Select Sires remains the industry leader with eight of the top ten GTPI® proven sires with the April summaries. 7HO11351 Seagull-Bay SUPERSIRE-ET (VG-88-GM) holds on to the top spot at +2697 GTPI followed by 7HO11585 Sandy-Valley STERLING-ET (+2584) at No. 3, and new graduate, 7HO11752 Roylane Bookem BOB 5170-ET (EX-91) (+2557), 7HO11419 Seagull-Bay HEADLINER (VG-87-GM) (+2552), 7HO11314 Mountfield SSI Dcy MOGUL-ET (EX-91-GM) (+2523), 7HO11383 S-S-I Bookem MORGAN-ET (EX-91-GM) (+2516), and new releases 7HO11839 Sully Robust MONOCEROTIS-ET (VG-85) (+2515) and 7HO11621 S-S-I Snowman MAYFLOWER-ET (EX-91) (+2513) at five through nine on the prestigious Holstein Association USA Top 100 TPI Bulls list.
BOB, MONOCEROTIS and MAYFLOWER are just three of the 15 exciting new graduates added to Select’s powerful proven lineup that includes sires that excel in fertility, wellness and fitness traits as well as production and type.
WellnessPRO™ sires for a healthy herd
MAYFLOWER, a Snowman son from Roylane Socra Mira 1760-ET (EX-91-2E-EX-MS-DOM), excels for Dairy Wellness Profit Index™ (DWP$™) at +958 and Wellness Trait Index™ (WT$™) at +149. He is the No. 2 sire at Select Sires for Milk (+2,299) and Protein (+72) and transmits exceptional Combined Fat and Protein (CFP) (+131), Net Merit (NM$) (+710) and Cheese Merit (CM$) (+717). MAYFLOWER is a FeedPRO® sire withe gender SELECTed™ semen available.
A top-30 TPI sire (+2439), 7HO11833 De-Su RENNIE 11023-ET (VG-86) is a 7HO10524 Roylane Socra ROBUST-ET (VG-88-GM) son. He is the No. 2 DWP$ sire at Select (+1,049) and his excellent WT$ (+191) earns him the WellnessPRO designation. RENNIE is the top Productive Life (PL) sire at Select Sires at +9.9 and transmits exceptional components (+0.12% Fat, +80 Fat, +122 CFP). A FeedPRO and Calving Ease sire, he is a top four sire at Select Sires for NM$ (+811), CM$ (+817), Grazing Merit (GM$) (+708) and Fluid Merit (FM$) (+797) and is certified A2A2.
7HO11519 Kings-Ransom R RACKET-ET, a ROBUST son from a Very Good Mango dam, is the No. 4 sire at Select for DWP$ at +937 and ranks well for WT$ (+188). His daughters are long-living (+7.5 PL), moderate in stature and high producers of components (+47P, +0.11%F, +0.08%P). RACKET, a FeedPRO sire, transmits excellent NM$ (+711) and CM$ (+754).
Carrying the WellnessPRO designation, 7HO11567 De-Su Fred MIDLAND 1260-ET (VG-88) is the top WT$ (+272) sire at Select Sires. A Freddie son from Sully Planet Montana-ET (EX-91-EX-MS-DOM), he also ranks well for DWP$ (+909), Daughter Pregnancy Rate (DPR) (+2.5), Cow Conception Rate (CCR) (+3.2) and Fertility Index (FI) (+2.5). MIDLAND is a FeedPRO and Calving Ease sire.
7HO11777 Ronelee SNOWMOBIL-ET (VG-88), a Snowman son out of Ronelee Outside Dabble-ET (EX-91-2E-EX-MS-GMD-DOM), ranks third at Select for WT$ at +238. He transmits solid production (+1,483) and Type (+1.49) and is a Calving Ease sire (5.2%DBH). SNOWMOBIL will make an excellent addition to upcoming summer breeding programs with a Sire Conception Rate (SCR) of +2.7.
Calving Ease and FeedPRO Specialists
MONOCEROTIS is a top-three sire at Select for NM$ (+777), CM$ (+785), GM$ (+731) and FM$ (+756). His daughters are moderate in stature and produce high volumes of Milk (+1,765) and components (+112 CFP). MONOCEROTIS transmits outstanding fitness traits (+8.4 PL, +1.8 DPR, +3.8 CCR, +2.3 FI) and DWP$ (+835). He is a FeedPRO and Calving Ease sire and is certified A2A2.
7HO11708 De-Su ROOKIE 11057-ET, a 7HO10721 De-Su 521 BOOKEM-ET (VG-88-GM) son, comes in at No. 11 on the High Ranking Sire Report for GTPI (+2503). A FeedPRO and Calving Ease (5.7%DBH) sire, he ranks well for Fat (+0.13%, +79), CFP (+123), NM$ (+717) and CM$ (+734). ROOKIE transmits solid Type (+1.93) and Feet and Leg Composite (FLC) (+1.80).
