meta Stupendous Classification Results for Pappys Farm | The Bullvine

Stupendous Classification Results for Pappys Farm

Pappys Dundee Bessie is now EX-94 3E

Pappys Dundee Bessie is now EX-94 3E

Pappys Farm, Ogden, UT, would like to share their recent classification news! The highlight of the day was Pappys Goldwyn Natasha, EX-92 5Y. She was 2nd 5-year-old at the 2014 Western Spring National. Her maternal sister, Pappys Dundee Natalie, is now EX-90. Their dam is Pappys Jolt Nadya (EX-95 4E).

Pappys Dundee Bessie is now EX-94 3E. Her daughter, Pappys Shottle Beranda, is now EX-90.

Pappys Atlantic Rosebud is now VG-88 (1st lact) and is due next week with her 2nd calf. Her dam is a VG Dundee then 5 generations of EX Ravens!

St Jacobs Destry Alanna is VG-86 2y and a daughter of the great Tri-Day Ashlyn (EX-96).

Miss Roy Angelica now VG-88 and backed by 4 EX dams to the Chief Adeene (EX-94).

In all there were 3 new Excellent and 5 cows scored at VG-88. For more information, visit their website here!

(T1, D1)
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