meta Reese Burdette – One Year Later :: The Bullvine - The Dairy Information You Want To Know When You Need It

Reese Burdette – One Year Later


Reeses aunt Laura Dufford Jackson shared this post one year after the tragic fire that changed their families lives forever:

Not a family update today, just a personal reflection. Yes, it has been a year since that unfortunate and accidental fire. Memorial Day will always trigger memories for our family…and it has been a rough few days for me I know. Just hard not to relive the nightmare of last year. I can recall the 2:20am phone call I got as if it just happened yesterday. There have been so many ups and downs this past year. Would we change it if we could? I sure wish Mom was 100% and would give anything for Reese to be at home enjoying the summer-like weather. Of course none of us would wish this on any other family. But somehow, all of us have survived and grown from this. We have met some incredible people along the way, many of which are friends today. We have witnessed the kindness of humans in general. Many strangers who have prayed for us and showered us with cards and gifts. Friends became closer friends as they really pitched in to help on the two farms or to offer a shoulder to lean on during those difficult days. And the whole world still seems to keep Reese in prayer which is so amazing to us all. While none of us ever dreamed that a year later we would still be hospital bound and fighting forward, we do find ourselves so grateful for the expert staff at Johns Hopkins, the wonderful friends and family we have and new people we have been fortunate to meet. I use the word “we” so often because this hasn’t been done alone, family and friends stick together in times of need..thank goodness! We are forever humbled by the support that seems to stretch from coast to coast and include quite a few other countries. The church denomination doesn’t matter, all have accepted our family’s needs and prayed hard for us all. I stand in awe of the strength of my family; from Mom and her fierce determination, to Claire and her genuine love and devotion to life and her family, to Justin and his calm demeanor in times of crisis, his rock solid dedication to his family. To Reese for her bravery and strength and commitment. Brinkley’s resilience and ability to adapt to her surroundings which have been ever changing this past year. I am amazed in watching Zach push Reese like no other in therapy and Mikey’s quiet strength, positive outlook and love for us. To Dad’s trust in our God and his always perfect choice of words and Melinda’s instinct to see what needs to be done. I have watched Nina and Jimmy stand strong even in times my knees wanted to buckle. I have had the support of my husband and my 10 year old has comforted me when no other could. When I reflect on this past year so much comes to mind and so much good has come out of all of this. I know that I am forever changed and I have learned that isn’t a bad thing. A big, heartfelt thank you to each of you that have called, sent cards and emails. To those that have gifted our family with gas cards, meals and parking money. To those that showed up to cut grass and bring a much needed meal. To those that just think of us from time to time and to those that really sit down and pray for us, pray for all of us. I thank you today, one year later. Here’s to hoping for big strides this next year. Much love and many thanks…


(T1, D1)
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