meta The most famous song about farming just got rewritten. Here’s why | The Bullvine

The most famous song about farming just got rewritten. Here’s why

Land O’Lakes teamed up with singer Maggie Rose and songwriter Liz Rose to spotlight women in agriculture

Remember that childhood song, “Old MacDonald?”

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O
And on his farm he had a cow, E-I-E-I-O

With women comprising approximately one-third of all U.S. farmers, we felt it was time for a rewrite.

Our Dairy Foods business is kicking off a new LAND O LAKES brand campaign, All Together Better, that does just that with a new song and video called, “She-I-O.”

Maggie Rose
Maggie Rose

Vocal powerhouse and soul songstress Maggie Rose and Grammy-award winning Warner/Chappell songwriter Liz Rose collaborated to re-imagine the song “Old MacDonald,” introducing “She-I-O,” a rousing anthem for a new generation that celebrates inclusion and champions women, just in time for Women’s Equality Day (Aug. 26).

This fresh rendering of the song recognizes the valuable role of women in farming.

You know Old MacDonald had a daughter She-I-She-I-O
Look what she does with what he taught her She-I-She-I-O
She’s got the future in her hands
She’s proud her roots are where she stands

We’re celebrating women in farming with a re-write of the classic childrens’ farming song.

Right from the start of the 5 a.m. alarm, the camera follows these farmers as they grab a cup of coffee, head out the door and off to work in the barn, field and office. Scenes of the band rocking out alternate with those of strong, capable women hauling hay, feeding calves, fixing machinery and managing the business.

“She-I-O” is full of poignant images of women teaching the next generation and lyrics that can resonate with any woman.

She had a dream. It made her strong.
Makes her work as hard as the days are long.

“We are incredibly proud of reshaping a childhood anthem to reflect the incredible leadership of women in agriculture and on the farm, helping to feed the world and build strong communities,” says Tim Scott, Land O’Lakes Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer.

“Shining the spotlight on women farmers through this incredible musical partnership and digital activation aims to turn perception on its side for food, agriculture and Land O’Lakes. We’ve only just begun.”

We’ve come a long way and we’re going farther

“The Land O’Lakes Dairy Foods business has a long history of delivering dairy expertise, consumer insights, innovative products and custom solutions to the market. We’re driven to innovate and that extends to the way we share our story with our members, employees and consumers,” says Chris Roberts, Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, Land O’Lakes Dairy Foods.

“She-I-O” is a unique and meaningful way for us to demonstrate our values, live out our brand and give back to the community.”

Watch, listen and act

Knowing that hunger disproportionately affects women and 3.1 million food-insecure households are led by single women, according to the USDA, Land O’Lakes and the Land O’Lakes Foundation are committed to helping solve the issue and have partnered with Feeding America.

To honor the hardworking farmers who feed us all, Land O’Lakes will donate $1 to Feeding America for every engagement up to $100,000. Read the complete terms and conditions.

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