy products.

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