Archive for breeding strategies

U.S. Dairy Genetic Evaluations Set for Historic Reset in April 2025

Get ready for a genetic shake-up, dairy farmers! The U.S. is about to hit the reset button on cattle evaluations. Come April 2025, those impressive PTA numbers you’ve been eyeing? They’re in for a makeover. But don’t panic—it’s not a downgrade; it’s an upgrade. Let’s dive into what this means for your herd’s future.


The U.S. dairy industry is poised for a significant genetic recalibration on April 1, 2025, as the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) implements a dual update to lifetime merit indices and genetic evaluations. This change will reset the genetic base to cows born in 2020, resulting in lower Predicted Transmitting Ability (PTA) values across breeds. For instance, Holstein PTAs are expected to decrease by about 750 lbs for milk, 45 lbs for fat, and 30 lbs for protein. Simultaneously, the Net Merit $ (NM$) index will be revised to emphasize butterfat production, feed efficiency, and cow livability, reflecting current market demands and sustainability concerns. While these changes may initially seem drastic, they aim to provide breeders with more accurate and economically relevant selection tools. The update accounts for rapid genetic progress in the dairy industry and aligns evaluations with contemporary economic and environmental pressures, ultimately guiding producers toward more profitable and sustainable breeding decisions.

Key Takeaways

  • Genetic base change occurs on April 1, 2025, resetting to cows born in 2020
  • PTA values will decrease across all breeds:
  • Holstein: -750 lbs milk, -45 lbs fat, -30 lbs protein
  • Jersey: -380 lbs milk, -20 lbs fat, -15 lbs protein
  • Ayrshire: -550 lbs milk, -28 lbs fat, -18 lbs protein
  • Net Merit $ (NM$) index revised with:
  • Increased emphasis on butterfat (+13% weighting)
  • Greater focus on feed efficiency (41% higher combined impact)
  • Doubled weighting for cow livability
  • A strong correlation (0.992) between old and new NM$ rankings
  • Producers should recalibrate sire selection thresholds (e.g., +2000 NM$ becomes +1300 NM$)
  • Changes reflect faster genetic progress and align with current economic and sustainability pressures
  • Future updates may include rumen microbiome PTAs and methane emission indexes by 2028
  • Breeding strategies should prioritize component ratios and feed efficiency for future profitability
dairy genetic evaluations, PTA values, Net Merit index, breeding strategies, sustainability pressures

The U.S. dairy industry will undergo its most significant genetic recalibration in decades on April 1, 2025, as the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) implements simultaneous updates to lifetime merit indices and shifts all genetic evaluations to a 2020-born cow base. This dual adjustment—the first combined overhaul since 2015—aims to reflect 28% faster genetic progress in key traits while aligning economic weightings with today’s $7.20/cwt milk markets and sustainability pressures.

The Mechanics of Change

Resetting the Genetic Compass

Every five years, CDCB adjusts its genetic evaluations to account for industry progress—comparable to upgrading a smartphone’s operating system to handle new apps. The 2025 shift compares all animals against cows born in 2020 rather than 2015, creating these projected PTA adjustments:

Milk (lbs)-750-380-550
Fat (lbs)-45-20-28
Protein (lbs)-30-15-18

Source: CDCB Preliminary Estimates 2025

“Think of it like resetting an odometer after driving 100,000 miles,” explains Dr. John Cole, USDA-AGIL research lead. “The numbers get smaller, but the vehicle’s capability hasn’t changed.”

Merit Index Overhaul

The revised Net Merit $ (NM$) formula now prioritizes:

  • Butterfat (↑13% weighting): Reflects cheese demand driving fat prices to $3.20/lb
  • Feed Efficiency (↑41% combined impact): Addresses $300/ton feed costs
  • Livability (↑100%): Responds to cull values exceeding $1,800/head

“We’re essentially giving fertility traits a 20% promotion and putting milk volume on performance improvement plans,” quips CDCB Chair Amy Hazel.

On-Farm Implications

Breeding Strategy Shifts

Select Sires’ VP Chuck Sattler urges producers to:

  1. Recalibrate Sire Benchmarks: A +2,000 NM$ bull today becomes +1,300 post-change
  2. Leverage Feed Savings: Each 1-point FSAV improvement now saves $18/cow/year
  3. Prioritize Component Ratios: Target 3.7:1 fat-to-protein for cheese operations

“This isn’t your grandfather’s genetic game. The bull that wins in 2025 needs to be part economist, part environmentalist,”

Market Realities

  • Butterfat Focus: 82% of 2024 milk checks came from fat components vs. 68% in 2015
  • Feed Costs: Represent 58% of operational expenses, up from 49% pre-pandemic
  • Sustainability Pressures: Methane metrics slated for 2028 evaluations

“Dairies surviving the next decade will be those treating feed efficiency as seriously as mastitis control,” warns UW-Madison economist Dr. Mark Stephenson.

Stability Amidst Change

While PTAs drop numerically, CDCB reports:

  • 0.992 correlation between old/new NM$ rankings
  • Top 100 Holstein bulls maintain relative positions
  • Cheese Merit $ (CM$) adjustments favor Jerseys (+7% index stability)

“It’s like everyone’s GPS recalculating simultaneously—you’ll reach the destination, just with updated traffic data,” assures CDCB technical director João Dürr.

Looking Ahead

The 2025 reset paves the way for:

  • Rumen Microbiome PTAs (2028): Linking microbial profiles to feed conversion
  • Methane Emission Indexes: Pending EPA enteric fermentation regulations
  • Heat Tolerance Updates: Critical as 73% of U.S. counties face higher heat stress days


April’s genetic overhaul serves as both a progress report and crystal ball—validating two decades of genomic advances while redirecting selection pressure toward tomorrow’s profitability drivers. As dairy economist Chris Wolf notes, “The cows we’ll milk in 2035 are being designed today through these evaluations.” Producers who realign breeding strategies with NM$ 2025’s economic reality—where every 1 lb of fat equals 2.3 lbs of protein in revenue—position themselves to thrive in dairy’s next era.

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Impact of Leukosis on Canadian Dairy Herds

Investigate leukosis in Canadian Holsteins. Can genetics boost resistance and herd health? Find insights and solutions now.


Enzootic bovine leukosis, caused by the bovine leukemia virus, is a significant issue for Canadian dairy farmers, with 77% of herds affected. Traditional management and culling strategies have been insufficient, making genetic selection a promising solution. By analyzing milk ELISA test records, researchers found genetic markers linked to leukosis resistance, paving the way for breeding programs that enhance herd resilience. This genetic approach aligns with essential traits and provides a sustainable method to boost herd health and productivity. Farmers could reduce the hidden costs of leukosis by focusing on genetic resistance, leading to healthier herds and better milk production. Identifying 28 significant SNPs on chromosome 23, the study suggests including leukosis resistance in national genetic evaluations, marking a crucial step toward addressing health challenges in dairy farming.

Key Takeaways:

  • Leukosis is prevalent in approximately 77% of Canadian dairy herds, with 39% of cows testing positive.
  • Leukosis negatively impacts milk production and overall herd health, leading to significant economic losses for dairy farmers.
  • Genetic selection shows promise as a viable strategy to enhance resistance to leukosis, with moderate heritability estimates.
  • Incorporating genomic information increases the reliability of breeding values for leukosis resistance, aiding in more effective selection processes.
  • Several genetic markers on chromosome 23 have been identified, potentially linking to leukosis resistance in Holstein cattle.
  • Selection for leukosis resistance may positively influence other economically important traits, enhancing overall dairy herd performance.
  • Implementing genetic insights alongside management practices can provide a comprehensive approach to controlling leukosis in dairy herds.
enzootic bovine leukosis, Canadian Holstein herds, cattle genetics, breeding strategies, leukosis resistance, dairy farm profits, genetic selection, genome-wide association study, DDR1 gene, TUBB gene

It may come as a surprise that 77% of Canadian Holstein herds have enzootic bovine leukosis. Cows with leukosis make less milk, have weaker immune systems, and have lower birth rates, which hurt farm profits. However, this ongoing disease does not have to stop dairy farms from doing well and staying in business. This article talks about a study of leukosis in Canada. (Estimation of genetic parameters and genome-wide association study for enzootic bovine leukosis resistance in Canadian Holstein cattle) This shows how learning more about cattle genetics, like finding genetic markers for leukosis resistance, can directly help direct breeding strategies to make cows more resistant to the disease. Implementing breeding solutions for leukosis resistance could lead to substantial and successful Canadian dairy farms, which would be a welcome sign of hope in the face of this disease’s challenges. We’ll discuss the study of common leukosis, how it affects farm income, and how making cattle stronger might work. 

