meta Resolution Calls for Overtime Threshold to Remain at 60 Hours for NY Farms | The Bullvine

Resolution Calls for Overtime Threshold to Remain at 60 Hours for NY Farms

The Grow NY Farms Coalition has announced that the New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC) is in support of maintaining the current overtime threshold at 60 hours for family farms across the Empire State.

During their 2022 Legislative Conference in Albany, which took place March 14-16, NYSAC passed a resolution affirming the group’s support of the current 60-hour overtime threshold.

NYS Association of Counties President and Tioga County Chair Martha Sauerbrey said, “New York’s counties are proud to stand with the family farmers and farmworkers who produce the food that fills our grocery store shelves, our school cafeterias and local foodbanks in opposing this change to the overtime threshold. We need to be doing everything we can to support our local farmers as they confront challenges from increasingly erratic weather and rising costs of feed and fuel, not adding additional burdens that threaten their ability to feed our communities and power local economies.”

NYS County Executives Association President and Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro said, “New York’s counties have sent a clear message that we cannot let our farmers and farmworkers lose income, hours, or the ability to continue providing local milk and food to our communities. These multi-generational family-run businesses are essential, and can’t stand by and allow them to go out of business, while their employees leave to work more hours in competing states. Nourish NY, food pantries, local grocery stores, school districts – all of our programs and food hubs depend on our local supply chain. Any reduction in the overtime threshold will only put family farms and New York’s food security at risk.”

NY Farm Bureau Vice President, and Partner at A. Ooms & Sons Dairy Farm in Columbia County, Eric Ooms said, “New York State’s county leaders have made their voices heard, and we hope that Governor Kathy Hochul is listening. We’re grateful for NYSAC’s support and partnership as we continue to advocate for the viability of New York’s farms and protection of the state’s local food supply. We cannot ignore the more than 70% of participants who asked to maintain the threshold during Farm Laborers Wage Board hearings. University researchers, industry experts, local and state officials, in addition to farmers and farmworkers, have asked to keep the threshold at 60. If we want to protect these family businesses for the next generation of farmers and farmworkers, the threshold must remain at 60 hours.”

Northeast Dairy Producers Association Chair, and Partner at Ideal Dairy Farms in Washington County, John Dickinson said, “Now is not the time to increase costs for an industry that cannot pass these increases on to consumers. Family farms are having to decide between filling the tractor’s diesel tank at more than $5 a gallon to start planting in the fields, or purchasing feed for their herd which has also skyrocketed over the past year. Any reduction in the overtime threshold is a lose-lose – for our employees, the Nourish NY program, the diversity of the state’s agriculture industry, and the viability of the future of farming in the Empire State. We’re asking Governor Hochul to stay at 60.”

New York State Vegetable Growers Association President, and Partner at Reeves Farm in Onondaga County, Brian Reeves said, “Our employees want to work. They understand the need to plant and harvest when Mother Nature allows, and they have a passion for caring for the land, each other, and the fresh produce that results from all our preparation, efforts, and teamwork. Unfortunately, farms are already feeling the unintended consequences of the 60-hour threshold, as employees choose to work for our competitors in order to get the hours they’re looking for. At the same time, our margins are increasingly razor-thin and we’re unable to donate as much food as we used to. If we have any chance at retaining our skilled workforce and continuing to provide to our neighbors and families across the state, Governor Hochul must keep the overtime threshold at 60.”

Source: Grow NY Farms

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