So idk about you, but I’ve spent a significant amount of some time thinking about how I would do my entrance if I ever went on The Bachelor. However, no amount of my time or planning could have topped the most magnificent entrance on tonight’s premiere of Peter Weber’s season. And real ones will know that I’m *obviously* talking about Jenna, the incredible contestant who brought Peter a cow.
Cow in hand, Jenna walks up to Peter, says that Ashley P is her “emotional support cow,” and then walks off, leaving Peter with Ashley. Honestly, it was amazing, and Ashley P is now the only Bachelor contestant who will ever matter to me. In fact, I’m hoping that Ashley makes it to the finals because we’re on the 24th season of this show and really what better way to switch it up? Not only does Ashely P have some lovely curves, but she seems friendly and downright cuddly. I mean, just look at this lady:

Twitter obviously went wild for our girl Ash, and to quote one very astute user, “Ashley P isn’t the contestant we want she’s the contestant we need.”
Ashley P isn’t the contestant we want she’s the contestant we need. #bachelor