meta World Dairy Expo Announces Modified 2022 Scheduling | The Bullvine

World Dairy Expo Announces Modified 2022 Scheduling

The breed show schedule aligned with Expo’s new event schedule announced last fall was modified this winter following feedback from exhibitors and observations during the 2021 show. If you are planning to exhibit or are interested in watching the Dairy Cattle Show at WDE 2022, here are dates you should be aware of:

Dairy Cattle Show:
Monday, October 3 – Friday, October 7

Day Shows
Junior Holstein: Monday, October 3rd
Milking Shorthorn: Monday, October 3rd
Guernsey: Tuesday, October 4th

Day Shows
Jersey: Monday, October 3rd & Tuesday, October 4th
Brown Swiss: Tuesday, October 4th & Wednesday, October 5th
Red & White: Wednesday, October 5th & Thursday, October 6th
Ayrshire: Wednesday, October 5th & Thursday, October 6th
Holstein: Thursday, October 6th & Friday, October 7th

Complete schedule and start times
Three-breed rotation information

(T1, D1)
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