Leukosis in Canadian Dairy Farming: The Urgent Need for Effective Management and Control

The Silent Threat: Enzootic Bovine Leukosis in Canadian Holstein HerdsThe bovine leukemia virus (BLV) causes enzootic bovine leukosis, also called leukosis, a long-term disease in cattle. It gets into already infected blood cells and stays there for life. Symptoms include making less milk, having a weaker immune system, and sometimes getting lymphoma tumors.

In the 1980s, 40% of dairy herds in North America had leukosis. By 2015, that number had risen to 90%. Cattle can’t stay healthy without treatment or a vaccine, which can lower their productivity and make it harder for them to have babies—farms with cows that have BLV make 2.5% to 3.0% less milk, which costs money.

The Financial Toll of Leukosis: A Call for Genetic Strategies in Canadian Dairy Farming

Leukosis: The Invisible Yet Costly Threat to Dairy Herds 

Leukosis has a significant effect on milk production, fertility, and the health of the dairy herd. When cows test positive, they make 18.3 kg less milk and 1.23 kg less fat each lactation. A rise in somatic cells by 17,000 cells/mL is another sign that the udder might be sick. As infected cows have more days off and need to breed more often, their fertility goes down. This makes managing the herd more difficult. Leukosis-positive cows are killed early because they are less productive and have health problems, which is bad for the herd’s health. Bartlett et al. (2013) state that these cows are 23% more likely to be killed. Leukosis costs herds between 12 and 19 thousand Canadian dollars annually because it lowers milk production and makes management more expensive. This research shows how vital genetic selection is for reducing the financial effects of leukosis, making herds more resilient, and ensuring that dairy farms will be around for a long time.

Genetic Selection: A Promising Future for Combatting Leukosis in Dairy HerdsA study looking into ways to make Canadian Holstein cattle more resistant to leukosis shows that genetics could help control this disease. The study used a simple model to find that resistance to leukosis has a heritability score of 0.10. This means that we can improve genetic factors by selective breeding.

If you leave out the somatic cell score (SCS), there are strong links between leukosis resistance and other essential traits. This makes genetic selection a promising option. Adding resistance to leukosis to national genetic tests would be possible, improving her health and productivity. Using these genetic markers in breeding is like building a resistance shield that protects the whole herd. Over time, this will slowly lower the number of animals that get leukosis.

Genomics and family history together have made it easier to choose cattle. Newer methods, genomic-enhanced breeding values (GEBVs), are more accurate than old ones. Because of this higher level of accuracy, it is wise to include leukosis resistance in national selection indices. This method gives the dairy industry the power to lower the number of cases of leukosis and the money it loses.

Unlocking Leukosis Resistance: Genetic Markers in Canadian Holstein Cattle

The genome-wide association study (GWAS) on Canadian Holstein cows sought to identify genetic markers linked to leukosis resistance. It discovered 28 significant SNPs on chromosome 23. It drew attention to the DDR1 gene, which may impact cell growth and the progression of leukosis.

The study also found that the TUBB gene is close to essential SNPs that may affect how easily the bovine leukemia virus (BLV) can infect animals, as it does with retroviruses.

These findings allow us to make breeding programs more resistant to leukosis. Through brilliant selection, this will improve herd health and productivity.

Harnessing Genetic Insights: Bridging Leukosis Resistance and Economic Traits in Dairy Farming

The study found strong connections between resistance to leukosis and important traits dairy farmers should have. Between 0.40 and 0.46, there was a moderately positive link between milk production traits and leukosis resistance. Breeding cows to be resistant to leukosis helps them fight the disease and produces more milk, which is good for dairy farmers.

On the other hand, a 0.26 correlation between somatic cell score (SCS) and cow health was not positive. This means it is essential to carefully breed to improve cow health while lowering the number of leukosis cases.

A 0.33 correlation with herd longevity shows that cows resistant to leukosis tend to live longer and keep giving birth. If you work on resistance, you can keep cows longer and make your herds more sustainable.

This positive relationship also suggests that prioritizing leukosis resistance in breeding practices can improve breeding success and help keep herds healthy and productive over time. This could mean your dairy farm doesn’t have to cull as many cows. The link to Canada’s national indexes, such as LPI and Pro$, suggests that breeding for resistance to leukosis may already be a part of some breeding methods.

These genetic links show that leukosis resistance should be added to national genetic tests. This change could make herds healthier, more productive, and more profitable. It could also make cows less likely to contract the virus and strengthen dairy cattle over time.

Embracing Genetics: A Strategic Approach to Combat Leukosis in Dairy Herds

Farmers can tackle leukosis in dairy herds using genetics effectively. Here’s an easier way to bring genetic approaches into your daily practices: 

  • Regular testing, such as ELISA tests, is crucial to understanding the prevalence of leukosis in your cows, enabling informed decision-making.
  • Using genomic tests can identify cows with strong resistance to leukosis, which is crucial for minimizing the disease’s impact.
  • Combine Genetics and Management: Use genetic selection and actions like keeping new animals separate and cleaning equipment.
  • Think Ahead for Breeding: Pick bulls resistant to leukosis and work with breeding services for the best results.
  • Use Up-to-Date Tools: Keep up with the latest genetic tools and indices for informed breeding decisions.
  • Monitor Continuously: Keep track of leukosis rates and cow health, adjusting your strategies as needed.
  • Increase Profits: Investing in genetic resistance can reduce culling and boost milk production, leading to better profits.

Now’s your chance to lead the way in leukosis resistance, building a sustainable future for dairy farming, where you can improve your herd’s health and output. 

The Bottom Line

The results of this study show that 77% of Canadian Holstein herds have leukosis. This can harm the herd’s health and milk production, harming the economy. That being said, there is some good news: breeding for genetic resistance could help. To help in the future, genetic resistance to leukosis could be based on traits passed down and linked to good economic benefits.

It might be a good idea for dairy farmers to add genetic resistance to their herds’ management plans. By making this change, dairy farmers can effectively control leukosis, increase production, and make more money. We want your thoughts, actions, and questions about genetic ways to treat leukosis. Talk to others about these ideas and figure out how they can help your farm.

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Lactanet’s LPI April 2025 Update: What It Means for Dairy Farmers

See how Lactanet’s LPI changes will transform dairy breeding in 2025. Is your farm ready?


Lactanet Canada is poised to launch its modernized Lifetime Performance Index (LPI) formula in April 2025, bringing a significant shift to genetic evaluation for dairy breeds. This overhaul follows comprehensive industry consultations to help producers, breeders, and A.I. companies meet their breeding objectives. Notably, the updated LPI introduces groundbreaking features such as up to six breed-specific subindexes and the Milkability Index (MI) to enhance milking efficiency. For Holsteins, the newly added Environmental Impact Index (EI) emphasizes sustainability, marking a commitment to environmentally conscious practices. With a striking 98.5% correlation to the current LPI for Holsteins, these changes are poised to advance genetic selection while potentially reranking top-performing cattle. According to Brian Van Doormaal, Lactanet’s Chief Services Officer, expanding new trait evaluations in Canada necessitates this modernization of the respected LPI, steering the dairy industry toward enhanced genetic selection strategies and a profitable, sustainable future. 

Key Takeaways:

  • The LPI formula, used since 1991, has been modernized to include up to six subindexes for more precise genetic assessment.
  • The Milkability Index is a new addition focusing on milking efficiency across all breeds.
  • The Holstein breed introduces the Environmental Impact Index, emphasizing environmental sustainability traits.
  • Breed-specific consultations determined the relative weightings of subindexes to cater to distinct genetic goals.
  • Bulls, cows, and heifers may experience reranking despite a 98.5% correlation with the current LPI in Holsteins.
  • Implementing the new formula aims to support breeders, producers, and A.I. companies in meeting their genetic objectives.
  • With the updated LPI, Canada aims to remain a leader in genetic evaluation and dairy breeding.
Lifetime Performance Index, dairy farming sustainability, Milkability Index, Environmental Impact Index, genetic traits evaluation, milking efficiency, dairy industry advancements, breeding strategies, herd performance improvement, genetic selection tools

The world of dairy farming is about to see a significant change with the upcoming LPI formula from Lactanet, launching in April 2025. This update could create a new norm in genetic selection by introducing up to six subindexes that change how we evaluate animal genetics in dairy. Imagine it like a powerful engine—this new LPI formula is set to have a significant impact, with special subindexes for each breed’s traits, such as the Milkability and Environmental Impact Indexes. This change aims to guide the industry toward a future where milking efficiency and sustainability are key to helping dairy farming progress.

The Evolution of a Genetic Benchmark: LPI Through the Ages

Since its inception in 1991, the Lifetime Performance Index (LPI) has been a pivotal tool for dairy farmers, breeders, and geneticists in Canada. Initially focusing on genetic traits like milk production, butterfat, and protein, the LPI has evolved to incorporate new traits that align with modern dairy performance and sustainability concepts. This evolution, which now focuses on animal health, fertility, and lifespan, underscores the LPI’s role in advancing productivity and sustainability in the industry. 

