meta Therapeutic Cow Cuddling at Risk: The Hidden Threat of Avian Influenza Outbreaks | The Bullvine

Therapeutic Cow Cuddling at Risk: The Hidden Threat of Avian Influenza Outbreaks

Picture an hour spent in a warm embrace with a friendly cow, an hour where worries dissolve and serenity overtakes. Now imagine this act of sweetness could actually be contributing to a cause, paying for a bale of hay that, in turn, provides nourishment for the very cattle you’re cuddling. A delightful scenario, right? But there’s a catch. Unfortunately, this trend, popularized on social media, might be hanging in the balance due to a recent outbreak of avian influenza detected among dairy herds across nine USA states.

Cow cuddling, more than being a cute pastime, also plays a significant role in supporting small farmers cover their feed bills. For the visitors, it offers a therapeutic experience. But, with bird flu making its appearance among dairy herds, this practice might come under serious scrutiny. Some scientists are ringing even louder alarm bells, speculating that the flu could be more widespread across the country’s 26,000 licensed dairy farms

In the course of events, an unsettling development came to light in Texas. A dairy worker tested positive for the virus. However, government officials reassure that the risk of human infection remains low. Urging caution nonetheless, these officials are requesting cattle and dairy farmers to minimize visits from outsiders. 

“From a human to animal health standpoint, now is not a good time to cuddle cows. This is to protect the cows and people,” said Tim Boring, Director of Michigan’s Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

(T1, D1)
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