meta Sersland Receives Marlowe Nelson Wisconsin Distinguished Service Award | The Bullvine

Sersland Receives Marlowe Nelson Wisconsin Distinguished Service Award

At the 2022 Wisconsin Holstein Convention, IPS Owner and CEO Ron Sersland received the Marlowe Nelson Distinguished Service Award. Ron grew-up on a dairy farm near Decorah, IA and has remained involved in the dairy industry his entire life. He has worked in the A.I. industry for about 35 years and has been the owner and CEO of IPS for the last 25 years.

Currently, Our Help, Inc. is owned by Ron and his wife, Nelly Sersland. Nelly has played a key role over the past 20 years of IPS as a hostess for countless international visitors. IPS has shipped semen to over 40 different international countries. It is very rewarding for Ron to see milking daughters from IPS bulls performing well around the world. Ron and Nelly have a daughter, Bailey.

Since 1986, Ron has been involved in international business and travel and is fluent in Spanish and Portuguese. In 1991, Ron and Sandy Sersland began Our Help, Inc., as a part-time business to help international customers acquire items difficult to find outside of the United States. Unfortunately, Sandy passed away in 1994. Ron grew this business and purchased 50% of International Protein Sires in 1999 from its founders, Marlowe Nelson and Alvin Piper. A year later, Ron became the 100% owner of IPS. This award is particularly meaningful for Ron, as it is named after one of the two founders of IPS, Marlowe Nelson. Genetics and IPS is the main focus of Our Help’s business, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary.

Congratulations to Ron on receiving this prestigious award. Thank you for your contributions to the dairy industry around the world.

Provided by International Protein Sires

(T1, D1)
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