The 2025 LPI update addresses specific needs and advances in genetic research, noting that the old framework had limits when facing today’s challenges. Issues like climate change, the push for sustainable practices, and innovations in genetic assessment needed a big update. The industry’s ability to adapt and evolve in these challenges is a testament to its resilience and forward-thinking approach. The main goal was to widen the evaluation of traits to include things like milking efficiency and environmental impact, giving a complete picture of an animal’s genetic abilities. Adding subindexes, the updated LPI offers detailed insights into specific areas like Milkability and Environmental Sustainability, promoting targeted breeding and selection strategies. 

Another aim of the updated LPI is to make genetic evaluations easier for dairy farmers and breeders to understand. With up to six subindexes, the formula simplifies assessing an animal’s strengths. It helps breeders make decisions that align with business and environmental goals. This action shows Lactanet’s dedication to helping dairy farmers make wise, informed choices that meet economic and ecological objectives.

A New Era of Genetic Evaluation: The Precision Revolution with Lactanet’s LPI 

The new LPI formula dramatically changes how we evaluate dairy breeds, setting a new level of accuracy in breeding choices. This update introduces six new subindexes, each aiming for a detailed approach to judging the genetic value of dairy cattle. Each subindex has been fine-tuned to show specific traits and goals, giving breeders clear and helpful information. This precision in the new LPI formula instills confidence in breeders, knowing that their breeding decisions are based on accurate and detailed information. 

These new subindexes are essential because they allow producers to focus on specific traits, targeting different parts of dairy production. This detailed information helps producers design their breeding plans more effectively, aiming for outcomes that match the industry’s current needs. Lactanet makes it easier to understand each index by providing a standard scale, which helps breeders see where an animal is strong and where it can improve. 

The Milkability Index (MI) and the Environmental Impact Index (EI) are significant parts of the LPI update. The MI, which applies to all breeds, focuses on traits that improve milking efficiency. This can lower labor costs and make operations more efficient, giving breeders an edge by allowing them to focus on cattle that do well in this area. 

For Holsteins, the Environmental Impact Index highlights the increasing focus on sustainability in the dairy industry. With traits that support environmental care, this index helps breeders choose cattle that reduce their herd’s impact on the planet. It supports the industry’s move toward environmental friendliness and allows breeders to meet consumer demands for sustainable dairy products. 

These indices offer a smart way to address economic and environmental issues through precise genetic selection. The modernized LPI formula isn’t just an upgrade; it’s a sharp tool that fits today’s breeding methods, continuing LPI’s legacy of supporting a strong and sustainable dairy industry.

Crafting Custom Genetic Pathways: A Breed-Specific Approach to Modern LPI 

The updated LPI formula is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It is meticulously customized to suit each dairy breed’s unique traits and needs. This customization is achieved through in-depth discussions with breed associations, ensuring the new formula aligns with each breed’s specific breeding goals and industry needs. This approach acknowledges that certain traits, such as higher milk production for one breed, may be less significant for another, which might prioritize traits like longevity or environmental adaptability. 

Setting the subindexes involves teams from Lactanet and breed associations across the country. These discussions help us understand each breed’s essential traits and genetic goals. For example, all agreed that the Milkability Index (MI) is vital. Still, its influence varies with different breeds based on milking practices and herd management goals. Also, the Environmental Impact Index (EI), added to Holsteins, shows a commitment to sustainability in line with the breed’s global breeding directions. 

The LPI subindexes for each breed needed to be carefully balanced. This balance required examining past data, industry trends, and each breed’s genetic profile. Intense discussions with breed representatives helped us balance traditional values and new ideas in genetic evaluation.

Shifting Paradigms: Embracing Sustainability with the Environmental Impact Index

The new Environmental Impact Index (EI) marks an essential change in Holstein breeding by focusing on sustainability traits. This new subindex shows a growing awareness of how farming affects the environment, aiming to lower the industry’s carbon footprint through careful breeding choices. For breeders, this means reconsidering what traits to focus on in their breeding plans. The EI will change the rankings of top bulls, cows, and heifers by highlighting their genetic ability to have a positive environmental impact. 

With the EI now part of the updated LPI formula, breeders should balance traditional traits with those that support sustainable farming. Traits that improve environmental efficiency, like better feed conversion and lower methane emissions, will influence an animal’s genetic value more strongly. As a result, breeders might notice a shift in rankings, with animals previously top-ranked for traits like milk yield and fat content moving down. Animals with strong environmental traits could increase their ranks, showing their broader value to breeders. 

This change in rankings is not just for show; it leads to fundamental shifts in breeding strategies. Breeders must adjust their practices to meet consumers’ and regulators’ growing expectations for environmentally friendly farming. Breeders can stay competitive and relevant in a rapidly changing market by prioritizing animals that score well on the EI. 

The EI guides those planning their herds’ futures, encouraging long-term sustainability. It encourages genetic progress in productivity and environmental care, pushing breeders to rethink what makes an ‘elite’ herd. This shift points to a more comprehensive approach to genetic evaluation, recognizing the key role of sustainable practices in the future of dairy farming.

Resonating Ripples: The Industry Reacts to Modernized LPI Formula

The news about the updated LPI formula has created a buzz in the dairy industry among breeders, producers, and AI companies. Brian Van Doormaal, Lactanet’s Chief Services Officer, is hopeful about what’s coming: “Adding new traits to the LPI matches the industry’s move towards being more efficient and sustainable. We aim to improve genetic selection tools for better profits and sustainability in dairy farming.” 

The new subindexes in the LPI allow breeders to tailor breeding programs more accurately. Breeders can zero in on the traits that best match their goals by breaking down the LPI into specific subindexes. This allows for more detailed genetic progress, helping them achieve the desired traits in their herds. 

Producers can expect improved herd performance and efficiency. The Milkability Index is fascinating. It promises to boost milking efficiency,   which is crucial for making more money in dairy farming. This aligns with the industry’s push to improve production and lower costs. 

AI companies are likely to see significant advantages. They can improve their site selection and marketing plans with more detailed data from the updated LPI. This allows them to offer better genetic solutions to their clients, leading to more substantial farm outcomes. The hope is that these changes will result in smarter decisions and better genetic gains throughout the industry.

Unlocking Potential: Navigating the Waters of Lactanet’s Modernized LPI Formula

Introducing Lactanet’s new LPI formula for dairy farmers is more than just a shuffle of numbers—it’s a chance to change breeding strategies and farm management. Adapting to this new formula means planning and changing operations for better profitability and sustainability. 

Get to Know the New Subindexes: Learn about the six new subindexes, especially the Milkability Index (MI) and the Environmental Impact Index (EI). Each subindex details traits that can help your farm become more efficient and sustainable. Focus on indexes that align with your farm’s goals, like improving milking efficiency and reducing environmental impact. 

Customize Your Breeding Programs: Adding new subindexes to your breeding programs means rethinking your current goals. Check how your current herd performs against these indexes. Find traits that need improvement and choose strong sires and dams in those areas. Use data to make genetic choices that improve herd performance with the new LPI. 

Plan for the Future: With sustainability in mind, the new LPI formula encourages setting long-term genetic goals. Create breeding strategies that help your farm become more environmentally sustainable. Choosing for the EI can create offspring with a smaller environmental footprint, matching regulations and consumer expectations for sustainable dairy production. 

Measure and Update Your Strategies: Track the results of these genetic choices on farm performance, such as milk yield and feed efficiency. Use what you learn to update and improve your breeding strategy over time. The goal is to keep improving genetics to increase productivity without sacrificing sustainability. 

In conclusion, while getting used to the new LPI formula takes effort, the benefits of efficiency and sustainability can be significant. By smartly using these tools, farmers can strengthen their competitive edge and contribute positively to the broader agricultural landscape.

Navigating the Uncharted: Embracing Change with Lactanet’s LPI Overhaul

The introduction of Lactanet’s updated LPI formula marks a new phase for choosing dairy genetics. However, getting used to these changes may be challenging. Understanding the new subindexes might be challenging initially, causing some confusion for producers and breeders. Are you ready to face this and take advantage of the new possibilities?

The focus on the Environmental Impact Index for Holsteins raises questions about balancing productivity and eco-friendliness. While this is a positive move toward greener practices, how will it affect your breeding goals? It would be best to assess how these changes fit your current plans and what adjustments you need to make to stay on top.

Another point to consider is how different weightings for breeds might cause issues. Some breeds might benefit more, which could lead to disagreements among breeders. As part of this community, it’s essential to keep rethinking your plans with these changes in mind. Will these benefits be worth any initial challenges to your breeding program?

