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Undercover videos spark change in Florida dairy industry

Two Okeechobee dairy farms facing accusations of animal cruelty have sparked new regulations within the industry.

Southeast Milk Incorporated addressed the issues head-on Monday, vowing to make sure cows are treated properly on all of their farms.

This comes after an animal rights group released undercover videos they claim were shot inside Larson and Burnham dairy farms in Okeechobee County.

Publix Supermarkets stopped buying milk from the two Okeechobee farms implicated in the video released by Animal Recovery Mission, an activist group based in South Florida.

Southeast Milk has suspended the two farms, Larson Dairy Farm and Burnham Dairy Farm. Several workers were reportedly fired by the farms and arrest warrants were issued for animal cruelty. 

“Any employees who witnessed animal abuse and failed to report it should be terminated. We pledge to cooperate with authorities looking in to all allegations,” Sleper continued. 

Sleper said farms will look into installing surveillance cameras in barns, and special training will be held for workers. 

He said what is seen on the videos does not represent the values of Florida dairy farmers, and they’ll do whatever they can to see that it doesn’t happen again. 

(T1, D1)
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