BOB, a son of Seagull-Bay Oman Mirror-ET (VG-86-DOM), is a component (+123 CFP, +0.13%F, +0.11%P) and Type (+2.22) specialist. His daughters have high, wide rear udders with strong fore udder attachments reflected in his +1.88 Udder Composite (UDC). BOB ranks well for Heifer Conception Rate (HCR) (+2.8) and CCR (+2.8) as well as DWP$ (+814). He is a FeedPRO and Calving Ease sire and is A2A2 verified.
7HO11757 Sandy-Valley SUTTON-ET is a full brother to 7HO11585 Sandy-Valley STERLING-ET. He is a top-30 GTPI sire (+2414) and transmits Milk (+1,829) and Protein (+60). SUTTON ranks well for HCR (+2.6), is a FeedPRO and Calving Ease sire and A2A2 certified.
7HO11617 Seagull-Bay DIAMOND-ETS (VG-88), a Snowman brother to the breed leader, 7HO11351 Seagull-Bay SUPERSIRE-ET (VG-88-GM), is a FeedPRO and Calving Ease specialist (6.5% DBH). He boasts outstanding Milk (+1,587), CFP (+113) and Somatic Cell Score (SCS) (2.69).
7HO11597 De-Su Robust ZEUS 11009-ET is a top-20 GTPI sire at +2456. His daughters produce a high amount of Milk (+1,464) and are long-living (+9.2 PL), medium-sized cows with high, wide rear udders. ZEUS is a high-ranking DWP$ (+804), NM$ (+730), CM$ (+740) and HCR (+2.8) sire and earns the FeedPRO designation.
Fitness Specialists
7HO11568 De-Su Smk DOLLARS 1309-ET excels at CCR (+5.5), HCR (+5.2), SCS (2.76), PL (+6.6), DPR (+3.2) and FI (+4.0). A 7HO10849 Ladys-Manor Pl SHAMROCK-ET (VG-88-GM) son from a Very Good Goldwyn dam, he earns the FeedPRO and Calving Ease (3.8%DBH) designations.
A ROBUST son out of Ladys-Manor Pl Shakira-ET (VG-87-DOM), 7HO11599 De-Su Rb SKYLINE 1390-ET transmits excellent PL (+8.1) and HCR (+2.9) as well as moderate stature. A FeedPRO and Calving Ease (4.7%DBH) sire, he transmits solid NM$ (+637) and DWP$ (+657).
A graduate of the Aggressive Reproductive Technologies™ (ART™) program, 7HO11395 S-S-I Shamrock MYSTIC-ET (EX-90) is a maternal brother to 7HO11383 S-S-I Bookem MORGAN (EX-91-GM). He ranks exceptionally well for DWP$ (+806), NM$ (+712), CM$ (+737) and GM$ (+723). MYSTIC, a FeedPRO sire, transmits outstanding PL (+7.9), DPR (+3.8), HCR (+3.5), CCR (+5.3) and FI (+4.0).
Outcross and Calving Ease
7HO11767 Fustead Soto MITCH (VG-87) is a Soto son from an Excellent full sister to 7HO9420 Fustead Goldwyn GUTHRIE-ET (EX-94). He transmits superior Fat (+0.11%), UDC (+1.73) and FLC (+1.68) and his daughters are tall with strong fore udder attachments and shallow udders. MITCH is a Calving Ease sire.
For the complete list of Select Sires’ new graduates as well as the full breed-leading Holstein lineup, please visit or contact your Select Sires sales representative today.
Based in Plain City, Ohio, Select Sires Inc., is North America’s largest A.I. organization and is comprised of nine farmer-owned and -controlled cooperatives. As the industry leader, it provides highly fertile semen as well as excellence in service and programs to achieve its basic objective of supplying dairy and beef producers with North America’s best genetics at a reasonable price. # # # Source: 04/16 CDCB Genomic Evaluation. 04/16 % Rel: MAYFLOWER Yield 94, NM$ 90; RENNIE PL 84, Yield 94, NM$ 90; RACKET PL 84, Yield 94, NM$ 89; MIDLAND DPR 80, CCR 78, FI 78; SNOWMOBIL Yield 94, Type 89, CE 98, SCR 97; MONOCEROTIS NM$ 89, Yield 94, PL 83, DPR 77, CCR 75, FI 76; ROOKIE CE 92, Yield 94, NM$ 89, Type 86; BOB Yield 95, Type 90, HCR 77, CCR 76; SUTTON Yield 94, HCR 71; DIAMOND Yield 96, SCS 92; ZEUS Yield 94, PL 83, NM$ 89, HCR 76; DOLLARS CCR 79, HCR 75, SCS 90, PL 84, DPR 81, FI 80, CE 95; SKYLINE PL 83, HCR 76, NM$ 89; MYSTIC NM$ 89, PL 84, DPR 79, HCR 71, CCR 77, FI 77; MITCH Yield 94, Type 89. ™WellnessPRO, Aggressive Reproductive Technologies and gender SELECTed are trademarks of Select Sires Inc. Wellness Trait Index, WT$, Dairy Wellness Profit Index and DWP$ are trademarks of Zoetis Inc., its affiliates and/or its licensors. ®FeedPRO is a registered trademark of Select Sires Inc. ®Total Performance Index and TPI are registered trademarks of Holstein Association USA.