The launch of the updated LPI formula in April 2025 will get a range of responses, from excitement to doubt. It’s key for people in the industry to be active during this time. How will you ensure you and your team have the knowledge and tools to use this new way of genetic evaluation? Consider these points carefully to get the best impact on your business and keep your firm position in the market.

The Bottom Line

Launching Lactanet’s modernized LPI formula in April 2025 marks an essential milestone in dairy genetic evaluation. Focusing on key subindexes like the Milkability Index and the Environmental Impact Index, this formula provides a more straightforward way to choose genetics suited to the unique needs of different breeds. The teamwork shown in the breed-specific discussions makes sure the new LPI aligns with the practical goals of dairy producers and stakeholders. The strong industry support highlights that such innovation is essential, promising stability and progress. As we look ahead, we must ask ourselves: Are we ready to use these new tools to change the future of dairy breeding, boosting sustainability and productivity? Updating the LPI is not just about selection—it’s about creating new possibilities and advancements in the dairy industry.

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Monthly Genetic Evaluations to Boost Top-Rated Canadian Dairy Cow Rankings in 2025

Uncover the potential of Lactanet’s 2025 monthly genetic evaluations to elevate your Canadian dairy cows to premier status. Are your herds positioned to gain from this groundbreaking update? Learn more today.

A pillar of the dairy sector, genetic assessments are essential for herd management, breeding choices, and production. These tests concentrate on important factors like milk output, health, and fertility, thus empowering breeders and farmers to propel operational effectiveness and genetic advancement. Early 2025 will see Lactanet, Canada’s national dairy statistics and genetic improvement agency, moving to monthly official assessments for Canadian cows. This shift is significant for herds where milk samples are gathered unsupervised by the herd owner as it might improve more dairy cows to a top-rated level in genetic rankings. The change fits business trends toward automation, improved data-collecting techniques, and expands the genetic basis accessible to breeders.

Driving Genetic Progress: How Lactanet Canada Shapes the Future of Dairy Herds 

Crucially, lactate is the pillar of genetic development in Canada. The company provides complete dairy herd management solutions comprising milk records, genetic assessments, and advising services to boost dairy output and genetic enhancement.

Using solid data collecting and thorough analysis, Lactanet stimulates developments that support the national dairy industry’s sustainability and output. Three times a year, in April, August, and December, genetic assessments and bull proofs guarantee great precision and dependability. These tests provide essential benchmarks, including production characteristics, Lifetime Production Index (LPI), and Pro$, thus helping breeders choose the most genetically outstanding animals.

The way Lactanet combined genomic data emphasizes its dedication to genetic improvement. Lactanet accurately assesses the genetic potential of dairy cattle by using sophisticated genotyping, enabling breeders to make educated choices promoting long-term genetic improvement.

Lactanet guarantees the genetic quality of Canadian dairy cattle by matching modern genetic research with pragmatic on-farm data collecting, therefore advancing the sector.

Unveiling Hidden Potentials: Addressing the Genetic Evaluation Gaps in Owner-Sampled Herds

Even with improvements in genetic assessments, the existing method offers challenges—especially for owner-sampled herds. These cows are deprived of gaining places on top-ranking lists like the Lifetime Production Index or Pro$ depending on Parent Average (PA) values instead of exact genetic parameters from supervised testing. These cows typically stay underestimated in formal genetic evaluations without controlled testing data.

The triannual updates postpone the distribution of vital genetic information and further limit the acknowledgment of gene progress within owner-sampled herds. This lag narrows the breeding base, affecting individual breeders and limiting general genetic progress.

The introduction of automated milking systems with built-in sample features emphasizes the increasing discrepancy between contemporary herd management techniques and conventional genetic assessment approaches. In the present configuration, these systems generate large amounts of data that only partially support genetic assessments, developing a discrepancy between actual and evaluated genetic value.

To solve these problems and guarantee that every cow has fair access to top-ranking lists independent of milk testing control, the suggested change to monthly official assessments aims to This modification seeks to drive more successful breeding strategies by offering a more comprehensive and accurate picture of genetic quality in Canadian dairy herds.

Proposed Monthly Genetic Evaluations: A Game Changer for Owner-Sampled Dairy Herds 

The suggested adjustments will greatly help owner-sampled herds, including switching to a monthly genetic evaluation scheme. The first Tuesday of every month will be used to update genetic assessments for cows with fresh test results, including unsupervised samples. Official updates for proven sires will come three times a year; owner-sampled herds will frequently have their Parent Average (PA) values updated. This shift increases the genetic pool accessible to breeders by allowing these herds to have maybe cows included in top-ranking genetic lists.

Through monthly updates, Lactanet recognizes the growth in automated milking systems, which gather production data and conduct thorough sampling. This renders either supervised or unsupervised categorization less critical. The obtained data still shows excellent accuracy. Hence, genomics guarantees solid genetic assessments. This change toward regular and comprehensive updates seeks to optimize genetic advancement and enhance the genetic health of dairy cows throughout Canada.

Lactanet’s genetic assessment procedure revolves mainly around integrating genomics, the fundamental component of all genetic ranking systems used in Canada. The company uses a diverse strategy to guarantee the quality and completeness of the published genetic data. Newly collected data from bulls and females undergoing controlled testing is continuously included in the current dataset, updating the “unofficial” genetic assessments. Participating artificial insemination (AI) businesses and farmers using modern herd management systems like Compass and DairyComp may obtain these unofficial assessments. 

Implications for Breeders: Expanding the Genetic Horizon with Monthly Evaluations 

This change has significant ramifications for breeders. Monthly certified genetic evaluations will increase the genetic data accessible to breeders, enabling assessments based on actual performance rather than Parent Average values. This will increase the genetic pool from which sires and dams could be chosen. Frequent updates will ensure breeders receive the most recent genetic information, guiding their breeding choices. This precision will enable the identification of previously missed outstanding cows. More cows will land top-rated in genetic rankings.

Including information from automated milking systems and other cutting-edge technology will also help to guarantee ratings reflect actual performance. This will enable breeders to propel genetic advancement efficiently, improving dairy herd sustainability, health, and production throughout Canada.

Precision and Reliability: Lactanet’s Multifaceted Genetic Evaluation Process 

Using a thorough internal procedure, Lactanet guarantees accuracy and dependability in genetic assessments. This generates unofficial and formal genetic evaluations by combining data from known sires with supervised testing females. Shared via Compass and DairyComp, unofficial assessments provide vital information for temporary herd sire decisions.

Underlying all genetic rankings, Lactanet’s work is based on the integration of genomes. Genomic testing lowers the uncertainty related to conventional techniques by improving assessments’ accuracy and prediction ability.

Considered equally accurate are both controlled and unsupervised milk sample data. The emergence of automated technologies has improved sample integrity and milk production monitoring. Lactanet’s data analytics technologies tightly evaluate these inputs and match them with genetic data to provide high-precision assessments.

Combining conventional data collection, cutting-edge genomics, and strict validation techniques, Lactanet’s genetic assessment system is a diverse strategy that improves assessment accuracy. It increases the genetic basis accessible to breeders, promoting the ongoing development of Canadian dairy herds.

Technological Advancements: The Role of Automated Milking Systems in Modern Dairy Farming

Using automated milking systems signifies a significant change in dairy production, improving output and efficiency. These sophisticated technologies have reduced the need for supervised milk testing by including exact sampling and production monitoring features. Automated milking guarantees reliable data collecting necessary for genetic studies and fits with Lactanet’s shift to unsupervised testing, simplifying the procedure. This change enables significant genetic advancement and improves the quality of Canadian dairy herds by allowing cows to be included more broadly in genetic rankings.

Genomics and Unsupervised Testing: A New Era of Equitable Genetic Evaluations

Brian Van Doormaal highlighted the significance of these changes, noting, “For genetic evaluation, top lists usually involve genotyped females, so there’s little need to distinguish between supervised and unsupervised testing. The data accuracy is equivalent, and genomics ensures high genetic information accuracy.”

Mapping the Road Ahead: Key Milestones for Implementing Lactanet’s New Genetic Evaluation System 

As Lactanet gears up for its new monthly evaluation system, several pivotal milestones guide its implementation: 

  • Early 2024: Finalize criteria for cow eligibility through stakeholder consultations and in-depth analysis.
  • Mid to Late 2024: Conduct pilot runs and gather feedback to refine the evaluation process.
  • January 2025: Begin initial rollout, integrating the new system with existing triannual updates.
  • May 2025: Achieve full implementation, ensuring monthly updates for all owner-sampled herds.

This carefully structured timeline guarantees thorough preparation and testing, allowing Lactanet to maintain its commitment to accuracy and reliability.

