meta USDA Announces Significant Increase in May Milk and Component Prices | The Bullvine

USDA Announces Significant Increase in May Milk and Component Prices

Discover the latest USDA milk price increases for May. How will the rise in Class III, IV, and II prices impact your dairy business? Find out more.

ClassPrice (May)Change from April
Class III$18.55/cwt.+ $3.05
Class IV$20.50/cwt.+ $0.39
Class II$21.50/cwt.+ $0.27

This afternoon, the USDA announced the latest Class and Component Prices for May milk. You’ll be pleased to know that the Class III price is up $3.05 from April, now standing at $18.55 per hundredweight (cwt.). The Class IV price also saw a modest increase of $0.39, reaching $20.50, while the Class II price climbed $0.27 to $21.50. 

The butterfat price picked up 13 cents to settle at $3.4636 per pound. Protein gained 90 cents, now at $1.7349, while other solids lost nearly 2 cents, dropping to $0.2181. 

The Dairy Products Report for April also provided some intriguing data: 

  • Butter production totaled 208 million pounds, which is an increase of 5.3% over April 2023 but down 1.3% from March 2024.
  • Total cheese production reached 1.19 billion pounds, up 1.8% from April 2023 but 3% below March 2024.
  • Nonfat dry milk production declined by 12.7%, totaling 173 million pounds.
  • Skim milk powder fell significantly by 20.8%, ending at 36.3 million pounds.
(T1, D1)
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