A recent classification at Robella Holsteins left them with an average of 87 points on the 20 head that were scored! Highlights from the day included:
- Robella Reg Macy EX-94 (95MS)
- Robella Talent Lollypop EX-90
- Robella Cousteau Bethany EX4E
- Lampada Stardust Sierra Ex-92 2E
- Neuday Roy Sunny VG-89 4yr
- Kenbert Sanchez Brilliance VG-89 3yr
- Robella Jasper Jeopardy VG-88
- Robella Jasper Mirage VG-88
- Robella Leader Alley VG-87
- Rainyridge Starfire Britta VG-87
- Harmill Dundee Anna VG-87
- Robella Lightning Avery VG-86
- Robella Re Design Caffine VG-85
- Comestar Mickania Lee VG-85
- Buncloudy Alfredo Danni VG-87-2yr
- Robella BH Dundee Porche VG-86-2yr
- Lampada luxor Tara VG-86-2yr
- Robella Destry Ellen VG-85-2yr
- Robella Sanchez Blizz VG-85-2yr
(T2, D1)