The Bottom Line

Changing from Lactanet to monthly genetic tests might revolutionize the Canadian dairy sector. It levels the playing field for owner-sampled herds so they may reach high genetic rankings alongside monitored herds, hence increasing the genetic pool available for breeders. This action also fits the growing usage of automated milking systems, which combine cutting-edge dairy farming technology. Dairy cow rankings will become more dynamic and accurate, defining new national genetic advancement and herd development criteria.

Key Takeaways:

  • Monthly official evaluations will provide more timely and comprehensive genetic data for Canadian cows.
  • Owner-sampled herds, previously limited to Parent Average values, will now have their genetic evaluations updated monthly.
  • This change is expected to expand the genetic base available to breeders, allowing more cows to achieve top rankings.
  • Proven sires’ evaluations will continue to be updated three times annually, maintaining the reliability of genetic data.
  • The transition aligns with the rising trend of automated milking systems, which offer unsupervised sampling and monitoring capabilities.
  • Genomics remain fundamental to genetic rankings, ensuring accuracy across both supervised and unsupervised testing environments.
  • Lactanet is yet to finalize criteria for eligibility, with implementation set for early or mid-2025.


Lactanet Canada, Canada’s national dairy statistics and genetic improvement agency, is set to transition to monthly official assessments for Canadian cows in early 2025. This change is particularly significant for herds where milk samples are collected unsupervised by the herd owner, as it could improve more dairy cows to a top-rated level in genetic rankings. Lactanet provides complete dairy herd management solutions, including milk records, genetic assessments, and advisory services to boost dairy output and genetic enhancement. The proposed change aims to drive more successful breeding strategies by offering a more comprehensive and accurate picture of genetic quality in Canadian dairy herds. The company’s genetic assessment procedure focuses on integrating genomics, the fundamental component of all genetic ranking systems used in Canada. Monthly certified genetic evaluations will increase the genetic data accessible to breeders, enabling assessments based on actual performance rather than Parent Average values. Frequent updates will ensure breeders receive the most recent genetic information, guiding their breeding choices.

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Genomic Testing Transforms Profit Potential for the UK’s Dairy Herd: Key Insights from AHDB Analysis

Learn how genomic testing is improving the profitability of the UK’s dairy herds. Are you using genetic insights to enhance your farm’s profits? Find out more.

Imagine a future where the United Kingdom’s dairy farms keep pace with global competitors and lead in efficiency and profitability. This potential is swiftly becoming a reality thanks to advancements in genomic testing of dairy heifers. 

The latest analysis from the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) underscores the significant financial benefits of genomic testing. It reveals a substantial gap in the Profitable Lifetime Index (£PLI) between herds engaging in genomic testing and those not. This article delves into the financial impact of genomic testing for the UK’s dairy herd, highlighting its potential to boost profitability and sustainability significantly. Improving genetics through genomic testing is a cost-effective and sustainable way to make long-term improvements to any herd. 

Genomic testing is revolutionizing dairy farming. It is a powerful tool for enhancing herd profitability and sustainability. We’ll examine the statistical evidence of PLI differences, theoretical and actual financial benefits, and the significant rise in genomic testing of dairy heifers. Additionally, we’ll address the issue of misidentified animals and the breeding implications. 

Genomic testing has dramatically shaped the industry since its introduction to UK producers. This transformative approach boosts farm profitability and ensures long-term sustainability. By leveraging genomic testing, dairy producers can make informed decisions that profoundly impact their operations and the broader agricultural economy.

Genomic Testing Revolutionizes Genetic Merit of UK Dairy Herds: AHDB Reveals Significant PLI Disparity with Profound Implications for Productivity and Profitability 

Genomic testing is revolutionizing the genetic merit of the UK’s dairy herd, significantly boosting productivity and profitability. The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) reports a £193 gap in the average Profitable Lifetime Index (£PLI) between herds heavily engaged in genomic testing and those less involved. 

Producers testing 75-100% of their heifers have an average £PLI of £430 for their 2023 calves, compared to £237 for those testing 0-25%. This stark difference underscores the critical role genomic testing plays in improving the genetic quality of dairy cattle. It enhances health, longevity, and productivity, making it a powerful tool for herd management and breeding strategies. 

This £193 PLI difference translates to an estimated £19,300 profit potential for a 175-head herd. However, real-world accounts show the benefits can exceed £50,000. This underscores the significant financial rewards that genomic testing can bring, making it a vital tool for informed breeding decisions that drive long-term economic and genetic gains.

Potential Gains and Real-World Financial Impact of Comprehensive Genomic Testing in Dairy Herds

Genomic testing offers a compelling route to profitability for dairy producers. Herds genotyping 75-100% of their heifers achieve an average £430 PLI, while those testing only 0-25% lag at £237. 

This gap translates into significant gains. A 175-head herd could theoretically gain £19,300. However, real-world data suggests that the financial advantage can exceed £50,000, highlighting the profound impact of genomic testing on profitability.

Marco Winters Advocates Genomic Testing: A Cost-Effective and Sustainable Path to Long-Term Herd Improvement

Marco Winters, head of animal genetics for AHDB, underscores the cost-effectiveness and sustainability of improving herd genetics through comprehensive genomic testing. “Genetics is probably the cheapest and most sustainable way of making long-term improvements to any herd,” Winters notes. “And when it’s aimed at boosting profitability, the benefits directly impact a farm’s bottom line.” 

Winters highlights that significant returns outweigh the initial investment in genomic testing. A 175-head herd can see theoretical profit gains of £19,300, but actual accounts show this figure can exceed £50,000. 

Additionally, Winters emphasizes the sustainable nature of genomic testing. Enhancing herd health and productivity helps farmers avoid recurring costs associated with other improvement strategies, ensuring long-term viability and a competitive edge for UK dairy farms.

Precision Breeding Through Genomic Insights: Revolutionizing Herd Management and Breeding Strategies 

As genomic testing gains traction, its implications for herd management are profound. With 20% of the recorded herd currently undergoing tests, which is expected to rise, dairy farmers recognize the potential within their livestock’s DNA. This shift highlights the industry’s evolution towards data-driven decision-making in animal husbandry, with genomic insights becoming a cornerstone of successful herd management strategies. 

Genotyping not only clarifies lineage but also opens avenues for targeted genetic improvements. By identifying the exact genetic makeup of heifers, farmers can make informed decisions, enhancing traits such as milk production, health, and fertility. This precision breeding minimizes the risk of inbreeding. It ensures that the most viable and productive animals are chosen as replacements. 

The financial benefits of genomic testing are evident. Benchmarking herds using tools like the AHDB’s Herd Genetic Report allows farmers to understand the impact of their genetic strategies on profitability. The industry benefits from increased efficiency and productivity as the national herd shifts toward higher genetic merits. 

Genomic testing extends beyond Holstein Friesians to Channel Island breeds and Ayrshires, showing its broad applicability. This comprehensive approach to herd improvement underscores the AHDB’s commitment to leveraging cutting-edge biotechnologies to drive progress in dairy farming. 

In conclusion, genomic testing is reshaping dairy farming in the UK. By embracing these technologies, farmers enhance the genetic potential of their herds, securing a more profitable and sustainable future. Genomic insights will remain a cornerstone of successful herd management strategies as the industry evolves.

Harnessing the AHDB’s Herd Genetic Report: A Strategic Blueprint for Elevating Genetic Potential and Ensuring Herd Sustainability 

Farmers aiming to optimize their herd’s genetic potential should take full advantage of the AHDB’s Herd Genetic Report. This invaluable resource allows producers to benchmark their herd’s Profitable Lifetime Index (£PLI) against industry standards and peers. Farmers can gain critical insights into their herd’s genetic strengths and weaknesses, enabling more informed and strategic decisions regarding breeding and herd management. Accurately tracking and measuring genetic progress is essential for maintaining competitiveness and ensuring dairy operations’ long-term sustainability and profitability.

The Bottom Line

The transformative impact of genomic testing on the UK’s dairy herds is evident. Producers leveraging genotyping for heifers see remarkable gains in their Profitable Lifetime Index (£PLI), leading to significant financial rewards. This underscores the crucial role of genetic advancement, widening the gap between engaged and less engaged herds and inspiring a new era of progress in the industry. 

Accurate breeding records become essential with rising genomic testing across various breeds and corrections of misidentified animals. Integrating genomic insights into herd management allows producers with better genetic information to achieve superior outcomes. AHDB’s analysis reveals a shift from a sole focus on milk production to a balanced focus on health, management, and fertility, setting a new standard for future strategies and ensuring the reliability of genomic testing.

Every dairy producer should utilize tools like the AHDB’s Herd Genetic Report to benchmark and enhance their herd’s genetic potential. Embracing genomic testing is an investment in long-term success, revolutionizing herd management for profitability and sustainability in a competitive dairy market.

