meta The tumbles continue mid week in Chicago | The Bullvine

The tumbles continue mid week in Chicago

On the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, milk futures prices fell further Wednesday, while cash dairy prices remained mixed.

The price of July Class III milk remained constant at $14.35. August’s price went down $0.13 to $15.04. September was $0.19 lower at $16.19. October’s price went down $0.17 to $17.14. Contracts from November to May varied from constant in March and May to fifteen cents lower in November.

Dry whey fell $0.0125 to $0.2425. Ten sales ranged from $0.2425 to $0.25.

Cheese chunks increased by $0.02 to $1.33. There were eight transactions ranging from $1.3225 to $1.33.

Cheese barrels fell $0.0075 to $1.3825. Twelve sales ranged from $1.38 to $1.3875.

Butter went up $0.04 to $2.44 a pound. At that price, three sales were recorded.

Nonfat dry milk was unchanged at $1.1175.  No sales were recorded.

(T1, D1)
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