Key Takeaways:

  • Genomic testing significantly elevates the genetic merit of dairy herds, leading to more pronounced differences between the top-performing and bottom-performing herds.
  • Producers who genotyped 75-100% of their dairy heifers achieved an average Profitable Lifetime Index (£PLI) of £430, while those testing only 0-25% had a PLI of £237.
  • Improved genetics can translate to a theoretical value difference of approximately £19,300 for a typical 175-head herd, with actual margins showing an advantage exceeding £50,000.
  • The uptick in genomic testing is notable, with around 100,000 dairy heifer calves tested, representing 20% of the recorded herd, expected to rise to 35% by year’s end.
  • A significant number of animals have been misidentified, indicating potential inaccuracies in breeding strategies that could affect both quality and inbreeding rates.


The UK’s Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) has identified a significant gap in the Profitable Lifetime Index (PLI) between herds engaged in genomic testing and those not. This highlights the financial benefits of genomic testing for the UK’s dairy herd, which can significantly boost profitability and sustainability. Improving genetics through genomic testing is a cost-effective and sustainable way to make long-term improvements to any herd. The £193 PLI difference translates to an estimated £19,300 profit potential for a 175-head herd, but real-world accounts show the benefits can exceed £50,000. Precision breeding through genomic insights is revolutionizing herd management and breeding strategies, with 20% of the recorded herd currently undergoing tests. Genotyping not only clarifies lineage but also opens avenues for targeted genetic improvements, enhancing traits such as milk production, health, and fertility.

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Genomics Meets Artificial Intelligence: Transforming Dairy Cattle Breeding Strategies

Explore the transformative power of AI, robotics, and genomics in dairy cattle breeding. How can these innovative technologies and scientific breakthroughs redefine breeding strategies for the future?

Imagine a world where dairy cattle breeding is no longer an art form but a reliable science. Genomics has revolutionized dairy farming, allowing farmers to make informed decisions by identifying desirable traits at a genetic level. However, the complexities of large datasets often hinder the full potential of these insights.  Enter Artificial Intelligence (AI), a transformative technology set to redefine dairy cattle breeding. By integrating AI with genomics, farmers can optimize breeding strategies to enhance productivity and ensure cattle health and well-being. This data-driven approach replaces intuition with precision and predictive analytics. 

The fusion of AI and genomics unlocks the unseen genetic potential of herds, driving efficiency like never before. In this evolving landscape, machine learning, deep learning, robotics, and fuzzy logic become essential tools, revolutionizing genetic strategies in dairy farming. Dairy farmers who adopt these technologies can achieve greater production efficiency and breed healthier, more resilient cattle suited to changing environmental conditions.

The Genomic Revolution in Dairy Cattle Breeding 

Genomics has revolutionized dairy cattle breeding by making the process more efficient and predictable. Breeders can accurately identify and select desirable traits such as increased milk production and better disease resistance through genomic selection. 

By analyzing genomes, researchers pinpoint genetic markers linked to desired traits, enabling early predictions of an animal’s potential. For instance, markers for higher milk yields help breeders choose cattle likely to produce more milk, while markers for disease resistance lead to healthier livestock, reducing veterinary costs

This genomic revolution surpasses traditional methods that rely on observable traits and pedigrees. Leveraging vast genetic data, breeders directly link genotype to phenotype, enhancing breeding precision and accelerating genetic progress by reducing generation intervals. 

The implementation of genomic selection has significantly increased the rate of genetic gain in dairy cattle. Traits such as milk production, fertility, and health have seen doubled or even tripled annual genetic gains, attributable to identifying superior animals at a younger age. 

Genomic selection also enhances the accuracy of breeding values. By integrating genomic information, breeders make more precise predictions of genetic merit, leading to reliable selection decisions and quicker dissemination of desirable traits. 

Economically, increased genetic gain translates to improved productivity, better animal health, and higher profitability for dairy farmers. Enhanced genetic potential contributes to efficient milk production, reduced veterinary costs, and sustainability. 

However, challenges persist, such as limited genomic datasets and initial costs for genomic technologies, which can be prohibitive for smaller operations. Continuous data collection and analysis improvements are essential to overcome these limitations, fostering a more sustainable and productive dairy industry.

Harnessing AI: A New Horizon for Dairy Farming 

Artificial intelligence (AI) simulates human intelligence in machines, enabling them to recognize patterns, make decisions, and predict outcomes. AI includes multiple subfields, such as machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing, each driving the progress of intelligent systems. 

AI significantly benefits dairy farmers by enhancing productivity, efficiency, and animal welfare. Farmers gain deeper insights into their herds, optimize breeding programs, and improve overall farm management through AI. This technology quickly processes enormous data sets, manually delivering actionable, unachievable insights. 

A key AI advantage in dairy farming is its ability to predict and monitor cattle health. Machine learning algorithms process data from sensors and wearables to detect early signs of illness or stress, allowing timely intervention to prevent disease outbreaks. This proactive approach improves animal welfare, reduces veterinary costs, and boosts milk production. 

AI also streamlines farm operations by automating routine tasks. AI-driven robotics handle milking, feeding, and cleaning, cutting labor costs and freeing farmers for strategic activities. These systems operate with high precision and consistency, ensuring optimal milking and feeding times, increasing milk production, and enhancing animal health. 

AI is transformative for dairy farming, offering benefits like improved herd management, enhanced breeding programs, and automation of labor-intensive tasks. This technological advancement boosts productivity, profitability, and sustainability while promoting animal welfare in the dairy industry.

AI-Powered Genetic Evaluations: The Future of Dairy Cattle Breeding 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to transform dairy cattle genetic evaluations. It leverages machine learning to analyze extensive datasets that include genetic information, phenotypic traits, and environmental variables. These advanced models reveal intricate patterns within the data, resulting in significantly more accurate predictions of genetic merit and breeding values, refining selection decisions and strategies. 

Deep learning, a specialized branch of machine learning, substantially enhances genetic evaluations. With algorithms like neural networks, deep learning processes enormous volumes of data and detects nuanced, non-linear relationships that traditional methods frequently miss. These sophisticated models incorporate various data types, including genomic sequences, to accurately forecast traits such as milk yield, disease resistance, and fertility. 

Furthermore, AI fosters the integration of genomic data into breeding programs. AI identifies genes and genetic markers associated with desirable traits by concurrently analyzing genomic and phenotypic data. This genomic selection accelerates genetic progress by enabling earlier selection of animals, thus reducing the generation interval. 

AI systems are robust and adaptive, continuously learning from new data to ensure that genetic evaluations remain precise over time. This continuous learning capacity contributes to sustainable and efficient breeding programs. Incorporating environmental and management factors through AI further refines the accuracy of genetic evaluations. By considering aspects such as diet, housing, and health management, AI effectively isolates the genetic components of traits, leading to more precise breeding value estimates. 

Fuzzy logic, another facet of AI, addresses the inherent uncertainty and variability in genetic evaluations. It models complex biological processes to make informed decisions based on incomplete information. This is crucial in dairy cattle breeding, where multiple genetic and environmental interactions influence trait expression. 

AI-driven evaluations also enable the development of customized breeding strategies tailored to specific herd goals and conditions. By analyzing herds’ genetic and phenotypic profiles, AI recommends optimal breeding plans that consider factors such as inbreeding, genetic diversity, and economic returns

In conclusion, the application of AI in genetic evaluations is set to revolutionize dairy cattle breeding strategies. By harnessing machine learning, deep learning, and fuzzy logic, breeders can achieve more accurate, efficient, and sustainable genetic improvements, enhancing the productivity and health of dairy cattle.

AI-Driven Dairy Cattle Type Classification: The Confluence of Machine Learning, Robotics, and Fuzzy Logic

Implementing artificial intelligence (AI) in dairy cattle classification aims to revolutionize the industry by deploying machine learning algorithms to decipher vast datasets. AI can identify intricate patterns that differentiate types with remarkable precision by training models on both visual inputs and physical attributes of cattle. 

Regarding deep learning, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) represent a pinnacle of technological advancement in this domain. These networks detect and analyze visual features in cattle images, such as body conformation and udder development, thereby enabling precise classification based on these characteristics. 

Integrating diverse data sources, including genomic information and milk yield records, further enriches the AI’s classification capabilities. By combining phenotypic and genotypic data, AI offers a holistic view of genetic potential and health, paving the way for well-informed breeding decisions. 

Robotic technology can significantly enhance the accuracy and efficiency of cattle classification processes. Automated systems equipped with cameras and sensors gather real-time data, enabling AI models to perform immediate classifications, thereby minimizing reliance on manual inspections and reducing human error. 

Fuzzy logic adds another layer of sophistication by managing the inherent uncertainties within biological data. This technology allows AI to make more nuanced decisions by catering to natural animal trait variations, resulting in more flexible and accurate classifications. 

The confluence of AI, deep learning, robotics, and fuzzy logic in dairy cattle classification heralds a new era of precision, efficiency, and data-driven breeding strategies. This synergistic approach not only boosts productivity but also enhances the sustainability of dairy farming.

Augmenting Genetic Advancement through Robotics: Automating Precision and Elevating Genomic Accuracy 

Robotics is pivotal in genetic advancement, automating and optimizing phenotypic data collection. High-precision robots can monitor and record real-time health and productivity metrics like milk yield and behavior. This is crucial for accurate genomic predictions and training AI models to identify desirable traits. 

When combined with AI, robotics can enhance the speed and accuracy of genetic selection. AI algorithms analyze data collected by robots, identifying patterns and correlations often missed by humans. This enables a more precise selection of breeding pairs and accelerates the development of superior dairy cattle. 

Robotics ensures consistent and reliable data collection, which is vital for genomic studies. While human error can skew results, robots perform repetitive tasks with high precision, ensuring data accuracy and consistency. 

Incorporating robotics improves animal welfare, a critical factor in genetic advancement. Robots more accurately monitor cattle health, allowing early detection of issues and ensuring only healthy animals are selected for breeding, thereby enhancing overall genetic quality. 

The integration of robotics with genomics and AI supports precision farming techniques. Robots with advanced sensors gather detailed environmental and physiological data, enabling more effective breeding strategies and ensuring genetic advancements are viable in real-world conditions. 

Robotics also streamlines genetic testing and manipulation. Automated systems handle DNA tasks with incredible speed and accuracy, reducing time and cost and making advanced genomic techniques feasible on a larger scale. 

Using robotics, AI, and genomics fosters sustainable dairy farming. Optimized breeding strategies produce cattle that are efficient in feed conversion and milk production, reducing the environmental footprint and aligning with global sustainability efforts.

The Horizon for Dairy Cattle Breeding Gleams with Promise 

The horizon for dairy cattle breeding gleams with promise, as integrating advanced technologies like machine learning and robotics offers unmatched opportunities for genetic enhancement. AI-powered genetic evaluations predict a future where precision breeding programs focus on efficiency, disease resistance, animal welfare, and adaptability. This melding of tech and biology marks a new era where each cow’s genetic potential is mapped and harnessed for optimized output and sustainability. 

However, this path isn’t without challenges. Ethical issues, especially concerning genetic manipulation and animal welfare, demand robust frameworks for responsible implementation. The vast data from advanced breeding programs pose privacy risks, necessitating stringent cybersecurity measures and regulations. 

Additionally, the complexity of modern breeding technology highlights the need for farmer education and training. Farmers must navigate a landscape filled with new terms and machinery. Structured educational and hands-on training programs are crucial to bridge this knowledge gap and ensure all stakeholders benefit from these innovations. 

While AI, genomics, and robotics promise to transform dairy cattle breeding, their proper potential hinges on conscientious implementation. Addressing ethical concerns, safeguarding data, and equipping farmers with the right skills will drive a productive, moral, and resilient dairy industry forward.

The Bottom Line

The emergence of machine learning, deep learning, robotics, and fuzzy logic, coupled with the groundbreaking advancements in genomics, promises to reshape dairy cattle breeding strategies fundamentally. Throughout this article, we have examined how the integration of cutting-edge technologies, such as AI-powered genetic evaluations and robotics, is heralding a new era in dairy farming. We’ve discussed how AI significantly enhances genetic predictions, delivering unprecedented precision and efficiency. Furthermore, the synergy of robotics and precision farming facilitates the automation of pivotal breeding tasks, thereby improving the accuracy of genomic evaluations. Synthesizing this information, it becomes evident that the fusion of AI and genomics represents a revolutionary shift in dairy cattle breeding. These advancements elevate our capabilities, from boosting genetic quality to optimizing animal welfare and farm productivity. Looking ahead, the potential of these innovations is vast, foreshadowing a future where dairy farming is more efficient, sustainable, and responsive to cattle’s genetic and health requisites. The convergence of artificial intelligence with genomic science is not just the future of dairy breeding—it is a transformative stride towards a more sophisticated, responsible, and prosperous dairy industry.

Key Takeaways:

  • Artificial Intelligence and genomics are transforming dairy cattle breeding strategies, ushering in a new era of precision and efficiency.
  • Machine learning and deep learning algorithms enhance the accuracy of genetic evaluations, empowering farmers to make data-driven decisions.
  • Integration of robotics in dairy farming automates complex tasks, thereby increasing productivity and improving the well-being of the cattle.
  • Fuzzy logic systems contribute to better decision-making processes by handling uncertainties and providing adaptable solutions in variable conditions.
  • The intersection of AI, robotics, and genomic research promises to elevate genetic gains and bolster the sustainability of dairy farming.
  • Continuous innovation and refinement in technology and breeding programs are crucial for adapting to industry changes and maintaining competitive advantage.
  • A comprehensive understanding of consumer perceptions and effective communication strategies is vital for the successful implementation of advanced technologies in dairy systems.
  • Investing in precision livestock farming (PLF) systems necessitates thorough consideration of the types of technologies, data management methods, and AI-driven data interpretation mechanisms.
  • The rapid growth of genomic evaluation programs, as evidenced by advancements in the United States, highlights the potential for global improvements in dairy cattle breeding.


Dairy cattle breeding has evolved significantly with genomics, enabling farmers to make informed decisions by identifying desirable traits at a genetic level. However, the complexities of large datasets often hinder the full potential of these insights. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to redefine dairy cattle breeding by integrating AI with genomics, allowing farmers to optimize breeding strategies to enhance productivity and ensure cattle health and well-being. This data-driven approach replaces intuition with precision and predictive analytics. Machine learning, deep learning, robotics, and fuzzy logic are essential tools in this evolving landscape, revolutionizing genetic strategies in dairy farming. Genetic revolution surpasses traditional methods by enabling accurate identification and selection of desirable traits, such as increased milk production and better disease resistance. However, challenges persist, such as limited genomic datasets and initial costs for genomic technologies. Continuous data collection and analysis improvements are essential for a more sustainable and productive dairy industry.

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Unlocking the Secrets of Dry Matter Intake in US Holstein Cows: The Genomic and Phenotypic Influence on Milk Components and Body Weight

Uncover the potential of genomic and phenotypic insights to enhance dry matter intake management in US Holstein cows, ultimately boosting milk production and body weight management. Intrigued by the possibilities?

In the context of dairy farming, ‘dry matter intake’ (DMI) is not just a term for veterinarians and nutritionists. It’s a crucial factor for US Holstein cows, the key players in milk production. The efficiency of these cows is directly linked to what they eat, how much they eat, and how effectively they convert that intake into milk and robust health. Therefore, understanding DMI is not just important for maximizing farm potential, but it’s also the key to connecting feed efficiency, milk production, and overall animal welfare

“Optimizing dry matter intake is crucial for enhancing milk yield and ensuring cow health. It’s the linchpin of dairy farm efficiency.” 

This article explores the genomic and phenotypic impacts of DMI, highlighting its role in milk production and body weight management. Using data from 8,513 lactations of 6,621 Holstein cows, we’ll examine: 

  • The link between DMI and milk components like fat and protein.
  • How body size traits affect DMI.
  • The impact on breeding programs aiming for better feed efficiency and productivity.

Join us as we dive into these dynamics and discover strategies to boost profitability and sustainability in dairy farming.

Unveiling the Genomic and Phenotypic Dynamics of Dry Matter Intake in Holstein Cows 

Understanding dry matter intake (DMI) in Holstein cows is crucial for nutrition management and breeding programs. Large data sets have revolutionized this research, allowing precise estimation of feed requirements for milk production and body maintenance. These datasets provide a strong foundation for refining predictive models. 

Two main approaches are used to evaluate DMI: phenotypic and genetic regressions. Phenotypic regressions use visible traits and help dairy farmers adjust feeding strategies based on real-time data for milk yield, fat, and protein content. This is vital for optimizing feed efficiency and maintaining herd health. 

Genetic regressions, on the other hand, examine the genetic factors influencing DMI. These are especially useful in breeding programs that aim to enhance important traits through selective breeding. Genetic evaluations guide breeding decisions that promote traits like higher milk yield, better milk quality, and improved feed efficiency. 

The difference between phenotypic and genetic regressions highlights the distinct goals of nutrition management and genetic improvement. Phenotypic data meets immediate needs, while genetic data fosters long-term improvements. Combining both approaches enhances current and future herd performance. 

These advancements in genomic tools and statistical models, such as BostaurusUMD3.1.1 for genomic evaluations, underscore the collaborative effort to advance DMI research. This collective endeavor aims to optimize productivity and sustainability in dairy farming, a goal we all share in the scientific community.

An Unprecedented Dive into Dry Matter Intake Through Genomic and Phenotypic Lenses 

This study makes a unique contribution to the field of dairy farming and genetics by analyzing DMI using a large dataset from 8,513 lactations across 6,621 Holstein cows. By integrating phenotypic and genomic views, we were able to provide a detailed look at DMI through sophisticated mixed models. These models included variables like days in milk, age parity, trial dates, management groups, and body weight changes during 28—and 42-day feeding trials in mid-lactation, ensuring accuracy in the results. 

Based on observable traits, phenotypic regressions gave practical insights for nutritional management. In contrast, genomic regressions, grounded in genetic data, offered deeper insights crucial for breeding programs. Both evaluation types provided a comprehensive understanding of feed efficiency and milk production potential, aiding in better selection and breeding strategies.

Balancing Nutritional Demands: Insights from Phenotypic and Genomic Regressions 

The phenotypic regressions of Dry Matter Intake (DMI) on milk, fat, and protein revealed specific coefficients that underscore the intricate balance required in nutrition management. For milk, the coefficient was modest (0.014 ± 0.006), indicating a relatively low increase in DMI per unit increase in milk production. Conversely, fat (3.06 ± 0.01) and protein (4.79 ± 0.25) showed more substantial coefficients, demonstrating that increases in these components significantly elevate the DMI requirements. These results suggest that nutritional plans must be meticulously tailored, focusing more on the feed requirements for fat and protein production to ensure optimal energy balance and animal health

When we compare these findings to the corresponding genomic regressions, we observe stark contrasts. Genomic regressions yielded higher coefficients across all components: milk (0.08 ± 0.03), fat (11.30 ± 0.47), and protein (9.35 ± 0.87). This difference implies that genetic potential is more dominant in determining feed efficiency than phenotypic observations alone. Simply put, cows with higher genetic predispositions for milk components require substantially more feed, reflecting their superior production capabilities. 

These discrepancies highlight an essential consideration for breeding programs. While phenotypic data provide valuable insights into immediate nutritional needs, genomic data offer a more comprehensive forecast for long-term feed efficiency and production potential. Consequently, integrating these genomic insights into breeding strategies can drive advancements in producing more feed-efficient cows, aligning with evolving economic and environmental objectives.

The ECM Formula: Unveiling the Energy Dynamics in Dairy Production 

The ECM formula is vital for measuring milk’s energy content by considering its fat, protein, and lactose components. This standardization allows for fair comparisons across various milk types. Our study uses the ECM formula to reveal the energy needs of different milk components, shedding light on the nutritional and economic facets of dairy farming. 

Regarding DMI for fat and protein, phenotypic and genomic regressions show significant differences. Phenotypic regressions suggest protein production needs 56% more DMI than fat. Genomic regressions show a smaller gap, with protein needing 21% more DMI than fat. Sire genomic regressions add complexity, indicating fat requires 35% more DMI than protein. These differences highlight the challenge of converting genetic data into practical feed efficiency. 

These findings have profound implications for feed cost management. Increased DMI for any milk component escalates feed expenses, a critical consideration for farmers aiming to enhance profitability. However, breeders can leverage genomic data to select cows with lower residual feed intake that still yield ample milk, fat, and protein. This strategic approach enhances the economic viability of dairy operations, fostering more efficient and sustainable feeding practicesthat benefit both producers and consumers.

Sustaining Holstein Vigor: The Role of Body Weight and Maintenance 

Examining annual maintenance needs in Holstein cows through phenotypic, genomic, and sire genomic regressions unveils notable consistency. Estimates, expressed in kilograms of dry matter intake (DMI) per kilogram of body weight per lactation, show phenotypic regression at 5.9 ± 0.14, genomic regression at 5.8 ± 0.31, and sire genomic regression, adjusted by two, at 5.3 ± 0.55. These are higher than those from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM, 2021) using Net Energy for Lactation (NEL) equations. 

Discrepancies arise because NASEM’s general equations overlook individual genetic and environmental nuances. Genomic data offer a more dynamic and specific view, capturing intricate biological interactions. Modern genomic evaluations, encompassing various genetic traits, provide a clearer picture of maintenance needs, suggesting earlier models may underestimate the metabolic demands of high-yield dairy cows

This analysis highlights the need to blend genomic insights with phenotypic data to grasp maintenance requirements reliably. By refining models with the latest genetic data, the dairy industry can enhance nutrition plans, improving animal welfare and productivity.

Decoding Dairy Efficiency: The Interplay of Type Traits and Body Weight Composite

Exploring multiple regressions on genomic evaluations for the body weight composite (BWC) traits, we find that strength stands out. It’s the best predictor of body weight and Dry Matter Intake (DMI), confirming its crucial role in the current BWC formula. 

Other traits seem less significant in predicting DMI. This suggests that breeding programs enhance strength to improve body weight and feed efficiency. Prioritizing strength can balance robust body weight with better feed utilization. 

Breeders can build more productive and cost-effective Holstein herds by selecting for strength. This aligns to improve profitability through more brilliant breeding and makes a strong case for ongoing genomic research in dairy production.

Optimizing Genetic Gains: The Evolution of the Net Merit Formula 

The 2021 revision of the Net Merit formula marked a pivotal shift towards improving the economic efficiency of breeding programs. Integrating recent findings on dry matter intake (DMI) and other traits, the formula better aligns with the complex relationships among milk production components, body size, and feed efficiency. 

The updated formula prioritizes more miniature cows with traits like harmful residual feed intake and higher milk, fat, and protein yields. This strategic approach promotes cows that produce more milk and enhance feed efficiency, reducing operational costs and boosting profitability. By incorporating genomic and phenotypic data, the Net Merit formula advances precision breeding, considering the economic impact of each trait and supporting a sustainable dairy industry. 

This revision synchronizes breeding goals with economic benefits, encouraging the development of cows that excel in productivity while minimizing feed costs. It highlights the vital link between genetic research and practical breeding strategies, solidifying the Net Merit formula’s essential role in modern dairy farming.

The Bottom Line

The exploration of dry matter intake (DMI) in US Holstein cows through both genomic and phenotypic lenses has unveiled crucial insights into the nutritional and economic dynamics of dairy farming. The study revealed that genomic regressions provide a more accurate estimate of feed required for individual milk components or body maintenance than phenotypic regressions. Furthermore, the energy-corrected milk (ECM) formula highlighted that fat production demands significantly higher DMI than protein production, establishing a clear difference in nutrient requirements based on milk composition. 

One of the pivotal findings emphasizes the significant benefits of selecting more miniature cows with harmful residual feed intake (RFI). These cows require less feed and exhibit an enhanced production of milk, fat, and protein, thereby improving overall farm profitability. This aligns with the revised Net Merit formula, which aims to optimize genetic traits for economic efficiency. 

The implications for breeding programs are profound. Adopting strategies that prioritize genomic evaluations can lead to more efficient feed utilization and better economic outcomes. This study suggests that future research should delve deeper into the genetic mechanisms underlying RFI and explore the long-term impacts on herd health and productivity. Additionally, there’s potential for these findings to inform genetic selection criteria in dairy breeding programs globally, enhancing the sustainability and profitability of the dairy industry.

Key Takeaways:

  • Large datasets allow precise estimation of feed required for individual milk components and body maintenance.
  • Genetic regressions are more impactful for breeding programs than phenotypic regressions, which are more useful for nutrition management.
  • Fat production requires significantly more DMI than protein production when analyzed through the energy-corrected milk (ECM) formula.
  • Phenotypic regressions underestimate the DMI compared to genetic regressions.
  • Annual maintenance DMI for body weight is slightly underestimated in phenotypic regressions compared to genomic estimations.
  • Strength is the type trait most strongly associated with body weight and DMI, as highlighted by the revised body weight composite (BWC) formula.
  • To enhance profitability, breeding programs should focus on selecting smaller cows with negative residual feed intake that are high producers of milk, fat, and protein.
  • The Net Merit formula has been updated to reflect these insights, aiming for an economically optimal genetic selection response.

Summary: A study analyzing dry matter intake (DMI) in US Holstein cows found that understanding DMI is crucial for maximizing farm potential and connecting feed efficiency, milk production, and animal welfare. The study used data from 8,513 lactations of 6,621 Holstein cows and genetic regressions to analyze DMI. Phenotypic regressions used visible traits to adjust feeding strategies based on real-time data for milk yield, fat, and protein content. Genetic regressions examined genetic factors influencing DMI, useful in selective breeding programs. Results suggest that nutritional plans must be meticulously tailored, focusing on feed requirements for fat and protein production to ensure optimal energy balance and animal health. Genomic insights can drive advancements in producing feed-efficient cows, aligning with economic and environmental objectives. The Energy-Correlated Milk (ECM) formula is a crucial tool for measuring milk’s energy content, revealing significant differences in DMI for fat and protein.

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